Expect More Volatility In The Stock Market | Gold and Silver | My “L” Pattern | Mining Stocks

    so Traders let’s get into a market update for this week right now continued volatility in the stock market and that’s what we’re going to probably see for another few more months from now so you want to be very very very cautious around uh and imp and impatience around the actual stock market also going to be showing you what’s happening with gold and silver right now the big thing about gold and silver guys is even though we’re getting a shortterm pullback here I see so much more upside when it comes to Gold and Silver and then what I want to do is I want to finish off with uh with something that I think is going to really really help you when it comes to your trading something that I do I try to do most days before I actually look at the markets that puts me into a good good sort of frame in mind to make good decisions in the market so let’s get straight into it don’t place a trade based on what you’ll seeing this video because there is no guarantees of making a profit in the market it takes you a long time to become a good Trader so this video here is just to educate you to become a much better Trader all righty Traders so let’s actually get straight into the market update now looking at the actual stock market right now guys the Dow Jones one of the really big things here is that we’re probably going to continue seeing a lot of volatility okay so if you’re in the camp of this thing’s going to crash or if you’re in the camp that this thing’s got to go for another big move because like you know there’s people out there that say this thing’s in a melt up phase and so on so forth um you know they could be wrong they could be right you know what I mean so the really the the big thing that I’m seeing right now is I don’t don’t think either of them are going to be right I don’t think we’re going to see a really big crash now technical term guys what is an actual crash what what is I want you to really put this in your mind because we think about this right I better get in now before we before we start the crash now what is an actual crash what was 2008 stock market crash think about it right think about this from a logical point of view what was 2008 stock market crash that’s 365 days right but what are we think in our mind big down bar right like oh I better get it now before we said that big red down candle and it’s going to be all over um and I’m sure you guys who have been there and trying to get in early right uh it just never works right just never never never never never works so especially right now when it comes to the indices anyway uh it requires an understanding of where we are in the phases of things and uh as youve guys have seen in the past and if you haven’t then we go through phases right we go through a bull market and then we go a bull phase and then we go through a bit of a volatile phase right with pullback phase and so on so forth and we end up getting something like this right that’s that’s the and this is what we’re going through right now we’re going through a bit of a gyration phase and if we have a look at my boxes here these are my maybe call it like a timing box it’s a rough gauge it’s not an exact science I I draw these boxes in um and the reason why I draw these boxes in because it just gives you a rough gauge of how much of aof sideways or a slight down movement would we expect before star to see that next leg up and as you can see that we actually had to around about August right so you got August down the bottom here so around about August is probably from now through to then especially even um uh especially on the indices right like like especially like the Dow Jones we’re probably likely to be getting a lot of volatility through here so I I don’t think that’s not I don’t think the stock market is going to go through a big another big ball move here the stock market needs time to refuel right needs time to refuel we’ve had a big move uh and the way that the market really works the way that I think about the stock market here is that it’s like an energy source right whenever we have a really big move like this um the market is you know the Market’s using a lot of energy right it’s using a l you’re buying it and buying it and buying it and buying it and then suddenly we all right let’s call off for a bit now let’s actually relax bit and then you get these pullbacks and then you start to get these sort of I just want to relax for a while and I’ve been gone for like 6 months Man 6 months straight I’ve been going for man I think I need a month or two just to relax and refr re reset reframe get ready to go again get my mind right and then bam we get going again right and now um and that’s that’s the way that I think about when it comes to the stock market and it’s one of the reasons why like and it’s it’s this type of pattern here that whenever I’m whenever I’m personally trading it’s the pattern that I’m always looking for and guess what it’s when we get these big up moves and then we get these moves here guess what I’m looking for I’m looking for that next leg up right because we had a very strong bull move through here very strong bull move through here and if we get this sideways movement through here there’s got to come a point in time where we’re going to start to see what we’re going to start to see this thing kick up and then start to go for another ball move it’s essentially what one of the patterns what I call the l-shape pattern right it’s just it’s a very very very very simple pattern and it doesn’t come around that often guys but when it does you’ll be able to start to see you you’ll be able to start to and that’s the way that I personally like to trade anyway myself like I do I do trade some other style of Trades but let me just show you this here so especially when you when you get like a beautiful when you get when when you get like a beautiful like L-shaped pattern guys it’s probably one of the one of the best trading patterns out there um but it also requires Focus cuz it doesn’t come around that often that’s the reason why like for my for my personal trading guys I have scans that scan the entire stock market looking for this basically the these types of patterns here um so because there’s a lot of opportunity here right so if I look at say the uh look at this back here right whenever you get look at this here right so you have the see how we had the straight up and then we had that sideways mov look at that big move followed afterwards whenever we get that beautiful beautiful sort of L-shaped pattern there there’s a very very very very very very very big high probability we’re going to see a big move like this here right down down down down down down what inevitably happened right we got a down period through here and inevitably what happened we went through what a bit of a sideways SL what we call pullback phase but notice here notice the pullback was more like an L shape see there so you got the L shape like this that’s like an l-shape or sometimes you get that and you get like just a slight little up move right what you don’t want to see you don’t want to see something like this and then something like that that’s called V bottoms or V right um this is the selling leg and this is the buying leg they’re both as strong as each other right no one’s winning out of that match and so whenever I’m looking at the markets I’m trying to say okay this is the buying leg this is the selling leg I Can See Clearly the buyers are much stronger in this phase here and then we and then and then generally what happens is when we when we get that we generally get another another the buyers inevitably take control again and we go through here same thing here selling leg this is the buying leg look at the buyers the buyers try to come in but guess what they’re very weak right so when the buyers are very very very very very very very weak and we’ve had a strong selling leg before then it never what happens the sells come back in and the sells take it for another move down so it’s one of the most to me and as you can see I’m not even using moving averages on this chart now with my personal trading guys and again that that actually uh if you go to John’s J hns free training in.com um I actually I’ve actually got my webinar Replay that I’ve actually got up there you can actually learn the the entire webinar talks about my trading strategy uh more about my backstory and stuff like that as well too so if you really do need help with maybe understanding this patent a bit more and maybe start add add some rules then go to johnf freetrain free trading course guys I walk through the four different phases phase number one is about the biggest mistakes you’re making right now and how to overcome them because if you’re losing a lot of money right now we want to stop that first right phase number two and three about the most powerful chart reading techniques that I’ve been utilizing since the 1950s now I wasn’t born in the 1950s but I actually went back and back tested it that that far these techniques and then phase number four is all about my trading system there so um yeah I guarantee it’s going to really help you out there so I’m looking whenever I’m looking at markets guys I’m always looking at these sort of phases through here right um and I’m trying to say okay what’s the buyers what’s the sellers cuz if you look at through here right who’s really winning right if we who’s winning through here this is the selling and this is the buying right we had a little bit of a flat period through there and then we had this buying through through right so if we have a look at this period through here who’s really winning we’re not too quite sure right cuz we had this strong selling leg down and we had this strong buying leg m I’m not too quite sure right I’m not too quite sure and so that’s why like for me personally guys I’m always trying to look for that type of a pattern um in the markets there and and as you can see guys whenever I’m looking at the markets I’m trying to my number one trading pattern that I look for all the time is this type of battern here right up and then sideways look at that there and then guess what whenever we get a very clear what I call the l-shape pattern we tend to get a good move through here so this this is this is what’s what’s called my setup and then I wrap it around with some trading rules an exact entry candle and all that sort of stuff to make sure I can really sniper in so this is 80% of what I look for and then I use another 20% like um I use a higher time frame as well too to make sure I’m trading with the big Trend as well and there’s few a few other 20% in there but again guys if you like to learn more information about that trading system uh and how it all works then I think it’s that go to johnf freetrain tocom um and so the the reason why I brought that up to you guys today is because um and going now I just went down down a rabbit hole of how my number one trading pattern and how it works the reason why I bring that up to you guys now is because one I understand that when the market goes through these phases right we understand what type of phase are we in are we in a moving phase or are we liky to be in one of those pullback those pullback SL sideways phases right CU we we end up going through these phases and so right now we’ve had a very big move up and so looking at the Dow Jones we’re probably going to go through a sideways and the reason why that’s important because in the back of your mind now this just in the back of your mind you must be saying okay if I’m trading the Dow Jones today I must understand that we could be getting a lot of volatility here so me trying to capture that next big move and if I think that Dow Jones is going to Skyrock at to 50,000 it may go to 50,000 000 but on a probability basis we need a bit of time bit of a sideways movement to refuel again right um to to rest again to get ready to go again right if I go back to my gold trade I’ll share with this this is an example of gold right so if I go back to my my gold trade and the reason why I bring this up because I’m trying to share with you guys like how I see all this side look at that look see all that sideways movement before what so we had all this sideways see all this it just really went sideways didn’t it now that sideways movement was what that was 3 months of sideways Movement 3 months of side movement and then guess what then we had a big up move right so that’s the reason why when we when I was when I was when I was getting into gold and I shared it with with YouTube I was always saying we’re getting ready for a big move because I saw how much of this sideways movement how much refilling we’ve actually done all right so remember when the market goes up like that we’re gone to through a using energy phase okay and but then we need a bit of we need a bit of we need a lsh pattern to see who’s more dominant but then we need to make sure that we have a lot of this what’s called what’s called now a refilling phase and so with the stock market here guys uh and with the with the Dow Jones you wouldn’t expect you’re going to get a lot more volatility you can see look at see up and down up and down you’re going to expect that a lot more okay you’re going to expect a lot more of this through here probably for next few months through there looking at the S&P 500 and the S&P 500 as you can see that when looking at this S&P F you can see we had this very big move up strong move down and now we’ve had this move up I don’t think this is not ready now to go for another really big move right it’s just the Market’s actually tied and so if you’re like oh here we go we’re going to go up we’re going to go down um not not too not too not too fast not too fast not too soon okay and again we just had a very big move down I believe now what ends up happening guys is the unfortunate thing is what I just said there you’re probably going to get 20% of the time maybe even 10% of the time this thing just goes for another really big move right and then you then you take that 10% of the time and then you’re like oh man I should have jumped on that and that’s where like um if you’re not using some sort of trading Edge for your trade if you’re going to get if you if you if your trading approach is I think the Market’s going to go up today so I’m going to buy it you are going to get run over big time right we need to have some sort of trading Edge we need to have an edge right and this is always the biggest thing about trading this is why most of you guys are probably not most of you guys right now that are watching this video 12 months from now you’re not going to be around you’re not going to be around watching this video the reason why is because if you actually want to be what is a professional Trader we got think about that John I want to be a professional full-time Trader okay well let’s actually see what does he do well he has an edge and he likes to trade that edge and he also understands that he needs to require some patience and if he wants to start trading some other things out there he doesn’t really do that most of the time 95% of the time he’s just really focused on his Edge and he’s got to sit back and he’s got to learn to be patient and maybe not take a trade every day maybe sometimes there going to be a few weeks without without any trades right we reverse engine that back so if you want to be a successful Trader we must start to become that person right we must become what is what is what how do successful Traders work and then when we start to become that person okay a successful Trader has an edge okay there’s a thousand edges out there for me personally I’m teaching you my Edge which is the L pattern this is one that I personally believe in um because it’s so simple and also it allows me to potentially capture on some really big moves just like gold and so they have an edge they learn they they need to they a professional Trader is also understanding of the market Cycles meaning um your trading Cycles right so one month you might have a lot of really good trades come up like and then maybe the next month there’s not actually not that many opportunities because the market doesn’t present them to you he understands that he understands he needs to require some discipline if I actually want to be an actual good Trader I need to be disciplined to this process otherwise if I’m not going to require discipline then I’m kidding myself to this right I must require some consistency around that every day I’m looking at the it’s a routine it’s a consistency every single day right it’s getting up at the same time looking at the markets at the same time looking for the same type of trading patterns and so on and so forth so that’s how like if you’re trading the markets and you want to be a professional Trader then we must become that right like what does a professional TR and then we must become that now the biggest thing for you guys is that you’re impatient you have thero you don’t have really any Edge you just or you might have an edge but you might have 13 edges right and that’s where you’re probably going wrong right so we just then you got to reverse engine back so I then well if I actually want to be here 12 months from now which most of you guys won’t be but if I actually want to be 12 months from now then I need to start Rec I need I need to start to become those types of people who do well out of that and there’s and it’s not the actual trading system part right like the trading system part is probably 5% of it like give me a good trading system and I’ll do really well okay here’s a here’s a really good trading system but you might have to be patient there might there might be a whole month with no trades now your thought is like oh well John I’m here to make money not to sit around on what no trades for a whole month what how am I supposed to make money from that I’m here to make money and then now your thought goes down the window or goes down this path of what you think trading is all about right so this is where this is where trading can become so it’s that it’s this whole thing I’m talking about here the reason why most people have a hard time when it comes to the trading market right so same thing for the S&P 500 guys a little move up through here a lot more volatility I didn’t expect to see big move up big move down for the S&P 500 I do expect to see this thing not really doing much and then uh not really much until around that August yeah August possibly even even out to through September which does make sense because that’s around the election coming up to the election time so something really big is coming guys something really big is coming and now the good thing about what I just said there and the same for the NASDAQ right same thing bit a pullback here the good thing about what I’m talking about here guys is that those who are have a bit of patience right those who understand that we’re now going through that season now where we’re probably not going to get big moves now I’m talking about the indices here right guys on individual stocks right this is where like for me personally on individual stocks there’s going to be some really incredible moves we just got to know how to identify the patterns so when we’re scanning the market every day and that’s what I do I actually scan the markets every day using the scans to look for my opportunities because as you guys know the thousands of stocks out there some stocks are making big moves up big moves down and and so on so forth and so those who are patient right now those who are patient I promise you guys those who are patient right now are going to reap the rewards if you’re patient over the next next couple of months here right and you’re watching and you and you also understand what I’m like not just watching and watching and watching right but you understand what you’re actually looking for if you don’t know what you’re actually looking for on a high quality setup amazing trades are going to go straight past you right just like my gold trade my gold trade was just it was just a system trade and it was just a beautiful beautiful beautiful a quality system trade right it’s nothing it’s nothing new to me here um but if you don’t even know what a high quality setup looks like and that’s why I actually have my I have my coaching program um then the the whole thing about that is that there’s these beautiful as amazing high quality trades that are going straight past you and because you don’t even know what you’re looking for right it’s like it’s like if you’re not looking for it you’re not going to find it see me I’m always I’m always looking for that type of pattern because guess what just like gold just just the the exact same trade that happened with gold there’s actually it’s actually happening right now on a few other markets right now and a few stocks out there so looking at the de looking at the NASDAQ guys we’re probably getting this whole sideways movement through here so uh again just a lot of volatility all the way out to August through to August maybe even to September and then we’re probably liking to get a big move so just if you are trading the indices guys just just understand that we’re in this type of phase through here on on The Daily charts uh anyway uh and we’re probably going to continue seeing this type of action through here so no big crash no big bull market at least on the indices uh when it comes to that as well too so let’s go look at Silver and Gold and the silver price the silver ones I’m actually I’m actually really excited about the silver one because if I bring up my charts through here you can see what’s happening all through here right let’s bring up this one here actually I’ll go to this one this one here is the weekly chart so you can see what’s happening here on the weekly charts I honestly believe guys we went through a big move through here so I honestly believe we’re probably going to spend at least another few more weeks going sideways out of silver we had a very big move up but there could be something really exciting if we can if we continue to squeeze up through here guys right through here and then we get a breakout like through there on Silver there could be some really big really big amaz amazing opportunities to there and by the way up see how that see how I just I just drew the lsh pattern cuz that’s that’s what I’m looking for guys is the lsh pattern now again don’t just trade the lsh pattern actually it is a powerful pattern right but with the lsh pattern that’s my setup then I need to have my checklist and my exact entry candle of what I’m looking for from there so but that’s what I’m looking for for there and then uh and again guys this is look at see strong up what’s that that’s the L shap pattern right oh look at that big move you see what I’m saying here right guys so for me personally I like being patient waiting for the lsh pattern or this is the or this is the upside down lsh pattern the lsh pattern is like that the upside down lsh pattern is like this through here so that’s what I’m seeing through there now when it comes to the mining sector guys there’s actually some really good really good stocks out there for the mining sector like for example ag ag is a stock that I’m watching right now uh and the reason why I’m watching it is because I believe that AG has now started to turn the table on its Trend and I believe this could be the start of something really really really big here so um we can see here that we actually had we actually came down this here was that level through there to there right and then we came down through here so for me personally uh if we can get AG to come back down towards these levels all through here I believe we’re probably going to start to pick back up I believe this is the first leg up in a very big bull market um but we need that this pullback we’re getting right now or this this drop in the market there’s probably going to be a bit of a move to the upside same for stocks like a right and this is where we we we don’t want to chase it we don’t want to chase the market um and and fomo fomo fomo right as you guys know that’s always the hardest part about trading isn’t it it’s like our emotions get in the way and because we’re in this fearful state right of either having a loss which causes or fomo like fear fear of missing out then we start to go down this Rabbit Hole of not trading more right so but and then we make then we make stupid decisions like trying to jump on a right now remember I said before after when we do this after a period of time we get what we get the drop and that’s like for you guys that have been watching me you guys know this this is how I called the stock market drop and this how I called the gold and silver and so on so forth so that’s what I’m looking through there guys when it comes to the U so that’s what I’m expecting through there guys so just make sure you don’t have your phone cap on and the last thing I want to talk to you guys about is um just to finish off here is what I talked about there guys is as you can see through this session here is that like people people want to make good money from Trading right but then you just keep doing what you’ve been doing right if we can sit back and just second then how do professional Traders approach the markets right what is the common characteristics it has nothing to do with the trading system um you know it has all it has really everything to do with how you’re approach the markets right because there’s a thousand different approaches out there that really do work and so um it’s all comes back down to uh if once you start to become that person right why why don’t you start to become more consistent at looking at the markets looking for the same type of patterns looking for the same type of setups having the same type of risk right that consistency the discipline to be trading those those setups the patience to wait around and like when we start to Overlay that once you start to become that type of person and you’re doing it every day then you’ll start to you’ll start to read the rewards but when you’re not then you’re not through there right so um the biggest thing that I do say about trading guys one of the things that’s actually really helped me a lot is everything is about making good decisions right we want we want to make good decisions and so like if you talk about if you listen to Anthony Robbins Tony Robbins top of that which I’m a huge fan of um especially like going back through my cancer days like you know like Tony Robbins has been such a blessing to me in my life like going from like you know almost $500,000 just to break just just to get just to get back up break even um $500,000 in the hole um to you know like even like gone through cancer and the doctor G me six months to live um and this was back in 2008 2009 like Tony Robins have been amazing and one of the things he always talking about is the top state right and if you look at him Tony Robbins is all about State Management when it comes to his athletes right like he look at all the number one thing he’s always talk about is like what sort of state are you approaching things at and so the thing about trading for me is I’m a very energetic type of move move move move move person right so the thing for me is that to trading is all about making good decisions right and then and not be able to miss opportun ities so the best thing to do is to try to get into that what I call a nice relaxed peaceful State you’re not fearful of anything you’re not worried about it you’re not worried about there’s no fomo there’s nothing like that going on in the market sorry in in your own life where you just get yourself into a nice relaxed State this is where like potentially like a bit of journaling a bit of meditating something some sort of ritual behind the scenes to try to like try to relax if you see a lot of things on on YouTube and stuff like that you may see like action action action action things are moving around things are moving around it’s not you want to try to get yourself into a nice good relaxed State because it’s in that relaxed state where you’re not worried about anything you’re just clearing your mind you’re focused on what’s happening right now it’s in that in it’s in those moments when you’re nice you’re peaceful you’re calm you actually end up making really good decisions and if we can if we do that continuously like the consistency of doing that day and day out before you know by end of the year you’re like oh I’ve actually had a really good year cuz every day we’ve made those smaller good decisions to say no I’m not going to get into that trade or yes I’m going to get into this trade yes I’m going to cut this loss short yes I’m going to hold on to this profit because it’s not a matter of it’s not a it’s not a matter of focus on the money it’s most mly focus on trading techniques and so the big thing I really want to share with you just to finish today off is just try to do whatever you can to add a little bit of discipline to your life and especially if you want to trade the markets successfully it’s all about you making good decisions now if you are trading the markets and you got the kids in the background you’ve got the TV on you may even have some sort of podcast gone on the background and you’re looking at the market the exact same time I guarantee you are not making good decisions why you are just all over the place but if you can be in a nice calm place it’s quiet and you’re looking at the markets and you just focus and it’s just very peaceful and quiet then you can start to make really decisions right you can start to see good opportunities and also you can make good opportunities of not to not not to let that fomo kick into place so um the best thing I can say is that if you seriously want to become really really really good at trading um the number one thing that’s really helped me out is is just that getting myself into a nice peaceful relaxed place and everything’s just quiet and I’m just focusing on the markets and I’m slowing down I’m just okay what’s this chart telling me right now okay I’m looking at the banking sector right now I’m looking at the I’m looking at the energy sector right now I’m looking at you know the mining sector right now I’m looking at all these different stocks I’m like okay what is this stock actually telling me right now and then I start to then I start to apply my analysis right I start to look at the trend analysis and I start to look at the l-shape patterns and I’m like okay then what’s really going on here and the more I do that personally guys the more I do that personally and have a continuation of doing that every day the better trading decisions to make meaning like there’s a lot of times where um you know I I I I will actually see opportunities because I’m not scatterbrain right because again if you got things happen in the background you got a podcast or or the the news on on the back on the side and then you’re looking at the markets then guess what then you’re then you’re at a place where um now you’re probably not making really good decisions right so just try to step back again if you want to be successful at this at least start to generate some sort of good income you know you know even if it’s you know say a six figure income per year and then eventually start to do the seven figures one of the best things I do say is looking at my mentors and what I’ve done in my trading career it’s been one of the biggest blessings out there and so for me personally it’s always continued I always notice guys that if I’m rushing around if I’m rushing go go go go go go go and then I might be listening to a listening to a listen to something in the background like it might be a podcast or YouTube video right um and so um if it is like that right if it is like that then um what’s probably going to happen is you’re probably going making a lot of mistakes right so just try to try to have a r a morning ritual of that through there that’s the reason why guys for me personally I only trade half an hour a day right because it’s very very very difficult to look at look at the markets for six seven you know four five six hours a day and not start to get out of state right so for me personally if I can get myself into State look at the markets for half an hour or so per day make your good decisions within that state right because I can’t actually say that and then off I find I make much better decisions there for me for me personally I used to trade a lot of hours but now I just make much better decisions when I’m in that that when I’m in that type of State

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    Customer Notice –Past performance – Future performance is Important when trading Silver and gold, GDX, GDXJ, SIL, SILJ, and mining stocks. Sp500, Dow Jones, Nasdaq and general trading any stocks in the stock market. The past of this product is not and should not be taken as an indication of future performance. Caution should be exercised in assessing past performance. This product, like all other financial products, is subject to market forces and unpredictable events that may adversely affect future performance. The future performance of this product is not and should not be taken as an indication of current or past performance. Caution should be exercised in assessing future claims of performance, as these are based on assumptions. This product, like all other financial products, is subject to market forces and unpredictable events that may adversely affect future performance. The information contained in on this page is education only. Any advice is general advice only. Neither your personal objectives, financial situation nor needs have been taken into consideration. Accordingly you should consider how appropriate the advice (if any) is to those objectives, financial situation and needs, before acting on the advice



    1. BUY ViX….after 1May…… was a reccomandation delivered to my email long before …… I hate it cost allot to open a trade on my iG…..💩 💹platform…..! # What Crash, John……?????? I'v got white hair, waiting the 1929 style crash and nothing !

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