Trading & Investing: Epic Jobs Report, Apple Earnings, Trade Levels On Stocks, Crypto, Commodities

    [Music] [Music] good morning everybody Welcome to the game plan my name is Gareth salaway coming to you live from the verified investing Studio so we have tons to talk about jobs report out Market’s ripping higher part of that is Apple part of that is the weaker jobs report I’m going to cover all the levels all the charts Commodities crypto stocks you name it we’re going to get all into it so without further delay let’s get started all right right into the action we go first thing we’re going to do is go over our morning blast Morning Market blast right up here guys this is where I post all the key stuff click on that baby right there and we’re going to go down to the data so this is what I want to do first we go to the data we look at the data and then we go to the charts so we got to know the data just so we can interpret the charts and see if it meshes but first off non-farm payrolls coming in at 175,000 that was far less than expected expected was 238,000 last month 315,000 now last month before today was 303,000 they revised this number up so again a little bit of a revision up but the bottom line is here we had 238 expected 175 jobs created so that’s showing a weaker number next up unemployment report was expected to be 3.8% it came in at 3.9% so an uptick in unemployment okay this the one that I pay attention to folks right here and this is the one I’ve been telling you I’ve been saying the U6 unemployment report which is people that are underemployed people that want full-time but can only get part-time jobs take a look at this it continues to go higher all right last month was three 7.3% this month 7.4% if you look at the trend and this can actually you can actually find this on the website on verified investing if you scroll down to economic charts I actually did a chart of this showing over the last 6 12 months the U6 and how it’s been consistently grinding higher and if you look at every recession we have had except maybe the Black Swan recession of Co you have a scenario where this is always what happens prior to a recession people get cut from fulltime down to part-time before they get laid off right in general if you think about how bosses work right they don’t want to just fire someone because they they’re like oh my goodness what if the economy gets better and I need that person back let me cut them down to part-time and then I can always bring them back to full-time once they see their business isn’t recovering they actually have to lay those people off participation rate how many people people are participating that stayed the same at 62.7% private non-farm payrolls 167,000 versus 181,000 expected that again is a weaker number and this is a key one average hourly earnings came in at. 2% versus 3 expected now again average hourly earnings remember the idea is is that we have inflation and this is where things get a little kind of sketchy for me in in terms of being not the greatest is that if you have inflation still let’s say at 3% or 3.5% right around 3.5% right now and people are starting to make less then that means inflation is moving up like this and and pay is only moving up very slowly and not keeping track of inflation and that could be a very negative if inflation doesn’t come down okay finally guys a couple things Apple Financial engineering at its finest here and I and I’m dead serious on this they they had Revenue than they did last year they had I mean basically their numbers were not the greatest it beat the low bar of expectations such a low bar of expectations but they decided to do a $110 billion share buyback okay so remember how BuyBacks work guys let me draw this on the board so I can illustrate because this is honestly Financial engineering drives me nuts because who does it benefit it benefits the rich the mega Rich if you’re Warren Buffett and you’re sitting on your massive position position on Apple you love High dividends and you love share BuyBacks share BuyBacks the company takes $110 billion they buy back all of that share all of those shares and they basically just go poof no more shares we’re going to disintegrate them into the company absorb them into the company and then what ends up happening is it artificially makes because there’s less remaining shares when they earn $100 or whatever they earn it makes the less shares get more earnings per share and it artificially shows a better result it also makes it so the CEOs of these companies their stock continues to go up because they’re doing this financial engineering and therefore their bonuses go up so they make more money even though even if the company’s making less Revenue they’re just looking better and better because their stock price goes up and that’s really what they’re rewarded on let’s be honest you know a CEO is not rewarded because oh we we did better with revenue or this it’s what is your stock price done you could do better with Revenue if your stock is down 50% trust me the board’s not going to be like let’s give this guy a $20 million pay increase so understand the difference here between Financial engineering and again just to reiterate what this is is if you have 10 shares and again so 10 shares and you’re making $10 a share then that’s $1 per share if you buy back half of those shares the company buys back and now you only have five shares you now artificially you’re still making the same amount of profit per share but you’re now making $2 per share instead of $1 prior so by artificially engineering it you’ve done you’ve basically doubled your earnings for your stock even though you have not made any more money one of the shadiest things and I know the government’s kind of looking at this and saying you know is this good and the Reason by the way reason I say this this impacts the rich the most um and gives them the most bonus is because smaller people like if you’re in the mid to lower income the lower income probably doesn’t hold any Apple stock the middle income maybe they hold some in there 401K but it’s probably some minimal amounts the rich are the ones that have like you know Warren Buffett Berk Shear hathway owning massive amounts of this they’re the ones that benefit let’s just be honest this is what it happens okay so in any case that’s a good one Amgen sares on the weight loss drug news so again Amgen was up massively I haven’t seen Amgen up like this in a long long time and I’ve been around for a long long time Amgen basically said heyy we have a new weight loss drugs drug oh my goodness this is great think about this comparison weight loss drugs are the equivalent of AI I’m just telling you straight up the hype behind a weight loss drug like literally if a company comes out and says we have a weight loss drug they could be like the crappiest company in the world their stock will go up two times all right so if you if you’re an AI if you’re a Semiconductor Company and you’re like hey we have a new AI chip goes up two times it’s the same sort of mentality investors treat it the same way it’s the exciting new thing and eventually you know what happens Eli Lily’s down today why is Eli Lil down today competition guys and this is why I’ve said the AI stocks are going to come back down over time look at Tesla in 2021 I’ve used that as an example all of this is going to come to pass okay let’s get into some chart action here real quick we’ll draw do our drawing for a year of nordvpn in just a second but let’s start out with the US dollar so we had the jobs report and right away the dollar fell and yields fell because again weaker data the market is viewing it honestly the Market’s viewing it as a goldilock scenario it’s weak but the jobs number wasn’t so weak it wasn’t like we were losing jobs we just only gained 175,000 so that’s that’s kind of like okay we’re still growing we’re still adding jobs but it’s not so weak that oh my gosh we’re going into a recession so this was a Goldilocks number the the dollar fell yields fell you can see right here on the daily chart we were kind of chopping in a bullish pattern this bullish pattern is now failed guys I mean it’s it’s failed this now tells me the probabilities are now favoring move back to this level right here on the US dollar so it’s not a big move back down but that will be your next major technical support if we go to the 10-year yield what have I been telling you about the 10year yield and the channel it was an UPS sloping Channel we were at the high end of the channel probabilities dictated we would move to the downside what are we doing I mean look at this this is this is just the beauty of technical analysis guys it’s nothing complex I literally just drew a parallel that’s it and all of a sudden I have information that’s useful to to me that gives me probabilities right and so what we saw and I was looking at history I was like oh well every time it’s up here it comes down here and then it goes up here oh it comes back down here and then it’s down here and it goes up here and then it pulled back and did a little double tap remember I talked about the double tap here was a double tap here well here was a double tap and then what happened after the double tap we went to the highs here’s the double tap we should go to the lows right here and look at how close we are and we were listen we were above 1.7% and I said this I said guys look for us moveed down to about 4.4% the low today 4.45% on the 10e so again hasn’t gotten quite to my ultimate Target but man oh man what a pullback in yields there’s a reason why smart money uh stocks and ETF members are in TLT from up in this range and we are now in the money remember TLT is the ETF that goes inverse to yields basically if yields go up okay TLT goes down if yields go down like this TL goes up so good job there for members of smart money stocks and ETFs I love that stuff all right going to the S&P here’s your pop look at that pop guys so we were already trading higher on the back of Apple earnings and then all of a sudden this comes out and Kaboom to the upside now this is where things get interesting if we flip back to our daily chart first of all this is what’s going on and I want to be clear to me this still doesn’t tell us we’re going back to all-time highs it doesn’t what it tells me is that we now have a channel developing just like on the on the 10year yield and if we look at this right so we were down here we went up here we then came down here so we’re probably going up here and look at this level remember this level this wide range reversal candle that is now a level of dual resistance so we should top out right here the level is right around 514 513 to 514 that should be your significant level of resistance that’s a level where to be honest I’ve been playing some long-dated um put options on the q’s not the spiders but the q’s and I keep on taking my money every time we dip and making a nice chunk of change I’ll probably looking be looking to get back into those puts as well when we get up into this range just flipping back to the intraday chart where are we trading 510 and change so we’re only about $3 away from that upside Target on the Spy QQQ same thing monster bounce there you have it if we go to our daily chart of the q’s uh same thing we’re kind of coming up right to this 433 level if 433 gets taken out I’m looking at the low end of this reversal candle which is around 435 but this zone right here should be significant resistance same thing we could draw a general parallel channel in there as well and that will give me a resistance level to base my decisions off of and I think this is important folks what you see me doing every single day is not thinking feeling my gut whatever it is is it’s literally saying okay what are the charts showing me and then making the charts tell me I don’t tell the charts and by the way I’ve tried that before and I always lose I I literally let the charts tell me what is likely to happen and I look for multiple factors multiple factors is everything you could have a moving average okay moving average if price comes into a moving average let’s say the 50 moving average there’s probably a 55% chance that you get a bounce off of that 55% doesn’t cut it for me I’d rather go to the casino with almost 5050 odds at Blackjack if I follow the book get free drinks hang out with my friends do all the fun things that’s fine if I’m trading I want 60 70 75% odds maybe even 80% odds and that’s where the factors come in you have to start looking at the factors all right next up guys let’s look at Amgen look at this move on Amgen incredible move trading at 312 and change I do want to just go over a couple levels I’m watching today so again if I zoom out on this there’s two levels there’s a double top and a longer term trend line here and again this would be a very significant resistance notice this longer term trend line remember the two Factor idea right so we have this trend line right to this High we have a flat double top here and then we have this one just above the level here is I think around four uh four uh excuse me 3 330 I think it’s around 334 right there there is approximate give or take but basically above 330 this starts to run into major major resistance per the chart next up if we go to square square big move too guys now this Stock’s been beaten down from where it was a couple years ago beautiful move up today if we flip over to the daily chart uh let’s take a look the daily chart the only level I have here is a Downs sloping trend line here of resistance if I zoom out it’s actually a pretty cool chart right in fact let me zoom in a little bit more so we can see it a little closer there we go so we have this low here through here through here and through almost here and here and here and that’s right around I think it’s right around $83 to $84 so again we’re still quite a ways away but that would be the first big test now by the way eventually if if Square can or and I keep on calling it Square because that’s what it used to be called it’s like when I when I talk about Google it’s really technically alphabet but to me it’s always going to be Google um but eventually if it gets through here you get a big Breakout but you you would assume there would still be some a checkback after getting into this level all right next up Apple guys we got to touch on Apple here what a breakout to the upside um here trading at 85 and change couple levels I’m going to be watching and you can see yesterday I annotated this out we even talked about it in trading the close I said I have no good bias in here but if it gets above this line it’s a breakout well it’s a breakout all right and there’s a gap fill right here at 187 and then a little pivot at around 190 to 191 those those are my only levels that I would consider day trading today on the short side but they should be good resistance and net is one that’s down big drop on net this is cloud Fair cyber security play and if we flip over to the daily chart the level here you can see two converging trend lines of support right in this basically 72 to $70 level that’s where I would look for it it’s still got a ways to go but this thing could easily flush during Market hours to get into that level all right what I want to do now guys we’re going to do a quick uh drawing for a prize we know that we had the nordvpn one year as always guys by the way some of the even though I’m asking you guys just to share on here I I still read the comments and the comments are so freaking amazing like seriously like the kindness the the the making me understand that I’m helping you guys and helping you learn it really honestly is pretty darn cool I I really hope you guys continue to share and that’s kind of what our our goal is to really expand our viewership because I think there’s a lot of people out there that would benefit from the honesty and the data driven analysis versus what is spewed out on social media or in other mainstream media Outlets but either way guys let’s do this drawing my my way is to just give you guys stuff give you guys prizes there’s not much else I can do here just give you guys stuff and and for tuning in and I hope that we can continue to do that so the winner for nordvpn Steve gn4 HK welcome congratulations right there reach out to laon at verified he’ll get you verified that you shared the video on one of your socials and he’ll get you that information for nordvpn all right let’s go right over here let’s uh spin the wheel let’s spin the magic wheel of appreciation to see what we win on Monday let’s see ah there you go that’s pretty cool guys $300 credit to anything on VI $300 credit to anything on VI so very ified investing you can go Scout it out whatever you would want do you want a service you could have a couple months for free you could put it towards uh a quarterly we have quarterly options on there whatever you want but you got $300 credit for whoever wins on Monday congratulations and again to enter don’t forget couple couple things you must either follow verifi investing on YouTube or on Twitter and you must share this stream on one of your socials all right go help help your friends you know you’re actually doing a good deed because I truly believe that everything I bring to the table here is in is at least for me the goal is to make things better for retail investors to fight for retail investors because a lot of this stuff that I talk about you’re not going to find it anywhere seriously the the big boys do not want you to know a lot of this stuff all right over here we go let’s go into Bitcoin Bitcoin is getting a pop right so we are seeing Bitcoin getting a bounce this is normal because frankly the stock market’s going up so when the stock market goes up it’s risk on when Apple’s going up people are feeling great if they’re putting money into stocks and rallying markets bitcoin’s going to get a bounce now this is the kicker watch this level like a hawk right here see remember this former trend line I kept on telling you guys about this is the level in fact I want to make it even simpler we can put this channel back in at another time but really at this point I like keeping it as simple as possible for you this is it so what you’re watching for is we need to close back Above This level which I think is right around let’s see right around 61,500 so we need to close above 61,500 and then confirm if we confirm now you got some big potential upside but you got to get that first as of now this is confirmed resistance think about this like a wall this size this is confirmed resistance it is going to be resistance not to say it can’t be broken but the Bulls have some buying to do to get this above this if they want it to really have legs so watch that level like a Hawk guys that is what you’re going to be seeing in terms of ethereum I have to say super happy I I covered my short with members at smart money crypto um it came right in here I said to myself Hey listen use the same rules like it like if this was anything else doesn’t matter what it is if it’s if it’s coming into dual trend lines of there and you can see the two trend lines converging right there I said do the smart thing take your money off on the short trade and then you can always maybe re-enter well guess what it’s now up 300 you know 300 bucks or so 200 to 300 bucks since we got out of that trade and for all I know it could go up to this high-end range there’s nothing that it has to confirm above like Bitcoin this thing could just go right back to about 3,400 now 3,400 will be confirmed resistance but right now that’s still about 300 and change away looking at Gold Guys Gold’s kind of interesting here so most people and including myself would say all right the dollar is down big so gold should be up big it’s not barely moving on the day why because gold is also a risk on riskof thing and when people get scared in the stock market people go to gold right now today better jobs numbers markets love it um Apple earnings Market love it Market investors are are taking money away from gold and putting it into the stock market and that’s taking away from the potential pop from a weaker dollar so that’s just what it is now in all fairness been bearish on gold in the short term even though I’m hugely bullish long term because I still think it has to retrace and this might be the beginning of that move so we had the topping tail the bare flag and now we’re trying to break down here but really again I still think we probably have to test the 2200 level uh next up on silver silver drove me nuts yesterday so yesterday you guys know I said between 26 and 2550 is your Zone to buy um we got to literally 26 like 02 and then it popped back up I’m like all right how many people were front running me thanks guys no it’s all right no big deal but the point is again this is still my zone I’m a discipline Trader if I missed it I missed it so be it if it wants to come back in I will be waiting patiently I have my zones in here where I have my orders if it comes in there I will take it otherwise there’s always another trade around the corner I mean how many trades do I we go over in these these alone I mean huge natural gas guys real quick here natural gas is going in the right direction giggity giggity all right um anyways we have this move to the upside here I love how we’ve had these big pullbacks and they keep on getting bought up so that’s a positive it even gives me hope that and listen you can’t assume anything markets are markets charts are charts we know we have resistance right here but the way this is acting it almost makes me think it might even push through at least Pierce this level again 220 to 225 is the Zone we’re Trading 213 right now can we do it we’ve been in a nice UPS sloping kind of Channel if you will right here can we push up and pop through this level speaking of popping through in the commodity service smart money Commodities I got to show you this because this is just case in point like again one of the greatest things about the services I run guys holy cow look at this it’s even working even better is that I literally find these trades within the Commodities within the crypto markets and within the stock and ETF markets this was one we took in the commodity service and we are just rocking it now look at the pattern cup handle or bull flag below resistance right support here broke down resistance resistance resistance broke above confirmed here’s your confirming candle bull flag what do you think’s going to happen boom to the upside So Yesterday by the way we just closed out a trade in the smart money commodities for a nice gain on lit lithium the lithium ETF but this is another one we’re holding because the chart is just and this is the beauty of it you know I don’t consider my expert myself a huge expert on Commodities I don’t consider myself a huge expert on crypto heck I could I could have a a Forex service I don’t want another service by the way but the point is is that charts are charts bull flags are bull Flags support is support you can trade anything when you learn charts you can trade freaking anything and that’s why honestly the winning Trader series is so amazing again I I’m hoping to run a sale later this year that will just be Blockbuster for you guys because honestly the more I can give back I got to charge for cuz honestly it costs a lot of money to make it and everything like that but we will make it so it is Affordable for you guys absolutely in the not too distant future all right on that note I got to get trading because today’s going to be a good day oh that’s not a good thing right there but on that note one more time let’s do this all right take care I’ll talk to you later guys [Music]

    Master Trader Gareth Soloway breaks down the charts and macro data like nothing ever available to the public. Usually kept for institutions, Gareth reveals tactics, trade levels and analysis that will blow your mind and make you a BETTER investor/trader. He covers stocks, commodities and crypto and will walk you through everything you need for the day to be a winning trader and investor. The Game Plan rockets past CNBC, Fox Business and Bloomberg in quality and actionable alpha. The show is a quick 15-20 minutes LIVE. Gareth is all about pure charts and data, no emotion. These are the keys to profitable investing and trading. Tune in at 9am ET Monday-Friday or if you can’t make it, be sure to watch the LIVE recording which posts immediately after the show airs! Others are making money and learning valuable trading tactics, don’t miss out!

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    1. Great video. Honest question — do you think the US could avoid recession through manipulating cpi, pce, job numbers etc.?

    2. Enjoying the "Game Plan", but just some constructive criticism. The 1 min intro/ static screen is sort of disrespectful to peoples time, there are plenty of adds and plugs during the show. Based on other big finance channels, that intro should be 5 seconds max.

    3. I again want to say I appreciate your knowledge of the charts and to unselfishly share for us non traders. I get excited to spend time watching your shows!! Thank you thank you💎💰🗽

    4. Hit 200k today. Thank you for all the knowledge and nuggets you had thrown my way over the last months. Started with 14k in last month 2023

    5. Mr Soloway! You are right that you will have a great trading day today, because when someone speaks a truth and something falls exactly at that time or a few seconds later (like the ball at the end of today's video), it means that what you said has been confirmed as truth. I know a lot about omen and this one is a certain one, so have a great trading day today!

    6. In what world are stock buy-backs financial engineering?? That's one of the dumbest things I've heard. A stock buy-back is a company rewarding investors by investing in itself. They are literally putting their money on themselves. Financial engineering are things like timing expenses and profits to make one quarter look better or worse than another. Love the trading advice though.

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