Cryptocurrency Explained: What Is the Difference Between Bitcoin and Ethereum?

    I’m just thinking like you got Bitcoin
    ethereum you mentioned are they like
    different currencies like we have in the
    traditional sense or are they platforms
    what are they okay so so you’ve got two
    different terms but the same words so
    you talk about Bitcoin and the Bitcoin
    blockchain so Bitcoin is the equivalent
    of money that is being moved around you
    talk about ethereum on the ethereum
    blockchain so there’s there are many
    different blockchains there are many
    different um tokens um in terms of are
    they currencies accountants don’t think
    they are you don’t treat them as
    currencies but some of them have the
    same properties as money and in some
    places they are treated as money so if
    you think about money it’s got to be a
    store of value which Bitcoin and larger
    cryptocurrencies are you’ve got to be
    able to pay for goods and services and
    settle debts with it so medium of
    exchange medium Exchange store of value
    ah can’t remember what the third one is
    but this this idea of you can pay for
    something the first time somebody paid
    for a thing with Bitcoin was reportedly
    two pizzas for 10,000 Bitcoin in 2010
    that would be worth quite a bit now but
    that was the idea you can actually pay
    for things in in parts of Switzerland
    you can pay your Municipal Taxes with
    cryptocurrency in um El Salvador you can
    pay for your vets bills and you can pay
    for all sorts of things within their
    Bitcoin ecosystem they actually have
    they actually use Bitcoin as one of
    their National currencies so yes it can
    be used different cryptocurrencies are
    used as if they were money honestly we
    don’t need that here in the UK and and
    in Europe because we have really good
    financial services but for people who
    don’t it’s actually really useful and
    that’s the bit that I think I struggle
    with because I think in my mind soon as
    someone says cryptocurrency I go oh that
    is money and it’s another form of money
    it’s a value it’s a representation of
    value that’s effec of the third thing
    it’s a unit of account so I I’ll ledger
    so you can use it as a unit of account
    like we do with cash so you’ve got a 20
    pound note and you can work out the
    accounting for that so yeah people talk
    about cryptocurrencies because they they
    behaved like money we now talk more
    about crypto assets because they behave
    in different ways so crypto currency is
    one part of that family tree so actually
    the new book that’s coming out is
    getting started with cryptocurrency
    because everyone recognizes what that
    means but it’s an introduction to
    digital assets and to blockchain so it’s
    very clear it’s it that it covers the
    whole family tree and it covers the
    technology as well with
    cryptocurrency I’m guessing the value
    changes over time how is that decided in
    that world it’s not decided by anybody
    it is it’s the similar question of why
    do tech stocks go up and down and there
    are macroeconomic factors there is
    confidence in the market actually an
    interesting comparison is that with any
    crypto asset that is issued there is
    always technology beneath it there is
    some kind of reason for issuing that so
    uh you look at what the thing actually
    is supposed to do as part of its
    software so comparing them to tech
    stocks is actually quite reasonable
    because it a lot of the value actually
    depends on how useful are they and we’re
    start there’s there are new blockchains
    being built that run incredibly fast so
    for example it takes an on average about
    10 minutes to generate a block on a on
    the Bitcoin blockchain it runs at about
    seven transactions per second on average
    we’ve got new blockchains coming out
    that are closing a block in less than a
    second and they are processing very high
    numbers of transactions so they’re
    they’re rivaling the Visa Network and so

    Discover the difference between Bitcoin and Ethereum, the leading cryptocurrencies. Learn how they function and the potential uses of blockchain technology. Gain insights into their value as a store of wealth and their ability to be used for transactions. Join us for an informative discussion on the world of cryptocurrencies. #CryptocurrencyExplained #BitcoinvsEthereum #BlockchainTechnology #StoreofWealth #DigitalTransactions #CryptoInsights #CryptocurrencyValue #BlockchainUses #CryptocurrencyDiscussion #BitcoinEthereumComparison

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