Wall Street Sets The Trap For Stocks…

    we need to have a discussion about
    stagflation and whether the economy is
    currently in it right now today we’ll
    talk about everything to do with the
    earning season for the week ahead what’s
    going on with the darkest pool
    transactions as big players start to
    sell into the Friday close and of course
    why this matters for us as a positive or
    negative gammer environment on options
    more importantly though Apple’s weak
    will it get weaker bitcoin’s starting to
    struggle throughout the weekend and of
    course many stocks are finding their way
    to two previously traded zones so as
    bulls and bears fight it out at the most
    important level that we’ve been looking
    at now for 2 days should we also be
    looking at World central banks because
    policy is getting out of control in
    Japan and we need to talk about it join
    us as we cover stocks Commodities and
    cryptos for the week ahead well welcome
    back everybody to the special weekend
    edition of The Daily Show today we’re
    talking macro data lead indicators and
    of course the hottest charts for the
    week ahead whether you’re an investor or
    Trader if it’s your first time here and
    you want to educate yourself better on
    how markets move and how they all
    correlate with each other remember to
    subscribe and smash that Bell icon well
    let’s get into the first topic the
    dreaded stag flation a problem with
    economies that often many of us kind of
    worry about and it’s pretty rare we’ve
    only ever really seen it in the 1970s
    now the question is how do we get to
    stagflation well generally we need to
    see economic growth slowing inflation up
    and unemployment also on the rise now at
    the moment we certainly have one of
    those problems which is of course
    inflation up but do we have the other
    issues let’s take a little closer look
    at whether we’re really in stagflation
    so if we take a look at the GDP growth
    over the last four quarters it’s
    actually been very very strong for the
    US and it’s a huge reason why the
    markets are recovering led by of course
    the AI robot companies on top of this we
    also know that we had one bad GDP result
    of 1.7% but it’s still increasing and in
    general we’re not seeing like a really
    stagnant flow in fact Goldman Sachs
    actually already estimated that this
    could be a possibility and that we’re
    moving into a period of very sustainable
    growth in including the GDP moving
    forward so if we are in stagflation what
    should we be investing in if we’re not
    in stagflation but we’re in a rising in
    interest rate economy does it really
    make any difference well as you’ll find
    out the actual same Investments that
    tend to do well in stagflation also do
    well in Rising inflation and we do have
    Rising inflation right now as shown by
    this chart that’s starting to show some
    spikes and some increases across the
    board and there’s a couple of reasons
    why this could be in stagflation though
    what performs the best well of course
    it’s gold its Commodities and actually
    value stocks do well as well also
    existing buildings we’ve already seen
    that going on it’s not so much the land
    underneath them but if you have a nice
    house and it’s been built to a quality
    standard and of course as everything
    else including Commodities goes up what
    ends up happening your house Rises so in
    General if we’re in stagflation then you
    generally go for these types of
    positions if we’re in in Rising
    inflation it turns out you also go for
    these types of positions a lot of the
    time so I think it’s very very key to
    keep in mind if you’re worried about
    that particular thing that this would be
    what you’re looking for now why are we
    seeing this inflation well in my opinion
    it’s under production in the oil
    industry and under investment in
    Commodities recently a riotinto CEO or
    the riotinto CEO came out and said he’s
    incredibly concerned about Rare Earth
    minerals and metals and underinvestment
    2016 in all of these things that we need
    for this supposed Green Revolution and
    you can see energy transition investment
    is just on the rise so what’s going to
    happen well ultimately we’re going to
    burn more oil we’re going to need to go
    and do more exploration and we’re just
    not going to have enough minerals and
    metals coming out of the ground if every
    country gets on board this particular
    train and that’s leading into something
    we’ve been discussing here on the
    channel for at least 2 and a half months
    which is of course that whether we have
    inflation or not we are in geopolitical
    issues as well which tends to spike all
    of those particular areas and I think
    this is a twofold and two-pronged attack
    on why we’re getting so much strength in
    the Commodities markets in particular so
    where should we be looking well here’s
    the pullback so far and of course we’ve
    got the little bit of recovery are we
    cheap or are we expensive on the S&P 500
    well we’re not quite back to what I like
    to get which is of course in those 17s
    that is very much a smiley face area for
    the dollar cost investor but we are
    still pulling back a little bit now in
    general election years as you’re about
    to find out we could get a little bit
    more and but we face one of the toughest
    areas from the Bulls and the Bears and
    as we reported on our previous video we
    expected 5100 to be a big battle Zone
    which even with the amazing results from
    Google and Microsoft it still wasn’t
    able to break and we might have some
    little inklings right now and why that
    is you’ll see here that Trend strength
    is actually dropping across some of the
    smaller caps and some of the other pairs
    of the market so here’s the S&P 500
    versus the S&P 400 versus the S&P 600
    you’ll notice that they’re not exactly
    all going up in a straight line like you
    would usually expect in a really robust
    Market that’s not what we’re seeing at
    this stage bull market Behavior
    checklist you can see here that the New
    York Stock Exchange plus NASDAQ new
    highs to new lows is not exactly coming
    along with this current market rally and
    that’s kind of normal I mean at the
    beginning you usually see the big gamma
    stocks go first which are those
    semiconductors and big tech stocks and
    then the rest come through the next
    question you want to ask yourself is
    when we’re correcting here is it
    actually a crash or a correction well in
    many ways you just want to be looking at
    it from a perspective of whether we’re
    in financial stress and of course you
    can see when we’re in serious Financial
    stress such as 2008 and 2020 and also
    that little bit of a selloff that
    happened during 2023 when we had of
    course the Regional Bank crisis but on
    top of that we don’t really have a
    stressful market right now and you can
    actually see here if we’re to believe
    these figures Consumer Financial stress
    is falling to the lowest in a year yeah
    that’s strange but it is and according
    to at least the results out there of the
    people on there that’s what we’re seeing
    so therefore what do we want to be
    looking at in this pullback in this
    correction well you know we’ve talked
    about this a few times we believe the
    data therefore AI is going to be a huge
    play of course moving forward get ready
    for the land of the IPO I feel in
    2025 they probably won’t IPO in 2024
    because of the election year but I’m
    sure 2025 you’ll get a lot of AI IPOs is
    going wild in the markets and then of
    course we’ve got the geopolitical
    tensions now that leads into some
    markets around the world my market here
    in Australia of course many minerals
    Metals most people around the world know
    that we’re a big desert really so we’ve
    got those types of things in particular
    inor and of course then you’ve got
    Canada and you’ve also got the United
    Kingdom so we’ve already talked about
    this quite a few times but anything any
    of these strong indices that have those
    particular areas in them including
    financials actually at the moment are
    all in strong bulls and they’ve actually
    been outperforming the S&P 500 since
    we’ve started talking about them a lot
    now Gold’s also in a strong bull market
    as we know and Emerging Markets are
    becoming interesting so you’ll notice
    here the shortterm is starting to turn
    the long-term horrendous still and
    that’s what we’ve seen also in the
    Chinese market in terms of shortterm has
    has been improving long-term has looked
    horrible and look at the breakout we got
    last week another way to look at this if
    you’re a first time viewer of the
    channel is to look at the Vanguard Total
    Stock Market ETF versus the Vanguard
    footsie all World ETF and what we’re
    starting to see here is a breakdown
    where basically the US is starting to
    look a little bit worse than some of the
    places in the world when you’re talking
    about Rising inflation markets and also
    you’re talking about of course uh
    anything to do with rotation and flow
    into those cheaper areas I’ll try to get
    a chart for you guys just to demonstrate
    how much cheaper in terms of PE ratios
    you’re looking at in something like the
    foots SE uh the Chinese markets at the
    moment or really even the can the
    Canadian Market at this stage so let’s
    have a look here at the allstar charts
    High versus lows breadth heat map to try
    to get an understanding of whether this
    current rally that’s been pulling us up
    to 5100 is healthy so it’s a little bit
    tough to sometimes see this but actually
    there are a couple of small caps that
    are starting to show a little bit of
    signs of distress percent of one month
    lows the crappy companies actually ended
    up going down while the Market’s going
    up the good ones still held through
    especially K because K is really riding
    riding the Russell 2000 at this point
    but in the undercaps here anything that
    has like no earnings which
    37% of the Russell 2000 pretty much
    doesn’t make any money uh they’re
    starting to struggle a little bit so
    you’ll notice that we went from being
    really negative the other day to back
    down even though we’ve been recovering
    so a few days ago we were looking a lot
    better than what we were just 24 hours
    ago in terms of that 5100 zone so it’s
    clearly a big fighting point and
    underneath that’s the one little inkling
    that you’re saying well maybe there’s a
    little bit of weakness this is another
    one though you’ll be looking at from the
    Bull and Bear perspective the zuag bread
    thrust obviously been a very very good
    read towards the Bulls if we do end up
    getting one of these next week which
    will be when it’ll go off if it’s going
    to then you’ve got to keep on side of
    the Bulls the stats are insane when it
    comes to these and we already saw one of
    these last year which led us into
    thinking we’re going to go into quite a
    lot of strength and of course we did
    let’s have a look under the hood though
    what was doing well during the Friday
    trade well we had basically a mixture I
    would say there was nothing here that
    was a standout either way of course
    clean energy finding a little bit of a
    dead cap bounce semiconductors finding
    huge strength thanks to Nvidia coming
    off that beautiful 618 golden FIB that
    we’ll look at later on and the 5-day
    rotation actually showing us that
    semiconductors just came back Big Time
    those last 3 days of trade thanks to the
    decent earnings throughout some of these
    big tech stocks got everyone back on
    board the bull train what might surprise
    you though is when you have a look over
    the last year of results that you have
    financials sneaking their way through
    here now if I actually had a six-month
    chart you might notice that this
    financials line is very impressive and
    it’s now the best performing 6mon
    rotation and that’s a great sign for
    Bulls now the reason there’s twofold
    here I think that financials are not
    only making more money because of course
    higher interest rates gives them more
    margins but on top of that I think it’s
    loose lending I think credit expansion
    starting to come through and of course
    whether you want to believe it or not
    it’s kind of politically charged on both
    sides so what’s going to happen is
    you’re probably going to see credit
    expansion go through the next couple of
    years and it seems like we’ve learned no
    lessons since 2008 watch guys it’s going
    to get even more wild out there we talk
    a lot about this on our Monday open show
    I have rants about it cuz of course I
    think it’s kind of sick but it is all
    happening in front of our eyes and this
    shows you that for the time being anyway
    it will be better to be possibly a bull
    in markets and buy the correction dips
    because if they’re expanding the debt
    and expanding the credit then that
    usually leads into a bit of growth let’s
    talk about S&P 500 from the perspective
    of the real market then we’ll go through
    the Futures market and what are our best
    and worst casee scenarios so we’ve
    talked about it a few times the 20weekly
    moving average I love the mean reversion
    and you always generally expect a bounce
    here you got a bounce last year here you
    got a bounce this time here you get a
    bounce all the way through 2020 you can
    go put it on the charts yourself now
    it’s when you get the bounce you’ve got
    to be a little bit concerned about
    whether it’s real or not now a dollar
    cost averager you’re going to smiley
    face here and say you know what I’m
    pretty happy with that as my initial
    entry but will we get the 50 now we got
    the 50 last year during a bigger
    pullback that obviously happened in
    occurred and actually went a little bit
    underneath that this was a perfect level
    though very nice Zone 4240 for the buyer
    and of course right now we would be
    looking about 4700 which makes a ton of
    sense as well if it does end up playing
    through how will you know though well
    we’ll have to go back into what we call
    a negative gamar environment and we’re
    actually already almost moving into
    positive gamer it’s kind of teetering on
    the edge on Monday Tuesday next week so
    where does that happen well 5100 is a
    positive gamer environment if we push
    through there we’re probably going up to
    somewhere just under 5200 for the S&P
    next week so day trade is going to be
    looking for that that bust of 5100 and
    hold through the session and of course
    it’s also a vwap level which means that
    it’s again a resistance zone now when
    we’re talking put supports on the Monday
    and the Tuesday of trade coming up we’re
    talking 50/50 so we’re kind of trapped
    within this little level we’re waiting
    for these earnings clearly earnings is
    what’s kicking it in and if the market
    comes down to 5050 there’s probably some
    bull sitting around there similar to
    what we saw last week where 5K and 5025
    had the Bulls and if we manag to get
    through the 5100 I think it’s kind of
    smiley face for the Bulls now Bears you
    get underneath of course this level here
    4950 you’re most likely about to see
    what we call a waterfall effect which is
    where you go through an area where there
    was not much previous trade so there’s
    almost no shelves here so you actually
    get a kind of aggressive sell that comes
    in here now could be quite fearful if
    that ends up occurring so you’ve got to
    keep a level head remember you’re
    reacting to this so if you see money
    flowing from here to here I like to
    think of it as money flowing from
    equilibrium to equilibrium I teach this
    in our day trading master class and
    advanced classes and um you know I’ve
    got to say as well I really appreciate
    some of the feedback people have been
    giving us recently on that it’s not only
    helping improve the course but you guys
    have been yeah honestly smashing it it’s
    been amazing all right let’s move over
    here to the options levels and of course
    we’ll talk about the gamma side and
    you’ll know here that 5100 is a big deal
    so 5100 we break through lots of hedging
    on the Futures that’s going to have to
    push the overall market up kind of
    creating a squeeze and you’ll notice
    it’s not just there for the 29th it’s
    also there for the 30th and the 5200
    becomes kind of the next zone for the
    17th so that’s the Opex of of the March
    period now we we kind of have like a
    fight here between the Bulls and the
    Bears and it’s between that 550 and 5100
    Zone I would certainly be watching out
    in the smaller time frames um and paying
    a lot of attention to the way it
    structures up there in fact let’s just
    go back here for a moment go to the 5
    minute chart cuz I know you guys love
    looking at the small time frames as well
    and if we take a look at this while of
    course it was kind of a minuscule win
    for the Bulls this kind of gives you a
    bit of an idea of structure so we have
    here a lot of structure it then drops
    down then rallies back up to a new high
    pushing the 5100 so where are you going
    to be looking next week if you’re a be
    on the intraday 5070 if the market takes
    that low
    what does that tell you it tells you
    that maybe it’s actually found
    resistance so I think 570 is also a key
    level that you’ll be wanting to look at
    where rallies on that market are most
    likely going to be met by sell demand
    it’s all about finding your Edge in
    charts of course your general Edge on
    indices should usually be bullish that’s
    just the truth it’s statistically
    inbuilt into indices to be better off to
    be bullish but if you’re going above the
    51 kind of 15 Zone that’s going to be
    quite bullish next week but if you’re
    getting below 50 70 I think that’s where
    the Bears sit for the market for now now
    what about the ctas are they coming
    along with the bulls or the Bears well
    as we expected the 20 weekly moving
    average has got them a little excited
    they’re starting to buy off that zone
    but it’s not incredible acceleration so
    whether you’re looking at the NASDAQ the
    s&p500 or anything else they’re all
    going to be showing slight levels of
    buys I thought for the weekend I’d also
    include things like Brent which is also
    stabilizing so Brent looks pretty good
    still gold which has come off its Highs
    but seen a spike on the Friday trade and
    of course copper which is to the Moon uh
    CTA is absolutely loving copper and I’ve
    got to say I’m kind of loving the move
    and I think a lot of you out there have
    been liking that so in a cyclical or a
    defensive type of Market well at the
    moment we’re in of course a cyclical uh
    type of Market which again shows you
    growth shows you expanding GDP shows you
    the market believes there’s growth in
    the Horizon defensives increasing by a
    lot now that’s going to have you know
    more concerns in the markets so for now
    it’s really just you know strength
    strength strength strength strength I
    would keep an eye on utilities though I
    think utilities whether it’s right now
    or it’s the next couple of years I
    wouldn’t be surprised at all to see
    utilities perform incredibly well as
    this so-called transition that we’re
    doing is going to eat so much energy in
    particular AI have a look at the um the
    energy consumption of that stuff it’s
    going to be wild now let’s have also a
    look at the zero DT influence so I think
    it’s clear that why we’ve bought them
    into the show is it’s not like when I
    first got into the market in 2007 and
    you just had one month options now
    you’ve got weeklys then you’ve got
    dailies and take a look at the line
    share now eventually this is going to
    create what we call like a flash crash
    uh throughout the markets but you’ll
    notice here that we’ve gone to a huge
    amount of zero dtes and in particular
    puts have increased a little bit
    recently um in terms of overall size so
    basically there’s a huge rise here in
    usage puts of course increased a little
    bit recently and uh it’s very important
    that you keep a lookout on the Zero DTE
    game because that’s going to be even
    bigger over the next couple of years I
    predict election year draw Downs we’ve
    already talked about this when we take
    out the outliers being this one and this
    one we get just under about 10% so 10%
    is usually where we kind of can correct
    to 5 or 6% which is what we’ve already
    got is perfectly normal though and this
    is tends to be the kind of way that we
    play out weird stuff going on until kind
    of June often then a huge Rally from the
    end of the year in election years that
    look like this when we take a look at
    all of the markets that are kind of
    correlated similar kind of like up and
    down all around around here but then
    generally bullish so again that’s
    bullish and then we have 2012 and 1976
    and in both cases they kind of followed
    a similar trajectory at the time of this
    recording we’re actually here so you can
    see cuz of course April so we’re at the
    back of April so we usually had a little
    bounce then we pulled back down a little
    bit and then we rallied forward a longer
    term investor is not going to care about
    that little bit of a pullback they’re
    just going to see it as an opportunity I
    don’t think it’s like excellent to go
    and sell everything or anything like
    that because in general these stats do
    Point towards a pretty good election
    year and it is very unusual for election
    years to turn incredibly bearish and one
    of the reasons CU there’s a lot at stake
    which I’m sure you guys are all aware of
    let’s go over now what’s going on with
    earnings cuz this week I think has 2100
    companies or some some obscene amount I
    can’t remember it’s the second largest
    overall earnings week that’s for sure
    and you’ll notice it does kick off on
    Monday but really it’s after the close
    Tuesday and after the close Thursday
    which will be the two most important
    stocks plenty of smaller Tech though
    coming through and as always you need to
    be aware of the expected options moves
    so here they are and W there’s some big
    ones again AMD
    plus-9 Amazon trillion dollar companies
    moving at plus – 8 yeah I I can’t think
    of a time when this has been so common
    remember meta moved down 10 Tesla’s has
    moved up 10 Netflix what moved down 8 or
    something Microsoft moved down then up
    five or six you know Google did like 14
    or something I know one of our favorite
    stocks at the moment by the way Google
    Microsoft and Nvidia the pillars this is
    one of the things like it’s wild wild
    moves I mean it’s just it’s obscene when
    you think about the hundreds of billions
    of dollars of uh money flowing through
    got PayPal as well at plus – 9 uh and
    then of course Apple a little bit less
    on the expectation plus – 4 A2 either
    way some of these semiconductors are
    just going to be wild and that’s just
    showing you that the valuations must
    have growth in them if they don’t and
    one of them misses by too much it does
    create incredibly uh weak flows and
    markets just sell off straight away
    waiting for the next earning season you
    can actually lose 20 or 30% of stock off
    one bad earnings let’s have a look how
    at the Spy because there has been well
    there have been a couple of big
    transactions we saw a big one down at 44
    down here then we’ve seen a big one here
    at 32 so basically what that could have
    been is little little sneaky buy here on
    the Spy where they’ve closed the profit
    at around this Zone which can make some
    sense when we take a look at the SSO
    which is the prar ultra S&P you’ll
    notice just at the close here or just
    just after near the close we got two
    large transactions at these highs now is
    that a profit take is that something
    else well we put two and two together
    with both of them you can already see
    the key zones and of course as we
    mentioned before that 5 70 will be key
    for the Bears so if we keep pushing
    higher they’re probably just entries if
    we start pushing lower then that’s when
    you react to that and it was a lot of
    transactions across the board it wasn’t
    just like oh yeah we’ve got one
    transaction there were a lot of proxy
    ETFs all trading at fairly large rank
    numbers which basically means that we
    had a lot of activity right near the
    close there between either Bulls or so
    let’s talk about the elephant in the
    room when it comes to Central Bank
    policy and of course that’s the bank of
    Japan often experimenting with how far
    QE can go they now own somewhere between
    60 and 70% of their overall bond market
    if you want to know how far things can
    be pushed really the bank of Japan is
    the one to look at but you’ll notice
    here that they didn’t come and intervene
    in their currency sending at
    skyrocketing and making it the best time
    for anyone outside of Japan to possibly
    visit them to get uh some cheap rates
    and some cheap food I’ve got to say one
    of the things 158 I would have never
    thought we’d be at these levels but this
    is an intervene current so basically at
    some point they’ll come and floor it
    similar to what they did last year and
    that will lead into of course
    potentially drastic losses and huge
    amounts of Gap shifts somewhere around
    this 159 160 is where the expectation
    they’ll step in is and that’s why the
    market moved so drastically and so
    quickly to that point keep a lookout on
    this of course this is the experiment
    gone wrong in terms of Central Bank
    policy and eventually I think this will
    become a huge problem though every
    single Economist has known this for a
    very long time time so it just shows you
    you can be wary of something and look at
    it but that doesn’t mean that you should
    necessarily be trading it Bank of Japan
    one to watch at the moment out of
    control and of course we’ll be watching
    it more in the future should they have
    to intervene and push in a different
    direction it may have some effects on
    the US economy as well or bears let’s
    talk vixs did we enter into the the
    green environment yet well we closed
    right on 15 and as we’ve talked about
    close under 15 will be important
    generally when you get spikes and vixs
    you want to see it come down to around
    15 16 is possible and then you like to
    see it Spike back up again with the
    Bears taking control look where we are
    we’re at 15 so there we are if we have a
    look here at the overall options yield
    environments with the bonds then the
    bonds spiked up a little bit but still
    you know not really showing Super Signs
    of stress yet our other bonds Market
    shows that it’s still all green all good
    in terms of buying dips so that’s pretty
    nice and Central Bank liquidity is
    dropping so Central Bank liquidity is
    continuing to kind of slide after what
    we saw which was that seasonal kind of
    slide we’re getting more sliding in the
    Central Bank activity now that can lead
    through into the markets over the longer
    term so we’ll see how that plays out
    where are the best sectors right now
    well as we mentioned Commodities have
    been improving you can see here
    Commodities actually picking back up
    after their nice rally DBC we’re also
    noticing that rare Metals in particular
    are doing very well copper flying it’s
    become the hottest thing I think in the
    markets at the moment so uh we’ve been
    on this for a while but copper is doing
    very very nicely watching 473 at this
    stage for copper this week I think it’ll
    probably run into that zone with
    pullbacks to be met by bull demand now
    we move over to the dollar Now can
    anyone say flag it’s actually a pretty
    good looking flag maybe too good uh but
    the flag’s happening right just before
    the resistance top now if it does break
    through and we get through that kind of
    106 810 kind of 7 Zone then dollar could
    really strengthen quite some time I’ve
    already said before I do think dollar
    will weaken over the next 8 months um
    but of course that’s a forward
    prediction I often say don’t do that but
    if you have some evidence you can I
    guess uh but in this case yeah that’s
    not a trade you know we don’t have any
    reason to say that yet we have a flag
    now if you take that flag pole you’re
    going to get kind of decent length in it
    as well uh so we’ll see if it can break
    out but it almost looks too good to be
    true uh from when you look at a flag
    that looks that nice you can also see
    it’s longle dogee Fest so two week of
    longle dogey shows you that you’re right
    at the peak the Market’s happy where it
    is right now and we’re going to get a
    Playbook sometime soon so we’ll update
    when the when the dollar starts doing
    something what about gold well we’ve
    been talking about it being a little bit
    more bullish here obviously we got some
    good entries in there the last week and
    we continue to see a series of higher
    highs and higher lows so for now Gold’s
    bullish that’s pretty much how it is on
    the small time frames we’ll see if it
    keeps going what about us oil so us oil
    is also technically bullish at at the
    moment because we broke through this
    little Supply and we were I would say
    lackluster through the Friday trade but
    um yeah it’s technically bullish at this
    point small time frames I’d like to see
    the great bull zone of 78 a barrel but
    we may not get to that point weekly we
    always like to check the weekly weekly
    effectively like a little longle dogey
    again coming off our good bull Zone not
    at our great bull Zone just yet so we
    keep watching that particular one and
    and trading accordingly what about Tesla
    well Tesla is I think could have turned
    it because of the general sentiment of
    AI being so strong in the markets you
    know Elon Musk is the master of the pump
    and he’s come through and he’s mentioned
    everything you could ever throw he
    basically threw the kitchen sink at the
    investors and that created bullishness
    you’ve got to remember the stock is down
    horribly in the bull market and there’s
    a transition away from anything to do
    with cars to try to try to claim AI a
    lot more so we’ve got the island
    reversal which is the positive so that’s
    the gap down Gap up we’ve got volume
    obviously increasing which is positive
    you got horrible sentiment which is
    positive if you get the right type of
    catalyst and then we’ve got the
    previously most traded zone so in this
    case I do think there’s probably a
    seller here so it’s another case for
    again why you’ve got to be so careful of
    that 5100 level because look at these
    stocks and you’re going to see some more
    in a moment that are all sitting here
    now they break through okay cool Good
    Times going but if they kind of float
    around this Zone and they start coming
    down they could be the opportunities
    that you’re looking for in a couple of
    stocks so I think that Tesla’s at res uh
    bulls will need to be very careful at
    that zone Apple little bit of a
    rejection through the Friday trade
    you’ll notice see a little bit of a
    shooting star or pin bar candle not much
    to go off from here I’m not really too
    interested in apple until we get
    something good if you bought down to 165
    I couldn’t blame you um if you’re
    looking for momentum and those types of
    things probably going to need to wait
    till 178 so one to watch semiconductors
    versus the Spy an incredible comeback
    obviously very very strong here 20
    moving average every single time this
    thing is bought up so that’s why we said
    it’s a pretty good Zone and if you have
    a look at smci it’s coming back into
    guess what another res level so you’ve
    got a res level here 618 pullback
    previous supports some kind of Supply in
    here a gap fill that sits in the between
    the 618 and the 75 so definitely the
    smci Run might have a little bit more in
    it uh but then maybe a little bit of
    weakness 88.9% on the session someone
    would be very happy with that one the
    more replicable one though was Nvidia so
    we’re coming up to the most traded Zone
    we’re coming up to you know some pretty
    key levels as we mentioned the 618 last
    week looked pretty good after we got
    that initial rally and in two sessions
    let me just quickly measure here from
    the low to the high wow I mean it’s just
    so much money 12.83% I know it’s done
    more on the left but you’ve just got to
    Marvel at the uh hundreds of billions of
    flow in the clown world that we live in
    sometimes of how much these things go up
    and I think it’s going to get way more
    wild than the those IPOs in the future
    Horizon Oz 200 holding its own why
    because it’s like the footsie they’re
    both basically very uh Financial based
    you know indices and then of course
    you’ve also got very very very strong
    energy focus and commodities Focus look
    at the footsy go you know a few weeks
    ago we we already reported on this
    strength around here and here and it’s
    just been going better and better and
    better and I don’t expect it to be weak
    you know I think pullbacks by met by
    bull demand it’s a very strong setup for
    Breakout looks like that Market’s doing
    very nicely speaking of markets doing
    pretty nicely Chinese market also
    improving take a look at this guys 10
    cent on the right HSI on the left you’ve
    got to love the volumes you’ve got to
    love the big break you know the one
    thing about Chinese markets as if they
    really get going and of course they’re
    not really going yet uh they get wild so
    you can go back through the history and
    see what happens but yeah it does look
    like it’s turned of course inverse Head
    and Shoulders here and break of the
    descending horror show uh Channel now
    you always want to see leaders coming
    through and this is arguably one of the
    best companies in China so it’s uh
    improving why well I think there’s an AI
    play there and I’ve talked about it for
    a long long time uh let’s talk about
    German 40 here and it’s also improving
    why Financial sap as well being like 10%
    of the company and it had decent
    earnings I guess and you’ll notice
    there’s big Wicks so I’m not trading the
    German 40 but you can’t deny it looks
    pretty pretty strong it did have a
    decent trade on it last week we talked
    about in this Zone other than that it’s
    doing all right let’s move over to the
    US 2K now very nice level that 1950 55
    area looking for a new break high again
    where are we we’re just at that little
    bit of res which you’ll notice is Supply
    over here we’re just at that breakout
    area and what are we at we’re at spy
    5100 they’re all connected guys they are
    all connected generally you’re looking
    at them for a little bit of edge S&P
    tends to be the best I can see why
    people are bullish here I want it to
    break out from this point to continue to
    the bull and you if it doesn’t do that
    then of course it’s at res if we look at
    the NASDAQ very similar previous
    supports big level that we talked about
    in the few in before that that led to
    further selling now we’ve rallied back
    up to it and I’ve got like lines
    everywhere here all correlating with
    around this 17,700 to 178 so yeah next
    100 points very pivotal for Nasdaq just
    like the S&P let’s now move over to the
    crypto world so Bitcoin
    H it’s kind of struggling and look it
    it’s it’s just pulling back in time at
    this point I still want to see a 30%
    correction in Bitcoin and some people
    out there are going to say I hate you so
    much for saying that I I just think it’s
    you know normal uh and you’re going to
    get one eventually it’s always happens
    in all the bull runs so most traded Zone
    obviously down to the 52k at this
    point Bulls take control level just
    failed last week we’re pushing down it’s
    hard to to say that you want to go and
    short it heavily I mean of course
    underneath this level of closure under
    60 as we’ve already talked about that’s
    very negative there’s no shelf on the
    left at all on this but uh yeah I I
    would say look I’m kind of neutralized
    into it you’ve got to pull back in time
    you cannot deny the strength of this
    Market you cannot deny the Huddle of the
    market in general because there is so
    many buyers out there eventually on this
    on this particular one but uh yeah
    you’ll notice here the weeks were also
    decently strong so this week close could
    important let’s move to ethereum because
    I like to look at the alts uh still most
    traded Zone still watch reaction level
    so we we kind of pick the topping of
    this current little bit I don’t really
    feel very confident in the bull really
    regaining until those levels are taken
    just like the Bitcoin zone so I think
    you quite stuck guys until we get a
    breakout either way and that’s sometimes
    how it happens you know a lot of people
    say in the comments oh you know pick the
    direction man you pick the direction
    when you actually see Edge and if you
    don’t have Edge you’re not going to pick
    the why would you pick the direction I
    mean you’re generally going to be
    bullish but you must see Edge for a
    trade if you don’t not every day is
    going to be an excellent day and you
    must learn that lesson otherwise you’ll
    get your ass kicked and I know cuz
    happened to me back in 0708 09 yeah I
    got taught some nasty lessons over there
    especially about gaps man when they
    started those uh they started the QE you
    know if anyone was there during it I
    still remember the qes and they were so
    wild you were getting like
    150 pip gaps in currency which on the
    euro in 1 second and it was just like
    everything was just slipping everywhere
    and it was horrible some people will
    have experienced something similar if
    you traded gold through 2020 when
    Goldman and all the interbank feeds fell
    off and I think it was a $15 moveing 15
    to $50 move in Gold uh without even a
    trade because the thing just blew up so
    you’ve got to be very very very careful
    about liquidity in those times as well
    and always keep an eye on that all right
    let’s take a look for the week ahead now
    so we’ll load through these data results
    and as we know it’s mostly about
    earnings but we do have some US News
    coming through and then we’ve got here
    some PMI data coming on Wednesday which
    is this is on New York Time by the way
    then we’ve got our favorite fomc
    statement funds rate and press
    conference so that’s that’s going to be
    no doubt volatility generally speaking
    we see kind of weird movements here then
    sometimes reversals during the
    conference and of course the discussion
    points that will be probably the biggest
    bit of news for the week along with
    nonfarm payrolls so have the jobs
    started to slow what’s going on with
    unemployment are we in stagflation you
    know another kind of thing that we’re
    looking for there if you enjoyed today’s
    video then remember to subscribe and
    smash that like button guys hit the
    alerts as well we’ll cover it all this
    week and also check out some of the
    things that we’re also doing got a
    little sale on at the moment as well
    some some of our courses you can check
    out some of our reviews if you want to
    so you can see if you like it or not and
    um yeah sign up guys follow us on X and
    we will keep bringing you the best
    content we can love it have a great
    weekend bye for now

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    1. A lot of money has been lost being against Japan's Central Bank over the past couple of decades. It turned out that they know a bit more about the Japanese economy than hedge funds and traders.

    2. Very difficult to believe the data , many experts are puzzled by the job and gdp data

      Don’t forget the gdp and job is massively subsidised by huge amount of public debt and spending which in turn fuel inflation

      The all thing is so fragile any shock will collapse it

      Funny how the FED has no clue or confidence about the longer term inflation, they change their mind at each month data release which is mad from all good we won the inflation bro and will decrease rate to inflation is out of control and we might increase rate 😂😂😂 they are clowns and have no vision whatsoever, you cannot rely on them . They react to every data like retail investors 😂😂😂

    3. People can’t buy homes or build , it’s like a 10% homeownership now for homebuyers , so this green revolution is BS , 1000 companies will compete against each other for what ? A 10% homeowner ship . Who’s buying a $500k home ? Are apartments goi g green revolution 🤣

    4. I like when you go off script and start talking about things you've seen in the past like at the end of the video. Puts things into perspective.

    5. The erstwhile "Mag 7" couldn't support the markets before and the current "fantastic 4" won't be able to either. It's smoke and mirrors. Fundamentals like rising inflation, rising debt and poor GNI can't be swept under the carpet for long. A bull trap about to be sprung.

    6. Consumer Financial stress at the lowest point it's ever been in decades is the most inane and insane thing I've heard all day and it's real late.
      Maybe America is doing super awesome and everybody is seeing way higher than inflation raising but over here on 'Muricas hat this not the case.

    7. Tom – would you please give us your thoughts on First Republic's seizure and collapse which happened on Friday night EST.
      Is this first crack ? The market seems ripe….

    8. GDP is increasing from the AI “boom” right? How is this boom getting its capital? Government is subsidizing it…. So in essence our GDP numbers are the result of socialism…. Is a foozy it’s a fazy it’s fake…

    9. Tom you’re my hero. The world is leveraged net long. Bitcoin will be at a million one day. But, for now I want a pullback on it as well and I have a lot of skin in that world.

    10. Thanks for updating your videos frequently. I have a somewhat Tech heavy portfolio and I did take some off the table waiting for a crash in 2022 . before the recent correction I was only up 5% since 2021 pretty close to what the S&P 500 did and about the same return for money markets

    11. Interesting how copper is flying but miners in the UK market are rock bottom. ARCM is ready to go in partnership with larger firms for example and its price is near all time lows lol. They also just launched a share buy back with insider purchasing which is highly unusual for these companies.

    12. I think its the trick to be always be long (because the market is made to go up) but also to hedge it when it isn't going in your favor. patience is key.

    13. Tom, I had to rewind and play the comments about Japan to my wife. She just returned (Thursday) from 3 weeks in Japan. She was making the same comments about the exchange rate and the cost of food. Everything was cheap.

    14. how do you determin the price point of positive gamma or negative gamma. Is it the daily 20MA for possitive gamma and weekly 20MA for negative gamma?

    15. In terms of supercomputers and gpus/tpus, I guess the temptation is to use any excess compute to mine Bitcoin. Therefore Bitcoin creates a sort of risk-free-rate analogy in that world of how to deploy your compute.

    16. Great insights, thanks for all the content you publish! What tool or webpage do you use for the option gamma charts in minute 14:00 of the video? I would like to use it for other tickers I follow. THANKS!! 😊

    17. Enough rare earths metals is not the problem: there are plenty.
      The problem is REFINING:
      – US hasn't been approving refineries for decades & has driven the business overseas;
      – China has cornered the market quite deliberately & has a near-monopoly.

      If the US is truly concerned about this – and about lithium refining, also cornered by China – then it can solve the problem quickly, though not overnight.

      Approve refinery construction. Make it a priority! Push some of the IRA money into refining.
      Done by 2026.

      Or face a squeeze by China as it wields its monopoly. Because it will.

    18. Another great video, thanks! I think the market is over-heated. And I am concerned that people are focusing less on fundamentals and just chanting the mantra of dollar cost averaging and driving the market higher without considering fundamentals. It is a catch-22 for me. I mean I like stock prices going higher but I also hate buying over-priced stocks and ETFs. Personally, I have stopped buying growth ETFs- they are ridiculously over-valued. Dividend stocks and ETFs are a little better but they are still over-valued. There is some hope with small and mid caps. I am not sure they are undervalued but at least they are less over-valued..This pattern offers a valuable insight for strategic planning. Despite these trends, i have delve deeply into active trading and managed to grow a nest egg of around 100k to a decent 432k in the space of a few months… I'm especially grateful to Tobias Hawke, whose deep expertise and traditional trading acumen have been invaluable in this challenging, ever-evolving financial landscape.

    19. I'm mostly in cash and waiting for this market to re-level on the reality of our situation. Or are there any ways I can avoid a crunch and maximize my savings of $350k?

    20. Nvidia's Jenson on 60 minutes Sunday night. This 2 day rally is buying into that as well as good cap ex projections by MSFT & GOOG. Remember they will most probably announce a split when they report in a couple of weeks.

    21. As always, a great analysis. Newcomers often wonder if it's too late to navigate the financial market, but the market is always unpredictable. Trading has more advantages than simply holding, so it's important to learn before diving in. Active trades are necessary to ride the market's waves. Thanks to Flora Elkin’s insights, daily trade signals, and my dedication to learning, I've been increasing my daily earnings. Kudos to the journey ahead!

    22. My advice to new investors: Buy good companies stocks and hold them as long as they are good companies. Just do this and ignore the forecasts and market views which are at best entertaining but completely useless.

    23. I typically invest half my income in stocks monthly and hold for at least five years. However, my portfolio recently experienced a significant loss of around $150k. What should I do?

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