Are European countries ruining their own Economies?

    hello I’m Natasha welcome to my Channel
    today I want to talk about the energy
    issues that we are currently facing in
    Europe and why we are in deep trouble I
    really got interested in this when I was
    looking at some companies to invest in
    one called CF Industries Holdings which
    is based in the US but it makes plant
    fertilizers this company will close one
    of its UK fertilizer plants permanently
    as it struggles with energy costs it
    made me wonder how many companies are
    suffering due to the current sanctions
    war that we have against
    Russia it is clear that personally
    speaking people in the UK are suffering
    and everyone is noticing a large
    increase in their energy
    prices the national energy Action Group
    estimates that the number of households
    in fuel poverty across the UK is six .5
    million before Russia invaded Ukraine
    the European Union was highly dependent
    on Russian energy
    resources in 2021 EU countries imported
    155 billion cubic meters of Russian gas
    which accounted for about 45% of total
    Imports 2 years later in the third
    quarter of 2023 this amount amount is
    down to
    12% this has mainly been compensated for
    by a sharp increase in Imports of
    liquified natural gas LNG particularly
    from the
    US LNG loaded onto tankers at us ports
    cost nearly four times more so this
    explains why Energy prices are going up
    significantly now let’s contrast the
    situation in Mainland Europe with that
    of Hungary a country which continues to
    import gas and oil from Russia and also
    that of Bulgaria which has interestingly
    very cheap energy
    costs the lowest prices for electricity
    were observed in Bulgaria
    01137 per kilowatt hour and Hungary
    0.161 per kilowatt hour having recently
    struck new energy deals with Russia
    households in Hungary are also pay
    paying some of the lowest rates for
    electricity in Europe the country
    Imports around 90% of its oil and
    natural gas much of it from Russia in
    20121 prime minister Victor orban’s
    government negoti negotiated a 15-year
    contract under which gazprom would ship
    4.5 billion cubic met of natural gas to
    Hungary annually via tur stream and
    Ukraine then if we cons consider
    Bulgaria their main local energy source
    is coal and nuclear energy which
    significantly contributes to energy
    there over the last decade coal has
    provided roughly half of the electricity
    in the country and nuclear another
    37% so clearly ideally the best case
    scenario is it a country is
    self-sufficient for its energy needs
    Bulgaria however if it cannot be then it
    needs to be able to Source the cheapest
    energy that it
    can Western media and politicians have
    not brought attention to the fact that
    due to the sanctions that they
    themselves imposed on Russia European
    businesses and people are suffering
    significantly meaning essentially that
    their countries will be unable to
    compete internationally due to Rising
    costs we are already seeing
    de-industrialization in a country like
    Germany for
    instance manufacturing output there has
    been downward on a downward Trend since
    2017 there is this massive push towards
    Renewables in the EU but in 2022
    renewable energy sources made up 41.2 %
    of gross electricity
    consumption it is my view that if we
    cannot meet our energy need needs
    through renable sources then we need to
    find the cheapest option for our
    country if that means talking to Russia
    and removing sanctions then that is what
    needs to be done I also think that
    Europe must consider how it can be
    self-sufficient going forward in the
    long term if it does not want to rely on
    Russia or any other country
    I understand that leaders in Europe
    cannot be seen to backtrack on the
    sanctions that they have imposed but
    clearly their approach to removing
    Vladimir Putin has not worked and they
    need to reconsider this for the benefit
    of their own
    countries yes maybe there may be a bit
    of upro if sanctions were removed and
    negotiations with Russia started but I
    am certain that people would forget
    about this once their costs reduced and
    prosperity improved

    Are European countries ruining their own Economies?
    Austerity,Economy,Unemployment,Inflation,GDP,Business,European Union,Debt,Markets,Investment,Financial Crisis,Trade,Jobs,Europe,Government,Banking,Economic Growth,Euro,Policy,Eurozone
    Are European Countries Killing Their Economies?

    Discover the potential factors that might be impacting the economies of European countries. In this video, we delve into the question of whether European nations are inadvertently causing harm to their own economic systems. Stay tuned to unravel the complexities of this pressing issue and gain a better understanding of the current economic landscape in Europe.

    🔎Related Search/Keywords:-
    Are European countries ruining their own Economies?,economics,socialism,economics explained,economy,european union,are european countries ruining their own economies?,Austerity,Economy,Unemployment,Inflation,GDP,Business,European Union,Debt,Markets,Investment,European countries ruining their own Economies,finance,european countries ruining their own economies,=========================================
    🔎Relevant Hashtags:
    #EuropeanEconomy #EconomicPolicy #Europe #GlobalEconomics #EconomicChallenges #FinancialAnalysis #EconomicInstability #CurrentEvents #PolicyDebate #WorldEconomy

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    Video Title: Are European countries ruining their own Economies?


    1. from outside it looks like USA is deindustrializing europe. Something that british empire did with Indians and made us largest consumers of british made goods.

    2. Why Europe is so stupid and being made used by the US? Are the politicians being paid by the US as it doesn't make sense because Europe is the one suffering and not the US.

    3. Dependents on ruzzia was biggest mistake. I have another advice for anybody long term future of your country.
      What is better? Short term cheper energy or stop supplying endless flow of cash to your biggest enemy. This Iraqi doesn't understand this.

    4. Until such time as the Jewish Problem is addressed the Collective West will continue on its orchestrated path of demographic, economic and cultural suicide. Collective West

    5. If russian economy is doing well, why is russian gdp per capita, smaller than in poland, czech repulic, latvia, estonia, lithuania?… and basicly every country 😀 standard of living is quite low compared surrounding countries. Ruble is kindof weak too, it would be intresting to here some response to these questions but i think you are not going to say anything

    6. They are deliberately destroying the economy because they all know they're getting voted out in the coming elections. They want Europe so fked that it'll take the next leaders a whole term just to put things back on track and the globalist circle continues.

    7. "Are European countries ruining their own Economies?"

      On USAs orders, yes.

      This has been long since established by now. Already 2022, it was noted that Germany lost around 30% of its industrial output.

      And now, USA is starting its war against China, so things are going to get MUCH WORSE.

    8. Recently, the leader of the FDP and German finance Minister advocated for cutting support for renewable energies😭
      An absolutely insane political stance in the face of the current issues. We should also start talking about nationalizing wind power, it's ubiquity and cost efficiency makes the state capable of undercutting all energy providers. This would obviously be amazing for German industry, but our politicians seem too interested in maintaining the current system of energy production.

    9. US wanting to Dictate to the whole world is the problem for the whole world! Plain and simple’ we see all over the world’ best example is Japan and the automobile 🚗 and stereo ’ 70’s-80’s) – India and SE-Asia 60’s on up for clothing material made products’ then – and yes for years US seen itself slipping away from Europe and Germany manufacturing and number one economy’ Russia and Germany Nord Stream for Europe was going to be a game changer’ oil and cole and liquid gas = low-cost for European countries for all to proper’ except US/UK – Uk exit EU help US blow-up Nord-Stream 1-2 – forced EU to shot itself in its feet’ every day’

    10. It is clear that Putin needs to go before things can get better. Between the EU and Russia. That warmongering idiot Putin messed things up for himself in a way no Russian leader has done in over 200 years.

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