How to Become an ICP Millionaire

    welcome back to another video and today
    we’re diving into to talk about how to
    become an IP million air ICP has been
    getting a lot of hype lately in the
    cryptocurrency ecosystem and some of it
    is definitely warranted we did drop
    another price prediction very recently
    um on ICP you can check that out on the
    channel but today we’re discussing how
    many ICP do you need to become a
    millionaire this bull cycle before we
    jump into the content please make sure
    to smash the Thumbs Up Button below if
    you enjoy the content hit that subscribe
    Button as well we’re on the road to our
    first 1,000 subscribers and it would
    mean the world if you subscribed and hit
    that Bell notification icon so you can
    get updated with similar videos and
    other price predictions we’re dropping
    multiple videos every single week on the
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    notified when they drop so you can stay
    on top of the rapidly evolving
    cryptocurrency ecosystem and hit your
    crypto goals so diving into the internet
    computer protocol what is it why is
    there so much hype around it and how
    much do you need in order to become a
    millionaire this bull cycle well what
    ICP is really aiming to do is basically
    create this new protocol for the
    internet in a web 3 world which allows
    people to take more control of their
    data become sovereign individuals on the
    internet and using blockchain as a
    service for open internet services and
    allowing you to do that in a way where
    you have your own web three
    identification and making everything and
    all actions that you do inherently web
    three native there are some other big
    narratives that we’re going to discuss
    like decent cized physical
    infrastructure here for ICP as well but
    basically what they what they want to do
    is you know allow individuals Take Back
    Control U of their Sovereign identity on
    web 3 and from a development perspective
    making it extremely easy cost effective
    and scalable to build decentralized
    applications and make use of
    decentralized physical infrastructure
    for developers who want to create apps
    and for businesses who want to create uh
    decentralized businesses on the
    blockchain um they also are building it
    out to be native
    to interoperable with other blockchains
    like Bitcoin ethereum Etc so that from
    day one basically what we’re getting is
    a scalable native multi-chain solution
    if you are using the internet computer
    in their own words they describe the
    internet computer as an autonomous
    serverless Cloud functionality to the
    public internet making it possible to
    build almost any system or service
    entirely on a decentralized network
    using canister software and evolution of
    smart contracts um within the ICP
    ecosystem and we mentioned dpin or
    decentralized physical infrastructure
    and for me this is one of the biggest
    areas that ICP has a very good value
    proposition or a very good value ad here
    and what this is showing us here is
    how Amazon web 3 and Amazon S3 or sorry
    Amazon AWS and Amazon S3 are a huge
    player in the server world or in the
    centralized server world so hundreds and
    thousands of the applications that you
    use on a daily weekly yearly basis are
    running on AWS they’re running on Amazon
    Cloud servers and and what this graph is
    basically representing is how the
    evolution of
    decentralized storage decentralized
    serverless cloud is going to
    significantly reduce the costs of cloud
    storage over the next few years as we
    begin to decentralize that cloud storage
    and use other Solutions like filecoin
    arweave storage and obviously ICP ICP is
    not on this particular graph but
    they are one of the larger players in
    this decentralized physical
    infrastructure narrative and we can see
    here what this is showing us is
    basically the monthly storage cost per
    terabyte of storage currently sitting at
    something like $23 with using a solution
    a centralized solution like Amazon S3
    however we can see that with other
    Solutions like filecoin our weave we’re
    getting down into you know the cents
    like 20 cents for a terabyte of storage
    on a monthly basis using something like
    file coins so ICP is also Leading The
    Way with this decentralized physical
    infrastructure narrative and if they can
    begin to capture even a small percentage
    of the Amazon AWS and Amazon S3 um
    Market there is a lot of room for growth
    when it comes to uh using decentralized
    storage on um serverless Cloud so this
    is probably the biggest narrative and we
    spoke about this in our price prediction
    video for ICP you can check out that
    video separately but when we did that
    price prediction for ICP we created a
    bease base case and bull case scenario
    what we have here is the current
    snapshot of ICP as of today April 10th
    2024 we’re sitting at a price per ICP
    token of
    $15.85 we are up over 200% year over
    year um when we made our price
    prediction in a bare case scenario we
    said that ICP could be hitting a price
    of about $
    5758 in a base case scenario we could be
    getting closer to about $87 and then in
    a bull case scenario we could be getting
    closer to about
    $124 us again plugging in different
    variables here but in a bull case
    scenario what we’re seeing is that ICP
    could hit around 8 trillion sorry the
    total crypto market cap could hit around
    8 trillion us if ICP achieves about a
    75% Dom
    that gives it a $60 billion overall
    market cap and then dividing that by
    about 485 million ICP tokens uh that we
    estimate to be in circulation by the
    middle of 2025 that gives us our price
    Target here in a bull case scenario so
    zooming out what does all of that mean
    and how many ICP tokens do you actually
    need in order to achieve millionaire
    status this bull cycle well we’re going
    to look at a couple different scenarios
    and in a base case scenario first
    again if you remember our price
    prediction for our base case is about
    $865 zooming in here if we have a
    million doll Target or goal of becoming
    a millionaire with ICP Alone um what
    that what we can do then is that gives
    us uh dividing that by our $86 $59 price
    Target that gives us
    11,549 ICP that we we would need to own
    so if we need to own
    11,549 ICP at a price of
    $865 to become a millionaire then
    purchasing $11,000 sorry
    11,549 ICP at today’s price of
    $15.85 means that we would need to
    invest about
    $183,000 today April 10th 2024 in order
    to purchase and own 11,54
    9 ICP and then targeting a sale price of
    about $86 59 by the middle of 2025 when
    we estimate that ball cycle to be that
    gives us our millionaire status so that
    is our base case scenario if we look at
    our bull case scenario what we would
    need is we would only need about
    8,083 ICP tokens at a price of
    $123 to hit our million doll price
    Target if we need $808 3 ICP multiplying
    that by uh today’s price of
    $15.85 that gives us an investment
    needed today of
    $128,000 in order to acquire just over
    8,000 ICP again targeting that sale
    price of $123 by the middle of 2025
    gives us our
    scenario finally we’ve done one extra
    Uber bullish case scenario iio saying
    that ICP could reach Heights even closer
    to $160 some people would say we’re
    going to $200 we’re being a little more
    conservative even though this is an Uber
    bull case scenario if ICP
    reaches a price of $160 us that means we
    would only need $6,250 ICP in order to
    reach our millionaire status if we need
    to purchase 6,2 50 ICP at today’s prices
    that requires an investment of just
    $100,000 uh we need to invest $
    9,062 us today at an ICP price of $585
    in order to acquire 6,250 ICP and then
    setting up a cell Target for $160 by
    around the middle of 2025 gives us our
    million do if we sell all of our tokens
    at that price and cash in on
    6,250 ICP so that is how many ICP you
    need in order to become a millionaire
    this buold cycle an investment possibly
    um of just under $100,000 and a sale
    price eventually of 160 would give you
    that millionaire status obviously that
    is slightly over a 10x from today’s
    prices if we go back to our price
    predictions you know it’s still very
    possible that that that happens um even
    in a b in a base case scenario um
    $183,000 investment turning into a
    million dollar in the space of maybe 18
    months is not a bad Roi again none of
    this is financial advice of course it is
    a taught experiment to think about how
    much you would need to invest in ICP
    today in order to attain millionaire
    stus by the peak of this bull cycle so
    let us know in the comments below are
    you bullish on ice P yourself are you
    holding internet computer as part of
    your bull run portfolio let us know drop
    a comment below to keep us in the loop
    on what you are investing in as always
    if you enjoy the content please make
    sure to smash the thumbs up button on
    your way out let us know if you’re an
    ICP bull in the comments below uh make
    sure you subscribe as well we are on the
    road to our first 1,000 subscribers
    we’re getting very close to our goal and
    it would mean the world if you
    subscribed and hit that Bell
    notification icon so you can get updated
    when we drop new videos on the channel
    pretty much every single day at this
    point um and as always we will catch you
    in the next one

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    Dive into the exciting potential of Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) in our video, ‘How to Become an ICP Millionaire.’ Discover the strategies and insights you need to capitalize on the unique opportunities presented by ICP, a revolutionary blockchain network designed to expand the functionality of the internet.

    This video guides you through the essentials of investing in ICP, from understanding its foundational technology to assessing the market trends that could lead to significant financial gains.

    Whether you’re an experienced investor or new to the crypto scene, we’ll provide you with actionable tips and detailed analysis to help you make informed decisions and potentially build substantial wealth with ICP.

    Subscribe to our channel for more guides on becoming successful in the cryptocurrency market.


    1. Great breakdown of ICP brother thank you. Are you on X? Would like to follow you. Posting this video on X. You have the gift of explaining ICP in a very simple way for the average person keep the vids coming 🙏

    2. But why is no one using ICP, if ICP's technology is so much better????
      I mean people are not stupid in thos world. People use Solana to launch memecoins and use Ethereum to do other things that have actual usage in this world! Where is ICP? Why is no one using it? Can you give us 3 examples showing that ICP indeed has actual usage in our world????

    3. 86.59 @ 11549 wouldn’t give you millionaire status. Millionaire status would only be realised upon selling your ICP, until then it’s just numbers on your screen. Factor in exit fees and taxes then you would need far more than 11549 @ 86.59 to have “millionaire status”

    4. IMO. The best thing about ICP is the reverse gas fee(RGF) model it uses. This is far superior to anything else i have seen. ICP could easily be a top 3 coin.

    5. ICP is a longterm hold. Buy, accumulate, hold and stake for at least 8 years…. This is how you become a multi-millionaire without pressuring yourself to buy 11,500 ICPs now… 🎉😊

    6. Remember, if everyone says the cycle will end in mid-2025, it will definitely end before that. I argue that it has already ended, but I hope I am wrong

    7. With ICP being as hyped as it is now, I can see it reaching 30 dollars this cycle, a 10x increase from the bear market. 10x in the ever more mature stage the crypto market is in still amazing! The reason it will not be much higher is that there is not much new money being created out of thin air this time (at least not yet), and all gains in price need to come from somewhere.

    8. The new retail noobs dont care about the tech. You need to dumb down your expectations and audience. The folks want to get that 10x in meme coin and much quicker then 1 year

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