My New Mini Silent Miner Earn $40+ PER DAY?!

    so I was all excited thought this thing was going to be pulling a hundred bucks a day a little mini Miner it’s quiet it’s profitable it’s not priced that great Telly today we’re going to be looking at the ALF box the AL box the AL Miner it’s that new little it’s that new little mini Asic minor we got it was supposed to pull 100 bucks a day yeah basically by the time we got that thing plugged then we weren’t even making half that and you know what Tails hey you know what that’s ridiculous that’s whoa so let’s run the numbers what’s the money profitability have we been rugged is this not the best what are you doing but before we jump behind the screen T do you want a treat do you want a treat let’s go let’s [Music] go what are you laughing at these are limited edition Vault 33 glasses yes Alexa is making me return them jeez all right so uh I’m just going to run these for the video for fun uh blue light blockers so we’ve got the AL box it’s been mining it’s been working well let’s go into the miner we will remote into the farm I’m trying to get this Miner to come back on remotely uh this is an ice River ks0 Pro that did have the t-swift overclock on it and it’s dead it it’s dead i’ I’ve been rebooting it switch back to the stock firmware and whatever I’m down one hash Boo and an entire k0o Pro from overclocking currently I’m not not thrilled all right so punched in the IP address for the gold shell Al box it’s already unlocked but let me lock it and show you uh default password 1 through n unlock we can see the performance here it’s working good nice if you type slash debug into these miners you can go into the debug uh area in particular it’s interesting to look at the chips and with the chips we can check out temperature we can also check out the clock we can check out Hardware errors it’s it’s good data and a lot of people don’t know about this uh so anyway we’re back we’re back in the machine we see the up time here of over 8 days now so shouldn’t I have $800 well just like thinking I would look cool wearing these glasses yeah for that and this I was mistaken okay but the but the miner has been running well the performance has been good that’s the most important part here so we have that this is the real world mining performance right now at the time recording this video Alf is trading at uh $27 it’s the 328th biggest cryptocurrency in ranked by coin market cap about $150,000 doing nearly $2 million in daily trading volume it’s up 67% over the last year it’s down 46% from its alltime high that it hit back in February but it is up an insane number from July 3rd of 2023 don’t you wish you got in then I know I do if you don’t know Alf is a scalable proof of work blockchain that’s supposed to be secure for users and decentralized for all proof of less work scalable daps that’s the gist of it check it out if you want to so let’s look at this this was when I got the opportunity to demo a minor directly from gold sh and you see the daily performance is basically 355 ghash a second and you compare that to Mine mine’s performing about as good as that minor if not actually a little bit better look at the insane mining profitability on those test days though I was mining 34 36 44 but that looks like those two days combined with payouts there a little bit the bottom line is I was mining over 30 Alpha coins a day yesterday I mined 8 18 so I’m mining about half as many coins and the coins gone down some in price since then so I’m getting like half as many coins and the coins are worth less it’s no wonder we’re we’re earning less than 50% of what the mining profitability calculators in the hype said we would so I thought this was a really interesting opportunity I got uh so if you check this out this is a screenshot from the same account two different time Stamps though and this is a different Alpha dress and this was another test from gold shell cuz they continued to do their demo mining profitability thing and I was really curious is the demo earning more is like a misleading marketing technique however we look at about 21 24hour paid and we look at this and it’s about 21 24hour paid so it’s it’s right in line it’s realistic it’s it’s a true demo it’s giving accurate mining profitability so whether you love or hate gold show I can say that I was looking for them to be slipping up here and they’re not so so that’s good if this mining thing intrigues you but you don’t want to run your own miners you want someone else to do it for you and how about locking in a 6 Cent per kilowatt hour electricity Rate Check out Roman mining he is a hosting provider and yeah they have miners deployed throughout the world and while I haven’t been on site to these mining Farms yet we did ask for verification including a video with our name printed on a piece of paper shown you can check out here learn more about him with the link out in the video description below we got our Al box from Asic Marketplace and you have to refresh daily cuz prices in cryptocurrency are crazy so see if this changes 126 to 144 126 9949 to 126 a drastic price drop so basically I’m getting a Big Bill from Asic Marketplace uh for this minor uh so pay heavy for that early acquisition you want to have the First YouTube review and all that stuff I hope that this Miner earns more than it’s Al ation cost uh truly uh so we’ll see end of May delivery right so this is a an additional incoming batch so the end of April batch is is come and gone for sale and now it’s the May 15th uh 5th to 15th batch this is the one that’s commonly been talked about so you could get the minor apparently probably maybe over the next week or two for 12.6 or you could get it estimated right remember these are always estimated and if it does doesn’t work out that just sucks for you they like you don’t get compensated normally so there’s a risk right and so let’s say I’m making about 40 bucks a day and we’ll break down exactly how much well you know what let’s break that down right now cuz that’s pretty important right now uh so I mined 21 coins it’s about $ 43.4 this is a device that cost me like 50 cents a day uh to run it it’s hardly anything uh to operate these devices so let’s just say we make 43 bucks a day right and that’s not including any sort of drop in future mining profitability but it’s also not including a pump in the price uh so we’re looking at USD and we’ll run the numbers with that in mind so we got 43 bucks right so we got 43 bucks and let’s just take the whole month of May right it’s 31 days we’ll just do 30 so over the course of a month you would mine $1,290 I don’t don’t know why you would ever buy the closer batch unless you just want more coins but if you really want more coins you should just buy the end of May batch and then put that other that other funding towards grabbing coins on an exchange it’s not Financial advice you do whatever the hell you want to do right but like I I look at this and I’m like well why would I pay a nearly three grand premium if I’m not even going to m 1.5 Grand projected over the next month and if the price doesn’t pump I will mind less than this because there will be more miners coming online so there will be less mining profitability to be had this is a profit projection of $ 12290 I don’t know why people would grab this over like the the gold show Ka box uh for example the gold show Ka box is a Caspa a mini as as6 minor 2189 to 2189 so this thing is making for me right uh it’s mining about 50 coins it’s about $540 this is rough math but let’s just say it’s pulling five bucks a day times 30 so it’s making 150 bucks or I could spend five times that and make about 10x projected on this so if I if I or I could buy five of these and make 750 mining Casa uh it’s just these miners are just really inflated in price right now I mean 150 time 12 I mean I don’t even have a one-year break even on this and over the next year you will mine half as much Caspa as you’re mining today cuz it has essentially annually and it goes down in steps basically uh 112th every month roughly so you know it’s just it’s a lot it’s a it’s it’s a lot of lot of lot of risk a lot of risk in a in a up Market but remember if these coins pump I know it’s down recently but generally speaking we’ve been going up uh zoom out a little bit if you’re getting frustrated if the the other thing is like if Casper pumps like crazy or Al pumps like crazy this won’t be two grand anymore it’ll be five grand or whatever and the owlbox will go to 20 freaking th000 I finally tried tried this exchange it looks like a aim username X eggy x uh I haven’t tested any deposits or anything uh but it’s it’s it’s a weird exchange and when you go to your wallet you have to put in transaction IDs to claim mining income there uh so obviously you should ideally set up a Al wallet uh but I have tested mining my coins to Mexi uh and that that’s worked fine don’t go to trade ogre they are scammers I’ve had my coins I’ve had several thousand dollars of coins stuck in their exchange for how for half a year now uh they’re absolute scammers no response no nothing you’re you’re going to probably be in for a bad time you mess around over there but hey it’s your life it’s your coins so the AL Box by gold shell 180 Watts 360 gigahash a second nearly a silent minor uh you know this little 2 p connections easy to plug in basically anywhere this is a great minor oh my light hasn’t been on you couldn’t even appreciate my sweet Shades that’s why I looked ugly earlier that’s why I wasn’t pulling them off earlier yeah now I got it but yeah for me I mean the AO box is it’s enticing when you look at the daily profitability numbers but there’s so much risk here on a smaller altcoin just unproven mining profitability you know what does the future hold right I mean nobody talks about the having nobody talks about the market cap nobody talks about how many miners can this sustain what’s the network hash rate what’s the daily emission it’s a lot of hype around this device and there’s a big markup so I don’t know man I don’t know when we look at daily mission it’s still putting out about 1.7 BTC that’s a lot of money in in in Daily coins mind punching in over here and we continue to miss emission data uh we see that DX pool wants to be a major mining pool here they are getting a lot of hash rate with these uh AO boxes this is probably where most of them are parked a humo has more hash and then uh hero miners has even more hash the really interesting thing is when you go back in this little hash rate chart mining pool stats is so close to having such a cool website and Tool but they need they it’s been the same for a long time and missing things like emission data on like the T of the Town coin right now it’s just not good enough right but we go back even just seven days ah come on we go back seven days and DX pool is sitting at like 26 trash a second it’s basically doubled in the last week here’s what’s even crazier though is that the coin’s gone from like 500 460 hash to 650 which there’s only been 25 ter additional that’s come on here look at these hash rate jumps it is nuts if you go back into uh you know November of last year we’ll call it 100 terahash on on the whole network and then now today 833 it’s become eight times more difficult more than to mine the same amount of coins so this is the scoop I don’t regret one getting one into review check it out I hope that it works out longterm uh but you know I don’t know if I’m just getting too risk adverse as a age but it’s just it’s just it’s it’s a risky one it’s always you do whatever you want to do here’s the data here’s the scoop you know here’s my everything I have my two cents on it you do whatever you want to do obviously uh we got this through Asic Marketplace I referenced that you can use our link and coupon code down below to save some coin there also put a couple other alternative buying options in there as well as always though please support the channel by using our links punching our codes in and if there’s somewhere I in link that you do want to buy from I would really appreciate if You’ shoot me a message and say you want to buy there do you have a link or code or something because I absolutely May and uh I’d love to support you with our codes helping you save some coin and it really supports the Channel with affiliate revenue and things like that the other thing that’s really supportive is if you subscribe and hit the thumbs up I’d love to also hear a comment from you down below what are your thoughts on the a box or even more importantly what are your thoughts on me in these sweet stunner shades I’ll see you later I didn’t forget 10 seconds Tails but wait wasn’t she in the intro we’re doing it more who cares we’re doing more [Music] [Music]

    My New Mini Silent Miner for Home Mining Really Earns $40+ PER DAY?! in passive income mining a lucrative cryptocurrency, Alephium ALPH, and this miner is the Goldshell AL Box. This little mining rig is great for mining at home, profitable, small, quiet, and low heat but what’s the catch, maybe the price?! You can buy AL Box miners here –

    Host mining rigs with 6c per kWh electric rates!
    Buy or SELL your ALPH here –
    You can buy ASIC miners here –
    use code voskcoin to save
    Have you subscribed to VoskCoin YouTube yet??
    CMC also sells AL Boxes
    Mine Shop also sells AL Boxes –

    ⏰ Timestamps ⏰
    00:00 This quiet miner makes $40+ a day
    01:39 My Iceriver KS0 Pro broke
    02:02 Goldshell AL Box performance
    03:11 Alephium price details
    03:51 Goldshell AL Box profitability demo vs reality
    06:19 Goldshell AL Box pricing
    07:36 Goldshell AL Box ROI
    10:52 How to buy and store Alephium
    11:40 Is Goldshell AL Box worth the investment?
    12:43 Alephium mining ecosystem stats

    VoskCoin links –
    Goldshell official website –

    VoskCoin is for entertainment purposes only and is never intended to be financial investment advice. VoskCoin owns or has owned cryptocurrency and associated hardware. VoskCoin may receive donations or sponsorships in association with certain content creation. VoskCoin may receive compensation when affiliate/referral links are used. VoskCoin is home of the Doge Dad, VoskCoin is not your Dad, and thus VoskCoin is never liable for any decisions you make.
    #Cryptocurrency #Bitcoin #VoskCoin #Siacoin #Bitmain #iBeLink #Sia #CryptoMining #passiveincome


    1. It looks like Tails had heard enough at 0:40 She's out of here! LOL
      As for those shades… It might just be my crazy head, but I keep getting flashbacks to an old Sony commercial of the girl with the square eyeballs. LOL (the reflections were a little distracting for me – I always try to look down slightly to reduce reflections in pictures myself, but then I'm not in videos and with the screens in front of you it might actually pay to look slightly up instead of down in this instance.)
      Anyways, another great vid from the Vosk team. Thanks guys.

    2. Q – is every crypto coin Halfing ? (because of Bitcoin?) – yet prices of Crypto's are/have gone up . . Q – do you know how many Crypto currency's are out there vos ? Whats staying . . and whats going / being erased . . . (we all want Low wattage, High profits, from new Crypto's) so whats the sco'op on Crypto's that are gonna stay . . ? v expensive miners that will flop, your the Man that can {i dig the 70's vibe shades} stay Cool . . .

    3. I’m trying to start getting into ASICs but I don’t really have that much support for the bigger ones so this would definitely be a good way to start my opinion😊

    4. I think bitmain is secretly mining a crap ton just before they get ready to release an asic for Alph.. Also the shades are fire bro… Seriously.

    5. Alephium profitability is down because of that massive FPGA farm that turned on in the last few weeks and killed the GPU mining.

    6. VoskCoin's videos are a treasure trove of invaluable insights and wisdom! His multifaceted expertise in tax, legal, and wealth management makes him a go-to resource for navigating the complexities of personal and small business finance. Evelyn's engaging delivery and practical advice have significantly enhanced my understanding of wealth-building strategies

    7. Hey vosk would love a video on selling mined coins to the us dollar. Dont want to get screwed but need to sell some coins to pay utilities

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