Rent vs BUY, $100K Enough, Alberta Pipeline, COPPER Deficits, Gold and SILVER, Dividends, URANIUM

    hey everyone hopefully you’re having a good day my name is Andy my channel is finding value uh today we’re going to go through Twitter see what people are sharing on social media uh I’m going to interject my financial opinions as we go generally related to wealth building Commodities Andor Financial topics and uh let’s dive in there see what people are sharing you can follow me at fining finance and you can join our community at finding where I share my opinions on individual sectors individual companies you can see what I’m doing uh in my portfolio and whatnot so ding down we’ve got John Flynn here option one rent a house for $2,500 a month option two give the bank $100,000 and pretend you own a house for $4,000 a month knowing 2,700 is going to interest well I think that that that’s the options that maybe perhaps this guy has proposed and when I look at that obviously option two would be a better option at this time um I highly doubt that option one is the same as option two in terms of the same exact house but um I’ll just make this point what if and this is you know a big what if but what if home prices don’t go down what what what would what would your analysis then be and what if rent prices of single family homes or whatever you’re interested in potentially living in what if they don’t go down but they go up dramatically what if we squeeze the r price uh and it continues to squeeze so you know I look at things where I want to lock in my costs and try to lower those costs as much as I can and that’s what I did um you know some years ago is we’ll call it five five to 10 years ago so by me doing that my mortgage insurance um and property taxes are onethird what it costs right now to rent the same exact home or to rent a house in the area that I am in I’m at oneir so it’s not about the potential question of today it’s about what does it look like for the 30 years or 20 years that I’m looking to live in a certain area and what would my cost be the lowest cost be for the potential options that I have over that time frame so it’s always going to look like it’s going to be more expensive to purchase at the given time when you’re doing the analysis most of the time that’s the case maybe not all the time but most of the time but here’s another question and this question isn’t about people living if you had two three four five million and the governments are printing money like like heck where do you put that money where would you store your wealth so to speak and what if interest rates are still low they’re not super high but what if what if they do come back a little bit and they go back to four or five percent what do all those people do you’re not going to buy bonds with it you’re not going to do a lot of the you know a lot of the things that you know are if you’re a multi-millionaire you’re going to go rent a house or you going to buy something if you win the lottery what’s the first thing you’re going to purchase it’s probably a nice house so obviously I think homes are probably very high in the list and if anyone has any sort of money I just don’t see those people renting they generally buy and I’m not saying that they all do that I’m just saying in general so I I don’t know I mean obviously looking at this option two is the better bet in the in the short term here but I’m not I’m also not sure that home prices are going to go down all that much and if we get lower interest rates I think the home prices are going to go up not down uh the FI couple it says a good nine-to-five job that pays $100,000 a year with full Ben full health benefits employer match plus three weeks paid time off this could be amazing way to build wealth and gain early Financial Freedom especially if they live on $60,000 per year and one thing that I think a lot of people don’t think about is $100,000 on a f for a family I would say you’re you’re basically cutting corners on everything $100,000 a year with two or three kids is not enough money in in the United States and and with even a low locked in well call it mortgage at like 3% mortgage things would be really tight because you always want a a buffer a some cushion and then you got to pay taxes and there’s other things so I’m in the camp that $100,000 a year for a for a family of you know four or five it’s going to get tight that’s what I’ll say it’s going to be tight especially if the kids are a little bit older and they start eating a lot of a lot of food so what I did is I saved my money when I was younger knowing that if I were to have kids that things could tighten up so I’ve been investing in my 20s for kids in my 30s and 40s and that money can earn me dividend income and that’s how I’m increasing my my income is through a lot of dividends the wealth coach here says everyone’s hoping for another 2008 housing crash to happen so they can buy but there’s a few problems with this 2008 crashed was caused by many problems in lending that don’t happen today it was once in a lifetime event and it was just 16 years ago there’s just too much money on the sidelines waiting to buy from investors first-time home buyers people waiting to move Etc don’t wait to buy real estate buy real estate and wait um I think that’s a pretty good summation there and you know I think if you can afford to buy something with inventory this low and you can afford it you could buy it like he’s saying here and wait and if we do get a Slowdown in the market like a recession interest rates would go down you could refinance but I don’t think home prices are going back down even during a recession I think people are have that wrong and the reason they have it wrong is because the demand is too great and if the affordability comes into that demand my guess is that we’ll get higher home prices that’s just my guess doesn’t mean I I I know what’s going to happen in the future but that that’s my guess full transparency here I currently have about 200,000 in cash my intuition tells me to invest it into the S&P 500 until I find another worthwhile Venture for those with more knowledge than myself is this a bad plan well the 5 the S&P 500 is more or less a think that we’re at the wrong juncture for that to be a good plan we’ve had increasing interest rates in the S&P 500 it’ll do okay with increasing interest rates I think it’s easier and better in Commodities especially ones that are way undervalued but if we do get a Slowdown in the market which will lower interest rates I think it’s going to impact the S&P 500 in a negative way I think it go down but that’s also trying to time the short term that’s Market timing uh what I what I would do is I’d just go after the undervalued assets and I don’t think the S&P 500’s necessarily undervalued so I would wait that would that would be me um and I would buy undervalued commodity sectors Alberta’s oil industry set to soar so Alberta production has been especially strong hitting a peak of around 4.1 million barrels per day in January with the eagerly awaited opening of the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion Alberta’s oil producers are well positioned to ramp up production and revenues I actually agree with that a lot of the stocks in Alberta have done very well the oil in the oil sector uh Zero Hedge Goldman pounding the table on AI energy theme uh and pitching ccj as a top commodity idea for the space Camco so you can see here power who can supply competitive power and commodities for data centers nexera energy NRG there’s ccj there EQ eqt is what they’ve got who adds incremental capacity to meet generation so battery storage Solar Development uh regulated utilities who provides infrastructure for it and then they’ve got the infrastructure there uh laser Blue Copper has a structural issue what is that the which is that the average project is now 30% smaller than it was in the last decade so so now you need a lot more projects it’s 40% at least more cost wise to do and it takes a at least 50% longer to do so a lot smaller projects they cost more and they take longer to get online and and there’s some Wicked Supply deficits that are projected in the future and I think I’ve got some of those um but below here so here’s B OFA hiring has re accelerated in 2024 that looks pretty good you can see we’ve been coming on up here over the past few months uh so it says hiring has re accelerated in 2024 will it continue in April question mark so we’ve got hiring going up which is usually not a Hallmark of recession or Slowdown Nostra says us treasuries are going to crash and yields are going to double digits the boj will eventually have to sell their stockpile of treasuries to save the Yen they will have no choice you know we could see yields continue to go up I don’t know if they’ll go to double digits but uh it sure looks like they’ll continue higher that’s what the chart suggest been seeing a lot of posts uh whining about home prices rates Etc it’s not fair it’s harder today yada yada yada let me get you in on a little secret you can’t control prices or the rates or the economy you can control your actions spend less earn more invest the extra today it’s prices tomorrow it’s the economy then it’ll be markets it’s always something you just got to figure it out the choice is yours um and yeah I did everything in my control to lock in a low mortgage rate to lock in a low uh house price and I pulled the trigger when I found out about the real estate cycle and that’s something that we talk about on the website is the real estate cycle so here’s gold silver he says $8,500 gold in nine months that would just be a copy of 1979 198 80 when gold went from 200 to 850 per ounce um will that come I don’t know guys but and I don’t think this is a projection by him he’s just saying if this were to repeat like 79 to 80 that is where the projection would be in nine months if this price move repeated which is crazy if you think about it uh Giovani says oil sands operators up in Canada enjoying firm profit profits on strong production are getting ready for a major boost when a new export pipeline to the Pacific coast goes into commercial service this week and that’s that Trans Mountain pipeline so oil sands uh up in Canada Alberta is is a good good spot to be looking gold silver I think there’ll be more frightened Capital that’ll move out of conventional investments into the metals than ever before says David Morgan that is when a commodity bull market gets moving and a precious metals bull market it’s people getting frightened out of their current Holdings so when technology stocks start to go down that’s when you might see the money rotation and that and that’s where I think he’s he’s referring to his money is going to be frightened into something like that and usually that takes the selling or the pain being inflicted on the current assets that currently hold for them to rotate that money around Robert freand says copper Supply will plunge if miners don’t get spending so this is copper production from existing mines committed projects and primary demand you can see this Gap starting to open up from 2024 onward and the Gap really starts to grow at about 2026 so this is what we’re facing here um in the short short term and in the longer term Trans Mountain pipeline set to flow May 1st so that is in a two days well one day if you’re listening to this uh silver squeeze Global silver deficits are expected to increase by 177% and show no signs of rebalancing as Supply is declining so we’ve got deficits increasing as Supply is declining here’s another one I do not see this as the high point for the year I think we’re going to get over $30 uh for silver says David Morgan I do agree I think it’s a very high possibility uh copx and uh silver in USD so copper miners breaking out and there’s a high correlation between copx and silver so here we are moving on up and copx and silver most likely going to break out so another thing to keep in mind that maybe people aren’t thinking of um the small silver miners are not the ones who produce the majority of silver in the world it’s the big boy mines that are producing copper and silver is a byproduct with along with other metals during that uh production of copper if we’re going to go into copper shortages and we don’t have the mines set up for producing a bunch of copper that probably also means that we don’t have the mines in the world set up for silver because if silver is a byproduct of mining copper and that’s where the majority of silver comes from well we could see depletion rates in those old copper mines potentially and maybe that impacts silver too and we can see how correlated this is um globber Global X minors up here and then silver Ripp into the upside as well is the bottom one markets in Mayhem Coco is crashing down 14.3% probably nothing well I mean guys when you look at this chart here I’ll get it back in I mean it’s not going to go up forever so whenever whenever you what you want to do is you want to buy at a base that’s like breaking out so you get like a stage one base back before this this is stage two and then you get the the the ramping blowoff top you don’t want to be entering up here in my opinion that’s that’s where you sell so yeah obviously this is going to sell off at some point and generally what you do is you start getting bigger red candlesticks like this this is what Nvidia is going through this is what smci and a lot of the tech stocks they’re getting these big selling pressure candlesticks and then you get a big sell off selloff pressure Candlestick like this this is the beginning of a move lower in my opinion Coco and we’ll see we’ll see if it goes lower uh here’s gold it says the detailed chart from yesterday’s podcast outlining what I consider to be a reasonable Target for the end of this decade big move on up uh potential break maybe we get a pullback here says but this would be a similar magnitude 20 25% pullback multiple techniques show Targets in this range and maybe we we move on up in the later 20 20s he says $8,000 to $122,000 Target subject to constant review according to incoming data this is the five-year road map that he’s got we’ve got positive rate of change breakout here says be ready as we work our way on up he says the road map only changes if we close a month convincingly above the $2700 area or we close a month convincingly below the red support line another possibility is a move past the 2700 area maybe Beyond 3,000 then a drop to a back test the 44-year resistance line um that would be incredibly bullish as long as price remains above the three-year moving average and 24-year support line bullish outcomes are more probable than bearish ones the so-called 8-year cycle is actually a seven to eight and a half year cycle is what he talks about and he’s also got some projections here Fibonacci extensions from here and then to the to the back down here which could occur from 4500 all the way to something that is as much or more than 8,000 but that would be the next leg up so yeah looks good for gold we’ve got n gas power burn that’s up about 5% year to date you can see the green line here above the other two years before it 22 and 23 so an increase of 5% for that gas power burn um Corey says the Dividends are the purest form of passive income so open a brokerage account find a brokerage that doesn’t charge fees or commissions so that’s good that’s step number one step number two link your bank account deposit funds so you get your your funds in the brokerage account you do your research you can earn dividends from single company stocks or through funds single stocks increase your risk but also have the ability to she’s showing the Schwab us dividend Equity ETF SCD and then purchase divident earning stocks Andor funds starting is the most important action you never start you will never gain buy a share today and consistently buy each month is what she is suggesting and then they talk about snow analytics is the best tool I found to track my stock Investments so that is what we do on the website I do have a lot of uh potential Investments with big dividends those dividends range um as low as zero obviously but they go as high as mid2 something percent at this time um there were a couple Investments earlier that were over 30 40% dividend yelds now don’t buy a stock just because it has a high dividend yield I want the market condition to be prime for that company to continue to pay at least the dividend yield that it has and also the potential to pay more dividends in the future because they what they sell is going up in price so I want to buy undervalued uh assets and companies that sell undervalued Commodities in an environment where they’ll go up in price so your dividend yields could continue to increase uh as the price of the commodity goes up uh sometimes I’m buying commodity stocks that used to pay dividends they cut their dividends because they’re so low and I buy them when nobody owns it and their dividend was cut to zero um and then I wait for the commodity price to come back up to the upside and their dividends generally come back and if you can ride an entire cycle you’ll get huge dividends alongside uh stock price appreciation it is a great way to be able to hold companies is through the the lulls or the consolidations they continue to pay you dividends which is it’s really awesome is what I’ll say so here’s paas this is Pan-American silver and Pan-American silver is maintaining the upper end of its range where we might be seeing the start of a bullish continuation pattern building after rebounding from support indicating sustained buyer interest so let’s look at the chart here we’ve got basically a one two three four five and then we we could potentially go up so this is that kind of that broadening wedge pattern you can also say this is an accumulation cylinder perhaps where we could be moving on up at some point soon or panamerican silver Kristoff says uh the index jumps 20% from January low heads for bull markets this does look like a bottom guys for the hangsang index heads for bull market we have a a higher high and we have higher low from the downtrend break so this does for sure look like a bottom Shanghai Silver versus comic silver 30 bucks versus 2729 and the the metal continues to go from the West to the east um this is the original post it was one month ago this is now still dead on and this is uranium Ur equities divided by uranium Futures pricing and this is a um it’s an accumulation bottom that we’re looking at it’s called a yoff accumulation area and it’s it’s following that accumulation the ratio is for this so we’ll see don’t don’t don’t be sleeping on uranium here I think I think we could potentially take off at some point and here’s DNN this is Dennis and mindes DNN weekly you can see that we are also kind of squeezing up here and have a potential breakout so we’ve got a couple uh of information here we need to look at this which is that yof accumulation and then pair it with some of the technical analysis that we’re seeing here uh in some of the uranium companies we’re just up against resistance we just Consolidated for since 2021 this is one big consolidation that we haven’t broken out of there’s other sectors that are also consolidating it’s not just uranium oil is doing the same thing and Energy Service basically all of them and we’re also seeing some of them break out like copper and stuff why would an older house that gets worse over time cost more than when it was new well I don’t think the house is the major um thing to really worry about here um all of the new homes are not built where I live all of the homes where I live are older homes like they were built in the 1990s or or early 2000s so you can’t buy in this location where you get a new house so I think in my opinion um location is very important to me I want a good school I want to be close to grocery stores close to Banks close to um Walmarts and all that stuff I want to be close to everything so I don’t have to travel a long distance a lot of a lot of the places where new homes are being built all of that infrastructure around it hasn’t really been built yet so you’re kind of out in the middle of Farmland in the middle of nowhere and you you you’re not you’re not next to anything to make life more convenient um so that is one thing to consider when you’re buying it’s not necessarily oh I’m in a great new house but what if every single trip that you have to make from that house is 15 or 30 minutes in one direction or if you’re going somewhere like let’s say you’re you’re going and you want to go to an airport and you have to drive you know way out there to get to get um to your new house or what if what if the new house new new homes are all being built underneath where the airport is operating where you’re going to get planes flying overhead nonstop so that’s things to consider as well here’s China thoughts the streets said uninvestable yes uh twice 20% ago it says stocks are acting like this into a much talked up FX currency devaluation uninvestable here but this is breaking to the upside for the hangsang index that does look like a bottom guys and we can look at potential investment opportunities if you guys want to um for this if you want and and really what this is and we’re already playing it with some of our Emerging Market stuff it deals with foreign exchange currency and the rates in in a dropping dollar that’s really what it is um Jesse says gold price in the Japanese Yen has surged by 165% in the past five years as the currency SNS yeah the Japanese Yen has a problem here but look at that move in Gold just ripping it uh and that’s that’s all I’ve got for today guys so give me a thumb up for the content subscribe to the channel subscribe to the website if you like uh we still have the leap coupon code um active right now and that will change to May Day uh maay Dy here when may hits so that’s what I’ve got for today guys we’ll catch you later this is finding value

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    Rent vs BUY, $100K Enough, Alberta Pipeline, COPPER Deficits, Gold and SILVER, Dividends, URANIUM

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    1. Option 1 and option 2 are the only options in Canada ! Those are your options unless you previously owned a house before blkrock deliberately priced the middle class out of home ownership! You need to make 200000 CAD per year to qualify for a loan on the average condo under 1000 sq feet.


    3. silver deficites will increase – ok
      but paper silver will be increased as well – so all is well balanced as to price …..

    4. When looking at renting vs buying you must look at the current options not options from 2011 when home prices were much cheaper. I agree that owning is better in the long term but buying any asset that is severely over valued like US stocks or housing can mean values taking 10+ yrs for prices to recover if there's a crash.

    5. This seems like the worst period.

      Even the market are now very unpredictable. Started investing recently when the market prices were a bit high,today I am more than 60% down!

    6. From my observation and historical market pattern, there might be a bit of turbulence in the market coming up, but here's the deal: Trying to guess what's going to happen next is less important than spreading your bets when trading and thinking long term. It's not about guessing the market's next move; it's about playing it smart and steady…managed to grow a nest egg of around 100k to a decent 732k in the space of a few months… I'm especially grateful to Kerrie Farrell, whose deep expertise and traditional trading acumen have been invaluable in this challenging, ever-evolving financial landscape…

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