how’s it going everyone it’s Sam black rock is giving you 48 hours before Everything Changes now I say that a little bit tongue and- cheek we’re having a good time because we do actually have something that will be really important to watch in 48 hours uh Black Rock just got overtaken by grayscale of all people and I talked about this in a video last night but I really want to expand upon that because this tells us something really fascinating I don’t really see too many people talking about what this actually means that we have an inflow people are just like wow gra skill had an inflow this is historic but we haven’t really gone to why this is happening and we also have some other big news that we should hit on some other economic data and I say this a little bit tongue and- cheek like I said that uh you have 48 hours and Everything Will Change in Bitcoin the fact is Bitcoin doesn’t change but people change around Bitcoin they change their viewpoints on bitcoin and we have some really interesting data to take a look at today and some interesting news that actually just came out today some really cool news so if you don’t mind hit subscribe turn on the Bell notification underneath the video so you can see future videos just like this one and if you know people that like crypto maybe share this to them there’s also going to be a link underneath a video to Mar Jax in case you want to start trading cryptocurrencies I did this recently where I actually Place some more Longs I added to some positions down here I didn’t time it perfectly but pretty close you know 58,000 or so and now we’re up since then if you do want to start trading cryptocurrency you don’t need a VPN on Marx and there’s no kyc so you can set up trading within a few minutes and you can start leverage trading Sheba salana Bitcoin ethereum all different kinds of cryptocurrencies now if you do want an exchange that allows you to trade spot as well so you just want to buy Bitcoin or maybe you want to buy ethereum and then you also want to be able to leverage trade there links to coin w into Blow fin as well underneath the video but let’s get into it so we had a flash signal to buy Bitcoin on The Daily this is uh from hgo this is something I created with a few other people and basically you can use this for all different this is not a sales pitch but you can sign up for underneath the video but what’s more important is what it shows so this allows you to look at all different assets and you can turn on this dollar cost average feature so it tells you when you might want a dollar cost average into an asset and it changes depending on your time frame right if you go into the one minute and you’re like okay I want to dollar cost average in and out it will show you very tight ranges like every few minutes or half an hour it will show you that maybe now is a good time to dollar cost average in and dollar cost average out it’s basically scalping but when you zoom out to longer time frames it’s much more uh picky about when the dollar cost average feature shows up because it’s not going to say every day Buy sell Buy sell Buy sell no it goes out to The Daily and you get less aggressive now when we go up it says maybe it’s a good time to dollar cost average out right like basically DCA out and you can turn this off if you’re someone that only wants to buy too but what’s important is it just showed to dollar cost average in this is the first time that shown this since 27,000 what’s this mean well it means that we lost a lot of strength and saying okay you might want to buy in and it timed the bottom perfectly so this is just one indicator but there are other indicators too that show this was a good time to dollar cost average in that’s why I said in my videos like hey if you’ve been looking to average into Bitcoin typically it’s good to buy when there’s a lot of fear which is what this shows hey we had a Buy Signal and now it’s up from here now of course we can always fall down but we’ve been getting a lot of shorts liquidated we actually knew this was probably going to happen because yesterday we actually saw the funding rate turn negative so PE people that were short were actually paying to stay short which usually means they’re going to get wiped out cuz they’re uh they’re just too strong or there too many of them there’s too much money on the short side typically Longs like or people that are uh trading the market whales like to then liquidate the shorts and then we move up so shorts are people they’re betting against a certain asset basically hoping the price goes down and then when they get wiped out they have to go back and buy the underlying asset uh so yeah there were just a lot of people that got liquidated there and that causes the price to go up now we do have a couple big events uh within about a week so uh not this coming week but the week after we have CPI and that’s going to be huge because that’s really going to indicate and we have PPI as well it’s really going to indicate How likely the FED is to keep rates the same or lower them because the FED came out pretty dobish a few days ago saying basically hey we’re not looking at raising rates we’re still planning maybe planning on cutting rates depending on the job market and inflation job market actually didn’t show that many new jobs on Friday which is why the market pumped up because it indicated that hey maybe we will get rates coming down sooner than we thought and the other side of that is inflation if CPI and PPI come in better than expected well that’s going to cause our markets to Rally as well so we’ll have to look out for that but something that’s going to happen before then is actually on Monday about 48 hours from now maybe a couple more hours you know maybe 52 or 54 depending on when you’re watching this we’re going to get the next report of the um institutional ETFs we’re going to see okay can we keep this momentum because we just had something kind of crazy happen yesterday and we do actually have some news from Hong Kong it sound like they were uh having pretty light Flows at first now they have around 4,000 Bitcoin and we actually have a couple asset managers that own the US ETFs too so it’s not like everyone in Hong Kong is just investing in their own ETFs they’re also coming to the US to buy Mr 100 keeps on stacking actually they bought 400 Bitcoin yesterday whoever it is and they bought like 4,000 the day before that so they’re just swallowing up Bitcoin like crazy like that’s an insane amount uh but what’s the Talk of the Town is that we went from seven days of outflows and the worst outflow day ever to a very good day yesterday gbtc had the first positive Day Ever with $63 million in inflows and let’s just compare that to some of the other uh asset managers out there so Fidelity had 103 let me keep on scrolling down Fidelity had 103 million Black Rock had only 13 million Ark 21 shares has 28 bitwise uh 34 and as we go down Franklin Templeton uh had 61 million so we actually have gbtc coming in above Black Rock with more inflows now I think this is a large contributor to why we are moving up yesterday throughout the day and even overnight people are like holy cow the ETFs are buying again we need to get bullish but this tells a bigger story so the the story this tells me is we have people that have not bought these ETFs before they haven’t bought these ETFs and they’re coming back into the market or they’re coming to the market for the first time and the the reason I say that is we have a lot of ETF products right we have ibit fbtc arcb bitb hle continued on these are all better products in my mind for investors than gbtc they all have 1/3 to 110 the fees of gbtc some don’t have any fees right now gbtc has a 1.5% fee which sounds like it’s not that big a deal but in the ETF world that’s a lot especially compared to these either these other ETFs in my mind there is no point in buying gbtc unless one you have no idea it has higher fees or you don’t know that there are other ETFs you’re just like freaking out foming back into Bitcoin coin because you feel like you need to get in because we just bottomed so you say I I can’t look at the other ones I or maybe I don’t even know that there are other ones I need to go buy Bitcoin I can buy gbtc boom buy smash buy the other reason that you might buy gbtc in my mind is maybe this is past your approval right if you’re a financial adviser and you need to get it past through compliance while gbtc has been around for a long time maybe I know that I can buy that but these other ETFs haven’t gone past yet so one of two scenarios exists both are bullish for Bitcoin because one shows that hey there a lot of financial advisers that have not approved these ETFs the other one is we’re getting people that are foming back in that have been out of the market and they’re saying I need allocation to gbtc to bitcoin to anything in the space and we also saw a big distribution between these different ETFs it wasn’t just black rock swallowing up 9 0% or Fidelity swallowing up 60 70% of the inflows no I mean we have strong strong uh days from arcb from bitb from bur uh I think EBC had its best day this tells me that they are out there Shilling Shilling these Bitcoin ETFs and they’re having a lot of clients that come to them and say hey we need these ETFs and a lot of these a lot of these institutions are talking to different groups some are talking to pensions Sovereign wealth funds some are talking to R but the interesting thing is we have such strong inflows from so many different institutions it really does show you that they’re all having a good amount of success converting people over this is also good because as these get bigger they have more and more money to throw at advertising to uh they have more and more money they’re making from these ETFs so they kind of get prioritized and I think it’s a lot easier to push something than that is successful right why would you continue to call people about an ETF that no one wants to buy you wouldn’t but these are the most successful ETFs in the world uh the most successful ETF launches ever for every one of these financial institutions so they’re going to continue bring up the conversation hey maybe you want some allocation to bitcoin and this is going to be a self-fulfilling prophecy where as more inflows come in more and more people see it more and more people see the PR of Bitcoin going up they think that they have to buy they go buy more inflows come in and so on right and there are other institutions I’m assuming you know I actually had a conversation with my dad and my uh brother-in-law yesterday on who Mr 100 is um I’ll give you my opinions on that in a second but we also have some other news that I want to cover just to be clear after this uh we also have actually birkshire Hathaway reporting reporting earnings here which I want to hit on to kind of a longer episode here today but who could buy this amount of Bitcoin let’s sit back and think for a second so this wallet Mr 100 we don’t know if it’s a person we don’t know if it’s an entity we don’t know if it’s a country we don’t know if it’s a company but they started buying in 2022 right the last month so they started buying quite heavily and you can see like they’re they’re shoveling money into this let me actually expand here they’ve been buying for a year and a half consistently consistently buying more and more I mean they started with a 10,000 Bitcoin purchase and of course for all the sticklers out there we don’t know if they hold you know just a bunch of Bitcoin on some exchange then they’re just transferring over or it’s a new buyer but you can kind of infer right if you had 66,000 Bitcoin on an exchange uh I think you’d move move it over to a cold wallet pretty quickly I don’t think you’d leave it on an exchange with all the risks of an exchange so who could this be okay well they started by buying 10,000 Bitcoin at $21,000 so they started by buying $214 Million worth of bitcoin and then systematically day after day they bought at first they bought an increments of 15 to 40 Bitcoin they tested liquidity a little bit just to see okay if I sell what’s it look like like how easy is it to get my cash out what does it how does it affect the price but then they went right back to buying and they do this consistently right they sell maybe a little bit and then they buy within sometimes hours later they start buying back up again I think they just continuously test liquidity but for the last year and a half they have been buying and right now they’re $1.6 billion in the profit they hold about $4.1 billion worth of bitcoin and they’re buying a significant amount still right I mean we can look at the Bitcoin uh balance this is the Blue Line sometimes it goes down sometimes it goes up faster than other times but you can generally see like they bought a lot right away they kind of traded up and down for a while but then they just started buying significantly more especially recently like it’s accelerating you can see that line that just kind of up and the right now who could this be who has this kind of capital you have to remember if you invest well they have 4.1 billion they’re 1.6 million in the profit or billion in the profit they they invested 2.5 billion basically so far if you invest 2.5 billion in an asset one asset you have to remember most places probably have taxes so whatever kind of cash flow or business or stock that you’re selling off let’s account for maybe maybe 25% to 50% taxes so you have to have probably three to5 billion just to be able to invest $2.5 billion into an asset over the last year and a half so it’s not just the 2.5 billion it’s probably more like let’s just say 5 billion that they’ve had to sell off of some other asset uh also most people would not buy unless they would not buy one asset unless maybe they have 10 times this amount like to be able to buy $2.5 billion you probably don’t just have a net worth of 2.5 billion or $5 billion keep in mind too if you if you had let’s say a $5 billion asset and then you sold it and then you took the tax it you’d have to make a lot of money in Bitcoin to make it be worth it like you’d have to double your investment in Bitcoin which most people wouldn’t do but uh most people would not sell off everything take the massive tax it and then have half as much to go and invest in another asset first of all and then second of all most people would not put all of their Assets in one asset they wouldn’t put their entire net worth in one asset that’s so volatile so I’m guessing they have at least $50 billion right if they said okay over a year and a half I’m going to put 10% of my net worth in Bitcoin I can continue going up until 20 or 30% of my net worth or something I’m guessing it’s someone with $50 billion that’s a very short list maybe 10 20 people in the world what’s more likely to me is this is an entity this is a country or a group of people if I had to guess if I had to guess and I don’t want to I don’t want to you know cause any trouble here if I’m right but uh I I don’t think I have too many like Middle Eastern uh groups of really wealthy investors watching this but I would guess it’s probably not a nation it could be a nation right because I’ve talked about that they have endless money printing if they want my guess is it some group of very rich people that have a very old school business that prints a lot of cash we were in Dubai recently and I was just talking about this to someone else too they have a lot of money in oil right um they have a lot of Natural Resources but in 50 or 100 years how much do we use those resources I’m not sure uh no one really knows right do we convert more to solar nuclear um some other wind energy you know there’s so many different renewable sources of energy who knows if they’re making as much then as they are now and they’ve been converting like Dubai has converted from their main business being oil to hopefully their main business being uh tourism who’s to say that some really wealthy group of Oil Barons or uh shakes or some someone with a lot of money is not trying to reinvest in the asset of the future I mean they’re very smart people they realize that this is very scarce and they have a lot of money they have a lot of resources but they have to reinvest in something that’s going to grow over the next hundred years maybe they’re investing in Bitcoin sorry for the tangent there you know you can I guess it’s too late to say you can skip it now but uh that is just kind of fun to think about and a lot of people are wondering who this is that’s my guess but let’s continue Latin America’s let me know too what what you think uh who do you think is Mr 100 land America’s biggest e-commerce platform Marcato Libre owns $29 Million worth of bitcoin about 413 Bitcoin according to SEC filings this just came out recently uh they’ve actually announced a lot of news about crypto and I thought maybe they had already talked about this but I looked back through news articles and I couldn’t find anything that said that they actually owned a lot of Bitcoin I saw that they were accepting Bitcoin as payment at one point maybe this is all uh Bitcoin that they’ve been given for products I’m not sure but you know one more company that is buying SL accepting Bitcoin and there’s also some news today about Tesla accepting Dogecoin as payment too I thought they had already done that but it’s just for some products in their store so it’s not that they’re accepting it for Teslas yet but uh Elon Musk has said that maybe they would start accepting Bitcoin when Bitcoin was 50% renewable which it is now quantitive easing is a is about to start again and I covered this in the video yesterday but remember this is going to pamp pump whatever you want to say Skyrocket bitcoin’s price this is the percent change from a year ago so we’re just starting to get to Positive Growth when it flips over this line for a year and a couple months we had negative growth so we are actually shrinking M2 money supply now it’s growing again which oh always helps the price of Bitcoin and we have a short squeeze right we have a short squeeze yesterday I covered that uh just the fact that we’ve had 103 million in liquidations but 9.3 billion worth of shorts will get liquidated if Bitcoin pumps 10% from here so if we get back into that 70 71,000 range a lot of people are going to get wiped out and you can see how steep this line is on this short liquidations versus the long liquidations like if the line’s steeper that means that there are more people that are going short so or more money that is short so yeah we could go down but there’s going to be a lot less pain here than here we could go all the way down to 50,000 and we’d have less liquidated about half as much liquidated as if we went up to 72 so my guess is we probably keep moving up now of course shorts can cover shorts can close positions before they’re liquidated that also helps the price though a Bitcoin so it’ll be really interesting to see where we go from here but overall it seems like the market kind of turned it flipped flipped bullish and there are a variety of reasons for that we’ve covered a lot of them in the videos over the last day or two something interesting too we had just yesterday uh Michael sailor said Bitcoin is hope for birkshire hathway kind of interesting right kind of an interesting thing to say I think it’s because they had their Bitcoin for companies conference uh and they knew birkshire was reporting earnings today now they just reported earnings and this is such a weird thing cuz I believe they report earnings on Saturdays I believe this came out exactly today look how old this website looks right it looks like crazy old but you can see the last 25 years I guess or 30 years why uh change something that’s not broken but you can just access their quarterly report now I’m not going to go through this whole thing but let’s cover some highlights just because you know this is one of the largest companies in the world operating earnings up 39.1% net earnings of 12.7 billion they actually sold a decent amount of Apple stock really interesting because they are one of the largest holders of Apple $2.6 billion worth of stock BuyBacks and their cash pile continues to grow $182.3 billion so uh some people will say 189 because of cash included in some various businesses but yeah they have a lot of money a lot of other big tech companies have a lot of money sitting on the sidelines some use it for buyback some use it are now using it for dividends but some people some entities are now using it to buy back Bitcoin a Bitcoin buyback program Square’s doing that Mel Michael sailor’s doing that uh Heather’s doing that I think there are going to be more companies that end up doing that by the end of the year into the next couple years but uh we’ll have to see right but you know there is just a lot of potential this is being eroded away unless they are getting four 5% which most companies are right they’re not just sitting on it in cash in a bank account without getting yield but still this is not doing much compared to bitcoin where you know if you are especially if you’re a company that’s maybe a little bit more Dynamic you’re a little bit more Bitcoin focused technology focused uh especially with the new accounting rules well you can probably get a much better return the fact is if you buy Bitcoin you’re probably going to get a better return than just about any other asset especially if you have a long time Horizon which most most entities do let’s look over a 12-month range like there are very few times where it would have been bad to buy Bitcoin right let’s say one year 2 year three year four year four years out of 13 14 it’s been bad to buy but if you just hold like two more years usually you’re right back I mean yeah you buy at the very top here two years later you’re up again you buy right here two years up two years later you’re up again you buy here two years later you’re up again so yeah just have a 2-year time Horizon and you can make a lot more on your cash than 5% of course there is a lot more risk that comes with this you have to be able to self custody it but I think this is going to be a strategy that a lot of companies adopt especially because 2 years is not all that long for businesses let’s say you’re making $1 billion a year two years later after a nice 12% growth or so in Revenue each year you’re making 1.25 right there’s not that massive difference in cash cash flows that happens in two years your business is probably very similar but you could have you know 100% 200% 500% gain on Bitcoin in that time which could definitely help you out uh long term so let me know your thoughts on all this underneath the video sorry for the rampling a little bit at parts of the video but I think it is fun to talk about some of these different uh questions that we all have every once in a while like who Mr 100 is let me know your thoughts on all this underneath the video you can check out the links as well in case you want to trade on Marx right and there are some extra bonuses and incentives to trade on coin W and blof in right now like uh coin W is giving you a $100 usdt bonus when you just deposit $100 and trade Futures trade which is a really good uh bonus there and there’s also that link to blof fin as well there are certain cryptos you can only buy on there like gummy which is one of the I think one of the most explosive meme coins recently coming from Crypt banter as well you can buy it over on blof Fin and Marx just allows you so many different ways to cross margin like you can trade Bitcoin with ether you can trade it with Bitcoin you can trade it with usdt you can trade it with usdc you can probably trade it with salana and all those different assets so you can actually like put salana up and trade bitcoin’s chart because it’s much easier to trade right it’s less volatile so you can go like 3x Bitcoin 3x Bitcoin with salana as collateral for example and you can make that return back in salana so that’s really cool I mean let’s say Bitcoin goes and doubles you have a 5x so you basically 10x your salana but Solana’s price could go up in the meantime right if if uh Bitcoin goes and makes a 2X well Solana’s probably doing a 3 4X so at that same time if you make 10 extra returns in salana right let’s say you put two salana up as collateral you get 20 salana but then salana also goes up to uh I don’t know like I said 4X it goes up to 500 uh dollars per salana I mean that’s a insane return so you started with what uh salana is around $150 you start with $300 you end up with 10K or something like that the numbers get insane when you use different collateral instead of USD or usdc so definitely consider doing that down below thank you so much I appreciate it if you made it this far in the video let me know uh there are a couple different things you can do first of all you can go follow me on Twitter because I haven’t talked about Twitter yet but I am posting on there every once in a while second thing you can do is give me like a little fire emoji and tell me how excited you are for the next bow run or just give me the fire Emoji thank you so much I I appreciate it uh Beware of scammers Down Below in the comments section they seem to be everywhere in Discord in uh emails on Twitter on YouTube in the comment section so be careful of all those I literally can’t delete them sometimes people think that I’m just being ignorant or not spending enough time on it the fact is I make three videos a day two to four videos a day and there are hundreds if not thousands of spam comments every video and literally I have to go by and click like three or four buttons for each comment it just doesn’t make sense right I could be there for uh hours every single video deleting comments and at the end of the day if you’re going to get scammed you’re probably going to get scammed whether it’s on email or Discord all I can do is warn you against it don’t don’t think that I’m reaching out to you in any way I’m never going to reach out and ask you to send me your personal info or to start trading on some platform right I’ll talk about the Platforms in the video but I’m never going to send you a link directly or comment uh saying that you should go find me on telegram or anything like that so be careful out there thank you so much for watching I appreciate it I will see you guys in the next video

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    2. It's crazy how this 48 hours nonsense is a thing he's embracing now. The point is though, Sam… we're sick of your crap videos πŸ™‚ Get it?

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