Blockchain Meet Construction with Inveniam and LV8R Labs – Security Token Prime

    [Music] welcome welcome welcome everyone to another security token Prime webinar today we’re joined by Jonathan Chamas from elevator labs and Pat omo from inveni how are you both doing this morning ex awesome brother awesome awesome so you know you guys came out with a very exciting announcement you guys are basically blending blockchain and the construction industry and that has implications of commercial real estate and so forth but before we dive into all of that why don’t we start with some intros uh let’s kick it off with Jonathan tell us about elevator labs and what you guys are working on thank you um so my background is uh portfolio management I was a midrise declarant transition specialist meaning I manage the Handover process between developers and uh portfolio owners um I left portfolio management to dig into construction management because of the problems with the Handover process and found that those problems start all the way at design believe it or not and so there’s been many developments and improvements in construction management and um the the product that we are working on is bringing uh uh transparency and uh uh validation and verification to construction management how we can do how however we can do that possibly very nice very nice and we’ll definitely be diving into that a little deeper but Pat how about yourself tell us about inveni and what you guys are doing in the space yeah so we get we’re lucky we get to work with super smart people like Jonathan uh who uh understand their own Niche very very well and they understand what matters uh they understand what drives value uh what destroys value uh what you need to monitor what you need to watch when you need to watch it and uh and we partner with them so that they can use our tool to watch that data at the edge and so that they can feed uh the information systems that asset managers portfolio managers uh Traders need to inform them of the state of the building that they’re that they own um the collateral for their private credit Etc and inv Venum is a decentralized data framework that allows data to be delivered to compute functions On Demand with proof of origin and proof of state of data uh we got about 70 billion of assets on our platform today um about 14 billion infrastructure six billion private credit about 24 billion of private equity in the remainder is 25 billion private equity and the remainder is is uh real estate we’re doing a lot with real estate right now uh we’re pushing into that pretty hard that’s not to say we’re not doing the others but it’s really where we’re we’re seeing a lot of uh uptick and what we’re doing is we use zero knowledge proofs to put uh you know a hash and the payload of a block we’re on 13 different chains right now we love working with all the various um uh as many chains out there that want to work with us we’d like to work with them we are leaning into a couple more than others because they’re creating markets um you know whether it’s for the Mez the the the senior or the equity or for funds Etc and and then also the tokenization platforms the ats’s because we are pre-trade post-trade um uh uh servicing of the underlying asset so that when they trade the buyers and sellers under understand the state of the asset that they’re buying that was a really long answer no no I I I appreciate that and you know these are very thorough introductions which is good because background is important to understand this concept here so in the name of background Jonathan why don’t you tell us a little bit more about what you mean with construction transparency you know when when there’s a development going on what is important that uh to be able to see or have access to that currently is very archaic or hard to do sure in construction management you have project managers working with architects in a system where the architect has built in a uh bare minimum capacity in order to um uh fulfill the starting phases of construction um I say bare minimum in many cases there is a full life cycle design where a lot of the problems have been resolved but the the point is you’re working with inconsistent sources of data between the architect and the the uh uh development team the construct the general contractor and so there’s this feed feedback loop that has to happen with data between what and how was it designed and how is the the design being changed plus all of the regulatory parties the the state and and inspections involved so it’s it’s a it’s really an orchestra of that happens from a lot of different pieces and we believe uh distributed Ledger offers An Elegant solution to a very very tough problem that many people have been trying to work on for for a very long period of time and and I think you know we used to joke and I’m gonna Brian I’m gonna jump in here if that’s all right um on this that literally we used to joke about this that um smart buildings the only people who used to you you know the only real benefit of smart buildings is somebody in New Jersey could control your air conditioning right like that’s it there was no other benefit of smart buildings but when we start to get to things like air quality how green the building is um when we start to get to um reporting a building that is reporting into a risk book with real data that is actionable that informs the portfolio manager of the under under Ling state of their asset um the smart building is going to get a better cap rate than the one that’s dumb it’s just a fact and what that does is it changes cost of capital it changes value and all of a sudden all the smart building benefits really start to come about now what Jonathan is talking about is even a step before that where you’re really maintenance they care about all of this and the investor should care about that as well and what we’re doing is connecting use Jonathan and his smarts on the architect to the general contractor to the stabilized asset to the long-term owner that then gets to the the bank and the Mez and the equity and the pieces of the capital stack and then how that’s going to trade and how that’s going to inform the value of a private read or a public read or a family office holding or the collateral for a loan or whatever it might be but that feedback loop Jonathan began with the feedback loop that really was architect general contractor right but this is where blockchain if we can literally string this end to end it really will transform how Banks understand the buildings that they’re lending against in a whole new level uh and I’m sorry to to just go but Jonathan I’d love for you to maybe just talk about that right what is what is that what is the impact of good design General Construction collaboration due to the value and the maintenance costs down the road uh it’s it’s gamechanging um I I would also say just a a general value appreciation for tokenization there’s there’s a lot of talk about about how tokenization potentially improves value of real estate and I I’ll be honest a lot of projects aren’t actually adding a significant value through their tokenization service or how they’re applying their data for stakeholders and as a as a person with real experience of representing commercial real estate stakeholders I knew the sophistication of the data that I wanted to be able to have access and uh to verify for all of my clients having been paid to do that for most most of my career so if if you think about it as as just purely a due diligence if elevator Labs is now responsible for a very sophisticated due diligence process for arguably one of the already most sophisticated trading platforms on the planet right that that’s no small task and if we’re if we’re really trying to move the de needle in tokenization digital assets broadly or even construction management broadly it all comes down to the data p really knows what to do with the data and if you know how to orchestrate the iot devices all of the employees everything that is uh down chain in in commercial real estate when it gets to the stakeholder levels we can we can confidently talk about return right we can confidently talk about performance because we’ve we’ve taken it all the way to design in a new in a new development new project that gets even more exciting I love it oh go ahead Jason I’m sorry go ahead Jason please excuse me and by the way I think I called you Brian earlier so you call me anything you want this whole call sorry about that all good all good that’s actually a first for me sorry about that but no no no worries but actually Jonathan to your point about you know it’s all on chain it’s transparent accessible to stakeholders I did want to ask who can access it though like do you have to have like an nft that gets you access right is it token gated or is it certain parties that can have access or is it completely public for just about about anyone to be able to look into you know how would someone that has a stake in this you know construction or development be able to truly access this information sure we we work with with both fund managers and developers um specifically uh project managers in in uh development but we’re also we’re also having conversations with Architects as well in construction management there is a process called vdco virtual design construct and operate it’s where the architect is the operator all the way through operations they’ve built their own building and now they’re building it our system was intendedly designed for vdco because we assume that anyone who has control of their data on architectural level are going to be the representing the stakeholders in perpetuity of the life of the asset so this is the Assumption with every single project that elevator Lab Services it and as as we think about that wallet based Access Control to the data and data rights are something that because elevator Labs is partnering with us they’re using some of our embedded functionality where there are the rights to see this data um passes through so all of that is something kind of where they’re using some of our core technology and then they’re building there smarts on top of it but what we like is um this VDC o which is largely adopted in Europe more so than in the US is that a is that a fair statement uh I I would say more largely we do have some institutions here in the US for for vdco but but the regulatory environment in Europe is different so vdco is adopting to the new regulatory environment and and and the other big part of it is in America you just have tons and tons of smaller Developers do you know what I mean whereas the the majority of development in Europe is done by mid to large siiz companies you know what I mean whereas in America you have tens of thousands of small developers and and they know how to build a a multif family and they’re on the lookout for a piece of land that’s in a good location that they can get a deal on that they could get a bank loan and Cobble together some cash and they’re going to throw up you know a multif family housing you know complex of 300 units but they’re not doing VDC you know what I mean they don’t have you know who’s designing that is really unique to the deal right and and who the partners say they want to use and and what we want to do is make through it the tool set that uh Jonathan and Dante and their team are building um that anybody can use it right it’s not a mid size and above type of attribute it’s something that any Construction Company can use they’re getting the benefit of vdco they’re able to do this and they’re also able to use that as a mechanism to have their asset ready for sale 247 365 refinance it and not just go to the traditional channels of Bank financing and clubbing together a deal in their local community but actually accessing defi um uh protocols um going in and selling tokenized Equity through somebody like an oasis Pro markets or a Rialto or overseas an ARX or adx but literally expanding the reach and we think that as we add this beginning piece we we can expand that value chain and the reach of a local developer and and all of the all of the access controls wallet based Access Control SSO you know integration with the arch acts integration with uh adx all of these various different people um inv Venum wants it to make that easy for somebody who’s a a subject matter expert like Jonathan to just run right absolutely makes sense to me makes sense to me and these are all you know obviously all tokenization players in our industry that I think I think we could all agree that the more data the the better you know STM being a a data company you know we understand the value of that as well and want to be able to track that for any token holders that you know are participating in the tokenized real estate asset for example that has all this other information on chain as well I think that just to your point to earlier Point Pat Uh just increases the value of that asset in general and and and I think that that go ahead Jonathan I would also add if if you are a stakeholder in commercial real estate and you ever have intent to redevelop that asset you are then going to engage an architect and you are now officially in a vdco model as you were working with the architect so in light of everyone trying to tokenize their real estate it was my acknowledgement that at some point we’re going to want to redevelop all this real estate too in order to do that you have to have a very sophisticated system for dealing with that data and and yeah and and it this is why we we’re so excited and and Jonathan reached out to us two years ago is that right and and just began conversations tell me about tokenization tell me how this works what do you think he’s working with some folks on our staff right what would this look like and and literally um one of the things that we did is we acknowledged or maybe not acknowledged it’s the right word we recognized uh uh Jonathan’s confidence uh and said man we need to help him incubate and launch you know what I mean and what does that mean how do we put this together how do we structure a deal how do we support him to build this um so that that he is delivering the vertical knowledge we need construction industry to feed right in to plug into tokenization and really expanding the network of what we want to be a really broad viral network where whether he’s using tokeny or polymath or Oasis Pro or um you know ARX or addx or something combination thereof right and and I can mention two dozen others right I didn’t mean to leave anybody out um that that those guys when they’re looking for this data they can see his tool set and it’s immediately accessible next sounds to me and that relationship has obviously grown you know according to the press release there was an equity stake I think that am Venum took in elevator Labs not sure how much you guys can disclose and whatnot but we’ll love to learn more just in general what maybe future plans together might look like um as this relationship continues yeah I could speak on that so first of all shout out to um Peter Gaffney um in many ways he was a huge architect in in my project and and helping us um find the ecosystem participants uh to to really bring value to the concepts um I participated in a in a uh hackathon uh inv Venum and and accumulate hackathon and and was actually invited with the elevator project uh to submit to a second round um uh which I I do believe we would have performed well uh but I was only a oneman band at that point and I I was very intimidated with what we were trying to do and I was I was honored and and proud to represent uh both accumulate and in Venum uh but it was all car and no motor and it really wasn’t until uh Pat gave me an education in private markets Global private markets that Enterprise data right Enterprise systems uh development that we found that motor it took two years to go from elegant race car to elegant race car with a high performance motor but now I’m I’m very confident about that motor performing on a global level um now now that I have uh relationships and continue develop relationships with with global thought leaders and experts in construction management across the globe having a cross jurisdictionally compliant system becomes even more relevant important when we’re talking about commercial real estates and potential Securities yeah and and and it really is a great partnership for us right you know the the value of Jonathan and his subject matter expertise um his relationships his vision his grit what he wants to do it’s it’s fantastic we want to support it and then we plug that in but I don’t want Jonathan to worry about um you know uh 2048 uh bit encryption uh traveling back and forth to meet a 512 standard um uh for data um in motion o over um uh carrier lines that that if you’re using um sensitive data that is Bank data that they’re going to require right and and yesterday we were involved in a in a deep dive with lawyers from one of the largest global institutions in the world and we were at the 11th hour and at the at the 11th Hour they brought in a cryptography expert and they were asking me about that and Quantum defense and how do we need to do this and um do we use lattice defense versus straight logarithmic and and and we were able to answer all the questions and we were able to show previously the our software development life cycle we were able to show you know our too big to fail um critical infrastructure uh you know solution set and Jonathan doesn’t need to worry about any of that do you know I mean and and this is this is the partnership like we just say we are going to plug you in anyone you want to be plugged into we want you to design the front end we want to be an engine but but we are not even smart enough to to know forget where the race is right but what the cardies look like do you know what I mean and and and this is I think that partnership and so we came in um uh made an investment partnered um uh we we’re um I think we we either took or are taking some board seats and and the the uh we’re going to launch a a seed round um where we’re raising about $600,000 um and I’m I’m going to be uh reaching out to some of our friends and family uh to come in alongside um uh uh Jonathan and the work that he’s doing to go raise that uh for his seed and so uh we’re going to be launching that I think that’s next week is that right yeah for for some some milestones we we’re looking at we we have uh we have an interest in a uh commercial partnership with uh iot Hardware um uh partner uh for our solutions for our clients and and that’s kind of our our priority number one the the second priority is working with a European uh financial institution for a European uh vasp a virtual a service providers license um we we are hoping to have a positive announcements by the end of the year in that effort based on our current discussions and if that happens then early next year we’ll be back on this side of the pond uh digging into Mexico and South America so we are aggressively pursuing our International relationships I love it I love it and hopefully next week at token as this you’ll be able to meet some you know quality people that could be an additional uh you know you know contributor to what you guys are working on already together um speaking of which I did see you guys are working with centrifuge as well uh is it just elevator labs and centrifuge is zenium also involved what does that uh you know how does that ecosystem work uh in the name of you know this whole construction and blockchain Arena so I’m I’m a appointed community Ambassador for the center fut uh project they they were also instrumental in seeing the vision in my work um and platform to me um Pat has always shown an interest in that protocol since our earliest discussions and so um I they have been I’ve been in a very regular conversation um trying to figure out what that what that relationship looks like there there are a number of ways especially with some of the new uh publicly released information about Center huge and their new relationships and their potential market so we’re ve we’re very aware of what’s going on that protocol and we’re happy to can continue collaborating with them as able yeah and to to add on what what um Jonathan was saying we we would love to engage with centrifuge as much as we can we think that um the structuring of the data and feeding the data templates that we have that some of them are they’re building them from scratch and we have them they’re built they’re functioning we’re feeding them every day um we have a top 10 global bank that we are feeding uh their risk book um for every loan above 100 million that they have in the United States um I mean we we are doing this every single month with third-party marks feeding the risk book all of the reporting tools um you know we we think we understand this and we want to create Rel relationships with as many of these uh as we can um uh and and I think it’s it’s uh you know we’re feeling this and I think Jonathan’s feeling this but man the the Tailwinds right now I would say we had 18 months of just headwinds right uh you know maybe even uh hurricane headwinds that were trying to sink us all and um and now we’ve got Tailwinds pushing us from behind that’s really great very nice very nice is there um are there any parts to this announcement or to this partnership that we haven’t touched on that may be worthwhile covering uh either of you if anything comes to mind yeah like you know I want to hit this the the iot device thing because it really matters right and we have um we have some relationships with uh Folks at um is it what is it um V EA yeah and and and westing house and um and they’re building for Management Systems where uh we have some better data that that we think or better software sorry that we can we can connect onto those Hardware devices and literally connect those up and then connect that iot device where it is attributable to a device that is a branded device that somebody at on the Capital Market side can see directly The Source data and they can trust it and there’s a brand we think that that’s enormously valuable we want to have an elevator Labs um uh White Label branded version of some of these devices um where where what Jonathan is building and designing from data structures we can deliver to the end users who will find that really valuable and it and that really is it’s extending the value chain you know what I mean you know we’re we’re you know right here tokenization secondary markets but if we can get better accounting treatment collateralization reporting and then we get we get all the way into state of the building and we can see from design construction maintenance we we just continue to expand that value chain and if that value chain can be connected in an auditable smart manner man that just it it it’s going to transform how people invest in real estate globally and how they Access Capital yeah 100% And this is something that we’ve I think talked about as of late you know people people are always raving about hey let’s take an asset tokenize it and trade it it’s like fantastic no problem with that but think about the full life cycle of that asset what it’s going to take to bring all of that on chain which you know we’ve made I think a very good amount of progress so far in the last six seven years altogether um you know in crypto years I guess is uh relatively long but we still a little bit more to go to bring the full Val chain on onto the blockchain but absolutely it’s going to be a beautiful more efficient future for Capital markets in general uh real estate is a great great one which I think real estate is one of the asset classes that’s probably the most archaic and and whatnot so connecting the and you guys are doing a great job go ahead why is that right I people keep talking Pat and I keep talking but we have the same conversation kind of ongoing what is the problem and the problem is our properties are shedding data they’re shedding data all the time and the people working in those buildings and the people design all of these people are shedding data and it’s all going into silos some of it not even all of it some of it going into silos where there’s very limited access right if if you look at what data Lakes are doing for uh procurement and Supply Chain management and and some of the larger use of of uh system data um the inv Venum system in many ways solves a lot of problems for uh uh construction development but it has to be implemented it has to be built into a process you you have to go to Architects and tell them by the way you designed this wrong it could be improved Mr expert in building design and that’s not an easy task no one wants to go to uh Architects developers or other marketplaces and tell them by the way you’re now providing infrastructure it’s a hard pill to swallow it it is and and one of the things is we can’t build something that is end to end that demands utilization from end to end or there is no value creation right we have to componentize each part and the reason is each step of the way there are already experts there are already incumbents and in in order to get adoption you have to go through the adoption curve of who are the early adopters why do they adopt what are the characteristics of them how do we identify them how do we get them to adopt and if we’re saying hey we got to have the entire value chain scoped out in order to get the value that’s a loser’s proposition right it will take forever or never right and so what we’re doing is we’re saying hey what is the value proposition for early adoption around Construction Construction management delivery of that building and Reporting right and that has to be able to stand on its own to feet as well as accounting treatment collateralization reporting as well as tokenization as well as secondary markets as well as the creation of derivative markets as well as repo markets where you’re trading um liquidity um you’re not yet trading risk and you know each of these we have to be able to say here’s the value proposition let’s go through that adoption cycle but what’s going to happen is once that signal goes end to end it’s going to explode and then literally we’re going to see the whole world come in because if if you know you have access to Greater Capital because you’re trying something new um you’re going to try something new especially in a capital constrainted environment right and and this is why you have people who exist in hard to capitalize regions adopting the technology earlier because they are the classic early adopter and they’re saying if I can gain any advantage at all I’m gonna take it right and it’s why you know their International strategy is just fantastic makes sense to me and so so let’s go into some predictions you know how long do you guys think until we hit critical mass and and people are now understanding hey this is something we need to hop on and rather than convincing people having them start asking hey how can we get involved so go ahead Jonathan sorry I would say tokenization is still very very early it’s still Enterprise early and few people really understand Enterprise early Enterprise early means if you’re not Enterprise you’re too early right and and and vinum and Pat taught me what it takes to perform in and Enterprise environment and an Enterprise service solution so I would I would love to see more general adoption of of tokenization broadly digital assets broadly but digital assets exist in architecture now there’s a there’s a class coding system in the United States and other countries for digital ass assets representing architectural designs so in many ways we’re working from other people’s work in inv Venum solved the uh distributed Ledger solution for elevator Labs so I did not have to build that from scratch so that I could start tackling actual problems which is bdco when when Pat talks about the front end meeting the back end front end being architectural backend meaning operations when we’re holding every architect and every asset owner to the full vdco stack with a sophisticated uh system like inv Venum this allows us to really outperform in both development and Redevelopment and operation so I think broadly you can you can say look you can you can make an argument for a 15 to 20% Improvement in in just good uh full life cycle design and maybe 15 uh 10 to 15% over the the lifetime of the asset with with tokenization and the right data I think it’s multiples of that I I I couldn’t agree more I could not agree more I I I literally think it could be 40% which that’s an astronomical High number but I want to use an example of um particularly when we’re talking about high-end designer buildings um where the architectural design really impedes operations in major major ways right when your building looks like a crumpled piece of paper right that’s a that’s a challenge right to operate that building um and and and what happens is I want to use Elon Musk as if we can as an example when he was building starlink and and there’s a great series of three podcasts that he did with space force the head of space force we was just talking about it he brought the the the production managers in to the creation and Design of starlink and the the satellite designers were saying okay here’s what we’re going to do we’re going to use this metal as the greatest conductor for this piece and the the the the production guys said nope we’re not doing that we’re not touching that material it’s too hard to use and the the guys were shocked that nobody had ever talked to them back to them before right they would always say this is what best and everybody would say okay and then all of a sudden there was this feedback loop for the construction and literally you’re talking about what was it um $ 1.3 million uh dollar per ounce of cost to deliver something into orbit and then it went to uh 13,000 now 13,000 now uh now it’s $1,300 and literally we’re getting order of magnitude where they just said we’re not going to do this and they can they can put into orbit a lowcost satellite at at a level that nobody else could because they design they created a production design feedback loop for a satellite and you go for something that expensive why wouldn’t that have been there well the reality is it was so new and novel nobody wanted to push back and and and risk the the failure of the site once it’s beyond our reach does that make sense and what Elon Musk did is he demystified that and said no no no we’re going to do this there’s enough data we have enough we have a large enough data set we can do that as we begin to create operational efficiencies um that we’re going to be able to embed and code that into design where we’re when somebody says okay I’m going to turn this 90 degree angle everybody knows that and you know that every time you have a 90° angle in the air conditioning and you probably know this better than I there’s a a large percentage drop right in in throughput and literally that is back of of the envelope type stuff that needs to be institutionalized delivered into the operation of the building and and Jonathan am I saying that in a kind of too crude of a manner no I I would say let’s let’s take a a broader macro look for a second what what’s what’s the current commercial real estate environment look like right what what is what does commercial real estate look like in the US as far as pricing and and what’s going to happen with commercial real estate because of covid and go back to work policy what are we doing with all of this commercial real estate how are we going to process it and if the current conversion rate is astronomical as if the price of getting something into space if that cost is going to shrink significantly then I think there’s going to be a lot of sideline Capital ready to attack this Market aggressively because of all the opportunity and and you know there are all these great guys who are out there who are coming up with new mechanisms on how they’re connecting Capital to utility whether um you know uh Stefan who’s with um uh the guys of the St reges Aspen where those tokens that they’re doing with t0o can be utilized for room nights so that there’s a utility of the equity and what that does is it affected lowers your Mez cost of capital by literally you know half a dozen um percentage points right so you know let’s let’s call it um 600 basis points literally that’s that that changes the calculus for the senior lender in a takeover situation where they don’t want to take the keys of a building that’s underperforming in this market and it allows for a rehab or a Redevelopment or you know a renovation um uh but but I have to tell you this type of creativity is going to be demanded and greater data allows you to paint more vibrant pictures right it allows you to to slice and dice thinner it allows you to unearth opportunities um and the devil and the Holy Spirit are in the details right and when the traditional banking structure of banks um providing refinancing on underutilized buildings is seen as the the the not workable answer we’re gonna have a whole world of early adopters and that’s what we want to get in front of right Jonathan yeah we we want to we want to call on as many developers who are interested in in seeing how this space is going to change over the next couple years this my personal opinion right as as developers Implement Solutions into their own platforms their ability to connect into private markets which they’re already currently doing through through local service providers or however they do it right they’re going to be able to directly plug into Global markets think about that from a developers perspective you now have a solution that plugs into Global markets w yeah the the fact that I can design a cupcake website for my new Cupcake Shop in Topeka Kansas and get it on the first page of Google by Gaming the algorithm uh for search is the reality that a real estate developer in Topeka Kansas should be able to game an algorithm in order to get on the radar screen of the largest global allocators of capital but the the obstacles the barriers for that data to be delivered from the largest Capital allocators to where the real opportunity is there are rent Seekers obstacles and brick walls for that data stream to go back and forth and what you see is the the the greatest Cupcake Company in the world maybe in Topeka Kansas at a little shop and I picked Topeka for no reason right is the middle of the country um and the reality is that data can get out there you build the highest performing uh asset in Topeka Kansas you are literally going door too you are doing the same thing somebody was doing in 1950 right like just full stop you were doing the same thing you were getting a group of people together maybe you’re picking up the phone maybe you’re sending an email but there is no mechanism for the world to know about the quality of your asset and you delivering them trusted data without giving the majority of the rents away to somebody who has a massive franchise and you’re just selling into their brand and they’re bringing capital in and they’re getting to in 20 on that on behalf of somebody else who’s an alligator this is where data is going to change the game if if we can work with any developer in any jurisdiction knowing what we know about the macro environment and what we know about the inv Venum system I think we’re a lot closer to the next strong bull market cycle for commercial real estate because I think I think all the underlying is is there ready it just needs the adoption of the data validators and the data validators are going to be those developers it’s going to be those Architects it’s going to be those project managers as much as I wanted the operators and the asset managers to rule the world of commercial real estate it’s not it’s not the case the process actually starts with design so that’s what we’re trying to do so how can people you know that are either watching this or if they distribute it to someone that is in this space how could they get in contact with either of you to to start exploring what this looks like for them and and you know get onboarded we have a we have a website uh elevator um uh feel free to reach out to us there or on LinkedIn um inv Venum is also um has a fantastic podcast I’m honored to be uh in every episode I get a chance in to bring some of the most talented uh aec architectural engineering and construction professionals I can you know and and what we’re really seeing is the acceleration of processing of compute whether it is AI or machine learning or robotic process Automation and delivering data that matters that informs decision making to the right decision makers at scale if we don’t deliver and make available data about the real estate market we just miss it right we miss it and what what Jonathan is doing is he is the onramp for those buildings to get their data into system where they could do it and so in our on our podcast this week we have uh literally um the largest valuation agent for private Assets in the world hulahan Loki we have a Singapore exchange we have g42 the head of Investments um for them um g42 is $140 billion do Sovereign entity in the Middle East like these guys they just signed a deal with Microsoft and open AI these guys are moving the needle and they need an on-ramp for Real Estate right and that’s elevator Labs so yeah go to our website uh check us out I I mean it’s just the the time is now for we don’t want a dumb token we want a smart token right to trade that has all sorts of information about what the state of that asset is so you can prove state of assets so you can prove value of assets you know state of assets state of data value of the asset value of the capital stack so I can trade the capital stack and and I can use it in many many many new ways that’s what that’s what’s exciting and and let me tell you and and all of that plugging into you right the uh you know this this is a security token Market’s play because you can be the next Bloomberg that people are going to and to do that they need to have data that matters not just about who bought it and sold it and what the volume is but what does that represent what’s the underlying asset that it represents and that’s elevator laps I I I also as a security token Prime member I also don’t want dumb buildings I want smart buildings and I want our tokens to represent the smartest buildings on in the world I love it I love it I appreciate both of you and uh you know on we’d love to host as much information available all inone spot spot for everyone to for token holders to be able to access as well as anyone else uh institutionally as well um to to make smart decisions in this in this space especially as capital markets are evolving and everyone else is coming on chain I think it’s no longer a secret I think everyone is at least starting to learn about it um and so I you know I appreciate both of you for taking the time to share your insights share the vision here um and you know we look forward to more insights from you guys as you guys continue to build this as you continue to have um you know results and and case studies all that we’d love to feature it on security token Prime for our members for anyone that’s watching by the way on social media uh remember you know security token Prime is a free resource where you can have data research webinars quality webinars such as these here where you’re truly learning about what’s going on in the space so definitely sign up at securitytoken uh Pat Jonathan thank you so much for joining us today any parting thoughts before we log off I’m my parting thoughts is anybody who thinks that this is happening um partner with elevator Labs right uh that John is uh the real deal he’s got the the the in the uh subject matter expertise uh we’re trying to bring in the right Partners the right early adopters and customers um we are so excited to be a partner with uh John and Dante and everybody else at the elevator Labs team and um and and I want to encourage everybody come on take a look and uh um we’d love you to come on in the water’s just fine I love it I love it Jonathan closes out yeah the the reception by Infinium has been amazing what what we’re going to accomplish is is really has been inspiring to me continues to be inspiring to me and inspiring to others um I’m I’m happy to work on something I’m I’m really passionate and excited about and just happens to be my professional expertise so I’m I’m I’m happy to be doing good work with good people when you enjoy what you do it doesn’t feel like work or at least it’s a little bit more tolerable right and what not it’s fun so love that love that thank you both once again uh we’re signing off everyone have a great amazing uh rest of your week thanks guys thank you

    LV8R Labs and Inveniam recently announced a partnership to revolutionize the construction industry using blockchain technology. Specifically, they’re working on Building Information Management (BIM) for more efficient communication and management processes during the design and construction stages of building projects.

    Join us as we explore this topic deeper and what it means for the future of commercial real estate development!

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    1. Great insightful conversation Jason, Jonathon & Patrick.
      I am an Architectural & BIM practitioner that specializes in digitizing buildings & property compliance.
      Talks like these helps me a great deal to get my head around what the value is & should be of the data we collect of & from assets we work with.

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