Next Crypto Narrative To Make Millionaires

    so the next crypto narrative is here and
    it’s going to make early investors
    millions and you may be saying Mike what
    are you talking about well if you know
    anything about crypto one of the biggest
    issue is how to grow adoption and bring
    people into crypto seamlessly for people
    who don’t understand blockchain Tech and
    people that don’t want to understand
    blockchain Tech well the T team
    blockchain and ecosystem has figured out
    how to do so which means they are
    putting themselves in a position to
    truly see massive growth right because
    this is a major issue in crypto and you
    have a ecos system that is actually
    tackling this problem now you want to
    watch this video through its entirety I
    highly recommend you do so because we’re
    going to cover a lot of information
    we’re also going to be covering some
    Alpha as well now towards the end of
    this video I am going to share with you
    three meme coins on the time blockchain
    that I think that I think will perform
    well two of the three are already owned
    the other third one I am thinking about
    grabbing as well now first things first
    we need to talk about the T narrative
    and why early investors will make
    millions and I’m also going to give you
    context in this video so you can
    actually back up what I’m saying because
    believe it or not there’s still a lot of
    people in crypto that is unaware of
    what’s taking place and of course the
    masses are unaware of what’s taking
    place so it allows you to put yourself
    in position to make a lot of gains let’s
    look at the narratives so first things
    first the ton blockchain is a top 10
    blockchain and all of crypto when it
    comes to active addresses why is this
    important because active addresses is
    showing daily users that is operating on
    that actual blockchain and if it is a
    top 10 in all of crypto blockchain being
    used by users this means it has demand
    and it is also growing number two the
    native currency for the Tom blockchain
    which is tan is a top 10 crypto by
    market cap and there are still people
    who are unaware of what’s taking place
    next the largest stable coin usdt tether
    Launches on time with crossborder
    payments using the telegram wallet this
    is huge and it is actually live as we
    speak next ton blockchain has its wallet
    with peer-to-peer instant payment making
    it super uh easy and super free to use
    right so anybody that use telegram
    whatever contacts you have in that
    telegram you can send them money in real
    time peer-to-peer this is huge right and
    this is allowing people to get into
    crypto seamlessly also through their app
    right because telegram is one of the
    largest messenging apps in the world and
    now that it’s creating this seamless way
    for people to get into crypto without
    having to download a separate out
    without having to download a wallet know
    uh what your passcode and all that is
    this makes it so easy next telegram is
    one of the largest messenging apps being
    used by usdt which takes us to time
    being set to bring in massive adoption
    which is why I say ton ecosystem will
    bring millions of early investors
    because a lot of people are going to
    come into crypto through telegram
    through the T blockchain and so if
    you’re positioning yourselves in great
    projects now it allows you to get those
    gains when the masses really start to
    flood in right and believe it or not
    there’s still a lot of crypto people
    that that are unaware and that’s not
    into this as of yet but you’re starting
    to see bigger channels talk about this
    narrative now now that you kind of
    understand what narratives is happening
    and I’m also going to share something
    else with you as you’re going to see
    let’s look at some context based off of
    what I just talked about now number one
    as you can see tether is entering their
    ingame by enabling real world Mass
    adoption use case for tether which is
    they will enable a private peer-to-peer
    crossb payment for anyone in the world
    using telegram this is huge not only is
    this just huge for the US this is huge
    for the entire world because you have
    countries who have higher inflation
    countries who may not have access access
    to certain things can now get access
    through an app they’re already using
    giving them access into crypto through
    the telegram wallet which is ran on
    Theon blockchain this is huge guys so
    I’m just telling you pay attention as
    you can see this little chart here
    telegram to ton to liquidity right and a
    lot of people ask well how do you cash
    out a tan tan is on every uh centralized
    exchange except for coinbase and binance
    which is going to be on there here soon
    and you can now also cash out into the
    largest uh you know stable coin which is
    tether if you look over on coin market
    cap here we can see the Market’s down a
    little bit tether sitting around a 110
    billion market cap right and they chose
    the ton blockchain to do their
    Initiative for crossborder payments that
    should tell you something moving back
    here let’s see is something else I’m not
    going to cover all of this but there’s a
    few things I want to show you I’m sure
    you heard about this telegram has about
    1.5 billion total users with around 900
    million of them being monthly users
    right I’m also going to show you the
    active users which we talked about in
    one of the narratives as you can see the
    ton blockchain currently has an average
    of over 140k daily users right so let me
    show you something
    here we’re now on and you can go
    find this through and you’re just
    going to click the stats let’s go down
    let me show you something look at this
    active wallets
    146,000 if you look at the amount of
    validators over 300 plus validators in
    29 countries phenomenal but let’s go
    back up here real quick look at this
    146,000 active daily users now let’s go
    to defi
    llama now based off and this is active
    addresses in the last 24 hours you can
    see optimism is 131 the next is arbitrum
    around 306 so you can see T even though
    it’s not on Dy llama is number 10 in
    blockchains when it comes to active
    users as I said I’m going to give you
    context to what I’m talking about next
    if you go over to trading view right and
    you look at coins with many active
    addresses right this is daily active
    addresses you got TRX ethereum Bitcoin
    Litecoin Stellar Bitcoin cash and next
    will be Tan on this list but it’s not on
    here so I’m just giving you context to
    show you this thing is setting up to be
    massive especially the ecosystem itself
    right so I’m giving you data I’m giving
    you context I’m giving you Alpha so you
    can actually see and not just go by what
    I’m telling you
    now the last thing I want to share with
    you besides they’re bringing crossb
    payments allowing it to be pretty much
    instant and free and private which is
    massive but they’re bringing their own
    Universal basic smartphone to the world
    this is massive which is also going to
    help onboard more people so I’m telling
    you guys pay attention to the time
    blockchain and get yourself in position
    because there’s a lot of people going to
    come to this ecosystem that’s in crypto
    that’s not in here yet and there’s a lot
    of people that’s not in crypto that’s
    going to come into crypto through time
    and so if you haven’t picked up what’s
    happening here tan is the Chosen
    blockchain and ecosystem to help bring
    Mass adoption to crypto so think about
    it if this is one of the chosen
    blockchains to bring Mass adoption to
    crypto and still there’s a lot of people
    that don’t know about it that means
    you’re early right so do with that
    information as you will but I definitely
    hope you guys are taking advantage of
    what I’m telling you so now let’s kind
    of dive into three meme coins that I
    believe have the ability to form very
    very well now one of these projects I’ve
    already did a dedicated video for it was
    around 20 minutes so I’m not going to
    spend a lot of time on that which is uh
    resistance dog redo it’s the number one
    meme coin on time so I highly recommend
    you check that out check this video out
    right here if you want to get a full
    overview of what resistant dog is but if
    you look at the chart here on gecko
    terminal we can see it’s around 68
    cents and you can see we have a few
    different levels here and one thing I
    want to show you for people that watched
    the first video you can see that I was
    correct on what I was talking about
    about it reaching these current levels
    here right so let me show you something
    now this is the video I was referring to
    earlier and this is where I was talking
    about the number one meme coin which was
    resistant dog and what the t blockchain
    is and if you look here you’re going to
    notice that I was right on what I was
    saying about it coming back down to this
    level so let’s play this real quick the
    magnet sitting right here right and for
    me I’m looking for it to come back and
    re test this previous all-time high
    which is around 58 to 59 million right
    I’m looking to buy in around that 53 to
    you know give or take 60 million in
    market cap now if you look right here
    this long Wick it came down to 61
    million yesterday now I wasn’t in front
    of my computer at the time that this
    happened or I probably would have bought
    in because I don’t actually own
    resistance dog at my perspective and
    could happen I do think we are going to
    come to this level again and bounce
    because if you see right here granted
    coming back down to this level until a
    long time and we’re just going to keep
    going up to the upside however because
    it didn’t do a strong enough touch right
    it was still close though 61 cents to
    around 58 C still very close but I would
    like to see to come down a little bit
    further and touch right or somewhere in
    between this gauge touch and then bounce
    right I’m not going to chase anything
    but I do think that’s what we’re going
    to see
    so there you go so if we head back over
    to the Chart based off what I was saying
    let’s blow this up this was the day that
    I was talking you can see it touch down
    boom touch down again boom touch down
    again boom touchdown again boom and here
    we are above this line and some people’s
    like Mike it’s not going to go back down
    to this level well what happened it did
    it four technically five times right
    because this is at 60 cents which is
    still technically a buy zone right so
    again I didn’t put this magnet here at
    the start of this video and this is why
    I wanted to show you it’s important to
    understand what’s happening with charts
    it’s important to understand to learn
    from people and not just follow what
    people are saying because this magnet
    right here I didn’t learn by myself
    right I actually learned from someone
    else who I shouted out in that video
    which was actually B Roots so I learned
    that from him and this actually works
    pretty well once you kind of understand
    what’s happening right and this is why
    you always want to think for yourself
    learn for yourself take information that
    makes sense to you and then add it to
    what you already know and this is how
    you continue to be successful in this
    space and just in life in general right
    so this is resistance dog just to show
    you number one meme coin currently on
    time and I do want to show you this as
    well if you look at the amount of
    holders it has just under 15,000 let’s
    do a quick refresh real quick
    you can see it still has you know
    14,960 holders right so the next project
    we’re talking about and remember check
    out that video if you want a full
    overview on what resistant dog is going
    back over to gecko terminal we’re going
    to head over to my list here and we’re
    going to head over to resistance cat now
    I do own resistance cat and I also own
    redo as you can see I hit my buy Target
    based off of where I thought it would
    come back down to I also own resistance
    cat which I think is going to be a solid
    cat and in my opinion has the ability to
    be the number one cat on time right so
    this is a project that I really like
    still fairly new exceptionally low cap
    as you can see
    572k but again you can see we’re kind of
    through this range here right it’s been
    kind of going through this range waiting
    for it just to explode so the longer the
    consolidation the bigger the pump now if
    we look at how many holders resistant
    cat actually
    has you can
    see resistant cat has around 1,800
    holders so still you know light but as
    you can see a nice amount of holders for
    how long the Project’s been out and
    also based off of where the current
    market cap is as well right liquidity is
    still pretty healthy for a
    572k market cap which is something you
    want to see now I didn’t show the
    website and all of that for resistance
    dog just because I did a lot for it
    already but here is the
    um Twitter page for it as you can see
    here’s the Twitter page 11.7k
    followers the current website I’m not
    going to go all the way into it and show
    you but this is what the website will
    look like and then if we head on over
    to resistance cat this is going to be
    their Twitter page I’m also going to
    have the uh links and descriptions for
    all three of these down in the
    description I’m also going to have the
    main uh links as well for the ton
    ecosystem down in the description far as
    the time keeper wallet far as the
    telegram wallet far as gecko terminal
    far as the decks you can use all of that
    will be in the description all right so
    this is the current uh Twitter page to
    make sure you got the proper one this is
    their current website here the guardian
    of ton pretty basic website they have
    their own telegram mini app and they
    also have some more utility that’s
    coming out with this specific meme coin
    as well here’s the tokenomics of it and
    then this is talking about their first
    utility that launch is basically a mini
    app that leverages the time blockchain
    in real time that allows people to
    interact in polls and voting so they
    have some more that’s coming as well
    which they have a Time wallet tracker
    which basically allows people to track
    you know certain wallets that will maybe
    help them with their investing so they
    have that and they have some other stuff
    that’s coming as well and with it being
    you know so low market cap so micro cap
    right now and with what is bringing to
    time I think this thing has a lot of
    potential in my opinion right remember
    I’m never telling you to buy hold or
    sell but at least I wanted to give you
    three meme coins that I’m looking at
    that I think has the ability to perform
    very well this cycle on time now the
    third project we’re talking about here I
    do not
    own and this is called morph or Morpheus
    right and they go by the Beloved cat of
    Nikolai and pav dur the founders of T
    and if you don’t know pav and Nikolai
    they’re Brothers Nikolai is actually the
    older one and he’s the co-founder you
    know of T and telegram messenger app so
    they actually work together on all of
    this right and so they’re saying this is
    the Beloved cat of these two and one
    thing I really like about them as well
    that I saw is they have a partnership um
    with oyster Labs who’s going to be
    launching you know the telegram uh
    mobile phone right which is what I
    discussed a little bit earlier telling
    you they have their own mobile phone
    launching well this project is actually
    partnered with them which caught my eye
    however I don’t own this project
    actually as of yet but let’s briefly
    look at the chart for
    it and here you can see here had a nice
    launch launched April 4th
    24 and you can see we have a lower level
    here and it’s been kind of bouncing off
    a for this level here right sitting
    around a 2.83 million market cap so it
    is larger than resistance cap and if we
    look at how many holders Morpheus has
    Morpheus has you know 11 over 1100
    holders let’s do a quick
    refresh so it actually went down two
    holders but it has over 1100 holders
    a 2.83 million market cap so again
    these are the three meme coins that I
    think have really good potential
    resistance dog is pretty much already
    proven but then you have resistance cat
    and you have Morpheus now with both of
    them being cats of course there’s going
    to be some competition there but again
    they are doing somewhat different things
    and the last thing I didn’t show you
    actually is the Morpheus website so let
    me briefly run through this for you real
    quick this is what the website kind of
    looks like pretty simple
    I do like this aspect of the website I
    thought was pretty cool nice nice
    feature to it and this is kind of just
    telling you who morphe or Morpheus
    is and this is the website so again just
    wanted to give you some information on
    the three meme coins I’m looking at
    pretty deeply again I do own resistance
    dog I do own resistance cat I do not own
    Morpheus as of yet however it is a
    project I do have my eye on but again
    I’m going to do my best to have time
    stamp down in the description so that
    way you can you know watch the segments
    that’s most important to you but I truly
    believe this next crypto narrative will
    create millionaires for the next early
    investors because this is truly helping
    bring Mass adoption to crypto and this
    is the ecosystem that’s doing it and so
    when people get into crypto they want to
    figure out what are the top meme coins
    what are meme coins I can invest in and
    this is why you want to position
    yourself not just in mem coins but e
    even other projects utility on time can
    put you in a good position to make money
    so let me know down in the comment
    section where you aware of everything
    that I covered in this video regarding
    the time narrative far as the crossb
    private uh peer-to-peer payments far as
    the mobile app far as it being launched
    on you know uh the Tom blockchain
    through the telegram wallet did you know
    about all of this if not let me know
    down in the comment section I’m glad I
    was able to share some new information
    for you because I truly think this is
    going to be massive let me know down in
    the comment section and I will catch you
    all on Friday

    The next big crypto narrative will make millionaires. The crazy thing is that most people are still unaware of what’s happening in crypto. Which means you still can get in early before the masses come in. The Ton blockchain will create a lot of millionaires because of what it brings to the crypto space. We will also take a look at 3 memecoins I like that I think will perform well.

    #nextcryptonarrative #tonecosystem #mikethainvestor

    0:00 INTRO
    1:34 Ton Narratives You Need To Know
    3:58 What’s happening with Ton RIGHT NOW
    7:51 Do you see what’s happening?
    8:44 REDO Token
    12:18 RECA Token
    15:28 MORFEY Token
    17:42 Recap Closing Thoughts


    CA: EQBZ_cafPyDr5KUTs0aNxh0ZTDhkpEZONmLJA2SNGlLm4Cko


    CA: EQBwHOvf3UrPPJB7jeDHaOT-2vP0QQlDoEDBsgfv5XF75J3j


    CA: EQB64Q2183H9XqsrR9h6tV83AnRlFX86MJWRCMQlsgQU2-yv

    TON DEX:

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    This video is for educational and entertainment purposes only. There is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas mentioned in this video. This is not financial advice. Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in this video will require hard-work, experience, and knowledge. I have taken reasonable steps to ensure that the information on this video is accurate, but we cannot represent that the website(s) mentioned in this video are free from errors. I invest based on my own knowledge. You expressly agree not to rely upon any information contained in this video.

    This video and description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, Iโ€™ll receive a small commission. I won’t put anything here that I haven’t verified and/or personally used myself.


    1. Great content as usual bro, thanks. Do you think Dog With Hat on Base has any possibility to grow, could it be a good investment? Thank you bro one more time.

    2. haha Mike my last two big calls on cat low caps were $CHONK and $RECA and now I see your video about the second one, I have full confidence that both will do very well, $RECA because of the whole narrative and as a natural follower of $REDO and $CHONK because of the strong team with such an innovative idea of making it possible to get liquid tokens from your NFTs that creates so many new possibilities to build on

    3. Now is the perfect time to start buying stocks and crypto( BTC, ETH,) if you are just being introduced.. I really wish I started earlier. Iโ€™m learning this doesnโ€™t have to be as complicated as some people make it out to be. Thanks to Kerrie Farrell for helping me get into her trading server and investing guidelines. Investing and trading are more than just having TA skills. There is a big component of discipline and emotional maturity, that one has to work on! Time in the market vs. timing the market. If you keep that mentality as an investor, you will stay calm during the storm! Within some weeks I was making a lot more money and have continued on that same path with…

    4. Mike you have to have a look into $GUMMY. It is the community token by the Crypto Banter fam. They have announced a stacking mech like BONK. The coin got to 230m mc in its first day. Do not sleep on it.

    5. Tork stands out as a hidden gem, boasting a team of hardworking dev with a first-mover advantage in creating utilities that could revolutionize the ecosystem. Their innovative approach and dedication to excellence could be game-changers in TON chain.

    6. I will be forever grateful to you, you changed my entire life and I will continue to preach on your behalf for the whole world to hear you saved me from huge financial debt with just a small investment, thank you Victoria Wiezorek.

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