Wake Up! The Government is Going After Self Custody of Crypto

    people better wake up to what’s going on
    cuz this is huge and you have to
    understand all governments are
    tyrannical and as cryptocurrency
    Enthusiast we will always be in an
    adversarial position this is starting to
    get scary and most people have no idea
    what’s going on it started out of course
    with the SEC ruffling some feathers
    suing people like Ripple they’re not
    having great success but now we see the
    doj the FBI uh the SC C and the IRS all
    kind of attacking crypto under this idea
    that everything is either a mixing
    service or some sort of money
    transmitter uh the first article I will
    show you is in regards to Samurai wallet
    Founders and CEOs of crypto mixing
    service arrested and charged with money
    laundering and unlicensed money
    transmitting offenses now that’s what I
    want you to uh keep your eye on that
    term unlicensed money transmitting what
    does that mean well it could be a
    non-custodial wallet it could be a node
    or validator Runner it could be a lot of
    different things and this case against
    Samurai wallet was brought by the doj
    but as we will see this is going to be a
    continuing theme Here IRS right now they
    just released it’s an unfinished form
    it’s a 1099 da and uh the US tax agency
    has shared what the form might look like
    and it shows you where their thinking is
    one of the items on there
    is self- custody they want the IRS wants
    your self- custody wallet whether it’s
    treasure Ledger uh some wallet metamask
    whatever it is they want to claim that
    those you know devices or Services those
    are Brokers and they want those Brokers
    to 1099 the users what does this really
    mean at the heart of things well if
    they’re a broker they’re going to have
    to have control over that wallet aren’t
    they cuz what happens if you just put my
    name is Jeb MB and you put in a fake uh
    social security number like that’s not
    going to be effective they’re going to
    have to have controls over those
    Services uh in order to shut off your
    access and if the government can shut
    off your access for not complying with
    1099s well they can shut off your access
    for any reason they deem fit this is
    exactly where they’re trying to push
    this industry they want you investing
    through Black Rock they want you to use
    coinbase and Kraken and all the
    exchanges yeah you might be able to send
    a payment but it needs to go through
    those Services they like custodial
    wallets because they can seize your
    assets they can track everything you do
    uh to a finer degree and this is where
    they want to push the space wake up
    understand this when you look at the
    court case against ethereum and really
    consensus what are they focusing on
    metamask and that metamask is a broker
    that metamask needs to register as a
    broker they need to track they need to
    1099 and of course they would need to
    have controls over this service so they
    can censor transactions seize assets
    things of this nature people think this
    is only the United States I guarantee
    you much of Europe would follow suit if
    they are successful here and some people
    say I don’t care I just want to make
    money if you take away the self- custody
    as aspect of cryptocurrencies you ain’t
    going to make any money cuz they are
    worth worthless the same is the system
    we are trying to get out of this isn’t
    about evading tax look you have to pay
    your tax you got to book those
    transactions properly report your
    income understand that but at the same
    time it doesn’t mean you want to give
    tyrannical government’s control over
    your money it’s the whole point of what
    we are doing here to escape this and
    they are trying to encircle us and most
    people don’t even understand look what
    the FBI is saying they’re warning
    against crypto money transmitters now
    this appears to be aimed at mixers I’m
    telling you it’s not that is the term
    they will use to make you think oh
    everything’s okay they’re just after
    these criminal mixers oh no they are
    after money transmitters and they’re
    going to deem everybody a money
    transmitter whether you’re a node your
    self- custody everything is going to be
    a money transmitter uh and their
    tyrannical views and again you’re seeing
    the IRS the doj the SEC the FBI and I’m
    sure there’s other reptilian
    organizations out there that want to end
    self custody and it will not just be in
    the United States this is worldwide and
    crypto better wake up and understand
    what they’re doing here this is
    absolutely an assault on this crypto
    space uh wake up understand that and we
    have to fight back against this because
    this is bigger than just trying to claim
    that a coin uh when it’s sold on the
    secondary Market needs to be registered
    is a Securities offering this is
    stripping the users of their ability to
    hold their own value to send payments
    where they think they need to go and
    ultimately fight back against tyranical
    governments which is the whole point of
    this digital asset Revolution most
    people are blind they don’t see it
    happening and it is a big deal let me
    know what you think down below and as
    always please like Please Subscribe the
    revolution will be televised right here
    on Jungle link

    Every government regulator from the SEC to the IRS is making a move on self custody of crypto assets. They want you using BlackRock to invest and hosted wallets for transactions. This will effect every blockchain.

    ▶️ Follow me on X/Twitter: https://bit.ly/jungleX

    Dedicated cryptocurrency educational content creator since 2018, I have been providing in-depth coverage and analysis of the rapidly evolving digital asset landscape. My channel focuses on a wide range of topics, including Bitcoin & major altcoins such as Ethereum, XRP, Cardano, Polkadot, & other Layer 1 smart contract blockchains. I closely follow and discuss emerging regulatory issues surrounding cryptocurrency & blockchain companies, as these developments significantly impact the industry.

    Additionally, I explore various use cases for blockchain technology, including decentralized finance (DeFi), payments, gaming, and the tokenization of real-world assets. My content also delves into the importance of interoperability between different blockchain networks, the cyclical nature of cryptocurrency markets, & the rise of Web3 technologies. I provide insights on Layer 2 scaling solutions, which are crucial for the long-term sustainability and mass adoption of blockchain technology.

    Disclaimer: The content in this video is for informational and educational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. I am not a financial advisor, and the views expressed in this video are solely my own opinions based on available information. Cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile, and investing in Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies involves substantial risk. Always conduct your own research and consult with a qualified financial professional before making any investment decisions. Past performance does not guarantee future results, and you should never invest more than you can afford to lose.


    1. It can't be a money transmitter if they don't officially recognize it as money. And if it is money they can't tax it. 😂 In my state silver and gold are recognized as money and are not taxable. Same situation.

    2. No TRUST in Gov!! Vote them out!!! SEC needs to be shut down and reorganized! How much XRP does Gary Gensler own? How much has he bout over the last three years!!

    3. IRS is an illegal entity and should be pushed against! Over reach and always wanting more! Let’s all by silver now, maybe we’ll forget about crypto…….. leave us alone!! MetaMask is a broker??? WTF idiots….. moon is made of gas too…. Our law makers are idiots and they WILL NOT MAKE LAWS FOR ME!

    4. What is the difference between people withdrawing cash from their banks and withdrawing crypto from Exchanges?

      What about Exchanges like Mt Gox? What leave your money there so you can lost young entire investment?

      How is it okay to withdraw your money from a bank that is about to collapse?

      That is your property you earned. They didn’t say jack shit about it until now.

      What law says you can’t hold your own investments?

      This is total B.S. and every pone knows it.

    5. Our constitutional rights are privacy. Rights are being trampled on constitutional rights stay strong.! if a regulator is not upholding our constitutional rights they need to be removed by force if necessary and Elizabeth Warren is the first to go vote her out New Hampshire pull your head out of your ass!!

    6. We are letting a couple of state senators and a couple of government office administrators to set the rule of law and dictate to us what we are and aren’t enough is enough!!

    7. I am already getting 1099’s from the exchanges I use for fiat offramp/onramp. If we use crypto as value for exchange between individuals, wouldn’t that be exactly as if I sent you $100 for your birthday? Not a taxable event unless I exceed a certain amount. There is no escaping the worlds monetary system and regulation. They have the guns, the courts, and the prisons to get their way. This is one of the reasons I hold XRP. They have a grip on reality to make the economic system more efficient. BTC is declared money. That is because all the regulations possible are now welded to BTC.

    8. Today, El Salvidor is no tax under BTC. Puerto Rico is no tax for BTC w 6 months home ownership.
      🖕 the enemy within controlling us cloaked as protection.

    9. This is troubling. I’m not going to give them any information that would make me vulnerable. Will they find every source? That’s an AI issue.

      Until it’s directed, I don’t give them anything.

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