Live with Cardano Bull Dan Gambardello! Crypto Capital Venture

    and I think we are live we are live
    ladies and gentlemen welcome I’m the
    crypto Crow and I’m here with Dan gamard
    Delo uh one of my favorite YouTubers I
    know a lot of you guys don’t even know
    this I I referen his his videos fairly
    often and uh I look at him like the
    younger better looking version more calm
    collected calculated version of me uh
    but uh welcome Dan I’m glad you made it
    on dude appreciate you having me dude I
    really do it’s crazy crazy how we have
    not we were just talking about this
    right before like literally we just met
    like 2 minutes right this is it so it’s
    it’s awesome chatting with you man I’ve
    been a big fan for years as well um I
    admire your approach to
    things uh always baffled when I see a
    picture of you yeah like how how tall
    are what’s so cool about it is one thing
    I’ve gathered about you over the years
    is is you have a humility to you and
    that’s one of the I like about you so
    it’s cool like you’re just like this
    you’re very tall but so so humble I I
    really like that and your content’s
    awesome man so thanks for having me on
    it’s awesome meeting you and uh cool to
    see the audience out there just have
    here yeah man I I you so I I tune in to
    you anytime I want kind of a calm
    collected wellth thought out video about
    what’s going on right because there’s
    there’s really kind of like no mus no
    fuss with you uh you’re very charismatic
    and you and you’re just it’s like yeah
    all right I understand everything he’s
    talking about and I and I get it and I
    and I like that a lot because a lot of
    guys I feel try to go after the I I
    don’t know what the right word is like
    the quick buck in a sense you know where
    it’s just like they kind of talk about
    like whatever’s the most popular tagline
    of the day and and and things like that
    and yeah man I I I definitely am I’m I’m
    excited actually to have this
    conversation um I’m actually curious
    like when exactly cuz you got in around
    the same time I did I think didn’t you
    like what when did you get into crypto
    what kind of got you started in the
    whole thing probably when you got in I
    was I got into crypto in like 2017 yeah
    okay um I want to say I think I bought
    Bitcoin in 2016 as like a a small little
    thing that I was like oh I heard heard
    about it you know put a little bit in I
    think it pumped to like
    $1,000 and then I was like oh wow nice
    like doubled some money and then I was I
    was done with it and then I just I
    walked away from it wasn’t I was not an
    early adopter of Bitcoin or anything but
    yeah 2017 and and really the story is I
    was running a recruiting firm with a
    business partner of mine at the time and
    we were heavily focused on like fintech
    startups and he came to me I remember
    like we were at a coffee shop I think
    and he was
    like what do you know about crypto
    there’s a bunch of crypto startups
    getting crazy funding why don’t we try
    recruiting for them and that was like my
    doorway to crypto it was and that’s when
    I started just kind of like diving in
    learning about it and just kind of
    that’s when I started buying as well
    really so that’s my background in terms
    of how I got into crypto and to this day
    still recruiting like that’s my main
    bread and butter that’s my business run
    a recruiting firm oh really you still do
    that I did that for like a month years
    and years ago and I felt terrible about
    it why it was like a head hunter I was
    like a corporate head hunter so I’m
    calling people at their jobs to try and
    pull them out of one company and put
    them in another and make a rip I get I
    would get screamed at by like CEOs and
    managers like leave my effing people
    alone you know BL I got so worked up I
    started to feel bad and everybody’s like
    why do you feel bad you’re basically
    offering them a better job with more
    money you’re improving their situation
    and everything I was just I don’t know I
    took it all so personally I was such a
    wuss I just I I didn’t have it in me
    dude it is I I definitely understand
    that piece of it but it is it is like
    the most rewarding thing because every
    time like we get a placement it’s just
    like man
    like I don’t take credit for it but it’s
    like you feel like you just help change
    somebody’s life for the better like they
    they make a pivot into like some awesome
    opportunity so and that’s that’s really
    what I’ve been doing over the years I
    mean I think 2018 I went solo crypto
    Capital Venture is also the name of the
    of my recruiting for firm and just
    recruiting for crypto startups across
    the space interesting yeah I didn’t know
    you did that man I thought it was some
    kind of fun or something that you were
    running I I had no idea so crypto
    Capital Ventures is a recruitment firm
    yeah for crypto company well son of a
    hell I could have called you and
    probably had some people helping with
    some of the [ __ ] I got going on yeah man
    I’m always I’m always hustling people
    think I’m just like a YouTuber but
    that’s just like oh I know yeah you know
    I just I I messaged you like at like 11
    I was like doing a quick video and
    that’s what it takes like a half hour to
    an hour YouTube and then I’m just like
    I’m hustling throughout the day trying
    to recruit and stuff I’ve spent my
    entire morning talking with artists for
    the for my game like and and my wife
    comes in she’s like bringing some piece
    of meat on a plate and like and and you
    know she gives me all my like ogre shots
    like my testosterone my peptides and all
    of that [ __ ] to keep me going you know
    and then I’m back in this chat that chat
    I got a phone meeting it’s like crazy
    like being on YouTube is really just
    kind of uh I don’t know man it’s like a
    cell phone for us for the most part
    we’ve got so many different people we’re
    talking to or projects we’re building or
    working on but you know we just happen
    to talk about it on YouTube so yeah I
    totally get it I I that is actually
    really cool that you’re that you’re a
    recruiter I man I I remember the guy
    that I worked for back in the day did
    really well because when you do get a
    placement what what was there was a
    programming language back in the day
    that was like in crazy high demand I
    think it was during
    Y2K and it was like uh it was like a
    language that was like Y2K Pro was it
    dbase or I can’t remember uh or SQL I
    can’t remember what it was but it was
    like a database software development uh
    language that nobody knew and it was
    like old school so like all all the guys
    that knew it were like 50 60 years old
    at the time but all these companies were
    trying to they were paying like $400,000
    a year just to get these [ __ ] guys
    that used to make practically nothing
    for this obscure language nobody did
    anything with and um yeah so that was
    that was I think where I was like that
    was my experience in like Tech
    recruiting that’s why I mean it’s it’s
    it’s for me it’s been so hard to even
    think about walking away from that
    business I’m always drawn to just
    scaling it more and getting more clients
    because it is it is that rewarding and
    anybody out there it is it is not made
    for everybody it is like a a really it’s
    a it’s a tough industry but at the same
    time if if you if you can get some
    momentum it’s really it’s really
    rewarding So It’s a Grind I’m sure but I
    can imagine how you know it’s like a
    real estate agent you know it’s like
    your first seven figure house that you
    sell and that that that commission and
    you’re like oh my god I’ve been working
    on this for six months and I finally got
    it closed and like Yay you know and then
    you got to start it all over again but
    yeah so what how did you transition from
    I mean so that’s something you’re still
    doing how did you transition from the
    Bitcoin stuff and then getting into
    cardono like what how did you like I
    know my situation was and my kind of
    like discovery of it all like what was
    your like holy [ __ ] this is this is
    going to be a big deal and then kind of
    deciding you know what I don’t care what
    people are saying or the fud or the just
    the BS around all these haters this is
    this is a big [ __ ] deal I’m going to
    be a part of this like what was that for
    you yeah there it was actually two
    pieces to it and um one of the pieces a
    little controversial which is my early
    days in crypto when I got into crypto
    was like you know I was in that coffee
    shop just hearing about crypto pivoting
    recruiting to crypto and then buying
    some crypto for me I think it was like
    Bitcoin I was in coinbase and I saw
    Litecoin and I I became like a Litecoin
    Bowl right away
    andin yeah that was my thing that was my
    jam Lin
    and it did well like in the 2017 bull
    run it did well I was all about it and
    then you know I started my YouTube
    channel I think like right at the
    beginning of 2 uh or it was what the
    2018 is when I started my YouTube
    channel and I would cover Bitcoin I
    would cover a lot of Litecoin and one
    thing I just started noticing with
    Litecoin on the macro charts it there
    were some
    concerns um and there was also just some
    drama within the with within the
    community that I just wasn’t feeling uh
    And in regards to the founder no no the
    found Charlie I Charlie’s awesome um I
    just remember and myself included
    because back then I didn’t understand
    the market Cycles like I do now and I
    remember when he sold his Litecoin the
    whole world lit on fire I remember that
    yeah but at the same time he I if I
    remember correctly he was like basically
    like warning everybody yo like don’t
    bull markets come to an end so he kind
    of everybody thought he was full of [ __ ]
    like basically using that as an excuse
    to dump on everybody nobody got it so
    everybody hated him overnight me I
    didn’t know that any better either so
    yeah I actually think the way in which
    he approached doing that was actually
    stand up and I I love Charlie Lee he’s
    awesome it was more just I was I was I
    was doing a lot of content creation but
    I was getting like still hate there was
    like this huge like pay with Litecoin
    movement going on and I I wasn’t like
    buying that like as like The Narrative
    as like the cool thing and I was
    starting to get a little bit of like
    hate for not just jumping on that
    bandwagon but more more importantly it
    was definitely the charts I saw some
    concerns and I was just like and you
    know for me charts are very important
    right and at the time what happened was
    we went through the whole bar Market all
    of that was happening and I was kind of
    like I want to find the like the next
    cycle thing what’s cool what’s going on
    what’s new and that was kind of around
    the time when uh I think Shelly hardfork
    was was approaching and I was just you
    know brainstorm went with with one of my
    buddies he’s buddy from high school but
    he’s in crypto as well we go out to
    launch and he’s the one that really was
    just like yo did you see what’s going on
    with cardano like Shelly testnet and
    staking like do you see what’s up with
    that and I started that’s when I started
    looking into it and that’s what got me
    that’s what hooked me like
    seeing it was just like the foundation
    being laid and right it’s exactly right
    I used to say that all the time right I
    still do because it still kind of is for
    the most part but yeah just many many
    layers deeper now than it was then
    because there’s so many elements to it
    yeah and that’s what’s cool about it
    like it that was years ago and that was
    the foundation being laid but I do still
    feel like in terms of cardano we’re
    still like in that Foundation Building
    process the way in which these eras of
    cardano are playing out but then the
    other thing that excited me at the time
    was all right there’s a lot of cool like
    things getting ready to happen on
    cardano over the next few years
    but until this point what was what’s the
    story and it was it was the research
    backed approach the slower approach I
    like that people don’t like too I like
    that because everybody wants to turn a
    dollar into a thousand dollars tomorrow
    and they don’t want to wait because the
    latest shitcoin just did it like if this
    shitcoin could do it why isn’t cardono
    and they they just don’t understand it
    yet yeah which is one of the reasons why
    I value your channel because I feel like
    you do a really good job of explaining
    the es and flows and a very intricate
    kind of away on the charts and you kind
    of make sense of a lot of that even
    though I feel like a lot of people still
    don’t get it they just do not understand
    that cardono isn’t ethereum cardono is
    not salana or or a lot of these other
    blockchains it is truly in my opinion it
    is very much in a league of its own like
    when they say well cardano third gen to
    ethereum second gen and I almost feel
    like it goes beyond that um because this
    is something that I feel is being built
    for decades and decades if not longer of
    use and can continue to grow and expand
    itself where a lot of these other
    blockchains are just trying to figure
    out how they fixed how to fix what they
    [ __ ] up four years ago and so they’re
    not really able to move forward whereas
    cardano’s consistently moving forward
    and reaching new Milestones that matter
    not just the latest gimmick and so and
    for whatever reason as sad as it is I
    feel like it’s the gimmicks that sell
    people on putting their money into
    something that they don’t understand the
    gimmicks they get the real Tech and the
    real advancement and the real use
    potential it goes right above most
    people’s heads yeah it really does and
    the way that you just explained that is
    exactly that’s why I like your content
    because you the way that you explain
    these things is just is just straight on
    and it’s dead on and I don’t know I mean
    what do you think it is though
    like is it is it just that maybe the
    majority a lot of people in crypto right
    they are just like get rich quick that
    just is the way it is so there it’s not
    like everybody that’s in crypto is a
    macrom minded investor even like I
    consider myself a value investor right
    right for the long term so I’m trying to
    pinpoint and find the things that have
    that sustainable potential mhm cardano
    has that I really think that but do you
    think the majority of people in crypto
    just are just like they don’t even think
    in that in that way I think that the
    crypto Market moves um I think the
    economy I think that the people involved
    move the same way the Cycles do like if
    we look back to where we started in
    2017 you know I was all about icos oh my
    gosh this guy just made a million
    dollars investing a thousand dollars in
    this random wallet address how does that
    work what’s the you know I want some I
    want to change my life I’m grinding my
    whole life away right now this is new
    and and I didn’t really understand any
    of it for the longest time right I like
    like with Charlie I think Charlie’s a
    cool dude too I’ve never met him or even
    spoke to him but in hindsight I realized
    what he was doing what his message was
    and what he was trying to accomplish but
    at the time I thought he was a greedy
    Pig right because that was my mindset I
    didn’t understand yet what he was doing
    and why
    right that was me being wrong at the
    time and and I never like went out on
    YouTube like this guy’s a piece of [ __ ]
    but it was very much like what is he
    doing he’s dumping his crypto he doesn’t
    believe in his project anymore right and
    so which is a lot of the [ __ ] I got when
    I told everybody I sold cardano at a
    certain point in the market they’re like
    what are you doing you’re not a Believer
    you know I’m like I am a believer I just
    happen to know more than you yeah so and
    and and and and so I get all that so but
    through these Through The Years you kind
    of learn that okay it’s like crypto
    people and like your wealth generation
    in this transitional era is very much
    like it’s almost like a dare I say like
    a 12E plan depending on when you start
    you know your first Market you learn you
    make a little bit of money and and or
    you lose some money you you’re you’re
    holding on for dear life when the
    Market’s dropping because the media is
    telling you it’s going up it’s going up
    but it’s not going up the Cycle’s over
    and then you’re held up you’re holding
    all your bags until the next cycle when
    now you’re better prep preped now you
    want to continue averaging down and you
    want to better position yourself and
    you’re doing more research to understand
    why this happened to you last time what
    mistakes did you make and then maybe you
    start building a little bit of a nest
    egg when there’s blood in the streets as
    opposed to buying at the peak so now
    you’re in a much better position and
    then you get more profit now you really
    understand what’s happening and you’re
    starting to pick up on the cycles of
    things and the EB and flow and then by
    your third cycle you’re [ __ ] retired
    right and so so and and that’s what I
    think happens and it’s it’s the way we
    educate ourselves some people they get
    burned they don’t know anything and then
    they go away forever writing it off as a
    scam until they’re forced back into it
    when the rest of the world is
    transitioned and they’re Left Behind or
    they use it as a learning opportunity to
    do better next time and I think that’s
    the difference yeah and I just think
    that’s where we’re at we’re getting a
    lot of
    newcomers because of the media there’s
    now a lot more mainstream adoption
    because of the funds and the ETFs and
    all of that and so just getting a whole
    new era of people that are slowly
    learning and they’ll make the same
    mistakes most of us M most of us made
    but with with many more of us now on
    YouTube being able to explain our
    Journeys how things actually work and a
    much more people are better educated
    from the
    beginning yeah the way of it is still
    the challenge yeah because we’re beyond
    the mem coin stuff and the icos and the
    like you know I created this white paper
    full of ideas and I want you to give me
    $20 million to like basically not do any
    of it because I really don’t know what
    I’m doing but my idea sounds great and
    you’re going to flip a quick profit and
    we’re I think we’re beyond that now and
    so now it’s really about tech and that’s
    what’s separating the meme coin people
    from the real tech people yeah but there
    is still such
    um and maybe that’s where the challenge
    with cardano comes into play especially
    if you’re a content creator like you’re
    kind of out there in the public
    is that that Meme kind that Meme coin
    inside of
    things I don’t I I
    don’t I wish I didn’t feel so nervous
    just to even talk about salana or
    something like because I’m not I’m not a
    hater like if you’re a salana only
    holder I’m rooting for you I hope it
    hits alltime highs and you kill it but
    it’s going great so far it’s it’s
    definitely though an environment in
    which you have all this crazy volume
    with meme coins like that’s the culture
    like there right but with that comes all
    that huge audience and the people that
    are playing the casinos and that want to
    get rich quick the newbies that think
    they’re going to retire in you know six
    they’re absorbing this narrative about
    cardano right there’s masses of these
    people and they believe it right away no
    matter what they their favorite content
    creator that’s like a Shiller of of meme
    coins they’ll believe anything they hear
    about cardano and then boom those are
    the ones that are just popping up all
    over just all over Twitter spreading
    it’s a viral uh misinformation message
    about cardano that’s going that’s like
    that’s one of cardano’s biggest
    challenges right now it’s crazy and it
    it just is what it is I don’t I mean I
    think the fact of the matter is is that
    some people it takes more for people to
    learn like I I was just reading an
    article about the salon of meme coins
    and like 50% of them get rugged or
    abandoned after they reach like 20
    million bucks or whatever and then
    everybody takes a dive and then people
    just try to rinse and repeat until they
    get rich but they’re not really learning
    anything yet right it’s just they’re so
    indoctrinated into this is how you make
    money in crypto and if this one fails
    you just try the next and then try the
    next and try the next and maybe you make
    a little profit on and it and it’s such
    a hustle and and listen I’m not gonna
    say that people aren’t making money in
    meme coins there are a lot of people
    that do well in meme coins once they
    learn the system of it but I feel like
    meme tokens are it’s like their own
    industry that I I I kind of separate
    pretty dramatically at least in my own
    mind from everything else in crypto
    memec coins are like I always say
    they’re a pet rock you know how good is
    your marketing budget you know you can
    sell literally a a a you can sell
    anything to somebody with with with
    marketing right and so I just I always
    look at meme coins as a pet rock even
    the memec coins are like oh look at all
    of our use cases look at all of our
    planned road maps everything whatever I
    don’t give a [ __ ] it’s a meme token it
    doesn’t mean anything to me what I care
    about is this the system it’s built on
    how does the system it’s built on handle
    the throughput of the the [ __ ] coins
    that are that everybody’s trying to make
    money on is it shutting down all the
    time because it can’t handle the load
    like I I think that you know it’s like
    if a bodybuilder goes to the gym and he
    buckles under the under a 100 pound
    weight and he should be lifting 350 I’m
    like uh I think you got a few more years
    left to go before you’re actually going
    to matter to me yeah and so you know I
    think that’s the disconnect and and
    there’s so many paid advertisements
    related to these [ __ ] [ __ ] coins on
    salana and they all use
    cardono as this is the thing that I see
    they say this new meme coin on salana is
    g a THX how will that compare to
    cardano’s recent 24hour loss right and
    and that’s the [ __ ] that they put
    out and it’s everywhere and so these
    newcomers that are trying to figure out
    how to get rich quick they see oh mean
    coins is how my neighbor made $100,000
    last year or last month or whatever
    that’s what I’m going for oh what’s this
    cardano garbage boy everybody seems to
    be [ __ ] on that but the next poop
    coin is GNA THX I’m all about it and
    then if they happen to make any money at
    all on that shitcoin now they’ve
    established trust and so the next
    article they read oh boy another one
    it’s anti- cardono pro- shitcoin and
    that’s just how I feel like this stuff
    spirals out of control and the the
    reality though is that the real use
    cases like the world mobile token the
    cornucopious like the B the big
    companies that are putting a lot of
    money building big teams really taking
    on you know the really important aspects
    of like the crypto sphere you know the
    metaverse connecting the unconnected all
    of these real world major things um it’s
    going to be those are those are going to
    be what caused a lot of these people to
    really miss the boat when it comes to
    cardono yeah and you know to each their
    own we we’re doing the best we can but
    we can’t like you can lead a horse to
    water you can’t force it to drink and
    that’s just kind of the way I look at
    that and salana and meme tokens and
    everything else yeah agreed I agree and
    the the one thing about meme coins
    though is also I I feel like there’s two
    different types there’s the ones I think
    we’re talking about like just
    insane 95% are just like a scam like a
    Honeypot a PPP and dump like but then
    there there is there is a piece of meme
    called mem coin culture and memecoins
    that I actually really like I mean I I
    was tweeting about one on bitcoin
    yesterday that I’m excited about like
    but it’s a it’s like a I don’t I don’t I
    wish we could find a new word for this
    type of meme coin but it’s like in the
    Dogecoin category right it’s like it’s
    established there’s some type of
    community there’s some type of culture
    that I think is healthy I think it’s
    good I’m not m coins um cardano has has
    a couple right has the best [ __ ] coin on
    cardono Crow
    token Crow
    token go my fans get so pissed at me
    when I [ __ ] talk my own token right in
    your background I just you know it
    doesn’t matter [ __ ] coin’s A shitcoin I
    guess but but if you look at even the
    meme culture in cardano
    like there’s a healthy piece to that
    right like the community I talked about
    snck Community dude they give me such a
    hard time it’s ridiculous like I tweeted
    about this mem coin on on bitcoin oh
    they’re in the chat right now of course
    D I tweeted about this one on bitcoin
    yesterday and boom they come flooding at
    me how dare you like why why are you not
    and I I appreciate that Community
    doesn’t mean I need to be like you know
    doing videos and talking about all the
    time but I appreciate that segment of
    cardano is look at what they did in the
    bare Market they were like they were so
    positive and they were still building
    they were still doing their thing I
    appreciate that and that’s the that’s
    the side of like the meme culture that I
    I appreciate and I think think um you
    know for me it’s a little it’s a small
    piece of my portfolio meme stuff right
    but like right people are coming in the
    masses into crypto and they’re like
    let’s do this you have a better shot of
    going to casino just picking a number on
    roulette and picking like if you’re
    going to choose meme coins like you have
    a better chance I think just going to
    casino and just put picking a number
    what is there like 36 numbers or
    something yeah and and I think you’re
    right I but I the flip side to that is
    when a meme coin does go big it goes
    real big yeah that’s true so that’s the
    that’s the draw you know your odds of of
    landing on you know one of these one in
    a hundred or however many there are now
    I mean I don’t even know I feel like new
    ones are launching every day you know
    and the people are just recycling
    Venture Capital money into the next
    shitcoin that they’re going to pump you
    know what I mean to get a THX and then
    dump on everybody and it’s just like
    it’s a hustle and the public is the
    victim of that but it’s the ones that do
    really well and they get really lck
    lucky you know if you’re working if
    you’re making 45 Grand a year at a job
    you hate you’re living a life you can’t
    stand you just want to leg up what are
    you willing to do to try and play the
    odds of changing that and and and that’s
    the way I look at everybody that comes
    to my channel which is why I am so
    brutal about a lot of things because you
    know I feel like it’s a responsibility
    to an extent it’s like I love the me I
    own me I I have some Bonk I have a
    little snck damn it I have I have you
    know I have a handful of different [ __ ]
    coins that I like to look at and just
    think they’re kind of fun but to me it
    literally is like a pet rock on a shelf
    I don’t expect anything to come of any
    of them especially this late um you know
    maybe out two or three x some of them
    you know over the next year cool but I
    just they I it’s the communities that
    the like cardono salana ethereum the
    memec coin communities in a large extent
    are the real preachers of the blockchain
    they sit on which is why I do value
    almost all of them like like the snck I
    feel like snck hosy every time I I don’t
    even own any hosy but I think they’re
    the funniest [ __ ] people and they’re
    they’re always pumping talking the all
    these mem coin people are the first ones
    to patch you on the back are smack you
    in the mouth if you like depending on
    what you say but I feel like all of it
    is a little tongue and cheek and it’s
    all just a way of continuing to get the
    name of that token out there and I think
    I feel like I get it and I I appreciate
    it but yeah the hustle and the the the
    syndicates and the VC groups that push
    these meme tokens for no other reason
    than to enrich themselves at the expense
    of the people buying them that they’re
    able to Market to those are the ones I
    have a real problem with and it just so
    happens that the majority in my opinion
    are on salana yeah and I agree with that
    and that’s what I’m trying to separate
    and I don’t know why I didn’t bring up
    hosy because
    hosy so doing so much for cordano MH and
    and really they I mean he has been and
    that’s going this is coming from me like
    we don’t have the best initial history
    but I’m I’m definitely I’m I’m a fan of
    hosy now and even friends with hosy and
    I didn’t know of any history did you
    guys get a ICF fight or something no it
    it was going back to my cococo days I
    don’t know if you remember those days no
    what’s Coco Loco no way B remember
    something about a Coco Loco was that a
    nft or something yeah right right when
    cardano was launching nfts I I launched
    his collection cococo the palm
    trees I don’t think I ever saw that man
    dude that gets me that gets me so hyped
    that you’ve never heard that you’ve
    never even heard of it because like I
    got so dude I got so much so much hate I
    don’t even know we don’t have to go down
    that path but I got so much but hosy was
    was not a fan at the time but uh you
    know eventually I mean we’re talking
    probably like a year even more than a
    year later we connected did and dude I
    love the guy I love I love I love the
    dude and
    um back to the meme talk meme coin talk
    that’s what I’m saying though like
    there’s so much value in what hosy does
    I think for cordano and the community
    and uh it’s a piece of the story too
    like you have all these different
    segments of cardano and you know that
    that piece of it is one is one piece of
    it you alluded to like you just
    mentioned briefly pivoting a little bit
    but you mentioning I think how much left
    of the cycle we have I’m kind of
    curious what what your thoughts are
    there well I think it’s going to be a
    heavy full year I mean I think we may
    very well I you know I’m a I’m kind of a
    conspiracy Nutter so you know if I’m to
    guess these these tax proposals that
    they’re working on I think that they’re
    going to probably try and pass them uh
    sometime either this year or early 2025
    or even mid or late 2025 but if it
    passes in 202 five they’re going to make
    it retroactive for the year and catch
    all these crypto Bros by surprise who
    either didn’t think it was going to
    happen or whatever honestly I think it
    depends on who’s elected um you know
    that’s obviously going to play a
    significant role in it but uh yeah I I
    mean I think that we’re probably going
    to spill into 2025 I honestly believe
    that there is a potential for this being
    an elongated bull market that doesn’t
    end in the next 24 months let alone the
    next year
    um because I’ve I’ve looked at you know
    long-term charts obviously and I’ve I’ve
    shown people in a multitude of ways that
    with everything going on right now and
    now with black rock Larry fank and all
    this like real world asset tokenization
    talk the fact that they’re looking at
    potentially testing uh the traditional
    stock market trade to go in 24 hours I
    mean they’re laying the foundation now
    for tokenizing all real world assets and
    when that happens
    you want to talk about a super cycle
    like that is going to send everything
    everything to the [ __ ]
    Stratosphere and I think that’s why
    they’re launching These funds and like I
    talked to Gary Cardone and um and I went
    to his house and we had a good
    discussion and you know he doesn’t think
    that there’s going to be a cardono ETF
    anytime soon and I’m thinking you know
    what there’s going to be an ETF for
    anything that the elites want to try and
    have some control over yeah and and and
    so don’t don’t kid yourself you know is
    kind of what I was trying to allude to
    when I was talking to him because I
    believe that cardano is absolutely going
    to be utilized for a lot of the
    transition in real world assets whether
    it’s in its own vertical or otherwise
    we’re going to see um
    but dude I just I think that from here
    um I think that I think we just keep
    going I I really do I mean what was the
    the NASDAQ uh bull market was like 10
    years you know and when when I was
    talking about the double peak of the
    market last cycle in April on Twitter
    everybody thought I was being an [ __ ]
    and I’m like no if you look the charts
    line up identically to the 2007 NASDAQ
    charts the same price action you can bar
    bar um bars pattern or whatever I threw
    that on top and it was it matched up
    identical as we were heading into the
    first Peak and I’m like man if this
    plays out like the 27 2007 NASDAQ we’re
    going to have a double Peak cycle here
    and that was at a time when that’s never
    happened so everybody was like this
    doesn’t make any sense I’m like it does
    make sense because we’re slowly
    transitioning into what Wall Street
    wants and how Wall Street plays the
    markets and that’s when I started
    getting into like the why cof
    accumulation and distribution and and
    just basically better understanding how
    Wall Street takes the market and how
    we’re transitioning into that in a
    10-year Bull Run maybe it starts this
    time maybe it doesn’t start until 2030
    when everything is really
    implemented um but that’s that’s where I
    think we’re headed personally yeah me
    too I I I I really get the sense of that
    like and you know what’s kind of cool is
    like that would be a first right if if
    this cycle is kicking off something
    different something new that would be a
    first but what’s really cool about it is
    if you just even look at what just
    happened I I keep thinking about how
    Bitcoin broke all-time high before the
    having right that’s never happened right
    so it’s like we want to start seeing
    indicators and confirmations of Bitcoin
    doing something that it’s never done and
    we’re starting to see that right Bitcoin
    breaking alltime high before having
    never done that and that’s like plays
    into the case like you know what we
    might be heading into a new era new
    cycles and that’s something we all have
    to prepare for because we we just you
    know we’ve been very spoiled with the
    consistency of these fouryear Cycles so
    there could be a lot of volatility along
    the way a lot of fake outs and the
    sentiment will shift so
    quickly uh and I think that’s just why
    we the best that any of us can do is
    just be prepared on on any given day at
    any given moment for anything to happen
    really how much do you think uh this
    Market cycle is matching up more in line
    with what was happening in the 2017 2018
    Peak so compared to 2021 yeah so much I
    I just the video I just uploaded earlier
    is literally I was I was comparing um
    even the daily chart
    2017 because there was like a there was
    a similar dip happening it was like a 30
    something per dip right so what’s
    happening right now a little
    consolidation but that was happening
    months after that that 2016 Bitcoin
    having right now this similar dip is
    happening literally like a week after
    Bitcoin having right so super yeah super
    it could be I don’t know I don’t know
    I’m trying not to get my hopes up man I
    know I I don’t even I try to think about
    it I try not to think about it much
    myself but if we’re in a if we do end up
    proving to be in some form of super
    cycle it would not surprise me the only
    thing that would surprise me is it
    doesn’t happen in like the 2030 Market
    as opposed to now because I still feel
    like there’s so much still that’s being
    worked on and finalized both from a
    regulatory perspective as well as the
    tech perspective which blockchains are
    going to be more apt to facilitating
    these transitions
    that’s what I’m most interested in right
    now I don’t give a [ __ ] about the meme
    coin stuff or making a quick Buck maybe
    I could really dive into the mem coin
    markets and get a bunch of views and
    build a bigger Community around that but
    that’s not the direction I want to take
    my viewers personally I want to focus on
    the real [ __ ] you know what I mean the
    real world applications that are going
    to really help Define our future that
    our children are going to grow up in and
    work in and operate in and how does AI
    play a role in that what does AI mean
    and transitioning people out of current
    jobs and into new ones and how can I
    prepare my viewers their kids my kids
    for what I believe is coming and which
    blockchains are going to most facilitate
    that transition and that’s one of the
    reasons why I’ve hung my hat on even
    more on the cardano because Charles be
    damned like I I like Charles a lot we
    have a good relationship we have a you
    know we have a good Rel it’s better now
    I think than it was you know through the
    bar Market when everybody’s got their
    heads down right but
    it’s like I people people come to me all
    the time talking about Charles and
    asking me questions about Charles like
    we’ve never had a barbecue together
    folks right like it it’s not that kind
    of a relationship but you
    know people say that his political views
    are divisive and that he pushes people
    away from cardano because he likes this
    person or that person and I’m like he’s
    no more to cardono in my opinion as
    Steve Jobs was the apple and Steve Jobs
    was an absolute [ __ ] and everybody
    knew it right so it doesn’t matter what
    Steve Jobs political views were
    necessarily What mattered most is the
    technology that he helped Define and
    create and it doesn’t matter that he had
    armies of people where you know the
    story oh I told my kid I was going to
    create a a a product that held a
    thousand songs for my daughter or
    whatever and then he told his his
    Engineers like build me a product that
    can hold a thousand songs and they did
    and then he goes out and he talks about
    it I think Charles has a much deeper
    obviously a much he’s much more deep
    deeply woven into the direction of the
    development of things because he’s
    actually a developer um but I don’t let
    like some quip or quote or something
    from a a YouTube stream dictate my
    perception of what he’s building right
    the same way as far as like presid
    presidential candidates I care much more
    about what policies they’re enacting not
    like is he kind of an [ __ ] right like
    I don’t care about that I care about how
    he’s affecting my life
    so I’ve really hung my hat on cardano
    for just so many reasons that have
    continued to prove year after year cycle
    after cycle that a not only is it not
    going any damn where but it’s only
    getting better every six months it’s
    only improving and further building upon
    the way it can play a major role in this
    transition that I see happening before
    our eyes so I will say though there
    there is another project getting ready
    to launch that I I hint to and I love to
    hint about it um that I do believe is
    going to be very much like getting
    involved in cardono and it was like two
    cents and and I’m I’m like waiting I’m
    waiting for them to go public public and
    I’m under NDA but I’ve read all the [ __ ]
    I’ve read all their papers and I’m like
    I don’t even know if I’m allowed to say
    that I don’t think they’re going to sue
    me uh I just had a conversation with the
    CTO last night video call and um I think
    they’re getting ready to launch their
    light paper today if I’m not mistaken
    and then once that’s out then I’ll be
    more free to be able to talk about
    anything and I’m gonna hit it hard
    because I think it’s going to be a big
    deal and I think it’s going to be a Big
    Boon for cardano too so um you see that
    you see that everybody everybody in the
    live stream do you see you see this what
    he’s doing dangling dangling the carrot
    for us it’s
    ridiculous I want to know so bad I’m so
    curious I can tell tell you what it is I
    can tell you the name of it I just I
    can’t dive into it just yet but it’s
    Fusion oh okay I think I follow I think
    I follow them on on X you probably
    should if you don’t yet okay so you can
    and I think it was maybe yesterday I saw
    them post something or I was like this
    isn’t what is this interesting right
    okay so you can say that I can say that
    I can definitely say that um and I can
    also say that I actually found out about
    it from
    Charles okay so and and I I can’t get
    into much context about that but he
    wasn’t initially sure what the motives
    were behind it but when I when I bring
    on the CEO and he explains like the
    story and how he got into crypto and
    everything turns out he’s been watching
    me since
    2017 and like I dude we had the coolest
    [ __ ] talk on a video chat and um and
    then he sent me a bunch of stuff and and
    uh man I’m like reading through it and
    I’m like dude this is this is
    everybody’s Second Chance like you’re
    going to want to be in the cardono for
    sure and but you’re probably going to
    want to take a look at this because it
    may very well be that you know I tell
    everybody it would it would be really n
    for a while I was telling people it
    would be really nice to have kind of
    that cardono at two cents moment all
    over again you know what I mean and like
    really go and I’m like this may very
    well be it like I’m
    actually I’ll I’ll leave the rest for
    for for when I’m able to really dive
    into it but yeah I’m actually genuinely
    pumped I’m more genuinely excited about
    this than I probably have been
    about anything since cardono aside which
    is for completely different reasons I’m
    super excited about world mobile token
    in in cornia Copus yeah they’re aw um
    and iag but like rid ridiculous
    ridiculous companies out there that are
    just building and they’re good reason to
    be excited about them what are your
    favorite M I knew you were going to ask
    that before we started and I didn’t want
    you to uh oh CU I don’t I don’t talk
    about it a lot and you know the reason a
    big reason I don’t talk about a lot is
    because like I have favorites and but
    how that translates to the way in which
    I’m like trading and buying and doing my
    I have a very like specific weird way of
    how I’m entering and exiting like just
    throughout the bare Market even now like
    I do a lot of buying and selling and I
    don’t like covering
    like the most cardano native tokens
    right now because like they are lower
    cap and I always have this piece of my
    like I don’t want to be creating content
    and then that then I’m like oh shoot
    well now just it disrupts the way in
    which I’m buying and selling because I
    don’t I never want to intermingle that
    you know what I’m saying you mean like
    as in terms of like the fundamentals
    compared to the charts yeah I just I
    just I just feel like there’s a
    responsibility in covering smaller
    market cap
    tokens sure I absolutely agree with that
    and but at what point do you disconnect
    your like passion and personal interest
    yeah from just what charts are telling
    you like to me it’s as much about having
    fun as it is learning about new
    technologies and how they’re used and I
    I get what you’re saying but I also it’s
    like I I
    wouldn’t well let me ask you that
    question because i’ that’s what I’ve
    struggled with like I I but then you’ll
    answer if I
    do well I think I’ll answer because it’s
    not it’s not so specific of a question
    but my struggle really is like and it’s
    annoying as a content creator because
    there’s so much I just I I want to talk
    about and I just don’t because I don’t I
    just want to be very careful you know
    what I’m saying you when you say careful
    like you don’t want to end up wrong or
    proven wrong about something yeah kind
    of like wrong about a low cap thing um
    you know that I’m holding or Trading
    uh and that’s the question I had for you
    you don’t want to lead people to a
    poison Pond yeah to something that just
    isn’t going to work out right like I
    like more established projects and sure
    I think there’s a certain market cap in
    which I feel like all right whatever I
    do it’s not it’s not really moving price
    or anything like that because that’s my
    concern always is is my content going to
    like move price in some way or that’s my
    concern and I try and stay away from
    that as much as possible not because I
    have any ill intention at all but
    absolutely I completely agree I
    understand I mean dude you’re way bigger
    than I am I mean I’ve had so many issues
    with my channels over the year I just
    don’t [ __ ] grow so I just don’t grow
    right like I just I just do my thing but
    I know which has been proven multiple
    times I can move a market cap by 10
    million bucks in an afternoon that’s
    what I was just going to say so that’s
    why I ask you that question because your
    channel is big and it’s big enough to
    make an impact so like what for you what
    does that look like like is is there a
    threshold for you that you think would
    be a safe market cap or you don’t really
    I don’t really look at things in terms
    of market cap if I did I probably would
    have never got into cardono when there
    was nothing more than a bunch of
    documents and and a busted wallet yeah
    right yeah like for me I I try to look
    deeper than all of that I don’t focus on
    market cap market cap will come what
    matters to me most is the tech and the
    mission and the people involved in
    bringing that through so yeah I agree
    um and and and at the same time it’s
    like even when I am talking about a
    project if I feel it’s iffy at all dude
    my own coin I I tell people all the time
    it’s the best shitcoin on cardono I make
    no claims about it’s gonna go 10x or
    it’s going to the moon or or or any of
    that I don’t look at Crow token as like
    a profit Venture
    whatsoever but I’ll talk about it on
    occasion you know what I mean and it’s
    like and I talk about it as it is for
    what it is right now not what I want it
    to be in the future I you know there’s a
    difference between talking about
    something and then misleading people
    that’s what I won’t do about anything I
    won’t mislead anybody whether it’s a
    paid segment or something I like just
    because I like it doesn’t mean you
    should run out and get it right and so
    that that’s the message that I always
    try to make clear because my my risk
    tolerance may be much different than
    yours or somebody watching so what I
    consider a fun adventure is a fun
    adventure yeah exactly and your
    interests I’m sure are different but
    okay what so what are what are some of
    your favorite projects on cardano I mean
    I I’ve I’ve already shared most of them
    I mean I like iag a lot I like basically
    having a like a file coin for cardano
    you know I I like
    um I’m actually really interested in
    this new merger uh the the AI merger was
    it AIS token and um you know it’s like
    the singularity net and and they’re
    merging with uh some of the other groups
    I’m I’m I I don’t own any yet but I’m
    interested in it I’m going to start
    learning more about it and then I’ll
    talk about it whether I own it or not I
    plan on talking about it um you know
    cornuc Copus obviously is my my biggest
    in terms of metaverse dude I mean I have
    land and sandbox I have you know which
    is still pretty valuable but I don’t
    even care about sandbox at this point
    because I’ve tried building on it and it
    would have cost me like 80 I got an
    $80,000 quote to build like a uh like a
    fun thing on my land and I’m like 80
    grand are you like really you know like
    how how are people supposed to adopt
    this it’s all basically going to be
    corporate driven you know maybe that’s
    good but I don’t think so especially
    when in my opinion there’s much better
    stuff coming so when I look at Corin Y
    copius and and I you know I’m I’m in a
    group chat with the team I can ask them
    questions anytime I have one I talk to
    them all the time I know what they’re
    building I I’m not it’s one of those D
    so many people tell me things in
    confidence because they know I’m not a
    clout chaser I’m not going to
    immediately run out to YouTube and and
    like look at the secret that I’m leaking
    I don’t do any of that [ __ ] and I
    respect my relationships people I mean
    dude I know everything about all kinds
    of people I don’t I don’t run out to the
    interwebs talking yeah so you know it’s
    like I and I because of that I do um you
    know like I just I feel like I know a
    lot more maybe than the public knows
    about a lot of things uh but I just
    don’t do content about it because of
    that and I also don’t invest because of
    it exactly that’s what I’m saying yeah
    yeah I I I do I basically I get my stake
    I get what I’m interested in having and
    that’s it they don’t come to me somebody
    doesn’t come to me and say hey you’re
    gonna really like what’s coming next
    month and then I rush out buy a bunch so
    I can dump it I’ve never [ __ ] done
    that a I don’t want to go to jail but
    but B it’s just like it’s just not
    something I dude I still have [ __ ] I
    bought in
    2017 like I I like that I just never got
    rid of so it’s just like maybe I’m a
    packrat in crypto but some of that is
    just because I want to be safe and but
    anyway uh World mobile token obviously
    without question is significant and I
    think that 24 2024 is going to be
    [ __ ] Bonkers for them because if what
    I think is happening and know I don’t
    know anything internally um but I get a
    lot of people asking me like what’s
    happened with starlink and and you know
    what’s happening here and there I’m like
    I really don’t know I genuinely don’t
    know I’m not paying playing koi or
    playing stupid I don’t know but if I’m
    the hazard of guess there’s probably a
    lot going on under the under the radar
    that that that there’s probably a lot in
    the works because you don’t build a a a
    a company to connect the unconnected
    like World mobile token does and not
    establish some form of partnership with
    a company like starlink who like when I
    bought the house in Cape Coral when we
    moved here from Puerto Rico we didn’t
    have high-speed internet and if you saw
    the the the the the where we lived how
    do you not have high-speed internet is
    because it’s such a small community and
    it’s so far out that you just they they
    never wired it they said it cost 300
    Grand to wire highspeed there so what
    did I do I bought a starlink one of
    their mobile units that wasn’t even
    supposed to work where I lived but it
    did and that’s how we had internet for a
    while and so and I’m like you want to
    connect the unconnected and you want to
    do stuff in like very very like you know
    parts of the world where they just don’t
    have anything you’re going to build a
    relationship with starlink you’re going
    to bring those big balloons out
    everywhere and you’re going to set up
    the mesh networks and so and I think it
    even goes beyond that the only thing
    about world mobile that I do question
    sometimes and how it would affect the
    token is what ha and this may be 20
    years down the line though I don’t know
    but what happens when you have already
    connected the unconnected and you’ve
    saturated all the markets that the major
    telecom companies don’t want to touch
    because of expense but then it’s just
    easier for them to just buy you and then
    acquire what you’ve established as a
    secondary service right how does that
    then affect uh the tokenization of
    everything the token ecosystem and all
    of that so that’s the only thing but I
    feel like that’s way way down the line
    um but yeah I mean those are my main
    ones you know there there are others I’m
    sure that I’d have to look at my
    portfolio I don’t even remember what I
    have honestly yeah those are my I mean
    those are two of my favorite too um I
    love Mickey at World mobile Josh and
    robbit MH cornucopious yeah cornicopia
    also like we so my recruiting for
    we’ve recruit web 3 but we have some
    studios right that we’ve searched for
    and done big like game engineer roles
    for and so I appreciate the the Unreal
    Engine five aspect of what they’re doing
    it’s like just it’s sick because there’s
    some huge Studios and other ecosystems
    and it’s special that cardano has like a
    a game being built with such quality um
    so that’s also that’s the reason I’m a
    big fan of them guys but yeah they’re
    two they’re two tops for me as well I
    would definitely
    say that was the smoothest Dodge I’ve
    ever seen you’re like I agree moving
    on you really do have kind of a thing
    about talking about other other
    projects I do and it’s ridiculous I know
    you think are interesting but shitty I’m
    an overthinker that’s what it is like
    there’s nothing I’m sure there’s nothing
    wrong with me talking about like all
    these different projects I just I’m
    overthinker I’m like
    very specific with stuff
    um and that’s just I mean I I you know
    what I I will say I like axo trade Astro
    what axo axo yeah I don’t know anything
    about that one you don’t know axo nope
    enlighten me man I mean it’s it’s just
    like a an exchange on cardano they’re
    like using e utxo to every extent
    possible so like outside of cardano even
    from a trading perspective
    an exchange perspective like they’re
    within the whole crypto space they’re
    doing like Innovative stuff I feel
    like just ahead of its time um but like
    you can go in there I saw cardano Thor
    um he’s our marketing
    guy uh he was just he just did like a
    demo yesterday about like um I think
    custom formulas and like setting up
    trading strategies all this it’s crazy
    what you can do and you should look into
    it it’s pretty it’s it’s pretty cool uh
    but I like that project uh I again I
    just think it’s so like what they’re
    doing I like stuff that’s ahead of its
    time yeah and Charles I did an interview
    with him a couple months ago he in
    February I think and he mentioned he
    brought up axo specifically I think
    because of how they’re utilizing cardano
    to do like ridiculous stuff that’s not
    happening anywhere else and I think
    that’s like long term that’s that
    projects that are doing those types of
    things I think are really I think so if
    I go and I pick up a bunch of axo and
    then it goes I can totally blame you
    there we go there we
    go it’s your fault I bought this because
    you said you liked it no I’m not that
    stupid but um no man no it’s totally
    cool I here’s the thing you know what I
    you know what I really look at I I look
    at the layer one and I say how will this
    facilitate A New World
    Order how will this play into the the
    world economic Forum agendas the
    tokenization of all assets internet of
    things monitoring how many times I fart
    in a day and calculate my carbon credits
    how do I because whether we like it or
    not that’s where we’re going we do not
    have a say we do not have any control
    democracy be damned it’s not [ __ ]
    happen and hasn’t for a while in my
    opinion if I’m honest and I just I’m so
    cynical about everything so I look at it
    and I can say well I can sit around and
    [ __ ] and complain and argue about how
    much I hate all this stuff which I do or
    I can also figure out how it’s all going
    to come about and play a financial role
    Ro and at least benefiting my family as
    it’s happening and so when I look at
    projects like iag cloud-based file
    storage on the blockchain and then you
    talk about an exchange how will that
    exchange function when Real World assets
    are tokenized and what will be the use
    cases that they’re able to adopt and
    bring to me as an enduser and facilitate
    my involvement in it right how am I
    being connected to all of these
    transitions as as the world starts to
    transform before my very eyes and that’s
    what that’s what and then I look at you
    know stuff like Cornucopia how will a
    metaverse play a role in these exchanges
    how will things be embedded into a
    metaverse so that nobody like you and I
    were just talking we never leave our
    houses right so the idea of us basically
    existing inside a metaverse on the out
    out like if we if somebody forced us
    into it we’d be like [ __ ] you I want my
    freedom but the reality is we don’t
    leave our houses we have everything we
    need right here so how will blockchain
    how will met veres how will that allow
    us to not only be entertained educated
    and continue to build financially
    without ever having to leave our room or
    our our visors or whatever and so that’s
    honestly that’s what I look at that’s
    when you say ahead of its time I’m like
    perfect because that’s something that
    the rest of the market will grow into so
    what do they do that’s ahead of their
    time and how does that relate to the
    Grand you know agenda that I see playing
    out like a lot of people that that don’t
    know anything about like my um I doubt
    you saw it is like my Twisted times nft
    collection where I had it was during
    covid and I I launched it was 24
    nfts and everything was in some ways
    meant to be um prophetic while it was
    also kind of poking uh tongue and cheek
    at what was happening you know like I
    had koven Karen you know I think I think
    I saw these she’s wearing 20 masks and
    and has a spray bottle and she’s
    screaming at some old guy CU he’s not
    wearing a mask you know but she’s
    spitting all over him and and it’s like
    it was just like it’s it was supposed to
    be tongue and cheek but at the same time
    you know one of those cards was um a
    future employment and future employment
    had basically everybody in these like
    they look like cryopods and you had a
    little robot feeding them a hamburger
    through a slot and then they’ve got
    these visors on kind of like uh The
    Matrix tubes and like that’s future
    employment that’s how a lot of people
    are going to live you know like ready
    player one style and it sounds ominous
    and it sounds scary but we’re we’re
    ultimately pushing we’re pushing for all
    that and they’re more than happy to
    facilitate it keep us in our homes just
    you know consume a very limited amount
    to keep you floating keep you Mo moving
    you’ll own nothing and be happy own
    nothing and be happy you know so that’s
    that’s a lot of what I look at it freaks
    me out to some extent but I just feel
    like that’s where we’re going so when I
    look at blockchain and I look at crypto
    I look at who’s going to help facilitate
    me being able to take what I need out of
    these things and and still allow me to
    live my life in a fruitful way uh at the
    same time
    so yeah so we got we got we got some we
    got some uh interesting tidbits from you
    where where do you see things going now
    you ask me where where do you think
    we’re really going to be heading over
    the next year do you think the market
    Cycle’s going to peek out this year next
    year 10 years from
    now if um it it it’s it’s weird because
    like not long ago when I was kind of
    just trying to get a sense of how long
    this cycle would would last this next
    um time frame would probably be like you
    know the next 12 months or so and then I
    think it would top out and then it
    would I don’t know what the next bare
    Market would look like again I feel like
    we’re we might lose the consistencies
    that we’ve enjoyed over the years so the
    next bare Market could just look
    different right it might not look the
    but after and this is what I’ve been
    trying to have my wrap my head around
    most recently is after Bitcoin broke
    alltime high before Bitcoin
    having um and didn’t
    consolidate before doing that
    for me I still don’t actually know what
    I think in terms of how gray scale
    petering out and how much they were
    selling compared to how much the rest
    were buying and it just caused that
    major rip yeah I mean that probably
    played into it right and not only just
    them doing it but actually just people
    like being so hyp in the fomo of people
    thinking we’re going to the moon
    tomorrow because of the pp yeah um that
    could have played into it um but just
    the fact that it happened I mean Bitcoin
    broke alltime High I think that I think
    there’s a case where it could be it the
    bull cycle could could go past 12 months
    I think typically I’d be like looking at
    like the next 12 12 to 14 months or
    something as like okay be prepared there
    is a case and I haven’t I I don’t I
    can’t you know I can’t visualize it in
    my own head yet I want to I want to kind
    of mess around with data but there’s a
    case I think it does go longer um
    because the other thing that’s going on
    that I think will play such a critical
    role in that this would really be what
    takes like the leash off of the market
    stuff like
    if and I hope I truly hope I say time
    and time again I think crypto will win
    because we have the law on our side I
    think we we do we have the law on our
    side right if the judges rule according
    to law crypto will win that’s scary
    thought but that’s the scary thought
    right especially right now noway it’s
    scary yeah not trying to bring politics
    or anything into this but like it plays
    a role though it plays a role now and
    so if crypto gets a fair shake out
    crypto wins and then it’s just like it’s
    going to be we do you know why I think
    crypto will win why is that because I
    think it was all designed anyway and I
    believe I would love to have someone
    like you Benjamin Cowan myself maybe a
    fourth party all really work on a
    project I’m not saying we’re going to do
    this but I think about it because the
    way you think and the way you do your
    charting the way Benjamin Cowan thinks
    and the all the the charts he has I
    don’t know if you’ve seen his into the C
    verse I’m a yeah I’m a fan because I I
    like his analysis and he gets he gets
    some slack from Ada Community because
    he’s not always like but have you ever
    logged into it yeah he’s he’s a great
    perspective oh logged into it no loged
    into his website into the crypto verse
    where he got like 10,000 [ __ ] charts
    on every metric you can think of it’s
    ridiculous someone like you would love
    that yeah love it I was just talking to
    him about about that like a couple weeks
    ago too I should probably check it out
    oh you should check it out y’all for
    sure you should check it out like I
    don’t reference a lot of the charts yet
    I’ve I’ve been in the site now for I
    don’t know probably six months um but I
    was going through recently I’m like you
    know what I’m going to start pulling
    some of these because some of these are
    going to be really relevant very very
    soon some of them already are but I I’m
    actually one of the people that actually
    believe that Bitcoin was created by
    government agencies anyway for the sole
    purpose of bringing in a fully traceable
    you know Global Currency and I’ve done
    videos years ago go about the original
    version that they tried to launch like
    the NSA literally tried to launch a
    version of e-money and then then then
    they it was discovered they had a device
    called a Clipper chip that would
    basically access the back doors in the
    algorithm and in the blockchain and
    that’s when that went away and everybody
    was quiet on it until like 10 years
    later they launched Bitcoin on a on a
    big better algorithm and and so when I
    think about the disconnect between you
    know regulation today a lot of it for me
    I just feel like it’s all a stall tactic
    yeah I feel like it’s all a stall tactic
    until these traditional uh companies
    have their foot planted firmly in the
    door and then once they do you know
    these ETFs are a big part of of
    initiating that but they’ll they’ll have
    their trading desks they have like their
    Onyx whatever that that that system they
    have all these systems in play and then
    I think that the regulation will come to
    finality probably in the next
    Administration and that’s when we’ll
    start seeing some real significant
    changes and some clear like a is b b is
    y so forth and so on these are the rules
    these are the game have fun folks don’t
    try to be Shady so you think that huh
    yeah that’s that’s my I have two two
    separate thoughts that’s my hopium
    circumstance is that’s what’s happening
    I hope that’s what’s happening but then
    my other thing is just like literally I
    and I think I posted about it yesterday
    like I just feel like they’re trying to
    destroy destroy crypto maybe keep
    Bitcoin in play you know have a hand on
    that but like that’s the concern is like
    they’re just if the world economic Forum
    agenda is a real thing and they want to
    truly tap into iot like internet of
    things and they want to really control
    the input the outflow of data on a
    global scale because obviously this
    isn’t just you know the United States
    isn’t the only country that’s suffering
    a lot of these like crazy policies right
    we see it in Canada we see it in
    Australia where this is a global effort
    they need blockchain to facilitate a lot
    of their plans they just do and I’m not
    saying I’m a fan of it don’t get me
    wrong and don’t get me Twisted the [ __ ]
    scares the hell out of me but but at the
    same time I truly believe that they need
    a hell of a lot more than bit Bitcoin to
    facilitate all of this because when you
    think about like like right now ai is
    basically running parts of the IRS like
    they they can monitor your bank accounts
    they know who you are they can they can
    calculate your your inflow and outflow
    of cash cas capital and and all of that
    and have kind of an idea as to what you
    should probably be paying before your
    accountant does that’s what I believe
    and and when you mix that in with all of
    the other efforts for like whether
    whatever the narrative is whether it’s
    climate change or whatever and they want
    to count how many candy bars you eat in
    a week or how much steak you’re
    consuming all of that is going to be
    relevant and the only way you’re going
    to be able to keep track of that in a
    fail prooof way and utilize Ai and
    utilize all of the stuff not to mention
    all of the the storage you’re going to
    need to facilitate that and blah I mean
    dude aren’t I’m pretty sure that they’re
    taking they’re converting like old
    mining Farms I recently heard they’re
    converting old like kind of out ofate
    Bitcoin mining farms and then using them
    as cloud storage centers for for a lot
    of this
    [ __ ] I I just I just feel like
    ultimately they need crypto and they
    need blockchain but but I think
    ultimately what they’re going to do is
    they’re going to basically get rid of
    all of the exchanges that aren’t playing
    with their with their rules if you’re
    not on board with the agenda you’re
    probably going to get fined to Hell in a
    hand basket until you can’t exist
    anymore they’re going to favor the ones
    that are playing ball like coinbase even
    the coinbase binance thing I I broke it
    I’m like B binance is gonna be the
    redheaded stepchild coinbase is gonna
    get the pat on the back say good job
    keep doing what you’re doing here’s the
    benefit and then shortly after that we
    saw black rock is using you know
    coinbase for XYZ while binance is
    getting fined to death and I I mean I
    called that [ __ ] before it was happening
    because it’s just part of the narrative
    and how I see things having to take
    place you know the cbdcs you’re going to
    have to trade in and out of a cbdc
    before you get in any crypto position
    that’s what I think they’re going to
    have to be able to monitor that [ __ ] so
    I won’t get too carried away are crazy
    but when I think about crypto and
    patterns I’m very curious to see
    how algorithmic are the actual es and
    flows of the market still to this day
    and how much of that was predetermined
    and put into the algorithm or put into
    something like I believe that there are
    systems in play moving this market like
    one Grand Market maker and we’re all
    just trying to figure it out it
    definitely seems like that doesn’t it
    does listen man we’ve been talking for
    over an hour there are like it looks
    like 2,300 people I know you’re busy
    it’s already 1:00 we have to do this
    again though and and and like catch up
    and yeah you know what I wanted to talk
    to you about too we we can do it maybe
    not today but just another uh I want to
    talk to you about cardano governance
    because I think like especially as
    content creators I think it’s it’s an
    exciting thing obviously voler and and
    everything but I think there’s going to
    be like a lot of challenges there as
    well like tough conversations to be had
    and I think I think it would be a good
    idea to start like just coming out with
    those tough conversations and like
    talking about it a little bit because
    great idea something to anticipate you
    know what I’m saying I think when
    governance is fully kicked in that’s
    probably when we’re going to start
    seeing cardano ETS being proposed
    because they’re going to want to be able
    to control some of that too you would
    think right we’ll talk about that for
    sure yeah good conversation yeah Dan I
    really appreciate you coming on man this
    was a good chat I I you know you you
    sparked a lot of my own thought so I go
    on on these little these little tangents
    uh of my own hopefully I didn’t drown
    drown you out uh awesome yeah I mean and
    you’re in Florida I think right like we
    have to hook up sometime and like go and
    and just drink ourselves silly maybe
    sometime closer to the the I don’t drink
    but I will absolutely fair enough ither
    anymore but I absolutely hang out with
    you man I I would definitely look
    forward to definitely meeting I can’t
    believe it took us this long to even me
    meet on video
    so yeah we got to have to we’re going to
    have to bridge that Gap even further as
    we we move forward you’re always welcome
    anytime anytime you want to talk about
    anything just hit me up man we just hit
    a button and we go it’s all good to me
    you as well you as well cool thanks for
    having me and and I appreciate you and
    every body else watching appreciate you
    you all too so than absolutely man see
    you soon thanks for joining us folks
    we’ll see you guys soon until then Crow
    your coins

    Dan Gambardello is one of my favorite Youtubers let alone Cardano Bull. Always calm, collected, intelligent and informative, lets go deeper into who he is, how he got started and why he loves Cardano ALMOST as much as I do. 🙂 Make sure you subscribe to his channel ASAP:


    1. Two of my favorites in one video with the best Cardano coverage.

      I’ve been watching Dan since those “3……2…..1…..” Litecoin videos

    2. Good talk, great project but ADA’s price action really sucks. Might end up being one of the worst performing crypto in this cycle. Saying this if the SEC doesn’t kill the next bull market. Some very strange is happening right with the SEC. The US government hates crypto

    3. Crow, you are exactly right. My first cycle I did not do good at all. I wound up holding all my bags until this cycle but during the bar market I have managed to get my averages down and this time I’m going to make money! This will be my second cycle.

    4. I certainly do remember the Dan Litecoin days. Dan was right about it, for sure. Was good to see the Cardano transition, but I believe Litecoin may surprise everyone, over the next decade.

    5. All meme coins are totally worthless and have no utility and give crypto a bad name and are the kind of crap that the regulators should be shutting down instead of legit coins. Meme coins make all coins seem like tulip bulbs.

    6. Also, for full transparency. It would be nice if Dan would publish a batting average of all his “calls” . If I took all his advice ( yes, not financial advice) where would $1k be today…

    7. Thanks for the update, keep up the good work.< Learned a lot from my market journey, especially the importance of living within one's means. With Flora Elkin’s guidance, my nest egg has grown to a 7-figure sum. My advice – get an analyst for better financial trade decisions and peace of mind

    8. Why is Charles Hopkins doing this to us (Cardano)? Why can’t he partner with anyone, ever? Stop bashing ETH & SOL and get your own shit together Charles

    9. Cardano 😂😂😂 Highlights

      Price has increased by 12% in the last 1 year

      Has high liquidity based on its market cap

      Trading on Binance
      Risk Analysis

      Outperformed by 65% of the top 100 crypto assets in 1 year
      Outperformed by Bitcoin and Ethereum
      Trading below the 200-day simple moving average

      Only 12 green days in the last 30 days (40%)

      Down -85% from all-time high
      Yearly inflation rate is 5.39%

      Up 12 in a year and trading on Binance are the big achievement of this great crypto. 😂😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉

    10. 3 years ago Crow said ADA will go to 7.5$, well didn’t age well. And you know what it won’t happen in this cycle either. Never trust price predictions from YouTubers

    11. I've been making a lot of losses trying to make profit trading. I thought trading on a demo account is just like trading the real market. Can anyone help me out or at least advise me on what to do?

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