After This Drop – SLINGSHOT MOVE | THIS STOCK Could Be The NEXT SUPER BOOM ( Early Warning )

    so Traders the market is starting to roll over just like I thought it was going to I’m going to share with you a bit of an update across the market about what I’m seeing there I also want to share with you today in today’s update I want to share with you uh the one market that could be the next shoe to drop but on the upside to having a really big move and I want to share this with you cuz it’s actually setting up very very very very similar to like what gold did before gold had this big move up for a cple for a month and a half this particular Market is actually setting up the exact same way so I want to give you guys a bit of an early warning cuz over the next few months we could be getting a good setup here so let’s get straight into it don’t place a trade based on what you’re see in this video because there is no guarantees of making a profit in the market it takes you a long time to become a good Trader so this video here is just to educate you to become a much better Trader all righty Traders so let’s get straight into it Traders make sure you grab access to that free trade course on the screen there’s actually four phases in that course you get for free guys first phase is about the top 303 biggest mistakes you make it right now and how to overcome them uh phase number two is chart reading techniques my number one chart reading technique that I’ve been using that’s been working since the 1950s the phase number three is about advaned chart reading and phase number four is all about bringing it all together for my trading system there so if you’re interested in that guys go get access to that also you’re going to get access to a webinar that I’m running as well too where I’m going to walk you through all the details to my trading system so traders that that first link in the description there make sure you grab access to that so let’s actually grab um one thing I want to share with you here is let’s go look at the actual market so I did an update yesterday and I talked about how these markets are actually starting to potentially roll over right and I was talking about how we’re probably getting towards all right cool let me bring this up here so I said that we can see we actually came down through here and now we come up through I said we’re probably going to get a movement on the downside soon and that’s exactly what we’ve actually seen right we’ve seen a very strong movement on the downside through here this is the Dow Jones uh and we’re looking at the alley chart here right so as you can see we’ve actually come down the bottom here so I wouldn’t been too surprised to see a lot more follow through on the downside from here um and if you actually look at this here from this is the Jones if you have a look at this this is the there’s a few things that’s happening through here when it comes to the Dow Jones right so the first thing here is that we’re getting identification of this is that long-term level of support through here so around about that 36 to 37,000 level I really do see that we may get something like this happening right something like that something like this you know possibly even something down to here somewhere like this whole area through here is really strong level of support because on the shortterm level guys I do see this thing coming down but the really big thing that I’m noticing here is if if we just look at the big the big trend is what up and this is just an overall drop before we see up again right um so this this pullback this drop we’re seeing in the market is going to be very shortlived but it’s but the short LIF is going to take a few months I believe to unfold because I believe just by looking at the chart here you can see my two boxes here right this box here this here this box right here tells me this is roughly the the amount of probably time that we’re going to see a lot of volatility in the markets right so up and down up and down a lot of meaning not really good strong trending we might get some more downside a little bit of upside downside not really trending so that’s what I’m seeing from here this is probably going to be uh and because we had because we did have such a very big strong bull move through here we’re probably going to spend another couple of months being in a bit of volatile time so if you are trading the indices Dow Jones S&P stuff like that just be very mindful that we’re probably not going to be getting ready for another very big move up not for the next few months anyway by looking at that level through there but if I go back to the hourly chart then you can see here that this is the hourly lower high here right so that’s that lower high there and the level of this is that level of support so we I do you see this thing possibly even having like maybe something like this here right maybe something like that and then coming down towards this level through here so that that 36,000 level is indeed that level where I’m actually looking for from there uh from that level through there to there that’s the that’s the Dow Jones if we look at the NASDAQ once again the NASDAQ is also rolling over just slightly we’re starting to get possibly like oh we we are we’re getting this sort of up and then down up I do believe we’re like to get something like this coming through here again the whole turn has shifted right and the trend is your friend until the end we all know that um so let’s just go with the trend right and when the market decides right when the when the market does decide it wants to start to change the trend from from uptrend to downtrend we want to we we want to go with that and when it goes from downtrend up we want to go with that so if we have a look at what’s happening here we’re getting what higher lows all the way up high lows high lows high lows higher lows higher lows all the way up now we’re getting what we’re getting we probibly like it to start to see we possibly likely to start to see now instead of higher lows which is an upward Trend we’re now likely to be getting what down up lower highs down up lower highs and then and then eventually we’re going to get to a point where we start to do something like that as well too so but again I believe that whole section what I just drew there if I bring up the good old box again I do believe which is this is the false breakout here I do believe that we’re not going to get a big crash like this is not going to be the start of something really massive what we’re seeing through here is just a just a normal healthy correction you can see what actually happened today but this is just probably going to fill this in through here but one thing I really want you to also understand as well too and get ready for is just like this time here right people that are patient and waiting for the next few months are probably going to get get ready for something really big right as this starts to unfold through here we’re about to see a massive massive massive explosion I truly believe I really truly believe that but it’s important to try to be patient and really look for those those opportunities right like for me personally I’m really waiting for some good trading opportunities like in the mining sector and some mining stocks and so on so forth so that’s for trading opportunities guys not Investments okay investing um I believe long-term investing is going to be incredible in the mining sector and the metals that’s longterm that’s like over the next five like buying and holding for 5 years not really trying to time the market but as a timing tool um I do believe probably for the next few months we’re going to be building a base again and uh as you can see here right whenever we whenever we have a big move up we build like a bit of a this is like a bit of a reset before a big move up and then we go through a bit of a reset here and then a big move up another big reset is actually coming um in the markets here and and then but but guess what happen guess what comes out this so this is where guys like if you’re trying to trade every single day and you’re trying to make a lot of money every single day just try to step back a little bit try to be a little bit more patient and just like then I know I want to make money now but at the but I want to be I want to be in a really good position at the end of this year and what but what do I need to do here sometimes I need to spend s you know not trade for a whole week sometimes I have to sit back for a whole month and not take a trade why cuz I’m just waiting for those really good opportunities um so I hope that hope that makes sense from there so that’s what I wanted to share with you from the NASDAQ that’s the Dow Jones and the same for the S&P 500 okay if we go back to the the good old the same situation here that I mentioned on the other indices as well if I’m looking at the the the trend lines and and all that sort of funky dunky goodness from there that’s that resistance through there that’s that that’s that level through there which is 4,800 one thing I’m seeing through here guys um is I’m definitely seeing in this thing once again probably start to see this thing being filled in all through here until probably later this year uh but I do see some really big moves coming towards the end of this year around the election time and then I do see we’re probably I really do believe that this whole move here is is is a setup for a really big move to the upside and if I bring you up if I bring up like the Dow Jones and we look at the weekly chart here on the Dow Jones let’s bring up this weekly chart here once again let’s bring up the here one thing I do see if we look at the really big picture here right the really really really big picture here and by the way guys this is not the market that I see a really big potential potentially a really big move to the upside but after we get this pullback through here people that are really patient and and not being freaked out by the media and really staying calm not letting your emotions get involved but saying okay this is we probably likely to see this Market drop down then I believe this is a very big move up this whole thing is just one nice good pullback from here which is just a nice healthy correction a healthy correction in the market and then I do see this thing absolutely just having an incredible I think 2025 guys is going to be an incredible year uh from that and then I believe maybe later next year maybe 2026 we’re probably likely to get the recession that we’ve all been thinking it’s going to come um which by the way guys isn’t it amazing that everyone was calling for a recession but it didn’t happen isn’t it ironic that it’s always a big thing about investing right it’s like if we if everyone is screaming something man this man everyone’s saying this thing why is this all right so that’s what I wanted to share with you now let me actually show you let me actually talk about this Market here guys that I do believe and that’s the energy sector here okay so the energy sector I’ve been doing some analysis some research on the energy sector and uh you know which is the XL in particular and check out this level here right I want to show you let me actually bring up the actual uh the g d price right and I’m going to bring up the weekly chart here and let me go back to before the breakout okay before the breakout now before the breakout which was this one here right before this breakout what did we get see that all that level of resistance and support possibly all through there somewhere right so this is it’s very very very similar to what is happening now right so we had this all this resistance all through here see how we resistance resistance resistance and this is more like a bit of a channel as well too so we had this like bit of a channel here possibly even squeezing up bit of a triangle pattern but the big thing is we had all this resistance through here see that through there so I had all that resistance through here see common things common setups make common pattern and if we do start to get the trigger of the entry off this over the next still this setup that I’m talking about here on The XLE which is the energy sector it’s probably going to take a good couple more probably going to take another month or two for it to set up but I’m trying to share with you what what I’m waiting for this to set up for my next po possibly multiple 100% return trade um and again I’m I’ll probably same for gold it took it took me two months to wait for gold to trade and then I made a really nice profit so same for the energy sector as well too I want you to focus on because we broke out and then look here we broke out and then we just went sideways this is a weekly chart here right and then look what happened to the 24 the 24 moving average started to come up so we broke resistance resistance then broke up above this here became support and then we had the moving average coming strong you get that there so essentially what it means is that we had resistance resistance one two three right and then we broke up come back down found support and then we actually then we made up then we came through there and then we actually also had the 24 moving average this is a weekly chart guys using the 24 moving average right with me so far and that was one of the tools I used to see this thing actually have a really big move now we’re just going sideways through here we’re holding I believe gold has a lot more upside to go after this correction which may take which may take another few more weeks to to to filter out through there so The XLE let’s look let’s look at the XLE so now look at look at this XLE see how we’re getting very similar setup here right what is that we’re getting what we’re getting the this is a very look that clear resistance clear resistance this is a clear clear clear clear resistance level right this could be the next big bang opportunity um I really do believe this um and now look what’s happening and now we’re getting what now we’re getting a squeezing of this pattern through here but look what happened this resistance remember I said before with gold what happened with gold it’s going to draw it down here again for you resistance resistance that’s pretty wobbly in it and it came back above then it broke above then it came down went sideways for a bit and then broke up and then we started what and then we started a big move from here so what’s what’s energy sector doing right now know again guys notice there’s nothing about really there’s no indicators here right this is a big thing this reason why I’m saying you don’t need indicators you just need understand the patterns how to recognize this and this is a bit of a gift for you guys to watch out for um because like just like gold and now look at this here so look if we go let me bring up a green notice that this see this this is the 24 right so if the 24 moving average keeps going the way it’s going to go it’s going to look something like that make sense so that’s this is the 24 here if the 24 keeps going like that see how that’s going to look very very remember remember what happened with remember what happened with with gold through here right we started to do what we started at the 24 coming up through there didn’t we and then that’s when it came down bounced so it was the channel then we had the breakout higher high resistance all the resistance on gold then became support we had this nice sideways pullback with a strong 24 then we had the break up right uh and that’s what alert me to seeing this having a big opportunity now again we have just started this sideways movement from here just started remember let’s go back to the gold let’s go back to gold price here this is this is the actual gold chart by the way and look at this here right before the breakout look at this here we actually had what 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 so we actually had 12 weeks which was actually 3 months 3 months or two months right so we had two to three months worth of time and then guess what then we had this resistance level here as you can see look at this here see that’s resistance here resistance came up came down 24 doing what what’s the 24 doing strong up through there see that there and then we had the break up what was the breakup then we got the break up and then we had the big move okay let’s go back to the energy sector once again notice how we’re getting the same sort of thing here right so the energy sector could be getting ready for something really big here guys so now we we’ve just started what one two 3 weeks haven’t we so we still could have another month or more of sideways as this 24 starts to catch up and if indeed we start to continue getting something like this here something like that and then on the daily chart we get this as in as in we get Nic little to see and then we get something like a big break up like that there’s a real high probability but we need a lot more time here uh we need a lot when I say time we need a lot more time just going sideways so if I’m going to look at an actual timing if I remember the remember these boxes here so how I do this here is how much how much time I believe it needs going sideways refueling before it starts to make a big move and this is reason why I do these boxes here right because it gives me a rough gauge it’s not always an exact science nothing is but it gives me a rough gaug guidance sometimes it can be shorter sometimes it can be longer but this is here what we need to then get ready for another big move and so if I go to the energy sector and I do the exact same thing I draw from the bottom of the move to the top of the move right which is that there let’s actually go back to Let’s actually bring up the daily charts here yes the bottom of the move to the top of the move possibly through there yeah possibly through there so then if I’m looking at an actual timing thing from there to there and then I duplicate that and now I’m going to go sideways you see what I did just there so now I know roughly and actually let’s actually do this on Gold All right so let’s actually do this actually on the the gold move so before the gold move had this big move up let’s let’s do the same thing right so when did the move start so let’s actually we’re bring this up from here to here so the move started what move started from there to there and then we had that was the point from there to there there make sense so that was the move up then we needed what then we needed to have a timing tour right look at this here there we go see that through there so I knew that so this is roughly if we had this move up from here I knew we needed roughly this time here you could see it actually lasted the extra few weeks before we’re getting ready to go again Mak sense so this this this tells me here that we’ve had enough refilling cuz when when the market goes up we’re using energy when we’re going sideways we’re refilling the big key for trading is have we actually refueled enough to go for a big move and you can see this actually had a little bit more over this actually had a little bit more fuel so I had an overbalancing Fuel and that’s the reason why we had that sort of move from there to there if we go back to now the energy sector here guys now we can see let me bring on this thing through here to here right let’s actually squeeze this up people now you can start to see what I’m looking at that through there so the big key for me would be just looking at this 24 starting to catch up now again this may not happen Traders I’m not saying this is definitely going to happen right we need this is why this why like I’m starting to see my I have my setup and then I have my entry candle what I’m talking about through right now is the setup this setup is possibly going to take another month or more to play out the setup before I get my entry trigger to trade this okay it may not it may not even get that cuz there is a possibility we get we get something like this and it just keeps going up right that’s possibility as well too or there’s a possibility that it may just go straight down like this and start to go down like that what I want to see though for a really good opportunity to start to say this that the energy sector is going to be that next big home run for me right cuz I have other opportunities that I trade the markets right now but when it comes to home run trades just like gold because gold was a home run trade for me then you can see here we have this very big sort of nice moving nice sort of uh if if that’s the angle of the if this is the where it is right now we can see what so we can see the angle of the 24 it’s actually coming through there so if if we do get something like that just say that’s that’s the 24 and it comes up through there somewhere and then we started to get this sideways movement as this was happening and then we got something like that and then a nice good breakout like that Traders it’s unlike Donkey Kong we’re about to see an incredible and incredible move and I believe what’s this here 94 down to that’s 84 $ 74 that’s what $20 it’s a $20 move do I have that number right yeah about what’s that about about $20 move to the upside then I do see then we’re probably likely to see maybe 104 possibly even 114 uh to see that move from there to there make sense um and that’s just using that that level from there to there so this is roughly what I’m saying here guys as I said be as I was saying before traders of as as I said throughout my YouTube channel that really big trades take time to set up and it’s about it’s about alert it’s about seeing it early keep an eye on it because just like gold right A lot of people were when did when when did gold become a thing gold became a thing when we started to get what when we started especially on this second leg up through here this is when gold started to become a really big thing in the markets when was I watching gold I was watching gold all through here wasn’t I and I was waiting and patiently waiting patiently waiting and the thing that the thing about these trades guys is you don’t need too many of these trades um especially when you utilizing options on these trades to do really well right if you start to do like like a $10,000 investment into gold would have generated about a $35,000 profit right on that option there so $20,000 trade $70,000 profit how many of those trades you know what I’m trying to say and then um and so on so forth so I’m trying to give you an example of that there’s these really amazing setups that do come around but that does require pay patience why why because it does take time for these things to set up but then also um a lot of the times we could be waiting for these setups here and you just like you just you want to get that next big trade right um so big trades do take a lot of time to set up but then they also take a lot of time to um you know they they they get it they take a lot of time from there so guys if you really want to understand a lot more about this make sure you grab access to that free trading course below because this whole Trend analysis and that time tool this timing thing here about price and time um and my trading system I teach you all that in that free trading course so make sure you go grab access to that there Traders and I’ll speak to you real soon

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    Customer Notice –Past performance – Future performance is Important when trading Silver and gold, GDX, GDXJ, SIL, SILJ, and mining stocks. Sp500, Dow Jones, Nasdaq and general trading any stocks in the stock market. The past of this product is not and should not be taken as an indication of future performance. Caution should be exercised in assessing past performance. This product, like all other financial products, is subject to market forces and unpredictable events that may adversely affect future performance. The future performance of this product is not and should not be taken as an indication of current or past performance. Caution should be exercised in assessing future claims of performance, as these are based on assumptions. This product, like all other financial products, is subject to market forces and unpredictable events that may adversely affect future performance. The information contained in on this page is education only. Any advice is general advice only. Neither your personal objectives, financial situation nor needs have been taken into consideration. Accordingly you should consider how appropriate the advice (if any) is to those objectives, financial situation and needs, before acting on the advice



    1. The only reason we don't have a recession is the gov't is spending it's way out of it for now. I'm not nearly as optomistic as you are about 2025 or the second half of this year.

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