The Next Big Crypto Opportunity is on Telegram (TON)

    this is pav durav the founder of telegram and he’s going to bring crypto to the masses through telegram’s ton blockchain and if you understand what I’m going to show you in this video early buyers will be able to take advantage of gems and opportunities in the tan ecosystem before everyone else but here’s the most important thing you need to understand about tan before diving in it all starts with this man right here durav has successfully grown telegram to 900 million active monthly users which helps solves one of the biggest problems facing blockchains onboarding new users so instead of starting from scratch ton will be able to leverage their 900 million active user base for an easy onboarding process and it’s already starting ton has recently onboarded millions of users and as more apps launch this number is expected to grow and already ton the native token of telegram’s blockchain is currently a top 10 coin by market cap but it has potential to go even higher because of the user base we just mentioned this is why panta Capital One of the biggest funds in crypto recently announced their investment in ton stating We Believe ton has the potential to become one of the largest crypto networks if this plays out like panta thinks there are several opportunities on the table when I first came across T I was a bit skeptical but it wasn’t until more recently when I saw a clip between Pavo durav and Tucker Carlson where I changed my mind and I thought to myself this guy knows a lot about crypto this guy knows what he’s doing most people don’t know this about durav but let me show you this clip so I have a few 100 million dollars in my bank account or in Bitcoin since 10 years ago and uh I don’t do anything with it I don’t own any like real estate Jets or Yachts I don’t think those uh this lifestyle is for me I like to focus on what we are doing uh with telegram you don’t own anything like big assets You Don’t Own no big assets an island in Hawaii or no no no no land no real estate nothing why well because for me my number one priority in life is my freedom this guy is a crypto native he has been here longer than most of you watching including myself he understands the space he understands what users truly want side note I think it’s interesting to see the shift in how the younger generation views money and freedom this 39-year-old billionaire owns no real estate no cars no boats no assets that tie him down he prefers Bitcoin because he values freedom and movement but as great as a leader he is there’s a potential issue facing tons massive growth that you need to know about and that is regulation when we look at Facebook who has even more users than telegram when they wanted to launch their cryptocurrency called Libra Regulators were quick to shut it down because The Regulators realized that if Facebook launched this cryptocurrency Facebook would basically become the biggest bank in the world overnight so in panta tan announcement they mentioned this issue that Facebook had to deal with and they also stated telegram is the only major platform that is free of regulatory hurdles to incorporate web 3 for an open blockchain network now I’m not sure I totally agree with this if telegram is too aggressive and moves to too fast Regulators can certainly step in and slow it down so telegram is going to have to play this carefully in order not to mess up a golden opportunity now let’s talk about the ton token getting your hands on tan is not super easy but this is a good thing this is to your advantage buying when people don’t know how or where to buy and sell it to them when it’s very easy to buy and it’s basically listed on every top tier one exchange listen to this insane fact ton is the only coin in the top 10 cryptocurrencies that is not listed on binance and if you look through it’s not listed on coinbase or Kraken either it is on exchanges such as okx buyit pcoin so if you live outside of the United States these are options if you live inside of the United States you will not find any us exchanges here but it is available on uphold in the US it won’t show over here in coin gecko but if you head over to uphold ton is available for us users now going deeper than just holding ton on a centralized exchange there is an entire ecosystem currently 7133 apps there are currently 65 games in the tan ecosystem there are nft collections there are shopping apps and they even have social apps solving one of the biggest problems facing crypto investors and that is getting a girlfriend so there’s a lot to explore in this ecosystem but in order to interact with the tan ecosystem you will need a wallet the easiest self- custody wallet to use at the moment is ton keeper I’ll leave a link for it down below and creating this wallet is similar to creating a metamask wallet or a phantom wallet you will be given a seed phrase when creating make sure to write that down offline and then you will sendon to that wallet address a quicker way you can do it is using rocket X you can Bridge from basically any blockchain to any blockchain so in this case you can go through these options if you are using something like Bitcoin or ethereum the fees may be high but most of these other blockchains or networks will be cheaper so for example I can select optimism then in the destination address you will choose the blockchain in this case we’re selecting ton and the ton token and then from whichever blockchain you are bridging you will select connect wallet and once you have your quote you will enter the destination address so in this case we’re going to add the ton address if this is the first time you’re using a bridge like this it may be a good idea to test it with a very small amount in order to make sure that you’re doing it correctly I’ll repeat that again if it’s the first time you’re using a bridge it may be a good idea to test it out with a small amount to make sure you’re doing it correctly so once you’re in the ton ecosystem what can you do well the main thing right now we being honest it’s meme coins and low cap coins although there’s likely a lot of non degens that will be coming into the ton ecosystem ton has made it Easy by creating their own inapp wallet without any seed phrases or complexities this is a custodial wallet where they hold the keys so it will be easy for users but I myself prefer a self custody wallet and on top of this easy onboarding process Heather partnered with ton to allow users to send and receive usdt to anyone anywhere around the world but for the moment being it’s meme coins and low caps that people are paying attention to resistance dog is currently the number one meme coin on tan and Ton’s official X account and tons official blog talk about redo from time to time however it’s important to note that resistance dog redo is a small cap coin in the ton ecosystem right now there’s really only two things there is ton a big cap coin and then there are small cap coins there’s really nothing in between at the moment so redo like we mentioned is the number one meme coin right now and as you can see it is very volatile it can swing upwards and downwards 30 40 50% in very short time frames so in dealing with small cap coins I use asymmetric risk meaning I put in the amount of money that I can afford to lose if I lose it I’m okay but if things go well they go really well so what’s considered a small amount is subjective to each individual but have that in mind when entering tokens like this and these coins currently can only be traded on decentralized exchanges they are not on any centralized exchanges at the moment so over here on Deck screener if I select trade redo it will connect me to dust which is one of the top decentralized exchanges on tan but the number one decentralized exchange currently on tan is stfi so if we want to use it we can go ahead and copy the redo address and we’ll head over to stfi swap feature I’ll leave a link for everything down below we will select the receive option enter the address and select resistance dog so your two options for trading right now are stafi and dust with these lower caps risk strategy is super important if you want to make it out alive in crypto you don’t want to lose all of your money on one shot I’d rather have decent information with excellent risk management then excellent information with poor risk management which is why I put so much focus on risk management in my private Community I’ll leave a link for it below if you’d like to join and we’ll start out with a one-on-one call to come up with a custom game plan for you this bull cycle now moving away from meme coins all blockchains need a decentralized exchange ethereum has UNIS swap I and smart chain has pancake Swap and base has aerody Drome so in order to stay updated on the top decentralized exchanges for Tan we’re going to use defi Lama so search for ton select and we’ll see the top decentralized exchanges are the ones we just mentioned stfi and dust and stfi does have its own token you can see that it’s a $30 million market cap this is extremely small because like we said before you have ton which is one of the top 10 cryptocurrencies and then there’s really nothing in between it goes all the way from there down to the small cap coins so if you are participating with these coins practice asymmetric risk and dust has a coin as well although it’s called scale and it currently has a market cap of 111 million and as you can see in the chart coins like this can go up and down 50 60 70% in very short periods one of the keys of picking the right decentralized exchange is consistently checking up on this chart because projects rise and fall stfi and dust may not be the top decentralized exchanges forever so you want to consistently monitor this for example in a previous video I made covering a similar strategy for ax I was talking about how Trader Joe is the top decentralized exchange but you may want to pay attention to who’s rising up so using that information a subscriber of mine bought into Pengalin for a 700% return these are the the early days of the ton blockchain for lower risk there is the ton token itself of course it doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed to make money just like buying Bitcoin is not a guarantee to make money and for those with higher risk tolerance there are small cap coins and for those with no risk tolerance it’s probably a good idea to stay away from crypto [Music]

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    DISCLAIMER: This is NOT financial or legal advice. I am just offering my opinions. I am not responsible for any investment or legal decisions that you choose to make. This description may contain affiliate links for products that I believe in and use personally. If you purchase a product through one of them, I will receive a commission (at no additional cost to you). Thank you for your support.


    1. AMS66P will blow through the roof. I'm a bitcoin maximalist but so many noobs to the scene will see it in the top ten, realise it can be staked without tying it up and that it 'looks cheap' compared to Bitcoin and Ethereum.

    2. AMS66P stands out with its advanced blockchain technology, especially in staking and decentralization surpassing other platforms. It doesn't require a locking period, and its development focuses on peer-reviewed research for comprehensive improvement.

    3. Historically speaking Bitcoin doesnt do much immediately after the halving – but it does do impressive spikes and tops out around 18 or so months afterwards. No one can time the market, but I'd say it's worth considering entering a position at current prices and if further dips occur, just add to your position. Over the long run, there is a higher probability to the upside than the downside, .It's not about guessing the market's next move; it's about playing it smart and steady during trading…managed to grow a nest egg of around 2.4Bitcoin to a decent 18Bitcoin in the space of a few months… I'm especially grateful to Kerrie Farrell, whose deep expertise and traditional trading acumen have been invaluable in this challenging, ever-evolving financial landscape…

    4. This is going to be a different bull market. With AMS66P coming to scene. Ben basing off previous speculative markets. I can see 300,000 next bull run.πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

    5. As usual, great job. Please do a deep dive on AMS66P. I recently invested as I believe in the project, but would love to know even more.

    6. Have you seen the tokenomics of TON? Man, you got to be more honest whe you are promoting coins or do more research. IMO you are leasing retail into abyss.

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