    welcome back we are now hearing that the
    internet computer will support not only
    Bitcoin runes but Bitcoin ordinals and
    Bitcoin defi directly from the internet
    computer blockchain that’s what we’re
    going to be discussing in today’s video
    we’re going to be exploring this
    technology understanding how it works
    what it’s going to do how it benefits
    the internet computer ecosystem as well
    as the Bitcoin ecosystem and understand
    a little bit more about the technology
    that has been rolling out from the
    internet computer protocol make sure you
    guys are subscribed to this channel we
    upload every single day of the year to
    bring you the latest happening in the
    financial World also do me a favor give
    this video a free thumbs up because as
    you guys know crypto is not free
    internet computer is not free but thumbs
    up are always free and if you want to
    help support the channel click the join
    button down below to learn more about
    becoming a channel member for as little
    as $1.99 a month so anyway uh we are now
    post Bitcoin having 2024 the new daily
    issuance rate is about 450 Bitcoin for
    the next four or so Years and we’re
    seeing that Bitcoin ordinals continues
    to expand with the Bitcoin runes
    protocol launch taking place and
    definity continued the internet
    computers Embrace a Bitcoin ecosystem by
    adding support with the ability to etch
    runes tokens which is basically an
    ordinal ecosystem and other Bitcoin coin
    Centric functionality directly from the
    internet computer according to the team
    waiting into an increasingly crowded
    pool of developers preparing for the
    launch of Bitcoin runes definity said
    that bitcoin’s layer zero upgrade makes
    it possible to etch runes send and
    receive brc2 tokens on the Bitcoin
    blockchain and also create defi
    applications directly from internet
    computer internet computer’s latest
    Bitcoin integration comes with the
    implementation of threshold schnore
    signatures which will allow ICP smart
    contracts which power daps on and other
    onchain activities to read Bitcoin
    addresses and sign transactions onchain
    this implementation is going into effect
    in 2024 this threshold schnore
    integration is primarily about
    functionality and efficiency according
    to the definity senior research
    scientist she said that it’s simpler
    ecdsa which I believe is uh chainkey
    technology the existing Bitcoin
    signature scheme and hence much easier
    to analyze and say meaningful things
    about security now we know Bitcoin layer
    2 developer bitfinity unveiled plans to
    use the evm side chain for the creation
    of Bitcoin ordinals using ICP and then
    in November of 2023 bionic launched
    Bitcoin ordinals Marketplace on the IC
    CP Network so you guys can see internet
    computer has already been integrating
    this technology and already in this
    conversation for years at this point and
    not only have they been talking about it
    but it’s even on the definity Forum you
    can see this post from May of 2023
    called integration with brc2 and
    ordinals Via T schnor he said let’s
    Kickstart the discussion on
    decentralized snor signatures and
    bringing in the nassin token standards
    on bitcoin to the internet computer the
    internet computer has powerful
    capabilities with Bitcoin and could in
    time serve as a powerful Layer Two on
    bitcoin transactions he said we’ve
    already seen the ordinal token built on
    the schnor signature scheme which was
    enabled by the segwit and Tapo Forks
    reach over1 billion dollar in market cap
    despite this Bitcoin does not have a
    suitable defi layer almost all websites
    that allow for trading these tokens are
    centralized the internet computer with
    its decentralized key signing
    infrastructure and HTTP outall
    technology therefore has a powerful
    opportunity to capture the defi market
    for these tokens by building
    infrastructure that supports schnor
    signatures if the internet computer does
    not move fast in this direction it will
    only be a matter of time before
    competitors like Stacks incorporate the
    technology he said there was strong
    support in the community for this
    feature with B bitfinity crowdfund nft
    Sonic and others voicing their support
    as such they’re going to start a
    community conversation to Kickstart the
    development of this feature with a focus
    on how they can bring this feature to
    Market as soon as possible okay so let’s
    just break this down because this is big
    guys this is really big and don’t forget
    to give this video a free thumbs up
    because my opinions are free and so are
    thumbs up but crypto is not uh so here’s
    the deal guys just recently this channel
    has pivoted big pivot right big big
    pivot not really from an investment
    standpoint because we weren’t really
    invested in cardano for years at this
    point but really from a a Content
    strategy standpoint and a lot of this
    decision was because of the lack of
    interoperability that we’ve been
    promised in the cardano ecosystem for
    for years at this point I’ve been
    following cardano since 2017 on on this
    channel since 2018 and we’ve been
    hearing integration after integration
    after integration we’re going to have
    interoperability we’re going to have
    Bridges and none of that came to
    fruition none of it none of it meanwhile
    in Internet computer and one of the
    reasons I’m so bullish on ICP and by the
    way when I’m recording this video I
    don’t even hold ICP just to let you guys
    know I’ve been trading it and I I I’m
    looking for a new entry point the new
    entry point may be the final entry point
    for this cycle because I do think that
    at some point the Market’s going up only
    but uh bottom line is I think the ICP
    Community gets it like you don’t have to
    hold a coin to be bullish on it right
    the same way that I can love Target or
    Walmart but I don’t have to hold their
    stock right it’s kind of the same thing
    but bottom line
    is the the the teams that are working on
    internet computer back in May less than
    one year
    ago said we need to get this on internet
    computer and integrate with Bitcoin ASAP
    before other protocols do it and guess
    what internet computer is the first one
    in less than one year they talked about
    it they developed it and they’re
    deploying it in less than one
    year this is why I’m bullish on ICP
    because as I’ve explained the bare
    markets are for building we are now in a
    bull market we’re posst having so
    anything go forward any any project that
    says oh this is what we’re going to do
    any company that says oh this is what
    we’re going to
    do they’re not doing it they’re going to
    do it at some future point and they want
    you to invest and Hope
    and pray that your investment will stay
    elevated into a bare Market when they
    may deploy the technology it it
    really is it really is in less than a
    year we went from
    concept to
    deployment and I don’t see how any other
    blockchain is even coming close and this
    is the things that I’m looking at in
    this cycle in all of the cryptos in all
    of them to see what they’re going to do
    what what they’re going to deploy how
    they’re going to deploy it you know it
    uh cryptos like Bitcoin and ethereum you
    can’t really count on it anymore because
    to change anything on ethereum it takes
    years and years and years anything on
    bitcoin it takes years and years to
    change and so really the the
    accelerating of the technological
    advancements are going to be in the
    newer coins and this is something we’ve
    been talking about for a while on this
    channel a lot of this I think has to do
    with just as companies get bigger and
    therefore cryptos get bigger there
    becomes more bureaucracy there’s more
    people who don’t agree with oh I don’t
    want to do that we want to do this and
    another company or another you know
    investor or whatever says no we want to
    do this we don’t want to do that and
    then it just becomes nothing gets done
    because everybody’s trying to do their
    own thing right and with a it’s the same
    thing with companies right with
    corporations if you have a startup it’s
    a lot easier that’s why you see elevated
    and escalated growth in startups because
    large companies like Amazon it takes
    forever to do anything right if they
    want to change like you know the just
    their logo on their website it’s
    probably going to take two years I
    worked at a company they spent about uh
    I think three years and like $7 million
    to figure out you know what what was the
    best like um dress code for the office
    and I was like this is what you guys
    spend money and time on like what’s the
    best dress code for the office like this
    is ridiculous anyway uh yeah that’s
    that’s basically how companies work so
    that in crypto and especially in a
    decentralized development ecosystem
    right somewhat some of it is not fully
    decentralized because you do have
    definity you do have probably some top
    tier developers that are kind of pushing
    Direction but generally speaking like
    this is decentralized in nature all of
    crypto so anything can be implemented
    right this the same thing with cardano
    like there were people in cardano and
    developers in cardano who wanted to
    implement usdc and then it got pulled
    back how is that decentralized how is
    that decentralized if a developer wants
    to develop a technology to integrate
    with another technology that is highly
    regulated highly used high volume and
    they they can’t do it they can’t do it
    meanwhile definity and the developers in
    ecosystems are moving at lightning speed
    lightning speed this is a huge
    difference and it’s not just cardano I
    mean I’m picking on cardano because we
    just talked about xrp is the same thing
    right for years years and years Ripple
    has been saying oh eventually we’re
    going to make our customers use xrp
    eventually everybody’s in the world is
    going to be using xrp nobody’s using it
    right yeah I’m not saying nobody but
    compared to the world’s population
    nobody is using Ripple has a very small
    customer base and
    xrp is not even mandatory in using
    n right so like I mean how can how can
    xrp compete
    with internet computer which is able to
    talk about an idea and have it
    implemented within one year to be the
    first blockchain integrating ordinals
    Defi and
    nfts on bitcoin at the base
    layer so essentially ICP is the Bitcoin
    too and it’s the first Bitcoin layer
    to and there’s other chains that they
    can’t even be a layer to to themselves
    so in my view yeah internet computer is
    way Superior it is it just is and I
    don’t know exactly whether the schnore
    signature scheme is also has to do with
    chain Fusion technology or this chain
    key technology it sounds like it was
    kind of uh developed out of chain key
    technology which now internet computer
    has rebranded to chain Fusion which
    basically enables ICP to directly
    interoperate with all major blockchains
    including Bitcoin ethereum and other
    EVMS without relying on any trusted
    intermediary unique compared to other
    blockchains internet computer smart
    contracts can read from and write to
    different chains enabling developers to
    write smart contracts spanning different
    chains that’s what chain Fusion is
    called we also know that near protocol
    recently uh announced that they’re going
    to be using the same type of Technology
    the chain key technology and also I’ve
    been uh doing a lot of research on Zeta
    chain which seems to be using this same
    technology as well I maybe they’re doing
    it in a different way but basically
    their Zeta chain is also able to
    interoperate with many blockchains
    through read and write capabilities on
    those blockchains as well so I don’t
    know whether they use chainkey
    technology or another technology that’s
    very similar but it’s all basically in
    the same realm of this new version of
    interoperability interoperability used
    to be bridging coins from one chain to
    another and now it’s natively using
    those chains on the chain that you feel
    comfortable using like internet computer
    or Zeta chain or um the other one that
    we just talking about I forgot already
    anyway uh so you guys kind of get the
    point on that anyway uh we also are
    hearing that IC token which is the one
    of the first internet computer Dows it’s
    the first swap platform that was also
    turned into a dow on internet computer
    they’re thrilled to announce that IC
    token has been listed on the world’s
    largest independent crypto data
    aggregator coin GetGo
    and so you know this coin is used for
    the environment of ICP swap so you can
    go into the internet computer you can go
    to the ICP swap website and connect your
    wallet and then swap between one coin to
    another and it is um within the ICP Dow
    ecosystem ICP uh blockchain funded it’s
    just another example of the growth of
    Internet computer and how they’re
    they’re literally moving at lightning
    speed they’re blazing ahead of many of
    the blockchains and so I don’t I don’t
    see how internet computer does not enter
    I don’t have any I don’t have any
    thesis where ENT internet computer is
    not going to be entering the top 10
    cryptos this cycle because we know at
    least two of these cryptos I believe are
    out of the top 10 this cycle xrp and
    cardano based on just the
    interoperability capabilities or lack
    thereof and so internet computer will
    enter the top 10 in my view I’m sure
    many of you guys would agree with me but
    remember I’m not telling you that this
    will happen because I don’t know I can’t
    predict the future and neither can you
    we can only speculate and all of this is
    just my opinion and I could be wrong so
    do your own research but do me a favor
    give this video a free thumbs up before
    you guys leave hit the Subscribe button
    and I’ll see you guys tomorrow invest
    responsibly do your own research and
    internet computer on


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    1. Time for ICP to make their own app. Something for the masses to use. Coin swapping related, maybe something akin to Binance (with out the money laundering etc etc. No comment on the SBF fiasco, which, incidentally, in China, he would be executed. He is lucky to be an "American" ). Imagine ICP operating like Revolut? My oh my…

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