Gold & Silver Stocks are Outperforming Metals

    hello everyone this is Jordan this video
    is being recorded on the afternoon of
    Friday April 26
    2024 thank you so much for tuning in
    hope you all had a great week in this
    video we are going to recap the action
    in gold and silver and the miners so
    let’s get right to it okay so starting
    off here these are the daily candle
    charts gold at the top silver in the
    middle or at least below gold and then
    at the bottom here we have gold divided
    by silver so the gold silver ratio I
    don’t know if I mentioned it last week
    but you know I’m not a huge fan of trend
    lines the problem is when a lot of
    people are drawing trend lines they kind
    of force them onto the charts where they
    just kind of connect random points
    without carefully looking at the price
    action in this case with this trend line
    you can see one two three four five so
    when you have this situation this is a
    good time to draw a trend line like this
    is not a forced trend line so this is
    again gold divided by silver
    and so in recent weeks we’re seeing a
    correction in the sector just a small
    correction and naturally during a
    correction silver will underperform gold
    so gold divided by silver here a little
    bit of a bounce off this support of
    course later on if we get past this
    correction and the metals are moving
    higher again then you have the chance
    where you could see
    this ratio go like this and break
    down and if and when you see that break
    down below this trend line then silver
    outperforming gold would really begin
    and accelerate but not quite there yet
    so getting back to just the price action
    for gold and silver you know looking at
    Gold I mentioned this before really
    strong support here around 2200 there’s
    a gap here at 2240 you know
    unfortunately I wish this you know we
    had more action here in this thumbnail
    you can see
    2290 the 50-day moving average okay so
    that’s at 2215 let’s round it up 2215
    and change to 2216 this is rising
    sharply so 2240 that has been a level
    I’ve been focused on there’s an open Gap
    I believe down to 2240 and then you have
    the 50-day moving average sloping higher
    it’s moving higher aggressively so
    this is going to continue to move higher
    aggressively and the 50-day moving
    average is important because when you’re
    looking at all the cyclical bull markets
    in gold all the major breakouts when
    gold is running and it’s hot the
    corrections come back to the 50-day
    moving average and that’s it so and in
    the last couple weeks I mean gold look
    how far above the 50-day gold was so
    this Market was really hot needed a rest
    and still I mean again
    2347 right that’s still a lot of room
    for gold to decline just to test the
    50-day of course in in the coming days
    the 50-day will continue to scream
    higher this you know the next week or so
    should get to 2250 so I still think
    there’s a chance where we could see gold
    you know come down like this possibly
    and and test you know it should find
    strong support in this area so that’s
    one scenario and again if that is going
    to happen you’re likely to see silver
    come back to at least 2625 you know not
    the greatest candle for silver today you
    know you could interpret these you could
    kind of interpret this as like a bare
    flag for gold and a bare flag for silver
    but at the same time you know a bull
    could say well look look at these ticks
    here I mean gold has tried to come down
    and close you know it’s probed these
    levels and the low 2300s it’s hasn’t
    been able to close down there so we’re
    picking apart the the short-term price
    action but that to me really isn’t the
    story right now it’s really the miners
    so let’s look at the miners so the
    reason why the miners are the real story
    right now is you’re in a correction for
    the sector but the miners are
    outperforming gold so remember we
    mentioned Gold’s outperforming silver
    typical in a correction you would expect
    the miners to be underperforming during
    a correction as they usually
    do but that’s not the case you know
    sometimes when you’re early in a new
    cyclical bull market you know markets
    made a breakout has a lot of momentum
    gold maybe corrects again sometimes you
    see the miners
    start to outperform and I remember this
    happened in the middle of 2009 when gold
    of course you know you had the October
    the late October bottom in Precious
    Metals gold came down to about 700 bucks
    an ounce then in four months well it
    might have been three and a half months
    you gold ran up to a th very quickly
    then it Consolidated for four or five
    months before breaking out September
    October during that consolidation in the
    spring and the summer the miners
    actually moved higher and they made a
    high high or high so that is not
    uncommon when you’re early in a new bull
    market and so we could be seeing that
    repeat because look at GDX gdxj and
    silge these are all basically back to
    where they peaked I mean if you’re using
    we’re we’re looking at in in bar you
    know daily bar charts here so we aren’t
    seeing closing prices but if you look at
    closing prices I know that this is a
    this is a closing High here you know
    this may be as well and this may be as
    so what you’re seeing in the miners is a
    lot of relative strength and I’ll just
    go back here for a sec you can see I
    mean we’re not look at gold and silver
    there’s still quite a ways off these
    peaks in a very short-term sense so
    again gold and silver quite a ways off
    the Peaks but the miners have been able
    to Rally right back to those resistance
    levels so the miners are
    outperforming the miners are leading so
    this is a good omen for the short term
    and maybe this tells us that may maybe
    gold and silver are not going to correct
    that much more we’ll see maybe they
    maybe they consolidate at a higher level
    for another two or three weeks that’s
    another possibility but looking at the
    miners I just love the way these charts
    are setting up I mean this I don’t want
    to say this is another cup in handle but
    we can see here this is starting to look
    like a cup look and it’s not the most
    perfect cup but this is kind of when you
    have these rounded formations these tend
    to be bullish and so just looking at the
    price action I mean let’s let’s focus on
    gdxj let’s focus on this it really looks
    the same in all these charts I mean you
    had this resistance here and then three
    or four weeks ago you know you had the
    breakout here Rose to the next
    resistance level and now you know you T
    you came back retested support a couple
    times now you’re moving higher I mean
    it’s look it’s the same in all in all
    these charts you know the breakout from
    this resistance up to you know this
    resistance level and then a retest of
    resistance so how however this plays out
    you know whether it takes another two 3
    four weeks or two three 4 days I mean I
    I expect the miners will break above
    these red lines fairly soon and so I
    mean is does this give us I mean what is
    this 31 43 55 so you know you look you
    look at a measured upside Target you
    know that could take GDX J to here I
    mean it could be even bigger for GDX you
    have 38 here you know 25 a half so what
    is that so even you know you could even
    get a measured upside Target which is
    above the 2020 high so you know I’m I’m
    droning on here but I just I really like
    the way the minor charts are looking
    these are bullish you know weather it
    takes another couple weeks for them to
    break the red line or you they
    consolidate for another month or six
    days or whatever these are setting up
    bullish and uh you know we’re we’re
    seeing it on Twitter now and other
    places where people are talking about
    you know miners are terrible don’t buy
    miners yeah guys that you know that’s
    really great advice after several years
    into a bull market for gold and precious
    medals right that that’s when miners are
    really the most dangerous not when
    you’re coming out of a secular bare
    market so I just love to see that
    sentiment you know people have been
    scarred and beaten down they hate the
    miners they’re going higher they’re
    going a lot higher that’s what the
    charts and everything is telling me so
    uh you know maybe I’ll get into I’ll
    continue that diet tribe later but
    that’s all for this video thank you so
    much for tuning in leave a comment below
    let me know what you think and I hope
    you guys have a great weekend we’ll talk
    to you again next week got a couple of
    new interviews coming for you next week
    excited about that uh wrapping up the
    end of the month with h Vince
    Lancy so excited for that next week
    again hope you have a great weekend
    thank you so much for tuning in talk to
    you guys again next week

    Metals and Miners are correcting a bit but miners are starting to outperform the metals. This is a bullish sign that there is not much more correction ahead in terms of price.


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    1. Great analysis! My 2 cents, fundamentals are coming into play. Just look at AEM and NEM earnings. Next many more earnings this next week and that’s only with 2100 average gold!

    2. The fundamental reason is that the gold price spiked and people were not sure it would hold. As the price holds analysts are forced to upgrade their earnings forecasts for miners. It's not the miners leading gold which tells you where sentiment is, ie no speculation. Even with a $100 drop in the gold price the miners' earnings will increase significantly.

    3. If bull markets are the authors of bear markets and bear markets are the authors of bull markets then this bull market in metals and commodities should be one for the history books.

    4. Yes, the scars are deep for me with miners after 2016 and 2020 false starts. However, it did NOT deter me in the slightest. In fact, as this market bottomed a few months ago I was adding to positions of mid-tier Silver miners. I even sold some major royalty stocks to do it. As of now, it looks to have been a good decision. Some of those purchases are up 80 percent. Time will tell…..

    5. I posted a month ago in response to the constant questioning, "when will the mining stocks start to perform" I said- " when they start reporting earnings that reflect the higher metal prices" That is exactly what happened this week with Newmont and Agnico Eagle- two of the largest- knocking it out of the park.

    6. Thanks for confirming with charts what we are beginning to see in the miners. Finally they have their turn to shine. Profits are confirming this trend. See Newmont and Eldorado this week. Fantastic earnings due to good operation and briskly rising metals prices. This is just the beginning. Always starts with the large companies and eventually goes through all stocks. Most leverage is in the explorers, and they have been beaten down and just started to awaken. This is a TINY, TINY segment and when even a relatively small amount of fiat comes in the results are explosive. Get in or go home.

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