How Aerodrome AMM Fares Alongside Market Trends of Foreclosures, Inflation, and War

    [Music] GM friends thanks for joining defi logic Symposium Sunday every Sunday at 7:00 p.m. mountain time as a member of the defi logic server you can join our call every week and discuss in real time link is in the description below defi logic is the crypto think tank for better decision in today’s Community call will review daily reports covering the impact of foreclosures and Rising interest rates for fa Friday AER drone project and the aerody Data Insights for a weekly dose theme and weekly Market callbacks with Eddie also discussion from GeForce about war inflation and upcoming election what does that mean for the market and let’s get started we’ll bring up o Breezy and pepe for a discussion on the impact of foreclosures and Rising interest rates all right gentlemen over to you hi good evening so where I started off with was pointing out US economy is based on 15 to 18% real estate or 15 to 18% of the economies based on real estate and while foreclosures have actually did annually we are seeing a sharp uptick for the month of February compared to last year and this actually lines up with a lot of government-backed mortgages some of the rules have changed where now there is an additional 60-day extension before before the foreclosure process can be begun so what we’re seeing it seems like foreclosures are starting to uptick and when you look at household debt is starting to Skyrocket it shows that the middle class is starting to feel it and I think as we get closer to election or even after the election we’ll see yeah we’re going to see this start to come to a head there’s been a lot of efforts from politicians that have been putting this on the back burner just like with foreclosures with the extra 60 days utility company in most States now have to give an even another 20-day extension before they can start disconnecting service this is to allow people to reach out to like to Li Li Heap government funds for low-income individuals to help them with the bills so we’re seeing the middle class starting to get squeezed people are feeling uncomfortable about getting into the market I think we’re going to start seeing closer to the election or even shortly after it the impacts of all this yeah 100% I have a little bit of a theory that I was talking about was yesterday too that let’s say that everything’s fine it continues forever rent keeps going up okay food keeps going up here here’s the thing right if you have a like a town or a city that’s like smaller right it’s not like San Diego or New York or Atlanta something like that but I think that these what what I’m about to explain also applies in that regard probably less but I think in smaller areas where maybe you have a smaller town or a smaller City that’s not as you know connected to other places there’s a lot of Industry right behind restaurants and entertainment and you know etc etc breweries blah blah blah blah blah if rent keeps going up food keeps going up and that’s all that people can spend their money on you’re going to see a lot of businesses start to slow down and probably close down right this can’t go on forever even though people in in in my view at least it can’t go on forever there has to be some correction right if that did keep going on the way that it would keep going on it to all these real estate people that are like no man they’re just going to keep buying up the houses and increasing the rent people can only pay so much you know what I mean for rent they can only pay so much for carrots so at a certain point it’s not going to work out there is an argument to be made for that some states some cities are starting to look at paying around $4 to $1,500 per migrant that’s put up in a property so we have big companies come in buy up a bunch of three four bedroom homes and you’re getting $1,400 per that you house in the property there is a huge business model there and keep in mind this is money backed by the government you’re going to get this yeah I mean I feel that but even still that has limitations and that’s going to kill the local economy too because how much money does a migrant really have in that situation to go pay for a few beers and a hot dog and a burger at the local establishment oh no no I’m talking about I’m talking about with h property values no the migrants oh yeah have that money I’m saying the property owner it does incentivize people to own properties you divide up a three-bedroom house you house three people for 1,400 a month you’re looking at what’s that 42,000 or 4,200 a month return on that property yeah for sure but I just overall I don’t see the real estate market being sustainable the way that it is there’s just too many factors all over the place that indicate to me that there needs to be a correction and if they don’t allow that correction to happen the consequences economically are going to be disastrous there’s no other way to put it oh yeah that’s that is the most likely way in my opinion too I was just pointing out devil’s advocate for you for sure for sure but yeah I think that that’s pretty much it on this week’s fa Friday thank you gentlemen over to you TR for our weekly report all right so I’ll go ahead and start the nansen dashboard here uh for aerody Drome and you can see the 24-hour net flows is just barely positive um and a net negative withdrawals and deposit from exchange by almost uh half a mil fully diluted valuation a fairly new token that just launched 8 months ago even though the there wasn’t much price action till looks like about two months prior and if we take a look at some of the buyers from the past week we can see here there was this one label token millionaire and they currently have about $10,000 worth of Arrow and mostly holding stables and an eth and then if we look at a couple other ones let’s see this one here has about $20,000 worth of Arrow and then healthy amount of wrapped eth and then some dgen ethereum and a couple other meme coins and this other one too has about the same makeup some $100,000 worth of Arrow and and then again some dgen usdc eth and or some random meme coins and then if we go check on the balances here we see uh top balances are the aojo finance the voting escrow the multisig and then the various uh token millionaire addresses which a lot of these could be either exchange hot wallets or cold wallets and then we at the distribution here it’s a little bit skewed obviously towards the a drum Finance voting escrow and and then mostly liquidity pools and the multi addresses so we see about 68 almost 69% of all of the tokens are owned by 19% of the addresses and they’ve been holding for 90 days or longer if we look at the top exchanges here we can see majority of it is obviously aerody Drome since they are What’s called the automated Market maker and Bally the central liquidity hub for the entire base chain pretty much the Unis swap of base and uh we can see that also have a good amount on gate IO and uh surprisingly coin bases under them and then bit C coin and then some on Unis swap as well so we see there’s currently 680 billion total tokens on the exchange with the total Supply being almost 69% of the total Supply being on the exchanges and if we look at the Smart money Holdings here we can see currently there’s about 49 smart money holders holding about 1.1 million tokens and if we look at some of the top balances here you see the top one here is labeled Arington on openc and they currently hold about half a mill worth of Arrow and then a little bit of um some other token called friend pet and then looking at this one here we see it’s a smarter LP on Phantom they hold about $280,000 worth of Arrow some dog and that’s about it and then if we look at the actual aerody Drome website so we see there’s uh two options here there’s the swap which is pretty much the token Swap and then the liquidity where uh you can basically deposit into a liquidity pool to hopefully earn some incentives and if we sort here by APR we can see the top one here offering 561 APR which is the amm and wrapped e and WS pool just keep in mind these these uh rates fluctuate like on a daily even hourly basis so just because it’s offering 561 per APR right now doesn’t mean you’re going to be getting that tomorrow or or even later tonight so just be aware of the impermanent loss that you could face on some of these liquidity pools but we can see here aerrow jump currently has $782 million of tvl and the current volume at$ 198 million and they currently have 119 tokens listed so we can actually view the tokens that they have available here and it shows us the price per token and then there’s even an option to list a token if you have your own token that you want to list on base then this would be where you would go to create a new liquidity pool for that token all right and that’s pretty much it for me so if TR wants to go ahead and go over some of the other token info aod Drome itself was created by VR which was of solid which is on the phandom blockchain which is which was inspired by C finance and Olympus Dow yeah it’s like a long chains of blockchain in general some things uh tend to be Forks of one anothers or projects inspired by others but Aerodrome is closely related to V so has a lot of the same features but at the end of the day uh vad Drome is meant to mainly support or support optimism and the growth of optimism chain and her is like uh sloth stated and initially stated um is meant to support the growth of which is uh coin bases uh layer 2 Chain and aerody Drome and takes or at least the features that it takes from Bell drone which took from curve in was the voting escrow that sloth mentioned which is to be able to get even the voting tokens which is B Arrow you have to lock your arrow and the proportion or the amount that you received the V arrow is proportionate to the Locking period I know it did a little depiction it did say something oh yeah uh yeah I don’t know the it looks like this is the as far as the year if you were to have 100 Arrow locked you would get 25 V Arrow I don’t know if this rate is changes but this is their distribution of their voting token as you can you know see four years you pretty much get a complete what’s the word guess you get a for as many arrows you have you would get as many uh voting power as far as the supply of the token Arrow only 40 Supply was I said 40 only 50 million tokens was initially set to be available to the liquid market and then 450 was locked as far as the method that they will be using to unlock 40% was distributed to the holders of B Believers and the voting voters of the V drone platform since AO ER was closely tied to Val drone a drone believed that people that had you know strong or you know that belief in their project that they were stem from would least want to see growth for the on for the new project at least which is aerody drone and how they describe Aerodrome is a business application layer basically the same thing that sloth said the central hub for base but kind of like the fancy word of saying it but as to further explain that the business application layer is not only supposed to be this liquidity Hub but also Foster the growth other what is it other tokens on base and then as far as this you know shows at least what was allocated it was 500 million of the total Supply like I said 400 uh and out of that 450 40% was given to the the their free V holders the so mentioned some of the current distribution as far as the liquid Supply and oh yeah another thing to mention is the the arrow is a actual is actually nft instead of just like a regular basic token but that that’s all really to talk about on the technical side cuz Aerodrome is very new it is separated from B even though it takes a lot of features from B Drome as far as potential growth you got a follow base it’s meant to support base just Unis swap supports ethereum that’s pretty much all I really have to say yeah remember you mentioned in the right up that Vel Drome which is what aerodrum was based off it was like initially a fork of solidly yeah not sure if aerod Drome is associated with that as well but basically what for people who don’t know solidly is basically a deck model it’s basically a way to it was basically a way to create like a say Capital deficient decks and basically it improves upon like the currently existing amm and it uses some features of what we know from the Olympus Dow as far as the the 3 three incentive layer and it builds off of that to make it more Capital efficient and then the going a little off topic here um but then solidly with the new update actually has some some M resistant properties as well so it’ be interesting to know if velodrome and and Aerodrome following the same footsteps yeah they definitely initially took the concepts from there as far as the way they plan on taking a platform they got to wait and see because Aerodrome just launched August 28th the year but this was what I was trying to mention before as far as the initial distribution those we have 50 million air drop to the V which is this is the other 450 million out of the total supply of the entire 500 million and this is the makeup of that other 450 and this is the current liquid Supply which is that 50 but SL touch on some of the history cuz V Drome is a fork of a project Phantom solid Le and as far as the potential for aod Drome you want to keep up with coinbase which do have a lot of capital potential is definitely there you just want to keep uh close an eye obviously if you’re investing perfect thank you so much guys for that write up I’m still reading through the write up which is in the Discord uh so definitely if you want the full write up from sloth and Trill feel free to pop in the Discord they have it posted is there and they’re always around to answer some questions so thank you guys this week if you’re enjoying this video give us that thumbs up and hit the Subscribe button for more crypto trading and overall Market content and with that we’ll pop into some weekly Market callbacks with Eddie all right so most of the stuff I was looking at Tuesday didn’t come back all the way to the pullback zones I wanted besides chain Factory so I figured why not look at this some more since uh it’s actually looking really good it’s exact what you want to see out of a low cap when we first checked this out on Tuesday which I think was this big candle let me double check my dates now it was inside of this candle when we looked at it it’s pretty clear that it was going to sell off right we’re pretty up at the high still and it just looked Toppy and it did top I was unsure if we’d get just this one to hold or the I believe it was like just slowly DCA into this box and then go heavy if you get down here and it barely Ted this one which is like really bullish price action I think this exactly what we want to see out of a low cap coin it’s holding the daily order Block it’s looking super good right now obviously with these low caps you shouldn’t what’s the word you shouldn’t count this level out by any means cuz somebody could just dump their whole bag and send it there so if you do this is still the gift but other than that everything is looking pretty good here so we’ll leave it like that and yeah we check out some more stuff on Tuesday perfect thank you Eddie and I’ll pop into ta Tuesday here in the Discord and now we’ll move over to GeForce and he’ll give us a little discussion on War inflation and upcoming election what does it all mean gForce let us know okay Christine thanks we’re going to uh look at it and War inflation and election I first started the year out with the election and inflation and now that we got Israel and Iran going at each other it’s a little bit more scary the markets are going all over the place and the s&p500 dropped 100 points this past week and it went below the 5,000 level so I did a stock write up on war inflation and election I started the first of the year with the election and then went to inflation because it keeps persisting it’s now sticky according to the feds and all the experts and now we’re at war with Israel and Iran going at each other so what happened this past week the S&P dropped 156 points and it closed below the 5,000 level the drop happened in the three weeks which is pretty pretty quick so I’ll show you the chart here as well you can see that it just had after the double top it just kept dropping down past the 5200 level then we went to the 5100 level and then this week it just tanked with what’s going on between Israel and Iran on uh look at this is that I had this Gap way back here on February 21st and the open on February 22nd that just gapped up and you see how the markets kept climbing and climbing forming the double top way up here at 5253 and I was worried about this Gap like how is this Gap going to get filled in this week last week Friday and Thursday the Gap got filled in this Israel Iran situation has brought the market all the way back down to fill in that Gap so I can now turn this into a purple rectangle and a gap because all these other purple gaps here have been filled in as as you can see so getting back to what’s going on is that we have the Market’s going to get hit with a lot of things and it already has so now we’re looking at gold prices that are out of sight it’s going to pop up above 2400 and I don’t see anything in a conclusion all this I’m trying to find a conclusion all this and I don’t think this year we’re going to have a conclusion even after the presidential election I think there’s going to be major issues back and forth and I know that I I we talked about if the economy is strong is working why why is gold rocketing like crazy if biomics is working so I’ll show you a chart on gold real quick and you can just see how parabolic it is and gold basically tells the story you can see this is March 1st and it’s just a little bit above 20 and it just climbed up now it’s approaching 2400 it will close at 2400 at some point next week or the following so I don’t think I think we’re in for a rough ride for the rest of the market and the rest of the year and there’s only going to be new things that are coming down the pike and as we know Market does not like uncertainty okay I’ll hand it back over to you Christine thank you thank you G force and that’s it for this week as a defi logic server member you’ll discuss Market daily and eight points and trade with other members Astra bit 2.0 is live and our Bitcoin e and Doge strategies are now in beta testing join our server now early members get free server access for life and future discounts on additional products and services see you next Sunday at 7:00 p.m. mountain time GN friends join us next week in Discord for Symposium Sunday at T

    ๐Ÿš€ Welcome to DeFi-Logic’s Symposium Sunday!
    Join us for our engaging discussions every Sunday at 7PM Mountain Time, where we navigate through the evolving landscapes of cryptocurrency and traditional financial markets. FA Friday covers the impact of foreclosures and rising interest rates on the broader economy. We review the weekly theme with Aerodrome’s role in the DeFi landscape and $AERO data insights. Eddie follows up on the previous TA Tuesday Chain Factory technical analysis. Finally, GForce provides an ever-updating analysis for Stock Saturday about how ongoing war, inflation, and election data affect the markets.

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    ๐Ÿ•’ Timestamps:
    00:00 – Introduction to DeFi-Logic’s Symposium Sunday
    01:00 – FA Friday – Impact of foreclosures on markets
    05:13 – Weekly Theme – Aerodrome’s role in DeFi on Base
    15:41 – TA Tuesday Roundup – Technical analysis review of $FACTORY
    16:54 – Stock Saturday – War, inflation, and election impact on markets
    20:07 – Closing Remarks: Join the DeFi-Logic Community

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