Central Bank Digital Currency CBDC is Coming

    hi Ed thank you very much for joining us
    today how are things in
    Hawaii uh you know they’re recovering
    from the fires unfortunately uh you know
    it’s business as usual um which is good
    the economy is slightly coming back here
    after the the the devastating fires but
    uh you know the one thing we’re
    concerned with is the federal government
    Aid isn’t all that great and people are
    struggling to rebuild and it’s a slow
    process so
    unfortunately uh you know disaster
    capitalism seems to be raring its ugly
    head meaning the typical developers are
    going to come in and try to scoop up
    land from people who need money and Ed
    how is the tourism business is it coming
    back uh it came back a couple months
    after after the fires but it’s starting
    to slow again I have friends that uh
    have small businesses and they’re
    indicating that things are not good
    now and I have to ask you Hawaii has
    many beautiful islands but what’s your
    favorite island the one I live on
    Maui it’s been a few years since I was
    in Hawaii but I remember Kawaii I spent
    a few days there and I was just blown
    away by the raw natural beauty of it
    yeah kaai is beautiful and uh it’s it
    it’s breathtaking but it’s um a lower
    populated island and personally I like
    living on Maui there’s more of a
    cultural center uh Kawai is beautiful
    but you know a little more isolated so I
    am based in Toronto and I always
    complain about the cost of living here
    what’s the cost of living like in Hawaii
    or now well the cost of living is is is
    always been high in Hawaii um what’s
    interesting is um I used to think gas on
    Hawaii was expensive it’s running around
    four well at Costco it’s at $4 at the
    other gas stations it’s at 480 and my
    friends in California in LA are paying
    up to six seven bucks a gallon so I I
    feel blessed in many ways well that’s
    incredible so let’s move on now I want
    to have a discussion with you on the
    economy and you and your team have
    written a lot about the money supply and
    I want to start right here why don’t you
    take us through your thesis of the money
    supply and what it means to the US
    economy yeah
    so uh in go back to
    2020 uh we were uh what people may or
    may not remember in 2019 uh the global
    economy was starting to slow and there
    was a lot of indications that uh there
    might have been there might be a credit
    event because the Federal Reserve
    overnight window was was going haywire
    in September um but then miraculously Co
    came along and provided um an excuse to
    print unpr did amounts of money so Co
    when you look at the spending on covid
    here’s a little statistic from 2009 the
    financial crisis to
    2019 we grew the federal deficit by 11
    trillion so about 1.2 trillion a year
    and then after uh covid hit in 2020
    we’ve spent eight plus trillion it’s and
    it’s growing maybe up to nine now I did
    this as of like you know towards the end
    of 23 so let’s call it 9 trillion that’s
    2.5 trillion a year added to the deficit
    um and so Co was a war but it’s warlike
    spending and uh Wars tend to be
    inflationary and re-inflate uh the you
    know the complex and you know one of the
    the bankers of the world have a have a
    have a saying inflate or die deflation
    obviously is very bad for Bankers so we
    had an inflationary event occur in 2020
    when the Federal Reserve printed 65%
    more money supply um uh than the
    previous year the highest increase in
    the money supply ever and money supply
    and policy moves like that don’t happen
    immediately in the economy uh they take
    some time to Ripple through H usually
    one to two years let’s call it 18 months
    and so 18 months later in 21 we started
    to see inflation and that’s when uh
    inflation took off
    um then the FED went on uh in uh in 2022
    they went on their unprecedented rate
    hike cycle and we got to remember we had
    zero interest rates for 14 years uh
    basically uh with an attempt at raising
    rates in
    2017 um and uh that increase in uh
    interest rates that fast caused the
    money supply you over year growth so
    money supplies took off after the covid
    and that that’s what the the
    year-over-year growth went like this and
    then it plummeted uh when they started
    tightening and it went a negative
    year-over-year growth for the first time
    since uh
    1930 and uh historically when you go
    back into the into the historical record
    that’s usually Then followed by economic
    contractions and bank failures what was
    interesting was when the money supply
    went negative in uh in in uh November of
    you know there’s like I said there’s a
    lag on money supply uh policy moves so
    really the the the the the Crux of the
    money supply contraction is going to
    start hitting the economy in full force
    probably this may and that’s the that’s
    18 months from November of 2022 what was
    interesting was we saw bank failures in
    March of last year if you remember uh
    they were quite scary Silicon Valley
    Bank went by by First Republic went
    bye-by there a couple one or two others
    and um what was what was alarming about
    that was the speed with which they just
    disappeared and they were the some of
    the biggest bank failures we’ve ever
    seen at the time I did some
    interviews and I said uh the the the
    Federal Reserve and the treasury are
    going to try to either slow they want to
    control the implosion so and they did a
    good job I I thought it could go two
    ways either they lose control or they
    control it and they did the bank term
    funding program kind of put a a a finger
    in the Dyke but that program ended uh
    March 11th of this year and uh we see
    New York New York uh Community Bank uh
    you know hitting new lows in the stock
    price they ran into trouble so I think
    there’s going to be Regional Bank
    consolidation and bank failures uh going
    um so that’s that’s going to be a
    problem because that’s less Credit in
    the economy money supply going negative
    is going to be less Credit in the
    economy and less credit means less e
    economic activity uh this should have
    caused uh the uh a decline in the
    financial markets but it didn’t and the
    reason is is that the uh government
    stepped in at the treasury and that
    we’re seeing unprecedented government
    spending that’s really kind of given
    these quote unquote good GDP numbers so
    if you if you break down what’s going on
    in GDP and in employment mostly
    government jobs mostly government jobs
    and uh what do we know about a
    government job it’s not pro there’s no
    productivity associated with it so this
    is in fact it might you could you could
    you could argue it’s negative
    productivity so in the short term it it
    it provides a stimulus in the long term
    it’s going to reverberate back into to a
    less productive economy so where we sit
    right now is we have money supply really
    going to start affecting the economy
    this may we think uh we think uh our our
    economic cycle indicators are still in
    recessionary levels that hasn’t occurred
    in the real in the numbers yet but
    what’s interesting is they they went
    down hit a low last year and they
    started to rise but they’ petered out
    and we’ve seen this before in our in our
    economic model there’s a kind of a
    deadcat bounce we think we’re there and
    uh the Federal Reserve is also it’s an
    election year and the Federal Reserve is
    doing a quiet stealth QT taper
    quantitative so they’re they’re tapering
    without really talking about it and then
    they’re talking about tapering later but
    they’re doing it right now actually it’s
    kind of they their their quantitative
    tightening is less and less every month
    if you look at the at the numbers so
    it’s an election year they’re spending
    like crazy
    they’re going to try to hold this thing
    November so let’s just summarize all of
    that so when you talk about the money
    supply the money and the components of
    the money supply that’s the fuel to
    drive the economy there’s a when there’s
    a lot of money in the system I’m jumping
    on a plane I’m flying to Las Vegas I’m
    going to see You2 and I’m spending $25
    for a drink and so I’m cir or I’m
    helping to stimulate the economy
    conversely when there’s a contraction
    within the money Supply there’s less
    money in the system and I’m not jumping
    on a plane and flying to Las Vegas or
    some other place yeah kind of has knock
    on it has knock on effects but it starts
    with the banking system so the banks
    make less uh loans loan standards are
    tightening uh and that just slowly
    reverberates throughout the economy and
    usually small businesses get hit first
    corporations don’t tend to have a
    problem because they can issue uh debt
    in the cap debt or equity in the capital
    markets but there’s a of zombie
    companies out there right now and right
    now credit spreads are tight we expect
    those to start uh widening sometime uh
    late summer early fall at which point we
    think that’s when the the the reality in
    the financial markets hooks up with the
    reality in the real economy so as crazy
    as this may sound the stock market is at
    all-time highs it’s probably going to
    have a little correction scare soon then
    it’ll rally to a new high in the summer
    you know when we look at it technically
    and then from there things get very
    interesting um the stock market uh went
    down a lot in
    22 uh then it it had a tremendous uh
    rally since October of 20 uh
    22 uh and it really took off at the end
    23 but the the makeup of that market is
    different than the rally into into the
    top in 22 the rally in 22 was most you
    know all stocks kind of participated
    you’ve heard of what everyone’s talking
    about the Magnificent 7 so this is a
    really bifurcated market and uh it’s
    being held up by these Mega cap stocks
    and that usually can’t sustain itself
    and uh it’s it’s risk reward here is
    very very bad and if you have a longer
    if you’re a Trader you know you know
    good luck to you but if you’re like a
    long-term investor and you have a 5 to
    10 year time frame uh risk here is quite
    and I want to ask you one more question
    about the money supply when you talk
    about the contraction in the money
    supply and the current situation we find
    ourselves in when was the last time or
    how does this time compareed to other
    Cycles well uh the the money supply went
    started coming down before uh it went
    year-over-year growth negative so it
    peaked it peaked earlier in uh
    20202 and then started coming way down
    when the raid hik started it went
    negative in November of 2022
    year-over-year growth and that’s the
    first time since
    1930 and we looked historically I have a
    friend Tim wood he’s a Cycles analysis
    he’s got his own work you can go look at
    Cycles man.com but he went back all the
    way to the 1800s and every time uh money
    supply went year-over-year growth
    negative uh there was a uh it was
    associated with a a banking crisis uh of
    some kind and remind me again what’s the
    leg effect associated with the money
    supply or
    contraction 18 months so there was an
    18mon leg on inflation from the
    2020 uh spending and then there was an
    there’ll be an 18mon we think around an
    18mon lag with the contraction which can
    it honestly it could hit any time
    between now and summer but we we suspect
    given what the Federal Reserve is doing
    and the treasur is doing with their
    iscal irresponsibility they’ll be able
    to kind of hold it up a little a little
    longer but not much longer so you made
    mention of how strong the economy is and
    it’s growing at 5% annualized give or
    take we’ve also had 25 consecutive
    quarters of unemployment below 4% the
    last time we saw that was in
    1969 you may mention of the fact that
    the stock market is trading at all-time
    highs and um numerous stocks of course I
    got to talk about Nvidia but I think
    it’s up 80% on the year Bitcoin is up
    50% on the year so it’s definitely risk
    on but if I was to take the other side
    of your argument it looks to me it looks
    like everything’s great what am I
    missing hi I hope you’re enjoying the
    interview one of the reasons we do these
    interviews is to help you understand
    what’s happening in the global economy
    and also how to prepare for it and
    during times of uncertainty and also
    never- ending inflation like we’re going
    through right now investing in physical
    gold is one way to protect your
    portfolio against inflation if you would
    like to learn more about gold and how it
    can benefit your portfolio visit hard
    assets alliance.com hard assets Alliance
    is a trusted platform that is used by
    over 100,000 institutional and Retail
    investors once again that’s hard assets
    alliance.com there’s a link below in the
    show notes now back to the
    interview well yeah everything’s great
    except the real economy uh you know the
    real economy isn’t doing well the
    unemployment numbers uh are we think at
    this point getting to the point of
    fraudulent if you look at what happened
    in 2023 every payroll number they
    reported they revised down so and to the
    tune of a million and a half jobs uh for
    the full year
    2023 and most of the jobs that are being
    reported uh are government jobs and are
    part-time jobs they call it the gig
    economy and uh what do we know about
    that uh we know that uh low-paying jobs
    and if you need three of them just to
    make basic needs that’s not a growth
    model now that’s a very good point I
    might have to be taking one of those gig
    jobs I
    agree so you also touched on the debt
    levels in the US and right now the
    federal debt is around $35 trillion and
    it’s actually growing by I believe it’s
    a trillion dollars every 100 days is
    that correct that’s correct like it’s
    it’s just mind-blowing what’s happening
    but so let’s talk a little bit about
    more about the debt and listen we’ve
    both heard about the debt levels for
    decades now and yet the economy
    continues to push ahead and it really
    has no long-term impact or so it seems
    but you think
    otherwise yeah so let’s look at the
    numbers so when the great financial
    crisis happen
    I think we’re at 60% debt to GDP
    ratio uh we’re we’re at 120% now
    addition in in addition at the in during
    the great financial crisis if you look
    at all public debt um state and local at
    the end of the financial crisis 2009 was
    30% and since then uh that ratio and the
    government was
    70% uh the federal government since then
    that ratio has gone to 90% Federal 10%
    state and
    local why did that occur well I don’t
    this is a little history lesson but
    there was a lot of concerns after the
    great financial crisis that states and
    municipalities and counties would go
    bankrupt well the feder the federal
    government has been subsidizing their
    budgets so uh if you look at uh the um
    the budgets most of the states get an
    injection from the feds that’s also
    caused kind of a centralization of power
    so the states
    Governors you know when they especially
    in Texas and Florida when they talk a
    big game they still are beholden to the
    feds for a lot of their budget so the
    fed the fed the federal balance sheet
    has been subsidizing state and local and
    now we’re at
    120% and at some point that becomes
    unsustainable and I would say that
    growing the deficit up trillion dollars
    every hundred days we’re getting close
    we’re getting close um so something’s
    got to give and uh it’s just a matter of
    time yeah it’s truly remarkable like if
    you and I are talking in a year from now
    where’s the debt level going to
    be well uh let’s see a year another
    three trillion so 37 38
    yeah what’s another trillion dollars so
    we let’s talk a little bit more about
    the regional banking system you touched
    on that and Silicon Valley Bank and and
    I would agree with you it’s amazing how
    fast the feds were able to contain that
    so it didn’t spread but now we have this
    issue with the New York Community Bank
    and I guess my question to you is do you
    think there’s more coming yeah there’s
    definitely more coming because there’s
    two things going on with the with the
    bank with those Banks we call them the
    regional Banks and uh they uh for 14
    years had zero were paying zero on the
    their deposits and and that’s their
    that’s the liability side of the balance
    sheet and their assets were loans and
    treasuries and you know corporate bonds
    if they bought them for their for their
    portfolio make the spread that banking
    is nothing more than uh lending short
    barring short lending long and you make
    an interest rate spread because most of
    the time the interest rate curve is
    positively sloped well when the FED went
    off on its unprecedented rate hiking
    cycle uh people started to notice well
    and so they had all these Bonds in their
    portfolio some of which were just simple
    safe treasuries and those went down 30%
    in price when you go from zero to you
    know treasury bonds safe safe bonds so
    they they went down in price so their
    Mark to Market was um now this is Mark
    to Market held to maturity so they
    weren’t bankrupt right away but but the
    on the on the liability side the deposit
    side they they couldn’t
    raise uh the deposit rate that they paid
    to their Savers fast enough because they
    didn’t have the so they would have
    started losing money had they matched
    the Federal Reserves new rate of
    eventually five and a half percent so
    what happened uh in in in March of uh
    2023 and it started happening prior to
    uh people were starting to figure out
    well I got
    $50,000 in in my savings account earning
    zero I can go buy a three-month T bill
    for 4% 5% so it’s called a
    disintermediation of the regional
    banking system so their deposits started
    to go so what what what what what the
    FED did when that became apparent was
    they they made loans to these Banks uh
    but the deposits are still continuing to
    flow out because the current interest
    rate on a money market fund or us bill
    is 5 and a half percent and they have
    not raised their they’re not competitive
    in the marketplace so that’s that’s
    number one they’re losing they’re losing
    their you know like I said they’re uh
    borrowing short lending long so they’re
    they’re losing their liability their
    their their deposits are flying now
    we’re coming
    into uh an economic contraction and
    credit will start to sour that’s already
    started in the commercial real estate
    market and a lot of these Regional banks
    have commercial real estate exposure so
    as time rolls they have two problems uh
    deposit flight and credit problems so
    that’s why I I expect to see more
    problems in the regional banking system
    and I suspect we’ll see some shotgun
    marriages between those Banks and the
    Big Money Center Banks over the course
    of the next two years and it depend it
    it may not happen for a couple more uh
    months this year we might not I mean New
    York Community Bank may get sold to
    somebody but you know I just know in the
    next two years we’re going to see we’re
    going to see some sort of a movement on
    that and you know quite honestly uh at
    the time Silicon Valley Bank and the
    other ones failed I said this is exact
    if you wanted to issue a central bank
    digital currency it’d be easier to do it
    with only six major banks in the US
    rather than the current number which is
    hundreds so it’s a lot easier to do a
    cbdc uh if you don’t have a bunch of
    Banks and I want to have a discussion
    with you on that but before we do that
    let’s just summarize a lot of the points
    that you’ve just made so first of all in
    spite of the fact that the economy is
    growing at 5% that the S&P and the
    NASDAQ are trading at or near all-time
    highs you think we’re in for some
    trouble and in both the economy and also
    the stock market so maybe you can just
    expand on that and what will be the
    Catalyst to take everything down well
    typically typically so we got an
    election in November um there’s going to
    be a lot of uncertainty Associated
    around that uh and markets top when
    there’s a lack of buyers so this we’re
    we’re in a kind of a bubble a bubble in
    in in seven stocks Nvidia is up 80% it’s
    got the its Market valuation is the same
    as all of the Chinese stock market so
    you know what do we know about bubbles
    when when they burst they burst fast and
    quick in I’ve been Nvidia is is being
    pumped up because of the excitement
    about Ai and what what what do I know
    about semiconductor companies they’re
    cyclical so at some point uh it’s going
    to be valued like a cyclical company and
    uh that that that again that’s why I
    think the stock market probably Peaks
    lat summer so uh you really don’t need a
    catalyst it’s just and again the money
    supply will be the money the contraction
    from the money supply will be hitting so
    liquidity will start drying up so really
    if you’re playing the the trading game
    here good I mean you know day trader you
    know you know what you’re doing but if
    you’re a long-term investor and you’re
    putting new money to work today uh I
    think you’re not going to be happy in
    two to three
    years and what sort of pullback are you
    looking at in both the economy and also
    in the S&P well it’s it’s it’s hard it’s
    hard it’s hard to gauge that because um
    one of the problems right now is that uh
    the stock market is actually one of the
    biggest assets to the fed and the US
    government and that it creates the only
    thing we have left right now we’re not
    really we have no manufacturing jobs we
    have government spending and we have the
    wealth effect on the stock market and so
    the stock market needs to be saved at
    all costs so it depends on what we see
    from the response from the Federal
    Reserve once the contraction happens so
    you know I’m thinking anywhere from a 30
    to 50% draw
    down and then they’ll try to save it if
    it goes if it goes below 50 that means
    they’ve lost control because
    traditionally they’ve been able to save
    it at at a 50% we had a 50% draw down in
    2000 50% draw down in
    09 anything more than that then we have
    we have what we call Great Depression
    type retra where you retrace 90% 80% of
    all the gains so I can’t tell you like
    until I see what the fed and uh the
    government does but they’ll do something
    and I think that’s when they introduced
    cbdc okay so let’s talk about that hi I
    hope you’re enjoying the interview one
    way I used to protect my portfolio
    against the constant erosion of
    inflation is with physical gold and if
    you would like to learn more about the
    benefits of owning gold and how to buy
    it and how how to store it visit her
    assets alliance.com her assets Alliance
    is a trusted platform with over $3
    billion in assets and it’s used by over
    100,000 institutional and Retail clients
    they offer American Eagles Canadian
    Maples South African kruegs and also
    gold bars once again that’s her assets
    alliance.com there’s a link below in the
    show notes now back to the
    interview yeah I mean look the
    cbdc is a for me personally I think it’s
    I’m against it because I know I know the
    the abuse of power that can be made with
    it basically you can link it to
    everything so you can start to impose uh
    social controls on people you can debank
    people turn off their uh bank account if
    you want to so it’s it’s it’s kind of a
    modern-day slavery system and if they
    wanted to you know if somebody got into
    the office and said and was a vegan and
    said I we’re going to impose meat
    quotas uh technologically they’d be able
    to prevent you from buying more meat at
    the grocery store meaning the clerk
    couldn’t even transact for you it’s that
    kind of control and that kind of control
    we always know will be abused so I’m a
    I’m I love cash I’ve been to to protest
    I I spend cash as much as I can in all
    restaurants and uh when I go out
    shopping I I’m I I I I pay in cash
    well we’ve actually had a situation here
    in Canada of all places if you can
    believe it but where the government
    actually did that very thing against the
    trucker Convoy I believe that was two
    years ago but I’m sure you read about
    that yeah no so that was that that was a
    test um and what they didn’t count on
    was the moment they did that the
    blowback was huge and there was an
    immediate um uh fear in the fincial
    markets were if you were uh outside of
    Canada and you had money in Canada you
    said I want my money back so there was
    actually uh a draw down uh in in in the
    B the banks figured that out pretty
    quick they started seeing fast movement
    and I think they went to the Trudeau
    folks and said you guys uh
    no yeah it’s hard to believe in all
    countries in the world I would never
    never did I ever think that would happen
    in Canada but they don’t they have
    Central Bank digital currencies in
    China uh you know I don’t know if they
    do yet I think they’re testing them um
    but they have other methods of control I
    mean they have social social credit
    scores so you know if you they have an
    AI system where if you go online and you
    say bad things about the government you
    can’t can’t get an airplane ticket you
    can’t so I think I don’t think it’s a
    cbdc more it’s more just a monitoring
    system that uh
    is pretty pretty pretty orwellian so to
    speak and the whole motive or objective
    behind implementing Central Bank digital
    currencies is just to control the
    population is that right well I think
    ultimately that’s that’s the people who
    the people who are pushing this that’s
    what they want I think there are a lot
    of players in it that don’t they think
    it’s great and convenient and I I think
    they’re just
    naive you know we we’ve seen um this a
    famous uh clip of a uh Bank of
    international settlements uh Banker uh
    speaking about how you can control many
    things with the cbdc and he basically
    revealed the
    plot and how he said we can we we can
    control how they how people spend their
    money I mean he said
    it and how do cryptocurrencies fit into
    this whole pieces well cryptocurreny I
    mean I I’m not a a Bitcoin or crypto
    expert because I kind of I’m I’m I’m 56
    I kind of miss that but I think they’re
    Alternatives um my only fear would be if
    if there was a solar flare like in the
    1800s the cartin effect and we lost all
    of our
    electricity what’s Bitcoin worth with no
    electricity so that that’s that’s a
    that’s like a a Black Swan event so you
    can’t worry about that but I do think
    cryptocurrencies are legitimate
    especially Bitcoin there’s a lot of
    speculation and fraud in the crypto
    World we’ve seen you know fraud in the
    crypto world so like any new market it’s
    the wild west but I think uh uh
    cryptocurrencies are around to stay
    because people view them as an
    alternative to runam Mo central banks
    and government
    spending Ed you have written in the past
    that a trump Biden rematch would be the
    worst possible outcome and it looks like
    we’re going to have that why did you say
    that well because uh it the the the
    choic is
    between so Trump will be a lame duck
    president so he’s already served one uh
    term so he’ll get in there and uh he’ll
    you know he’ll be a lame duck President
    right away Biden is you know corrupt and
    old and a puppet in my humble opinion
    and we’re going to see come this fall a
    strategy by the Democrats to remove
    remove Trump from the ballot and or put
    him in jail and that’s going to cause a
    lot of societal angst and anger and the
    two camps are completely living in
    realities and you know I’m not gonna I’m
    not gonna argue which ones more real has
    a better GP gra uh grip on reality but
    when you have that kind of polarization
    where people uh other you know look at
    the other people as the others uh it’s
    it’s it’s it’s a a toxic brew so I think
    we’re going to see things we’ve never
    seen come this fall um and I and I do
    think as we get closer to the election
    the capital markets will start to become
    very nervous
    because uh the rule of law will come in
    here uh there’ll be a lot of chaos a lot
    of protests a lot of um it it’s going to
    be bad it’s not
    good it’s going to be interesting times
    that is for sure and then when we look
    out into 20 in 25 especially when it
    comes to the economy and the financial
    markets what do you think happens well
    so like I said I think I think uh stock
    markets kind of peak out this summer um
    and then and and and and it again it can
    be a
    2201 kind of decline where it takes two
    years to go down 50% or it can be fast I
    I don’t know but what I do know is um if
    wins you know then they’re going to lay
    uh this recession at his feet uh if
    Biden wins they’ll try to hold it up but
    I don’t think they’ll be able to hold it
    up for very long so we’re looking at uh
    2 uh end of 24 beginning of 25 as as as
    a very turbulent time and again because
    of the because of the money supply going
    down in November of 22 and still still
    down there this could happen at any time
    so like I could be wrong
    you know we we we we could blow up now
    and there’s Black Swan events out there
    that could derail this like the bank of
    Japan is having problems there’s
    currency issues with the Yen right now
    um and the Yen carry trade has been a
    big fund of Global Financial assets for
    a long long time and the yen is flirting
    with a uh technical level that’s very
    scary to the the bank of Japan it’s it’s
    uh the US dollar uh Japan uh
    um trade is valued at 151 right now and
    if it breaks out much higher than this
    level uh that could cause some some T
    some turbulence so Japan is faced with a
    difficult choice they need to either uh
    keep rates low or raise rates to save
    off inflation and you know they have you
    know do they save the global economy or
    do they save their own
    economy that’s and and and and that’s
    something the Federal Reserve can’t
    control right now there’s been a lot of
    Central Bank coordination but at some
    point um This Global debt uh problem
    we’ve had gets the release valve always
    has been currencies so if we have a
    currency crisis in a major Western uh
    not Western but major economy like Japan
    it’ll have knock on effects throughout
    the global Financial
    system so that’s that that could occur
    at any
    moment and let me just expand on that a
    little bit okay so you’re saying the us
    or the carry trade that everybody was
    doing in Japan they were B basically
    borrowing money in Japan and then
    investing it elsewhere throughout the
    world yeah correct I mean Japan has been
    zero forever and the Yen uh has been
    pretty stable but uh the problem has
    been since um since covid Japan has
    printed way more
    money uh than anybody and they’re um I
    think the central their own Bank of
    Japan’s assets are at the same uh level
    as their GDP annual GDP growth every
    year so that’s a ra we’re the US is at
    25% so our our our federal reserves
    balance sheet is at 25% of our annual
    GDP Japan’s ratio is one to
    one so if they do start increasing
    interest rates so the the point the
    point is the Yen needs to devalue and
    they’re trying to prevent that but at
    some point the Market’s going to figure
    out the Yen needs to go a lot lower and
    devalue and and that and that’ll blow up
    the the the Yen carry trade and that
    that’ll be a giant Global Margin Call
    but again that I can’t predict when
    that’s going to
    fascinating anded as we wrap up you have
    painted a picture of very negative
    picture with the economy and the US
    markets and if there was one thing that
    might derail your whole thesis and where
    we see the market continue to go higher
    what would it
    um what would it be uh well if Biden
    decided to reverse all his economic
    policies if I mean if he uh unleashed
    the energy complex and drove the price
    of oil way down if he um started to do
    what Trump was trying to do bring
    manufacturing jobs back I mean if if
    there could
    be you know if if if he could reverse
    his policies that that would that and
    that could be something I don’t see but
    I don’t think he’s going to do that and
    then a trump
    Victory uh could give a lot of optimism
    but I do think that there’s so much pent
    up dislocations in the in the Global
    Financial system that I think it’s it’s
    not trp will have difficulty his first
    term first year of his first term second
    term I
    mean so they’d have to be any any kind
    of reversal policy would would would
    blow up my
    thesis and you know I want to say
    something about interest rate Cuts so
    the FED is on pause and you need people
    need to understand something about what
    happened in 2000 and
    20078 before the down the downturn of
    the financial markets the fedal res res
    erve have been in a policy of kiking
    interest rates to cool the economy they
    then paused then they started
    cutting cuts are generally viewed as
    bullish but not when uh you’re going
    into a recession they’re very bearish so
    the Federal Reserve I think is pausing
    because they’re seeing what’s going on
    in the credit uh complex but they’re not
    talking about it and if you see
    short-term interest rates start to
    really go down quickly that’s a sign
    bad things coming well that was a
    fascinating discussion and it sounds
    like the back half of 2024 is going to
    be an interesting one to say the least
    and I want to thank you for making time
    with us today and I look forward to our
    discussion thank you James good to be

    Hard Assets Alliance : http://hardassetsalliance.com/?aff=BSC

    Ed Dowd of Phinance Technologies and former BlackRock Portfolio Manager, provides his views on the U.S. economy, the Regional Banking Crisis, Central Bank Digital Currencies, and why the Trump-Biden Rematch is the worse possible scenario.


    00:00 Intro
    00:12 Hawaii
    01:09 Favorite Island
    02:17 US Economy
    04:12 Money Supply Goes Negative
    05:45 Bank Failures
    07:25 Government Spending
    08:40 The Fed
    09:05 Let’s Summarize
    09:50 Small Businesses Collapsing
    10:18 Stock Market Risk
    11:30 Impact of Money Supply
    13:06 What Am I Missing?
    15:20 Debt Levels
    18:01 Regional Banks Collapsing
    22:10 Catalyst Coming
    23:55 S&P Target
    25:10 CBDC Coming
    26:15 Controlling Bank Accounts
    26:58 Canada Freezes Bank Accounts
    28:33 Motive of CBDC
    29:20 Crypto Currencies
    30:18 Trump Biden Rematch Bad
    31:55 Trouble Coming 2025
    34:20 Japan Carry Trade
    35:50 Wrap Up
    37:59 Conclusion

    If you register for this webinar/interview you agree to the following: This webinar is provided for information purposes only. All opinions expressed by the individuals in this webinar/interview are solely the individuals’ opinions and neither reflect the opinions, nor are made on behalf of, Bloor Street Capital Inc. Presenters will not be providing legal or financial advice to any webinar participants or any person watching a recorded version of the webinar. The investing ideas and strategies discussed on this webinar/interview are not recommendations to buy or sell any security and are not intended to provide any investment advise of any kind, but are made available solely for educational and informational purposes. Investments or strategies mentioned in this webinar/interview may not be suitable for your particular investment objectives, financial situation, or needs. You should be aware of the real risk of loss in following any investment strategy discussed in this webinar/interview. All webinar participants or viewers of a recorded version of this webinar should obtain independent legal and financial advice. All webinar participants accept and grant permission to Bloor Street Capital Inc. and its representatives in connection with such recording. The information contained in this webinar/interview is current as of April, 2024, the date of this webinar/interview, unless otherwise indicated, and is provided for information purposes only. Bloor Street Capital was paid a fee for this Interview.


    1. Hello Jimmy great video. The thought of a CBDC is very concerning. I very new to investing. What do you think about Bitcoin? Is it worth buying some now?.

    2. Hallelujah!!!! The daily jesus devotional has been a huge part of my transformation, God is good 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻was owning a loan of $47,000 to the bank for my son's brain surgery (David), Now I'm no longer in debt after I invested $12,000 and got my payout of m $270,500 every months,God bless Chloe Linda Henderson🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸..

    3. We're not going on to a CBDC. Why? Because they've been trying all over the planet, and there isn't a single one that's worked yet. Why? Because government can't help itself. It has to flex the control it has, rather than just passively retaining it. The response from the public is, and always has been to reject the CBDC, and circulate something else as money instead…

    4. Ed – Its not the job of tax payers to bail out people who suffer a disaster. Yes many in Hawaii lost loved ones and everything they had, but that is a job for Insurance and charity. Many Americans through fires and other natural disasters lost property and love ones across the country during the same time period of the fires in Hawaii the government did not restore them to whole! Every day houses burn to the ground they should have insurance to cover their property. If you feel called you should give to charity to help people in need. Thinking the government is there to take care of you and taking money from others by force to do so is wrong…

    5. Unfortunately, the good native people of Maui can only prepare only so much. I mean how can anyone know that having a blue roof would have saved your home🏡. And that scumbag mayor you voted in doesn't sound like he has a Hawaiian last name 🤔 ???

    6. ST interest rate goes down means something bad about to happen, a very interesting point and has answer my question, which i have for long time. Thank you.

    7. The amount of control our government has been consolidating since 2001 makes independent assets like gold and bit coin irrelevant in the future. The government will take total control of how we spend. I've been doing a gig job for 30 years; one job is for me and one to pay government tax. I always thought Canada was a free country, not under that tyrant, Trudeau.

    8. So basically, the economy is gone. We aren't actually making anything of real value. Only the stock market casino is left, and it isn't real, and produces nothing of real value.

    9. CBDC is good it will let you get access to cash form your bank on the weekend to pay someone for a used car. Why do you have to go to a bank to get out cash? its a waste of time, why can't you buy a used car on Sunday? CBDC will solve all of these problems, giving you access to your cash when the bank is closed. The people who spread anti-CBDC ideas are the BANKS as they stand to lose transactions FEES that make them a TON of cash. CBDC will hit banks hard, cutting down transactions, fees and giving customers access to their cash 24/7 to buy stuff anytime they want without a credit card, they can even make CBDC not require a bank account meaning you don't even need a bank account to store cash and access it 24/7. This would be a bankers nightmare.

    10. PAY CASH FOLKS, DON'T LET THEM GET THIS KIND OF CONTROL OVER WHAT YOU CAN SPEND AND HOW MUCH YOU CAN SPEND. The fees for contracting will be a big wedge of your available money available to you. It is up to everyone not to let this happen.

    11. But there is ALWAYS money for Ukraine and Israel…and every American loses purchasing power each time these countries are gifted with more of our aid, as the Fed just pritn sit out of thin air not backed by production or goods and services..lets protect their borders, but not our own and allow hard core criminals and terrorist into our country and pay for their living costs. Doesnt sound like America wants Americans..

    12. Remember.. massive stock market crashes have happened in 3 recent election cycles: 2000, 2008 and 2020. A global coup in power "selects" we dont really elect.. its an illusion to keep the oppressed slaves thinking they are free and happy. They often crash markets in election year to change perceptions

    13. Dont underestimate the extent the Fed will just print (debase the USD) to throw it at stocks. It is already at the point of such bifurcation from the "real" economy that it makes zero sense to even work now.. the wages go up 1-2% at best a year while Fed is debasing currency 20% a year (the real inflation rate) The stock and real estate markets have just kept pace with the debasement.. you havent "made wealth or more purchasing power" from stocks or real estate- you may have bigger number sin portfolio, but it actually spends far less even as it goes higher. And jobs.. ugh- you literally get poorer each you work, losing about 18-20% purchasing power a year working. Those in stocks/real estate are just barely keeping pace with living costs. Use the college fund to invest- jobs are over. Its a financialized and sexualized culture as we enter the end of this evil empire.

    14. Cbdcs are not a good thing they are designed to enslave all of us. World economic forum 100% on board. We will be monitored and controlled absolutely in a cashless society. Boycott all crypto corporations and politicians involved in the world economic forum or you will be happy and you will owe nothing. Remember this.

    15. Bitcoin is on its way to breaking records, getting closer to hitting new high prices, showing that it's gaining more value and could go even higher than we've seen before. This could mean great things for people looking to invest, suggesting now might be a good time to get involved before it jumps even higher. It's an exciting moment that could change the game in general…managed to grow a nest egg of around 2.3B'tc to a decent 27B'tc….At the heart of this evolution is Kerrie Farrell, whose deep understanding of both cryptocurrency and traditional trading has been instrumental. Her holistic approach to investment and commitment to staying abreast of market trends make her an invaluable ally in navigating this new era in cryptocurrency investment….

    16. Nope, not good ng to happen, the government is not smart enough to create a CBDC, not without a lot of private industry assistance

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