FBI Releases Warning as Attacks on Bitcoin Continue!

    attacks on the Bitcoin ecosystem
    continue as the FBI sends out a public
    service announcement warning Americans
    against using non kyc Bitcoin and crypto
    money transmitting services this
    prompted popular non-custodial lightning
    wallet Phoenix to remove its app from us
    app stores is all of this being done to
    pave the way for a Central Banking
    digital currency Monopoly we go into the
    implications on today’s
    episode welcome to the Bitcoin Daily
    Show I’m Dante cook head of swan
    business fresh off the breaking news
    about Samurai co-founders and CEO being
    arrested for money laundering and
    unlicensed money transmitting the FBI
    sends out a warning to Americans in a
    public service announcement stating that
    you should not use non kyc Bitcoin in
    crypto money transmitting services not
    only is it vague but it also highlights
    potential opportunities for the FBI to
    classify what is a money transmitting
    service there’s no clear definitions or
    standards mentioned in this public
    service announcement so naturally this
    creates more fear than Clarity it
    creates more anxiety and ambiguity and
    this certainly creates fear for
    companies companies like Phoenix wallet
    the popular non-custodial lightning app
    removed its services in its app from the
    App Stores async a company that owns
    Phoenix wallet put out this tweet recent
    announcements from us authorities cast a
    doubt on whether self- custodia wallet
    providers lightning service providers or
    even lightning nodes could be considered
    Money Services businesses and be
    regulated as such Not only was Phoenix
    wallet one of my favorite lightning
    wallets it was one of the most widely
    used and most adopted lightning wallets
    in the United States this also follows
    The Exodus of popular lightning wallet
    wallet of Satoshi in November of 2023
    who cited similar concerns around the
    lack of clarity on what types of
    businesses could be regulated or
    prosecuted Pierre Rashard believes that
    this is to create a cbdc monopoly and I
    don’t disagree with him but I’m blocking
    out the noise and we all have a choice
    too one of the people that I look up to
    in this space is Jeff Booth who wrote
    the book the price of tomorrow which is
    behind me and on my shelf he’s long
    stated and had a long-standing mantra
    that he’s going to put his energy behind
    the system that he wants to see listen
    to Jeff Booth on Stefan L’s latest
    podcast talking about these things
    exactly and where he’s putting his
    energy one other topic I’ve seen you
    talk about recently is this idea of the
    system you give energy to you know do
    you want to just elaborate a little bit
    on this idea why why is it important to
    focus on the system you’re giving energy
    to let’s use an example of um I I’m on a
    March down the street against my
    government and I’m burning cars and I’m
    breaking windows and then I go home and
    sleep and then the next day all the
    windows are streets f fixed windows uh
    fixed where did the money come from to
    do that right and it’s you money came
    from you to be able to ex extend that if
    you’re voting on one side or the other
    I’m not saying don’t vote um but but if
    you’re voting for a Fiat
    politician you’re effectively saying who
    gets more of the stolen money which
    group gets more of the stolen money that
    comes from me and so all of these things
    from this system if you’re mad at it and
    you’re you’re spending your energy
    reinforcing that and you’re spending
    your energy with other people that are
    reinforcing that you’re spending your
    most valuable time making the system
    stronger over you because the system is
    already insolvent the system is already
    completely it would fail spectacularly
    if it just if it were a free market so
    it is not a free market at all it’s a
    control system and why freedom is so
    connected to this um is is it’s not a
    free market it’s a control system and
    that control system has to usurp more
    and more of your energy and you will
    feed more and more of your energy it’s
    just a total natural thing when you see
    what the senators in the US just voted
    for and essentially spying on every
    citizen like four years ago when I wrote
    my book I knew this was coming it had to
    come so I’m not surprised by any of it
    I’m not surprised by any of the stuff
    that’s uh that’s coming because
    technology is supposed to free our time
    and give us more and more um on
    exponential scale uh remember inflation
    shouldn’t be measured from zero it
    should be measured from the implied
    deflation rate so the amount of stealing
    that is going on the rate of theft in
    the in in your environment is going up
    and is dividing people more and that
    division is making the system stronger
    to be able to steal more how do you get
    elected in that cycle throughout history
    it’s pretty simple if you look at watch
    all history books you divide your
    you steal control you take away some of
    their individual rights and freedoms in
    name of helping them it doesn’t fix the
    problem so you have to create a greater
    enemy outside your borders and you go to
    war to reset it if you win the war you
    reset the the currency from from zero
    and you started and you promis we won’t
    do it again Breton Woods uh and then you
    do it again it’s the entire history of
    of our world so why would you expect
    anything different from that system
    that’s exactly what that system has to
    do it just has to do at a greater scale
    than anybody has ever seen before
    because technology is moving at a
    greater greater scale on the opposite
    timeline I realize everything I do from
    within that system makes that system
    stronger and I’ve just tuned it out I
    realize it’s all coming like all these
    attack factors are coming I know they’re
    coming um if people
    people people I would say they think
    okay Jeff doesn’t he doesn’t see these
    because he’s so
    optimistic no I see them all I’ve done
    so much work on like all of these attack
    factors on what what’s coming um it’s
    just my energy is way better helping
    build the anti-attack factors to be able
    to uh to heal the world and I’m not
    moving back like I’m never going back um
    I know what decentralized insecurity
    means for
    Humanity um you do Stefan you’re not
    going back um Jack dorsy does does Alex
    gladstein does that the the amount of
    people that that know this now have this
    Insight um and and are moving into a
    world that we’re creating through our
    actions spending more time creating that
    world is actually accelerates the speed
    of that and so I can talk in a really
    positive way about the world we’re
    creating and I don’t have to get
    involved in all the nonsense while
    there’s clearly a threat to Financial
    Freedom the the likelihood of a Bitcoin
    executive 6102 order which happened in
    1932 during the Great Depression where
    the United States confiscated gold is
    highly unlikely Swan managing director
    Steven lka writes a great article about
    how unlikely this actually is he argues
    that today’s political and technological
    landscape is vastly different than that
    of the 1930s one of the reasons that
    Stephen also highlights as to why this
    is unlikely is because Bitcoin is an
    asset that’s being adopted
    internationally and locally here in the
    United States and the implications of
    shutting down such a technological
    Revolution won’t be as simple as storing
    or taking gold bars from people the real
    risk to bitcoin is not against Real
    Bitcoin it’s the transformation of
    Bitcoin into proxies that we’ve talked
    about on the show like ETFs or things
    that represent the underlying asset of
    Bitcoin but aren’t actually Bitcoin
    Steven like Jeff boo advocates for
    non-custodial and semic custodial
    products and specifically lightning
    products which will increase instant
    payments transactions usability but also
    privacy and Security in light of attacks
    on Financial Freedom I love this quote
    that he finishes the article out with
    let’s keep pushing forward for the
    future we want to see one in which both
    the price of Bitcoin and Global Freedom
    can go up together so yeah although it’s
    been a rough week with lots of attacks
    and concerns about privacy in the future
    of Bitcoin let’s take take a look at one
    thing that happened 13 years ago today
    in his last public email Satoshi sent
    over the cryptographic key handing over
    the keys to the Bitcoin project to
    another developer and then disappeared
    the reason that Bitcoin continues to
    remain Freedom money is that there is no
    throat to choke there’s no executive
    order to give out there’s no Wells
    notice to issue there’s simply code
    which is a First Amendment right to
    freedom of speech in many places around
    the world in the short term these
    attacks don’t deter that they are just a
    momentary hurdle in the eventuality that
    Bitcoin will continue to persist and
    exist in a world that demands freedom
    and justice for all people we have to
    ask the question are we the type of
    people that demand these qualities
    towards our money what are we willing to
    give what are we willing to vote for
    what are we willing to put our time
    energy and resources behind by
    continuing to put them in the existing
    system you’re feeding the existing
    system and we’ve highlighted many times
    on this show the inevitable outcomes and
    conclusions that this leads us to and I
    don’t think that’s a future that any of
    us wants so if you want a different
    future a better future a more open
    Future a more just future a more free
    future then I suggest that you put more
    time and energy into Bitcoin and with
    that we’re signing off for today if you
    have a little bit of time this weekend I
    do highly recommend watching Stefan l
    podcast with Jeff Booth where he talks
    about where and how he puts his energy
    into things that he wants to see how
    he’s not leaving Canada and how he’s
    staying and fighting the ideals that he
    chooses to work on and specifically the
    Innovations happening in lightning and
    also if you have fears about the 6102
    attack do read Steven lka article it’s
    phenomenal and I agree with all of the
    points that he puts in there it’s highly
    unlikely but we have to continue to
    fight and fight for freedom so if you
    want to check these things out both of
    them are linked in the show notes this
    is Dante cook with.com happy stacking

    Attacks on the Bitcoin ecosystem continues as the FBI released a public service announcement warning Americans against using non-KYC Bitcoin and crypto money transmitting services. This prompted popular non-custodial lightning wallet Phoenix to remove its app from US app stores.
    Is this all to pave the way for a Central Bank digital currency monopoly? We go into the implications in today’s episode. Also, with financial self-sovereignty and privacy under attack, is an executive order-6102 for Bitcoin on the horizon?

    Steven Lubka’s 6102 & Bitcoin Article: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/privacy-executive-order-6102-bitcoin/
    Jeff Booth on Stephan Livera: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOSGhoHvidQ

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    1. WARNING: Beware of the scammers in the comment section that use Swan's image and name. We will never ask you to contact us through YouTube. If you have any questions and want to reach us directly follow our Twitter @SwanBitcoin and send us a message.

    2. "public service" ! LOOL the FBI has turned from one of the most respected crime fighting organizations in the world into a lap dog of Obama and Biden "administrations". DEMOCRATS saddle us with 34 TRILLION DOLLARS in debt so they can buy votes, and then deny they have debased the currency of the country. I hope they get justice some day.

    3. When people say "he handed over the keys" and walked away. Who's to say he wasn't forced to walk away by something like CIA and they are who holds those "keys" now?

    4. Yes, because of the success of Bitcoin, the U.S. gov't. will release it's own CBDC. I don't think that a lot of Americans will start using it though.

    5. Thanks for the video. I just watched that discussion with Jeff. He's the best! Yes, we have to focus on the world we want and not on the world we fear. I see an unimaginably beautiful future – that is already here!

    6. BTC doesn't give the privacy most folks think. There's only one project that does that. One that Satoshi actually alluded to when BTC'S privacy began to be questioned

    7. I think the perspective are too positive towards bitcoin freedom. its not that bitcoin need to be regulated less, its that our entire system of governance needs to go through evolutionary changes. I imagine a star trek type of future, where money has less importance, its what you do with you life is of higher value.

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