XRP: “THEN… THE GLORY CAME” -The Blockchain Backer

    hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo
    channel it’s another bloody day in
    crypto but if you want to feel good
    about xrp then you have definitely come
    to the right place because I have
    nothing but positive things to report as
    Bitcoin has been bleeding out throughout
    the day um xrp actually not so much xrp
    is actually up on the day and up
    substantially against Bitcoin over the
    last 24 hours I’m going to share with
    you perspective from several xrp chart
    analysts and I’ll be starting with a uh
    a post that I’m sure many of you have
    seen by now if you’re on social media
    platform X I’m going to highlight it for
    you first uh he shared a post about xrp
    talking about when the glory came for
    specifically from a historical
    perspective and xrp is at a moment in
    time that it has actually only been at
    by this particular by this particular
    metric one other time in
    history that’s where we’re at right now
    and we’re in a bull market despite the
    pullback pullbacks happen this is this
    is normal for bull markets this is my
    third bull market in crypto you get
    massive ones in fact these ones are
    rather shallow compared to what I’ve
    become accustomed to in previous bull
    cycles this is nothing these are like
    little baby little baby meltdowns
    basically what is this a pullback for
    ants but before going further I do want
    to be clear I do not have a financial
    backround of any kind I am not offering
    Financial advice and uh you definitely
    uh should not buy or sell anything
    because of anything I say or right I’m
    just uh an Enthusiast who enjoys making
    YouTube videos about crypto related
    topics but just as a hobby and just for
    fun at the time I’m recording this it is
    5:09 p.m. central Time
    Wednesday uh oh it’s May that’s right
    it’s may now May 1st man time’s flying
    May 1st
    2024 xrp is
    51.4 Bitcoin right at
    $58,000 market cap for the asset class
    down to$
    2.19 trillion that’s quite a die from uh
    compared to you know several weeks or so
    ago crypto in greed Index this is
    notable 54 out of
    100 uh this is the so we’re now in
    neutral we’re no longer in greed as
    which is good to like you want to see
    that you want to see the weak hands get
    shaken out and we’re at these levels and
    so many weak hands have already been
    shaken out and um I don’t know for sure
    if this is the bottom or not that’s not
    the point of me saying that but you do
    want to see that typically so the fact
    that we’re at 54 out of 100 which is the
    lowest I’ve seen and I don’t even know
    how long when was the last time we saw
    54 or lower on the crypto fear and greed
    index was it months ago I know that a
    month ago we got as low as 57 I was
    looking at that I didn’t go back all the
    way back but if you go back to like
    April 18th but that was still uh that
    was still technically
    so just we’ll see what happens here
    folks it is not the end though this is
    this is not what uh what it looks like
    when a bull market is coming to an end
    here’s a post from my fellow xrp
    YouTuber the blockchain backer and this
    is showing the total crypto market cap
    so every everything included in in the
    market cap including Bitcoin all the
    altcoins uh priced against xrp
    specifically that’s what’s on your
    screen right here and then he wrote The
    Following this morning want a little xrp
    hopium sentiment rough right well it
    makes sense the rest of the market has
    never been more overvalued versus the
    xrp price throughout all of history
    except once then dot dot dot the glory
    came and I love this post and it kind of
    sums up a lot of the stuff that we’ve
    been talking about as a community I’ve
    certainly been talking about on this
    channel because what has been happening
    it’s not that xrp has been performing
    poorly against the dollar if you just
    look at it in a vacuum xrp price has
    against the dollar has been increasing
    uh steadily for almost two years at this
    point the low was at 28 cents in June
    2022 it’s it’s almost two whole years at
    this point but then when you consider
    all of the other coins like obviously uh
    salana caught a lot of people by
    surprise uh people had written it off it
    was going to zero just like people have
    written off xrp now it’s going to zero
    which is a bunch of nonsense and then
    salana comes blazing From the Ashes
    rising up and then uh a bunch of other
    coins moving up in a greater velocity
    and as a result although xrp has
    improved against the dollar
    unquestionably it has by a fair bit in a
    vacuum anyway when you take into
    consideration the growth of everything
    else it it doesn’t look good for xrp
    which is why when you take the entire
    crypto market cap look at how it’s just
    been moving up for all of this time well
    here’s where we are on the right this is
    where we are um so in recent times you
    can look at call it to like what you
    know halfway to Midway or well say
    halfway to you know maybe three qus of
    the way through 2023 look at what
    happened for the entire crypto market
    and then priced against xrp that’s bad
    for xrp good for everything else that’s
    what that
    means now he highlighted this little
    yellow band and for you can see if
    you’re looking at the screen you know
    exactly what I’m talking about you
    probably know what I’m highlighting next
    which is this circle right here in the
    beginning part of
    2017 so you can see there was only one
    other moment where where the total
    market cap priced against xrp hit that
    yellow band and that was before the
    first rally of xrp in the beginning part
    2017 and so the most famous rally I I’d
    still argue is the one that occurred
    middle of December that went on for
    roughly two two and a half weeks
    whatever it was topping on January 4
    2018 that’s the most well-known one and
    for good reason I understand but in
    terms of percentage gains the first one
    was much more substantial going from
    about half a penny to what’ it get to 42
    cents in I think April of 2017 somewhere
    somewh there about massive it happened
    really fast by the way and so look at
    this if you look from 2015 all the way
    to the beginning of 2017 it looked like
    xrp was dead the crypto asset class
    priced against xrp looked great and
    that’s because xrp comparatively wasn’t
    doing as hot which is why it reached
    that exact level where I’m circling the
    mouse on the screen right now and then
    what happened and this is why I keep
    highlighting this like the idiots out
    there and you you see this a lot from
    the toxic Bitcoin maximalist and the uh
    the chart analyst that for irrational
    reasons despise
    xrp uh they will highlight this stuff as
    indicators that there’s something wrong
    with xrp but they won’t say that about
    other coins because you know you see
    stuff like this happen for other coins
    too when uh you know when when Market
    overheats but something isn’t moving
    well there’s a good chance that’s
    actually an indicator it’s about to go
    and certainly that’s historically true
    for xrp so that they’ll they’ll say that
    this is bad for xrp but they’ll they’ll
    lie to you they’ll lie to you and saying
    because they don’t actually believe that
    because they don’t say that about other
    coins they’re they’re not intellectually
    consistent they’re being intellectually
    dishonest but the sentiment Bears out
    what you’re seeing in this chart that’s
    what I wanted to highlight that’s
    exactly the case here but what
    happened it doesn’t mean that it
    happened like that day that you saw it
    peek into this yellow bar that that the
    blockchain backer shared it doesn’t mean
    it was that day that everything started
    uh getting better but it was roughly
    that moment in time that it did and as
    I’ve I’ve said many times recently
    eventually uh when it comes to if you
    look at like for instance xrp BTC which
    you got to see and I’m going to show you
    that next just hold up you’re going to
    love this uh this is this is a very good
    video uh positive reports for xrp but
    you know if you look at xrp BTC
    eventually there is a bottom and we
    don’t know when it’s going to be and
    sometimes we hope it’s the bottom and
    then it start starts moving up oh well
    went down and we got another yes that
    happened multiple times in previous
    Market Cycles but eventually there is an
    actual bottom and so even if we don’t
    know which move to the downside will be
    it one of them will be it the last one
    as I’ll show you in the second was uh
    April 13th and it’s been looking very
    good since then but yes when the
    blockchain backit then the glory came
    yes spoton absolutely and look what
    happened so this is the this is the
    first major move for
    xrp when it went from you know
    ultimately about half a penny to I think
    it was about 42 cents so then compared
    to the rest of the uh the AET class xrp
    looking pretty
    good yep it is it’s just data folks you
    you come to whatever conclusion makes
    sense to you but I’m just telling
    you there’s one other time in history
    that that we’ve been here there have
    been multiple instances if you look at
    xrp Price against Bitcoin which again
    highlight in just a second here but
    there’s only been one instance where
    it’s been to this degree X if you if you
    price rather the entire asset class
    against xrp one other instance so now we
    have that and now we have the xrp BTC
    chart which I want to highlight uh right
    now because if you look at the xrp BTC
    chart we we’ve already been for a while
    in that moment where it looks the same
    as the last three Market Cycles going
    back to 2014 we’ve already been there
    for xrp BTC but as far as what uh the
    blockchain backer reporting here for the
    entire crypto asset class price against
    xrp this is the first time in literally
    seven years the first
    time so here’s xrp BTC and this is all
    happening T think about think about the
    time so this is all happening right now
    xrp BTC all of crypto priced against xrp
    and we’re in a bull
    market look at this so here’s a post
    from chart analyst zg crypto xrp BTC
    official Bull Run announcement xrp BTC
    is key and xrp gaining traction it’s
    looking promising xrp is gaining
    traction and showing positive signs keep
    an eye on this pair and he shared this
    chart before and it’s worth repeating
    frequently because this is the moment
    that we’re in going back if you’re look
    at the screen you can see what I’m
    talking about going back to 2014 xrp
    priced against Bitcoin
    abysmal in 2014
    2017 you know 2020 coming into 2021
    abysmal and and each of those moments
    Rockets to the upside we’re in that
    moment now in the last for the those
    other instances 2014 2017 2021 there’s
    markets we’re in a bull market right now
    this pullback doesn’t mean anything it’s
    like so if you’ve been one of the sad
    pandas out there today like why like are
    you kidding like more on that in a
    second let me just stick on the topic
    here about xrp BTC here’s a post from
    dark Defender chart analyst Hall we
    expected xrp BTC to be broken in April
    we have tested it in the last two weeks
    and yes at last xrp is waking up and he
    posted that this afternoon 12:58 p.m.
    central Time here’s another analyst
    recognizing xrp BTC as well as uh xrp
    eth and he wrote early signed that xrp
    will be the big cap to lead the altcoin
    season and at the top you can see at the
    time he posted this this morning 11:28
    a.m he was just noting that xrp
    dominance up 4.75%
    and and mind you this is on a bloody day
    xrp is looking beautiful in fact even
    against the dollar at this point it’s
    it’s looking it’s I mean it’s up you
    know what’s more impressive is the xrp
    BTC percentage increase which I’ll show
    you in just a
    second um so you got that you got up 4%
    against eth xrp is up over 6% against
    Bitcoin at the time he took the snapshot
    right I checked right before recording
    this and it’s higher than that just one
    second here though uh xrp market cap up
    um .14 % on a bloody day like people
    panicking you know the sky is falling
    Chicken Little all that crap xrp is
    golden which if you’ve been hanging
    around for a minute you know uh usually
    not the case when there’s a really
    really bloody Day Out There usually xrp
    is going to go down with it that’s
    that’s the joke it’s like you know
    Bitcoin goes up oh it takes money from
    alt xrp goes down that’s the joke right
    because then also if Bitcoin goes down
    well it’s going to hit the alt so xrp
    goes down right it goes down no matter
    what that’s the joke well that’s not
    happening today and it does make me
    wonder if the bottom actually is in and
    I don’t pretend to know I’m just I’m
    saying exactly what I mean I’m wondering
    if that is an indicator that that is
    such so here’s the latest on xrp
    BTC um you can see currently up where
    I’m circling right here xrp is up
    7.64% it was actually up I shared a post
    right before recording this it was right
    at 8% up against Bitcoin
    just right before I recorded this video
    but look at this is like a vertical
    climb xrp price against Bitcoin you love
    to see it you’ll love to see it and here
    was the bottom for this Market cycle xrp
    pricing it’s Bitcoin it just happened
    weeks ago April 13th it looked bad and
    that’s when the Bitcoin Maxis were
    making see it’s the end of xrp this is
    it it has no place in your
    portfolio so far that’s not aged well
    and even if it does go back down and
    there’s another low and I don’t pretend
    to know eventually there is a bottom
    people were saying the same crap in
    previous Market Cycles see that’s it
    it’s the end look at it see it just
    keeps going down except for you look
    like an idiot by the time the market
    Cycle’s over because the asset class
    moves in tandem you dummy and so what
    has been happening since then trending
    upwards with the most explosive move
    today as the market is bloody the most
    explosive move in recent weeks was today
    for xrp against
    Bitcoin that is cool as hell
    here’s a post from Scott melker The Wolf
    of all streets he’s talking about
    Bitcoin here and I just wanted to
    highlight this in well in part because
    there was a price level for Bitcoin that
    a couple analysts were warning about
    including uh the Nan traic account on X
    which is run by two the glass node guys
    fantastic on fantastic on on chain
    analytics firm they were warning about
    potentially $52,000 getting hit I just
    thought I’d share with you a couple more
    analyst warning that or noting at least
    like this is an important level uh Pro
    like most analysts when they highlight
    this they do seem to think it’s going to
    hold at least it’s strong so wrote he
    wrote here Bitcoin daily broke and
    retested range lows as resistance
    nothing but error until around $52,000
    on the chart my biggest concern I have
    been discussing for months is that RSI
    never made the trip to oversold almost
    there now all lower time frames oversold
    this is still only a 23% correction very
    shallow for a bull market and consistent
    with other Corrections on this run we
    are yet to see a 30% to 40% pullback
    during this bull market like those of
    the past now that’s absolutely true uh
    that’s why when I was saying earlier in
    this video that this is like a little
    it’s it’s like a little pullback for
    ants yeah I’m not kidding folks it’s for
    ants man it’s for ants uh because the
    typical pullback has been around 20%
    there have been multiple of those this
    this cycle leading up to this coming out
    of the bottom of the bare Market there’s
    been multiples of those and in past
    Market Cycles yeah yeah 30% 40% hell
    what yes that’s exactly what I’d become
    accustomed to we haven’t seen it to this
    point so I don’t know if that means we
    have to see it or if you know as the
    market matures you see you know things
    start to Trend in a different direction
    because obviously uh or maybe it’s not
    obvious but it is true that as the esset
    class matures and more money flows in it
    actually does reduce volatility and
    there’s actual data behind that and it
    shouldn’t be surprising you know if
    there’s five people in a room and one
    sells that that would be like imagine
    there’s a market with five Market
    participants and one sell they all all
    have equal Holdings of an asset Bitcoin
    XP doesn’t matter imagine one sells
    completely what’s that do it’s one
    that’s oneth of the market selling crazy
    volatility right now I imagine that
    there’s a billion people holding
    whatever the asset is Bitcoin xrp pick
    your asset and imagine one person
    sells it’s a drop in an ocean right and
    that’s why so as more people jump into
    crypto volatility reduces you should
    expect that that’s not particularly
    surprising there’s also this post from
    uh chart analyst blockchain BB and um
    she just noted here the the key takeaway
    that I wanted to highlight here was that
    she’s saying uh $52,000 is relatively
    stronger and so like I said yesterday
    there’s all sorts of analysts noting
    that $52,000 for Bitcoin is a
    particularly notable
    level so we’ll see what happens I don’t
    know for sure if we’re going to go lower
    or if the worst of it was today either
    way I’m here for it it doesn’t matter
    and to be clear even if xrp does move to
    downside what I believe stands true even
    if this is just an exciting day which is
    possible maybe it’s just an exciting day
    for xrp and then xrp gets bloodied you
    know tomorrow or next week or in a month
    whatever uh and then we do hit a new low
    against Bitcoin even if that happens to
    to me it’s ultimately not going to
    matter by the end of this Market cycle I
    believe that I’ll be
    Vindicated I have a high level of
    conviction on this so I’m not going to
    predict if for sure I’m not going to
    predict like for sure that this is the
    the lowest that xrp was going to be
    against Bitcoin April 13th I’m not going
    to predict that with certainty but I am
    predicting U I don’t not predicting a
    price but I am predicting that
    eventually there will be a bottom for
    xrp before it reverses and then rallies
    to the upside tremendously and as long
    as we have an actual alt season there’s
    no Black Swan event yes xrp participates
    in that because it’s part of the asset
    class and this is the moment in time
    it’s never been so perfectly teed up as
    it is right now and on top of that
    regulatory Clarity cherry on top my
    friends it’s like w chef’s kiss what
    more you want it’s looking great
    so I’m hoping that you’re feeling happy
    and good as I am on this day this is a
    great day are you kidding me this is an
    exciting time to be in
    crypto I’m not a financial adviser you
    should not buy or sell anything because
    of anything I say or right that would be
    a very very very bad idea until next
    time to the Moon Lambo

    Follow me on Twitter: @moonlamboio

    DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser. None of what I have communicated verbally or in writing here should be considered financial advice; it is not. Do your own research before investing in any digital asset, and understand that investing in any cryptocurrency is inherently risky. If you do, you need to be prepared to lose your entire investment.


    1. Bro. I love the content. You don’t need the disclaimer. We know you’re not a financial advisor. I Still agree with everything your saying. Sorry i hate that part of the video. 😂

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