holy cow we just had a big change a big big metric just flipped and this is when bitcoin’s price goes up it’s almost one for one when bitcoin’s price goes up is directly correlated to this thing this chart that we’re going to show we also have some breaking news throughout crypto and we just broke 62k on bitcoin okay there’s a lot going on there’s a lot going on a lot of numbers I have to show uh and I know some people are having a good time uh we have 48 hours for Black Rock before they screw everything up or before they pump this to the Moon we have uh the whole Market flipping everything is changing let’s cover a lot of that if you don’t mind hit subscribe turn on the Bell notification underneath the videoos so you can see future videos just like this one I feel like I’ve been running around all day had a couple things that have come up but it’s so good to be here at the computer talking to you guys because there’s ‘s a lot going on if you do want to trade cryptocurrency there’s going to be a link to Marx underneath the video this is a great platform if you want a long or short cryptocurrency and there’s no kyc which means they don’t ask for a bunch of your personal information you can just sign up with a username or an email a password you can check their terms and conditions and start trading here and they have this new convert function I’ve been loving this so when you have other cryptocurrencies that you want to convert to cash or to maybe Bitcoin it’s very easy and they’re not charging any any fees on that right now also you can refer other people I don’t know if you knew that but you can refer other people as well it’s powered by trading view so you can chart wherever you want and it will be here the next time you log in you don’t have to go back and forth between trading View and this is the time this is the time when you want to get your long positions ready because we are starting to move back up let’s take a look at this we actually have negative negative Bitcoin weighted funding rates negative eth funding rates this is good what does this mean exactly well it means that people that are Shoring are actually paying Too Short uh which means that they’re feeling very strongly about their positions maybe either they’re just weighted heavier or there are more people doing this this is typically a good sign for reversal because the market seems to hurt uh the people that have the most on the line like it it always looks for max pain and max pain is moving up now the max pain for bitcoin’s price is if we go up we have a lot of short liquidations you can see this here from 59 to 616 very quickly a lot of shorts were liquidated there we can actually see that here 96 Million worth of shorts liquidated in the last 24 hours Let’s actually reload that yep 96.5 million so yeah it’s not a good day to be a short that’s why I say you know you can short crypto but I would not do that because this is the best performing asset class and just when you think it’s going to go down it’s typically when it moves up we also have gotten a lot of cool information a lot of good information a lot of important information and some crazy crazy information over the last 24 hours Black Rock Says Sovereign wealth funds Pension funds and endowments are coming to bitcoin Fidelity says Pension funds are starting to explore investing into Bitcoin and uh crypto so yeah we have black rock and Fidelity both saying that pensions are coming pensions are notoriously underfunded they need really good returns to be able to make up that money that they’ve lost and over promised underd delivered on and Bitcoin does just that I’ve actually shown it so many times in charts why so many people need Bitcoin uh going through different spreadsheets Bitcoin can fix a lot of holes it can fix a lot of problems because it outperforms so well so both Black Rock and Fidelity are onboarding Pension funds and Sovereign wealth funds into the Bitcoin ETFs bitwise is scouring every Raa and wirehouse in the country and onboarding advisers and wealth management teams daily demand for Bitcoin will accelerate keep in mind too when you’re onboarded right when you start buying you probably buy the smallest amount first and then start scaling up like if you’re using a new platform right you don’t just go put all your money on the platform or if you buy a new position you’re not putting everything you want into that position right away no especially when it’s something new like this you put in a little bit you watch it move you see how uh it reacts you see how easy it is to get money in and out you look at the liquidity you test the liquidity we’ve seen that before with a lot of wallets where they’ll you know deposit some Bitcoin in make sure that they have the wallet set up maybe do a small sell at some point to see how that works and then they’ll continue buying so these pensions these Ras these uh Sovereign wealth funds they’re going to test it a little bit first and it’s so much easier now with the Bitcoin ETFs to buy Bitcoin so yeah I think there’s going to be a lot of money coming in and we can already see some people saying hey I can’t wait any longer I mean Mr 100 recovered this yesterday but Mr 100 has been on a bigger buying spree than he was yesterday even so he sold 1,000 Bitcoin this is on the 22nd of April since then 108 206 105 I’m not going to go through all these he bought about what 40500 Bitcoin 4,400 Bitcoin within the last about 20 9 hours 30 hours something like that they bought a significant amount they he she whoever it is we don’t know who they just added about seven or 8% onto their position within a day they said okay I’ve waited on the sidelines enough I’m going to buy this so they bought 57 all the way up to 60 basically 62 basically the price that we’re at right now they bought a significant amount right so they’re swallowing this up we can see Wales in general accumulated 47,000 Bitcoin in the last 24 hours we’re entering a new era like this this little thread there that little Spike up that’s so thin that’s the last day that’s how much Bitcoin has been bought up within 24 hours it’s crazy how much these whales are buying and I’ve been saying this like there’s fear in the market that’s when you want to allocate towards crypto that’s when you want to buy and you can see here Square also buying they said we’re announcing our new corporate balance sheet dollar cost average program under which each month we will be investing 10% of blocks month grossly uh gross profits from Bitcoin products into purchases of Bitcoin for investment keep in mind they’re talking I’ve seen this on so many different websites they’re talking about the month gross uh monthly gross profits from Bitcoin products so not just all of their profit right they had 2.9 billion in gross profit uh and this just in the quarter 2.9 uh 2.09 billion so I mean they’re looking at maybe 8 billion in profits that is insane that is an insane amount and the company is only worth about $40 billion but they’re talking about uh investing 10% of their Bitcoin product uh profit into Bitcoin keep in mind that’s not going to be 10% of this 2.1 billion most likely I don’t know exactly how much they’re going to make from it but let’s say they make half in Bitcoin profits which I think is aggressive I think it’s less than that but that’ be a $100 million buy each quarter this is this is taking a play out of tether’s book because they have been making billions and billions each year and they’re going and spending a lot of their income to go buy Bitcoin as well so yeah we have players like square that just instituted this we have tether we have Micro strategy we have a variety of companies that just they’re they’re making money they’re making us dollars and they’re putting it into Bitcoin they realize we really don’t want to keep our our value our sto our stored value economic output in US Dollars we’re going to go put it into Bitcoin and even just 10% can hedge you so you really don’t lose anything to inflation which is kind of crazy when you think about it the rest of their money that they make they can use for all different uh different things but even if you just keep that in treasury balance or treasury uh notes and you put the rest in Bitcoin that other 10% Bitcoin you’re going to do pretty well now I I want to go look at their shareholder letter this is something I don’t see anyone else talking about but when you go to their shareholder letter you can really tell how much they love Bitcoin and obviously Jack uh dorsy is the is the person that runs this company right and he’s a big bit coin believer but like really the first the first sentence in this letter why the hell are you spending so much time on bitcoin like they’re talking about Bitcoin in the first sentence on this and then they have three pages about Bitcoin like three and a half pages about Bitcoin it’s all about Bitcoin the first three and a half pages and that’s that’s just crazy it shows you how much they’re interested in Bitcoin shows you how much they care about bit coin uh they’re talking about what they can do to make Bitcoin more secure they’re they’re doing so much and this is the the thing that they are focused on the most and Jack’s been through a couple of these bull runs so he you know he’s obviously going to be probably a little bit more bullish on bitcoin right now than he is during the bare Market probably not talk about it quite as much but during the bull market yeah we’re going to push it down your throat we are going to buy Bitcoin less than 3% of the company resources are dedicated to bitcoin related projects so keep in mind again we’re not talking about hundreds of millions of dollars going to buy Bitcoin every quarter we’re probably talking at tens of millions of dollars but still that’s a lot of Bitcoin so the company was actually down a little bit today at the time of this recording it was down it it was up like 7% yesterday after hours then down 1.2% today but keep in mind this is a $42 billion company I mean this is this is larger than mstr if you didn’t know that like mstr even after this run up to $1,200 which is up 78% year-to dat it’s still twice as big as micro strategy so it’s important that they are bullish on bitcoin as well this is a crazy chart this is going to make you bullish quantitive easing is starting again you know what happens to bitcoin so this is the M2 money supply shows uh that from about 20 uh 23 to 2024 we actually saw contraction the percent change from a year ago was in the negative so we actually seeing contractions here we saw a deceleration of increase of the money supply if that makes sense um but you can see this is the percent change so we actually saw the M2 money supply shrinking now we just flipped into growing again okay this is where things get crazy because essentially Bitcoin moves up when they extra liquidity in the system Bitcoin moves up because there’s extra M2 extra M1 uh there’s just more Banks Printing and when that happens more people try to find some way to either hedge against inflation or they just look for riskier Investments and that is when bitcoin’s price shoots up typically we also know that uh bitcoin’s price does quite well when banks are in turmoil when people don’t trust the banks they they look for Alternatives and they find Bitcoin we just saw this article why this just came out two days ago why hundreds of US Banks may be at risk of failure they’re failing we’ve already seen that a bank failed just last week we also know that uh the treasury just made a new program to start buying back treasuries the first time in 22 years but we just got news that uh Consulting from CLA group analyzed about 4,000 US Banks and found 282 Banks face the Dual threat of commercial real estate loans and potential losses tied to higher interest rates the majority of those banks are smaller lenders with less than 10 billion in assets and the the problem with this is if you are a small Bank let’s say actually let’s say you’re a client of one of these small Banks unless you have a real reason to stick around like you have a bunch of loans through them or you’re really tied up through them you’re probably withdrawing your money because you know that JP Morgan Chase is going to be fine they’re basically back stopped but some of these smaller lenders you’re not so sure about so you’re withdrawing your money they have a lot of money tied up in treasury notes they have to sell them at a loss because they’re long-dated low yielding treasury notes uh and yeah then they lose money they don’t have the liquidity so that they go lose the money and then yeah they go under they go insolvent they say here most of the banks aren’t insolvent or even close to insolvent they’re just stressed that means there will be fewer bank failures but it doesn’t mean that the communities and consumers won’t get hurt by that stress yeah directly it’s no consequence if they they’re below the insured deposit limits which are quite high now at 250 okay most people don’t have $250,000 but I’d say this is not that much money for a lot of really successful business owners or large to even medium to even I don’t know small to medium uh corporations like this is payroll for a lot of midsize companies in a week right keep that in mind this is the former chair of the US Federal Deposit Insurance Corp okay I believe this has not changed in decades I could be wrong on that but I don’t think it’s changed in decades so for most people they’re with $250,000 but I guarantee you if a bank were to go down and they just let everyone falter that had or everyone just uh you know bite the bullet that has over $250,000 there it would cause real Panic that that can happen so yeah there are a lot of banks that are set up to fail and it’s no wonder why I mean this has been circulating today let me play this for you this is the chair of the Council of economic advisers the agency providing the president with economic advice on domestic and international Economic Policy this is a joke and by that I mean it’s a joke how dumb this is but this is real this is real this is Jared Bernstein like again he advises the president let me play this for you CU it’s going to make you more bullish on bitcoin and less bullish on uh politicians the US government can’t go bankrupt because we can print our own money it obviously begs the question why exactly are we borrowing in a currency that we print ourselves I’m waiting for someone to stand up and say why do we borrow our own currency in the first place like you said they print the dollar so why why does the government even borrow well um the uh so the I mean again some of this stuff gets some of the language that the mm some of the language and concepts are just confusing I mean the government definitely prints money and it definitely lends that money which is why the government definitely prints money and then it lends that money by uh by selling bonds uh is that what they do they they um they yeah they they um they sell bonds yeah they sell bonds right because they sell bonds and people buy the bonds and lend them the money yeah so a lot of times a lot of times at least my year with with mmt the the language and the concepts can be kind of unnecessarily confusing but there is no question that the government prints money and then it uses that money to um uh uh so um yeah I I guess I’m just I don’t I can’t really talk I don’t I don’t get it I don’t know what they’re talking about like because it’s like the government clearly prints money it does it all the time and it clearly borrows otherwise we wouldn’t be having this Deb and defic conversation so I don’t think there’s anything confusing there he’s grinning ear to ear at certain points of this and he has no idea what he’s talking about this is embarrassing this is the person that’s helping set Economic Policy I hope you have some Bitcoin I hope you have some Bitcoin because otherwise you may be uh set for a rude awakening Elon Musk just said the dollar will be worth nothing if the US doesn’t do something about its national debt yeah yes yes there needs to be something done but what what continues to happen well they just print more and more money they print more and more money give more stimulus bail out more companies more Banks and continue to indebt everyone more and more and it’s not just the US its countries all over the world now I just want to give you a little bit of a reminder be careful someone just lost $68 million in crypto by copying and pasting the wrong address I’ll explain how this happened happed in a second but I just had someone reach out to me personally via email and say hey um I appreciate you love your videos uh I’m in your patreon stuff like that I want to know about that trading bot I’ve been trying to withdraw money from it but it doesn’t seem to work I said uh what trading bot and he said the trading bot that um that you talked about and I said where and they said on Discord in our Discord conversation I said I did not talk to you about any trading pot so be careful out there I’m never going to reach out to you uh asking you how your investing’s going I’m never going to reach out to you in general never via email telegram Discord nothing I have too much going on uh I’m not reaching out to you I’m making videos right and then you can join like the patreon and stuff like that and get uh some content from me you can follow along here you can go sign up from Marx but I’m not going to reach out to you specific l so be careful this person lost $68 million in crypto because they they basically did a test transaction if I remember right and someone went and basically made a wallet with the same beginning and the same ending as the one that they just did the test on and instead of going back and copying the same one they just had a recent transaction and clicked that cuz it looked like the same wallet and then sent their WRA Bitcoin to the wrong address that a fake address and they put a dot dot dot so that you they couldn’t see the uh the middle part of their address that was different so it was a different address but it you know either began and ended with the same things or just ended with the same uh the same couple letters and numbers so be careful out there make sure you’re double checking everything make sure that you don’t take anything for granted make sure that you’re paying attention because we are on a rocket ship to the Moon eventually right and you want to make sure that you have your bags you want to make sure that you don’t get uh taken before we get to the mega Bull Run let me know your thoughts on this underneath the video like I’ve said for so long right Bitcoin is scarce Bitcoin is valuable Bitcoin is the future Bitcoin is freedom Bitcoin is self- sovereignty and you want to make sure that you have some thank you so much I appreciate you guys watching now during this dip I did play some Longs for myself and some other family members as well that wanted to get some help with that if you guys want to do that there’s a link underneath the video to Marx also some other links down there as well bd5 blof fin coin W you can check out all those uh I use multiple exchanges myself just because I think it’s important to have crypto on different places just in case an exchange goes down for one reason or another for a certain time period thank you so much I hope you have a great weekend I’ll see you in the next video

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    1. I'm betting AMS59K will perform well, it havent had a cycle yet and they have a strong community on both, and AMS59K update will make rollup fees even lower. Just my 2 cents. Great video goodvibes

    2. U don't understand politics.
      Banks are consolidating by getting rid of small Banks to centrelize into bigger Banks to introduce CBDCs

    3. VERY CARELESS- If your shilling an exchange with NO KYC, maybe you should also WARN ppl that the US is going after these entities and if your a US citizen, you could wake up one day to find all your assets could get stuck and you can no longer log in !

    4. M2 has a 18-19 month delay on when the inflation data hits the market. So we still havenโ€™t seen that deflation dip under the line. We have more bad days ahead in terms of QT.

    5. In 2024 if youโ€™re still sending a Bitcoin to an influencer to receive 2 back you should not invest into crypto but an IQ enhancer ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    6. generating a BTC private and public key pair, where the last 5 digits is specific, takes a long time. It is 58^5, or 656,356,768. Using python on an i7 laptop takes about 2 weeks. So, whoever scammed the guy for 68 million dollars, must have known the address he was sending to well ahead of time. And, from the test send to the real send, they had to inject their fake address somehow using the clipboard. And, to make an address with the first 5 digits as well as the last 5 specific, then that would take over 12 million years!!!

    7. Centralbanks dont print money they print Fake Money because they never pay the money back which they borowed. like you and me does.They create Inflation whats nothing else is than Robbery.

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