Top 5 ALTCOINS I’m Buying During The Dip! [ Easy Money ]

    we got a day in the green finally in the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency markets ladies and gentlemen today we’re going to talk about is it time to go all in and I’m going to give you a spectrum across the range from Blue Chips to the literally the most disgustingly dirty D gen play I have probably made all year that you should definitely not follow me into but I just thought it was hilarious so I’m going to share that with you guys at the end here and without further Ado guys if you’re excited for this video make sure do us a favor and destroy that like button if you’re new to the channel what’s up my name is Kyle chass and I’m here to bring you all the alpha that you need to to absolutely crush it in this upcoming bull run without further Ado let’s get into it and I heard my glass so I just try to fix them they were actually like tilted so if they you know and some general housekeeping real quick before we get into it um those of you guys who have emailed with value ads to be in the vvip group that actually adds value we hear you I I see the messages uh we’re getting to them just need some organization internally and that uh expects some responses in the next day or two so anyway let’s dive into it so uh look at the Baner bubbles over here guys and this is the top 100 looking pretty good compared to US dollar values just keep that in mind as we go throughout the show here um and really this chart like I said before this line that I drew before that was previously support is now seems to be acting as resistance we it’s right up right about that that $60,000 Mark just a little bit below that and uh I do expect that once we like no matter what time frame you look at you know we’re still looking at bouncing off of here um when we get a nice clean break on like the daily above this line uh then I’m going to be a bit more bullish for now this could be another fake out in fact we had a massive outflow of ETFs yesterday we’ll talk about that in a second but this is nice to see that the fear and greed index is coming into fear right now which is exactly where you want to be remember you want to you want to be greedy when others are fearful and you want to be fearful when others are greedy remember the words of the wise my friend and uh and so now is a time to start thinking about how to be a little bit greedy what do we want to buy what do we want to go into now apparently the the the Wall Street is not used to this volatility and they are now doing the opposite of what we should be doing those of us who know better um so yesterday was the largest outflow of us ETFs in its Bitcoin ETF history a $564 million outflow huge and grayscale gray scale had $167 million outflow another big day and then for the first day ever grayscale’s ibit reported 36.9 3 millions of outflow big red candle not really good to see however it’s kind of strange that with that much outward uh that much sell pressure or net outflows we still see Green Day so like maybe these well not maybe but likely the people who are now buying the ETFs aren’t the kind of uh because if you wanted to buy Bitcoin this whole time you could have right so those who understand the market probably aren’t using ETFs and so you see ETFs over here paper handing it as this first day of net outflows as we talked about before but even more news about the first day in uh in Hong Kong there was actually more than reported the last two days for total of $292 million in the first day uh which is pretty tremendous so the market should be open there in a few hours uh in Hong Kong and uh be very interesting to see what happens here when the Market opens today as they were closed yesterday to see what kind of inflows and volume we can see from Hong Kong probably going to be bullish and you know who else has been buying up the dip you know Mr 100 that we talk about a lot he uh we should just start calling him Mr 3100 because uh yesterday bought up 3,100 Bitcoin which is 6 times more than the daily mined 450 Bitcoin B from this one purchaser alone who is it I don’t know it’s probably a nation state right like it’s just a a massive amount of of Bitcoin that bought smash buying 182 million of Bitcoin spread across 21 different buys at midnight last night insane like I mean if I had billions of dollars a Fiat I would also be doing the same thing a long time ago but this report came out from Vanek and uh what’s you know the most interesting it shows you how well let me just read this to you so Bitcoin interest among institutional investors has also increased hedge funds Asset Management firms and endowments are increasingly recognizing bitcoin’s potential as a store of value and as an effective portfolio diversifier specifically when we look through the lens of uncorrelated asset that has potential to hedge against inflation approximately 175 billion worth of bitcoin are now held by ETFs countries public and private companies you can see the breakdown here these are just this is just what’s reported we don’t know right what other countries might be holding public companies in the United States uh they have to disclose private companies I don’t know if they have to disclose or not ETFs are obviously trans arent we know that but there’s a lot of other interesting if you just go to vanac and look at their blogs you can see this entire report on bitcoin and the whole uh crypto Market overall here historically Bitcoin and the crypto markets have been quite correlated to stock markets and they’re just saying that we’re starting to see like uh an uncorrelated um you know which is nice right you want you want crypto to be kind of independent of the stock market right and you want people to kind of be valuing it on independently from stocks and this is just crazy to that to show if you’re someone who’s money is being managed by VC if you show them this this is like so typically what these Brokers or asset managers suggest is like this 60/40 split right we’ve talked about this before in the show 60% equities 40% bonds very conservative very boring look it’s the worst performer of all of them and then the other ones the other lines are when you add a little bit of Bitcoin to your portfolio like this one here is 05% this one’s 1% and this one’s 3% imagine if you had five or 10% it’ be way up here and so this this data is very helpful for you know their sales um and you can see out of the last 11 years Bitcoin has been the top performing of eight of those 11 years crazy to think that I was in Bitcoin before this chart even starts but um yeah I’ve been through all of these years pretty wild pretty wild and black rock says that the largest players yet have still to come in um Black Rock sees Sovereign wealth funds pension plans coming into Bitcoin and a quote from Black Rock Says many of these interested uh firms whether we’re talking about pensions endowments Sovereign wealth funds insurers other asset managers family offices are having ongoing diligence and research conversations with black rock so these are the big big money funds right these are not the high netw worth individuals these are the guys you know that are managing like entire country’s uh you know retirement plans and they’re like they’re very long-term focused right 20 years 30 years these are not paper hands these are people who are going to look to to buy add to the portfolio diversify and hold for a very long time this is still the biggest money as yet to come but it looks like you know some of them are on the verge of actually making that move and Chad Michael sailor he made the statement back in February that he was going to be focusing on because because after all micro strategy is a software development company they were going to start focusing their attention on how to build on bitcoin and yesterday there was this announcement micro Strat um actually building a digital identity platform on bitcoin layer one so it looks like when Michael sailor kind of capped out how much Bitcoin he can buy what else do you do you go build a business on bitcoin that allows you to earn more Bitcoin from your Revenue sky is laser eyed on like brilliant on accumulating Bitcoin I think we all need to take a little bit of that right I mean he’s a complete Maxi um because he’s also rich and a public company he needs to be but but I also Echo the sentiment that Bitcoin is the keying asset and everyone should have a good amount in their portfolio as I was saying before yesterday guys now is a perfect time to be choosing carefully and curating a portfolio that has quality coins time to clean up and choose the winners if you want Max gains to the cycle if you guys aren’t following me on X make sure you go do that at Kyle Shas uh yeah 2200.2 followers now so thanks thanks you guys who are following over there and uh getting value uh smash a like if you haven’t already if you’re finding value let’s review how money flows through the crypto market so Bitcoin tends to always lead a rally into a bow but then you start to see money flowing into ethereum and then after that stage you go to large caps and then smaller caps and then you go into basically Al parabolic alt season and so we want to kind of mimic that right and there’s there’s always anomalies and outliers every single Market cycle like for example this one has been memes and AI but you see a lot of the high quality mid and small caps haven’t been uh exploding nearly as much as you know as like against Bitcoin ethereum and the anomalies memes and and uh and and AI so that’s typically we want to follow now the picture is a little bit different when you look at things compared to bitcoin so this chart over this is over here is compared to dollars right US dollars but when you compare uh the gains compared to bitcoin you see it’s doesn’t look as good so not so much things are outperforming Bitcoin uh some of the calls that we talked about yesterday are doing quite well like dot for example it’s good to see that whff always uh always my the hats is still on the dog and if you go over here the to this AI uh portal I use called Kito you can see that if we look at narrative mind share it’s basically Bitcoin ethereum salana and Then followed by a bunch of ethereum layer twos that being said you know and this is uh dbridge shows us where money is Flowing it’s basically back and forth from salana eth to base and a little bit to arbitrum but mostly that’s where most of the money is Flowing so let’s focus on those ecosystems Bitcoin this is the max chart and you can just see it’s it’s a bullish chart always right and this is like you you just know that bitcoin’s always going to be around and even though we’re we’re on the path to a parabolic crypto market and obviously the best gains will be made in in the lower cap altcoins Bitcoin is what you always want to take profits into and you always want so you know always be accumulating even if it’s like 0.00001 Bitcoin or you know some a few thousand Satoshi or whatever accumulate Bitcoin like it just do whatever you can now while it’s still under $60,000 and the grand scheme of things guys this is going to be a multi-million dollar asset per coin and uh I mean I’m very confident in that so do what you can I think everyone watching this if you can make it a a goal in your life to at least get a quarter of a Bitcoin like that should be everybody’s base case goal and if you’re watching this channel then you should probably be capable at least within the next six to 12 months of accumulating a whole Bitcoin for sure um so I would love to see all of you guys at least have one Bitcoin because then you would be in the top one % of of Bitcoin holders in the world and you will become the 1% essentially because other all other Fiat currencies are crumbling and uh and Bitcoin will will not only retain purchasing power but becomes far superior to every other fiat currency on the planet as you can see ethereum is still the dominant smart contract platform I mean it holds the majority of tvl Leaps and Bounds like like exponentially more than everyone else combined so ethereum if you this chart right here is a Bitcoin eth to bitcoin coin chart and you can see that when you come into uh when you come into either a a pullback like a like the a bare Market starting bam eth drops dramatically compared to bitcoin but when you start to see the bull cycle like maybe we’re somewhere like here or something like that right here right now like over here and it’s LED B ethereum dominance starts to gain on bitcoin and this is when of course eth leads altcoin season so could we be seeing the next leg up here maybe maybe not could be coming back down but I do think that as we come into altcoin season you know probably I don’t know when that’s going to be one month three months from now whatever but it’s coming um ethereum still has been underperforming compared to bitcoin the entire entire year as you can see here I mean longer than a year right and so I expect this to start ticking up here pretty soon I think ethereum is a really good play now this is is kind of the the more conservative spectrum of for those of you guys who watch this channel right some of you aren’t looking to be super degenerate you just want good advice on on how to outperform the stock market outperform you know what to do with your dollars that you have laying around and of course Bitcoin ethereum are going to be good place ethereum also has this exploding layer 2 ecosystem layer 3 e ecosystem that all ends up bringing value back to the eth base the eth main chain and ends up taking eth for gas and burning ethereum and ethereum becomes a deflationary currency and that’s what you want to look for base uh the base chain which we expect to have an airdrop relatively soon is exploding like 50,000 new wallets a day everything all the charts are straight up and as you guys know watch this Commonwealth will be launching on base as well and now they’ve been making the upgrades to the base wallet I don’t think this is the the the smart wallet that they’re going to be releasing but now you can start to see the trending you can see here on the thumbnail you got Brett here uh just the top coins trending on base in the coinbase wallet so uh base is definitely ecosystem that you want to pay attention to and right now that base uses ethereum for gas salana always a good bet like it’s you know especially with fire dancer coming out soon and its ability to scale it is uh you know sitting right now at a $60 million fdv but it’s also 47% below last season’s all-time highs which was you know over two years ago and I expect this thing to to at least go to 2 3 4X it’s old alltime highs probably 3 or 4X so you still have another like if you’re more on the conservative side but you want more like a little bit more risk and reward compared to bitcoin ethereum salana right now I think is perfect for that uh it’s it’s a like you know you could expect easily like a a six to 6 to 10x from here n 10 pushing you know 6 8X from here realistically um I think conser no problem I think that’s where it’s headed so like I said there’s anomalies and in the past 24 hours memes have been popping up again it’s it’s interesting to see that I think a lot of people maybe speculated that with this correction would kind of be the end of the shitcoin casino but uh it clearly is not as they were one of the quickest to bounce what I don’t like about coin gecko right now is it’s missing some of my favorite memes like Pepe coin like tuker light gummy Uh they’re just not here so it doesn’t really give you a good outlook but I did tell you yesterday Bowden uh was something that I would have been picking up and I still think it’s a pretty good deal as I think this thing as it gets closer to elections and bodden is making more appearances and becoming more memeable just from him being alive still will be funny and uh it will get more attention and I think that’s going to Skyrocket salana is also now being able to be traded and integrated into the coinbase wallet so it’s also going to be kind of this onboarding chain as well so very very bullish on both Bas and salana telegram ton uh we’ve talked about this before it just it see this seems like so under discussed and so obvious with 900 million users creeping toward a billion users and they’re all going to have you know you already have if you have telegram you already have your your your wallet if you just push a button and a wallets created for you and it’s so easy to send send currency to anyone for basically free on the ton blockchain and I think that this is it is still right now 33% below all-time highs and it really never had its chance to pop off in a bull market so who knows how high this could go but ton could easily become the most used blockchain for transactions for volume for just think about how convenient that is to be able to send crypto to anybody that you have on your telegram contacts without having to think about what their wallet address is just tap their name send them something thing they get it that fast and they you can now you can have native uh daps native games in telegram you bypass the iOS and and uh Google App Store and uh this thing I think just has so much potential and as you can see one of the largest and most OG crypto uh VC funds panta recently made an investment into ton blockchain and Paul over here from panta wrote up a big uh thesis on ton I suggest you guys go read that you can follow Paul here at this one ver uh from panta and then check out his or you just go to uh ver and then his blogs are always there they’re always pretty informative Phantom we’ve talked about before it’s uh it’s you know there’s a lot to be bullish there it still has a really um you know still 80% down below its old all-time highs which I think it will reclaim and uh there’s a lot of things to be bullish about Phantom like this uh Sonic uh upgrade that we’ve talked about before and so I think you know starting to DCA into these things that we’ve talked about before so far have gone from the least risky the the least risk reward to getting now to a little bit more uh risk a little bit more reward and um and sui is very interesting I hear a lot of chatter uh behind you know from the The In Crowd the the kind of behind the scenes people that that know a lot I think sui is is a really good reason to be bullish but if you’re watching this be very careful because on the 3 is it the third if you go here to crypto Rank and you look at different projects you can find their vesting schedules often times and what you notice here is on May starts to unlock a lot of tokens here and if we look down here on the schedule you can see that on the 4th so tomorrow not today but tomorrow $94 million or 8% of the supply gets unlocked to early contributors and investors and uh the Miss Labs Treasury and the community reserves and you know all the stuff so what I would be doing is looking at because I I am bullish on sui but I would think I would look for a big dip or set some buy orders right now maybe you can get sui at 80 cents you know set buy orders all the way from 7 cents to like you know 90 cents and just set them there and see if if all the VCS sell off and you can might maybe buy this on a nice dip it’s um you know I think that it’s still 50% below all-time highs and you have a good chance in the next 24 hours to be able to get this thing uh much cheaper than it is right now on one of these maybe Wicks down when these VCS unload potentially it could not happen too but hey I mean that’s something to be aware of definitely do not buy it before this uh unlock event happens for sure and if you want more information about what Sue is like Maui’s did a great report here on sui all the reasons to be bullish uh there’s a lot of lot of reasons to be bullish on sui um you can go to Missouri and read this state of suie Q3 2023 and q1 2024 and here comes are you ready for this so I’ll show you the chart first and a full trans this is the one one minute chart so you guys can see like I I bought this thing very recently let’s go like five minutes or whatever and you can see here yeah where I bought here and then I bought here and then it’s gone up a bit since then this is called um Trader and uh the name of the ticker the name of the token is actually chill guys I’m not a scammer and it’s at a 1.6 million dollar FDB right now so very low cap guys this is super super degenerate and like very likely to go to zero and the fact that he says he’s oh 1.9 million now the fact that he says he’s not a scammer he could be very well be a scammer but the one thing that’s interesting is that he is 247 live streaming his life he’s a Dev a Korean Dev eating his kimchi and fried chicken and live streaming all of this and this is the website for it I just I just think if I if I laugh when I go to a beam coin website I I I should probably buy something so I didn’t buy a lot in it right like a few thousand dollars but um but I I entered right like 1 point I don’t know 1.1 1.2 million or something like that um and he this says they started on pump. fun which we talked about before this is the dude and and if you go to the telegram uh you can just go to in the telegram and at the top he’s live streaming 24 hours a day so right now like I was just watching him sleep um so let’s see let me let so uh which what should I do let let me let me show you this first and then uh so why why Trader coin so special he goes pure Dev he is a he’s a developer who values and loves the community live stream he’s always has a live stream broadcast even bedtime broadcast uh and he’s he’s handsome his confidence is too manly even handsome um why choose Trader Dev he has invested his life in this coin launch and he will continue to do so okay strong Community we are a community that has always been together at Hard Times en Joys and strong support growing MIM me token meme token uh increasing number of stickers and gifts and then this is hilarious so um make smile our goal her goal our goal is to make us smile okay you done that for me like 10 times already include binance sex listing uh this easy picture and then make him gay I don’t know where this came from but it’s this just offthe wall random hilarious Dev doesn’t Chase small profit Dev said now money is not important for me important thing is our community I guess that could be looked at as a couple different ways there and then he has this kind of like Ian musk Donald Trump Socrates um I don’t know I just thought it was funny right I just thought it was funny so so I just clicked the thing I went to the telegram and then here and then uh you go into his Telegram and at the top here the video chat and you can just join it we’re going to cause a whole shake up in the C in the in the around the world matter of fact and this will actually bring in a lot of retail into crypto yeah so I’m yeah I’m impressed I agree but anyway that’s uh that’s that so guys anyway that’s gon to wrap it up today I hope that you were entertained I hope that you enjoyed I will catch you guys tomorrow see you later

    Bitcoin BTC is finally green! Is this the start of the Crypto bull run? We’ll share the top altcoins to invest in right now that have the potential for high returns. Stay updated on the latest cryptocurrency news and find out which altcoins are worth investing in!
    We explore the recent market surge, analyze if it’s a true breakout or just a bull trap, and discuss the impact of massive ETF outflows. Discover how institutions like BlackRock are eyeing Bitcoin, and why some investors are going ALL IN. Plus, learn about the potential of Ethereum, Solana, and the rising popularity of meme coins! $TOOKER $PepeCoin $Gummy
    Best low market cap Cryptocurrency! TOP ALTCOINS TO BUY RIGHT NOW.

    00:00 – Bitcoin and crypto market overview.
    00:51 – Housekeeping information regarding VIP group.
    01:14 – Analysis of the top 100 cryptocurrencies and market sentiment.
    02:00 – Discussion of significant outflows from crypto ETFs and Grayscale investments.
    02:28 – Analysis of Bitcoin accumulation by large investors, specifically “Mr. 3100”.
    03:41 – Report on institutional investor interest in Bitcoin from VanEck.
    05:35 – BlackRock’s perspective on sovereign wealth funds and pension plans entering the Bitcoin market.
    07:33 – MicroStrategy’s development of a digital identity platform on the Bitcoin blockchain.
    09:33 – Advice on portfolio diversification and selecting quality coins.
    10:05 – Explanation of money flow through the crypto market, starting with Bitcoin and Ethereum.
    11:49 – Analysis of Bitcoin as a long-term investment.
    13:27 – Discussion of Ethereum’s dominance and potential for growth compared to Bitcoin.
    15:29 – Overview of the Base ecosystem and its growth.
    16:08 – Analysis of Solana and its potential for growth, especially with the upcoming Firedancer upgrade.
    18:09 – Discussion of Telegram’s TON blockchain and its potential for mainstream adoption.
    19:58 – Brief mention of Fantom and its potential for recovery.
    20:32 – Analysis of Sui and the upcoming token unlock event.
    22:26 – Introduction of Trader coin (Chill guys, I am not a scammer) and its unique characteristics. $Trader
    23:57 – Demonstration of $Trader coin’s live stream and Telegram group.
    26:43 – Conclusion and closing remarks.

    #bitcoin #crypto #altcoins #bullrun #ethereum #solana

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    1. Watching the crypto market's ups and downs shows how quickly things can change. In crypto, strategic, informed trading isn't a choice; it's a must. Remember, caution is as crucial as ambition here. This dedication to continuous learning is inspiring…managed to grow a nest egg of around 1.2Biitcoin to a decent 11.4Biitcoin… I'm especially grateful to Kerrie Farrell, whose deep expertise and traditional trading acumen have been invaluable in this challenging, ever-evolving financial landscape…

    2. You talk about link almost daily on X but don’t even mention it here. You do 30 min videos on Basedai or Pepecoin but no mention. This came off as a low quality video to promote trader coin, like that was the whole intent of the video

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