I see a lot of questions in there and
    we’ll go from
    there yellow yep candle says buy the
    fear yeah and that’s just it like you
    can do that but I mean we’ve been buying
    most of us have been buying throughout
    the whole Bare market and you know we
    talk about in this channel there’s a
    reason why I have these these
    rules right here
    right number one rule don’t invest M you
    can afford to lose because it’s all gone
    anyhow second one everything’s a scam
    and tell Pro otherwise that’ll save your
    butt a many times don’t leave on
    exchanges don’t use leverage to take
    profits along the way those are the
    rules that I have and that’s it for
    there so as far as that as far as keep
    buying you can do it but it’s at some
    point you’re going to have to take
    profits Tuka Carlson was great it was
    funny it’s a it’s a very interesting
    meme coin because mem coins don’t do
    anything at least this one has some
    entertainment value to it there’s also
    that and there’s also Netflix
    know but uh I don’t like to talk too
    much about the meme stuff here because
    this isn’t the channel for that you guys
    you guys know what you’re getting here
    when you come to this channel right the
    best data I can give you see where we’re
    actually at try to calm everybody’s
    nerves and the danden channel is like
    hey you want to go to a casino I know a
    bunch of them that’s pretty much it
    see we can we DMS with tuker
    great ah
    see yes seeing High says it’s not an
    average of 10 months all right well good
    news is because like I linked this in
    the description
    this uh the FED pivot
    slideshow and uh you know you can see
    here this from statista I mean you’ve
    got from February 2020 to April 2020 2
    months 80 to
    80 January 80 to July 80 six I mean you
    just take those numbers and average
    amount is 10 months
    so I don’t know maybe it’s 10.5 months I
    know close
    enough let’s see but take that up with
    statista I don’t
    know H let’s
    see hold on
    I’ll get the second one what’s a small
    investor here what’s better a thousand
    Doge or one salana you know what always
    first of all if it’s me I would just put
    in a one actually no I’d put it on the
    Bitcoin because if if
    it’s if I just want the more Assurance
    or bank for my buck I’ll probably go
    into the safest less risky
    asset in the most turbulent asset class
    that’s out there so that would be me and
    uh like these questions here like I
    never understood like as long as we all
    know that this is for entertainment
    value right
    um when I see like Jim Kramer on Mad
    Money like he can’t give Financial
    advice but yet here he is just talking
    about you should buy bye byy should do
    this and then people will call in hey
    what should I do here should do that you
    should buy that you should get that I’m
    like how the heck does that guy get away
    with that as long as I guess it’s just
    as long as we all know it’s
    entertainment right and I hate having to
    say that
    constantly and whatever so anyhow th000
    Doge or one salana I’d probably put in
    Bitcoin first actually I would probably
    split it up why don’t you diversify you
    got a th000 bucks why don’t you put uh
    roughly 800 into Bitcoin and maybe 150
    into salana and then 50 into Doge that
    might work
    out Jim
    crummer is it a good time to buy in
    cardano if take a look at the risk bands
    it’s really great time because it’s
    underperforming so if you’re looking at
    wristbands and you believe in the
    project probably be the time
    red man says sell sell sell red man
    could be correct because if we start and
    here’s another thing
    if if we have issues
    here oh there was one more
    thing there’s one more thing about that
    article I forgot to mention which is
    kind of important I should have said
    this this was
    here was that lessons can be drawn from
    the 70s remember that buker higher for
    longer so in that era there was a cycle
    of low growth and double- digit
    inflation and it only stopped after the
    FED raised rates Skyhigh vulker
    essentially avoided a depression by
    giving a very heavy-handed
    recession but it had to be done and
    that’s one of those things right now
    like if if we’re going to go higher for
    longer and we’re still seeing slight
    inflation what’s the FED supposed to do
    just sit back and like that’s cool it’ll
    be just fine no no no if they don’t
    raise rates it could get very ugly very
    fast so
    yeah how many tokens would you suggest
    for a portfolio under 2,000 I don’t
    know depends on what you want to do and
    it depends on where you’re at in your
    life right like Z you look like a young
    guy you don’t have any gray in your
    beard yet
    so I always feel like the younger you
    are the more risk you should probably
    think about taking like if I’m talking
    about 90% into the Bitcoin or 80% of
    Bitcoin and then 15% into the top 10 uh
    alts and then 5% into some risky stuff
    maybe you could scale that back to 70
    255 is yeah
    70255 or
    70210 yeah actually itd be pray B but
    again it’s uh I can’t really tell you
    because I don’t really know what what
    your goals are some people would just
    say well I just going to stack uh
    Bitcoin which is probably the best thing
    unless you’re active in the market
    here’s an
    example there was a project called Orion
    that I got into I first started this
    channel like way a long time ago and
    there was some red flags which was uh
    because I was kind of new that uh the
    people who had the project they weren’t
    docs they were hiding behind some
    Anonymous names red flag one but they
    launched did pretty good didn’t take any
    profits and then because I didn’t pay
    attention to it they’re like oh yeah you
    have to trade this protocol token for
    this new protocol token and if you don’t
    we’re just going to burn the old ones of
    course I didn’t pay attention and uh
    it’s all gone five grand on the tubes so
    rgo all honesty if you’re not sticking
    around just put in a Bitcoin
    and sticking in Cold Storage make sure
    you save your private keys and go from
    what town would you recommend to live in
    Rico do you like to engage with people
    do you like tourists do you like loud
    noises that would be down in San Juan or
    even Old San Juan would be a great place
    for you do you not like people and do
    you like quiet and serenity maybe you
    can go to ring con or gu Nao that’s that
    might be a better place for you or up
    into the mountains that just depends on
    what you want to
    do cardano is underperforming for a
    reason I’m sure that’s a great debate
    for a lot of people that I don’t want to
    into flight to safety Bitcoin yeah can s
    be the next salana sure why
    not those who say sell just want to buy
    the dip psychology probably so who knows
    you know for every everybody out there
    that says you know everything’s tanking
    there’s going to be someone that’s going
    to say you know this is just uh market
    makers and this is just uh whales
    manipulating the market and institutions
    so they can get all your Bitcoin and
    like I guess
    so they did a hellaciously good job in
    2022 so cats off to them
    touche red man says uh and R man’s right
    farming air drops is the best way to
    succeed for people who have small funds
    there is a u if you follow me on X we
    just talked about the Aether airdrop and
    I think that Aether is going to be great
    I mean the dpin narrative is huge and AI
    is huge and they’ve merged them together
    so check me out there’s a link in the
    description for for that but uh aether’s
    having their airdrop and that I think is
    going to be a very massive project and
    also follow U kryptoo follow Lady of
    crypto and also guy from coin Bureau
    just did a shout out to crypto cedo
    about airdrop so follow those guys
    because they’ll steer you in the right
    direction as opposed to all the
    different scam sites that are out there
    it’s not how much you make it’s how much
    you keep good luck try not to connect
    your try not to connect your hot wall to
    too many places scammers love to steal
    money the Shon says I’m just saying they
    might tax unrealized gains because they
    want to pay off the national debt they
    will print money true if they do this
    all assets go up and no one will have
    losses yeah but I mean if you’re just
    sitting on that’s just it if you’re just
    sitting on all these unrealized gains
    and you got to pay your taxes how do you
    do that the only one way to do it you
    got to sell it and you got to find
    buyers and just depends on how much
    they’re going to print to Infinity I
    mean are we going to turn to Zimbabwe
    who knows
    H scary
    times Salon is the next salon near
    protocol users going higher yeah I like
    near near is one of those projects that
    uh I was a not a believer in then what
    because I’m like ah just another altcoin
    but everything changed when I worked
    with sweatcoin which I thought was going
    to be massive and wasn’t it’s like
    pretty much a stable coin now
    eh anyhow and uh near protocol what they
    did was they allowed for the token
    generation event of the tge of sweatcoin
    to be placed in the blockchain you have
    to remember that sweatcoin was a global
    uh app and it was one of the top five or
    top six Global uh health and fitness
    apps every anywhere and it had over 200
    million downloads and uh users and they
    actually took 60 million of those who
    were active users and put them on the
    blockchain there was no slowdown there
    was no lag there was no oh we got to
    our validators it just worked and from
    then on I was a big believer and that’s
    why I’ve been accumulating near for
    quite some
    time anything new about Hong Kong uh
    apparently April 30th will be the
    listing of the Bitcoin ETF so we’ll see
    how that comes out but remember it’s not
    like an ETF in the states it’s not like
    they’re going to be putting hundreds of
    billions of dollars through it’s a much
    lower amount but we’ll see because we
    all know while we know that Hong Kong is
    essentially a Proving Ground for
    mainland China and if it works out over
    there maybe China could actually pick it
    up there’s actually Rumblings about
    China starting to accept Bitcoin we’ll
    see bricks and stuff like
    that what
    else I’ll buy you a beer we come to
    Tulsa Tulsa Oklahoma
    not a bad place to
    be Danny says guy only talked about
    Cosmos for air drops far too much
    advertisement in coin Bureau recently
    stop videos every five minutes I get it
    but I miss the old coin Bureau got to
    pay the
    sweatcoin should do a a more you run
    more they burn tokens that’s a great
    that’s a great idea I should uh let me
    talk to W about that pretty
    good Kaa says I am 53 and still buying
    crypto I want to go back and collecting
    more silver and gold instead of these
    days crypto seems to be slowed down true
    I nothing against precious metals I own
    gold and silver I don’t understand why
    they hate us so much I think we’re all
    in the same tent but whatever but uh
    yeah if you feel like this is the time
    go ahead I will tell you
    um if you’ve been accumulating in this
    bare market and now you’re like you know
    what this is I got enough maybe it is
    time just go someplace and get some
    other things and diversify that’s great
    like for us I mean our bigger
    diversification is it’s not stocks it’s
    not Bonds it’s real estate it’s land and
    real estate me and the wife love that
    aspect of it especially short-term and
    long-term rentals so if you think this
    is time for you it’s time for you
    another wrong with
    that oo I doubled my position when near
    protocol went down to 450 that’s pretty
    good I think it’s uh over seven now not
    bad you can avoid
    not n you can avoid scams by educating
    yourself you can but even even as much
    as we educate ourselves those scammers
    they have uh an innate ability to figure
    out ways around it and they’ll just they
    don’t have
    to have a 100% success rate they only
    need like a 1% so if they just even they
    attack the smartest people and the most
    educated they’re going to find somebody
    who maybe had a really crappy day and
    they’re just mentally not into it
    they’re like fine I’ll do this one thing
    and then they lose you know their hot
    wallet I I think the better thing to do
    is to set yourself up and uh you know
    get yourself a first of all never have
    the majority of your funds on a hot
    wallet can we all agree that’s not a
    great idea put the majority of your
    things in a cold storage wall wet back
    up your seed phrases stick that
    someplace else and if you’d like to get
    a cold storage wallet I don’t have a
    affiliate link for Ledger I’m not a big
    fan of them anyhow but uh I have one I
    just use tangum mostly for what it is
    right now and it’s inexpensive and works
    really well and it looks like this just
    a card look at that and uh since 2018
    zero hacks
    so that’ll tested
    Oklahoma about to get a prept friendly
    bill pass that’s pretty
    good Celsius SC even the smartest of
    people trust nobody exactly trust nobody
    not even me everything that comes out of
    my mouth you have to double
    check old guy Tech tangum that’s right
    or I don’t know what that
    is but like I said before I probably do
    great in a bull run because everything
    else does
    I never thought of it that way it’s
    pretty good imagine when gold was coming
    up as the world’s store of value and you
    had to convince people why it’s a better
    store your wealth than chocolate or salt
    or seashells or whatever else that’s
    what we’re going through right now yeah
    I think
    so yeah I was on this um this Twitter
    spaces and uh smart gu in there never
    got a chance to really you know talk but
    there was it was guys who they’ been in
    crypto for a bit I could tell but there
    was some things like like one of the
    things that that uh one of the gentlemen
    said was he goes yeah it’s incredible
    now he goes now that we have this this
    Bitcoin having behind us now the
    issuance rate of gold we are far less
    than what uh the issuance rate of gold
    being is right now of course that just
    happened with the Bitcoin having so now
    we’re starting to really catch up and
    understand understand this and I was
    like well that’s true but you know in
    the code and for what it’s always been
    put out it was always going to be that
    way you know in four years it’s going to
    be even less four years going to be less
    than that it’s like it’s like people
    know it but they don’t understand it
    until it actually happens to them I
    think that’s where we’re at right
    now somebody woke up and chose violence
    uh hope is not strategy for all cardano
    holders really putting salt in the
    wounds man okay
    Jung Chia been a long time buddy heard I
    igen laay which is uh reaking on on
    ethereum is the next hot air drop at the
    moment a16z put 100 million investment
    is no joke the fact people use pendel
    YouTube me mechanism to leverage 30X to
    get is insane to me
    look I know that people love this this
    thought of reaking and it’s going to be
    great but
    after all the things that we’ve been
    through and all the shenanigans with the
    types of platforms I’m staying well away
    from this one I don’t
    know I understand a little bit of how it
    works but if you’re able to take your
    ethereum stake it then take that liquid
    staking and then be able to
    collateralize that or use it wherever
    you want to and just keep leveling
    up I don’t I’m sure that’s there’s a
    better way to explain it it and I’m sure
    I’m not truly understanding it but I
    when I first saw it I’m like I’m never
    going to do
    that restake is on an a for the norm is
    not going to work I always take a look
    at this as fractional Reserve lending
    sure it’s nice to see Jay juncha that’s
    right there’s still a reward for The
    Wanted jar that’s right but JY when JY
    comes back definitely in the uh Bull Run
    if everybody doesn’t know JY he was a
    gentleman who would always come on and
    like give away
    memberships great
    person tuker Carlson tuker Carlson
    yeah salana has a h break first fix
    later mentality even after it comes out
    expect bugs I need to iron out for a
    year which makes me wonder about this
    fire dancer everybody talks about it in
    salana like this is the thing that’s
    going to propel it to the next level
    it’s going to be so fantastic I’m like
    well historically speaking salana seems
    to like to Break Stuff first
    so but of course that’s where the
    rewards are you got to come in early and
    you got to take that
    risk Tumo says is it smart to dollar
    cost average Bitcoin and E yes I think
    it’s smarter to dollar cost average
    Bitcoin e as opposed to saying you know
    what I’m going to take my life savings
    and put it all in right now you could do
    that but and this would probably be not
    the worst time but I still think we’re
    going to go lower but if you do it right
    now and you have a four-year time
    Horizon at minimum I still think you’re
    good ah my boy smart money crypto what’s
    up man getting younger by the week what
    you eating
    uh you know it just comes down to you
    know I had that problem with my back so
    getting over that was big and then like
    today it’s 1:5 I got to be to the beach
    over at uh the kandalo areas no no no
    that’s not it beachfront uh to go play
    volleyball that’s what it is I think is
    uh you know healing yourself up having
    very and if you guys have noticed I
    don’t really have too much stress what’s
    great about what uh being in this
    industry is just there’s a video I’d
    like you to watch of why I think I’m not
    so stressed
    out this half and half video where like
    whenever you get into a position I just
    wait for it to double and then sell sell
    half then wait for it double again then
    sell that half and double again sell at
    Half so anytime you’re doing this you’re
    playing with house money what I always
    hate is when like I’m investing and then
    like I let everything ride I’m like
    okay 10x right and a doesen 10x and
    you’re like where all my money go now if
    it’s if you if you do a couple of double
    X’s hey it’s all house
    money yeah you guys
    well this part is true but youve also
    got a nice little plan so you guys don’t
    know smart money
    crypto this guy who was he was on he was
    on the show and we talked about his
    strategy which is a good strategy what
    what we use is like Arkham and a couple
    different platforms to find these whale
    wallets which essentially could be the
    smart money I call it big money and he
    just follows them whatever they do he
    kind of takes a look at the project goes
    oh this might be a good time to buy and
    then when they sell he sells when they
    buy he buys and there’s more to it than
    that check out his channel smart money
    crypto because he just follows the smart
    money seems to work out pretty
    well Rob looks either 82 with no stress
    or 28 with a ton of stress take the
    82 I’m
    75 old guy Tech I took Rob’s advice and
    I DC it all to the bear now I’m playing
    with house money yeah this is the
    greatest this is the
    greatest thing that sucks is all the
    tourists that come in they’re like
    should I buy right now and you’re like
    well you give it a shot but of course
    you know what’s going to happen with
    guys you get Bitcoin the price you
    deserve you get crypto the price you
    deserve I mean we can tell them till it
    blew in the face hey you know you should
    really dollar acrost average and you
    shouldn’t really get in and the best
    time to buy really wasn’t the bare
    Market but I know you didn’t want to cuz
    you’re supposed to listen to me and you
    totally ignored me but that’s fine go
    right ahead and get into do it right now
    and see what happens and then when
    you’re going to tell them to sell
    they’ll be like yeah yeah sounds like a
    good plan and they’ll write it all the
    way up and all the way down because
    Geniuses this is why I’m stepping down
    from the
    yeah Brian says are we still on a bare
    Market depends on how you define it if
    you look at Investopedia their
    definition of
    of a a bare Market is 20% drops and then
    also the market sentiment is bearish and
    is a long-term bearish sentiment so
    right now if you take a look at fear and
    greed index I think we’re in the
    6870 somewhere around there and of
    course I don’t know if we’ve had a 20%
    drop in the total market cap I know we
    haven’t had a 20% drop in in
    Bitcoin no so we should somewhat in a
    bullish is Market but I think things
    will change I think uh we’re going to
    see a little bit more volatility come
    that’s what everybody says volatility I
    know ah thanks man some Alpha smart
    money stable coins at all time lows last
    time this happened was 21st sounds
    good zgo says what’s the main three
    narratives in your opinion I’ll give you
    four and uh it’s
    dpin decentralized physical
    infrastructure Network right it is web 3
    gaming I think it’s a no-brainer because
    even when we get into the bare Market
    people are still going to play games
    they still want to own their things web
    three people web two people will figure
    out at some
    point AI artificial intelligence and
    there’s one more I think not too many
    people talk about I think it it will be
    big and that is layer twos and side
    chains on bitcoin I think
    those those projects there’s over 12 now
    I think it’s over 15 now those will
    allow Bitcoin to be what it was supposed
    to be which if you take a look at the
    white paper it’s peer-to-peer
    transactions I know people say well
    that’s what lightning does well if
    lightning does that so great why isn’t
    everybody using it when’s the last time
    you use lightning I got to tell you I’ve
    been used lightning for six seven months
    or something like that just haven’t so
    with these Layer Two Solutions and smart
    contracts compatibility especially on
    the evm I think it could do very well
    and that’s why I’ve gone through a lot
    of different projects to invest in that
    if you want to find those projects
    there’s a secondary Channel called Dan
    djen again not that’s not a discussion
    for this
    ah brother we can’t we can’t be in a bar
    Mark when hitting alltime
    eyes how long ago is
    that how long ago was
    that I’m just saying I don’t think it’s
    bearish there’s there’s bearish
    sentiment but a total full-on bare
    market and everybody defines it a little
    bit differently right because I mean if
    you take a look at like 20% in trafi is
    like the worst day of all time 20% drop
    in uh in crypto is a Tuesday who
    cares I don’t roll out of bed for
    anything under under
    20% what about tuker kson have you
    talked about yeah Joey I talked about
    you just missed it we talked about
    tuker H where did I put
    him right here which was hilarious we
    talked about oh there’s one more thing
    I’d like to talk about before we we wrap
    up here is that when you’re looking at
    coin gecko to find all the information
    on these on these uh new projects you
    know that that coin gecko doesn’t go
    back to the initial tge or token
    generation event because look at this
    this is April 9th right
    but if you go to a place called Dex
    tools. this is tuker Carlson and it goes
    all the way back to 10th of March and
    you can see a 10th of March it’s very
    hard to I’m sorry it’s very hard to see
    but it’s
    0.001 and didn’t really take off
    until is this the 14th yeah four days
    later 14th of March and this is where
    where that half and half method comes
    from let’s say you put $1,000 into this
    project project imagine that $1,000 at
    .3 and then it goes up to
    002 you’re heavily in the money if you
    had have taken half the project profits
    right there and it’s all house money
    here and it drops you’re like who cares
    then it comes up here and it doubles 04
    well yes really double too much actually
    it would have doubled over here even
    so you would have sold again and then
    would it drops like I don’t care house
    money baby and then it comes to
    0.7 and comes up to this a penny and a
    half come on get out of here so like
    these are the things that I I look at
    I’m like this is a good one I mean this
    is a risky one at least it’s
    entertaining and if you want to know
    like when you go to Dex
    tools let me go
    back let’s put in tuer
    there’s a bunch of stuff here how do I
    know which one it is which one should it
    be here’s what I
    do go to coin gecko is it listed ah man
    what’ I
    do all right see this thing called
    contract copy
    that then go to Dex
    tools. instead of putting in the ticker
    just put in the contract and click on
    the first one and there you go
    but yeah tuker is hilarious some people
    might not like it but uh I thought it
    was funny I’m not too mature to not
    laugh at some goofy jokes and uh let’s
    see how it goes right now I think
    tuer on coin gecko went from a whopping
    to almost 10 in a very short amount of
    time and now it’s dropped down to four
    so something to look at something to
    at ah Brian’s got a good question would
    you sell ax um Singularity or hold until
    after the merger with uh fet and ocean
    which is fetch Ai and ocean into ASI
    what Brian’s talking about is there’s
    going to be a merger for three crypto
    companies which I think is exciting and
    you’re going to get a whole new token me
    personally I wouldn’t I wouldn’t sell
    anything uh until that merg but again it
    could be a buy the rumor sell the news
    type of thing it’s when it happens but I
    think it’s interesting that you got
    three crypto projects in AI that all do
    something a little bit different and
    they’re all going to combin
    forces it’s like the Avengers or
    something we’ll
    see it’s
    on all right
    uh Tony cook says instead of selling 80%
    crypto is it better only selling enough
    till the next bull run of four years
    after all aren’t you going to find
    yourself still buying more afterwards
    yes however think of it this
    way be difficult we just let’s just go
    so if you sold anywhere near the top
    53,000 54,000 let’s say 50,000 for
    Bitcoin let’s just that example right
    and you had two well now when you
    sell you’ve got
    $100,000 and do whatever you want with
    it and that’s the thing because some
    people will say well why would I sell it
    and again this is a personal opinion
    like why would I sell it because Fiat is
    trash and everybody’s tell me it’s
    bitcoin’s going to a million and Michael
    sailor and Michael strategy they can’t
    lose and they’ll never sell it El
    Salvador is just one of the nation
    states that are or countries that are
    going to uh that are going to use that
    continuously why would I sell it they’re
    going to turn the money printers on and
    it’s just going to go crazy and the
    price of Bitcoin go will go up that’s
    what the indicators are for so you can
    take a look at it like that and say I
    should never sell or you can take a look
    at it like how I look at it I’ve heard
    the same thing since 2017 I’ve heard
    Bitcoin is going to go to this I’ve
    heard that Fiat is trash I’ve heard that
    institutions are coming and they did
    come and the ETF was great and we had m
    massive volume but it seems like we’re
    still getting these on ramps on to
    really move forward to get us into the
    global acceptance of what it’s supposed
    to be so for me I still believe that’s
    going to be the fouryear Cycles Maybe
    I’m Wrong so when I start to sell if you
    would have sold 100,000 right Bitcoin
    went to what 157 at some point maybe
    20,000 if your goal is to have more
    Bitcoin now than what you had before
    then the whole thing would be sell a
    little bit when thing gets super over
    needed take some profits off have that
    cash on the sidelines maybe a business
    deal comes up maybe something happens
    because once everything starts to fall I
    mean Bitcoin fell from 67,000 on
    157 and it was it stayed around the 1520
    Mark for quite some time so for me if I
    have 100,000 and it goes to
    20,000 let me do some quick math here
    it’s like five Bitcoin instead of my two
    so I’m just saying if you can do it like
    that you’re not buying it at a high
    cost you’re just it’s a different way of
    taking a look at with fiat
    currency i’ sell everything and go into
    Plastics that’s
    ah and
    they Serge says all coins are mostly
    bleeders against Bitcoin or E you don’t
    want to keep them there that’s also true
    because I just I always go I default to
    bitcoin but yeah it’s a big thing like
    if you take a look at Bitcoin I mean 60%
    somewhere around there but I mean some
    alts are getting crushed 80 90 95% 90%
    and some don’t even exist anymore so
    again I
    have there’s no alts that I look at and
    go this will be around for 20 years I
    think most of them are trash and I’m
    just hearing to trade and uh if some
    some if some of them prove me wrong
    great that’s why I only sell 80% 20%
    will get me
    to I’m already set up so that’s it for
    that so look guys it’s been going on for
    almost an hour thanks so much for
    stopping by I appreciate like today’s
    video give a thumbs up consider
    subscribing every we talk about his time
    sensitive but that’s it for today thanks
    so much and I will see you guys on the
    next one get outside enjoy the day
    wherever you’re at bye

    Buying dips and accumulating can make our sell muscles atrophy so today I take a look at IF THIS IS THE RIGHT TIME TO SELL? Also, macro ecents, stagflation and Tooker Kurlson

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    DON’T MAKE THESE CRYPTO MISTAKES! – https://youtu.be/BEWQzySadsU

    DON’T FALL FOR THIS A.I. SCAM! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8m4M0lvP5-o


    ⏰ June 12th, 2022 (11am). Take ALL crypto OFF of Celsius ASAP! – https://youtu.be/4QzIzg1HtDU
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    1. Hey rob did you see Homer Simpson crypto currency is up over 3000 percentage on the 1 year charts on coin market cap watchlist sir it's almost a 4 million dollars market cap 😊.

    2. Hey Rob! Thanks for the video. In your last video, you said that you know it's the bull market because Amy is back. I've only been here since the bear market. I hope you or anyone else thinks I'm one of "those people". You can see because I started my membership about a year ago. Thanks again!

    3. Rob what’s up with all the bearish titles lately? Have some patience, my friend. The halving just happened. I know you have to make content.. but just HODL. Don’t overthink it


    5. I cant watch the usual suspects continuing to pump Bitcoin price predictions while the price action is as weak as a kitten. Thanks for being you Rob.

    6. Re. hot wallets. Got an email this morning, that tried to get me to connect to my 'coinbase' wallet: I DON'T HAVE ONE 🀨
      Always check the sender's address, before doing ANYTHING: except deleting.

      Rob, gold & silver πŸ‘. I also do not understand the hate; in both directions! James @ AI sticks it to metals, whenever he can. Just don't get it 🀨

    7. A few times you have acted like Sweatcoin is over. Do you realize they have opened up in a few new countries and more are to come? There are millions of users and more join everyday. Please do not keep inferring to people that it is not going anywhere.

    8. big players manipulating ..they will crash the markets to get your btc ..stop using leverage …liquidations is how they get it ..they infuse just enough downwards presure to trigger stop loses…they buy back cheaper while veryone is shting theior pants ..just turn of computer and come back in six months

    9. I DCA'd from almost the top all the way down to 15.5k and then had almost nothing to spend on 15.5k! LOL but oh well at least I got something. DCA'ing all the way down again and back up again definitely eased the pain of buying too much too near the top. Now if we hit the top I don't care, and if we hit the bottom, wherever those places are and nobody knows, I don't care either. I'll just keep buying. Feels much more relaxing than trying to time the market and/or cursing yourself or your fate for not having the bucks to go buck wild buying at or near a bottom. Like Simon Dixon, just have a little more bitcoin this month than you had last month.

    10. VOLKER DIDNT HAVE 35 TRILLION SOVEREIGN DEBT PROBLEM ….Powell can't do what Volker did or he forces a govt default and the destroys bond mkt….this is no where near the same as the 70s and nuance here matters!!!!!

    11. Rob complaining again about – and I quote -"the tourists not listening to me when to buy in the bear market". So Rob didn't actually listen to his own advice in the actual bear market of 2022, so i'd say he made a major Noob mistake by micro DCAing instead of loading up the truck, however here he is trying to say that the tourists wouldn't listen to him. Rob is only rich in crypto bcos of the amount of money he has thrown into it. For the average person if they followed what Rob was doing they would be completely rekt from the 6 figure losses he made with those dodgy services he lent his crypto to as well as including not buying up big in the bear market would put the average person way behind the profits that they could've had with bitcoin. If you have a high 6 figure stream of income coming in then you really cant stuff crypto up bcos if you miss better entry points you can just pile more money in, you can buy 80+ cryptos to try and increase your chances of getting that crypto lotto gambling result too, which most people in crypto wont get. The tourists generaly dont come back bcos they have lost all their money and are on average wages and can't really afford to keep risking even more of the limited money that they have. Rob hating on tourists is really telling on the type of person he is…out of touch.

    12. coinbase listing is a guarantee for Brett on eth,how could coinbase list an inside job.. They can't, Brett is the meme of the cycle bit it's on eth πŸ’― if you don't look to the future with clear vision you lose in this harsh game we love

    13. πŸ’°iTrust CRYPTO IRA channel sponsor

      πŸ’°πŸ’° $100 Sign-Up BONUS & NO MONTHLY FEES!


      πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ›‘ Why a CRYPTO IRA? VIDEO πŸ‘‰ https://bit.ly/danIRA

      πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’° *affiliate LINK – https://itrust.capital/dan

      πŸš€ Ben's INTO THE CRYPTOVERSE Site (On-Chain, Macro & Strategy)

      πŸš€ *affiliate LINK – https://intothecryptoverse.com/c/dan10

      πŸš€10% OFF 1st MONTH ANY PLAN (excluding LIFETIME) with CODE: DAN10

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