Coindesk predicts Internet Computer ICP is the Future of Crypto Gaming

    coindesk is predicting that internet
    computer protocol is the future of
    crypto gaming with this exact article
    right here how fully onchain games at a
    future of web 3 gaming but what’s funny
    is tell me you’re talking about internet
    computer without saying internet
    computer because everything they’re
    mentioning here if you read the article
    and go through and look at it and I
    recommend read this and understand this
    because look at this fully on Chain
    versus partly so almost all the crypto
    games today are partly on chain and if
    you look at this article it says one
    obscure corner of gaming ecosystem is
    fully onchain
    games these games use the entire
    blockchain as an alternative to a
    centralized game server so all the
    almost all the crypto games I’m aware of
    today while they may have a
    coin that is for a game the game itself
    is offchain it’s on on centralized
    servers and compare this to when you
    have a game that is fully onchain
    including the game assets such as videos
    pictures nfts the logic or the code the
    state of the game and the storage so
    what this coindesk article says is when
    the game logic is on chain that is the
    set of rules and instructions that
    control how video game behaves and
    responds this opens up endless
    possibilities for permissionless
    interoperability and composability
    if you want that in plain English more
    ways to be creative and make money and
    if you’re a game developer I mean what
    are you looking for besides more ways to
    be creative in other words to make games
    that the community can participate in
    more and uh that then open up additional
    Revenue opportunities for you and what’s
    even bigger than this is that when these
    games are
    deployed these are Community owned
    existant autonomous of their original
    Creator and anyone can build on top of
    them and this is why they’re also called
    autonomous worlds so right now the only
    technology you can do that with is
    internet computer protocol why because
    if you research internet computer
    protocol for hundreds of hours like I
    have you’ll see that this is the only
    project where you can actually do
    serious amounts of computation on chain
    why because that’s hard
    and it has taken the best biggest team
    in crypto the definity foundation the
    largest research and development team in
    blockchain it has taken them years and
    years and years to build this and to
    launch it and to get something that’s
    fully functional where you can build
    your whole app your website if you go to
    Jerry my website is on
    interet computer protocol it is directly
    served by the blockchain so that’s
    important in gaming because the crypto
    games now we have are kind of with them
    being partly on chain the promises
    they’re making are difficult to make a
    reality like when they’re saying real
    ownership for players how’s it real
    ownership for players if I’m holding an
    nft for a game that’s on a centralized
    server and a picture of the nft that’s
    on a centralized server and a layer two
    that’s controlled by a centralized
    entity I’m not sure how that’s real
    ownership for players that’s more like a
    web 2 game that has a crypto coin with
    it so what’s big in the gaming
    possibility and as coind this says the
    how fully onchain games are the future
    of web 3 gaming with games being at
    censorship resistant this will allow
    people to make games that you would not
    be able to publish on all the mainstream
    places people publish games and by
    making the games trustless open source
    and composable the game date always
    stays immutable and transparent so what
    we’ve mostly seen in gaming so far is
    games just as I just said in the article
    repeats games taking their traditional
    video game infrastructure and then
    throwing a couple of web 3 features like
    a coin and some nfts that are not hosted
    on the Chain itself but what I’m really
    excited about CU I’m a gamer if you go
    to Jerry Banfield gaming I have a gaming
    YouTube channel this what I’m excited
    about is that with fully onchain games
    we can invent new game Loop and
    mechanics to come up with entirely new
    experiences now that’s what the internet
    did for me I was a gamer back in the 90s
    sticking the cartridges in the Nintendo
    the Super Nintendo the Game Boy Nintendo
    64 and when the internet came along and
    offered entirely new game experiences I
    remember the first time I played a
    massively multiplayer online game that
    actually stopped me from being valdi
    Victorian at my high school which I was
    on track to do until I started playing
    World War II online where hundreds of
    people from all over the world could
    jump into a game and spawn tanks
    airplanes soldiers on foot and all come
    battle in the same World War II City
    environment I was like oh my God this is
    like I’m not doing anything else with my
    free time this is so
    incredible that I the internet allowed
    to break into Frontiers that had never
    been experienced before and for me as a
    gamer that there goes 20 years of my
    life like this is so much fun I’ve I’ve
    got to play every variation of this and
    with fully onchain gaming this is going
    to allow us to make new kinds of games
    what I’m really excited about that could
    be done with fully onchain gaming is
    where right now as a gamer I have very
    little I can contribute to a game when I
    go play a game even a crypto game it’s
    all fixed the characters for example
    let’s use a customizable card game like
    Marvel snap which is that’s a game I’m
    playing a lot on my gaming channel right
    now and the playlist for all my videos
    is in the description so if you look at
    my gaming channel you’ll see I’ve been
    playing a lot of Marvel snap lately so
    when I play Marvel snap they choose the
    cards they choose the names of the cards
    the location I play at the pictures of
    the cards the powers and the abilities
    of cards and the rules for the game and
    that means as a player basically all I
    do is show up spend money and uh do my
    best to win the game well with fully
    onchain games you can invent new game
    Loops that you can’t invent other places
    because when the game is on a
    centralized server that means you can’t
    just let people in there without
    compromising the of the game but with it
    fully on chain you can do things like
    have the ability for players to come in
    and make their own versions of the game
    and then to make all those games
    interoperable for example Minecraft my
    kids are really into Minecraft right now
    and in order to make your own Minecraft
    world or skin there’s a centrally
    controlled store that only people who
    are allowed to post on that store and
    get their games through can put their
    own worlds in Minecraft and this is what
    the kids are into the kids are really
    into all these different Minecraft
    experiences that people have created
    well imagine on blockchain where you
    could take that to the next level where
    I could make a customizable card game
    and then you could just take my
    customizable card game change the
    pictures and change the name of the
    characters and play the exact same game
    but it’s got your pictures and your
    characters and imagine where you have a
    whole bunch of people that do that and
    you could play all different versions of
    the game customized with different rules
    that you could have one set of cards and
    that everybody could just jump in it’s
    kind of like what’s happening with AI
    music right now where if you there’s a
    website called Sumo where you can just
    go generate a song put the lyrics into
    it and it it makes pretty good songs
    better than I can sing with my songs
    actually and I somebody was reviewing
    the the AI music and they’re like yeah
    these are these songs are a lot better
    than what some musicians make I’m like
    tell me you’re talking about me without
    talking about me so that with AI music
    this gives us an era where we can have
    the same kind of sound we’re used to but
    we can have the lyrics that resonate
    with what we want to hear instead of
    being stuck with those and in gaming
    this is the same thing we can have the a
    structure of a game we’re used to with
    fully onchain gaming then this gives us
    the infrastructure we need
    technologically to then all participate
    and customize the gaming experience and
    that’s what’s so exciting it’s it’s not
    exciting to have a a crypto quote you
    know web 3 game just copy an existing
    web 2 game and provide you basically the
    same experience what’s exciting is that
    me as a gamer I could get in there and
    customizations I can come up with new
    mechanics I could take an existing game
    and make new rules and a developer of a
    could make a simple game and then sell
    the ability for other people to copy the
    game and that’s a whole new way to
    monetize so this coindesk article is
    really interesting though because it
    continues and it says the reality hover
    idea of putting an entire game on a
    blockchain is probably enough to trigger
    an aneurism for a traditional game
    developer and even with internet
    computer protocol there’s still a steep
    learning curve to put your game on there
    now you’ve got projects like boom da
    that are setting up an infrastructure to
    try and make it easier to use the
    internet computer and uh still if you
    want to build a game on internet
    computer it’s different from how you
    build at other places so there is a
    learning curve which means more time if
    you look at what coind Des says
    blockchains are notoriously bad at speed
    scale building and
    storage except if you watch the recent
    video coind Des doesn’t know about
    internet computer which this is part of
    my motivation to make this video so if
    you look at the
    coindesk cityscape video that he just
    made he made a video saying to coindesk
    IP doesn’t exist but it it does it does
    exist in a general idea they know what
    it should be but if you go in here and
    it says the blockchains are notoriously
    bad at speed scalability and storage
    except for internet computer protocol
    now yes internet computer protocol
    currently is not set up where you’re
    going to build a first-person shooter
    that it needs almost instant latency the
    latency right now one of the limitations
    intern a computer is that there’s a a
    couple of seconds or so of latency which
    you’re not going to be able to do first-
    person shooter but do we we don’t need
    more video games that are exactly like
    what we’ve already have there’s plenty
    of first-person shooters what’s exciting
    is to be able to make games that you
    haven’t been able to design a game like
    that before
    or things like turnbas games can work
    just fine with a two-c latency
    customizable card games can work just
    fine with a two-c latency there’s all
    kinds of games you can make that are
    popular that could easily work on the
    internet computer blockchain so the
    coindesk for some reason is not aware of
    Internet computer protocol being great
    at speed scalability and storage in the
    current form there are some fully on
    chain games that work like turn-based
    games and that are really simple games
    like Flappy Bird or pla man now while
    coindesk is not aware of ICP having a
    reverse gas V model on if you try and
    build an onchain game on something
    besides ICP the transaction cost will
    generally be extremely
    prohibitive e even if it’s just
    prohibitive to the point where people
    who don’t have crypto can’t play the
    game what’s incredible about internet
    computer protocols you can sign up for
    internet identity for free
    and then join open chat and then start
    posting and chatting in open chat
    without paying anything now if you want
    to chat in my open chat I’ve pated it to
    stop all the spammers and scammers it’s
    one ICP but you can still read
    everything in my channel you can talk in
    other channels you can message you can
    use most of open chat without paying
    anything at all and for fully onchain
    gaming you need a reverse gas fee model
    because you’re not going to get massive
    user adoption of a game where every
    single user even if it has small
    transaction fees like even if it’s only
    0.001 ICP most people don’t have any ICP
    so internet computer is set up the while
    coindesk in this article is not aware of
    ICP that the cost to play a fully on
    chain game Stacks up now yes the
    developers have to pay the cost on ICP
    to play the game but that is great for
    Mass adoption and while these other
    blockchains often will give you Dreadful
    user experience cuz they weren’t
    designed to do everything on chain and
    the onboarding process on some of these
    other ones can be very difficult on
    internet computer protocol you already
    have games you have little game arcades
    like discover as a game arcade simple
    games can be put fully on chain on
    internet computer protocol not requiring
    any sign up no sign up is required no
    gas is required you don’t even have to
    have a
    wallet so this is why so far everyone
    who doesn’t know about internet computer
    and crypto has been building only select
    parts of games on chain which generally
    is just exchanges and marketplaces but
    we have exchanges and marketplaces in
    games however in the future we’re going
    to see
    something much different built on
    internet computer and one of the big
    problems these other games have had
    because they are built partly on chain
    as we’ve seen in things like some of
    these other games like axi Infinity they
    got their Bridge got hacked for a huge
    amount of money and that’s because if
    you don’t have the whole game on chain
    then there’s going to be very lucrative
    security vulnerabilities that are
    hackers will make a top priority so this
    why this is why we need more games on
    internet computer protocol
    and to do that we need more awareness
    that you can build a fully onchain game
    on internet computer protocol and then
    you can do something really serious with
    play to earn where some of these play to
    earn games have been successful at least
    in the short term even on only having a
    tiny fraction of the total game and
    ecosystem on chain just wait until some
    of these playto earn games take off on
    internet computer protocol you’ve seen
    games like crypto kitties that were so
    popular they
    crashed the you know ethereum blockchain
    back when they came out and imagine some
    of these tools on internet computer
    protocol now coind death says the
    improvements and efficiency will come we
    should be confident of that you you
    really should be confident of that
    because if you go over to internet
    computer protocol and you’re aware that
    for $5 you can put a
    gigabyte of smart contract memory on
    chain then the improvements they’re
    suggesting that are
    coming are already not only here but
    they’ve been live for
    years and while their article says web 3
    games will be a mix of on andof chain
    elements yeah maybe if you have a
    first-person shooter you’re not going to
    build the whole thing on chain
    but when you can build everything on
    chain on internet computer protocol
    they’re not going to be a mix of onchain
    and offchain because the offchain
    elements are vulnerabilities the
    offchain elements are places that kind
    of bring the whole promise of the game
    down and limit the capability of what it
    can do so I look at what this article
    says rather than getting up hung up on
    blockchain’s failings we need to
    identify where it can score an
    A+ so I’m just saying I’ve identified
    where it can score an
    A+ an internet computer
    protocol I’m I’m just saying and this is
    they’re saying this is where the bulk of
    ideas and come from from our industry’s
    research and development sector and if
    you look the largest research and
    development team in
    blockchain is definity which is a major
    contributor to the internet computer
    blockchain so it’s it’s
    hilarious it’s hilarious how how this
    article is is so accurate but it doesn’t
    mention internet computer protocol
    specifically and it it ends with this
    funny line as Henry Ford famously put it
    ask a customer what they want and they
    would have said Faster Horses and this
    is what blockchain gaming is going to
    do it’s going to blow people’s minds the
    fully onchain games that she’ll be able
    to play in the future on internet
    computer protocol are are going to be as
    mindblowing as when you could first play
    games on the internet
    because when you see something you
    didn’t even know it was
    possible when you can really get
    involved in how the game works that’s
    the next level of gaming that’s where
    gaming has been stuck since Inception
    has been the players can’t really
    control anything about how the game
    works with fully onchain games the
    players going to be able to be fully
    involved at a level you’ve never
    imagined and that kind of creativity is
    one single angle of mass adoption that
    I’m really excited for with internet
    computer protocol so good job coindesk
    so accurately predicting how fully
    onchain games that a future of web 3
    gaming and I’m happy that I could plug
    in the missing piece that they didn’t
    have in this article for you which is
    that internet computer protocol you
    could say she’s got it all if you made
    it to the end of this you need some more
    Jerry Banfield in your life look in the
    description I’ve got nine YouTube
    playlists in there for you if you really
    want to get to know me check out my
    autobiography Channel my story of my
    life what I’m most excited about I’m
    creating right now outside my crypto
    videos is instrumental music this song I
    just made last night called I love these
    noises this if you like dead mouse like
    EDM techno house music this song slaps
    I’ve been listening to this all morning
    and you can watch me make it in real
    time in the video which is so cool so if
    you want all my crypto videos I’m
    putting one up on each of my channels my
    crypto and my crypto reviews make sure
    to sub to both of those and uh I’ve got
    if you’re into gaming sub to my Jerry
    Banfield gaming channel if you want to
    chat with me go into my open chat fully
    onchain on ICP come talk to me I give
    out ICP in here I’ve got like 80 I have
    a, $1,200 ICP that I’m just ready to
    give out to the community you give me
    video ideas like this this article you
    give me an idea like this article and I
    make a video out of it I’ll give you ICP
    it’s that simple so thanks for watching
    and I’ll hope to see you on another
    video soon

    Cryptocurrency friends you will love my video showing Coindesk predicts Internet Computer ICP is the Future of Crypto Gaming! Join our community at

    Coindesk article source

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    Jerry Banfield


      Too many coins being unlocked people staking for no reason tokenomics suck price keeps pumping to get dumped back because of tokens being released into ICP and also no max supply, tokens being created out of nowhere. ICP is a project for suckers who missed out on SOL at $9 thinking the same will happen with ICP.

      here is How I Realized ICP is a Crypto Scam (The TRUTH About Internet Computer Protocol)! 1. its a a dump-and-pump coin 2. No one speaks about it I mean top people in crypto eg coin Bureau, Kyle, altcoin, etc don't even speak a letter about ICP. 3. it's already down from 750 to almost zero and its dangling there at all-time low for months and weeks soon going to zero 4. It pumps a few cents or a dollar up and down 5. After though research there are better systems and much better tech out there than this ICP. 6. Soon there will be better systems available then this shitty ICP will be outdated 7. only spoken by Jerry and JERRY BABIES Others few who follow him soon you see the next video after this someone else says the same thing. 8. this is soon going to zero 9. Those who are speaking about it too much there is a saying too much of everything is harmful 10. those who speak about it too may have many icp bought at an all-time high and now when it crashed they propaganda so it goes up and you take the losses and they walk away with millions. 11. AVOID THIS ICP 12. ICP IS ANOTHER XRP AND TRON AND DOGE ETC ARE STATIC IN PRICE I CHALLENGE IT WON'T EVEN REACH 25 LEAVE ALONE 100 OR 1000 OR 11,000 🤣🤣🤣 SOON GOING TO 5$ N 2$ N INTO CENTS 13. THERE ARE BETTER TECH OUT THERE WHOSE PRICES ARE INCREASING STEADILY AND ARE BACKED BY BINANCE AND COINBASE ETC 14 BETTER COINS OUTTHRERE LIKE CHAIN LINK, avax, polygon, polkadot, FIL ETC WHOSE PRICES ARE INCREASING STEADILY NOT LIKE THIS ICP FEW CENTS OR DOLLER UP AND DOWN PAST WEEKS AND MONTHS 16. lost its position from number 16 to 18, waiting for it to drop further soon 🤣🤣 ICP IS going NOWHERE but to zero. 17. those who don't see facts ARE BLIND. 18. as these you tubers claim ICP is the best technology etc etc its all verbal diarrhea others who are into the blockchain are not blind or deaf or dumb they will come out with better tech ASAP icp prices are going nowhere not even to 25$ it reached 20$ few days back now back to same dangling 12/13usd 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. I think they are hoping for a competitor to ICP because the dfinity team doesn't play the money game, but i'm not sure it's even possible to compete against them at this point.

    3. Scooped up over 2500 ICP, swapped all my other crypto for it. Best tech out there, the only on-chain AI. They do everything on chain, that is huuuge. My conviction with ICP is super strong!

    4. Just reached out to itrust capital. Can you believe they don't offer ICP? They offer FLOW, SUSHI, BAT, COMP but no ICP. I told the rep (very helpful by the way) you have to offer ICP on your platform. It is the most versatile, decentralized blockchain in existence. Surprising how many are still sleeping on this!

    5. This seems like the worst period.

      Even the market are now very unpredictable. Started investing recently when the market prices were a bit high,today I am more than 60% down!


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