hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo
    Channel since we’ve had a fantastic day
    as xrp holders despite it being a rather
    bloody day broadly in crypto markets I
    thought I’d highlight a bit more
    perspective from a couple uh xrp
    analysts out here including one uh post
    is on your screen right now who says
    it’s xrp
    season I think that that pretty well
    sums up where we’re at in this
    cycle now of course I’ve been saying
    recently and this is true I I don’t know
    for sure if we’re at the literal B if
    you’re talking about xrp against
    Bitcoin but even if we might be like
    there I think there’s a reasonable
    argument to be made like we bottom in
    fact this I’ll show you what this
    analyst says he’s like yeah it looks
    like we pretty well bottomed but I’m I’m
    just going to tell you this even if not
    there will be a bottom the asset class
    moves in tandem it doesn’t matter that’s
    my conviction so we’ll talk about this
    but uh before going further I do want to
    be clear I do not have a financial
    background of any kind I am not offering
    Financial advice and you definitely
    should not buy or sell anything because
    of anything I say or right I’m just an
    Enthusiast who enjoys making YouTube
    videos about crypto related topics but
    just as a hobby damn it and just for fun
    so here we are xrp season and it’s funny
    because in light of the fact that I made
    a video where I was highlighting and
    destroying the bogus narrative about
    Ripple secretly hiring you know
    operatives in the xrp community
    including YouTubers uh you know to to
    say good things about xrp or whatever
    the like be there are always people that
    make this claim and somebody responded
    to him I don’t know who this guy is but
    he wrote either because again crypto
    this is chart analyst cryptos he said
    xrp season and it’s like you’re we’re in
    an environment it’s it’s fun when
    there’s an exciting day I share stuff
    that’s exciting and exuberant have fun
    with the damn Market but here here we
    get crap like this because it’s the
    internet and this guy said uh either
    engagement farming or paid by Ripple oh
    dear sweet baby Jesus like what what
    would that even do like what what would
    that what would this do there’s so many
    people talking positively about xrp
    because the community is full of
    literally millions of people they’re
    they’re gonna they’re paying cryptos
    here to do that because reasons what
    does that even do for
    ripple in fact and also if you’re
    talking about anything where they’d be
    promoting Ripple specifically which
    you’d think of anything would be the
    smart move from a brand perspective like
    wouldn’t that be their point well even
    that anything Ripple’s doing with xrp
    historically uh you know share all the
    good news in the world that hasn’t
    helped the price of
    xrp what actually moves the price of xrp
    is Bitcoin it’s the entire crypto asset
    class moving in tanem it just is and yes
    in the mature asset class it is true
    that I think those coins with utility
    will be the ones that stand out and have
    long-term viability and it is true that
    even though the asset class moves in
    tandem those coins that people believe
    are most useful uh end up you know more
    likely to be towards the top that’s why
    xrp has always been the top 10 coins by
    market cap but still broadly speaking
    Ripple announces some good news no it
    doesn’t matter and so you could feed
    secret operative info which isn’t
    happening and it wouldn’t do anything it
    wouldn’t it wouldn’t do a damn thing
    here so I just think it’s funny and so
    kryptos has a sense of humor and he
    wrote to the guy and said Brad and I go
    way back yeah it’s just the most
    ridiculous stuff here anyway let’s focus
    on the fun stuff though for the rest of
    the video we we got some good stuff here
    here’s some perspective from chart
    analyst cryptos to set this up uh this
    post was from April 25th and what we’ve
    seen to this point is what he was
    calling for which is why it’s
    interesting so the chart on your screen
    is just an xrpusd chart again going up
    to April 25th and he was noting that uh
    there was a good chance if the market
    goes down you’d see xrp price move back
    down right here where I’m circling on
    the screen uh perhaps as low as closer
    to 46 cents and we didn’t get quite that
    low but he was saying after that it
    would you know kind of bottom out of
    there and so here’s what he wrote on
    April 25th I think the xrp bottom is in
    however if we do see market sell off
    next week which is now folks if we do
    see Market selloff next week I think we
    should see more of a double bottom
    formation before we flip bullish for
    xrp and so look at that chart April 25th
    now here’s the update to where we are
    now and he posted it in the morning here
    but still look at this beauty that’s
    what he says xrp playing out as expected
    and indeed the whole Market did go down
    and this is what he’s been calling for
    so let’s see if the rest of what he
    called on April 25th comes to pass um
    that would be fantastic I’m ready for
    this thing to go you know my bags have
    been packed for years though so you know
    uh but yeah move to the upside in short
    order getting above 60 cents in fact now
    he was asked on April 25th mind you
    we’ve got the benefit of hindsight we
    know that there was a market-wide
    pullback and there has been in
    particular over the last couple days but
    somebody named Eric wrote to him and
    said why next week selloff bro and
    cryptos shared that perspective he
    linked to something already explaining
    it from April 24th and he wrote total
    crypto market cap rejecting that
    resistance as I mentioned if we are
    unable to close back above resistance by
    Sunday I will be expecting one final
    Market move to the downside that will
    send us retesting the weekly 21 Ma and
    significant weekly support around the $2
    trillion level and folks that’s kind of
    what we’ve seen for the entire crypto
    asset class it did get fairly close to
    that I mean maybe it was over 2.1
    trillion still but you know considering
    that the other day it seems like we were
    at what 2.7 2.8 trillion something like
    like recently we were somewhere up there
    anyway uh that’s a bit of a
    pullback and so he was just warning well
    and so that did come to pass so what
    about now well in the morning he posted
    this he said xrp weekly candle will
    close green so he’s very optimistic we
    got the rest of the week to go but he
    believes Yep this is it this is now mind
    you this has been his conviction for a
    long time in fact he was just like I
    just showed you on the 25th of April he
    was talking about this it’s now May 1st
    as I record this so it’s unfolded in the
    way that he was expecting it to based on
    what he saw in the charts and he’s he’s
    calling so we’ll see if he’s right I
    mean put his neck out there I respect it
    xrp weekly candle will close green and
    then in this post he said and this is
    from this morning he said high xrp
    before weekly close above
    60 so mind you we got as low as 48 cents
    this morning and he’s saying by the end
    of the week he’s expecting us to close
    above 60 cents now I don’t I don’t look
    I’m not a CH guy I don’t like I don’t
    make predictions I like to share what
    multiple analysts are talking about on
    this channel I think that’s useful it’s
    great to go if you know you got your you
    know one I’m sure a lot of you have a
    favorite CH guy you go to and that’s all
    well and good but I think there’s
    utility in treating every single chart
    analyst out there the reputable ones
    which is subjective cheat treat each one
    of them as a data point Clump them
    together and see where there’s overlap
    in opinion that is interesting and so I
    do that on this channel quite a bit and
    it’s just interesting that all sorts of
    analysts are noting guys it looks like
    whether it’s literally this or not it’s
    it looks like we’re pretty much here
    everyone Under the Sun that I that I
    consider to be reputable is speaking
    along these
    lines here you have a post from
    documenting Ripple on social media
    platform X wrote xrp massive bounce a
    bottom on the xrp BTC has historically
    been a sign that xrp is moments away
    from a massive breakout against the rest
    of the crypto Market every other time
    this has happened xrp has pumped at
    1,000% get ready things are about to get
    crazy and this is true this is just
    Based on data it doesn’t mean we know
    for sure what’s going to happen but my
    God don’t you think like humans having
    the same DNA that they have don’t you
    think that maybe it’s going to be
    something kind of in the ballpark of
    face melt you know something like that
    least I would Hazard a guess and that
    that would be yes that that that would
    that would be my guess especially when
    you factor in like think about this the
    moment in time that we’re in right now
    all these metrics I’ve been talking
    about and including xrp dominance it’s
    it all looks like what you’d expect it
    to be before XP goes crazy right and
    then on top of that we know that the
    market values xrp because it’s one of
    only three cryptos in existence that has
    always been in the top 10 coins by
    market cap and in the case of xrp that’s
    despite the SEC attack for multiple
    years it’s stayed there so we know the
    market values it what happens when we’re
    in a bull market and all of these
    metrics are hit yet again that’s why for
    me I I just I have a very difficult time
    believing that we won’t see some serious
    face spell in
    action if we’re going to see an actual
    legit full-blown alt season my
    conviction my bet is that xrp absolutely
    will be a part of
    that here’s a post from chart analyst
    ereg crypto xrp BTC YOLO band and you’ll
    really need to look at the chart on the
    screen if you want to you know take this
    insufficiently here but he’s noting uh
    so he’s got the xrp BTC chart and he’s
    got this blue band towards the bottom
    and if if xrp price against Bitcoin
    reaches that well that’s that’s the
    point where a lot of uh people would
    think wow that looks awful it’s too
    scary I’m not going to buy it it’s just
    going to keep going down and that’s how
    humans uh tend to work it’s not you know
    particularly logical if you have data uh
    you can see that that doesn’t make sense
    it’s just your emotions telling you it’s
    dangerous to buy here right that’s just
    how it works when you know because
    stocks and crypto those are the only
    things in existence where they go on
    sale and when they go on sale and cost
    less no that’s when nobody wants them
    so so that’s what he’s calling the
    yellow band that blue band towards the
    bottom there and he says I’m cautiously
    optimistic about the xrp BTC pair move
    move unless we close above
    0.000000001 and I think he meant below
    because it would be great to close
    higher than not and then he says back in
    2017 we saw Bounce from the YOLO band
    first followed by a 45% dip which turned
    out to be a light life-changing buying
    opportunity now some newbies might also
    uh might ask so xrp will drop
    45% and so I’ll just pause to note here
    and if you’re looking on the screen you
    can see what he’s talking about here and
    again this is xrp priced against Bitcoin
    so if you look when he had this major
    move right here that would have been
    when xrp had a major run and it was
    running up against the the dollar also
    of course went from about half a penny
    to something like 42 cents then it had
    this pullback because it xrp did have
    two major bursts uh for that market
    cycle and it did last Market cycle too
    had two major bursts and so in 2017 it
    happened I think April I want to say
    April of 2017 and then obviously the
    second one uh December of 2017 that’s
    why you saw that why you saw the drop
    here it didn’t do it all in one go right
    although the the the first per like in
    terms of percentage gains the most
    opportunity was in the first Burst when
    you went from half a penny to 42 cents
    roughly that’s a major move that’s not
    quite a hundredfold increase but you
    know that’s a big one but then going
    from roughly 20 cents you know up to
    where it got close to four bucks in
    terms of the multiplier that’s not
    nearly as much but then when you look at
    the whole thing from half a penny to
    almost four bucks that’s where it gets
    ridiculous and it was some stupid like
    80,000 per gain or whatever it was but
    yeah there’s a pullback and then for a
    lot of people that represented
    opportunity a lot of people capitalized
    on that and then we did have that final
    blast off and so he says again here now
    some newbies might ask so xrp will drop
    45% to them I say since you are new let
    me explain it means that Bitcoin might
    be pumping and making another all-time
    high indicating that xrpusd is still
    stable and so that is obviously un
    questionably true as well part of the
    factor is that um after that big pump
    xrp did lose a value against the dollar
    but it also lost value a lot of value
    against Bitcoin because xrp once it came
    back down traded sideways for half a
    year and then Bitcoin kept going up and
    so since Bitcoin kept going up and xrp
    was more or less stable for half a
    freaking year during the Bull Run uh
    that’s why it continued to go down
    against Bitcoin that’s what that was it
    didn’t mean there was an opportunity
    though and so that’s why as I always say
    either you have
    exposure when these things happen or you
    do not but to try and fomo in when you
    see it start to move you’ve probably
    missed a substantial portion that’s why
    it’s just I I’m never going to play that
    game once something starts going I don’t
    fomo and rush into stuff I let it go I
    position myself before the bull run then
    when it goes you know happy dance every
    time one of the coins I have I own you
    know starts rocketing great but I’m not
    going to fomo into stuff but all but
    that’s human nature that’s what most
    humans will do green candle don’t care
    what the coin is that the green candle
    oh it’s xrp this time yeah that’s how
    humans B they’ll just give me take my
    money you know it’s one of those moments
    that’s what’s going to happen
    here and then he wraps up up by saying
    xrp Army stay steady the next 6 to 12
    months could be a lifechanging time well
    Egra crypto I’ll tell you what I’m
    counting on it now I no I don’t pretend
    to know exactly what the timeline will
    be but I will not be surprised if it’s
    within that time frame of 6 to 12 months
    you know I would not be surprised if the
    market tops off in 2024 don’t know for
    sure wouldn’t surpris me in the least
    though I think there’s a real good
    chance of that so yeah as far as the
    lifechanging wealth that we’ve been
    waiting for many of us years on in I
    think it’s super close this is the
    closest we’ve ever been we’re just about
    there we’re almost at the Finish Line
    all we got to do in the meantime is
    nothing can you handle that though I
    mean I can I’m really good at doing
    nothing then there was this post from uh
    Nick crypto Crusader I’m not going to
    read the whole thing but I wanted to
    read the top part which is relevant to
    xrp and he said so much frustration
    hopelessness and fud has now infiltrated
    the timeline he’s talking about the
    timeline on X of course and he says xrp
    specifically has a lot of bearish
    sentiment surrounding it at a time where
    the Bitcoin pair and the dominance chart
    are ranging in an uptrend both of these
    charts have been historically oversold
    for a while we are now witnessing the
    RSI creeping back up and they both
    crossed the moving average already so
    folks again whether this is the actual
    bottom or not and some have conviction
    that it probably is but even if it’s not
    there will be one we will see a move to
    the upside unless this is actually the
    end of the market cycle which I do not
    believe I think we’re going to just the
    the most fun part the grand finale I
    believe that actually is ahead of us
    we’re going to find out together and if
    that’s the case you better believe xrp
    is going to be a part of this I’d be
    shocked if xrp after moving in tandem
    with the market broadly speaking for its
    entire existence is like no I’m going to
    sit this Market cycle out for the first
    time ever
    with legal Clarity like are you what
    that doesn’t even make that doesn’t
    compute and fine if that happens we will
    have that come to Jesus moment we’ll
    have that conversation where wow we
    probably got something wrong maybe we
    are just sitting here in an echo chamber
    but I don’t believe that is the case you
    know I tried to perceive of all like
    look I don’t want to lie to myself I
    hold a bunch of xrp if it’s a bad idea I
    don’t want to do it so I’m
    intellectually honest with myself and I
    share with you my actual thoughts on
    this channel and if I’m wrong then I’m
    going to have to figure out what the
    hell I’m wrong about but like there are
    tons of us around the planet that in a
    general sense think yeah this is going
    to be worth way more in the future we’re
    not all crazy here I don’t believe now
    if we’re proving to me wrong yeah we’ll
    have that conversation I just don’t
    think it’s it’s likely to happen I not
    remotely so if xrb doesn’t hit a new
    alltime high if anything I think it’s
    more likely that there was a Black Swan
    event and everything fell
    apart that I could buy that’s about it
    though I’m not a financial adviser you
    should not buy yourself anything because
    of anything I say or right that would be
    a very very very bad idea until next
    time to the Moon Lambo

    Follow me on Twitter: @moonlamboio

    DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser. None of what I have communicated verbally or in writing here should be considered financial advice; it is not. Do your own research before investing in any digital asset, and understand that investing in any cryptocurrency is inherently risky. If you do, you need to be prepared to lose your entire investment.


    1. I will be forever grateful to you, you changed my entire life and I will continue to preach on your behalf for the whole world to hear you saved me from huge financial debt with just a small investment, thank you Michelle Stewart.

    2. From my observation and historical market pattern, there might be a bit of turbulence in the market coming up, but here's the deal: Trying to guess what's going to happen next is less important than spreading your bets when trading and thinking long term. It's not about guessing the market's next move; it's about playing it smart and steady…managed to grow a nest egg of around 100k to a decent 732k in the space of a few months… I'm especially grateful to Kerrie Farrell, whose deep expertise and traditional trading acumen have been invaluable in this challenging, ever-evolving financial landscape…

    3. Well analyzed as always. I've seen a lot of newbies enquire as to whether or not it is too late to buy assets especially BTC, ETH, litecoin and maybe XRP…most having the intention to hodl these assets. I would say we should prep for all scenarios as the market has always been unpredictable. So boring that new type of analyses are coming out monthly from all analysts and youtubers. I must say tradlng offers far more benefits than just holding, I will advice traders esp newbies to have orientation of trading before they get involved in it. I accept things are changing and have to be reconsidered by time…. but not just that fast like these analysts and youtubers are doing. I've managed to grow a nest egg of around 2.3B'tc to a decent 21B'tc in the space of a few months… I'm especially grateful to Ryan Kelly, whose deep expertise and traditional trading acumen have been invaluable in this challenging, ever-evolving financial landscape..

    4. Watching the crypto market's rollercoaster ride, it's clear how quickly fortunes can change. The recent misinformation incident is a stark reminder of the market's sensitivity to external influences. It's a world where strategic, informed trading is not just a choice, but a necessity. Remember, in the realm of crypto, caution is as valuable as ambition. Stay sharp, stay diversified, and let's ride the waves of this unpredictable market together….At the heart of this evolution is Adriana Jensen, whose deep understanding of both cryptocurrency and traditional trading has been instrumental. her holistic approach to investment and commitment to staying abreast of market trends make her an invaluable ally in navigating this new era in cryptocurrency investment.

    5. The process of trading can be complicated when you have limited knowledge. However, with the right strategy and setups, you can be successful. That's the whole point of investing.I got into the market with 10k and I’m up with 68k in a short period of time . I was able to build a business from my returns

    6. 6 to 12 months? It's been next month next month next month next month next month next month as long as I can remember. Now it's 6 to 12 okay

    7. Actually there is psychological experiments where pricing a jacket to low means no one will buy but when you inrease the price sales goes up people associate higher price with better quality..πŸ˜‚

    8. The XRP story forever has been ridiculous hype and no action. Thank you for not posting XRP to 10,000. Hoping for $1 this year.

    9. Thanks! Your video calms me down everyday I watch it when the market is pumping! I'm going with your insights. It makes the most sense with where we are at in the cycle. The only thing that would make me think this cycle could be slightly different is the overall increased adoption of crypto since 2019 and all the hype with the BTC/ETH ETF speculation. Could the market stay held up this cycle by the anticipation of ETFs and the overall awareness that a bull run is coming? The surge is speculated to possibly be the beginning of a massive new uptrend, making it a crucial time for investors to pay attention, I've personally benefited from following Evelyn Infurna trading tactics, amassing 23.9 bitcoins in a short four weeks period, which speaks volumes about his expertise….

    10. Moon, when you are reporting news, your channel is excellent. However, your analysis of price borders on being nonsense to factually wrong. You make a point to call out anyone being dishonest and now you must be held accountable to the same standard. XRP is not moving in tandem with BTC. Bring up a chart of BTC and XRP and draw a trendline from their highs. BTC has been moving up since 2017 while XRP is moving down. As an XRP holder (and for anyone who is honest), this should be a huge concern. Interestingly, the chart analysts you cite, never show volume. Again, compare the BTC and XRP charts with volume and notice the disturbing difference. In any market, there has to be both buyers and sellers to move price and since 2021, XRP's volume is in decline. Finally, chart analysis is fine (when unbiased) but fundamental analysis is equally important. Why did BTC hit an all-time high this cycle and ETH didn't? Why during each bull run, did BTC hit new higher highs and XRP hit lower highs? How does the dynamic of the new BTC EFTs impact the price of crypto (generally) and do these new factors alter historical precedence and if yes, to what degree? Your viewers deserve an honest review (both the pros and cons) of XRP. Stop regurgitating the same charts from the same analysts and dig deeper. I am hopeful that XRP will move up in price but IMO, it will require a specific catalyst to drive that move.

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