GOLD To HIT $50K! Gold & Silver Prices Will Go Crazy Overnight When This Happens – Rafi Farber

    you could look at any isolated move in
    gold and silver than going up and say oh
    the world’s waking up now and I’ve been
    in I’ve been in this uh for like you
    know since 2008 and watching the moves
    of gold and silver and you think that
    every typo who’s going to understand now
    they’re understand now um I don’t think
    we I don’t think we’re there yet what
    I’m looking for is something close to
    1980 where we had a 100% backing of all
    the fed’s liabilities by gold um so
    we’re headed to somewhere around 30 40
    50,000 depending on how big the fed’s
    balance sheet gets when we get there I
    know the world has woken up and that’s
    the only way to go there’s nowhere else
    to go over the year to date gold has
    shot the moon rising from around
    $2,077 an ounce to a new record high of
    24315 an ounce this month that’s a gain
    worth a healthy 177% rafy Farber the
    endgame investor envisions a future
    where declining Federal Reserve assets
    compel a return to gold as the sole
    support for the dollar this shift He
    suggests could Propel Gold’s value
    towards $50,000 per ounce signifying a
    global Awakening to the importance of
    precious metals as a monetary standard
    historically gold and silver have served
    as reliable indicators of Market
    sentiment during periods of
    Crisis the 1970s and early 1980s are
    prime examples of these Metals reaching
    unprecedented highs this era was
    characterized by severe geopolitical and
    economic disruptions these include the
    oil Embargo of 1973 and the collapse of
    the Breton wood system in
    1971 these events spurred rampant
    inflation and eroded trust in Fiat
    currencies this scenario prompted
    investors to flock to gold and silver as
    more stable stores of value in farber’s
    forward-looking analysis
    hyperinflationary spirals lead to a
    collapse of currencies eventually
    reverting to the base currency such as
    the US dollar however He suggests that
    if even the dollar SU comes there will
    be a need to return to gold and silver
    as the sole stable exchange mediums the
    potential near-term weakening of the US
    dollar is primarily attributed to the
    Federal Reserve implementation of
    accommodative monetary policies the US
    is expected to lead the way and cut
    interest rates sooner than other Western
    countries and this could potentially
    diminish the Allure of the dollar
    lowering interest rates in the US in
    contrast to other developed markets
    tends to decrease the Dollar’s value as
    it may encourage invest to seek higher
    returns elsewhere despite the
    reassurances of stability Farber
    discerns a recurring pattern of crises
    such as the regional banking crisis in
    March 2023 and the repo rate surge in
    September 2019 he foresees a systemic
    collapse envisioning gold and silver as
    the inevitable default currencies for
    transactions now we present the clips of
    rafy farber’s insights from his recent
    interview with Ron’s
    basement before we continue to delve
    into this discussion please subscribe to
    our Channel and activate the Bell icon
    for timely updates game is the end of uh
    of gold and silver derivatives at least
    for this round uh I see all of uh
    extra’s pyramid starts with gold and
    silver that’s how the dollar was born it
    was born as both a gold and a silver
    derivative right until 1873 when it
    became a gold derivative exclusively
    which itself was a uh a transfer of
    wealth between from uh silver holders to
    Gold holders and of course the silver
    holders are the middle class and gold
    holders are the uh the upper class the
    rich so the the endgame is the end of
    all those derivatives of gold and silver
    which begins with the dollar and then
    goes to bonds and then goes to equities
    and and all the way up to
    cryptocurrencies uh the end of it all if
    you look at any any hyperinflationary
    country you know in the last let’s say
    150 years or so they all uh their their
    currency dies and they go back down the
    pyramid into uh inevitably the US dollar
    because the dollar is the base currency
    but that’s still a dollar it’s still a
    gold derivative um so the question is
    what happens when the dollar itself
    hyper inflates you can’t go back to a
    currency there’s no currency to go back
    to so you have to go back to gold and
    silver so for a brief period of time we
    will be trading gold and silver coins
    for our goods and services until we are
    able to create another derivative system
    hopefully this time a more honest one I
    I don’t have anything against
    derivatives I have a problem with
    derivatives that are lying about what
    they represent um first of all I don’t
    think that the the dollar in my way of
    thinking at least the dollar is not
    based on nothing it’s based on the
    assets that the Federal Reserve holds
    like the the Federal Reserve balance
    sheet is literally the other side of the
    dollar so the dollar is backed by mostly
    debt about 93% debt and maybe like s%
    gold assuming they have it um so the the
    end game looks like the assets on the
    the Federal Reserve balance sheet
    falling to nothing because they can’t be
    paid because the debt can’t be paid
    anymore and then then what what what has
    to happen is that the remaining assets
    on the fed’s balance sheet being the
    gold that’s still there that compensates
    for that lost value so then what you end
    up having is a a
    100% uh backing of the Dollar by the
    remaining gold on the fed’s balance
    sheet so gold would have to go to
    something like4 $50,000 an
    ounce and um there’s really no
    difference between that and saying it
    goes back down to 35 uh and everything
    else deflates it’s the same thing in the
    end I mean we saw one in March of 2023
    right the regional banking crisis that
    was a brick falling out and before that
    the rep apocalypse that was uh in
    September 2019 when repo rates went to
    like 10% that was another brick falling
    out and then they rebuild it um so in in
    the end I do I do see the entire thing
    the entire thing collapsing in terms of
    gold and silver and then it’s not like
    everything becomes worthless it’s that
    the dollar becomes worthless and then
    all the stuff on top of the pyramid on
    top of gold and silver becomes
    denominated in gold and silver ounces
    just by Force M um it’s not it’s not
    like there’s not going to be you know a
    meeting in Congress or in any Central uh
    you know Elite institution whatever
    three-letter three-letter acronym they
    have it’s not going to be them deciding
    okay well I guess didn’t work we have to
    go back onto gold they’re just going to
    be running for their lives and then the
    market will take us back to Gold uh on a
    100% basis this is this is exactly what
    we saw in 1980 it’s not like this hasn’t
    happened before it happened in 1980 when
    the uh when the amount of um of when the
    liabilities on the fed’s balance sheet
    were back to 130 130% by the gold on the
    fed’s balance sheet because gold gold in
    1980 was so high that the the rest of
    the the that just the gold in the on the
    fed’s balance sheet backed all of the
    dollars that were that were in
    circulation by gold that that is a gold
    standard right and we’re we’re still on
    a gold standard because you can still go
    to a coin shop and you can get gold if
    you give them
    $2,500 like so it’s still backed by gold
    the minute it isn’t the minute you the
    the minute you go to a coin shop and you
    hand them a big watt of cash and like
    sorry we don’t take dollars anymore
    that’s it doesn’t matter how much you
    give us that’s the end of the gold
    standard and that’s the end of the gold
    standard is really beginning of it
    because then we go back to Gold itself
    right we don’t go back to Dollars
    anymore it’s dead despite the current
    calmness rafy Farber foresees a looming
    risk of deflationary panic due to the
    federal reserve’s restrained money
    printing since 201 21 he anticipates a
    scenario akin to the repo Apocalypse of
    2019 potentially driving gold and silver
    prices to new heights since the onset of
    the covid pandemic the Federal Reserve
    balance sheet has soared by over 100%
    while M2 money supply has surged nearly
    39% despite a slight decrease in recent
    tightening efforts US debt has
    skyrocketed by 55% surpassing any
    reductions in M2 this surge in debt and
    money supply suest suggests looming
    economic challenges and the potential
    for increased inflation while Farber
    envisions a future where the Federal
    Reserve increasing Reliance on gold to
    back its liabilities could lead to a
    narrowing of the gold to Silver ratio
    this He suggests might offer a unique
    chance to utilize silver for acquiring
    tangible assets such as houses at
    favorable prices let’s get back to the
    interview I don’t know I when people say
    it feels different this time um it’s
    usually you know feeding into their own
    emotions and reflecting back it’s hard
    to remember exactly what you felt like
    during the last silver gold rally what
    was anybody really feeling like in 2011
    what were people really feeling like in
    20120 for you know August 2020 when gold
    passed $2,000 for the first time it
    certainly felt apocalyptic like we were
    losing our minds locking down the entire
    planet you know for reasons that I don’t
    want to go into and uh that that was uh
    you one of the most terrifying times in
    my life I fought that um in very risky
    ways and I never want to go back there
    again but but now like you know their
    bombs falling fairly close to me so
    there’s that but at least that at least
    you know those those risks I understand
    like I understand the risk of bombs
    falling like I get how those are harmful
    but uh you know the whole medical thing
    that happened in 2020 I didn’t I didn’t
    understand what what what was going on
    there other than just like scary stuff
    so um it even if it feels different this
    time it’s best not to indulge in those
    emotions oh it feels different this time
    therefore I’m gonna go all in I still
    think ahead of us is going to be one
    more deflationary panic because the FED
    still isn’t printing money and they
    haven’t been printing money since 2021
    so the money supply meaning the dollar
    supply has been falling since 2021
    they’re going into more and more and
    more debt with a with a smaller and
    smaller and smaller monetary base since
    2020 that’s them shrinking their balance
    sheet So eventually a smaller monetary
    base and more debt eventually you’re
    going to hit some kind of deflationary
    Crash like we saw in 2019 with the rep
    apocalypse and and that is going to
    cause the FED to print something like
    five six trillion dollars in a few days
    it’s gonna be something like that and
    that I think is gonna is going to be
    when gold and silver go vertical um I
    try not to time that I don’t encourage
    people to try to wait for that to happen
    because when it does happen it’s going
    to freak everybody out just like in 2020
    when when gold fell from sorry from
    about let’s what was it 18800 to 1450 it
    felt like it felt like you know it was
    over for gold silver fell to like $1 or
    something everyone was panicking but
    really uh gold prices were falling the
    least of any other prices excluding
    consumer prices right they were falling
    the least of any other asset and it was
    that point that gold was at its high in
    real terms all-time high that we haven’t
    even gotten close to so um so just be
    careful we should be having one more
    round of deflationary panic at some
    point soon and then once the FED
    responds to that it’ll it should be over
    in a few months once we have um the
    fed’s liabilities on its balance sheet
    backed close to 100% by gold which is
    what happened in 1980 it went even
    higher than that 130% for a day I I
    wouldn’t I wouldn’t you know wait for
    130% and then then buy house like as we
    head towards 100% coverage of the fed’s
    liabilities with gold um then the the
    sil the gold to Silver ratio should
    descend near 20 to1 15 to1 once we have
    that once have let’s say silver to go
    silver at 20 to1 um and and the fed’s
    balance sheet backed by say 80 90% by
    gold then I I I think you can then I
    think it’s time to buy stuff with your
    silver just um bu buy whatever you can
    whatever whatever is being offered it’s
    not it’s not that it’s not the fact that
    silver is so valuable all of a sudden
    that everybody wants silver and
    therefore they’ll they’ll be willing to
    sell house to you it’s the fact is that
    once PE once everyone who has dollars
    and all these derivatives of gold and
    silver and they realize that they’re
    actually worthless what they have to do
    in order to reestablish a division of
    labor is offer their real assets to you
    at such spectacular rates to real money
    so they have some money so they can plug
    back into the division of labor because
    otherwise there isn’t one although the
    returns of precious metals markets are
    not guaranteed gold and silver have
    plenty of history on their side to
    suggest that they will continue to
    perform an essential role in protecting
    investors from the ravages of inflation
    looking at the economic uncertainties
    ahead how do you think precious metals
    will fare drop your thoughts in the
    comment section below if you find this
    video informative don’t forget to
    support our Channel and turn on
    notifications to stay informed about our
    latest videos see you in the next video

    GOLD To HIT $50K! Gold & Silver Prices Will Go Crazy Overnight When This Happens – Rafi Farber

    Over the year to date, gold has shot the moon, rising from around 2,077 dollars an ounce to a new record high of 2,431.55 dollars an ounce this month. That’s a gain worth a healthy 17%.
    Rafi Farber, the End Game Investor, envisions a future where declining Federal Reserve assets compel a return to gold as the sole support for the dollar. This shift, he suggests, could propel gold’s value towards 50,000 dollars per ounce signifying a global awakening to the importance of precious metals as a monetary standard. Historically, gold and silver have served as reliable indicators of market sentiment during periods of crisis. The 1970s and early 1980s are prime examples of these metals reaching unprecedented highs. This era was characterized by severe geopolitical and economic disruptions. These include the oil embargo of 1973 and the collapse of the Bretton Woods system in 1971. These events spurred rampant inflation and eroded trust in fiat currencies. This scenario prompted investors to flock to gold and silver as more stable stores of value.
    In Farber’s forward-looking analysis, hyperinflationary spirals lead to a collapse of currencies, eventually reverting to the base currency, such as the US dollar. However, he suggests that if even the dollar succumbs, there will be a need to return to gold and silver as the sole stable exchange mediums. The potential near-term weakening of the US dollar is primarily attributed to the Federal Reserve’s implementation of accommodative monetary policies. The US is expected to lead the way and cut interest rates sooner than other Western countries and this could potentially diminish the allure of the dollar. Lowering interest rates in the US, in contrast to other developed markets, tends to decrease the dollar’s value as it may encourage investors to seek higher returns elsewhere.
    Despite the reassurances of stability, Farber discerns a recurring pattern of crises, such as the regional banking crisis in March 2023 and the repo rate surge in September 2019. He foresees a systemic collapse, envisioning gold and silver as the inevitable default currencies for transactions.
    Despite the current calmness, Rafi Farber foresees a looming risk of deflationary panic due to the Federal Reserve’s restrained money printing since 2021. He anticipates a scenario akin to the “repo apocalypse” of 2019, potentially driving gold and silver prices to new heights. Since the onset of the Covid pandemic, the Federal Reserve balance sheet has soared by over 100%, while M2 money supply has surged nearly 39%. Despite a slight decrease in recent tightening efforts, US debt has skyrocketed by 55%, surpassing any reductions in M2. This surge in debt and money supply suggests looming economic challenges and the potential for increased inflation.
    While Farber envisions a future where the Federal Reserve’s increasing reliance on gold to back its liabilities could lead to a narrowing of the gold to silver ratio. This, he suggests, might offer a unique chance to utilize silver for acquiring tangible assets such as houses at favorable prices.

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    1. China, Japan, etc… are not buying anymore billions of treasury debt bonds, more than that they are getting rid of these bonds ASAP and buying gold instead. It's a turning point, since Fed keeps printing trillions of fake US $ to balance finances without any counter part except selling debt bonds. The inflation will reach sooner 3 digits to absorb these fake $, and it will trigger automatically increase of gold oz possibly it will reach 5,000 $ during 2024.

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