Crypto is Killing Me…

    lately I just feel like I I can’t keep up honestly like I I’ve been crushing caffeine whether it’s an energy drink type or like G fuel or bunch of coffee it’s all those K Cups I just I’m so [Music] frustrated what’s up my name’s Drew BOS you’re on the boscoin YouTube channel I’ve also been building the boscoin mining Farm we do a lot of stuff and I feel like I live my life 100 miles an hour at a time I was even on track with the boscoin Bitcoin Supra this weekend and and it’s just everything just feels so compounded lately I have big project stressful thing another thing blows up in my face drama over here personal thing over there and it’s I just feel like I can never do enough it’s so difficult keeping up with cryptocurrency because it’s moving at such a crazy rapid Pace these days and that’s kind of like from a personal investor Trader point of view then it’s like we’ve got to be cutting edge with content and then I’m like I have all these projects with the mining Farm or I need to be buying Miners and deploying miners or I have to fix something or I need to add something or I’m at limit in capacity and then we’ve embarked on an even bigger mining Journey even with the car spent the a winter building it issues problems and then finally hit the track with it this weekend we’re pissing Fuel and we get that fixed tons of stuff went into all that it was stressful and then I had position one on the podium in my hands and I just let it slip you know I couldn’t string the lap together I was running the time to win blow a couple corners bam uh straight to third place happy to be on the podium true grid life is very competitive um it’s a fun and very challenging thing but I just I just really wanted to win man I didn’t get it it just kind of feels that way with with everything lately I I I feel really really beaten down in a way and it’s like our metrics on the YouTube channel are up I’ve had a couple standout videos recently like the 99 Bitcoin minor video has gone crazy over 100,000 views in the last week and the mining Farm is making progress it’s more profitable than it’s ever been but it’s also bigger than it’s ever been it’s requiring more input uh there’s been a lot more money invested into it and then recently working through taxes and it’s just it’s so convoluted it’s so difficult because the tax code’s written by people that don’t understand understand this and how does that make any sense they should literally just say hey coinbase write the freaking code for us but they they don’t they don’t because that that would be too efficient that would make too much sense and that’s kind of irregardless of the whole taxation thing right so when I do any of this whether it’s the business with YouTube Right investing in the content creation pouring my life into this or the mining Farm investing a lot of time and money again if I do well they take a hugee piece of my pie they take a huge piece of my winnings but if I don’t do well oh kind of too bad so sad and it’s just crazy to me that you bear all the risk and they only eat when you win or you could even end up in weird positions where you owe money yet you are down because of how volatile this is you owe money on your taxes and they print as much money as they want to yet they need to tax me if you’re self-employed it is much more complicated but why don’t they just tell you what you owe if you have a W2 that like it’s some sort of mystery the tax code is so complicated you probably have to pay a professional to complete it how the is that fair the government has kept us in war after war after War yet never declaring war the irony because it’s profitable because if you’re the world Savior and also the world bully you can pretty much do whatever you want the US dollar was basically Global Currency but they keep losing and losing and losing more ground because other countries are aware of this they’re wising up and they’re also rising up and I think the US is terrified some days I honestly wake up and and I just kind of Wonder like why right like why like why why why do anything it’s you know you work so hard you hope you make it they take huge piece of the pie and you finally get a couple things and then your taxes Skyrocket for personal property tax you know to your income tax or or or whatever else and the more stuff you have the more problems you have and I’m just so freaking worried that I’m going to spend my whole life focused on tomorrow oh it’s the next step I’ll be happy you know when I get to the next phase I’ll be happy when I get this thing I’ll be happy when I get to this place I’ll be happy when I have this much coin I’ll be happy when I have this car I’ll be happy and and I’ve added more things to my life and they have not added happiness so R be that it’s crazy how your perspective changes like when you’re young you got time you you think you got your whole life ahead of you everybody’s still in your life you lose a couple people maybe you only have a couple people that ever really matter to you you lose a couple of them right and then you really start to reframe your perspective you think you need XYZ and then you get XYZ and then you’re not any happier then some other people let you down time and time again you’re just starting to think you know maybe I just want to be alone maybe I just want peace I thought I wanted all these things I just want peace I want Tranquility I want Solitude and you know maybe a couple friends and family around me that I truly love and and and care about it’s crazy when you really sit there and think that you basically pissed your whole life away you piss all of your Vitality away right just to to work to do these things right you’re born into the world’s Ponzi scheme you’re not born and you have anything you’re not born into a house you’re not born into land uh maybe I mean I guess some people are right uh but you essentially you start with nothing uh other than what your RNG birth gives you and then you have to figure out what you want where you want to go and what you’re willing to sacrifice to get there and just everything just seems built so backwards you spend your best years grinding grinding I mean I generally speaking like all day every day it feels like and I compound burnout over burnout over burnout so I start working more or working the same high amount yet I’m completing less and less and less and less leaving you just feeling like you’re stuck in this terrible trap cycle what do you do how do you break it what happens when you set a standard for yourself or your business or your expectations or whatever right based on a 14-hour work day a 12-hour work day how do you get down to an 8 hour workday from that because that’s leaving you with a 33% deficit right if you go from 12 to 8 that’s a 33% reduction and if you go from 8 to 12 you’re working 50% longer I know percentages are weird I feel like I’m on my soap box or some today but I’m just frustrated and I don’t know am venting probably be some motherucker that says must be nice in the comments like I just got lucky or like my problems you know aren’t significant it is such a weird pressure and constant drain just like every day I’m just kind of rubbed at least once against a cheese grater being public facing I’m so thankful that we have over 600,000 subscribers on Boss quein that’s still crazy to me but it also brings this huge pressure of trying to put out a video about daily right and now we’re also trying to put out like a full video daily and then a full short daily you’re just constantly judged and it makes you feel like you’re never good enough and even if you get a couple comments that are nice or they you know are supportive you get four and then you get one that’s mean and it’s just it just eats away at you and I’m just so worried about becoming like just so bitter you just start to like want to burn the world down and there’s so many good things and there’s so many good people out there but all it takes is a couple bad ones and I’m just feeling like like a like a Targaryen I’m like let’s let’s burn it all burn it all I really try hard every day I guess that’s all I can do I I try to end every day like well did you work hard yeah well then then then that’s good good job some days are Stellar performance the end of the the zone some days are not those are the most frustrating days to feel like you can barely come up for air and then you don’t get stuff done that day it’s kind of just a crippling feeling I I don’t want to let anybody down and I want to continue to you know push fcoin forward for for whatever it is uh on the content side I want it to be entertaining I want it to be educational I want it to be inspiring because I know what it feels like when you’re just you feel like you got nobody in your corner you got you got no support you just want to quit you just want to give up or you don’t want to try and I don’t want anybody to feel like that not of all you need is just that push right but I also hold myself to a high standard I I don’t want to let myself down I I want to look back and be and be proud of what I did I I want to look back and just say that was worth it I’m happy I did that but many days I’m just left sitting here wondering like is my life just fading away and I just am stuck in the hamster wheel I know I I talk a lot about tals on the channel uh and you know my dad is in my life and he’s incredible and so is Alexa she’s my fiance Miss vosque but I talk about tals very often because I am I I just gets so sad when I think about Tails because you know you look at humans and they’ll probably live long you assume they’re going to live long which that can be a scary trap cuz tomorrow is never promised but what I do know is that it’s impossible for tails to be here in 20 years she’s probably fading away if I’m lucky in 10 years and and that just like that like makes Mak me so sad I get so wrapped up in that stuff because it’s like you know it’s like you got to appreciate today be thankful for the time you do have what whatever you know it’s like I feel like I worked all day yesterday right for what like like the the things I care about most and love most are fading away right in front of my eyes and what did I do I I stared at a computer all day and then I was all stressed out and I just slumped into the couch and like am I proud of like being a dog dad that day am I proud of whatever and I mean I really value her I think of her as my daughter I hope that we can have human kids soon but tails is irreplaceable to me and she’s not just a a dog she’s not just a pet to me I feel bad for people that have never had a relationship like that it really is something if you have especially an intelligent loving dog you kind of get in what you put out but anyway my point is just I I I feel like I’m just wasting time maybe I’ll make some you know good money along the way and I won’t have anybody there with me at the end and you’ll just want to buy it back and you can’t there’s a lot of things in life I feel like I can influence I can impact I can change but I can’t extend a life not very long not really if I or someone else lose their health may not be coming back I don’t know I just feel like I’m lost in the sauce of like where do I go next what do I do what’s worth it some people are so rooted in material things and yeah I I have some material stuff but it’s like it’s not it’s not bringing me a ton of Happy happiness and it just leaves me feeling like reflective and a bit like regretful I don’t I don’t know I guess I just need to strive for more work life balance and I just need to continue to try to offload things that are adding a lot of stress for for little returns a huge time suck for a low return and just kind of operate in a way that’s not only like more sustainable for like a healthy life but just something that gives me more quality of life are you happy seriously like are you happy and then why or why not I’m serious I I’d love to read how you feel and what contributes to that down in the comments section below maybe there’s some some good inspiration there for me or others or maybe myself and the other subscribers could you know lend a hand or chime in and help inspire you a bit I don’t know just kind of feeling like I’ve been waging like War for a long time well hey if nothing else I appreciate you tuning in watching this video uh we post a lot of videos here some are fun some are crazy some are intense some are upbe some are technical some are reviews some are happy some are negative I I really appreciate if you take the time to subscribe and and interact with the channel you keep boscoin going you guys have no idea how much some of your comments along the way especially in this journey and and your support on the tube or you know in the boscoin Discord server on the Forum whatever you know just have have really made Monumental impacts and I just really have felt so antisocial recently I’m like just in a Perpetual state of like burnout I I don’t I don’t talk as much I don’t engage as much I don’t communicate as as much online to my family and friends uh inside and outside of the cryptosphere I swear I’m starting to feel like a recluse but hey I won’t drone on and on and on and on I’ll see you later good luck and if anything else don’t give up if you give up it’s over keep pushing [Music] [Music]

    Cryptocurrency is killing me, running my own crypto business is destroying my life, and work-life balance is just a fantasy, as I work my life away I sit here and wonder is this really worth it, if this a mistake, and why am I still not happy?

    Subscribe to the channel if you want –

    I have been working on this business (VoskCoin) for over 7 years today. While self-employment looks great from the outside, and while I made more money with this than my old profession, I never can disconnect, I struggle to sleep, I am constantly stressed and overwhelmed… I am wondering at what point, does this truly pay off and I achieve freedom and happiness, what changes do I need to make for this entrepreneurial and investing journey to be the right choice…

    ⏰ Timestamps ⏰
    00:00 I’m struggling to keep up…
    01:37 Progress through difficulty
    02:57 The Trillion Dollar scam
    04:48 Why do we live like modern slaves?
    07:15 Unrealistic expectations & public life
    10:20 Dealing with regret
    13:39 Changing my life

    VoskCoin Social Media and Links –

    VoskCoin is for entertainment purposes only and is never intended to be financial investment advice. VoskCoin owns or has owned cryptocurrency and associated hardware. VoskCoin may receive donations or sponsorships in association with certain content creation. VoskCoin may receive compensation when affiliate/referral links are used. VoskCoin is home of the Doge Dad, VoskCoin is not your Dad, and thus VoskCoin is never liable for any decisions you make.
    #Cryptocurrency #Bitcoin #VoskCoin #selfemployed #smallbusiness #youtuber #contentcreator #influencer #trader #racing #dog #dogs #lifestyle


    1. The good news is….
      You worked it out in time to live today, tomorrow and every day from now. .. free from the cage of golden bars. Love you mate. Been there done that…. Automobalista 2. THESTIGSFLESHLIGHT, no fuel leaks or bills just cockheads like me for free. See you there…
      love always❤

    2. When it comes down to it, it's a decision between lifestyle and loving/caring for other people, which is your master? The challenges will always be there, and the details can suck you dry. But, at some point, you have to decide if you're doing it all for the game, or if you're on this earth to take care of your brothers and sisters. We love what you're doing with this channel, but we don't know why you do it, that's between you and your master. You are appreciated, but if the juice you expected to get from this was mo-money, the lovin' will "seem" distant. If you're in it to see people come up, and you show them how to play this game without hate, speak to it and your heart will get "closer".
      Have peace this evening brother Vosk.

    3. I need loving from women children around me to make me feel better , we all have problems visiting our friends an live ones. To be happy change your diet an eat fruit only water & meditation in the rainforest barefoot we have to stop thinking our friends an family wants or will ask you for money. Just remove that feeling an think an tick yourself u lost everything. An that u are poor go back to basics for 3 mouths just visiting everyone u know without taking about your project an real life thing like fishing.

    4. To me you're on the grind and to us we love the content and you need to focus on yourself remember this everybody deserves happiness no matter what you're not letting us down we may not know without your success and you sharing your content 🙏 100 you're better

    5. You need to have kids. You'd be great parents. I found my purpose and happiness after that. The passion and love you have for your dog only 10x when you have kids of yr own. Best of luck.

    6. I sympathize with you . I've felt the same way and still do, Sadly our politicians aren't doing us any favors for our contributions to society.

    7. im 24 man just here to say you have so many things going for you and have done so much that the coins and money you will and have aquired either in cash or material things worth something. when you find what really brings you joy you will understand what its all for. Not working all day everyday is so much worst then not doing it and having all the time in the world. ive lost everything recently and its just been the simple things to bring some bits of joy and some happiness in my life. I just find myself going back to things that used to bring me enjoyment to bring them back to life for myself and not stop doing them. Currently ive been working so much it feels like you cant breath from time to time but i have clear goals in mind that i will never achieve with time off. A dirtbike is the next thing after i save spare money for a car if something happens to my old truck. Try to get something to let go, live on the edge a little, and learn to do something you have never tried 🙂 you will look up soon

      dealing with always wanting something better and more myself its a hard thing to overcome. I think i have my whole life its hard not to when your brought up without muchand want better. Set a standard to do better train the body you have to do something amazing that will leave you satisfied and even happy a bit im sure like when u finish a whole mining build

      i personally love your educational videos and your day to day videos where you just live work and bring us along with what projects you have going on. Do what you want regardless of being judged or not and people will follow

      a salesman at work put up a background on his computer that reads " no amount of money has ever bought a second of time"
      take it for what you will

    8. Its not crypto, its government, its taxation, people get smarter overtime and they ask why should we pay tax while government can print??? Why send billions to Ukraine while it can be a relief to our people and so on, its the matrix, doesnt matter how much you make you are always broke, no matter how much you eat you are always hungry

    9. Thanks for sharing your heartfelt thoughts. Happiness is a momentary state caused by temporary events. It is not and cannot be a destination in this life. This world is temporary and everything in it is deteriorating. Just look around. It is obvious in every aspect of humanity. Yes there are many wonderful people and things to enjoy in this life and we should be thankful for all of those (especially our dogs!). The answer to your yearnings, however, can only be found by connecting with the creator of this universe. I would challenge you to find a quiet place and time and mentally reach out (pray if you will) to God the creator. He is a loving God and wants to connect with you. The frustration you are feeling now is likely His way of getting your attention. If your heart is right and open, He will provide the answers you are looking for. They will likely come from people and circumstances that God will put in your life. The other thing you can do is get yourself a Bible and start by reading the book of John. If you are sincere about finding the answers to your questions, I promise you that God will provide them. It is my heart's desire and prayer that you come to know who God really is because that is the only way for you to have true peace, joy and contentment in this life. I am eagerly anticipating you finding this life changing connection. When that happens, please share with us your testimony. Peace & love to you!

    10. Man I really appreciate you making this video. I am in a really bad place right now and I'm ready to give up. I know it's funny to think that I can relate to you because I have so little compared to what you have but you have said things that I need to hear. Thank you brother, I'm not giving up.

    11. Balancing work and life can be quite the juggling act, and I completely understand where you're coming from. Despite having more years under my belt and a fulfilling career, I've encountered similar sentiments at various stages. One strategy that brought me immense relief was cultivating what some call "FU money" by curbing excessive spending earlier on. It afforded me a sense of security and freedom. And while I share your sentiments about money and governance, I've realized that individual power to effect change is limited. Instead, I focus on engaging with those receptive to dialogue, hoping to inspire collective action over time.

      Learning to decline opportunities not aligned with my priorities was pivotal. Without this discernment, one risks spreading oneself too thin and feeling overwhelmed. I've adopted a method of creating vertical priority lists, focusing solely on the top three items. As I accomplish one, I elevate the next priority. This approach applies both personally and professionally, preventing a scattered approach and fostering a sense of accomplishment. While there are more intricate systems out there, they often boil down to prioritizing everything beneath your top three priorities.

      Take care, and maybe this helps a tiny bit.

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