PANEL: Is Western Energy Policy Causing Economic Self-Harm? | ARC Off-Stage Conversation

    we’re sitting here in London in the
    United Kingdom the birthplace of the
    Industrial Revolution and over the last
    20 years they’ve driven up electricity
    prices so much and heating fuel costs
    and energy sources of all kind they
    haven’t seen a rise in 20 years because
    whatever increase there is in the
    paycheck it is immediately eaten up by
    the added costs to avoid the existential
    crisis My President is fighting back
    because we found large reserves of oil
    and gas in Sagal and of course everybody
    El is trying to tell us not to tap into
    it but of course we didn’t tap into it
    so it is a very hypocritical standpoint
    you know we in the west will stay energy
    rich and prosperous but we’re not going
    to allow you in the developing world to
    burn coal nor will they fund hydrocarbon
    in we’re sitting here in London in the
    United Kingdom the birthplace of the
    Industrial Revolution and over the last
    20 years they’ve driven up electricity
    prices so much and Heating fuel costs
    and energy sources of all kind that
    they’ve actually had an unusual
    phenomenon for a wealthy country they’ve
    had a roughly 30% decline in their total
    energy consumption as a nation they’re
    proud of the 40% reduction in greenhouse
    gas emissions they never mentioned that
    the majority of it is just reduced
    energy consumption and reduced energy
    consumption from two sources one is
    energy intensive manufacturing just left
    it’s not made at a natural gas powered
    Factory in the UK anymore it’s a coal
    powered FL Asia and then loaded on a uh
    you know a diesel powered tanker ship
    and brought back um so that’s not really
    greenhouse gas reduction right that’s
    just exporting your emissions and then
    they are the largest importer of
    greenhouse gas emissions through the
    manufactured products coming back into
    the UK the other piece of that is
    impoverishment if you make energy prices
    more expensive lower income people they
    don’t Heat their homes is warm they
    don’t keep their houses at safe
    temperature we saw significant rise in
    excess deaths last winter because
    heating prices were so high so look the
    societal toll of this is large what’s
    the case for this to reverse Brit
    Britain is a wealthy developed country
    do do people get to a point where they
    say that’s enough where they connect to
    the dots is there a case from optimism
    here or is the Germany’s and United
    Kingdoms just going to continue to
    de-industrialized to the
    end one of the first things I did when I
    flew to London uh in my Hotel was to put
    Classic FM on because I like that radio
    I I was a student in Britain I used to
    listen to it all the time and what
    immediately struck me that every
    advertisement every pause between
    between music was filled with some sort
    of appeals for people to uh save energy
    for people H H how they should heat
    their homes basically as far as I can
    tell um that there is a massive
    propaganda war going on in the United
    Kingdom and in other Western democracies
    where um some people with financial
    interests some people who are just
    simply interested and of course the
    government is pushing this uh uh
    apocalyptic existential crisis down
    people’s throes so that they are willing
    to put up with the reduction in their
    standard of living another little viette
    from my time in unic Kingdom when I was
    a student here up in Scotland I was a
    night shift um gas station attendant and
    I remember back then I think a liter of
    liter of petrol they call it petrol here
    we call it gas that was 1 pound now it’s
    about 150 but if you filled your car
    with 10 lb of petrol 8 lb of that was
    tax that went straight to the
    government and it is a fact that living
    become very expensive in certain ways
    meaning if your economy grows at 1% a
    year or 1 and a half% a year in Europe
    they grow at a lower rate than the
    United States so let’s say 1% a year and
    maybe your salary appreciate in real
    terms by 1% a year so maybe one every
    year you’re becoming 1% better off but
    the energy consumption the the energy
    taxes that uh allow you to heat your
    home or cool your home or the energy
    taxes that go into production of food
    eat it all up you actually end up being
    poorer I have no doubt that Europeans
    are in many ways or rather they feel
    much poorer they haven’t seen a rise in
    20 years because whatever increase there
    is in the paycheck it is immediately
    eaten up by the added costs of to to
    avoid the existential crisis do I
    believe that there is there is hope of
    of course I believe there is hope um but
    the only way we can do it is by
    penetrating by destroying this this
    massive propaganda machine that keeps on
    worrying people to death and that’s what
    we are doing at ARC so mgat we’re
    talking about in in U countries that
    have been captured by an ideology or
    whatever particularly in Europe if
    contined to elevate Energy prices
    actually shrink what they make here I
    think lower the standard living of lower
    income people but if we look in the
    developing world you know I think of
    India or Indonesia or Vietnam their
    energy consumptions growing rapidly
    their standard of livings Rising
    actually an incredibly positive tread
    maybe even reinforced a little bit by
    their energy cost advantages drawing
    more manufacturing there that’s being
    exported out of Europe is there case for
    optimism what’s what’s going to drive
    the progress in Africa for example your
    own country of senagal or european
    possible countries or policies and
    Western policies going to be able to
    strangle that or is Africa and Sagal
    going to move forward in its own way and
    avoid some of the lunacy we’re talking
    about yeah no so for me um the reason
    why I’m very Optimist at least
    optimistic at least for Africa and the
    rest of uh the global South even though
    yes we have our problems is because we
    definitely are not buying it to the
    nonsense of the West we really are not
    and maybe I like to tell people on us
    the signal is not lost in the noise I
    think in the was there’s so much noise
    there’s too much noise all of this is
    It’s noise noise noise all of these
    people playing around uh but us um the
    reality and I think some of you called
    it realism plate realism or something I
    think we’re very much in the in the Fick
    of it we when you’re below your when
    you’re well below your 4,000 kilowatt um
    per hour you know consumption you know
    you’re it’s right there in your face so
    we don’t have a luxury of the nonsense
    but you guys have just subjected
    yourselves to we just don’t have it and
    so it’s saving us right now honestly
    we’re looking at the west and think and
    a a kid not we are thinking what is it
    that there’re smoking over there what is
    it and our youth has no patience for
    none any of these nonsense including the
    um identity um identity culture wars we
    don’t have patience for any of that
    again uh the reality Keeps Us grounded
    because we’ve got bigger problems than
    any of that stuff and so the the the the
    the signal is not lost in the noise for
    us so that’s the reason why I’m super um
    you know optimistic about it but where I
    want to tell the West to so our people
    are going to fight My President is
    fighting back because we found large um
    reserves of oil and gas in Sagal and of
    course everybody else is trying to tell
    us not to tap into it but of course we
    didn’t tap into it and if they’re going
    to try to tell us uh if they’re going to
    try to force our hand
    by closing their bank accounts which by
    the way with ESG but was another nasty
    marriage right um some financing
    corporations could not Finance um fossil
    fuel related projects and
    infrastructures because ESG supposedly
    so if the West wants to play that nasty
    game with us we’re going to turn over to
    China and as West really want that
    because if you think we’re going to sit
    there and wait for death you are you are
    blinding self so this is this is what’s
    going to happen but I have a way we’re
    going to get it and once again I will
    tell the West how much more suicidal are
    you going to be you’re doing that to
    yourself and meanwhile basically pushing
    an entire continent on the hands of
    China which supposedly is your by now I
    think everybody’s talking about how a
    CCP and let’s be clear we’re talking
    about the CCP not the Chinese people not
    peret so there to me that’s what I’m
    saying so bottom line is we are not
    going to sit there and just wait for
    death we’re going to do something and um
    it’s going to be up to the west to take
    a lesson from us and or say hey we’re
    going to turn around so I don’t know but
    um right but I want to make one I want
    to make one more Point um I think that
    if the extreme environmentalists are
    going to succeed they can only succeed
    if these environmental measures happen
    gradually in slow increments like a frog
    being um being killed by turning up the
    temperature in a in in water you know be
    by the time it realizes what’s happening
    it’s it’s already half dead right so so
    you want to boil the Frog very slowly so
    the only way they can succeed if this
    goes on for decades these these slow
    incremental uh turns of the
    screw when you have a sudden energy
    crisis which is what happened after the
    Russian invasion of Ukraine things go
    out of whack very very quickly I I
    genuinely believe that with the Russian
    invasion of Ukraine it actually
    helped many people change their
    attitudes to nuclear in the last in the
    last two years we have seen a massive
    shift in terms of the acceptability of
    nuclear power that was obviously not
    something that anybody expected to
    happen but once gas prices just suddenly
    went to $2
    $300 per metric ton suddenly people
    realiz do oh my God we need a different
    source of energy so so you’re getting
    your realism as well so those crisis
    help people those crisis those crisis do
    help and and I don’t think that the
    Russian invasion of Ukraine is the last
    crisis that they are going to encounter
    um maybe you’ll have an extra cold
    winter uh maybe some other International
    conflict and before you know it we are
    back to seeing those prices of oil and
    gas suddenly spiking um and and and
    that’s completely unsustainable and it
    exposes the governing Elites in Britain
    and in the United States to charges that
    you are not really looking after us at
    all because we are dying here because we
    cannot heat our homes yeah so I going to
    follow that theme Marian with Robert
    here so you said the West doesn’t want
    Sagal to develop their oil and gas
    resources so Robert help us understand
    why does a Western Government think
    that’s a positive climate policy like if
    if there’s Energy Technologies that are
    it doesn’t matter the supply of oil and
    gas we’re just going to go to something
    better but if you produce less you’re
    going to push the prices up maybe that
    makes it so people can you could raise
    Energy prices and that’ll re reduce
    consumption of it but yet our president
    of the United States has been going
    around a Venezuela and Saudi Arabia
    asking for more oil because he doesn’t
    want high gas prices how do we Square
    things how much time do we have
    for In The Blood Robert Bryce bash us up
    we have some time though Robert this is
    a big question
    well it is and I want to come back to uh
    so Maran you’re native of Poland am I uh
    C Slovakia Slovakia yes so so Slovakia
    because I want to come back to that
    because I think you made a really
    important point about there are certain
    countries in in Europe that are going to
    embrace nuclear more quickly and Poland
    being one of them Romania has already
    made big moves to adopt nuclear in the
    wake of this Invasion yes seeing a big
    turn around here in Britain um and
    France I think so I’m interested you
    know I’m kind of I might create a bing
    pool which country is going to be the
    first one that deploys new nuclear
    because I think this is a really key
    indicator of what you just talked about
    um but as far as the politics of this
    it’s really important to think about
    okay well how does this play right
    because the last thing an incumbent
    president or a sitting president wants
    is high gasoline prices and why is that
    well consumers in general and I know
    this and you know talk you ask people
    how much do you pay for electricity they
    have no idea on per unit basis right
    they don’t understand what their
    kilowatt hour is most most people most
    the vast majority and I know this I’m
    talking to energy audiences they don’t
    know the indry energy and power they
    don’t know their own business fa well so
    they don’t really know how to read their
    electricity bill they only know if it’s
    going up or down but they don’t know
    what the unit cost per kilowatt hour
    that they’re paying but they will tell
    you to the penny how much they paid
    gasoline the tax last time they fil up
    so that to them is an indicator of their
    wealth or relative wealth or relative
    poverty is the price of gasoline cuz
    they sit there for a full 2 or 3 minutes
    staring at that price and the price is
    on thing you know you don’t go to the
    grocery store and see the price of milk
    is $5.49 today but at the gas station
    you see it’s $3.50 a gallon that’s it’s
    34991 right but even that and this is a
    thing even those last two decimals
    people look at them yeah because they
    have right it’s 35 359 not 349 well 3499
    right yeah I mean right right so so from
    a political standpoint it’s very well
    understood right it’s why carbon taxes
    will never work right because they’re
    going to tell you know no politicians
    going to get a s up there and say I want
    to make your energy more expensive
    because people sit there and they it’s a
    bad idea I don’t like that right because
    it’s going to make their cost of living
    H so there’s this um bifurcation and
    this duality in the political system
    right where Biden goes to Maduro the
    Narco right who succeeded the chav Vista
    who was a narco
    right who devastated Venezuela with had
    inand we’re not going to call you a
    narco anymore start producing more oil
    so maybe we can bring gasoline prices
    down because they know from a political
    standpoint if High gasoline prices are
    bad for them right and president mcon in
    in France learned this very well after
    the the yellow vest movement right and
    and tro learned it very well in Canada
    after the yellow what was the equivalent
    of the lest movement there right oh
    you’re going to raise our energy price
    well we don’t like this and we will
    gladly bring our or the Dutch swers
    bring our tractors into the center of
    town to show you how much we don’t like
    it but at the same time they will adhere
    to these policies with World Bank export
    import Bank um other multilateral
    bilateral lending institutions we’re not
    going to lend any money to those you
    know those you know we’re going to let
    the dark people stay in the dark we’re
    going to not going to lend to those
    people because climate change right so
    it is a very um hypocritical standpoint
    it is a uh immoral approach you know we
    in the west will stay energy rich and
    prosperous but we’re not going to allow
    you in the developing world to burn coal
    and so now the World Bank has declared
    they will not fund any more Coal Fired
    power plants this has been the last one
    they financed was four or five years ago
    and nor will they fund hydrocarbon
    projects in general so um I think this
    opens the door for China it opens the
    door for other lenders maybe the
    Japanese that’s right the Russians I
    don’t know the Russians are
    for nuclear and Ross Adam is one of the
    most successful deployers of nuclear
    power all around the world as a matter
    of fact Burk Faso is in Talking is in
    with Russia for a nuclear plant and I’m
    like go to Cole they we’ll come back to
    nuclear Robert I think I read in your
    paper just recently yeah Coal’s been 35
    to 38% of global electricity for like 40
    years yeah so stopping lending today
    sounds like well it’s almost gone we’ll
    let it Peter out still by far the
    world’s largest source of electricity
    certainly the main source in the
    developing countes additional
    electricity yeah but yet we’re the World
    Bank we’re standing against that today
    right so yeah I mean these Western
    countries and Britain was one of them
    you know wearing their you know getting
    tennis elbow patting themselves on the
    back we are closing our coal plants
    aren’t we
    virtuous look at what is happening in
    China last year Global energy monitor
    reported last year China permitted two
    new Coal Fired teres per week that’s a
    GW of new Coal Fired capacity this is
    the what I call the iron law of
    electricity people countries and
    businesses will do whatever they have to
    do to get the electricity they need they
    will steal electricity I saw that in
    India they will pay the generator Mafia
    I saw that in bero I they will get small
    generators and go to the gasoline
    station and after hurricanes because
    they want mom and they want Mom to have
    a refrigerator and air conditioning at
    night right they will do whatever they
    have to do including burning coal this
    is no
    surprise so where if but if you know
    this oh it’s just China and India well a
    lot of it is China and India there have
    no doubt about it the coal consumption
    in Asia Pacific any look at the
    statistics is soaring falling in the
    west falling in North America falling in
    Europe okay so what that that’s you know
    compared to these massive increases um
    in Asia it it’s meaningless and yet
    there’s this self- congratulatory effort
    and and Michael Bloomberg I don’t know
    if I mentioned him I mentioned the $500
    million doll gift on to Beyond carbon
    their goal is to close every last coal
    plant in America every one of them they
    say that is their stated goal so you
    know this is this kind of virtue
    signaling from one of the richest people
    in the world oh he’s going to help us
    save the climate well that’s not going
    to be the case in Indonesia Vietnam uh
    China India or many of the other dozen
    or so countries that have have announced
    or or built new coal plants or
    commission new coal plants last year I
    would suspect all of us are pro- nuclear
    but if we look at the pace of that it’s
    probably not going to be the main source
    of new electricity in Africa or am I
    could to be that I mean actually it
    could be bjor is not here with us today
    bej Peters but um definitely um for this
    uh new product that they’re building an
    African nation is going to be it seems
    like their first customer and so uh no
    no no I think you you might be very
    surprised and uh Robert it would be good
    to look at uh your I didn’t know you
    were having these bets you know going on
    but we might actually come out of
    nowhere and surprise you because we’re
    also looking at mini um you know react
    manyi react small yeah we’re looking at
    those as well we’re looking at those as
    well uh and us with a smart with a
    startup cities that we’re building
    definitely energy is a big question so
    definitely um the manyi um reactors have
    been part of the of a mix that we’re
    going to try to put in these cities so I
    think you might be very surprised as to
    how things evolve over the next um
    decade so yeah yeah yeah and forget that
    South Africa does actually have a new we
    do I new country two of them yeah
    nuclear in Slovakia what’s what’s the
    what’s the feeling of the people there
    public opinion on energy are they Pro
    nuclear pro coal are they Pro green
    policies Pro where where is where’s the
    well they just switched on a new reactor
    this year um I think it’s the the fourth
    and they’re very proud of that uh
    they’re now an electricity exporter
    precisely because uh they have they have
    nuclear but uh because I’m a native
    speaker I’ve been uh I’ve been observing
    that over the last few years the kind of
    environmental concerns that we have in
    the west have been slowly spreading in
    Eastern Europe as well especially
    amongst the young interesting um yeah um
    and and and I think it’s partly because
    these countries are small and they have
    languages that nobody else understands
    they read a lot of and you know they
    read a lot of um news stories in in in
    the west they translate them because you
    know they think it’s uh important and um
    um they present it to the young so
    actually we do have an increase in uh
    the popularity and electoral presence of
    uh green parties uh and um if they’re
    not necessarily called Green then then
    parties which have a great green tint to
    to them because because parties in
    pursuit of power wish to cater to the
    median voter and to the young voter and
    the young voter is becoming more and
    more um um environmentally conscious now
    the thing is that Eastern Europe has
    made a tremendous amount of progress on
    Environmental Quality when it shut down
    communism when communism
    disappeared um uh which was which was
    insanely um energy wasteful because that
    there was no really price mechanism to
    to show you what what made sense and
    what didn’t um the reverse got cleaned
    up the air got cleaned up um tree
    coverage began again but my point is
    that um uh but my point is that none of
    these countries are really at a uh at an
    economic stage where can they can afford
    the kind of uh environmental policies
    that we have in the west and what
    worries me is that the the poor parts of
    Europe will be hit with similar policies
    especially if they are imposed on them
    by the European Union because the
    European Union has to create policies
    for the entire
    union now the difference I’ve looked at
    this maybe 10 years ago but the
    difference between the richest country
    in Europe which was at that point was
    Luxembourg and the poorest which was
    Romania is 14
    to1 to put that in American context the
    difference between the richest American
    state which again 10 years ago was was
    North Dakota and the poorest was
    Mississippi is 2 to one now imagine
    imposing policies environmental policies
    Draconian environmental policies or a
    continent where you have 14 to1
    difference yeah the Luxembourg people
    might just about cope with it the people
    in Romania and Bulgaria they’re going to
    get hammered so let me if I may just
    jump in real quickly because well too
    quick points and you I I think it’s
    really important about this disparity
    right the massive disparity between
    luxemborg and and uh Romania
    Romania here’s a quick data point uh I I
    a longtime critic of electric vehicles
    you know my view they’re the next big
    thing and they always will be right
    they’ve been in the market for 100 years
    oh they have 6% of all sales okay great
    but you know not very there aren’t that
    many people who want that car right okay
    so California has 29 times here’s the
    number 29 times more electric vehicles
    per capit than Mississippi you mentioned
    Mississippi well why is it well you know
    well part of its mandates right part of
    its fact part of this California but 29x
    right now that’s just one indicator
    right but when you talked about that
    disparity I think it’s important to
    remember we’re talking about all these
    different ideas about climatism and
    about adoption of Technology adoption of
    mandates it’s all going to be very
    geographically defined right so um you
    know what will work in elorg or be
    acceptable there is going to be far
    different than what’s going to be
    acceptable in Romania we see the same in
    the United States where you have band on
    natural gas that are they are will
    likely be one state new natural gas
    hookups will likely be banned in the
    state of California very soon they’re
    already banned in 76 municipalities or
    counties in California but you have
    other states like Texas saying you
    cannot that we have a ban on banss right
    you know a number of states have banned
    banss on natural gas so there’s going to
    be a lot of regional variation in in
    this climatism and the reaction to the
    climatism right there’s going to be a
    lot of backlash and you about Hope and
    you know what are the things that are
    hopeful I think the political leaders in
    Europe are starting to get the message
    and we talked about the yellow best mov
    I did mention it earlier remember just a
    few weeks ago rishy sunak backpedal I
    mean there some of these are back these
    politicians are backpedaling as fast as
    they can because you know they they’re
    looking at this Net Zero policy and
    Rishi sunak said effectively yeah we’re
    not going to do that now we’re realistic
    and pragmatic those were the words he
    used right and what happened in the
    immediate week afterwards his pool
    numbers went up 4%
    so when do you guys see the the the The
    Clash the the how do you call it the
    Clash back happening when the
    politicians because they have to pay
    attention because at some point realism
    is going to hit in the in the form of
    votes when do you think it’s going to
    start to clash with this other industry
    we talked about that’s in for money and
    what’s G to happen I think it’s already
    started in Europe I don’t think it’s
    started so much in the US yet but I
    think the Democratic party I think Biden
    is clearly looking over his should
    children and they’re looking at what’s
    happening in in Europe and
    saying you know yeah are you know the
    Davos crowd our friends at the you know
    at the at the club at the country club
    they’re okay with this but the people
    the mass majority of Ching working
    Working Class People they’re not and so
    I think that’s going to be a source in
    the US source of strength for the
    Republicans right if they ever get their
    I mean I mean they’re so disorganized
    right but but as a as a as a voting
    block M they’re appealing to the working
    class and and the poor and saying what
    these elites on the Democratic side are
    pushing and I think it’s very fair
    diverses they’re pushing regressive
    energy policies and in my view I’ll end
    with this all of this decarbonization
    effort it’s all regressive all hurts the
    pooring middle class all it yeah yeah so
    we started the dialogue today by I think
    pretty violently and quickly agreeing
    that energy equals Prosperity more
    energy equals people better standard
    lives and more opportunities so now you
    got to pull out your crystal balls and
    tell me what’s going to happen clearly
    people in the developing world and they
    are at current rate growing energy
    production at a pretty good clip in most
    of those countries do these Trends
    continue we’re talking about some
    wealthy countries that have actually
    gone the wrong direction what’s the big
    change of the next 30 years do we
    continue to grow Global energy at
    similar rates today do we grow it faster
    because the political backlash yeah TS
    back this sort of anti-energy clock or
    does that anti-energy uh climatism win
    spread even wider and therefore the
    growth of global energy consumption and
    production slows dramatically I think
    that um I I think that so long as there
    is interjurisdictional competition in
    the world yes um
    the energy consumption will rise at
    least in some places maybe in all places
    as countries learn from other people’s
    mistakes such as what’s happening in
    Germany right now that they switched off
    their nuclear power stations and now
    burning coal they are laughing stock for
    the rest of the world and everybody
    knows that what’s happening in Germany
    is completely irrational so we need to
    maintain interjurisdictional competition
    so that different countries can try to
    go in different ways and we will then
    see who is the fool like the Germans
    right now and who is smart like the
    swedes and the and the French who who
    derive 75% of their electricity from
    from nuclear and that it brings me back
    to this difference between the Davos and
    the anti- Davos Davos one of the reasons
    why they want Global governance is
    precisely so that there is less
    competition we are in favor of more
    competition and from learning because it
    is only through competition that you
    learn I am a huge proponent of
    globalization I believe that
    globalization has been in tremend
    tremendous good for the world I’m an
    opponent of globalism in a sense that I
    don’t believe in global governance Davos
    wants to govern us globally I want as
    much competition and for countries to go
    in different directions and try out
    different things and some of them will
    fail and some of them will succeed and
    hopefully we will learn from the ones
    who succeed and that’s exactly why I’m
    startup cities all the way let the
    Thousand Nations Bloom and let everybody
    try different things and we learn all of
    us collectively learning from that and
    like you said globalization free
    movement of people Goods goods and
    services as well as well as ideas all
    for it but uh beyond that I don’t want
    to be trapped to any to anything or to
    anyone uh these free cities you’re
    envisioning and I love that Movement by
    the way is that for is the belief that
    they’re going to be able to control
    their own Energy System you’re not at
    the mercy of the country you’re is
    they’re going to produce your own energy
    in the free CYS yep yep y fantastic I I
    I think 10 years I think it the next 10
    years I’m long-term bullish to the
    United States I’m absolutely a homer um
    you know in that regard the US has still
    incredible advantages over the rest of
    the world in terms of geography in terms
    of demographics Workforce uh 17 of the
    top 25 universities in the world 40 of
    the top 17 seven of the top 10 17 of the
    top 25 40 of the top 100 ear in the
    States we have the rule of law we have
    abundant natural resources super
    abundant so absolutely bullicious on the
    United States despite the Myriad
    difficulties that are in the near term
    bearish on Europe I think Europe is
    facing enormous problems both on the
    energy side demographic side on the
    immigration side um they’re they have
    bad governance just like the us but
    they’re also wrestling with this the EU
    commission and the European commission
    who’s going to be in charge I I just see
    as absolute mess in terms of how they
    come come out of this particularly on
    the energy side of it when they’ve you
    know hitch themselves to Russian gas and
    now that’s going away and they’re going
    to have to buy natural gas that is now
    selling in the Global Market at five
    times the price of gas in the US like
    Henry hubs about $3 ttf 15 um about the
    global South and the rest of the world I
    think that these those countries I you
    know if they’re going to look out for
    themselves and I I’m long-term bullish
    on India um because I think that they
    have there’s it’s a dynamic educated
    economy and I they’re going to do what
    they need to do regardless of what the
    US says and so I I think India has a lot
    of of Promise China I can’t I can’t
    predict Russia’s in world of hurt
    regardless of what happens in Ukraine uh
    from the demographic demographics and so
    on so but it all comes to and come back
    to these you know where you started it
    it’s going to be the story of energy who
    can have cheap abundant reliable energy
    resilient systems that’s going to
    determine the prosperity for the next 10
    years the next 20 years the next 30
    Years the next 50 years that’s going to
    be the key we all ended also with a
    common theme here that competition
    different cities different countries
    different states doing different things
    um is what’s required for Innovation and
    progress and eventually you think the
    the laggards follow on with the leaders
    I’ve always said that in in the United
    States thank God we have thank God we
    have California you know learn
    from mistakes just a a state with an
    abundance of riches and opport to promis
    land and they’ve they’ve been able to
    engineer the highest adjusted poverty
    rate in the nation yeah and they’ve
    continued to to stumble on energy and
    therefore export jobs and lower
    qualities of living I’m hoping more and
    more people are watching that
    unfortunately my home state of Colorado
    is trying to go the direction of
    California so maybe things aren’t bad
    enough there yet uh to see it but I
    think this competition of I spoke in
    Nebraska recently second most reliable
    electricity Grid in the country and
    somewhere around the fifth least
    expensive electricity so what’s
    happening a flood of businesses and new
    demand inside Nebraska they’re growing
    their grid with a diversity of sources
    you know success tends to snowball and
    and failure tends to snowball too except
    in politics where failure can continue
    for a long time thank you so much Maran
    MCAT Robert and everyone who organized
    the ark Forum what a great three days
    we’ve had and what an enlightening
    dialogue with all of you today thank you
    thank you so much thank you so much
    thank you Chris

    Are Britain and Germany committing economic self-harm? Is Western climate anxiety stifling African economies? Narratives of panic and despair are increasingly influencing the fundamentals of economic policy and energy policy.

    Our latest ARC Off-Stage Conversation is a rallying call for an honest assessment of the direction of travel of energy policy. Germany and Britain are not alone in committing economic self-harm. This conversation, with experts Marian Tupy, Magatte Wade, Chris Wright, and Robert Bryce, lays out why energy equals GDP, and how outsourcing energy consumption to other nations is not a green policy.

    In Chris Wright’s words:

    The UK has “driven up electricity prices so much… They’re proud of the 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, but what they never mentioned was that the majority of this is just reduced energy consumption.

    “Energy intensive manufacturing just left. It’s not made at a natural gas-powered factory in the UK anymore. It’s a coal-powered plant in Asia and then loaded on diesel-powered tanker ship and brought back. That’s not really greenhouse gas reduction, right? That’s just exporting your emissions.”

    It’s time for an honest conversation about energy. Too often policy makers make choices at the behest of activists which are irrational, anti-human, and fail to account for complexity. Yes, we have a duty to environmental stewardship. But panic driven policy making is almost always bad policy making.

    Subscribe to our Channel to be the first to catch the next ARC Off-Stage Conversation:


    – Robert Bryce’s paper for ARC Research – ‘Powering the Unplugged: Overcoming the Barriers to Electrification in the Developing World’ –

    – Magatte Wade’s paper for ARC Research – ‘The African Climate Paradox’ –

    We are delighted to announce that the next ARC Conference will take place between 17-19 February 2025! Subscribe to our mailing list for updates and follow us on social media as we explore the better story:

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    ARC, the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship, is a global community with a vision of a world where every citizen can prosper, contribute, and flourish.

    Join us in shaping this vision, as we draw on the best of our inheritance to build hope-filled future. Let’s seek solutions to the problems we face that tap into humanity’s highest virtues and remarkable capacity for innovation and ingenuity.

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    1. Africa is sitting on an energy gold mine. They have oil and gas which they can grow economically with as stupid Western countries export their industries. Next, they can establish a nuclear regulatory environment that sees the value in affordable, clean, safe industrial heat. Western regulators are hostile to all forms of nuclear because they were all established to destroy domestic nuclear on behalf of the coal and natural gas industries. This would cost any African country who wanted to cash in on this golden goose very little to do. Commercialize your gen. IV reactor technology here for free but you have to build them here as well for export. Then start converting some of that abundant coal to liquid hydrocarbons for export as oil prices continue to climb.

    2. The UN with their narrow focus on their 17 SDGs and unscientific ESG finance guidelines are a major part of the harms nations are causing themselves. Unwitting bureaucrats follow blindly in these footstpeps of failure, thinking the UN is a reliable body.
      Face it, the UN is a massive failure that keeps on failing! Jump ship and start a new organization.

    3. The GERMANS are a messed up people….. They have MILLIONS of soviet-minded voters, and millions MORE with extreme white guilt, from when they invaded everyone, and gassed their least favorite….. EVERYTHING they do today, is tainted by this….. The germans have ALWAYS been tainted. Like the French, or the Russians.

    4. It's poetic justice that Britain suffers from having to pay extra for goods produced elsewhere by a slave economy. When they benefited themselves turning America's slave harvested cotton into gold for themselves, selling at a markup back to America.

    5. The reality of the world, there is no way to stop oil and gas consumption unless we develop and distribute cheaper energy. So, if humanity wants to minimize CO2 emissions, considering these emissions a danger, only cheaper and available energy will do it. Developed countries can do whatever they want the rest of the world will continue their efforts to extract resources and produce energy the best way they can and oil and gas are still up there, all other forms are more expensive or considered not reliable and those aspects cannot be changed with threats. There is no other way to go aroudn this. If anyone ends up producing lots of energy they should try and share with developing countries in order to help with the idea of minimizing CO2 emissions, there is no other way.
      Have a nice day.

    6. Nova Scotia Canada, still gets its energy from coal, when didn't the rich get that way off the backs of the poor? When wasn't life expensive? Too many immigrants so rich buy our homes, an opportunity for them, what's new?

    7. In short, the UK energy crisis began in the early 2000s when Tony Blair redirected the growth trajectory from Gas to Nuclear towards Gas to Renewables, a shift that was subsequently adopted by the rest of the world. While renewables were always costly, there was hope that advancing technology would alleviate the situation, but such hopes never materialized. Over the next 20 years, both major political parties implemented poorly conceived Green policies that were destined to fail, until the conflict in Ukraine occurred. This event marked a tipping point, where the excessive investment in unreliable renewables finally caught up with us. Governments are now unable to admit that the energy crisis is entirely self-inflicted. Almost every scientist, engineer, and physicist foresaw this outcome, except for taxpayers and the Green lobby.

    8. This anti energy green movement is all about strangling the middle class to become poor and keep the world impoverished population from climbing out of poverty. Without cheap reliable energy is to go without clean water. ESG greenies want to ensure poverty will be perpetuated by denying cheap reliable energy

    9. The Big Money Machine THAT is Big Business in ALL of it's various industries tracks, calculates, keeps track of AND knows ALMOST to the penny just HOW much money 💵💰 THAT people have; THIS fact is well established, understood, and documented BUT is just not widely known NOR is it made salient in the public discourse… NEVERTHELESS, with THIS being the case, the Big Money 🤑 a-holes, dikkwads, rentier extractive class AND the fraudsters, banksters, kleptocratic owning controlling shareholding ruling class HENCE knows exactly HOW much to raise prices, increase costs, and jack up fees WHILE cloaking IT – read: THIS theft of ordinary people's wealth – in bullshit 🤬 narratives. Sure, there's Embedded Growth Obligation (EGO), Supply Chain ⛓️ phukkery, and steadily decreasing EROEI, EROI, and ROI; YET, as many brilliant non mainstream, marginalized and squelched experts on these gor'ram frikkin economic matters AMONGST other areas of specialty SUCH as AntiTrust, Monopolization, and Predatory corporate practices (AKA: legalized fraud and unipolar hegemony) are clearly fine tuning their greedy agenda, practices, and hoarding obscenely HUGE piles of wealth… Again, in the name 📛 of greed. Any other explanation is paltering, ponerology, prevaricating, and masking obfuscating and subterfuge with thinly veiled lies, deceit, and mendacities.
      Challenge that, MFKAZ.

    10. We are the great unwashed. They hate us. Always have. We are Britons. Enslaved and subjugated in our lands. When they finally granted us a voice in their parliament, they started mass migration to undermine us. There's no mystery to what is happening in Britain. We are not a nation. We are not a democracy. Migrants are just new slave Labour. And mass migration is an attempt to displace us. They know that.

    11. Great conversation but I have one critical remark. You’re falling into the same trap as the left wing interventionist authoritarians… EVs will take over because they are better, not because any government forces them on people. Free markets tend towards the best, most efficient products. If anything, left wing government mandates have slowed the transition because it puts so many people off and politicises what is simply a superior technology.

    12. I heat my home just fine, and I don't pay anything to do it. Most energy companies literally provide nothing other than a bill on behalf of the national grid. I don't pay for services or goods not rendered.

    13. Great talk, thank you for sharing this. Open unfiltered dialogue like these are the key ingredient underlying all of the changes that need to be made.

    14. Good talk. The world will come to its senses, at least just in time we all are finished. The rich west can afford this new green religion, but the less rich and better off I'm not so sure. Rouge countries will thrive on them. Let start calling the developing world as what they are, developing world. Not the global south. There is no such thing. Less then 12% of peoples live the so called global south. And what's really striking, the left has included Indonesia, Australia and South America in their definition of global south. Its rediculous.

    15. Energy conservation is the first priority.Energy supplies are the next. Sharing fossils with renewables is essential. Upto date science is also crucial. If CO2 is notthe thermostat ,we need to prioritise. that and take the politics out. Then establish realistic time frames for change where it is necessary. Nuclear in whatever form must be the aim ,allied to renewables and acceptance of limited supplies when renewables are not compensated for. Individual emergency supplies. Will allow for reduced mains supply. Storage of energy will be crucial, either tank supplies or battery backup. for domestic and certain buildings like hospitals and 24/7 essential functions.
      E must getreal and get Obama and politics out of it. Long term planning is needed and cancelling IPCC. AND THE UN.

    16. There is a slight discrepancy in money going into research on climate. Millions of dollars a year are raised by impartial, open minded scientists that do not depend upon government stipends. Billions of dollars a year is paid to government funded scientists to promote "Climate Change". The reason that more people are familiar with the line that the government is pushing, aka, propaganda, is because government funded scientists have more money put into their pockets than the impartial scientists at a rate of a thousand to one.

    17. During the Cambrian Period, known for the greatest explosion of new life on Earth, atmospheric levels of CO2 were over 3,000 ppm. Most plant life today evolved at very high levels of Carbon Dioxide. Even today, most commercial greenhouses pump in CO2 at over 1,200 ppm. Not too long ago, the atmospheric levels of CO2 had dropped dangerously low to only about 180 ppm. That was due to the natural processes of sequestration. There is a constant balance of CO2 between the air and sea. Many types of sea life remove CO2 from the water in the form of calcium carbonate to form shells. Over time, many layers of sea creatures that have removed the calcium carbonate turn into limestone, chalk and marble. Locking the CO2 away, which draws more CO2 from the air. This process, along with ice ages storing more CO2 into the oceans, has created the very low Carbon Dioxide situation. At 180 ppm, that was dangerously close to 150 ppm. Below that number, all oxygen producing plant life dies. Then all creatures needing oxygen die. Of course, the main reason that atmospheric CO2 levels have been rising is because the oceans have warmed since the last Ice Age. What happens when you open 2 cans of soda, and leave one out in a warm room, and put the other in a fridge? Come back several hours later, the one left out in the warm room has lost its carbonation. The cold can retained its CO2. So, when the planet, and by extension, the oceans, warm…CO2 is released into the air. CO2 levels in the atmosphere go up after waters warm, not the other way around. Fortunately, humans are likely to have also contributed to the needed rise in CO2, by burning "Fossil Fuels" and burning limestone(releasing the trapped CO2) for the concrete industry. Thankfully, CO2 levels have risen to the, still low, but much safer level of 420 ppm. Satellite data has also revealed that our planet, over the past thirty years, has become significantly greener, with the added CO2. Save the planet. Burn "Fossil Fuels." Cheers…

    18. It helps to keep in mind that the government wants to keep citizens in a state of fear, as they are then easier to control. When was the worst hurricane season? Last year? The year before? The worst hurricane season in the Caribbean and Atlantic was in 1780. The strongest, and most frequent storms took place then. The Great Hurricane of 1780 caused the deaths of between 22,000 and 28,000. Scientists studying the written testimony of survivors, determined that the storm had sustained speeds of 200mph. What was the hottest decade(and driest) in recent history? That was the 1930. Dust Bowl, anyone? When were the most frequent and largest forest fires in the U.S. The 1930's were several times worse than today. Even the 1870's were far worse. The Peshtigo, Wisconsin fire in 187, claimed the lives of 2,500 people, with more than one million acres burned. Not many know of it, as more attention was paid to the Great Chicago Fire, that happened at the same time…

    19. Global warming was officially stated at 1.1°C in 1991 and 1.06°C in 2022. There is no mechanism that would allow greenhouse gas behavior to cause global warming. The back of the United Nation's IPCC science report states it took its greenhouse gas samples at 20,000 meters altitude where it is common high school level knowledge there is no greenhouse radiant energy. This is typical practice for deceptive marketing to state legal data transparency protecting the perpetrators from fraud prosecution.

      Earth's greenhouse effect is frequently used as a primary example to high school students of a system always in saturation from the strong greenhouse gas water vapor absorbing all the greenhouse radiant energy from the earth with greenhouse gases within 20 meters of the surface that is all around us everyday and can't have its overall effect changed. There is no further greenhouse radiant energy to interact with greenhouse gases. At 1% average tropospheric water vapor over 99% of earth’s greenhouse effect is from water vapor. Water vapor would hold earth's greenhouse effect in saturation if it were the only greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.

      Atmospheric CO2 levels of 1200 ppm about three times what they are today would greatly invigorate C3 plants the majority of plant life on earth greatly greening the planet.

    20. The American proxy war in Ukraine is designed to destroy German industry by destroying cheap Russian energy driving German industry. They also want to drive up energy prices in the Middle East by destabilising the region which makes their shale
      Oil and gas economically viable.

      All ‘western’ policies are detrimental to Europe and are purely designed to support Americas globalist Agenda

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