Aerodrome (AERO) Crypto Overview: The Liquidity Layer of Base

    this video is an overview of Aerodrome
    finance and the aerot token Aerodrome is
    the leading decentralized exchange on
    base coinbase is ethereum layer 2 and in
    today’s video I’m going to show you what
    Aerodrome is how to use it we’re going
    to talk about the risks and
    opportunities associated with Aerodrome
    and then we’ll talk about the tokenomics
    of Aerodrome aerot token welcome back to
    D mod defi my name is Patrick as a
    reminder nothing in this video is
    financial advice this is solely intended
    to be for educational purposes now let’s
    get into it to start what exactly is
    Aerodrome and if you’re into crypto why
    should you care about it Aerodrome calls
    themselves the central trading and
    liquidity Marketplace on base another
    way to think about them is that they are
    the leading decentralized exchange on
    base and Bas if you’re not familiar is
    coin bases chain it’s technically an
    ethereum layer too so it settles onto
    ethereum and it uses eth as gas however
    it functions similar similarly to
    another chain you have to add another
    chain to your wallet to use it uh but
    why aerod Drome I think is is
    interesting right now is it’s not just
    the leading decentralized exchange but
    actually the leading defi application
    period on base and again base coinbase
    is chain so coinbase is already starting
    to push a lot of people to base they’re
    making it easy to withdraw from coinbase
    directly onto the base Network and
    they’ve said that eventually people will
    be able to buy tokens on base directly
    from coinbase and Aerodrome is an
    obvious benefici iary of that as the
    leading decentralized exchange to give
    you a sense of how that’s played out so
    far since the start of 2024 the amount
    of deposits in defi on base has grown
    from around $440
    million 4X to over
    $1.6 billion and nearly half of that is
    on Aerodrome Aerodrome right now has
    nearly $800 million in deposit and if
    you just look at that since the start of
    the Year those deposits on Aerodrome
    have grown from around 120 million to
    nearly 800 million currently at 761
    million as of the time that I’m making
    this video so that’s just tremendous
    growth and I think it’s without a doubt
    that Aerodrome has been a major
    beneficiary of coinbase pushing base and
    the other thing I’ll say is that
    Aerodrome has its token we’ll get to the
    more details in the token later but it
    has its aerot token and I think because
    base doesn’t have a token but people
    want to speculate on Bas growing
    naturally a lot of people are going to
    the largest application and they’re
    saying okay this application acts kind
    of as a proxy for the entire ecosystem
    and so that’s resulted in a lot of
    people a lot of people investing in
    Aerodrome other thing I’ll note is that
    Aerodrome is a decentralized exchange
    the volume is very important the volume
    peaked back in March about a month ago
    at this point however however it’s still
    much higher than it was prior to
    starting to run up in February so
    recently Aerodrome has been processing
    around 20 to $50 million a day in volume
    if you go back to February January it
    was processing more like two to 5
    million a day so it’s still done a 10x
    in volume even after even after
    retracing now and you can see this if
    you look at for example the weekly or
    monthly volume charts it’s it’s still up
    a lot although it’s not quite where it
    was at its peak in
    March and so what exactly sets aerod
    Drome apart though besides the fact that
    it’s the leading decentralized exchange
    on coinbase well there’s a few things so
    Aerodrome is ultimately it’s a fork of
    Vel Drome which is a leading exchange on
    optimism uh but ultimately velodrome is
    also a fork of a protocol known as
    solidly which was popular on Fantom back
    in 2022 with some changes to correct
    some of solly’s issues and these solidly
    Forks they’re also called v33 dexes
    they’re distinguished by a few things so
    first is they align incentives between
    token holders and liquidity providers so
    they have this methodology here where as
    a Trader you pay fees those fees go to
    token holders who are staking their
    Arrow token and then new Arrow emissions
    go to liquidity providers and then
    incentives go to protocols uh but the
    part of this I really want to focus on
    is that the the V Aro voters they want
    they vote on um which LPS the emissions
    are going to go
    to and then they collect fees from the
    LPS that they vote for their emissions
    to go to and so the result of that is
    that they’re incentivized to provide
    emissions to liquidity pools that are
    likely to have the highest fees and what
    that results in is less slippage for the
    pairs that Traders ultimately want to
    on another thing that sets apart these
    sorts of v33 dexes is that pools are
    divided into stable pools and volatile
    pools stable pools would be something
    like usdc to usdt or eth to St eth some
    sort of stake eth and those stable pools
    are basically designed to have stability
    Less Price fluctuation as you’re as
    you’re trading between those tokens
    because they’re assumed to have a
    relatively steady Peg whereas the
    volatile pools will will the price will
    change much easier as it ought to when
    you’re buying and selling tokens that
    whose prices are in theory unrelated and
    so that’s what Aerodrome is in a
    nutshell and on top of that the rates
    are actually extremely good for
    providing liquidity right now and a big
    part of that is because volume has been
    up the price of Arrow has been way up
    and so as you can see here for example
    one of these volatile pools eth usdc eth
    absolute Blue Chip right usdc major
    stable coin this pool has a lot of
    deposits $152 million of deposits and
    yet the APR is still
    33.5% on this pool I mean that’s
    extremely high right if you want to
    provide liquidity on aerrow dromes aot
    token itself
    185% this pool is a stable pool so it’s
    DOA a smaller which does mean riskier
    but smaller stable coin and then us
    DBC that is almost 38% and if you want
    to try out aerody Drome for yourself
    here’s how you can do it first thing
    you’ll need to do is get some funds onto
    base and to do that you will need a base
    compatible wallet and you’ll need to
    make sure that base is added to it
    metamask or other ethereum compatible
    wallets will work with with base and
    best place to add new chains to your
    wallet is always going to be chain
    that’s what I use you can type in any
    network that’s ethereum compatible like
    Bas and if your wallet’s connected you
    just click on add to metamask and it’s
    going to add it as a chain it’s it’s
    really that straightforward you’re not
    making a transaction or anything you are
    literally just adding the chain to your
    wallet and once you’ve done that you’ll
    have to deposit some funds to base and
    you’ll need to make sure you deposit
    some eth because you use eth for
    transaction fees uh but there’s a few
    different places you can do it if you
    have money on coinbase you can actually
    withdraw directly from coinbase to base
    now I can’t vouch for how that is in
    every country but I know that in the
    United States at least that works and I
    imagine it does in at least some other
    countries as well so you can withdraw
    directly from coinbase or if you don’t
    have a coinbase account or you only have
    money on chain you can also bridge to
    base and base has their own bridge at
    bridge. you can use to
    deposit or you can use something like
    dbridge and I I’ve been using dbridge
    recently because they have an upcoming
    airdrop it’s already announced they have
    a points program so I figure why not
    qualify for the airdrop when I’m
    bridging to base and so yeah you can you
    can use dbridge to actually actually uh
    Bridge there and qualify for the airdrop
    at once and that’s what I’m doing and so
    once you’ve got some eth on base you are
    ready to use Aerodrome first thing
    you’ll want to do is connect your wallet
    it may look something like this I’m
    going to click on browser wallet and so
    my browser wallet is now connected to
    base uh that’s simple and you can see
    here that in this particular wallet I
    have some eth right so that’s what you
    need eth because eth is going to be used
    to pay for transaction fees and the
    first thing that you can do is you can
    swap tokens on base so for example I can
    swap let’s say
    0.02 eth I can swap that to
    USC it’s going to look something like
    this it’ll search for a quote
    and then once it finds it you can just
    click on swap eth for usdc to actually
    convert it and you’ll have to confirm
    the transaction and just for reference
    this particular transaction is costing
    me about 5 cents so um you know pretty
    pretty low pretty low transaction fees
    and look that it was basically instant
    right this this chain is extremely fast
    um and then yeah and so then next thing
    I’m going to do is I’m going to convert
    some of this eth to rap
    eth let’s do 0.02 again WAP eth for w
    and I’m going to do this so that I can
    deposit wrapped eth and usdc into that
    wrapped eth usdc pool that we saw a few
    minutes ago and once again that went
    through and so now I’m all ready to
    deposit some liquidity going over here
    to the liquidity section I see this pool
    there 3
    3.62% pretty good rate for what it is
    and you can see here that um I actually
    could have kept the original native eth
    instead of instead of wrapping it but it
    was good for
    demonstration and I’m going to deposit
    wde and
    usdc first you’ll have to give
    permission to use both tokens and if
    you’ve done transactions on chain before
    this probably is straightforward to you
    right you’ve probably done something
    similar but if you haven’t then that’s
    why we’re doing the tutorial right this
    I try to cater to all skill levels on
    channel so we have to allow the
    transaction again and now that the
    transaction the contract I’ve gave it
    permission in my wallet to basically
    access my funds I’m ready to deposit so
    I click the big blue deposit
    button and I have to confirm the
    transaction in my wallet this particular
    transaction is costing 6 cents again
    pretty cheap in note there’s one more
    step here you have to make your deposit
    and then you also have to press a second
    button to stake it and if for some
    reason your stake button disappears like
    mine did a second ago then what you’re
    going to do is you go to the dashboard
    here at the top and you see I have my
    deposited and staked liquidity those are
    two separate things I have my 0.02
    wrapped eth and my 6282 usdc and it’s
    deposited but it’s not staked so in
    order to start receiving those rewards I
    have to stake it
    so I’m going to click this stake button
    here loading on chain data I have to now
    allow this deposit liquidity pool token
    v amm v stands for
    volatile I’m approving the transaction
    more and then once this is approved I
    will have the option to stake it so I’m
    going to press that Big Blue Stake
    button and confirm the transaction it’s
    a lot of steps right it’s it’s not
    the most user friendly I’m not going to
    lie uh that being said that being said
    if you are into defi then I think this
    is a pretty good opportunity because
    this is right now one of the I would say
    fastest growing and honestly one of the
    largest protocols at this point it’s the
    largest on base and it’s relatively
    large in the scheme of things compared
    to other protocols and you can earn 33%
    on Blue Chips uh so that’s that’s not
    bad although understand that any
    liquidity pool in crypto carries risk
    you have risk of impermanent loss you
    have Smart contract
    risk so it’s not certainly not risk-free
    but in terms of the tokens themselves
    you know Ethan usdc are relatively low
    risk as far as far as crypto goes but
    anything in crypto is
    risky um now that that that speech is
    over uh if you want to unstake you just
    go to the same thing at the top
    dashboard click the unstake button and
    you’re just going to undo everything we
    just did you could you could also
    unstake 50% but uh just a demonstration
    I’m going to
    unstake the
    50% and then I’m going to click on
    withdraw deposit so again two steps to
    deposit two steps to
    withdraw allow the transaction
    approve and then I’m going to click on
    withdraw and I confirm the transaction
    again and then in just a minute these
    tokens should appear back in my wallet
    let’s go back to the swap section and we
    can see I’ve got the usdc again and I’ve
    got the rapde so just like we deposited
    it now we were able to withdraw it now
    that we’ve talked about what aerod Drome
    is and how to use it let’s dive into the
    tokenomics for aerod dr’s arot token the
    ticker is Arrow AE r o and as of the
    time I’m making this video the market
    cap is
    67 million with a fully diluted
    valuation of $1.46 2 billion
    and so that although the F diluted
    valuation is decently larger than the
    market cap just over twice as big a good
    portion of the tokens are already in
    circulation right um we know that
    Aerodrome is inflationary because that’s
    where the yields on Aerodrome are coming
    from however
    42% in circulation for a new token
    really isn’t isn’t that bad so I would
    say that the the tokenomics are uh not
    ideal you know you do have to worry
    about about more inflation in the future
    but it’s pretty standard for a new token
    that’s that’s in its first year of
    existence as far as the market cap
    itself where it stands it’s currently
    rank 140 and if we look at the
    decentralized exchange category how it
    looks compared to some peers that places
    it below osmosis the leading decentral
    ized exchange on Cosmos but ahead of woo
    and curv DOW and radium which is the
    leading decentralized exchange on on
    Solana and one thing I’ll note like I
    mentioned before is I believe that part
    of the reason why
    aerodromes value I think has been has
    gone up so much is because of the fact
    that it’s acting almost like a proxy
    token for the base Network since there’s
    no base token for people to buy
    themselves as far as the utility for the
    aerodrome token like I mentioned at the
    start of the video you can stake it to
    earn fees so if you if you lock up your
    arrow for V Arrow then you’re going to
    receive Fe fees from people who who
    um who trade on pools and then
    Additionally you can receive incentives
    from protocols in exchange for voting to
    send Arrow emissions to their pools so
    you can stake arrow and you can you can
    earn pretty good yield that way and or
    of course you could go to liquidity
    pools like we talked about before you
    could pair it with a stable coin or with
    eth and you could earn
    APR 159% APR depending on the pool that
    you’re in so there’s also some good
    opportunities to use arrow in Defi and
    so what about the risks and
    opportunities associated with arrow
    first we’ll talk about the opportunities
    I think the main opportunity is that
    base could potentially get a lot more
    users just for comparison if we look at
    BSC binance smart chain binance’s main
    chain which they were supporting similar
    to how coinbase is supporting base even
    after several years I mean it’s really
    been three years since binance smart
    chain binance smart chain was really
    having its moment where it was the thing
    that everyone was talking about it’s
    still the third largest chain by tvl
    head of
    salana just behind Tron which has its
    own reasons for being that high and of
    course behind behind ethereum but if you
    look at for example the incredible runup
    in terms of deposits and activity that
    binance smart chain had back in 2021
    then it really went from you know almost
    nothing it went from a few hundred
    million dollars to over $21 billion at
    its peak in May of 2021 in a very short
    time frame and so when I talk about 3
    years you know this is the period I’m
    talking about and so the upside of
    Aerodrome is well if base is able to
    execute something similar with their
    chain then aerod Drome is going to
    benefit enormously it’s going to become
    a massive protocol with billions of
    dollars of tvl probably hundreds of
    millions if not billions of dollars of
    volume on a daily basis and that is of
    course best case scenario there’s also
    various uh interim scenarios where for
    example maybe coinbase is just able to
    get base to Max to match binance smart
    chain where it is today uh but in that
    case that’s still billions of dollars of
    more liquidity that’s flowing into base
    another opportunity is that coinbase
    themselves have mentioned that people
    will eventually be able to buy tokens on
    base directly from coinbase well which
    exchange is that going to go through if
    they’re buying onchain tokens then a lot
    of those onchain tokens are currently
    listed on Aerodrome so that’s going to
    be a lot more volume that’s being pushed
    Aerodrome and as far as the risks of it
    I would say one risk even though the
    inflation isn’t bad for a token that’s
    relatively new you do still have to look
    for some inflation on the medium and
    long term so I would consider that to be
    a risk another risk is that let’s be
    honest the price is up a lot already
    it’s up from under 10 cents a couple
    months ago to $145 now so there’s a lot
    of people who are sitting on a lot of
    money and if the market really started
    to turn or cool down then some of those
    people might start to cash out so you
    have to be mindful of that the other
    thing to be the other risk to be aware
    of is uh well you know I said what if
    executes on base and it’s able to get as
    big as BSC that’s great but what if they
    don’t right what if what if coinbase for
    whatever reason isn’t able to execute
    now I tend to think they’re more likely
    than not to make base a success but
    coinbase has had products that failed
    before uh there’s no guarantee and so so
    if that happens then of course Aerodrome
    is not going to is unlikely to do well
    if Bas doesn’t do well right right now
    Aerodrome success is very much tied to
    that of BAS and then the final risk that
    I’ll say is these tokenomics Aerodrome
    has they are phenomenal for making price
    go up when deposits and volume goes up
    it can also work in Reverse so any
    flywheel that works in a positive way
    can also work in a negative way and so
    in the event that Fe volume tvl starts
    to really drop then that’s of course
    going to affect the arrow token
    negatively and if you want to learn more
    about the latest trends on chain anal is
    and new launches in crypto be sure to
    check out my Weekly Newsletter at
    dynamod def. substack
    docomo defi

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    Base Bridge:

    This video is a full overview of Aerodrome, the leading decentralized exchange on Coinbase’s Base network, and the AERO token.

    0:00 Intro
    0:26 What is Aerodrome
    6:40 How to Start Using Aerodrome
    9:51 How to Deposit and Remove Liquidity on Aerodrome
    13:37 AERO Tokenomics
    16:17 Risks & Opportunities of Aerodrome

    #defi #crypto #cryptocurrency


    1. Thanks for the update.I really appreciate the dedication in each video you post. The first step to successful investing is determining your goals and risk tolerance, To be successful in markets, traders should understand the crossover between asset classes & liquidity flow.. You have changed my entire life and I continue to preach your name. Now I can say that thanks to Ms. Eunice Berthold I am improving my understanding of this whole world and making new big profits every week.

    2. All this talk about late 2024 or 2025 but all that is happening right now is lots of red in the market and it stinks. Hurts seeing so much potential in this project and the price won't reflect it. High TVL, slipstream update, and the price doesn't reflect any of that. Used to hold more but decreased my position. Hope I'm wrong but not holding my breath.

    3. Basedswap $BSW is the next $AERO still early but look what the team has done in its first two weeks since launch, super fast and easy bridge sol to brett in just 10 seconds Sniperbot is also in development all Revenue generated will distribute to token holders, a project worth checking out but still NFA Dyor💎👀

    4. risk is its an incentive token so sell pressure over buy pressure can affect it more than most . Many banking on the Coinbase token which may not ever happen . Still , Aero is the token i'm banking on.

    5. When aero shot up to $2.00 plus I’ve seen a lot of people wishing they would’ve got in at $.50 or one dollar etc. now that the price comes down for that opportunity to get it at discount prices people get scared and sell off, this is a great project and a great opportunity to make some profit. I’m definitely buying more…you can lead a horse to water but can’t make him drink.

    6. This dump is normal, every crypto do some dump, after 2x or more. if we look at the history of this 2024 bull run, the trend is positive, but some dump are very significant, but at the end of the day we invest to see profict in 1 or 2 months. so be patient guys, it's normal and those people who are afraid of see red, clearly don't understand much about crypto. AERO is the best defi project on base and base in growing up massively, so we have to wait, be patient that this crypto will reach 20 dollars this bull run, in my opinion, but i'm preatty sure it will reach at least 10 dollars. so now i think it's a good idea to buy more

    7. This currency is a diamond and the Coinbase exchange has a program on it. It will be the same as Solana in the previous Bolran. I have no doubt, and my sixth sense about doge and shiba at a very low price, it was not wrong in the previous Bolran, it will easily go above 100 dollars.
      Be profitable with God's support❤❤🎉🎉

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