Bitcoin you could think of it as a city in cyers space 256 blocks across 256 blocks long 256 blocks high there’ll never be more than 21 million the sorry 276 blocks is the right number the cube route to 21 Millions about 276 so if you imagine a city in cyberspace 276 blocks on a cube that is the immutable uh immutable supply of that asset and that’s all there’s ever going to be for a thousand years maybe for 10,000 years and so one day all 8 billion people in the world want to live there Michael sailor is a billionaire business executive Bitcoin Enthusiast and the executive chairman of micro strategy a virginia-based business intelligence and mobile software company since 2020 when he began incorporating Bitcoin into his personal portfolio and his software company sailor has been a dedicated Advocate educating Millions worldwide about the distinct advantages of Bitcoin over other asset classes his background in Aeronautics Science and Technology provides him with a deep understanding of Bitcoin allowing him to succinctly explain why nothing compares to the leading crypto asset one of sailor’s best analogies about Bitcoin is that it is a building in cyberspace not just any building but the foundation of a new Financial system one that marks the transition from the physical world to the digital this building which sailor says will someday encapsulate a large portion of the Global Financial system and economy has a lot of features that make it unique and quite unlike anything the world has ever seen to begin with it has a permanent Supply cap of 21 million this assures investors that the supply will never get inflated and out of control the same issue destroys the US dollar and every other fiat currency today while other assets are getting constantly debased Bitcoin will always be able to maintain its Integrity another advantage of Bitcoin over other asset classes is that it is not constrained by the many limitations of other asset classes in sailor’s words it is an immutable Immortal scarce desirable property that can be accessed with nothing more than a mobile phone from every corner of the world we will bring you clips from s recent interview with financial intelligence please watch the video to the end so you don’t miss any of sailor’s highly insightful analogies and Analysis also ensure you give this video a thumbs up subscribe to the channel and turn on post notifications for more videos like this thanks and enjoy the video I think the best way to think about money is uh there are three parts of money there’s a medium exchange a unit of account and a store of value curreny are legal tender defined by a nation state so the dollar is a currency in the US and the peso is a currency in Argentina and the real is a currency in Brazil currencies make good mediums of exchanges and they will always be good mediums of exchanges wherever there’s an Effective Government um units of account tend to be the strongest currencies that that people look to and coordinate with so the US doll is a unit of account in Argentina even though the medium exchange is the peso so money Trier Cates store of value is is that aspect of money that is got the longest halflife so if you think about um what people use as store of value they don’t use the peso in Argentina they might use the dollar over 10 years but over a hundred years say in Western Europe or the US people would use property like real estate or they would use trophy assets like a soccer team or football club or they would use art or they would use equity like they would own Apple stock or they would use the S&P index they own a diversified portfolio so money itself Trier Cates there’s 150 or 120 currencies that are mediums exchange there’s maybe half a dozen units of account that really people care about Bitcoin is the strongest store of value in the 21st century and when I look at strength I consider the half-life of the money and what I mean is halflife is I mean how long will your economic energy or your Capital last and if you take um if you take money a million dollars and you buy pesos with it and they’re running a 40% inflation rate the half life of the money is 18 months mhm you’ll lose half of the money in 18 months and and then the next half of the money in three years so you’ll be down to you know 12% of your money in four and a half years the half life of money in uh of your economic energy in the dollar is about 10 years because there’s about a 7% monetary expansion rate if you had the million dollars it would be worth half a million in 10 years um if you actually uh look at Miami Beach real estate uh an acre of land in Miami Beach was worth $10,000 in 1930 it’s worth $10 million today that means that it’s a thousand times as expensive if you do the math quickly that means that the monetary inflation rate is 7 and a half% and that means the half life of your capital in the US dollar for the last 100 years is 10 years every 10 years you get cut in half doesn’t sound that bad but over a 100 years that means you’re your 0.1% of your money is left so dollar is a you know isn’t really a good store of value what about gold Gold’s halflife is 30 years every 30 years you double the gold Supply under the best case what about property well then it’s a function of can you pay the tax if you can buy land and you can afford the tax actually you know it’ll keep going up you know in value it’ll track that money supply the value of Bitcoin is is um Bitcoin is the same thing as beachfront property in South Beach it’s like there’s only 96 blocks no government can make more than that amount of beach front and that’s why it goes up by a factor of a thousand during his recent interviews sailor has been making an effort to classify Bitcoin as a digital property rather than a currency according to the billionaire business executive referring to bitcoin as currency or digital currency is an unfortunate historical artifact sailor uses this analogy to counter arguments that Bitcoin is not used for payments he argues that the compelling use case for this technology is capital preservation just like you wouldn’t tear AP part of your art piece to buy coffee or sell off a portion of your real estate property to make payments sailor believes the same argument should not be used for Bitcoin in a CNBC interview from March the billionaire business executive said medium of exchange is worth only $1 trillion store of value is worth a100 trillion medium of exchange is a distraction Bitcoin is a medium of exchange competing with gold let’s get back to sailor’s interview my first advice is is don’t don’t invest your money invest your time spend a 100 hours first spend 10 hours read the Bitcoin standard um go take a course go look at some of the videos start to study it and try to get to 100 hours everybody in the World Works 100 hours every two or three weeks their entire life to make money if you’re going to work 40,000 hours in the course of your life to make money you might as well work a hundred hours to keep it right so make the investment then I would say once you start to study it you’ll realize that that it’s backed by 15 gwatt of electricity that’s that’s 15 nuclear reactors that’s a lot of electricity that’s all the electricity that runs a US Navy imagine all the power in the US Navy and then you’ll see it’s back by 600 xash that’s all the computer power that Amazon Microsoft and Google can muster maybe you don’t know how many data centers Microsoft or Google or Apple have but you know that they’re very valuable companies and if I show you a network which is more powerful than them you would think okay that’s very tangible you start to study all the companies that are backed it you know block and Fidelity and Co coinbase and micro strategy and black rock you know and once you start to see all of these organizations that are supporting it you realize that there’s a network of hundreds of millions of people thousands of Corporations gigawatts of electricity tens of billions of dollars of computing data centers and hundreds of billions of dollars have been invested in this network and everybody has one thing in common they believe believe in the idea of digital money and digital Capital the world’s got $900 trillion of capital of wealth in it and most of of that wealth it’s it’s stored there for when you need it in the future so if I give you a lot of money you’ve got to decide to invest it in the stock market in the real estate market or buy debt or put it in a bank they all have risk Bitcoin represents a bank inide space run by Incorruptible software it’s for people that don’t want to be their own hedge fund they don’t why should you have to gamble on a stock to not lose your money why should you have to trust a bank maybe you trust your bank but what about the bank in Lebanon that stole everybody’s money and froze it and then devalued it what bank are you supposed to trust in a war zone what bank do you trust when the currency’s collapsing right so the world needs a bank that can trust and needs of property that is beyond the reach of a government a corporation an individual Bitcoin represents that bank in cyers space that offers property rights to 8 billion people you don’t know it yet but then again you use an iPhone why does it work you know where does the music come from where are the videos on YouTube come from right the world is going through a digital transformation and I guess I would say this it used to be only Kings could listen to Beethoven and then pretty soon you could listen to Beethoven on a phonograph record and it got cheaper and then pretty soon you could download an app to your phone for free and listen to Beethoven and it got really cheap digital transformation of Music digital transformation of Education digital transformation of books digital transformation of storefronts so you’re say they changed the world what I’m saying is this is the digital trans of money of capital of property right if if you can if you can give if you want to give music to a billion people you need digital music if you want to give wealth to a billion people you need digital Capital you’re not going to give money and property rights you’re not going to give Economic Security to everybody on Earth without the digital form of capital over the next years and decades sailor expects the economic activities and gains in cities around the world to begin bleeding into cyberspace despite being around for only 14 short years Bitcoin has already established itself as the world’s leading digital asset and the epicenter of economic activities in cyberspace so it is expected that it would get a giant share of all economic activities and Investments that bleed into cyberspace sailor is advocating for a shift in the perception of how people view Bitcoin less as a currency and more as a billion doll building in cyberspace sailor believes that bitcoin’s True Value lies in its ability to preserve wealth over centuries just like you would find with a valuable piece of real estate or an expensive artwork according to sailor presenting Bitcoin as a digital property aligns more accurately with its function as a store of value rather than a medium of Exchange in addition while the Bitcoin is a currency argument makes governments and institutions wary sailor believes shift in perspective will make them more readily inclined to embrace the leading cryptocurrency the shift will also stop critics who repeatedly argue that Bitcoin should be used to purchase a cup of coffee do you agree with sailor’s arguments about Bitcoin status as a digital property please share your thoughts as well as your comments on his discussion with Peter in the comment section below also ensure you like this video subscribe to the channel and turn on post notifications for more videos like this thanks for for watching

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    Michael Saylor, o bilionário dos Bitcoins, diz sobre o que esperar do halving e o futuro do dinheiro

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    1. Saylor is so full of himself he doesn't realize that "nobody truly understands" includes HIM too !!! The only reason he's out espousing his crap to anyone who will listen is because he's bet the farm on it.

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