Bitcoin Halves, The Market Cools, and Betting on Mining Stocks

    I oh
    ah welcome welcome you have just entered
    the trading pit your home for
    sophisticate takes on the crypto markets
    it’s April 23rd just a couple days since
    the Bitcoin having and here in the
    studio JJ bin ly of jlabs to discuss the
    aftermath I am your host Mar conon wi
    today we’re going to be unpacking the
    price action talking Bitcoin mining
    stock opportunities and unpacking the
    ongoing challenges with each staking
    yield but first my favorite section
    rapid fire where I look for simple
    answers to complex questions let’s turn
    down the music and let’s turn up the
    commentary oh yeah another what Boomer
    joke maybe okay whatever anyways Ben ly
    I’m gonna kick it off with you oh boy
    the Bitcoin protocol ruins launched on
    the having it’s a new way to trade
    fungible tokens on bitcoin is it a fad
    or the future oh it’s a progression so
    it’s a momentarily fad that becomes a
    glimpse into the future
    wow wow wow wow he he pulled out the
    Dork hat on that one okay all
    right kind of sideways as way okay all
    right we we’ll give that one to you
    we’re gonna see where that evolves JJ
    Bitcoin having is it priced in not
    priced in not priced in oh bull bull
    claim you’re going up against JP Morgan
    I love it when you do Ben Lily the New
    York Stock Exchange wants feedback on
    its plan to run 247 like
    cryptocurrencies is trafi prepared to go
    full Dean no HR will have a field day oh
    my gosh that is the most sane answer I
    think I’ve heard on this proposal
    imagine these guys sitting around with
    uh you know Red Bull being injected
    directly into their
    veins scary thought JJ taking profits
    means going to cash crypto or
    Metals cash so you can buy more crypto
    later oh that’s the answer I was looking
    for that is the one I wanted to hear
    makes my heart swell up with love
    Ben Lily bitmax launches 250X leverage
    Bitcoin should they go
    bigger yeah why not what’s what’s the
    max they need to go to 2000 yeah see
    X wow 202 you heard it here guys this is
    the next product coming out for bitmax
    2024 uh leverage product I’m not sure if
    that’s big enough while I’m here I want
    to say give a shout out to Ty J JV David
    251 Legacy Trail Paul J KS Adrien Flur
    welcome welcome love to have you guys
    here all right let’s let’s get into the
    Bitcoin having priced in JJ you just
    said it wasn’t priced in JP Morgan says
    it’s actually ready for a pullback 10x
    research agrees and said the having has
    never been a catalyst for Price
    meanwhile Anthony Pano went on CNBC last
    week argue that a supply shock is very
    much on the table it’s going to drrive
    price above 100,000k in the coming 12 to
    18 months so JJ the question is how do
    we know if it’s priced
    in I don’t think it’s priced in I think
    what happened is a lot of front running
    and obviously this kind of reminds me a
    lot of the discussions that we had
    before the ETF right people are saying
    the etf’s priced in it’s not priced in
    it was just a whole lot of back and
    forth But ultimately you don’t know the
    Dynamics of new Supply demand until you
    actually see it so it’s going to take
    months to play out I think there was a
    bit of front running the Market’s kind
    of cooled off over the past couple
    months but I think in the year to come
    we’ll see more expansive price movement
    because ultimately it’s impossible to
    price in like you have a 50% drop in the
    daily issuance and if as so long as
    Supply meets that it’s not priced in I
    think we’ve seen from Black Rock EFS and
    uh whatnot that that demand isn’t going
    away so you decrease the supply increase
    the demand and you could see how price
    is going to be moving quickly in the
    coming months so no I don’t think it’s
    priced in so JJ how much of this
    discussion really is too fixed on the on
    the you know what’s happening directly
    the days after the having versus looking
    at 12 to 18 months down the road because
    I I feel like that is a very substantial
    part of that discussion that needs to be
    very specific like when you say you
    don’t think it’s priced in is that
    because you’re saying in the next 12 to
    18 months we’ll see that Supply shock
    versus what we’re going to see in April
    and May yeah we’ve never seen it play
    out the day of like it’s never been an
    event to where all of a sudden you see
    Bitcoin run up 1,000x that’s just not
    the way it works is that you have miners
    effectively with less Supply so there’s
    less Bitcoin being sold per day and then
    if you add into that equation as we’ve
    seen so long as this cycle is like the
    other ones where we have increased
    demand increased media
    attention naturally that drifts to
    higher prices over time but it’s not
    something that you know people don’t buy
    billions of dollars in Bitcoin a day
    they’re slowly buying it right so you
    see that trickle effect and slowly price
    escalates upwards as there isn’t enough
    Supply to meet the demand so price has
    to move until it can find sellers at
    higher levels okay so I think it’s I
    think it’s a very simple
    elegant uh argument for why it’s not
    priced in it can’t be priced in
    especially at a time where we’re
    starting to see ETF flows uh start to
    settle down we’re seeing some
    interesting people buying into Bitcoin
    we’ll get to that in a moment uh as we
    start to do the market update but I
    think for all those out there who are
    asking the question you just had an
    answer from JJ if it’s priced in but Ben
    I want to spend a little bit of time
    talking about ethereum all are obviously
    on bitcoin as we just had the having but
    ethereum is having a really interesting
    time right now talking about rates which
    I know is your favorite topic we’ve
    talked on this show about the fact that
    eth researchers recently flowed the idea
    of turning the yield for staking
    negative once a certain amount of eth
    was staked to avoid too much being
    staked and of course we have a whole
    ecosystem that’s being built around the
    staking yield including the igen layer
    which is looking at taking the security
    from ethereum and expanding it out to
    new apps and products paying out some of
    that yield and then we saw an
    interesting quote coming from I think
    chudoff who wrote on X talking about
    that exact yield saying Igan layer is
    facing a major yield crisis and nobody’s
    talking about it goes on to say Igan ler
    has over 15 billion in tvl but avss
    which is part of the security
    infrastructure will actually need less
    than 10% of that for security which
    means yields may fall off a cliff so Ben
    I’m I’m curious I know you’ve talked
    about Pendle on the show uh We’ve we
    we’re talked a little bit about igen lay
    which is coming out there and adding the
    security and then again this ecosystem
    is building a round yield which of
    course all investors are looking for at
    some level where do you think the
    evolution is for staking yield is it is
    it is there too much dependence on the
    native yield of eth as people are trying
    to to reduce that from a security
    perspective yeah it’s a great question
    and when it comes to security and the
    economics behind it uh it’s a tough
    question to address cuz the last thing
    you want is for that question you you
    want to find out that threshold where
    you know what turns out we didn’t pay
    enough right you can’t really come back
    from that so you do have to overpay for
    security for a chain uh because the
    consequences of just not paying enough
    and falling
    victim to essentially a reorganization
    of the blockchain is you’re in trouble
    right you’re not going to come back from
    that most likely especially in the
    current environment where you have a lot
    of Alternatives uh so is it a problem
    that overpaying for security I don’t
    really think so I think you can kind of
    let the market decide that with all the
    yields that are available I know there’s
    a lot of attention at the moment with
    igen layer and and the
    various avss built on top of it uh
    providing all of these points is is
    driving a lot of the activity that we’re
    seeing right now the points are starting
    to come back down if you look at some of
    yields that exist on Pendle that can
    kind of give you ah it’s too bad I do
    have a chart actually that would
    showcase the yields of fixed and while I
    talk I’ll try to bring it up but you’re
    starting to see those rates come on down
    that’s because the points are starting
    to come come down and be less attractive
    and so a lot of these this attention
    that we’ve seen over the last three four
    months is dying down so I think at least
    terms of the fomo and really a lot of
    the concerns that this might get
    heightened you know we can kind of call
    Cal that down a little bit but I
    wouldn’t I wouldn’t try to really alter
    the current trajectory at the moment
    because if you go back to the merge for
    ethereum way back in the day like there
    was a conscious effort to go ahead and
    and move ethereum to a data availability
    layer in the settlement layer and allow
    l2s to really take the brunt of all this
    transaction activity and in order to do
    that you’re essentially needing to have
    this solution like igen layer that
    provides uh the ability to go ahead and
    rent the security for an L2 so they
    don’t have to go ahead and what we’re
    talking about here overpay for security
    early on for a chain um and so if this
    solution allows these l2s to come on
    board they start paying for that
    security through essentially a token or
    some compensate in terms of yield and I
    think you can let the market go ahead
    and decide what the worth is there what
    the value is there allow l2s to spring
    up and I I made a comment on a thread
    and on the I believe the thread you were
    talking about where they were oh I guess
    qu coming into question the cost for
    being paid for this
    security which is how are you going to
    solve this issue and and I think a lot
    of people understand like there’s going
    to be a ton of l2s that get deployed a
    lot of VC capital is going to go into
    that and it’s going to be ghost chains
    for the most part but are we all going
    to pretend like hey these are the next
    greatest and biggest thing because gu
    guess what this is going to pay me
    tokens it’s going to pay me yield to a
    degree yes like that is going to happen
    and what I would caution is you don’t
    want to be holding that back right and
    that’s my comment on the thread was
    really targeting that which was I’m
    going to take the fixed side of that
    sort of development and all those l2s
    being deployed and I want to make sure
    that I sit in eath I don’t want to sit
    in some some token that’s going to have
    minimal value and get driven down over
    and that ghost chain kind of gets
    exposed so I know that’s a long-winded
    way to address this security concern I
    think it’s valid but I think the
    downside for not overpaying for security
    on such a important chain as ethereum
    like it’s not worth it so so the
    argument here is listen we we want to
    overpay it makes sense to overpay and I
    I think there’s a lot of researchers
    that are talking about this optimization
    maybe it’s just easier to argue let’s
    let’s overpay uh which which then would
    ow you to have more more money going
    into perhaps Solutions like igen layer
    that are overpaying for security and
    then I I I guess going back to the more
    of the investor mindset I think what I’m
    hearing from you is you can still be
    playing the the rates the the Stak rates
    coming off of eth but looking at
    solutions that remain um that keep your
    your collateral in
    ethereum uh rather than trying to go put
    that into other tokens is that I think
    the conversation is addressing like 3
    and a half% yield right now on eth and
    that’s going to get compressed as igen
    layer just continues to earn greater
    mind share so we get down to 3% 2 and a
    half% as Trad starts to come in they
    want to stake tokens you’re going to
    have even more staked eth which is going
    to compress yields further and what I’m
    kind of saying is like we need to expand
    a little bit like your ecosystem isn’t
    and the yield associated with it isn’t
    just on eth in ethereum right it’s now
    supporting the L2 environment and so you
    have to think of yield outside of that
    and I don’t think a lot of the
    researchers that are making these
    comments are really taking that into
    consideration like I I see lending
    protocols for example like to me this is
    kind of how young this conversation is
    um I think I forgot his name like maiden
    defi or he’s on on Twitter I forget his
    his um handle but point is he made a
    great um mention that look I’m I’m
    borrowing this ether eth like who’s
    getting the points here on this when I’m
    borrowing this capital from this lending
    protocol I think the lending protocol
    was um something with a V but the point
    being that was almost like a pseudo you
    know hat tip to what Pendle has set up
    like if if you’re going to start to
    structure these these rates on these
    lending protocols around points and
    potentially like where that eth is is
    going to secure an L2 and and that L2 is
    providing points or tokens like how are
    you going to structure that rate because
    now you’re getting close to like
    creating this instrument that’s
    comparable to what pendle’s doing and
    that’s going to likely happen you’ll
    probably see a and compound and others
    kind of switch their mindset a little
    bit to that and once we see that this is
    only going to continue to escalate
    further yeah a lot to unpack here I
    think for kind of to summarize from an
    investor standpoint uh we’re still early
    there’s still opportunities here likely
    the yield is going to continue to stay
    there for a while but definitely keep in
    mind that you want to be closer to your
    collateral in the eth I know we had a
    question here about from Toby please
    discuss potential e price targets I
    think the I’m want to cut that off
    rather than giving specific targets and
    just say I think the the consensus here
    is that we expect eth to be much higher
    uh in 12 to 18 months uh rather than a
    specific number all right I want to
    break in and go directly into the market
    update and talk a little bit about the
    price figures that we’re seeing because
    we saw a selloff last week if you looked
    at our thumbnails we were a little bit
    bearish right as we saw this sell off
    and saying okay we think we’re going to
    be going lower we had the macro
    environment which was looking very
    non-constructive we’re going to get into
    those outside forces but if as I went
    through the numbers this morning JJ the
    etf’s just had two days of positive
    flows the gbtc bleeding has gone down
    the flows are obviously lower but I saw
    50 uh basically 60 million over the
    first two days um or last couple of days
    going into ETF low so those are positive
    spot BTC was sitting at
    66,000 ethereum close to 3200 and even
    uh salana has bounced back it was
    sitting above
    150 and then when I looked at the
    options Mark I saw some really
    interesting activity going into May that
    I’m going to want to unpack uh with a
    strike price sitting with a lot of
    interest around the 8100 or sorry 81,000
    so I’m taking the whole card here things
    look very different than they did last
    week after the having break us break
    down JJ what you’re seeing have we have
    we somehow managed to pull ourselves
    back from the precipice or are we still
    looking at and maybe going down all the
    way down to low 50k in the near term I
    think it’s just a range like we outlaid
    last week we’re kind of laid out those
    three scenarios we have the Doomsday we
    have the race back to alltime highs or
    we just kind of chop in a confined rage
    and seems like that that’s what’s
    happening so we found the lower end of
    that Binger band uh we had some Panic
    selling below it on both Tuesday and
    Thursday of last week and then price
    rebounded but we see it kind of rejected
    at this 50-day moving average which is
    pretty critical for price and momentum
    if it’s going to accelerate back to
    all-time highs anytime soon but we
    basically came right up retested it
    again failed uh just prior to the Asia
    session we kind of had like a low
    liquidity pump above 67k that quickly
    found its way back down and now we’re
    probably just going to be continuing to
    chop solidate in this range probably
    through the end of month I would
    estimate so basically until you see like
    this 50-day break on volume which is
    really what we’re looking for to say
    okay you know the worst is behind us
    it’s over it’s going back to alltime
    highs you’d really want to see this
    break it’s around 67 let’s see
    675 so that’s kind of the Line in the
    Sand that I see for upo momentum would
    be a break of that uh preferably during
    the New York session you would see some
    spot volumes roll in and we would get a
    nice push above here but until then I
    think you just have to assume that we’re
    in a Range price is probably going to be
    chopping between say 63 and 66 or so and
    we’re just probably going to keep
    bouncing uh throughout here into the end
    of the month and then we’ll see some
    kind of real move either back below
    those lows or a continuation all-time
    highs so so you you’ve got more
    conviction that we’re looking at the
    bear crawl I wouldn’t necessarily say
    it’s a bear crawl it’s just you have a
    large move as we saw a couple weeks ago
    a lot of panic selling long WIP out
    Panic what’s the creature that that sits
    between the bull and the bear that’s
    just doing the crawling we’re doing the
    crab call okay we got the crab that’s
    come on the show I think this is the
    first time that uh he that creature’s
    been mentioned yeah it’s a crab market
    until proven otherwise so we start to
    see that that said you see this momentum
    break above 67k especially during New
    York session you don’t want to fade it
    because that’s probably a good
    indication that we’re heading back back
    to the highs at least above 70k or so or
    at least heading for a retest of that
    level but you need to see that momentum
    come in you need to see some spot B Spot
    buying volumes drive it and we haven’t
    really seen that so even yesterday we
    kind of hit this 66k Mark which is
    basically the upper end of this
    resistance and it’s kind of fading so
    we’ll see what today’s session has in
    store but for now I think base case is
    just that we’ll be chopping between 63
    and 66k until the monthly close so that
    gives you an indicator of kind of what
    that range is in terms of moving forward
    right to try and get a better sense of
    of what this might look like as we head
    into summer I mentioned before when I
    was looking at the options data on darab
    bit the May 31 strike uh price or um May
    31 expiry was kind of interesting not
    sure if you’re able to bring that up but
    I thought there was about 2.3 billion in
    notional interest and there was a lot of
    interest around the call volume uh for
    the strike price of
    81,000 and I I guess I want to hear your
    take are you see anything from the
    options market and same question I have
    almost every single day or every time we
    meet that’s starting to say how how some
    of these Traders are starting to
    position and prepare as we start to move
    into the summertime so this may
    expiration has been very interesting
    we’ve seen a lot of flow into that
    especially in recent weeks we started
    covering about two weeks ago and this
    call buying just went ballistic um I
    have it pulled up here so currently
    there’s 23,000 of open BTC notional call
    interest in this just two weeks ago it
    was around 5,000 or so so that’s
    basically 5x in a short amount of time
    showing that a lot of people are buying
    these calls or opening new positions in
    this expiry uh betting on some kind of
    volatility move to happen before the end
    of May uh most popular among those have
    been people buying up the 69k call
    option I think these 8ks are a lot of
    selling so basically you buy the 69k you
    sell the 80k lowers your C spases
    capture upside but it seems like a call
    spread that’s being open there where
    they’re long these short this one and
    that way you don’t lose too much money
    if price just continues to chop you can
    roll it Forward uh in terms of flow that
    we’ve seen from the options market so
    there’s been a lot of selling of June
    and then buying of later data calls so
    if you see here on this scanner uh
    people were buying up December 80k call
    options and selling June 75k which it’s
    a bullish bet on the long term so that’s
    just kind of an expression a way to
    express that we’re going to be in this
    chop range maybe we up to 70k and back
    down but we’re not really breaking past
    alltime highs or going parabolic anytime
    in quarter two but then later in the
    year that’s kind of a bedon continuation
    to the upside later on and it would just
    be uh basically in this never ending
    range for another two three months they
    collect the premium on that June call
    and nothing really happens and then
    they’re kind of betting that we see that
    explosive move later in the year so
    quarter three quarter four
    Etc the explosive move coming later uh
    Ben I want to ask you I’m not sure how
    how much you’ve been able to see some of
    the ETF flows uh we’re starting to see
    some of the the the uh I think it’s 13f
    filings which is actually saying who’s
    buying these flows and there was an
    interesting post I believe it was today
    from Eric balonus he mentioned that two
    of the buyers of ibit I believe uh or no
    sorry this was Fidelity uh was Legacy
    wealth asset management and United
    Capital Management of Kansas he was
    noting that these were some of the most
    Boomer organizations imaginable buying
    into these
    ETFs uh really trying to silence all the
    the negative press that’s been going out
    there saying these are just the same
    Deens that have been buying these
    products forever any any sense are you
    seeing anything from an ETF perspective
    that’s giving you perhaps confidence
    this is going to continue to go or are
    we going to see some some slowdown in
    momentum obviously we’ve seen a little
    bit of slowdown from the actual inflows
    although positive right
    now yeah I mean they’re definitely
    starting to not be as headline worthy as
    they were originally and I think they
    are cooling down they’re tapering off a
    little bit and we’re kind of just
    Meandering you know positive and
    negative it feels like but just less eye
    popping numbers and I think that’s okay
    and right now
    especially I guess uh April so yesterday
    we had positive flows uh looks like how
    did ibit do and looks like fbdc did
    really well um yesterday this is a good
    thing right we’re going into the having
    we’ve had a price correction we’re
    probably going to see this crab for a
    little bit at least into may I would
    have to imagine and if you continue to
    see good flows I think that’s a really
    good indication for how strong of a
    second half of the year we could have
    because we don’t have you know these
    these good
    headline um stats of new all-time highs
    were this percentage higher than we were
    the start of the year or you know
    everything that’s negative is behind us
    and we have great regulatory measures
    coming through uh Congress for the US um
    individuals you don’t have all that
    positive momentum right now and the fact
    that you do see positive flows right now
    should that’s just really good
    indication of what’s to come so all the
    positives are still ahead of us and yet
    we have good flows so this is just a
    good setup for when price does start to
    heat up once again I think we’re going
    to see some some major numbers come back
    and the fact that you’re seeing some of
    the entities that were mentioned also
    start kind of Dipping their toes in the
    water like that’s a another good sign
    you know it’s it’s okay to go ahead and
    advertise that you have exposure to this
    asset for those organiz ations and
    that’s only going to continue I have to
    imagine you know anybody else that’s
    seen them do that is also starting to
    you know get the paperwor in order to
    start changing the perspectives to start
    making sure that their investors are
    okay with this exposure and if they’re
    not you know sending them the material
    uh that has you know great high gloss
    paper and
    Alles all the marketing yes exactly and
    so you know this is just the machine
    warming up we’re still early you’re
    seeing all the signs that we were
    expecting to take place and and they’re
    happening so as far as like everybody’s
    expectation once an ETF does get approv
    I think we’re meeting it and the fact
    that we really don’t like all the
    positives especially on a legislation
    front like they still ahead of us again
    once those things really start to to
    turn positive it’s it’s just a ton of
    upside yeah it’s like you were saying
    last week like basically last week was
    kind of a crescendo moment of
    everything that could go wrong in the
    market was going wrong we had
    geopolitical fears hot dollar because of
    the inflation reports Etc like there was
    all these things Weighing on it and we
    didn’t even break this range that we
    established in March right so that’s
    that’s pretty positive that we were able
    to absorb all that we had tons of
    Leverage W wiped out a lot of shorts
    piling in range didn’t break so that’s
    kind of a real show of strength and once
    those things alleviate you know which
    they will like things just kind of move
    in pendulum Cycles whatever you want to
    call it the Snapback effect and the
    upside I think it’s going to be pretty
    massive in the second half of this year
    and it’s a great cool down right we’re
    having memes starting to cool down we’re
    having funding rates fully reset we’re
    having borrowing rates across the
    ecosystem reset like everything is just
    getting a great reset probably for
    multiple months now and just queuing
    itself up for another like higher so
    this is I really like seeing this right
    now in this stage of the cycle and for
    for anybody saying that like we’re you
    know that the top is in and I’m just
    just ignore it sorry like I just you
    know one plus one is five great good job
    keep going
    bull that’s people playing on 100
    leverage if it doesn’t go with your
    position right away it’s
    over well again again that goes into
    people just focusing on the day after
    the having versus thinking a little bit
    longer term all right well this this is
    the most bullish you’re going to get
    from Ben and from JJ uh in the in the
    reserve sort of Reserve way so so enjoy
    this soak it in um but I do want to take
    this opportunity then to move in to talk
    about outside forces because obviously
    those can throw a curveball we’ve talked
    about the fact we saw that just a week
    or so ago because of the tensions in the
    Middle East the geopolitical didn’t
    feeding into the dollar oil as well as
    rates uh and the FED now starting to
    talk about raising rates or at least
    pausing on even lowering them so I want
    to talk about outside forces before we
    do I want to say welcome welcome to
    everybody who’s out there thank thanks
    for joining us today we’re here every
    Tuesday and Thursday love to have you
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    in YouTube that’s the best you can do uh
    other than just being here because you
    know we’ve got the same time frame every
    single Tuesday and Thursday and
    definitely share this wherever you’re uh
    you’re out there talking about
    commentary on the market uh Link in I
    don’t know X or Facebook or or whatever
    whatever the kids are into today
    definitely share it everywhere you can
    all right I want to go into the outside
    forces when I was looking this morning
    Dixie still looks very very strong JJ I
    think it was at 106 when I was looking
    at that oil was still kind of hovering
    around $80 and then we could get into
    rates what’s your what’s your
    perspective here that this is going to
    actually resolve higher at this point
    and really give us knock the wind out of
    the sales we just talked about a crab
    walk feel like the crab could get
    yeah it looks like dxy is crapping as
    well right like it got really overheated
    in the past week and now it’s kind of
    consolidating higher we’d ultimately
    want to see is a breakdown here over the
    coming weeks we have some major data
    coming out this week alone I think PMI
    today GDP on Thursday so that should
    provide some kind of insight into what
    the Dollar’s next move is going to be
    apparently there was like an IMF meeting
    over the weekend who knows what they
    discussed but we know that FX markets
    have been falling into turmoil due to
    the Dixie strength right so when Dixie
    is super strong it obviously means that
    currencies in places like Japan and
    South Korea Etc are weakened and that
    causes them a lot of issues because of
    the hyper connectedness of the system so
    maybe there was some kind of backdoor
    handshake agreement that’s going to
    weaken this thing but we’ll see it in
    the chart if so if any kind of emergency
    measures have been taken in private we
    we’ll see this flush in the coming weeks
    and we don’t really have that
    confirmation yet so still just waiting
    to see um if I saw this break down below
    like say 105 uh into the end of the
    month I think that would be a pretty
    bullish signal below 104 even better but
    right now it’s still just wait and see
    like I think this is leading itself to
    create more crab for Bitcoin ultimately
    as well like we see Dixie rally in the
    coming days we’ll probably see Bitcoin
    go back down to that 63k range but
    they’re still like we’re we’re just
    waiting there’s not really much Insight
    here it looks a little bit heavy looks
    like it wants to fall but I mean this
    thing’s been on its te so you don’t want
    to top call it just yet but it’s looking
    better than it did last week it doesn’t
    look as big of a threat as of now that
    could change with the a macro data point
    that comes out in an hour or so a few
    minutes well JJ I want to ask you you’ve
    talked several times you can’t imagine
    Bitcoin remaining strong with a dollar
    that’s just ripping higher has that at
    all changed are you seeing any data um
    or any relationships in the data that
    would make you say okay maybe there’s a
    period in which it could continue to run
    hot or at least it would stabilize here
    no basically we sold Dixie top out and
    Bitcoin bottomed at the same time so I
    think it’s just that
    continued in inverse relationship here
    like we see Dixie topped Bitcoin
    bottomed and we see the bounce back
    right so Dixie were to flush lower I
    think that would be very bullish for
    Bitcoin that could provide the momentum
    we need to get back above that 60 67.5
    Mark or so the 50-day moving average
    regain that Trend momentum and run back
    to the highs but I think we would see
    that flush come from Dixie and that
    would be the green light for Bitcoin and
    we’re still waiting on that so just wait
    and see how this week plays out uh the
    potential is there like we said there’s
    there is the potential to run higher and
    we could just do this vshape recovery
    run back to the highs I’m not really a
    believer in that until we get back above
    this point and Fitz per well there you
    go Dixie’s falling right now so I guess
    that PMI number was favorable for
    markets maybe this is it maybe we’re
    watching it in real time right tixie is
    kind of flushing now we’ll have to see
    how this the rest of the day goes if it
    rebounds but looks good looks like it’s
    heavy had this ma massive run up it’s
    going to do some back testing and then
    we’ll we’ll see from there Ben I want to
    turn to you and ask you a little bit
    about rates and
    liquidity looking at the relationship
    that we’re starting to see with the 10e
    uh 10 year the 30-year and looking to
    sort of normalize those the yield curve
    do you have any expectation for let’s
    say the next quarter or so that that
    could that could really take the the air
    out of the room for a Bitcoin run is
    that going to be some resistance and
    maybe that’s okay you talked about the
    cool off just a couple of minutes ago
    saying this is actually good just allows
    us to reset prepare for a longer run
    later just trying to make sure people
    are prepared for that again thinking on
    the right time frame if they see those
    rates come up and we see some some
    headwinds for for bitcoin’s Price
    related to yields yeah yeah it’s it’s an
    interesting conversation I’m starting to
    see you know this I think we’ve
    mentioned it over a month a month and a
    half ago almost now that the
    conversation around just the possibility
    that we could raise rates needs to
    and I even just I think I heard it
    earlier this was it yesterday or last
    week the all-in podcast they actually
    started discussing it as well to me
    that’s like it’s starting it closer to
    discussions um and so probably over the
    next couple weeks we could hear that
    continue and eventually hit like the
    Wall Street Journal or Bloomberg and
    then that’s kind of like your indication
    like the market has started to price all
    this in and now we need to think about
    what’s next and before I I kind of get
    into that I want to mention that the um
    the CME fed watch site that I frequently
    use uh for the probability that rates
    might be whatever at some time in the
    future they removed the new column it
    was only up there for a day so the fact
    that like the rates could be higher like
    the probability that was tagged and they
    now moved it they removed it off the uh
    oh and now this morning here we are
    we’re back this is this is weird it
    keeps going back and forth I think the
    needs to be fired that’s that’s what I’m
    gonna I’m going with that they need they
    need a new intern they need a new intern
    interesting on this move right now from
    Dixie that we’re watching is the rates
    Market isn’t really reacting so if we
    look at like December
    futures um if the market was indicating
    more Cuts would be coming this number
    would be moving up it’s just kind of
    stagnating here but Dixie is
    falling so this will be interesting to
    watch maybe this is just kind of a
    technical back test from Dixie let’s see
    how the rest of the day goes but not
    much movement from the rates Market um
    due to whatever data was just released
    that’s causing Dixie to fall and and
    keep in mind like we have the the
    conflict going on now uh over in Iran
    and you also have this super tight
    correlation happening with the dollar in
    oil and even 30-year yields I was going
    back in time like let me pull up the
    chart and I couldn’t find
    a time when the correlation was kind of
    as tight as it is right now like this
    red line here on my my screen those are
    30-year yields the green is uh dxy index
    and the black here is oil and I also put
    federal funds rate um you can kind of
    ignore that I was trying to see if there
    was a time when rates were elevated and
    correlation was high and I couldn’t
    really find it and so down here is the
    correlation reading between the 30-year
    and oil you can see how high it is is
    right now and this is like on a 30-day
    basis for anybody trying to replicate it
    um but if we go and look at kind of the
    dayto day happening right now you can
    see how tight it is like this is really
    moving in unison and oil this black line
    is sort of acting as like this kind of
    the trend Setter and so if it does
    decide to continue to come down like for
    from a US standpoint you know that’s
    great for inflation figures right
    they’re combating inflation they’re
    reducing the cost of the pump you know
    manufacturing costs are getting reduced
    so now your supply chain costs are
    coming down like all positive things
    that they really need to start to hone
    in on if they’re going to avoid a
    recession down the road and so this is a
    priority in my mind for the government
    to try to reduce these costs and if
    you’re going to go ahead and do that you
    know that’s going to bring the dxy down
    and the red one is where I find
    interesting is because we’re just
    talking about the probability the
    possibility of raising rates well if
    you’re going to start bringing the the
    yields down on the 30-year then you’re
    basically signaling to the market that
    we’re going to have to go ahead and
    start cutting rates sometime in the
    future uh so it just having all those
    things being juggled at the same time
    and kind of seeing the geopolitic
    politics start to work out the way that
    they’re working out we have to keep that
    in mind because if if the dxy does give
    to the downside now you just used
    everything in crypto to the
    upside if dxy breaks down this year it’s
    going to be nuts like if if you see this
    go back below 100 that it’s it’s going
    to be Off to the Races I think that’s
    coming it’s just the like we’re just
    waiting like we all kind of know it’s
    inevitability but how long it takes
    requires some patience here probably
    diplomacy right some sort of diplomatic
    agreement is going to take place and
    then you’re going to start to see the
    chart start shifting yeah and that’s
    like your Quee like let’s let’s get
    ready the engine starting to rev it’s
    time to go
    yep exciting times for sure 20 24 is
    definitely going to be an interesting
    time okay so the outside forces we we
    cover them really I would say I mean we
    cover them every show but obviously we
    have always greater Insight bin when
    you’re on here talk rates um they’re the
    boogeyman that everyone needs to be
    looking out for especially if you’re
    crypto native and you don’t want to
    spend any time looking at them they they
    are there and they could be both the the
    wind your sales and also the uh the
    trend recer um so more to come from
    there all right we can now transition
    into what I think a lot of people are
    asking for which is you know how do you
    position in these moments I mentioned at
    the top of the show we can talk mining
    stocks um we had a question here from uh
    let me see Adrian or may sorry David C
    do you expect alts to run while BTC
    consolidates which could be an
    interesting time to be getting into
    those uh and then of course we’re going
    to be talking options because it’s
    always something you want to understand
    are there their potential plays that can
    looking at and with that I want to give
    a shout out to coin call the sponsor for
    this episode coin call is the interfa is
    the exchange you want to look at if
    you’re interested in doing spot per and
    of course options they have a very
    elegant interface competitive fees and
    of course it is the exchange that JJ is
    highlighting in all of his options
    training videos as well as on this show
    when we’re going over the option chain
    and looking at actual plays you can look
    at definitely check out the link in the
    descript deson if this is something
    you’re looking at and as I say every
    single time if you’re on the fence of
    whether or not you actually want to be
    trading options I do suggest you go open
    an account be able to do some paper
    trades get to get to know how the
    interface Works how options work and
    study the price movements JJ and I talk
    about offline all the time if you’re not
    going to be in this and looking at the
    prices on a on a recurring basis you’re
    not going to have the feel for what
    exactly is happening in the market and
    be able to play those massive
    opportunities he talks about I’ve asked
    him on the show is he looking for alt
    returns or options returns he’s
    definitely in the camp options so it’s
    definitely something if you’re
    interested in making that investment
    time it’s definitely worth worth the
    investment all right let’s come back to
    it JJ I want to bring up miners because
    we were talking about it before the show
    about the opportunity to invest in
    miners are they mispriced I do want to
    bring up the fact that they just had a
    gang Buster moment with the having with
    the amount of with the ruins being
    etched and you know I’m not an expert on
    there I’ve been dabbling being in those
    spaces but I do know that it pumped the
    fees for for the minors they saw a huge
    windfall in terms of cash coming through
    on transaction fees I think it was the
    greatest they had seen since 2017 they
    of course have been beaten down I think
    for for months and everyone all the the
    Wall Street investors are basically
    saying listen post having which of these
    are going to survive what are you
    looking at in terms of minor stocks is
    this a good time to be playing them I
    think obviously they’ve had a strong
    bounceback U they got extremely oversold
    especially last week I was pretty
    bullish on them uh for the past month or
    so just kind of been marting galing my
    position knowing that kind of a bounce
    back like this is inevitable due to the
    short interest is that this was driven
    by basically since Bitcoin broke that
    70k range this was just a lot of shorts
    driving it down you know you didn’t see
    a whole lot of cell volume there and it
    was just anticipation that the having is
    bearish for miners which I think is a
    misunderstanding from wall Street’s
    perspective on how the Dynamics actually
    work because if Bitcoin ultimately ends
    the year much higher miners are going to
    have a lot more revenue and especially
    if we see things like runes and all
    these different things that create value
    for Miners and value capture their
    profits are going to go up and if we
    kind of look at the like here’s a good
    chart this is the mara to BTC ratio and
    you see how really beaten down it is
    compared to BTC it’s at basically like
    FTX lows levels it’s off it now so maybe
    you get like another chance to buy
    closer to the bottom if we see like a
    retest in the coming days um but I think
    overall this is probably a good level to
    have some exposure and the thing to
    remember with miners is like you always
    want to be in an out I don’t really view
    these as Investments I just kind of look
    at as like okay this chart looks like
    it’s going to bounce and then when it
    bounces I’ll get out but they’re moves
    right like you can get 20 50 100% moves
    in a day for miners so you kind of have
    that altcoin type effect because they’re
    so low cap High short interest Etc you
    have a lot of crazy things that happen
    in these markets like if you look at
    just the amount of volatility that’s
    here it’s it’s a great product to trade
    and and I think there’s opportunities
    when it gets as beaten down as it did
    last week it’s probably not going to
    just continue up in a straight line I
    would like it if it did but I don’t
    think that’s the way you’re gonna go so
    you probably another chance to buy um
    I’m just looking at Mara you could look
    at any of these I think wolf is good
    clsk these are my three
    favorite what so so in terms of a trade
    perspective as you just mentioned these
    aren’t buying holds these are really and
    trade all would you be looking at just
    buying the equity holding it looking for
    a breakout are you looking at uh
    potentially putting on a trade uh that
    would be more from an options
    perspective how would you structure that
    I’ve been playing options in and out on
    these um but I I think yeah like that
    that can be more complicated because
    they’re so volatile but I think if you
    look at this and you kind of see like
    say I’m just looking at Mara but you
    could pull up all their charts look
    basically very similar um so you kind of
    find like some kind of support lines
    here wolf probably around 250 220 you
    could probably get in that that range in
    the coming weeks Mara maybe you get in
    around 15 somewhere around there where
    your risk reward is a lot lower than if
    you were kind of buying here after it’s
    had a 20% run up in days and then you
    look for a rebound like say to that
    50-day moving average or something where
    you can get this kind of Snapback effect
    and the market levels and if you look at
    it against the BTC pair might be
    targeting something uh close to like 04
    0 five more BTC but I think they’re just
    beating down in dollar terms and against
    BTC terms especially if BTC regains that
    momentum BTC makes new all-time highs
    these things are going to go absolutely
    ballistic because it means that miners
    are making a whole lot of money and the
    trade that everybody hated prehab will
    become you know people will be talking
    about how it’s the greatest investment
    of all time in short order as markets do
    they hate it when it’s low and they like
    it when it’s high so yeah you look for
    those opportunities where it’s as beaten
    down as it got over the past couple
    weeks and you just see the way this
    price tends to rubber band over time
    like these these movements are in very
    short periods of time I think last year
    like BTC broke out above
    30k in October and we saw the miners
    like this is Mara but they all tend to
    follow the same correlation so miners
    kind of stagnated and then it wasn’t
    really until late November December that
    we saw this massive Rune up run up and
    it basically like four or 5x in a matter
    of a few weeks so you can really get
    insane returns in a short amount of time
    so long as you’re in and out on a shot
    clock with these well so JJ thinking
    about that shot clock when I when I hear
    that it can sound like almost like on a
    weekly basis but if you look at some of
    the trend lines you you’ve just shared
    that’s on your screen right now it could
    argue that if we’ve got a crab walk that
    goes for a couple of weeks this could be
    a good opportunity to DCA into the
    equity and look for that pop I’m not
    sure if it’s going to happen in the next
    quarter or two quarters how how do you
    think about Horizon there so I look at
    it is a proxy of BTC right so if Bitcoin
    starts to make new all-time highs I
    think the ability for miners to outpace
    those returns are much greater and if we
    look at 2020 uh the having was in April
    of 2020 and then we saw this big break
    out in July August like the summer
    months right so you’re probably
    targeting somewhere around later in
    Quarter Two quarter three for a big
    breakout here for miners so if you kind
    of know that’s on the horizon you’re not
    overleveraging yourself or playing Super
    short dated options I think you can make
    some pretty lucrative returns in the
    coming year if Bitcoin does ultimately
    break out and go above say 80k I think
    the Returns on miners will be pretty
    juicy okay I like that juicy sounds
    sounds good to me um I do want to get
    into options for both uh Bitcoin and
    ethereum but before we do that Ben I
    want to get your perspective we had a
    question here about uh I think from
    David do you expect alts to run while
    BTC consolidates we have a crabwalk
    you’ve talked many times on this show uh
    you’re not an eth maxi but you
    definitely see substantial upside part
    of that being The Narrative of just all
    all the infrastructure being built
    around ethereum and the security model
    do you see the the the potential of
    being a good opportunity to you know
    continue to build a position into
    ethereum if someone believes in that
    thesis um or is it mostly holding on to
    BTC for the time being how how do you
    think about that that question and
    answering that from a investment
    yeah it’s a good one um so if we think
    about it from risk curve perspective if
    Bitcoin is kind of the least risky
    crypto asset to own and ethereum is the
    next step down you know where do you
    want to be at this moment I I understand
    a lot of uh I see on the timeline a lot
    of folks are trying to go ahead and get
    back into memes but it just always
    reminds me of just you know you’re
    you’re trying to average down on a meme
    coin that isn’t going to run hot it’s
    kind of had its moment in the Sun and
    you’re going to eventually have a
    telegram Channel just full of an echo
    chamber of people hoping that price is
    going to go up and I always ask like do
    you want to be a part of
    that probably not right future you have
    Envision for yourself yeah pretty much
    and you know it’s do you want that or do
    you want to go ahead and understand that
    you’re you are positioning yourself on a
    risk curve where you will be in a good
    position moving forward and I think
    that’s the way you have to look at it
    like we’re having a
    reset capital is going to flow back into
    Bitcoin then it’s going to go down into
    ethereum and in l1s I understand that
    ethereum and most of the large cap l1s
    did not have a good run outside of
    salana which was completely beaten down
    because of FTX so that was an
    anomaly um but the l1’s had haven’t
    really the alternative l1s haven’t had
    their big move in my mind but that
    doesn’t typically happen until after the
    having so this next kind of cycle of
    capital flowing through
    crypto when you want to have that kind
    of l1’s in mind outside of Bitcoin
    ethereum That Should Be On Your Horizon
    so start looking at those tokens I know
    Cody he’s coming back on the show soon
    uh he’s been hard at work uh working on
    what we call token ratings a bunch of
    models that go in and evaluate
    fundamentals of tokens and their
    strengths you know he’s a big fan of
    suie for example he’s been looking at
    their ecosystem he was also a big fan of
    salana uh back in the day and
    understands some of its shortcomings now
    and like that should be on your radar
    looking at those ecosystems seeing the
    protocols they’re building how have how
    is their native asset being used
    throughout the ecosystem these are the
    questions you need to be asking yourself
    and finding those answers to better
    position yourself when when the time
    comes is is it now during this crab
    walking I don’t think the sentiment is
    positive enough to where you know if
    Bitcoin is going sideways like you want
    to position yourself further out in the
    risk curve to get those those altcoins I
    think that moment happens when the
    general sentiment is that bitcoin’s
    moving higher and this is just a
    consolidation aspect this is a cool down
    the market went really hot so it’s it’s
    a bit different than what we’ve seen
    over the last nine months or so um when
    Bitcoin kind of goes sideways and then
    you have alt starting to run hot like
    that those are consolidation time frames
    and this is a cool down so kind of have
    that understanding and when the market
    does start to light up again I do
    believe that L1 large cap l1s is going
    to be where you want to be okay so just
    to kind of hit on the the answer to the
    question will we see an outrun right now
    in the crab phase likely not I I
    anything’s possible Right but the
    likelihood sounds pretty low so this
    could be a good opportunity if you’re in
    BTC you let that run uh and then be
    looking for some of these l1’s higher
    quality projects that are really going
    to see an uplift later in the year as as
    we start to see the market expand yeah
    yeah I think that’s fair like yeah you
    might get 25% return in the next couple
    weeks on a token on an alt and Bitcoin
    maybe goes up 5 to 10% you know is that
    worth it from a risk perspective I say
    no right you’re you’re making that trip
    down the risk curve because you’re going
    to you know outpace the move that
    Bitcoin makes by you know 4X or 5x so at
    the moment I I don’t think that ratio is
    is right yeah okay well hopefully I
    gives people some perspective if they’re
    looking at getting into alts uh and
    definitely I guess you know if you’re
    thinking about those l1s that could be
    powerful perhaps this is a good time to
    be looking at DCA and again timing all
    this stuff no one has a crystal ball
    right so we’re just trying to give the
    probabilities to help people understand
    and put into their own framework how do
    I think about deploying some of this
    Capital so okay JJ we we’ve talked now
    about mining stocks which could be a
    good opportunity again over the next
    quarter or so Ben just talked about l1’s
    being powerful and again we’re going to
    be bringing Cody back soon to talk about
    some of these high uh higher value
    projects uh which I’m very excited to do
    let’s let’s end this with a discussion
    on options are there trades both on the
    BTC and ethereum perspective from an
    option standpoint that you are looking
    at that that seemed juicy enough uh to
    make the
    trade yeah this is a pretty interesting
    area so I’m just kind of digesting the
    price action as we’re speaking here so
    we see dxy moving lower BTC creeping up
    and this is interesting because we’re
    kind of in the short gamma pool area now
    so if you look at this this is are short
    data calls that dealers are
    currently uh short right so 66k
    67k 68k so if price moves Beyond these
    levels to the upside we could see some
    kind of rushed hedging here this was
    kind of a scenario we outlaid last week
    so is similar to what we saw um at 54 to
    60k back in February where dealers were
    short a lot of calls and then we got
    that explosive move to the upside don’t
    know if the Market’s ready for that yet
    that’s what I’m kind of trying to piece
    together here so like that’s going to
    work as resistance at least through
    Thursday in that the dealers want to
    keep price below basically 67k or so
    they don’t really want to see that
    breakout come to soon here um whether or
    not this weakening Dixie is kind of
    providing a spark here and we’re seeing
    increased V buy volumes um seems like
    coinbase is buying some let’s see yeah
    so we see like pretty good morning
    action here but it’s dependent on this
    continuation to the upside if we’re
    actually going to see 70k this week uh
    if we look at the April 26 expiries
    which are this Friday there’s obviously
    a lot of call interest around 70k and if
    these were to get in the money it’s kind
    of an outlier scenario like these larger
    call walls work as resistance because
    you ultimately have dealers short that
    and they’re going to protect that
    position so don’t know if for ready for
    that move but it does seem like and also
    what we see here too is implied
    volatility isn’t Rising so price is
    rising but this is telling you that
    dealers aren’t really rushing to cover
    those positions yet it’s not really
    signaling that we’re going to have that
    squeeze effect cuz if we were they would
    be buying calls to hedge that position
    and you would see this kind of shoot up
    so there’s not really that rush to hedge
    here yet if we look at some calls I
    wouldn’t go with anything short data
    well yeah so well let me let me break in
    here I mean given that setup knowing
    that we could have something explosive
    but also not really seeing those signs I
    mean is this a pretty low conviction
    play if you’re going to put something on
    would you instead wait to see how this
    resolves itself so the beauty with
    options is you can buy yourself time
    right so ultimately Mark like especially
    we see this falling Dixie if this is
    going to continue into May and maybe we
    do just continue to chop you can
    structure this intelligently so that’s
    not to say you go out and buy a call
    that’s expiring fire Friday expecting us
    to go back to all bu but like these May
    69k calls they’re not too expensive
    right now and these aren’t going to lose
    a whole lot of value if we just chop
    between 65 and 67k for the next week or
    so so you could do something like buy
    this may 69k call and kind of wait
    through the day if we see kind of some
    downside action you could sell uh some
    April upside here you could sell the
    April 69k call for 600 that’s going to
    lower your cost basis on the maze I
    think there’s some ways to structure
    this but I do think you want to
    ultimately have long call um positions
    to out further so you could go anywhere
    May through March for now or uh May
    through December and like I said we’ve
    seen a lot of um call call spread buying
    which is where they’re selling June
    expiries and buying later in the year
    here so that’s telling you that the
    Market’s finding some kind of value in
    this volatility level right like it’s
    the implied volatility is falling a lot
    since we reached that alltime high it’s
    kind of been this chop channel here and
    maybe it is going to explode to the
    upside in the coming days we’ll have to
    wait and see the setup’s there but it’s
    dependent on everything else playing
    along and this move being followed
    through above 67k so the setup is there
    and I do think you want some long
    exposure by way of options the the call
    premiums are down massively from what
    you would have been paying on that first
    70k break back in March so we’ve gotten
    a a nice period of chop here which took
    out some Euphoria from the market so if
    you’re looking at these like I think
    these make H calls these are very
    popular a lot of smart money is
    evidently flowing into them you could
    take a play on these and just be
    prepared to uh head your position one
    way or the other if we don’t see follow
    through above 67k probably by today I
    think you would if that explosive move
    was going to come it should probably
    happen within the next uh 24 to 48 hours
    here okay so looking at more of the May
    expiration U May 31 appears and uh
    looking at something that’s a little bit
    out of the money slightly what what
    about uh ethereum do you see a a
    different play there based on the the
    price action I think etherium will
    follow I think the Market’s still
    obviously waiting on that release point
    of when they finally come out and say
    hey uh we’re not approving the ETF and
    then you see algorithm sell it and
    whatever but ultimately Bitcoin breaks
    up higher ethereum’s gonna trail with it
    probably uh I don’t think it’ll outpace
    it until later in the year but I think
    at these levels like if you’re
    anticipating 5K eth and beyond the call
    premiums same as Bitcoin they’ve had a
    lot of euphoria sucked out of them you
    could buy these 3500 calls for 800 and I
    think that’s a very good risk reward
    ratio through the end of this year and I
    think these will print massively by the
    time the end of the year ultimately
    comes like that’s not a whole lot of
    risk and I think you’re looking at
    thousands of dollars of up side for $850
    of risk that’s very there’s a lot of
    time baked into this and again you could
    sell um like say you think that ETF news
    is going to be bearish cause the market
    sell off a bit you could buy some put
    protections or sell 3,500 calls for May
    for 185 lower year cost basis on those
    December call options but I I do think
    you want I think you want to be long
    upside volatility in both assets and
    just look for ways to hedge them in the
    coming months whether that’s buying
    short it puts selling some calls um
    expiring in May or June and just going
    further out or if you want to be a bit
    more risky and bed on that explosive
    move coming here in the coming days I
    think you would go to May and that gives
    you some more it’s like a chess piece
    right and that if price does expand in
    the coming say we get a move above 70k
    by Friday you can sell shorter data
    calls against that uh end of May call
    and collect premiums if we just end up
    going to 70k and then chopping back down
    so it gives you a lot of flexibility for
    not a whole lot more risk capital up
    front Myriad options no pun intended it
    looks like the ethereum play is an
    interesting one especially for those who
    are uh looking at the really the bright
    side of ethereum being further down the
    road for all those who just listened to
    this and were intrigued but perhaps
    still have a lot of questions definitely
    take check out JJ’s options educational
    video he’s Jo he’s so excited inside
    he’s stuck on Joker just thinking about
    the amazing things you’re going to learn
    through that he’s got another video
    coming out very soon so definitely check
    out this channel like And subscribe so
    that you’re aware when it comes out and
    as I said before if you’re interested in
    starting the options Journey definitely
    check out the coin call Link in the
    description open that account do some
    paper trades follow along what JJ’s
    doing it will make a lot of sense to you
    and you can find some new opportunities
    for your account and with that we’re GNA
    wrap up today’s
    show it’s going to be an interesting
    time folks we just had an amazing having
    now we’re going to be moving into a
    crabwalk period perhaps maybe some
    explosive moves upside and uh and then
    of course we have the ETF action which
    continues to surprise to the upside so
    exciting times JJ Ben appreciate you
    guys coming back dropping the alpha I
    want to thank everyone for joining us
    every Tuesday and Thursday to hear what
    these guys have to say learn how to add
    to your portfolio how to structure and
    make the most of your Investments and I
    will as I always do leave you with the
    same PSA which is have some dry powder
    those opportunities are down the road
    this is Marone white signing off

    On the April 23 episode of Trading Pit: Bitcoin continues the great cool down, we discover why the Halving isn’t priced in, and unpack the case for betting on Bitcoin Mining Stocks in Q2. Plus ETH yields.

    👉 Start Trading Options Today at Coincall:

    But first, Rapid Fire.

    – Bitcoin Protocol Runes launched on the halving – a new way to trade fungible tokens on Bitcoin – A Fad or the Future?
    – Bitcoin Halving – Priced in?
    – The New York Stock Exchange wants feedback on its plan to run 24/7, like cryptocurrencies – is TradFi prepared to go full Degen?
    – Taking Profits means going to – Cash, Crypto, or Metals?
    – Bitmex launches 250x leveraged bitcoin – should they go bigger?

    The Bitcoin Halving occurred on April 19 (depending on your geography) and cut the block reward to 3.125 – a 50% reduction in emissions. While JP Morgan and 10x Research argued the cut wouldn’t lead to price increases, Anthony Pompliano said on CNBC that the cuts aren’t priced in.

    And in fact the supply reduction likely isn’t priced in as the market adjusts to the growing demand from ETF’s and an eventual wave of consumer sentiment comes forward. Zoom out by 12 months and the likelihood of it being priced in goes down.

    While the Bitcoin Halving grabs attention, Ethereum is the place for yield discussions.

    Eigen Layer promises to extend Ethereum’s security model to apps and other chains, paying for the security through yield offered from, you guessed it, staking. But it’s possible that the protocol has too many deposits and not enough demand. And with ETH researchers suggesting incentives to lower staking rewards past a certain point, is the ETH yield craze over done.


    But it’s also possible that these are growing pains of an emerging ecosystem trying to understand how best to use this newfound yield mechanism. For now, it makes sense to be cautious with yields that pay out tokens rather than ETH (not investment advice).

    Bitcoin continues to confuse analysts as the deep sell offs aren’t that deep and the climbs higher aren’t that high. Seems we’ve entered crab season – moving in range – as the market enjoys the massive cool off.

    Enjoy this period. As ETF flows continue and the market adjusts to lower issuance, the fireworks are primed for the end of the year.

    And outside forces remain just as confusing.

    The DXY remains elevated but, somehow, looks weaker than expected. And the talks about rates climbing (not lowering, not staying put) means we might actually begin to see a macro turn (first the market accepts higher rates, then assets are re-priced, then the rates turn lower). That could make the crab walk a bit shorter.

    But don’t ignore the possible liquidity event. While Outside Forces look weaker, they are still the tail wagging the dog. And can change on a dime.

    But with all that said, opportunities remain in the market for strong positioning. Bitcoin Miners look set for a bounce, high value L1’s are still cheap, and even BTC and ETH options are worth a glance (not financial advice).

    All worth a listen!

    00:00:00 Waiting Room
    00:04:53 Rapid Fire
    00:07:45 Is Bitcoin Halving Priced In?
    00:10:31 ETH Rate Market
    00:19:05 Bitcoin Crab Walk After the Halving
    00:25:39 Bitcoin ETF: Slower but Steady
    00:31:09 Outside Forces Weakening
    00:41:35 Positioning: Bitcoin Miners
    00:49:21 Positioning: L1’s
    00:54:43 Positioning: BTC + ETH Options

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    This content is for entertainment purposes only. Nothing shared during this broadcast is or should be considered financial advice. The views and thoughts shared here are simply opinions. Do your own research and consult a registered financial advisor before making any investments.


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