Scary Warning To Silver Stackers No Price Manipulations Andy Schectman

    we’re borrowing money just to pay the interest on our debt and yet we feel that we should borrow more money and give it to these countries um only to piss off their foes more and more and more and make the rest of the world see you know oh okay they’ll either sanction you or give you money that they borrow they’re a paper tiger they’re broke they’re insolvent I can’t believe some of the things I see and in particular the actions by our leaders so when you look at the uh the public participation who you know has been enamored with and rightfully so with great performance and um Nvidia and and all AI you know taking the Limelight away from gold uh it’s the tortoise not the hair you know the performance of gold has been nothing short of extraordinary let alone or take away the $61 drop in Gold I see it’s come up a little bit here right now but introducing Andy shectman a voice in the realm of precious metals in this insightful snippet Andy dives into the Dynamics of gold and silver markets shedding light on the subtle shifts in premiums and the ining contrast between retail and institutional Demand with a Keen Eye on global Trends and market indicators Andy unravels the story behind the scenes where ETFs geopolitical tensions and public sentiment converge join us as we explore the nuanced landscape of precious metals through Andy’s astute observations and seasoned expertise there is a very fine line brother and if anyone knows this it’s you talking with Jim Willie who’s been right a lot between conspiracy in reality I mean you know yeah I get it you don’t want to you don’t want to cite things as fact I get it but what’s interesting if you read the cloward Piven strategy and then think about it for a moment and look at it in terms of what’s happened to this country in the last two years I I will um ask anyone to come back and read that and come back next week and refute it say that well yeah but but you read it and you tell me holy crap that’s exactly what they’re doing now is it conspiratorial maybe uh is it is it backed by any Hart Evans no uh you know was it specifically taught to Obama and to you know all of the other people in in you know high levels of government that I mentioned that um went to Colombia don’t know but I can tell you that it was originally taught by these two professors at Colombia and it’s just ironic that their entire Theory seems to be happening and unfolding right out in front of us right now and they don’t even care you know I mean just to see half of the just to see all of the you know the um Senate cheering for the 60 more billion that they’ve given to the Ukraine it’s just absolutely insane as this country is falling apart and we’re borrowing that money to give it to them I mean it’s like from the too stupid to be stupid category we’re broke we’re borrowing money just to pay the interest on our debt and yet we feel that we should borrow more money and give it to these countries um only to piss off their foes more and more and more and make the rest of the world see you know oh okay they’ll either sanction you or give you money that they borrow they’re a paper tiger they’re broke they’re insolvent and they’re hypocritical and I I just you know the more you see this stuff the more you scratch your head I can’t believe some of the things I see and in particular the actions by our leaders and the joy of giving away our money and and indebting our children and grandchildren forever is just is just beyond me so you know maybe they’ll they’ll pull out that that treasury Clause uh that allow or the Federal Reserve Clause that allows them to remonetized price of gold and this will all go away until then we are a country that’s literally lost its mind from within by allowing this stuff to happen and and instead of fixing our infrastructure and getting our borders in order we give it to a war we’ve given $200 billion dollar to these people and and and there’s no congressional oversight we don’t even know where it’s gone who’s spending it and now they you know giving missiles and and all this kind of stuff it’s just it’s Insanity Insanity to me so I think it’s worth mentioning you know when people look at this and say how can this be happening um you have to ask yourself you know conspiracy or reality is it too stupid to be stupid could it be intended is this what they’re trying to do if not we need a change in Washington very very very badly and very quickly that’s interesting uh the only change in premiums we’ve seen really in the American Gold and the American Silver Eagle uh there’s still great demand for them uh and you know nothing else really has spiked yet but I would argue that’s a precursor that the gold and silver eagle um the premiums are still very low you know you got guys all over the place like Ted Butler screaming about the shortages in industrial bars around the world and the the deliveries off of all the exchanges and all the things that we’re seeing that point to a shortage it is not happening in the retail market yet um you know with the sell-offs and the ETFs I said that to bill hter by the way our mutual friend I said bill you know you look at the the ETFs and and the draw Downs out of them while the price has been going up is crazy he says but how much of that was share Redemption where you know big money is is redeeming their shares in an opaque fashion rather than delivery off of comx and he’s got a point maybe it is whatever it is it sure looks like when you look at the ETFs and when you look at the uh the public participation who you know has been enamored with and rightfully so with great performance in um Nvidia and and all Ai and and the and Bitcoin and all of these things that you know have have really you know taken the Limelight away from gold uh it’s the tortoise not the hair you know the the the performance of gold has been nothing short of extraordinary let alone or take away the $61 drop and gold I see it’s come up a little bit here right now but you know it’s it’s up considerably several hundred dollars in a very short period of time in silver and its its percentage gain finally over the last week or two has has start to show just how strong that that that volatility can be on the upside too so um you know it’s real but the public isn’t noticing it yet and you look you compare it with what’s happening in China their ETF numbers are off the chart they’ they’ve triggered stops in their ETF Market because the demand is so high that it it forces you know Breakers to shut down and um the demand in many parts of the world is insatiable here in the United States they’re missing it I look at as a huge contrarian indicator if prices keep rising in the face of positive real returns and a strong dollar and and a public that’s really not involved arguably at a one of the lowest levels I can ever imagine in a market that’s showing this kind of strength you what does it mean it does it portray for much higher prices I guess we will see but the fundamentals that we’re talking about you know debt and uh and and all the geopolitical stuff and and all the stuff that’s going on here leading up to arguably the biggest election of our lives and the and the big meeting in October the bricks I mean you would think that it would um it would demand far greater attention but you know the fact that it’s not to me I almost find comforting in a strange sort of way um I guess we’ll have to see only time will tell but yeah premiums are only on the Silver and Gold Eagles have come up everything else status quo is still very very cheap in my mind thank you for tuning in to this insightful discussion with Andy sheckman on the nuances of the precious metals Market we hope you’ve gained valuable insights into the evolving dynamics of gold and silver if you found this content informative don’t forget to like share and subscribe to our channel for more thought-provoking discussions and expert insights stay updated with and 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