Here’s Everything That Happened On Our Bitcoin Cash Challenge

    hello fellow Rebel capitals hope you’re well I’m back in Paradise back in St Barts from the road trip to Freedom challenge St Martin version trying to go the entire day surviving on bitcoin or Bitcoin cash now the way this all came about was I was on Twitter after the Argentina trip most of you watched that and so many people are sending me these videos of influencers that are out there having fun they’re doing tequila shots they’re listening to the music they’re renting scooters they’re doing all these fun things and every single time you see them paying with something they’re going up there with their cell phone and they’ve got their QR code they’re like yeah all right yeah Bitcoin cash yeah we’re not using the system yeah yeah yeah that screw the Fiat system or the dollar or whatever whatever whatever and they make it seem like everyone out there is is transitioning into using like Bitcoin cash in this example as a medium of exchange now I know a lot of people say George Bitcoin or Bitcoin cash and I know they’re two separate things here I’m just combining it for the sake of of ease you guys know what I’m referring to they say this is a store of value how get out of here you’re sitting there talking about a medium of everybody knows that it’s not a medium of exchange okay fine if you want to go that down that path I’m totally cool with that but we got to remember what the cbdc road trip to Freedom challenge is all about it’s for people who want to try to figure out how to transact outside of the system right now so when we do or if we well when we get a cbdc if you want to go to a trucker protest or if you want to go to the medicine mandate protest in Washington DC then you’re like hey I’m going to go ahead and do that and I’m not going to worry about klouse or the government freezing my account account like they did with the bank with the uh truckers because I have a significant amount of purchasing power outside of the system and I can just bug out to my plan B let’s say that’s here in the Caribbean maybe that’s Argentina and you know that you can take your whatever Bitcoin with you gold silver again very very very difficult but you can take something with you and then transact and actually put a roof over your head or put food on the table until you can figure out your next move right and you can’t use kyc this is assuming that they’re freezing your bank account and therefore you’ve got that purchasing P power outside of the system in advance but the question is then what do you do you gotta just like my uh conversation the other day with Lynette there’s certain options for gold but you got to have the network already set up in advance in that plan B country or that plan B location and then I like her strategy of kind of layering it that’s for sure but ideally ideally it would be Bitcoin because it’s just so darn easy even if you have to transfer that Bitcoin into tether which look nobody likes right I I get it trust me I don’t like that counterparty risk any more than you do or transfer it into Bitcoin cash and I get it there’s a lot of issues with that there’s the fork and I don’t want to get into the drama you guys know about it better than I do but the bottom line is even if you had to just do it for a couple minutes sell that Bitcoin for Bitcoin cash and hold your nose just to use that Bitcoin cash if every single person on the island accepted it well that could be a potential Solution that’s what this is all about it’s about finding Solutions so anyway I saw a lot of people online that were sending me these videos and they’re saying well you just didn’t go to the right place here in the Caribbean in St kit and nevas or here in in St Martin they’re just there everybody’s accepting Bitcoin George don’t you know I mean look at this and it shows some guy with like one of these big like daquiri drinks that you get at Fat Tuesdays you know he’s sipping on it he’s just so excited that he just paid for it with his uh Bitcoin cash and I’m like that sounds great let me go check it out because if this is true then you could consider like a St kits or maybe a St Martin as a plan B place where you could at least bug out really quick and you could leverage that purchasing power outside of the system via the Bitcoin cash all right so what I did is I went to the map which is where the issues start but let me do a screen share and I’ll show you what I’m referring to okay and I see a lot of people in the chat I saw this with some of the videos as well where they say oh George you should have just used a lightning wallet or oh George you should use Monero or oh George you should use this crypto no but you can’t do that if nobody takes it right if nobody takes your Monero great it’s it’s it’s private woohoo or it’s liquid or the transactions subtle quickly or whatever it advantage or benefit feature that you want to tell me that that’s awesome but if nobody takes it or no you can’t even sell it to get cash to buy something you need it’s really not doing you any good in terms of this challenge okay so getting back to this map here you go maps. and you look at this and you’re like oh my gosh Bitcoin cash is taking over over the world look at all these places that I can go and spend my Bitcoin cash I mean it is obviously a medium of exchange and it’s growing exponentially and in two or three years I mean I’m going to be able to go to any country I want on the entire planet and I’m going to be able to live entirely outside of the system via Bitcoin cash that’s what this map implies but when I looked at this map I was uh I was a little skeptical but optimistic like wow because I used that other app that is specific to bitcoin when we were in Argentina most of you remember that and that was extremely frustrating but you didn’t have as many people saying they accept it as many vendors as many businesses like in Mendoza as an example the first place we went in Argentina there was about 15 places that said they accepted Bitcoin not Bitcoin cash but Bitcoin and as you guys know from watching the videos it turned out to be goose egg not one not two zero out of 15 and that was pretty much the entire experience throughout the trip but there wasn’t that many per City like going over to Cordoba it was maybe five or something so when I clicked on this map I got excited and I’m like okay well again I’m a little skeptical based on our Argentina trip but maybe this is different so I zoomed in on St kits and I zoomed in on where I am here in St Barts and then in St Martin and I just went through this exact process so here is gustavia where I am right now in St Barts and as you can see there’s a couple vendors here one we went and tried to use them for breakfast this morning but look at St Martine look at this 54 6 14 21 14 2 18 and so this is the Danish side of St Martine so if you click on this it zooms in look at all these vendors that are accepting Bitcoin cash and I’m like well someone’s got to take it and if you were there again this could be a potential solution for you so we got there and we started clicking on all these and what’s interesting is you see probably I don’t know let’s just say 50 or so vendors just right in this little area and by the way it’s super easy to walk just from here to here but a lot of them are Jewelers and clothing shops but we found about six or seven restaurants in the first first thing that we wanted to do was eat because it was around lunchtime so we started going to the cafes the first Cafe we went to I’m not GNA be so here’s one problem with the map uh and this is where we start getting into some of the issues what I’ve experienced with the tech side of this with the wallets with I got all these people oh you got to use this wallet you got to use that wallet blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah look that that’s great but most of these things that when you try them they they don’t work and like this you know we would try to go to a place and it really wasn’t correct on the map and then the phone number didn’t work the address was wrong and then getting the map to actually work on your phone especially when you don’t have high-speed internet is is almost impossible it doesn’t zoom in it’s glitchy it zooms out it does all this crazy stuff and it sits there and you got to sit there for a half an hour straight just to figure out out where it is and you can’t uh search by restaurant it’s it’s just almost unusable but we tried to keep a positive attitude we went to the first Cafe that we found which was I’m not going to zoom in on it because again it takes too long but uh right about here I think this is it or that’s it and sure enough they did not take Bitcoin cash although they had the sticker there that said they took Bitcoin cash we said why why they they said we just haven’t taken it for a long time no one was using it okay and that was the exact same thing that we got for breakfast or when we went to breakfast in St Barts same we we were we started using it about a year ago no one used it so we just stop and now we don’t take it anymore okay and so we started going around to all these restaurants the six or seven that we found on the map every single time it was the exact same well from the standpoint of they did not take Bitcoin cash now half of them said that they used to take it but they don’t take it any we were crazy like Bitcoin huh or Bitcoin cash what and most of them thought we were talking about cash like oh yeah we take cash we’re like no no no Bitcoin cash and like I don’t even know what that is and uh again they were on the map so now all of a sudden we’ve gone to six or seven places nobody takes it I’m starting to become very suspicious that maybe some of these guys did take it but a lot of the deals on the map are just probably fake news at least that was our experience and who knows why so then we went back to the cafe to kind of regroup and Brian found a Bitcoin ATM or at least a Bitcoin ATM on this map so he ran over there really quick no Bitcoin ATM anywhere and it was a Chinese restaurant so uh we had absolutely no luck and then we were trying to get a taxi to get over to the French side because we thought maybe over there the map is more accurate or we could at least find some business one for heaven sakes that actually took Bitcoin cash and we were trying to find a taxi and we kept asking all these taxi drivers at the taxi stand which is right about here and they said oh yeah there’s this one guy on the island that that we think he takes it we’re like okay where is he like oh we think he’s over on the French side and I’m like okay can you call him and like basically that just was a complete dead end so we had to make our flight so I had to break down and pay for the taxi in Euros then we went over to the French side of the island so we took this road right there went over and we took this road all the way over past the airport we went right here and over to this Beach area where we went to the chocolate shop that is on the map which is located boom right there and now we’re at like eight or nine places we’ve been to that have and none of them are taking Bitcoin cash so I I was not overly optimistic but we went in and all this is live streamed by the way if you guys want to see the the previous streams from the day we went in and sure enough the guy accepted it it was it was we’re like this is incredible and by this time I’m starving I’m almost passing out I’m so hungry and uh so we actually buy like a croissant that he had there and some drinks and whatnot and then Brian went to pay him with the Bitcoin cash and we have it all live streamed and everything like that and he took the QR code Brian got the confirmation like we’re good to go well long story short what ended up happening is the transaction never settled and we’re saying they were waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and he the guy never got confirmation and so I’m like look I have to eat so I went outside and said if in the next 10 minutes you don’t get the settlement confirmation then I’ll just go ahead and pay you cash because obviously I’m not going to leave you hanging me talking to the guy and uh we went out eight came back still nothing and we went ahead and just paid him with a debit card because the transaction just wasn’t going through and on the drive over to the chocolate shop I was trying to figure out why on Earth no one accepted it I’m like What’s the downside I think I say that in the video I didn’t know if there was some carrying cost monthly to use some sort of software or app or whatever it was to where these vendors could accept it but I’m like let’s just assume that it’s free and they just charge you a transaction fee why not what’s your downside maybe it’s having to train the employees maybe it’s just too much of a hassle it just didn’t really make sense but then when we went through this I’m like oh okay now I get it now I get it because it’s something like that is is as a medium exchange is completely impossible to use it’s impossible because imagine going through the grocery store and you paying with your your Bitcoin cash app or whatever it is and you got to sit there and wait for 10 minutes and there’s a long line of people like what do you do and then you’re having to verify if it’s done if it’s not done if it’s this this this this this and who knows if it’s going to take two minutes or five minutes it’s supposed to be instant and then you’re like okay what’s the transaction fee hopefully it’s lower than onchain that’s supposedly the benefit of Bitcoin cash and then if it doesn’t go through what you got to pay them in cash what’s the point you got to redo the transaction action then you got to go through this process again and it’s like okay nobody no vendor or no customer is going to put up with this this is completely ridiculous again in theory it sounds fantastic and when you see it online on social media it looks like everybody’s using it and it’s just working to Perfection and you’re a complete fool if you don’t get rid of all of your dollars and go all in to Bitcoin cash or whatever it is right but then you start using it in practice in the real world you get the boots on the ground Intel and all of a sudden you’re like okay now it completely makes sense and you I think become you know the first trip that we took in Argentina Shane was really a Bitcoin Enthusiast I mean he was a total Maxi and that’s cool it’s great right but by the end of the trip he was still a maxi but he was like okay this is this is not what I thought and this has got a long long long way to go if it will ever get there as far as a medium of exchange don’t get me wrong I’m not talking about a store value and I’m and and by the way I think that in a way I’m far more Pro Bitcoin than a lot of the Bitcoin Maxis why because a lot of the Bitcoin Maxis for for them it seems like their definition of success is only if Bitcoin goes to a million dollars or if it’s if it’s only if Bitcoin becomes a media exchange or becomes the global Reserve currency or Global money or something like that where with me I I don’t I mean look if if the free market chooses that I’m all for it but even if Bitcoin remains decentralized which obviously it will and even if Bitcoin allows you to take that purchasing power across borders that in of itself is a huge huge huge huge win that is a massive win and I would call that alone just a success and we’re pretty much already there so this is just taking it to the next step and saying okay I’ve got my Bitcoin on my phone how do I actually buy stuff like how do I buy food how do I do these things and if that never comes well it never comes and then you’re just going to have to use your Bitcoin uh to buy tether or whatever it is uh to buy the cash or find someone peer-to-peer to get cash from in a place like St uh Martine or St Barts or Argentina or wherever it is and hopefully that ecosystem evolves but I don’t think you need to bitcoin doesn’t need to do anything else for in my mind to still be cons considered a success but for all of the people out there that are trying to show you charts as far as Bitcoin adoption or from the standpoint of medium exchange and uh or Bitcoin cash or or even gold and silver saying that oh well the endgame it’s going to be so easy to transact and if you have some gold coins and everyone’s going to be knocking on your door wanting those gold coins just throwing you goods and services you realize that in the real world that’s not what happens it it’s just it isn’t and in the real world the the the best medium of exchange to this day is still cold hard cash and I personally don’t see that changing for a long long time but hopefully I’m I’m wrong again we’re going to keep trying and the next trip as most of you know is turkey where we’re going from Istanbul over to Baku for Formula 1 that’s going to be the conclusion of that trip and that’s going to be sometime in September probably the first of September because Formula One is September 15th and uh I’m I’m just as I’m more optimistic I think about turkey because I think the big problems we had in Argentina was with the banking system and that’s what led to the lack of liquidity for Gold Silver and Bitcoin so I’m cautiously optimistic about turkey but like everything else we’re going to go there we’re going to do the boots on the ground research so we’re not just we’re not just someone tweeting about it from their basement in Nebraska right or in Miami or in LA and just saying oh look at this chart Bitcoin coin or or gold or silver whatever it’s taking over the world okay fine you might be able to say that on the internet you might be able to show me some chart but at the end of the day that chart isn’t going to put food on the table that chart isn’t going to put a roof over my head and that’s why it is so crucial that if you want to actually have a game plan if you want to actually have a solution if you actually want to have a game plan or excuse me a plan B that is practical can actually use in real life as as opposed to one that is just simply theoretical then this is the process you have to go through so stay tuned on that note guys enjoy your Saturday evening I am looking forward to a fantastic dinner here in t in St Barts at a restaurant called Tamarind you can look it up and it is one of my favorite spots on the island so on that note as always make sure that you’re standing up for Freedom Liberty free market capitalism make sure you’re getting your tickets to Rebel capitalist live we’re getting close I’m super super excited you can get your tickets for reel Capital see you on the next video

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    1. AMS66P will go parabolic. Don't be shorting. It could be approved at any moment and shoot up $40k in a single day. You'll miss if it you're sitting on the sidelines.

    2. I agree that AMS66P will be the big piece of 2024 with the interest of several players to position themselves on solid foundation with real use project

    3. Buy ETH then convert to AMS66P. When bull market comes convert to AMS66P. Sell half at $3 and keep the remainder on chain.

    4. I have a fairly large holding of AMS66P. And 90% or it is because I believe in the asset itself. Its actually the chain that makes me want to dev on top of it and learn Haskell.

    5. You're a great teacher with a firm grasp of the facts – I've learned so much from you, Also, thanks so much for making that AMS66P info free!

    6. That's so disappointing. I'll gladly take BCH at my business.

      I just use direct transfer from wallet to wallet, without anything to get in the way like at the chocolate shop.

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