hello everybody Welcome to the MonDay live stream so we made it through the weekend uh of course Monday is here and there’s a lot of things to go over so let’s just jump right in first of all H the market is the market and uh we see a little bit of a tumultuous effect and over the last 24 hours we’re down a little bit and uh that’s just part for the course especially after you know a having and uh we’re around 2.4 trillion market cap I expect us to go a little bit lower before we start to make some gains but that’s just what’s going on the market but this is the big story of today what everybody’s talking about on X used to be called Twitter and everything else out there in spaces is that there’s a new court filing it looks like uh the SEC Gary gendler believed that ethereum was a security for at least the year and the things that they were talking about really puts it into the crosshairs of them being the ones that oversees ethereum as opposed to the cftc and given to those guys for a commodity which we all knew was going to happen I think and Gary just cannot let this go he believes it is security and hey I’m not here to debate anybody I’m just saying this is what we want a little bit of clarity moving forward and this is where it all comes down to this piece so this is a revelation that comes following the uh filing of an unredacted complaint against the agency by uh consensus which of course the SEC put out a Wells notice saying we’re going to sue you consensus we know you’re a part of the theorem Foundation we believe you’re dabbling in unregistered Securities consensus said oh yeah well we’re going to sue you because you say that ethereum is security we don’t believe it actually is so sure uh and now of course it comes full circle where it looks like this wasn’t anything that’s unne and looks like they’ve actually said that this has actually been going on for quite some time so company filed redacted version of the lawsuit in a Texas Federal Court last Thursday in response to a so-called Wells notice new documents filed Monday that would be right now have yet to be totally reported but they do provide insight into the timeline beyond the sec’s thinking regarding ethereum’s alleged status as a security and it really just comes down to this the filing of this documentation states that ethereum or this ethereum 2.0 investigation as it was called was based on the sec’s belief that possible offers and sales of certain Securities including but not limited to eth had occurred since at least 2018 now remember ethereum wasn’t always proof of stake before that before ethereum 2.0 it was proof of work and I think that’s one of the things that actually saved it from being called a security and that’s why Hinman excuse me Jay Clayton labeled it as not a security so unfortunately as things move forward as far as proof of stake here we are so if the gendler SEC finds ethereum to be a security it would contradict SEC guidance under chairman Jay Clayton in June of that year then director of corporate finance bill Henman ah there we go stated in a speech the sec’s position that ethereum alongside Bitcoin was not a security but again that was a long time ago and things certainly have changed and yes it is a proof a stake now I’m not a lawyer I’m not here to say well this is security because of this or this is not a security it doesn’t matter what I think it doesn’t really matter what really any of us think what it really comes down to is where is this going to go and who’s going to back consensus who’s going to back ethereum and who’s going to go to bat for ethereum moving forward I think that this is at first when I took a look at this I’m like this is great because now we can get uh Clarity and we can say okay now it’s security now we know that all the exchanges have to go in and then register it fine whatever doesn’t matter I bought Securities just last week they’re called stocks and there is no problem with it it’s just being being actual labeled for what it is the problem and this is going to be a big problem is because even if they label it as security let’s just say they win let’s just say that for some reason Gary stops losing like crazy and they actually pull out a win somehow and they say yeah it is a security this is why between that happening and Congress actually doing something about it and actually putting together what they’re supposed to do which is write the bills which will give guidance to the SEC and say no you’re incorrect in between that time it’s going to really suck because the secc has an amazing ability to Stonewall everybody who comes in to try to do the right things we’ve seen reports of cracken do it we’ve seen reports of coinbase doing it we’ve seen reports of binance actually doing it and going to the SEC and going look what do you want from us we don’t care what it is just give us some guidance like sure we’ll give you some guidance come and talk to us and they come and talk to them they sue them so if this works out and does come through it’s going to be a problem it’s going to be a problem because then all the different exchanges that are out there are selling unregistered Securities how do they go in there and fight that sure comeing and talk to us oh we’re going to sue you for doing that we’ll give you some guidance later which puts us on the hilt and the last thing I will say is this is that if that happens it’s good for the global economy because what it’s going to do is it’s going to allow everybody to pick up just like they’ve been doing and Say Goodbye America we had a great run now we’re going to go to some other countries and we’re going to set up exchanges across the way and it’ll just be a demand someplace else and uh unfortunately that’s where America is going anyhow let me just think about that in the comment section I think this is could be potentially be a big problem because it’s not like Gary going to do anything but we’ll see what we talk about in the Q&A also um inflows and outflows I found this interesting because this will piggy back on the last thing we just talked about as far as ethereum this is from crypto slate and take a look at coin shares and we take a look at inflows and outflows uh as far as uh different digital assets this is use our investments products related to digital assets like you know salon xrp cardano and what do you notice here you notice something which is as far as like the outflows or year-to date flows I should say uh the ones in red ethereum 38 this is in millions that’s in the week month to date 123 and year to date is Nega 50 everything else is positive so maybe somebody knew something you can see that salon at year to date is at 10 million binance is at three Litecoin 21 million that’s crazy shorting Bitcoin all right I can see how the Bears want to win xrp 13 aage winning cardano seven great polka dot and some other different digital assets 107 so if we can take a look at that we’re like okay that makes sense somebody knew or somebody thought this is actually going to happen and I’ll be darned if it didn’t but then if we take a look at that let’s take a look at Bitcoin because this is also flows by provider as far as the ETFs and if we take a look here grayscale is negative 17 this is billions well this is in millions so negative 17,000 17 billion I shares or ETS Black Rock 15 million Fidelity 8 and down the line so we can just see that there’s actually a net positive which looks pretty good so if I gotta tell you now that I I think about this if we have such a problem with Gary labeling as security and then pretty much stying the exchanges here in America what do you think’s going to happen to bitcoin it’s like Ben might be totally correct on the Bitcoin dominance but we’ll see but it has a reminder as far as like net Bitcoin ET flows we’re still looking pretty strong in that regard this is from he great website check it out all the information is free as far as like total net Bitcoin flows the ETF this is 214,000 these are in Bitcoins so net Bitcoin flows even though we talk about grayscale dumping up Ton we still got a 214,000 going into these ETFs so things are looking good as far as the ETFs and Bitcoin which is why I got to tell you when people talk about Bitcoin they’re like you know it’s there’s so much more gains on the other on altcoins I still know they can rebound but in the short term watch out so yeah let me think about that in the comments and to finish up there was a a piece that I I found on uh on stripe and Avalanche and we had just talked about this as stripe came out stripe of course major massive global payment processor they’re the ones that I use from my websites are the ones that you know small e-commerce stores like Amazon and Walmart those those guys are integrated with with stripe anything that you do with your visa and MasterCard on an e-commerce site it’s pretty much stripe it’s either stripe or PayPal those are the reals and they of course came out and said hey if you want to use usdc we’ll do it globally that’s cool you can use ethereum rails or salana rails and then someone had told me that no no no they’re also using polygon I didn’t see that in the announcement however if when I went to the stripe support and did a search it is true to start earning in crypto you’ll need to provide the public address of a crypto wallet that supports the polygon Network here so it looks like in this in this way and they’re talking about usdc as well polygon is supported so it’s looks like it’s polygon uh which is essentially a side chain uh for ethereum and then salana but then this just came out congratulations to Avalanche looks like they’re integrating stripe again being a Global Pay global payment processor and actually onboarding web2 to web 3 this was a uh a post on X Stripes expansion to crypto continues integrating Avalanche and core to provide easier access to web3 now I have to stress that this is has nothing to do with with stable coins and usdc on on Avalanche that’s not what this is what they’re actually doing is US users us users this isn’t even Global can purchase ABAC or Avalanche directly through stripe without using an exchange well that’s great because guess what that’d be great to get away from these centralized exchanges because it looks like Gary got this boot on the their throat Avalanche apps can embed stripes on R via customizable widgets and when I took a look at this what they’re essentially allowing to do is there’s well there’s the stripe the actual payment rails and uh using integration with core core is avalanche’s native ecosystem wallet and it looks something like this there’s a link in the description actually no I didn’t put a link description hold on hold on one second let me put that in and then I also want to put this in here which I forgot to do sorry and I’ll tell you why in a second so you’re going to be able to use Core Labs which is their wallet which is for Chrome or on your mobile device whatever that may be that’s the official link so you don’t go to the wrong place I hate people getting scammed out I want to make sure that you guys are protected so for here stripe aims to address address the cold start problem faced by web 3 companies which occurs when customers don’t have enough funds in their wallets to carry out transactions stripe handles and this is the big thing stripe is going to handle all the kyc payments fraud and compliance and AML which is essentially what they’re trying to bust down CZ binance for so they’re going to be involved with that and they’re going to actually be able to buy Avalanche makes you want to look at Avalanche pretty hard huh yeah I know me too so if we Avalanche is one of those first of all I I’m very biased I own Avalanche I I believe in it looks like it’s a pretty good chain and then subnets and things like that but on top of that I want you guys to check this out because Avalanche is just not the token they actually do stuff several leading Avalanche ecosystem Partners have already indicated they will be integrating with stripe and that would be goo pool which is a staking protocol Avy which is a centralized a decentralized naming service you know there’s a ton of those different naming servic where you can pick those up packed which is a Enterprise and entrepreneurs to spin up blockchain power platforms and just 10 minutes via their WordPress for web 3 site sweet so which which is pretty great you can actually spin up your own subnet just by using packed on avalanche on your own business which I think is pretty great I got to check that out actually and then zerun cultural diversity Discovery and distribution platform uh holiday which is another web 3 wallet the arena is a social F platform and shrapnel and defi Kingdom which are both web 3 games a little bit different I think shrapnel is a third person shooter and defi Kings is an RPG game so again they’re all going to integrate with stripe don’t have to go through centralized exchange you’re going to be able to you know purchase Avalanche using stripe and hopefully they don’t have the god aul gouging prices that Moon pay does I’ll let you know how that works out so it looks pretty good and then also I just wanted to throw this out there I was uh talking to the guys over at Rumble Kong League I know this doesn’t make any sense to you but we just wait for a second so like I like games I like games on my phone especially when I’m trying to kill time but I don’t like like the big huge like shrapnel third person shooter where I got to do all this stuff but this is if you ever remember uh NBA Jam back in the day like this is the game that is going to be on Apple and Android it’s like NBA Jam and what’s great about it is that it’s first of all it runs an avalanche second of all it’s a web two game first so you don’t even have to do anything with web 3 and fourth I should say is that they’ve got some pretty big Partnerships with uh Gatorade and Under Armour as well as the NBA so that’s coming out later but I just thought it was interesting I mean as far as like gamings go and uh I’ll probably talk about that in a deep dive later but that’s all we have for that let me you think about that in the comments and Lastly lastly I just want to remind everybody that the crypto that we get into and we invest into you know we believe into it right we really wanted to work but we have to remember always that it’s a business and if you screw up in business that’s just how it is yugul laabs lost its way and ulabs if you’re not familiar they’re the ones for the board apat club and uh he says yeah we have to we lost our way and now we have to do layoffs they made a lot of money I’m going to show you how much so this was yugul lab’s co-founder Greg Solano stated hey I owe everyone a Frank and honest explanation of what led to the decision to put it simply Yuga lost its way getting herself centered and on the right path means being a smaller more agile and Crypton native team a team that does fewer things but does them brilliantly I have to applaud that decision because if you screw up in the beginning it happens uh you’re GNA have to make some very difficult decisions I’ve had to fire people myself and uh no one wants to do it and I’m glad they’re going in the right direction but as a reminder how big borap yach Club was as far as an nft I went to uh crypto slam and here’s the nfts as far as the top sales of all time and it’s all board apod clubs this picture this jpig cost somebody $2.9 million this one cost them 2.7 this one cost them 2.6 you know how much they cost now around 60 60,000 50,000 40,000 so just remember that what may seem hot right now may not be the best thing to invest into try to find the ones that uh you are more interested in and you believe in the project as opposed to the next or the current hottest thing and that’s it for today so look like today’s video give it a thumbs up consider subscribing everything we talk about is time sensitive now if you want to stick around we’ll do a little Q&A answer all your questions as I see there’s a bunch of them and we’ll go from there if you got to take off take off I appreciate you stopping by thanks so much

    So it looks like the SEC has been labeling ETHEREUM as a SECURITY for over a year now. KISS that ETH ETF goodbye. Also, Avalanche and Stripe work together plus YUGA labs from Bored Ape Yacht Club laying staff off.

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    1. Good god Rob stop with the doom and gloom. it will take years for this to play out and so much will change in that time. Acting like you know what's going to happen "in between now and then" is ridiculous. Report the news don't guess what the news is.

    2. For those who say ETH is a security: how is ETH security when XRP was deemed to not be a security? ETH is far more decentralized than XRP is. I haven’t seen a good argument against this as of yet for those who keep saying ETH is a security, when in reality it is a protocol.

    3. How does POS change whether ETH is a security? Because the courts ruled that XRP which is NOT POS is not a security. So we have legal precedence already showing that something that’s not POW can not be a security…

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