Act Now! This Could End Faster Than You Think..

    what’s up guys this morning I was
    watching the market I saw Bitcoin hit
    56k a lot of fear there were some old
    coins that were doing pretty well I saw
    art block is still and was holding like
    a beast I saw GFI had recovery I saw a
    lot of altcoins though that were flat
    Bitcoin dominance was around 52% the
    fear and green index is going more
    towards neutral and although Bitcoin
    right now just got to 57k to start this
    video there still is a lot of fear and
    by the way I’m not doing as many live
    streams as often I rather make videos
    like this where I can still give you
    guys some principles of the live stream
    you know go over to fear ingredient deck
    some picks uh just let me know if you
    guys want to see more videos like this
    just put in the comments down below but
    now let’s pull up uh coin market cap I
    have it here I want to go over a few
    things and talk about the mistakes that
    are being made right now and it’s
    usually retail um so if you see right
    here fear and greed is 52 this is
    considered neutral it’s right there on
    the cusp it doesn’t take much to knock
    this back down to here um if you go to
    the trending again you’re seeing weird
    coins like
    mecoin uh meme AI this is just weird I
    mean Bitcoin should be number one
    obviously if the Bitcoin Haven right
    here Hong Kong Bitcoin ether ETF trapped
    over 200 million um I believe the FED
    meeting is happening today if I’m not
    mistaken so we’re seeing a lot of uh
    price action nonetheless people are
    saying this is a sell off before the run
    some are saying this is the bare market
    so right now what I’m seeing in the
    market is a lot of people are swapping
    pick to pick right now which it’s
    whatever you do what you feel is best um
    if you’re selling at a loss I see a lot
    of people are selling aod drone people
    are selling caspo they’re selling
    everything even bitcoin’s being sold off
    I mean just check the price of Bitcoin
    now it’s pretty startling how people
    just one day week up they see a crypto
    down you know 5 10% or more and they
    just sell it like like it’s going out of
    style I mean seven days this is a big
    drop from Bitcoin 65k to 57k and then
    the past month um actually even longer
    than that around 90 days uh the chart
    which would be here it was 73k so this
    is down
    $166,000 from the alltime high for
    Bitcoin and uh some people are like oh
    the alltime high is already in this is
    the new bare Market that’s not true guys
    it’s not true whatsoever um right now
    we’re just seeing a Slowdown we’re
    seeing a it was a correction now you can
    call this probably a crash because
    Bitcoin dropping that much in a month is
    I would say 20% confirms the uh crash
    but it already hit 20% when it went down
    to 56% so we’re pretty much at a crash
    now which is great if you have some
    funds this is the time to invest if you
    are getting paid this is the time to
    look at the market um this is not the
    time to run away another mistake being
    made is people are just running away
    right now they’re saying oh you know
    it’s going to get worse they’re being
    greedy saying it’s going get worse or
    they’re saying or they actually have
    legitimate genuine concerns and this is
    more from a lack of experience and
    awareness of what’s going on um
    manipulation is not going anywhere
    there’s so much money at stake so much
    money for people to make and for you to
    lose you’re not going to see too many
    genuine people in the space you’re going
    to see people that try to steer you in
    one direction or the other that’s just
    the nature of crypto the whales the
    smart money the SEC even some of your
    peers they’re not going to care about
    your best interest everyone’s in a
    selfish mode right now they’re trying to
    buy dips and tell you to buy the tops
    that’s just how it goes a wealth
    transfer takes place by someone losing
    and someone winning it doesn’t mean it’s
    a shady Market that’s how stocks is too
    stocks the same way right they try to
    shake you out fudge you out hence why we
    even see a fear greed index and then
    right when you think the sky’s falling
    the market recovers so right now I’m
    seeing a lot of mistakes that people not
    buying the dip people saying that a
    bigger Black Swan event is going to come
    and so on and so forth these are
    literally the same mistakes I see people
    make over and over and over um I got a
    question other day hey John is it two
    way to buy Bitcoin bitcoin’s actually
    fine this price if you had the money and
    you want to be risk averse but I’m
    looking at coins like uh for examp
    example PNG this one’s at 33 cents an
    amazing amazing discount um art block is
    still holding like a beast like this one
    is is crazy it was at like
    $260 yesterday and yeah like you just
    said this guy ABT looks strong like this
    is ridiculous like uh bitcoin’s down
    what 177% in a month and ABT is up
    26% this is the power of low caps low
    caps that are not married to bitcoin
    they don’t have that liquidity yet of
    like one to three billion they can go on
    their own wavelength which is why you’re
    seeing cryptos like artlock um you know
    unmarried to bitcoin rise against it but
    then you have a crypto like Casper that
    is married to bitcoin because the market
    cap is around three billion and it’s
    down so and also they had this ties to
    the Israel which you know the war
    overseas doesn’t help but if you look at
    Casa it’s pretty much on par of Bitcoin
    being down because the market cap has
    mared coin this is why I’m going for low
    caps right now because you see how art
    block is Art block is going against it
    now it’s not every low cap like
    obviously PNG is down too you know
    that’s a low cap so it’s not everyone
    but that’s the the draw to some low caps
    some of them can break away and go
    against Bitcoin um lcx another good
    accumulation Zone 26 Cents this thing
    barely drops below 25 I don’t think it
    has in a bit um it’s been pretty damn
    stable and you know it’s down 26% you’re
    probably not going to see too much of a
    big discount for that I did see GFI
    recovering this is pretty damn bullish I
    saw another YouTuber made a video on
    this I mean we got in
    a1501 55 pretty much close to the bottom
    115 114 million Supply this is wrong 25%
    circulating it’s actually around 70% if
    you go on live coin track live coin
    watch rather um huge backers big big
    utility black rock is you know the
    former uh managing director of black
    rock is the lead advisor for Goldfinch
    so they got a lot of money behind this
    not to mention quein base and then you
    got cryptos like Aerodrome which is this
    one’s getting so much fun with the uh
    the high yield apy it went to
    $238 and people are like what the hell
    is going on it’s down 30% I mean to me
    anything below a dollar for Aerodrome is
    a freaking steal a huge steal and then
    even its brother or sister whatever you
    want to call it that I’m not invested
    into Bell Drome is at a pretty good
    price too I me it’s that oh no this is
    the wrong one sorry it’s
    uh Bel drum Finance I like wow Penny
    that’s a very big discount no it’s
    called Bell drum Finance um here we go
    yeah it’s right below 14
    cents and in case you guys have any
    questions on this the migrations so
    usually migrations are deal breakers to
    me aside from a few like there are some
    exceptions ethereum merge and proof of
    stake was fine render going from
    ethereum to salana was fine and then
    this one was fine too I looked into it
    they got hacked but it was a legit hack
    and they had to migrate so it wasn’t
    like a hack that you see with some of
    these new companies where the team just
    rugs and walks away it actually was a
    legit hack when I when I researched it
    and uh this is optimism’s main deck so
    it’s a very good undervalue play if you
    like more D5 plays I’m looking at this
    one today shap sh Fox is down by a lot
    this is a d that was ran by Eric orhe um
    the top 100 for shap sh Fox which I’ll
    cover in a video soon looks pretty damn
    good they liquidated the balance sheet
    which in a general sense for a company
    means a bankruptcy but they didn’t go
    bankrupt they did that to decentralize
    the entire organization because of the
    friction with regulation you see SEC
    going after Unis swap you got Korn and
    hot water so I think from what I
    researched with Eric verhees he
    purposefully did this to make this a
    self-governed non-custodial uh crypto
    exchange platform and he decentralized
    it by by you know getting rid of his
    large stake he only holds 5% and then
    laying off the employees so that’s why
    you’re seeing this huge selloff but if
    you check the oldtime low it was right
    below two cents this is not much up from
    the oldtime low which means what a huge
    buying opportunity and uh if you go down
    even your large caps like
    salana 125 it’s holding pretty strong
    but again it’s a 2X down from alltime
    high roughly 2x so you’re getting some
    good discounts here some very good
    discounts now the goal is not for you to
    buy everything the goal for you is to
    figure out which cryptos you’re holding
    obviously you can just check your list
    see which ones you want to get into and
    then go from there again the the whole
    point of buying in the red is exactly
    what it entails you buy in the you don’t
    always have to lump some you could DCA
    because if we see a further deeper
    bigger crash or more manipulation or
    what just say the FED meeting if it’s
    today gets some bad news we see an
    interest rate hike with a very
    surprising curveball you have some money
    on the Seline to dump in the market also
    if you’re not doing it already start a
    side hustle not every job allows
    overtime I totally get it but if you
    could start a side hustle and I know
    it’s a little demeaning to work like
    uber eeds Amazon or some job where you
    just you know don’t want to work it but
    if it means more money in your pocket to
    put into crypto and return more money
    like a 10x 5x 20x 30X or 100x on some
    money you’re making from a side job to
    me I think it’s worth it um this is
    where you got to put the ego to the side
    you got to ask yourself you know do you
    want to be financially free do you want
    to make a lot of money and if the goal
    and the answer is yes then this is where
    you got to figure out how to maximize
    that approach so for me what I did you
    know during times like this in
    2022 I was not going out I was not
    watching Netflix I was working double
    shifts I was really tired I mean trust
    me I was stressed out and everything I
    even gained some weight and everything
    so I don’t recommend the going full dgen
    to you know buying crypto but I
    sacrificed a lot for the for the bigger
    picture because right now I’m not
    freaking out about this crash and people
    tend to Mis you know construe that and
    say oh John’s just saying that because
    he’s already up seven figures well the
    reason why I’m up so much is because
    I’ve been buying so cheap for so long
    when the market was that red in 2022 I
    didn’t take it I didn’t like you know
    Miss a step and say I’ll come back in
    two months I was there and I was very
    proactive and I was living check the
    check to literally sacrifice and put
    into crypto again it’s not something I
    recommend I’m just telling you the
    sacrifices I made to be in a position
    where I am today where I can see this
    and not flinch but again if you’re
    someone that’s freaking out
    that’s you know hence the title mistakes
    made take advantage in DCA every time
    you bring your average down for whatever
    crypto it is and let’s just say average
    on in this case like someone in my
    Discord said he bought it at around the
    all-time high which is around
    $238 if you see a crypto like this at 97
    cents why would you not want to bring
    your average down which also brings your
    risk down see people this is this is the
    big mistake too I see in crypto they see
    a discount like this and they expect
    people to be bullish on that discount
    you know what actually happens when you
    see a discount like this you see more
    fud about that crypto something bad
    happening because if everybody had that
    same Viewpoint where they say I want to
    buy this crypto 50% off but it has to be
    in the same category as it now where
    it’s the best things since sliced bread
    if that was the case everybody would buy
    the dip you ever wonder why people don’t
    buy the dip it’s because when that
    specific crypto dips there’s some new
    fud coming out about it fear uncertainty
    and doubt or news or Catalyst and it
    keeps them away and then as soon as that
    you know news disappears or rumors
    disappears what does it do recovers and
    what do they do have regrets so
    literally like every crypto saana great
    example when it was $8 the best buying
    opportunity of a lifetime for salana
    they also had the most
    that everybody was going to sell it
    everybody on the team was going to sell
    it massive unlock and it was going to
    get ruined by FTX and guess who fell for
    that as well me guess who won’t be
    falling for this me again this is where
    experience comes into play so I’m not
    telling you guys you know I’m I’m not
    telling you guys biased opinions I’m
    really telling you what I’ve been seeing
    over the last three years like they’re
    going to see fud for any crypto you can
    even find fud on bitcoin if you go on
    Google and type in Bitcoin sucks or
    something I guarantee you’ll find at
    least five articles on page one that
    explains why Bitcoin sucks it could be
    the energy usage it could be a slow it
    could be a store value but has no
    backing behind it countries not using it
    I don’t know being banned in China
    whatever you can find right you can find
    a lot of cons for Bitcoin you can also
    find Pros for Bitcoin so it’s not about
    you trying to you know maximize what’s
    the most bullish what’s the most bearish
    it’s about you making the most of your
    situation right now which in this case
    is a crash and probably could be the
    best deal we see until next brand market
    so I think the more proactive you guys
    are the less mistakes you make by
    watching this go by swapping at huge
    losses chasing pick to pick to you know
    tax yourself I think the less mistakes
    you make and the more proactive
    decisions you make the better off you’re
    going to be to change your life in
    literally about a year if that so I
    think a lot of gains still have yet to
    be made I hope we see more of this the
    rest of this year I am totally fine
    being patient and waiting for the rips
    to take place and by the way if you want
    to reach out to me talk to me S crypto
    on buying selling trading next be a part
    of a private live stream I’m doing one
    today for Discord I’m also doing
    conference calls every single week where
    I do q&as and you can you know talk to
    me you can voice your concerns you can
    literally just be a part of a like mined
    support group of investors who you know
    which over 20 already have already made
    six to7 figures if you want to be part
    of that ideal environment I recommend
    joining patreon and Discord I’ll leave a
    link in the pink comments down below
    with that being said though I want to
    hear from you what are some decisions
    you’re making right now in the market
    and what is your goal for this cycle
    drop your comment down below and let me
    know if you enjoy this video please
    leave a like really helps so much that
    being said I hope you have a great day
    and I’ll see you in the next one

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    ❗️Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. This video is for entertainment purposes only.

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    1. Holding 5k ABT 5k Aero 2k gfi 13k lcx. No confirmation bias. Does that look good? First cycle where I’m sticking to it. No matter what lol. Coulda shoulda had 20 btc in 2012. Then 50 eth and I was paper hands lol. Not this time Satan. 😂

    2. I'm learning a lot… Seemslike such a huge mountain to climb to learn all this. So, Im just making pics/purchases based on your advice/content. Best way to get started/build a little capital that I can see for short term. I'm going with LOW cap -/more risky pics… because I want huge returns and I do not mind the risk involved. If it were a lot of money I would do more research… but till I make enough to worry about, I'm going for the long shots/risky LOW CAP pics. ANY ADVICE FOR ME THE NEWBY ?

    3. Big Jon I have no crypto. No job. God has humbled me tremendously 👍. I'm a hard headed Taurus 🐂. Turn 50 on may 16. We have been friends since 2021. Will always support you 👍. Because you are real. You told me a year ago to discover myself. Have come back to my roots. Jesus Christ died for our sins , repent and live holy. Luv ya man 🤟 with Christ Love ❤️

    4. Hey Jon, my biggest fear rn is that these discounts won’t last for long. Wish it was for the rest of the year. Didn’t have much on the sidelines since I’ve been dca’ing on every dip, but trying to put together what I can to get into some more plays. Really appreciate what you do! This is my first bull run so if it wasn’t for you, I would’ve probably been out a long time ago. Now I have fomo lol.

    5. I hope kaspa stays down for the next 4 weeks or so, trying to build uo thst bag to 50 k. This video format is better Jon, more of these with one or two livestreams a week would be ideal!

    6. Side hustle is so hard man. Not everyone can do ride share or food delivery. There's hardly anything there if you live outside the major cities in the US. Easier said than done buddy, also many jobs don't give overtime. I been doing 1001 different things just to have some extra money on the side. Easier said than done.

    7. Hey Jon, I like your videos. Hey you might want to warn your viewers about Aerodrome. The inflation of the token is very concerning. They are minting about 48 million tokens per month. I took a screen shot 35 minutes ago of the total supply it was 1,005,245,741. Now 35 minutes later it is 1,019,283,232. This is not good and people should be warned.

    8. I usually only have enough time for the videos vs live stream and these are right to the point. I even shared with my buddies to watch your videos and they like them too. Appreciate all you do.

    9. The other positive for AMS90H is it's the only coin in crypto with legal clarity. Can't be understated how important that is for institutional investments

    10. So i know alot of people say dont do it but i almost doubled my bags with a 10k loan…no origination fee and cost me 54 bucks a month in interest. Still going to continue to dca but felt this dip was too good to pass and the loan was well within my risk zone so I went full degen! Drive your own car people, these shorter videos give just enough for people to be aware but do their own research!

    11. In my opinion it is better to go with these videos then livestream. Not everyone has time to watch a whole livestream but I think most can do with a 15-20 min video. Also I would have loved to see you mentioning the "sell in May, walk away" scenario which was brought over from stocks but it's still relevant in the crypto market. We might see a slow downtrend until fall and the time capitulation scenario to shake out the weak hands and go parabolic after that. Cheers Jon.

    12. Not going to lie. But, I was scared too.
      But, I've been through a few bull markets so far. So, I kind of know what happens.
      Still. It's not easy to keep calm and hold.

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