let’s get into it J today says might not be the news you want but it’s the news you get I love doing the live streams because uh you know we can talk about people can ask me questions but I know when I we always repurpose these videos that’s why you see them pop up a second time so we split uh the main news from the Q&A and it just allows us to get more traction on the videos but uh I know that video that we put out later not live stream people aren’t asking questions it’s going to be why is Rob so negative why is Rob spreading fud why doesn’t he just talk about how things are going to go to the moon it’s going to be awesome these are the things that I see and if I’m not honest then who the hell am I so I see this as a problem and uh and again it’s going to be ugly and it’s going to take some time but that’s just how it is so so Jake D day you are exactly right triple Lo let’s see uh quick crypto candle if you post anything else this looks very spammy I will block you hello Amy bot DJ DG I should say Matthew crypto Esquire DP says why the hell should anyone have full control and privacy of their own hard and money it’s just crazy how that works out why would we want even want that we should just have a bunch of cbdcs rolling around just have the government monitor everything that we do like w it looks like Rob bought way too many donuts and his hemoglobin A1c level is up too high for his insurance maybe we should stop him from purchasing Donuts because his blood sugar his glucose levels are too high you never know that’s the kind of 1984 dystopian future who never knows could be in there usam says please what do you think about avac this month player no anything short-term I’m not really good at and uh anything long-term I’m not even spectacular but Avalanche is one of those projects that did what it said it was going to do it was going to build in the bear I said we’ll probably crush it in the bull and they got a lot of great games lined up and I talked to Ed Shang from uh AAC labs and you know we took at all these games and they’re doing the things they’re supposed to do and then with that Rumble Kong League you know like I think I personally don’t think that the majority of the web 2 players are going to come from the really super addictive like indepth gaming I think most the web 2 people and we’ve taken a look at it as far as like the Casual games that’s what are going to bring people over just goofy games that people like what is this it’s just you know mindless stuff that’s where majority of games are downloaded anyhow and then now they we we slowly move them in or we troen horse them into web 3 like hey you know you own some of that you want to sell some of that you want to get a token for that you know that token’s worth money you want to keep playing okay great you can keep playing but there’s gonna be ads just saying I think it’ll be pretty good I think aback will do quite well quar says I missed today’s program I ask what is cardano’s future what would you think uh bullish month for for Bitcoin bullish month for Bitcoin historically speaking would be towards the end of this year and then into next year somewhere around March April May June somewhere around there and then maybe to uh Beyond but that’s 2025 some people believe this is a super cycle and will keep goinging up and they reference the gold ETF a whole heck of a lot and it could actually be I mean but I’ve been hearing super cycle since 2017 so who knows but I was Al I also heard of Bitcoin ETF since 2017 and that happened so who knows but as far as like uh with cardano they need to really start to push things out those different products that are building on cardano really need to move forward and um you know I I believe cardano could do great it’s just you got to show me something that’s it vieta what do you think about cbdcs I think uh in certain countries they’re probably coming but uh hopefully in America we don’t get them I know in certain States like mayor Ron de santis in Florida he’s already banned them but when you go through a when you go through uh the actual White House if they want to go for them it’s kind of tough in that situation to say no you can’t have it again not a lawyer some people say you can do that some people say you cannot but I think it’s just another way of spying on people and then shutting your money off that’s not ever good big big government is never the answer we’re all smart enough to figure it out and fix our problems the sholin says you don’t own property if you don’t pay your tax 100% true even when you own your house out right or even your rental properties if you stop paying your taxes County City the state they can come in and take that right back you can’t own money unless you keep it in the bank well I mean that’s I gotta tell you I know people say like cash is trash cash works pretty well especially if uh you want to buy things that maybe you don’t want anybody else to know about or maybe if you want to use cash for some other reason that uh you’d like to circumvent just saying does happen cash works pretty well I know people will say well the values I’m not debating that I’m just saying it actually works pretty well sometimes you can’t own stocks without a broker I own nothing and yeah that’s what people are saying will happen in the future uh GT says rob you looked at uh Vel drone Finance vers aerodome I don’t even know what those are but I’m sure they’ll do great in the bare on the bull market so uh if that’s your thing that’s your thing hey Dan did I did you hear about the Celsius leak of customers personal info not surprised look if you’re on the internet any way shape or form just just know that all your your data is out there leaked and it’s everywhere if you go to certain websites to see if there’s like a data leak 99.9% of the time uh your former passwords are there sometimes your address is there your phone numbers are on there it’s a lot of information that is uh is on the internet I can find pretty much everybody I don’t want to I’m just saying it’s out there [Music] jar says hey Rob is the bare Market your relaxed time or time to look in new projects coming up in the new future it’s actually the bare Market is the I feel like bare Market is the hard time because you’re buying when I mean we all know a buy we know to buy are in the bare Market us right not the other people like us for the reason why we’re here reason why you’re watching this this this video right now is because you probably were buying the bare Market I think that’s an easier time I think think uh the harder time the harder time for me is I’ve been so accustomed to buying buying the dip buying as things go down dollar cost averaging or you know dynamic dollar cost averaging is the hardest time is to sell because you think well I’ve been here for two three years I’ve been buying buying buying that’s all I know what to do then when the sell option comes and you’re like shoot if it just did a 20x why couldn’t I do a 40x and if I did a 40x why couldn’t I do an 160x and that’s where the real hard part is so for that I feel like the bare market for me is pretty easy for the majority of people it’s not and that’s why like I’d rather just be here in the bare market and then when the bull market comes just kind of disappear because that’s everybody’s going to tell you how great things are and never go down you don’t need me for that and then of course is it time to look at a new projects there is this thing we’ve talked about before and I’ll bring it up again is what I called like the goldilock Zone when things are this is the time when some really great projects get get launched during the Bitcoin heaven now we just had one but in the last session in 2020 remember these polygon or madic was in April 2019 axi Infinity April 2020 yes Luna was launched in July 2019 and people say well you lost everything not everybody some people took profits along the way and they’re just fine but the majority didn’t do that salana was April 2020 Avalanche September 2020 Gala August 2020 sandbox Shima enu which I think is still in the top 20 August 2020 so like around this time is when people like to launch like good projects because they know like okay well usually historically we start to see a runup especially the year after and remember 2020 was a nice presidential election year and there was a little uncertainty in that time but the next year 2021 we had all time highs and that’s uh some of my thesis I think that stock market Wall Street even institutions they don’t like uncertainty and that’s what happens during a presidential election which will happen nove you know super Tuesday November 2024 but the year after that’s the good times unless America defaults on all its loans then all bets are off is Gary gzo really that bad he’s not a great guy for crypto I would have liked to see him do some more things as far as protecting the consumer toad of letting everything go by you know having meetings with uh SPF behind the door Clos meetings introducing to Jerome Powell them having a discussion about when FTX took over that bank you know little things like that and then just to uh actually really think about it who’s the one really at fault is it Gary because he interprets the rules a certain way of Congress I think it’s congress’s fault for not giving him really really super clear guidelines on digital assets let’s call a spade a spade Congress sucks H 50 bucks a month in Bitcoin worth it sure not like and if you take a look at I got this from Preston pitch if if you if you take a look at four years of any time frame uh for Bitcoin you are up four years ago and that could be from 2020 2016 that could be from 2019 to 2015 on and on down down the line you go so $50 as far as is Bitcoin worth it sure a month in Bitcoin it’s better than I think it’ll outperform most everything S&P 500 maybe precious metals real estate bonds savings accounts yeah that type of thing for dog strip Rob I heard your voice my limit order sell to sold ma uh micro strategy at $9.99 I forgot I said it when it was only 300 before I panicked I here to say no one everyone broke taking profits exactly now it might go up later but uh you cannot not look at that too much right everything’s going to go up at some point actually no I can’t that’s totally that was totally wrong what I just said a lot of things will go up not everything will go up take a look at I don’t know bid connect I don’t think that one’s coming back Luna actually Luna for some reason Luna classic did make it I don’t know how the hell that happened but a lot of these different altcoins are not coming back there’s a lot of them that’s there was a a study actually I think it was over 64% of all alt coins from 2017 are dead in the water no no no 2019 so yeah Aristotle any chance of bringing clown news back I wish I could clown news was when I had this uh there was a filter that would uh overlay my face and it would be a perfect clown and we would talk about stuff like this would be today clown news but I can’t use it anymore uh because that’s app is not available so if I if someone can find me a nice filter with a clown love to use it streaming software we use is called streamyard but it went to 2000 I was sad for a moment see there you go that’s just is Gio says SEC level of thermos security they did I mean this is what they said in the documentation they consider SC they considered ethereum a security there’s been no other deviation from that and we took a look at this the filing says ethereum two investigation was called was based on the sec’s belief that possible offers in certain curies including to ethereum had occurred since least 2018 they’re saying to you that ethereum is a security that’s what they’ve always believed that’s what they’re moving forward is a reason why that ETF hasn’t been approved so I know people will say well that’s not true because Gary gz didn’t come out and say specifically hey ethereums of security in the documentation that they filed it says for the past year they considered ethereum a security that’s it I don’t know what else to tell you okay Greg says do you think we can see 2021 summer again this summer no we have to turn the money printers back on there’s not enough liquidity and there’s too much unknowns especially with the presidential election and whatever is happening in Ukraine and also for uh bricks as China uh has been uh bankrolling Russia now for uh their War efforts and of course with the bill that we just passed to help Ukraine China’s pretty much said that is a indirect contrast with what they’re trying to do so if we can get away from World War II yeah maybe let’s see um hey Rob which cryptocoin is not gambling say that they meme coins are gambling are the other coins any different yeah I think as far as like altcoins I think you can’t do you can’t do wrong with Bitcoin like look and that’s why I like that that’s why people start become more maximalists as far as Bitcoin goes uh because of the uncertainty that happens with the altcoins because you never know what’s going to happen but I would like to show you one thing and that is I mean if we’re talking about gambling and not gambling if we have a a long time Horizon this is uh priced in Bitcoin 21.com and I want to show you something I always love doing this one housing we take a look at the United States median new home let me put this in percent and overlay it with Fiat and just took it a straight Bitcoin and I want to do it for all time oops not in percentage excuse me well let just do five let’s just do five years maybe that’s a little better so I guess not yeah I need fat where’ It Go September 1st 2011 oh that’s what I missed log scale there we go so this is the best way to to explain it as far as like not gambling you know in 2011 this is how I know that I don’t think houses appreciated 2x in a decade doesn’t make any sense what does make sense is money Printing and fractional Reserve lending by Banks you take a look here a new house in Bitcoin is 64,000 Bitcoin on November 1st 2011 you know how much a a new house costs these days in America double at 434,000 and you know how much that house would cost you in Bitcoin now six well 6.9 so you won from six 66,000 excuse me 64,000 Bitcoin in 2011 for a house that cost 24,000 to a house that cost 434,000 and only takes you 6.92 so that’s how I don’t that’s how I don’t think it’s gambling for for Bitcoin over a longer time Horizon and that’s that piece crypto juilee says are the SEC guilty of double speak again again if we’re talking about proof of work versus proof of stake it makes things a little bit muddled but again I’m not a lawyer and I don’t even pretend to be I don’t even like to get into that argument I would just request that uh Congress would just give concrete rules as to we already know what a commodity is we already know what a security is why don’t we just give some clear guidelines as to what a digital asset actually is not a cryptocurrency what a digital asset is and then we could label it and then maybe we don’t even have the SEC or the cftc maybe we have another agency that oversees just digital assets I think that’s the best thing for us because it’s if you think about it like Bitcoin has some properties of currency right we can use it we can trade it we can buy things with it sure it has some parts as like a commodity and it has a pretty good track record as far as like a store of value over time so if you take a look at all those things you’re like well which one is it that’s why I think that has to be have its own subset but that’s just me GL your voice is back yeah me too RM says nothing like playing a game with a Fed changes the rules in the middle of the game so that’s really the FED fed can do whatever it wants to that’s true clever sausage that was my nickname in college Let’s see we do have a Constitution protect us against xao X poost facto I would agree with me meme because I know her background so she can speak to that I think that’s it guys yeah why don’t you get out of here it’s been 36 minutes so look that’s it for today thanks so much for stopping by I appreciate like today’s video on your way out thumbs up and give me a like and a subscribe and all that stuff but that’s it for today and I’ll see you on the next one enjoy the rest of your day everybody

    So it looks like the SEC has been labeling ETHEREUM as a SECURITY for over a year now. KISS that ETH ETF goodbye. Also, Avalanche and Stripe work together plus YUGA labs from Bored Ape Yacht Club laying staff off.


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    2. Avax ecosystem partners intergrating with stripe

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      Zeerune -cultural diversity and discovery platform

      Holiday – web 3 wallet

      The arena – social Fi platform

      Shrapnel – game

      Defi Kingdoms – game

    3. 0:01: πŸ’Ό SEC labels Ethereum as a security, sparking market concerns and regulatory uncertainty.
      4:00: ⚠️ Challenges with SEC labeling Ethereum as a security and potential delays in regulatory clarity.
      8:05: ⚑ Bitcoin ETF flows remain strong despite concerns about altcoins rebounding in the short term.
      11:38: ⚑️ Stripe to handle KYC, payments, fraud, and compliance for Avalanche ecosystem partners.
      15:18: πŸ’‘ Importance of thoughtful investment decisions in the volatile NFT market.
      19:35: πŸ’‘ Discussion on the future of cryptocurrency, particularly Bitcoin, and the potential impact of web 3 on gaming platforms.
      23:49: πŸ’° Challenges of selling in a bear market for long-term investors.
      28:03: πŸ’° Bitcoin may outperform traditional investments like S&P 500, precious metals, and real estate. Taking profits is key.
      32:23: πŸ’° Comparison of housing prices in Bitcoin vs. USD over time reveals impact of money printing and fractional reserve lending.

      Tammy AI: Get video info faster & better

    4. I Riddle Me This Batman. How Can Bitcoin Be Money, Property And A Commodity?

      TL;DR: The Retards In Washington D.C. Have No Idea What Bitcoin IsπŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ€£

      The FBI Calls Bitcoin Money So They Can Arrest You For Money Laundering [..]
      The IRS Calls It Property So They Can Tax You On Capital Gains […]
      The CFTC Calls It A Commodity So You Can’t Use It As A Currency.”

      As these regulatory bodies β€˜help’ with Bitcoin regulation, they are sending back money and power to Washington, D.C. Make no mistake, the industry’s regulations will favor the regulators more than it will Bitcoin investors

    5. Newsflash…..the SEC doesn't come to regulate or clarify. They come to create fear and confusion for their banker masters who want to see crypto destroyed. "The thief cometh not but for to steel, and to kill, and to destroy."

    6. Looking at BAYC top sales vs current daily sales is not representative. Those top dollar ones went for that much due to their trait rarity – even if that doesn't make much sense, a rarer trait combo, or even a unique trait, would fetch a multiple of the floor price. So if you compare the floor of BAYC from back then to today, yes it has gone down, but more from the likes of $80k. It's one of the only collections that held up its value somewhat.

    7. Wanna know who are the real crypto enemies? Look no further, it is within crypto itself, seen how the " experts" treated Hedera last week on a very bullish news for crypto.

    8. If ethereum is a security then kiss self custody and lsyer 2s and meme coins and meta verses goodbye. In fact if eth is a security in the usa then it would have no friggin use. It would be catastrophic to ethereum and all alt coins. So your flippant oh no matter i buy stocks all the time does not take PERSPECTIVE!!

    9. Who cares? So what? Think long term…. How many investments are securities?
      Does that stop people from investing or seeing the value of the technology?
      Some individuals make this bigger than what it is!

    10. Some other nation will be the next leader of the world, it's coming. The right thing to do is for once follow what the other 90% of the world wants. Freedom from the US

    11. Ethereum was a Proof of work coin with an ICO sale, how do proof of work coins do ICO’s?.

      To do an ICO, you have to pre-mine the coins and allocate to Investors who put in capital.
      How did that work? Did they pre-mine a boat load of tokens for the foundation, founders and ICO investors and then switch to proof of work?

    12. CLAYTON IN A SPEECH IS NOT AN OFFICIAL SEC document. The SEC chair does not make decisions, every decision is voted by the board, documented and communicated officially.
      Clayton making a statement at some event to which he was invited in Personal capacity can’t be considered the official position of the SEC.
      SEC board usually have different opinions on issues, hence a majority vote.
      Even the bitcoin ETF didn’t get a unanimous vote.

    13. Can you show me a price chart for any crypto outside of btc that didn't immediately spike and then just gradually head towards the bottom? "It might go up later" has never happened that I can see. If you miss the first 4 hours of release it's all downhill from there. I can't find any that have investment potential.

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