    welcome back we are now Hearing in the
    post Bitcoin having era of 2024 that
    dollarization continues to accelerate
    with Russia and China now 90% outside of
    the dollar when it comes to Mutual trade
    between the countries how is that going
    to affect the dollar how is that going
    to affect the world and these markets
    that’s what we’re going to be discussing
    in today’s video among many other topics
    including internet computer secure
    bridging we’re going to do an update on
    Goldfinch the crypto GFI PayPal and
    griphon or Griffon Mining and uh we’re
    going to also be talking about other
    Bitcoin mining companies and kind of
    where this is all going because I
    believe regardless if we do have
    capitulation going forward we are
    officially in the bull market after the
    Bitcoin having period and there is going
    to be a lot of room to make money in
    many different areas that we’re going to
    be talking about in today’s video
    nothing I say is financial advice but
    we’re be starting with the dollar right
    we are now 34 and a half a little bit
    more than 34 and a half trillion dollars
    in debt this has slowed down a little
    bit but as you guys know the overall
    economy is not doing you know super
    great we know a lot of businesses are
    laying people off the borrowing is kind
    of slowing down across the board until
    the Federal Reserve does something and
    are they going to do something anytime
    soon I believe yes guys the the same
    thing I said at the top of the 2021 bull
    market we don’t we won’t know that we’re
    in the bare Market until we are so the
    further we go the closer we are and now
    it’s opposite now that we’re in the post
    Bitcoin having period of
    2024 the the further we go the closer we
    are to just going straight up so I
    believe personally for my portfolio and
    in my strategy
    that not being in the market is probably
    not the greatest choice right and now
    listen I believe in diversification so
    I’m in the market out of the market I’m
    in crypto not in crypto
    in other types of assets and so there
    diversification can kind of protect you
    so that if one area of the market goes
    down for instance crypto and let’s say
    the stocks go up well if you’re in
    stocks and crypto you may have a little
    bit of a dip in crypto but you’re going
    to have a pump in stocks and so this is
    how diversification can help out but
    meanwhile Russia and China are
    boycotting the dollar using their
    National currencies for over 90% of
    mutual payments now this is not being
    widely reported in the United States
    think that just people just don’t know
    about what’s going on and by the way
    don’t forget to give this video a free
    thumbs up also hit that subscribe button
    we upload every single day of the year
    to bring you the latest happening in the
    financial world every single day since
    2018 I think that deserves a thumbs up
    at least if not also a subscribe anyway
    uh so yeah this is not being widely
    reported in the US and a lot of people
    in the US I don’t think fully understand
    the the repercussions of all of these
    sanctions that the US has been uh you
    know putting on Russia right Russia is
    still doing business they still are a
    country and so if they’re doing business
    with other countries and they can’t use
    the dollar because of sanctions they’re
    going to use other currencies and so
    Russia and their Ally China have almost
    completely ditched the US dollar to
    settle bilateral trade instead using
    their own currencies the Yuan and the
    ruble according to the Russian foreign
    minister more than 90% of mutual
    payments between the two countries are
    being done in their National currencies
    so how does this the dollar well the
    more countries that don’t use the dollar
    they’re dumping dollars and so who are
    they dumping dollars on the the people
    who are using the dollars it’s the same
    thing in crypto at the end of the bull
    market the people who were in early they
    start selling the assets for instance
    Bitcoin top they’re selling the Bitcoin
    granted the price will start coming down
    in a bull market but who are they
    selling it to they’re selling it to the
    people who still believe Bitcoin is
    going to continue to go higher even
    though we were in a year and a half of a
    bull market even even though we went 20x
    in the price of the crypto there’s still
    people who oh no no no bitcoin’s going
    to go to a bazillion dollars this in the
    next month right I I I was that way in
    2017 I’m sure many of you guys felt that
    those feelings at at at some point
    during the the peak of the market uh
    during previous cycles and so that’s
    literally how markets work right and an
    asset is valuable and used and held by
    people and the less people who hold it
    and use it the more the bag holders hold
    it and then we we have a situation
    where everybody’s fleeing the dollar
    like think about Venezuela and we’re
    going to be talking about Venezuela in
    this next story because tether is vowing
    to freeze assets after Venezuela looks
    to crypto to bypass oil sanctions so
    effectively in Venezuela they kept
    printing money at a very exorbitant rate
    and every time they printed they would
    print more than they printed the
    previous time and then it gets out of
    control so much so that they had
    hyperinflation they still have
    hyperinflation and their their their
    literal physical money is worth is it’s
    not even worth the paper that they
    printed on it’s literally worthless and
    so you’ll see you know um art being made
    with this money the money just thrown on
    the street because it’s literally Valu
    less right it’s kind of like a penny in
    the United States right yeah the penny
    does have value but it’s so minimal what
    are you going to buy with a penny you’re
    going to go collect pennies all day and
    you know maybe have a dollar or two at
    the end of the day it’s just not worth
    it right and so this is what happens
    when hyperinflation takes place and or
    people dump the dollars and in my view
    it’s part of the US’s fault because they
    keep uh sanctioning these countries and
    that forces these other countries to
    leave the dollar not only does it Force
    those countries to leave the dollar it
    forces the countries that are um maybe
    not sanctioned and doing trade with that
    country to go off the dollar and we’re
    seeing this happen happening with many
    different countries right now and so who
    is going to be left holding the bag of
    dollars US US you and I and granted this
    could take years and years but we are
    seeing the inflation occurring right we
    are seeing the rapid expansion of prices
    going up dollar power going down uh
    purchasing power going down people think
    they’re richer because they’re making
    more from wages but their wages are not
    even keeping up with the rate of
    inflation so a lot of these businesses
    SL minimum wage laws they’re literally
    just pushing everything up so for
    instance if you go to $15 minimum wage
    or $20 minimum wage every other position
    has to be pushed up as well right so the
    managers the supervisors the you know
    whoever’s not getting paid minimum wage
    they’re going to get bumped up a little
    bit as well otherwise what’s the point
    in working a higher level job if you’re
    going to be getting paid the same amount
    as the early entry uh worker right so
    that pushes everything up but the power
    of the dollar and people think that
    they’re getting more money and the
    businesses are like oh no we can’t
    afford this but they’re also raising
    their prices ridiculously and their
    costs are not going up as much as
    they’re raising it so it becomes a
    where the dollar is worth less but
    people are making more and they think
    that they’re richer but they’re actually
    less than they were a few years ago
    because of the rate of inflation this is
    very important to understand especially
    this is why people talk about Bitcoin
    being a store of value right so if
    you’re going through a hyperinflationary
    period yeah you can convert some of that
    Bitcoin into dollars that way you can
    pay for things and transact and all of
    that and live but if you hold it in the
    Bitcoin the idea is that Bitcoin is
    going to outpace that uh loss of
    purchasing power for instance during the
    last cycle a dollar is now worth maybe
    you know 90 cents compared to what it
    was maybe some people would argue even
    less because of the rate of prices
    increasing but let’s just say it it lost
    10% of its value so a dollar is now
    worth 90 cents compared to before the
    last cycle meanwhile so that’s a 50%
    drop in purchasing power or sorry 10%
    drop in purchasing power so you’d
    imagine on the other end you’re getting
    a 10% increase but actually you’re
    getting more with Bitcoin because
    Bitcoin went from $3,000 or even
    $110,000 at that mid bare market last
    cycle all the way up to uh 70
    $60,000 right that’s a 20x even a 10x 6X
    this is still significantly more than
    where the rate of inflation was anyway
    moving on to this story tether is now
    saying that block payments made to
    sanctioned entities after sources
    claimed Venezuela state-run oil company
    is using usdt to facilitate oil exports
    so tether is saying they’re going to
    block these payments and this comes
    after a report that uh Venezuela’s state
    oil company was moving to stable coins
    to bypass sanctions to go away from the
    sanctions because the US is not letting
    them transact in dollar something like
    that and so tether says that they
    respect the oact list and they’re
    committed to working to ensure sanction
    addresses are frozen promptly this comes
    after The Exclusive Rutter report
    claiming that the state-owned RO a
    state-run oil company
    pdvsa has has been using crypto to
    facilitate their crude oil and fuel
    exports um and that they’re facing new
    oil sanctions reimposed by the us so I
    mean the US is effectively forcing these
    countries away from the dollar and so
    they’re going to choose something else
    right they’re not just going to
    disappear and this is unfortunate
    because the Americans are going to be
    left holding the bag and this is not a
    very good situation to be in um but we
    will see we will definitely see this as
    um we’re hearing that credit card
    delinquency rates are increasing to 2008
    levels that was the financial crisis
    this guy who’s a research uh researcher
    at bitwise Investments one of the
    Bitcoin ETF issuers and they have some
    other crypto funds he said credit card
    Del delinquency rates at Discover the
    credit card company the sixth largest
    credit card issuer in the US just spiked
    a 2008 levels that discovered credit
    card delinquency rates jumped to 5.7% in
    q1 for contacts delinquency rates into
    2022 we at 1 and a half% this means that
    delinquency rates meaning people who are
    late on their payments right they
    haven’t paid their bills that these
    rates are nearly four times higher than
    they were just two years ago consumers
    are still spending at record levels even
    as savings have been depleted is this
    the canary and the coal mine of a credit
    card debt bubble I think it’s really
    just an overall debt bubble I mean
    guys I go out to um eat maybe like few
    times a week not necessarily like super
    nice restaurants but also not like at
    um like at Applebees or stuff like that
    you like nicer you know family run
    businesses I guess you could say
    restaurants and they are all packed I
    mean every day of the week they are
    packed and this is in almost every area
    that I’ve been in and so it’s like we’re
    hearing that the economy is not doing
    that great and people are not feeling
    that they’re making enough money but
    meanwhile they’re still spending right
    go to the mall in the middle of the week
    go to the mall it’s packed and matter
    where you are and so this is an
    indicator in my view that people are
    still spending on credit okay so we’re
    the dollars being devalued people are
    just taking out credit they can’t make
    they can’t afford enough but they’re
    getting paid more so they feel richer so
    they’re spending more but they’re really
    not because they’re or make they’re
    really not making more because the
    purchasing power of the dollar is going
    down and people don’t realize that and
    so while this is all going on with the
    dollar right we’re we’re still battling
    whether the ETFs are going to be
    approved for ethereum and other cryptos
    because once ethereum ETFs are approved
    there’s going to be more crypto ETFs
    coming out and ethereum ETFs are
    unlikely to be approved in May according
    to a bank Standard Chartered and they’re
    yet another Financial firm that’s saying
    it’s not going to be approved I
    personally don’t think that ethereum ETF
    is going to be approved I think this
    could potentially push the crypto
    markets further down at least ethereum
    further down maybe bringing us to that
    capitulation point that I’ve been
    talking about on this channel maybe not
    I mean maybe we’ve already cap
    capitulated and the capitulation was
    just significantly less than most of us
    anticipated right I don’t know I mean
    personally I don’t think that the market
    Cycles change that often I I think that
    they definitely have rhythm and rhyme
    but maybe we’re seeing a different super
    cycle this this time I don’t know we’ll
    have to wait and see but uh what do you
    think do you think that the ethereum
    ETFs are going to be approved in
    May I don’t I think it’s going to be an
    ongoing battle with the SEC once again
    and uh yeah and meanwhile xrp Ripple
    they’re still fighting with the
    SEC I think they have some uh some like
    court cases that are wrapping up but
    anyway this user on X who says long-term
    Crypt bull um 44,000 users she said I am
    concerned The xrp Ledger Architects
    allocated 80 billion xrp to Ripple for
    the purpose of developing use cases for
    the digital asset The xrp Ledger
    launched in June of 201 12 how is the
    ecosystem doing today now first of all
    very uh interesting topic here because
    what she’s going to be talking about is
    how the effectively the the xrp treasury
    funds are being spent and whether they
    are actually doing anything to advance
    the xrp network and also Advance the
    usage of xrp this is the same
    conversation that we’ve been having with
    cardano over the last two years with the
    project Catalyst treasury funding
    mechanism where uh cardano’s ecosystem
    was effectively up to this point over
    the last few years paying out 50 million
    Ada every three to four months so that’s
    about um 1 to 200 million Ada per
    year while the whole network of of
    cardano was inflating by one and a half
    billion Ada per year and so this project
    Catalyst was funding these projects that
    were supposed to be building on cardano
    and here we are in 2024
    Cycles after cardano launched and we
    still basically don’t have
    interoperability there we still don’t
    have cross chain Bridges we don’t have
    Smart contract usage on a large scale I
    mean effectively if you look at the utxo
    transactions most of the transaction on
    the cardano network are just nfts
    getting transferred back and forth which
    you can set algorithms to do so it’s not
    actual usage on the network and this has
    been a big call out on this channel and
    for from me for a long time and this is
    one of the reasons I believe cardano is
    not investible at this time because
    there isn’t any um any Pathway to
    Sustainable Building on the blockchain
    through these grants and cardano is
    talking about going into a fully
    decentralized governance ecosystem which
    I don’t have much faith in either when
    they haven’t even gotten to the point
    where their F I mean where is all this
    200 million Ada over the last few years
    where is it and so what I’ve explained
    to my viewers is that in my personal
    opinion and that’s all it is I could be
    wrong so make sure you guys do your own
    research and don’t just take what I say
    as gold because I could be wrong but I
    believe cardano and xrp are going to
    exit the top 10 this cycle and you could
    already see I mean xrp for most of its
    existence was in the top five they want
    the xrp secondary sales uh one from an
    SEC perspective nothing happened to the
    coin right and now we’re hearing that
    their funding mechanism their grant
    program may not be working either right
    so xrp no cross chain communic ation no
    smart contracts no interoperability
    Bridges some of the same issues that we
    have over with cardano right and so
    let’s talk about xrpl grants she says we
    are not privy to any of these
    submissions or panel discussions held
    when Ripple developers assess a
    Project’s Grant application she says all
    I know is merely Comm is uh as a mere
    Community member and advocate of xrp
    that things are not looking good for the
    from a community perspective she said
    let’s acknowledge the elephant in the
    room developer activity on The Ledger
    xrpl I’m just going to say xrp on xrp
    could be better we have witnessed a few
    projects either leaving or acknowledge
    that they are building cross chain for
    many reasons H same thing that we hear
    in cardano she says every passing of a
    new XLS which is uh The xrp Ledger
    standard enables new use cases and
    potentially new exciting projects for
    the xrp ecosystem she says I I hope
    projects will not need to migrate in
    order to survive meaning they’re going
    to have to leave the xrp ecosystem to
    survive this is the same thing that
    we’re seeing in cardano a lot of
    projects that were born on cardano
    exited to other blockchains she
    continues here saying building in web 3
    has many challenges uh suly put basic
    things like setting up a bank account
    can even be challenging banks are weary
    if the word blockchain or crypto are
    mentioned so you can imagine applying
    for a bank loan most distributed Ledger
    technology Builders bootstrap their
    projects in order to realize their
    business goals and dreams an issue of
    trying to build on xrp is that Venture
    capitalists apparently steer clear of
    such projects mainly because Ripple is
    seen as a steward of the xrpl being the
    largest holder of the digital asset
    around current uh 46 billion xrp are
    currently locked in escrow and we talk
    about escrow a lot nobody else in the
    xrp Army talks about the escrow where
    Ripple just keeps selling and selling
    and selling and selling xrp and that’s
    part of the reason the xrp price I
    believe has not moved because of this
    constant selling from Ripple and what is
    Ripple doing with that money she said I
    bring this all up because the reality is
    that xrp although open source
    decentralized blockchain still relies
    heavily on Ripple for funding all of the
    big projects building or associated with
    xrp are dependent on not only the
    funding but the resources that only
    Ripple can provide including foundations
    used to promote and support support the
    ecosystem for instance the xrpl
    foundation xrpl Commons Etc she says the
    Optics are not looking good at the
    moment when small legit Builder Grant
    applications are being rejected without
    any parent explanation or feedback
    Goodwill goes both ways we’d love to
    hear the community’s thoughts how can we
    help improve things and attract and
    sustain uh and support builders on The
    Ledger I mean when I first read this
    guys I really thought that they were
    talking about card
    because all of these issues are the same
    exact things in the cardano ecosystem I
    mean we have seen through even project
    Catalyst cardano Builders who are were
    ogs in the cardano ecosystem uh
    literally saying we’re we’re done trying
    to get money from the ecosystem because
    nobody understood how it worked and
    nobody understood why big prominent
    projects weren’t getting funded but
    these like brand new startups that
    nobody ever heard of nobody knew the
    team were getting all this funding and
    again cardano used
    is almost nothing compared to these
    major blockchains and xrp in my view is
    in the same situation they both have
    27 Vibe right where they’re trying to do
    the same things that happened in 2017
    it’s all about hype and listen there’s a
    very high possibility Ripple is going to
    uh IPO at some point and the xrp Army is
    going to be so excited about this but
    unfortunately as Lark Davis says I
    believe these two communities have bag
    itis where they are not not seeing any
    of this because their bags are so heavy
    oh everybody loves xrp no nobody loves
    xrp in fact just on this channel we have
    a very wide reach in crypto any video
    with xrp worst performing videos um and
    you can see that the engagement is not
    there right and this is across YouTube
    and uh we’re starting to see the same
    thing happening in cardano right we’ve
    talked about this before on my channel
    that my number one downvoted video is
    cardano videos and it’s cardano
    community that are down voting it based
    on our research uh into some of these
    things like we’ve done tests on the
    channel to see like where the down
    voting is coming from and so it creates
    this Echo chamber where everybody in the
    community which may not be a lot of
    people it may just be a few people with
    a lot of accounts making it seem like
    there’s a lot of Engagement there’s just
    nobody there right nobody’s nobody that
    crypto during 2020 or 20 21 or forward
    are interested in xrp why because they
    were in this legal limbo for many years
    and ripple did nothing to grow the
    ecosystem like what can xrp do that
    other blockchains can wow it’s going to
    be a crush chain transfer protocol for
    crossb payments who cares polygon can do
    that tether can do that usdc can do that
    uh Dogecoin can do that ethereum can do
    that every Layer Two on ethereum can do
    that there’s no reason that you need xrp
    now that Ripple on the other hand is a
    business so they have these business
    relationships with countries with
    businesses with backend Integrations of
    this technology to to run crossb
    payments but at the end of the day none
    of what Ripple is doing necessarily has
    anything to do with xrp although they
    say it
    could that’s not investable it could
    right let’s say Elon Musk said we’re
    Tesla we’re we’re not going to we’re not
    going to release any new vehicles until
    we perfect
    a vehicle I mean that could
    take centuries literally and so what
    they just don’t push anything out until
    they until they’re ready to uh you know
    have the perfect product that’s
    ridiculous and so yeah I mean xrp is in
    this kind of weird situation uh I don’t
    I don’t see how xrp is going to maintain
    a top 10 position I mean it’s already
    basically out of the top 10 and I think
    it’s going to be out very soon but a
    cryp that isn’t going to be leaving the
    top 10 and probably is going to enter
    the top 10 you guys know one of my
    favorites internet computer protocol so
    this new major milestone for internet
    computer internet computer canisters or
    smart contracts now serve as a
    decentralized bridge Watchers for the ZK
    cross Network so what in the ZK cross is
    going on here well ZK cross posted this
    at the end of April 2024 said ZK cross
    network is proud to unveil our
    gamechanging collaboration with the
    internet computer we’ve
    revolutionizing defi interoperability
    and this is your first look they
    continue saying we’ve completed a
    milestone integration bringing
    decentralized cross Chain Bridge
    Watchers to the ICP canisters it’s a
    Leap Forward in achieving true
    decentralization what does this mean for
    you think secure seamless value transfer
    across web 3 with just one click you
    heard that right the scoop is their
    Bridge Watchers are now on chain thanks
    to internet computer canister smart
    contract that’s decentralized efficient
    and as robust as it gets we’re talking
    about Rock Solid security for your cross
    chain transactions they said what is
    live their integration it’s in the
    testing phase ensuring every swap is
    smooth as silk get ready to experience
    the future of D5 with ZK cross network
    and internet computer this is uh what
    the integration is unique it’s onchain
    transaction monitoring and TR
    decentralization and don’t forget their
    approach aligns with the internet
    computer and dein’s vision of red
    defining the decentralized ecosystem
    together they’re not just Building
    Bridges they’re building super highways
    so integration of ZK cross deck on
    internet computer will be next it’s
    going to be a cross chain decentralized
    exchange designed to transform how you
    move value across web 3 imagine
    optimizing value across web 3 with one
    click no hassle no fuss just seamless
    integration with a user-friendly
    experience that’s out of the world this
    world that’s ZK cross deck on internet
    computer so more is is coming uh on this
    obviously you guys know that the way
    that internet computer is doing things
    is very different than what we’re seeing
    with a lot of other ecosystems and
    blockchains uh you know from their
    Bridge ability using chain key or chain
    Fusion technology to this right
    Integrations with these decks is that
    are going to create more cross chain
    liquidity and cross chain compatibility
    there are I mean guys everything is not
    super Rosy I mean I’m not like um like
    this is my number one position in my
    portfolio it’s not I mean personally
    when I’m recording this video I don’t
    even hold any ICP at this point a lot of
    people have been asking about that
    people saying that internet computer’s
    paying me guys I don’t get paid by
    anybody except for the people who are
    members of this Channel and you guys
    watching and I get AdSense from uh the
    the ads on this channel but I’m not paid
    by anybody right these are my
    investment um thesis and strategy this
    is what I’m doing in my portfolio do I
    believe in Internet computer absolutely
    do I hold it not right this second and
    that has nothing to do with the
    technology this strictly has to do with
    where the market is where the macro
    Market is as I’ve explained we don’t
    know if we’ve already gotten to the
    bottom of the market before we’re going
    in the bull market but as we are moving
    forward I do think that we’re closer to
    the the straight up only in the markets
    when that’s going to start nobody knows
    and so I believe in diversification I
    look at internet computer and part of me
    says you know internet computer has
    already 8X from the low to the $20 range
    it’s a pretty big jump and having no
    corrective phase but we also have to
    keep in mind the supply structure of
    Internet computer the fact that internet
    computer is one of the only cryptos that
    hit $800 before it hit $10 typically
    it’s the other way around a crypto hits
    $10 and
    $300 internet computer hit $800 then it
    hits $600 then it hit
    $2.90 right so it actually went opposite
    where the other assets go so there’s a
    lot lot of as we call it bag holders
    that are in with a dollar cost average
    above $600 700 and so they’re kind of
    stuck and so maybe the supply
    situation being limited because people
    aren’t incentivized to sell their coins
    yet and the fact that there’s so much
    interest in Internet computer maybe
    internet computer is not going to take a
    dip I mean I’m really waiting for under
    $10 to Reby
    in I don’t know if it’s going to hit
    that and it may not but at the end of
    the day if we’re going to go straight up
    only regardless when we’re in that phase
    does it matter if I buy a $2 or I buy a
    $10 or I buy a $20 no
    because if I bought at $20 and we go to
    100 I still made 5x if I bought at $10
    and it goes to 100 I made 10x right but
    we don’t we don’t know when those
    numbers are going to hit so again part
    of trading and part of like playing the
    market is dollar cost averaging in and
    dollar cost averaging out and right now
    I still think that we’re going to see a
    little bit more of a dip in uh internet
    computer but by the time you’re watching
    this video Maybe not maybe I already
    bought so as I say don’t make investment
    choices based on what I say because I
    could be wrong and by the time you’re
    watching this maybe my thesis has
    changed anyway moving on PayPal now
    promotes low carbon Bitcoin mining with
    a new research paper in a collaboration
    with energy web and DMG blockchain they
    introduced an approach to promote
    environmentally sustainable practices in
    Bitcoin mining the research backed
    initiative encourages miners to utilize
    low carbon energy sources by offering
    Financial incentives and so yeah
    obviously the financial incentive for
    these Bitcoin mining companies and these
    individual Bitcoin miners to use low
    carbon and low energy or low um cost
    energy this is I mean the incentive is
    already there because keep in mind these
    Bitcoin mining companies they have to
    they have to spend less than they’re
    earning and sometimes they don’t know
    how much they’re going to make because
    uh new Bitcoin fleets pop up new Bitcoin
    mining companies pop up the difficulty
    increases like there’s so many different
    scenarios but there is one company that
    is already 100% renewable and that is
    gripon or griphon mining I calling a
    gyon some of you guys are saying it’s
    wrong how do you pronounce it Griffon
    gyon people are saying it’s Griffon
    gripon anyway I’m gonna keep saying gon
    because it’s g p n that’s Fawn gray Fon
    anyway I am very bullish on Bitcoin
    mining companies I’m
    actually I don’t know whether I’m more
    bullish on Bitcoin mining companies or
    the crypto Market itself I really am not
    sure I personally believe that these
    Bitcoin mining companies are going to do
    extremely extremely well and I could be
    wrong on this so make sure you guys do
    your own research and by the way if
    you’re up to this point in the video
    don’t forget to give the video a free
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    been supporting for a short period of
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    cryptoviser podcast thanks so much for
    the support it really does help anyway
    um so yeah this stock I am very bullish
    on 100% renewable according to their
    audits their team is fairly new they
    have rapid expansion land and it’s a low
    market cap stock right and I I in my
    view all of the Bitcoin mining companies
    are going to be minimum billion dollars
    this cycle at some point minimum billion
    dollars now I could be wrong on that I
    don’t I I really don’t think so I really
    don’t think I think it’s going to be a
    billion dollar sorry yeah minimum
    billion dollars so if we just look at G
    Gund mining it’s 52 million we’ll just
    say 50 million to keep the numbers round
    that’s a
    20x that’s at 20x from where we are
    today just to get to a billion and if
    you think about Riot platforms Marathon
    digital these are two to5 billion dollar
    in valuation so if gyon gets to A5
    billion valuation during the cycle that
    would say
    1,000x sorry no 100x no I don’t know
    let’s do the math right now 50 million
    and we’re going to times that by 100
    yeah five billion so if it get goes 100x
    it’s going to be at the same market cap
    of marathon digital in the early cycle
    is that GNA happen I don’t know I think
    a billion dollars I think personally
    that’s baked in um and based on what
    they’re doing from a you know uh
    of renewable energy it costs them
    significantly less money to mine than
    most companies most companies in 2023
    were in the60 and $70,000 range to
    Bitcoin for them it was about $188,000
    their their margins are very large and
    they also just announced a stock buback
    program so we know companies that
    usually do stock BuyBacks it elevates
    the price limits the supply hopefully
    price goes up meanwhile PayPal which did
    this research that we were just talking
    about on low carbon emission Bitcoin
    mining christoo chaffoy who is a trading
    um basically a Trader who posts on X he
    said I don’t like stocks but I like
    PayPal for the first time in 2 and a
    half years the price is consolidating
    above the 200 day moving average on The
    Daily it also the 100 day moving average
    crosses with the 200 day moving average
    this looks so pretty look closer see an
    inverse Head and Shoulders send it to
    154 and give me my
    money and so I’m not a really big
    chartist but an inverse Head and
    would be a head and shoulders pattern
    where you have like a little bit of a
    low dip and then a high pump and then a
    low pump right so you got the two
    shoulders and the head in the middle so
    an inverse would be this there’s a
    shoulder there’s the head there’s the
    shoulder now typically after these like
    the way that I view this again I’m not a
    chartist so the the way that I’m
    explaining it is just my interpretation
    but the way that I look at these on a on
    a macro scale let’s actually pull up um
    let’s pull a PayPal so I could show you
    on a easier to view chart so when I zoom
    out like this right on the six month you
    can see that the trend is up right and
    basically the way that I look for Trends
    is this kind of thing it’s like a
    stairwell it goes up it goes up drops a
    little bit goes up drops a little bit
    goes up drops a little bit the general
    trend is higher even though there’s a
    little bit of a roller coaster in
    between now uh again this is not a
    candle chart so it’s not as easy to see
    what he’s saying um with the head and
    shoulders but uh and by the way he’s
    also looking at the daily I don’t know
    what this is at so anyway it doesn’t
    matter when I zoom out what I really
    want to look for is again that Trend so
    when I pull this out and you could see
    that it looks like the bottom was
    October 2023 which it was for most of
    the market in crypto and we saw crypto
    basically go much higher than this in
    terms of growth uh I think that we can
    actually compare this to let’s see if we
    can compare it to bitcoin yeah we can so
    yeah you can see that PayPal was
    basically flat and in the negative over
    the last one year compared to bitcoin
    which is up
    141% and so even up on the the year-to
    date you can see PayPal basically flat
    so we’ve had basically uh very little
    movement in the price of
    PayPal uh but the
    trend has been higher and when we zoom
    out there’s this huge gap
    double Gap that needs to be filled here
    right we saw this huge drop in July of
    2023 where it went from $75 to
    $6 over here in May it went from $75
    down to $60 so those are big drops and
    so typically when you’re starting to
    reverse the trend you’re going to see
    these kind of things happening upside
    down not 100% uh basically meaning
    instead of going down we’re going to go
    higher here when that’s going to happen
    I don’t know but but when you look at a
    a more tradable chart with the bars and
    the candles here this is much easier to
    see kind of where the trend is look at
    the flows of volume right look at the
    moving averages you can see here the
    line um I think it’s the 50-day moving
    average and what is the 200 day moving
    average it basically shows you the
    average and you can kind of see where I
    think it’s up here yeah you can see the
    cross here I think he’s showing this for
    volume I think that’s what it is I don’t
    even know what the bottom is but this
    top here you can see that the moving
    average right here is crossing the other
    two moving averages and usually when you
    see convergence like that it’s the
    beginning of a trend either to the
    upside or to the downside now the fact
    that we’re entering a bull market in my
    view the fact that PayPal does have
    crypto Integrations and payments keep in
    mind payments on PayPal are usually like
    small businesses so if small businesses
    are not doing that well they’re not
    getting loans they’re not borrowing
    money they’re not really expanding or
    spending money you’re going to see
    PayPal’s usage decrease and therefore
    their profits decrease if all this turns
    around and we start to see more money
    being pumped into the ecosystem and the
    Federal Reserve changing course
    potentially we’re going to see a lot
    more movement in these uh in these
    prices of things so anyway we’re also
    hearing not just about grion mining
    doing stock BuyBacks but Kanan
    executives are seeking to buy at least
    $2 million in the company’s shares
    following the having now a lot of people
    don’t know about this company but Kenyan
    is a stock that’s traded on the NASDAQ
    $241 million it’s described as doing
    business as Kanan creative known as
    simply as Kanan is a china-based
    computer hardware manufacturer
    established in 2013 they specialize in
    blockchain servers and Asic mini
    microprocessors for use in Bitcoin
    mining so uh yeah they’re they’re
    looking to buy $2 million which is
    really only 1% of the Stock’s market cap
    but that’s still a pretty big number and
    again they’re doing this post having on
    buying Bitcoin stocks post having and I
    think that we’re going to see extremely
    good performance from these because
    again right they’re the whole narrative
    about Bitcoin and the Bitcoin having in
    crypto all comes down to the Bitcoin
    cycle the Bitcoin having and who does
    the Bitcoin having benefit the most
    Bitcoin mining
    companies anyway moving right along
    Goldfinch posted this saying as members
    of the tokenized asset Coalition we
    applaud the Innovative steps towards
    tokenization and finance education and
    advocacy are key to navigating this
    terrain together we can build a more
    financial uh inclusive Financial
    ecosystem and they link to this article
    that basically talks about the next
    Frontier and they talk about uh
    tokenization it says the movement is
    known as tokenization which proponents
    argue will streamline the exchange of
    various real world assets by tracking
    them on ledgers that underpin
    cryptocurrency it’s Trend that’s
    beginning to raise a host of new policy
    questions for Washington beyond the
    dramatic day-to-day battles and so you
    know Black Rock just recently launched a
    tokenized fund we’re hearing a lot more
    about this tokenization of real world
    assets and Goldfinch is well positioned
    for this right because they have
    a a collateralized loan program on their
    now a lot of people have been asking me
    for updates on Goldfinch am I still
    bullish on Goldfinch I mean
    for the most part yes unless I make a
    video that says I’m bearish on these
    coins most of them that I’m bullish on
    I’m going to be bullish on the whole
    cycle we’re having a little bit of a dip
    now uh I think I sold all my Goldfinch I
    took profits out of the out of it
    because again Goldfinch went from 38
    cents to over $4 over $5 at some point
    so more than uh more than 10x in the
    value and so when you see these 10x is
    and you’re like oh no we’re going higher
    I’m just going to hold it’s like you you
    can definitely do that but there’s a lot
    of people are going to be taking profits
    this entire cycle um so again I mean if
    you are comfortable in the in the market
    and non-emotional maybe you have a
    trading account and a holding account
    that way you can trade in one and just
    hold in the other but generally speaking
    I think it going much higher there are
    some concerns about Goldfinch
    specifically um the fact that they’ve
    had a few loan defaults including a
    recent one and if that continues these
    loan defaults I mean this could be
    really bad but
    that I don’t think we necessarily have
    to worry about at the beginning of a
    bull run we definitely have to think
    about at the end of a bull run because
    think remember what happened with FTX
    block by all of them that was all
    loaning and borrowing to and from each
    other just creating endless money and
    when that mechanism stopped everything
    crashed everything and so yeah I am
    worried about that how that loan
    situation is going to play out
    especially in future loans that they
    provide because I would imagine they’re
    going to be creating more loans but
    remember they do have some pretty big
    backers including Circle and coinbase so
    with that I hopefully you guys enjoyed
    today’s video I’m doing a few of these
    longer style videos to really break down
    what I’m talking about and everything
    doesn’t feel rushed because I know a lot
    of you guys are trying to navigate this
    Market the same way that uh I am the
    same way that many other viewers are
    trying to as well it’s very complicated
    Market nothing is guaranteed we don’t
    can’t like
    predict 100% that something’s going to
    or not going to happen in the markets so
    a lot of it comes to diversification and
    figuring out what is the most likely
    scenario and really taking the risk most
    people they’re just scared to they’re
    like they
    under guys there’s people watch my
    videos that have never invested in this
    stuff right they’re they’re scared they
    don’t know what to do even even myself
    right it is a very hard thing to press
    that buy button on a on a crypto or on a
    stock I mean ultimately you have to
    start right I mean uh my first large
    purchase of crypto I mean it was scary
    and obviously I was very early in my uh
    investing journey and I’m lost a lot of
    money on that trade I think one trade I
    made it was supposed to be for long-term
    hold and I bought it and the next day it
    crat by like 50% and I was devastated
    devastated and so yeah there all I will
    say is there’s going to be a lot of
    people who leave this cycle with no
    profits in fact a lot of people are
    going to leave in the negative so make
    sure that you put money side to pay your
    taxes make sure that you don’t retrade
    all of your profits because if you
    retrade all your profits and then you
    get in the red again it’s very hard to
    come out of that especially once the
    bull market is over and so with that
    hopefully you guys enjoyed don’t forget
    to give this video a thumbs up hit that
    subscribe button that way you never miss
    a new video and I’ll see you guys
    tomorrow crypto on


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    3. We can’t really blame them for dumping the dollar. We weaponized the western financial systems, so really gave them no choice.
      The petrodollar is already dead!!
      I believe Russia and China will also force the revaluation of gold (and silver) because it has been artificially suppressed for decades.

    4. I think many investors are going to sell a big percentage of their assets to buy Fetch now that the merger has been approved between Fetch, AGIX, and Ocean. ASI will be the newly branded token and it's going to be epic.

    5. XRP is not going yo do anything. ADA is garbage, to many promises and not enough delivery. However , Very limited , RECENT adoption on ICP . Nobody is interested in that past manipulated chart from last cycle .
      So many people were totally rekt in ICP . I wouldn't want to be their exit liquidity. People are buying newer cryptos. Follow the money.

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