1. shivaswrath on

      This makes more sense…when people told me the planes only add to 5% of global emissions seemed like the lobbyist trying to cover up facts.

      There’s no way we got here from individuals alone.

      It’s coal factories, oil and gas plants, planes and huge industries driving majority of it.

    2. Vaggiman71 on

      We are doomed. It was raining in Antarctica for the first time in history

    3. Quoth-the-Raisin on

      That seems like a lot to be off by. I wonder why.

      >When countries signed the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change treaty (UNFCCC), high-income countries were required to report their aviation-related emissions. But 155 middle and lower income countries, including China and India, were not required to report these emissions, although they could do so voluntarily.

      Ah… Well that would be a problem. The world map of who is reporting flight emission is pretty hilarious.

    4. GeminiLife on

      This is the thing with every large company/corporation. Scientists numbers on global warming trends are based off of what’s *being reported* by said companies. And if they’re lying…well, things are worse than have been projected.

    5. ZandorFelok on

      Then perhaps all the elitists who travel around the globe talking about climate change should stop flying first

    6. Pristine-Document358 on

      Private jets should be banned immediately and than we wouldn’t have a problem wake up people

    7. tinyspatula on

      I think air travel is a case study in how difficult it will actually be to achieve zero emissions. Here is a practice that produces a significant amount of the global carbon emissions, the bulk of usage is for luxury purposes (holiday or unnecessary work travel) so in principle it’s a low hanging fruit to lower emissions without having a major effect on people’s standard of living.

      No politician is proposing stopping people from flying though, the approach genuinely seems to be do nothing and hope that the problem somehow fixes itself.

    8. I live in Seattle and see a constant stream of jets flying directly over my place to one of the two runways at the airport. At times less than a minute between flights. 50 mil people flew out of our airport last year, on a city of about 4 mil

      You can see the line of flights in the night sky, like a freeway in the sky, blanketing the city below in noise. I think a lot of the traffic increase is from China, based on tourism I’ve seen around town, so this article doesn’t surprise me.

      It brings money into the city, so no one wants to speak negatively about climate impact. And also people here love to travel. I know plenty of people that are very avid about driving a Prius/Tesla, being eco conscious, but then will only talk about how cheap their flights are or how many air miles they’ve got, without mentioning a thing about climate impact. It really is a disconnect, we’ve normalized flying as just another part of life you don’t think about.

    9. Glacecakes on

      I’m entirely convinced the reason everything is worse than expected is in part because most industries lie about their emissions

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