hey guys welcome back to the moon show they are selling Bitcoin but not to worry Carl is going to show some ta and we have a guest who’s going to come in and talk about Al coins how about that Carl how you doing today I’m great how are you I’m doing great thank you we survive another rain in Dubai guys we made it very good we made it okay so um first I want to update you guys on my short position here over on bitflex which is right now um in $7,000 in profit we made $77,000 since yeah last week basically on this downtrend because of our short position and this is just another uh proof that you can make money when Bitcoin is going down so start by Smashing the like button if you leave a like that will help out a lot would be nice to smash 100 likes um now in the beginning of the stream but uh but yeah so this is the the short position as you can see right here these are the profits 180% in profits absolutely beautiful now if we zoom in on the the recent price action here we can see that Bitcoin might potentially be forming potentially a bare flag here if we do see this bare flag then that could of course make Bitcoin uh fall down even further so what we can do here is we do like this and I put this down like that and that will give us a target of $51,000 which is actually quite close to uh where we’ve been talking about before that Bitcoin could go down um 51 does actually have a a very very solid um support level right down there uh you can even make a little bit of a box out of that let’s see here it looks like we want to go down right andry R Trace those yeah I really think we’re going to come down to these levels so uh $52,000 approximately so you could expect $552,000 within the next like maybe 7 days or something I think that’s quite likely uh and then our short positions will be in massive profits so yeah this is over on bitflex link down below to bitflex by the way if you use our links down below you get up to $ 68,800 in rewards and also massive shout out to buybit which is also a place where you can short and long Bitcoin uh you get $50,000 on buybit right now by the way and when you’ve made all your money on bitflex and buybit you want to take it out to Fiat use K app link down below look how I combined all of them so I love it perfect amazing yeah um yeah those are the partners of the stream so big shout out and um but this is a little bit scary isn’t it do you think we’re going to go down to 52k I think it’s possible I mean I have a question for you so if someone has not open a trade like you suggested and they missed the short that’s why you guys want to watch a live stream because Carl did a live trade with that short what would you tell them is it too late to jump in well if you want to make a short position when Bitcoin breaks the bare flag you could actually um just make sure that we see a a a clear break down here with some volume as we break down but yeah um if you look at this I mean this is a pretty obvious bare flag to me and then we break down here you short and then we come down here and here you can take profits on that short if you want so yeah uh it’s not too late but wait for confirmation of the breakdown um and create your your your trading account on bitflex and bybit um so that you can take advantage of that if it happens yeah that makes sense uh Diego saying the screen is blurry okay interesting uh it might be a connection thing um let me know guys if you can see the screen all right if not I will do some magic and maybe oh that’s a good test yeah the screen is very blurry it might be a connection thing let me try to rep it and go from here to here and see guys the more that you smash the like button the less the screen will lag yeah exactly it might be a connection yeah so that’s what you have to do right now guys just smash the like button and everything should be fine everything is going to be right do you also see these camera blurry yeah okay that’s interesting H might be well while you fix that you can jump up the chat I’ll talk to you guys chatty so queen says it’s blurry which is uh which is true that is true uh Bangkok bird says DCA bought by Bitcoin everyday Auto yes that is a excellent suggestion Dano Krypto says it’s not lagging it’s just blurry we’re fixing it okay queen says I need to see Carl in 5K well Queen if you come over to Dubai I’ll show you 5K um sko says I smashed already 10 times the like button thank you Bangkok bird says I can see it in 4k is that well maybe you have a super computer then Bangkok bird um do we have any questions guys if you have questions would be the best uh interesting I think it might be a bug of the software we using because everything is in order Sam says that our camera needs glasses that’s a funny one by the way guys we are almost done with a new studio so hopefully you will appreciate it you will appreciate all the work we are doing there yep yep yep yeah I 007 neev says hello from South Africa Carl well hello to you um Noob gamer says W pattern maybe we can take a look at that crypto CR asks why are you selling I’m not selling my Bitcoin right now but I am shorting Bitcoin on bitflex that is a big difference but that is that is what I did yes I like than says unplug it unplug it back in that usually that usually is the way that usually works so yeah if the screen is blurry guys just smash the like button and we shall solve it any minute now yeah I don’t think there’s anything we can do sadly um unless the I mean one way will be to end and reopen the stream which it’s probably not the best idea because we’re going to lose all the views and everything so I think we’ll need to run with it and hopefully the software is going to sort out itself is it maybe something with YouTube maybe something with YouTube yeah because I’ve just check in the Stream is everything is said correct so there is not much we can do here I mean let’s try this and rebot this thing and see what happens okay BR TV says change bit rate bit rate on a streaming program yeah we just got a message saying our internet connection is is not powerful enough so probably that’s where the problem comes from which is interesting because we are wired in so H let me try again this strange but we have very nice comments guys I’m looking here uh yeah let’s see see stream has been automatically lowered because internet connection is not fast enough H so there there maybe there’s a problem with the internet connection I think that’s the only reasonable explanation I’ve got what can we do about that suo says do a speed test let’s do a speed test let’s do a speed test that that’s a great suggestion um and we have um md1 says somebody didn’t pay the bill well I guess so Joe Buller says Mac Wi-Fi you guys are very creative in the comments today let’s go we’re doing a eat some juice but so it looks like we have next next okay so it’s definitely the platform I mean I guess I don’t know the ice cream mango says it’s not that bad just continue you know what let’s just continue with the news and uh you guys we’ll be happy exactly so maybe we do news first and then we wait on the guest because I think if we invite the guest it will stress the yeah connection even more let’s go straight to news guys smash the like button and give us some love in the chat for the troubles we have today exactly and we are here regardless right so that’s that has to count for something so guys as you can see the fear and greed is going back which is nice I like when there is less fear in the market as we talk about this a lot it’s not one indicator you want to rely entirely you don’t want to bet your farm on it but seeing going down is actually a good sign look at this may started with a 4% minus of course expected you know selling may go away but it’s early days maybe it will change we are going to keep our eyes on it and guys look at this when the US ETF launch we’ve seen a dump as highlighted here now Hong Kong launched a couple of days ago and maybe we’re going to follow the same pattern but look what happened after so maybe the correction is not over maybe we’ll dump further but there is the end of the tunnel right so maybe we’ll see some data twisting and as you guys remember our friends feds had decided not to Pivot yesterday so the rates remained the same hence why maybe we’ve seen a rebound a little bit because there was a lot of fear in the market as Federal Reserve Jerome Powell dismissed the prospect of a rate hike the 11 ETFs so a bad bad bad outflows 564 almost million which is the largest ever since January 11 when the fund started trading so this is really bad you can see in here on the table on May 1st which was yesterday literally everybody sold their Bitcoins or parts of it now I wonder if this is going to help my theory which is the flipping right so black rock is going to flip gbtc or grayc super soon and as you can see gray scale is selling they keep selling and this by the way this is the fifth day in a row where the ETF combin have done a basically negative outflow which is bad but as you can see here you know it’s not the prettiest right so the largest happened yesterday so I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow and over the weekend usually it seems like now the ETF trade like a stock because of the nature of the ETFs but we will see but this is bullish the second largest European Bank BMP Paras I think that’s how you say report exposure to bitcoin it is just getting started so I think we’ll see many more Banks jumping into it but um it takes time right so we discussed with da Vinci yesterday the ETFs we’ve seen so far a bunch of company involved but um before we see in the real effect I think we’ll have to wait a little bit longer and see where is going to take us and as Benjamin said the bull market support band is always a good friend and as you can see we literally touched it sometimes we can indeed go under but um I don’t know exactly where this is going to kind of cross the pending or but it looks like we maybe going to revisit like you said Carl to the low 50s perhaps yeah and then I’m not really sure if I agree with these lines being this bull market support because we actually broke it down there you can see here as well so I there was a bare Market though yeah true but there in the middle we broke it but it was not the beginning of a bare Market it was actually still the boom market so I’m not sure if I would um I mean yeah I just I think we’re going to break it now probably doesn’t mean that we’re in the bare Market though we could face we could see something like this you mean like going a little bit lower and then back that’s probably what’s going to happen interesting yeah that’s why I wanted to show you this because I mean it’s not 100% accurate but you can see that you know it bounces off quite nicely I mean it kind of missed that a little bit and it kind of looks like we retesting it we should have been on the show by the way and maybe you can talk about this but I agree this is possible hence why I said I agree with you I think a lower a lower price could be definitely in incoming but look you know in perspective is all good you can see if you zoom out you can see 29 40 33 27 40 39% in cycle again 19 54 and so forth and by the way so far it’s been kind of muted compared to previous bull runs right we kind of stay in the 20s if you zoom in actually I have more data you can see in February we’ve seen a last year 23% 21% in April May then 25 22% in July September 21% in January 18 in March and 23.6 which is the official deepest so far but it’s been you know okay compared to previous cycle like if you compare like we saying here we’ve seen 40s we’ve seen two actually 2 40 here we’ve seen a 50 as well 54 so maybe the ETF is going to keep it more cooler but hey simply reminder gentle reminder El saav is buying the Deep daily are you guys buying the Deep because I am I’m sure Carly is as well because at the end of the day all those price movement are going to allow us to buy cheaper which is nice so always remember that and I have a clip like the former PayPal president David basically said that Bitcoin is going to be the native currency for AI guys let me know as always if you have sound and let’s go something that requires the friction of converting non-digital money into digital money so it has to be digitally native uh and no one in the world will accept any uh form of native digital Val value that’s not maximally neutral right because it’s like not like the Europeans are not going to accept an American version of a digital asset uh or vice versa um and so like what is the most neutral form of digital native internet money it’s Bitcoin and so if you make it super efficient super fast real time at the speed of AI transactions that’s basically going to be the native currency of AI and and then you know it’s kind of this interesting thing where you know a few few years ago there was this article that blew my mind that you know Google translate uh built AIS to uh do the translation service which is like you know really a mind-boggling service when you think about it you know 20 years ago like a thing that you can talk to and speaks another language it’s pretty remarkable what they did with it with this level of fidelity but they figured out that this AI uh that was actually uh using uh uh unassisted learning uned learning uh came up with its own language uh and it was kind of its own neutral language to basically translate one language to another using its own thing and so what is it going to be for value between AI agents definitely Bitcoin because that’s the neutral language of value on the internet native and what do you think um I mean I think Bitcoin will probably be the native currency of AI yes but I think it’s not going to only be Bitcoin it will be a bunch of currencies cryptocurrencies because AI doesn’t probably care too much which cryptocurrency if they only are going to uh use it for shortterm payments like AI most likely will hold their crypto for maybe just a few seconds a few minutes like they don’t they don’t hold to to if they want to save money they would use Bitcoin for sure um I don’t know let’s see um it’s the safest thing they can use um it’s not the most uh private thing they can use and it’s not the uh fastest but that can be fixed so when that’s fixed then yes it will be the best bet for AI to use yeah I agree it’s not the easiest to exchange as supposed to to others which are cheaper and faster but then is decentralized and like he’s saying I agree on on that point because it doesn’t belong to technically anybody or no one can control it so it would be interesting to see when machine are going to take over judgment and see what happens and by the way Michael sailor started a micro strategy orange which is a decentralized identity built on bitcoin this is super bullish I like what Andrew said sailor has finally had enough with the blue checks and he’s introd uced a way to basically create ID on on bitcoin this is this is massive with ordinal inscription I think we’ll see massive article coming out this is a new thing so interesting to see that they are still building right I like the idea of having an ID on bitcoin forever in the blockchain I don’t know let’s see how this is going to go but usually Michael seler is quite you know when it does something does it well MH and then some hope pum of course Katy Woods she said she sees 3.8 million by 2030 if it’s a big if investors institutional investors allocate more than 5% of their portfolio bullish no mhm that’s what she looked like back then yeah this is a younger version of Kathy not bad yeah looks quite Russian or like Bella Russian is she I don’t know actually that’s a good question I’ll um I’ll I’ll find out I don’t know yeah that’s interesting it it’s funny because ever since this photo was shown on the internet everybody now when it comes to Katy would they show this you know yeah she I mean she’s a good-looking woman still so how does she look right now why don’t we bring her up now yeah sure let me do a search how’s the camera by the way is it improved or I think it’s much better now yeah okay let me find a decent image Kathy let’s see you you choose which one we want to put on screen anyone the one where she’s smiling this one let’s see guys uh and we go like this zoom in I see why people use the um the older photo no I’m kidding she’s bullish so I like she’s very nice Kathy would but uh I think this other image must have been a very long time ago right yeah probably when she was I don’t know uh I would say 20ish yeah exactly crazy see crazy it it’s um it looks like from a news paper something yeah it’s a good photo as well but yeah I like kti she’s uh she called it I mean 3.8 million hey uh if institutions I mean institutional investors are going to allocate more than 5% is definitely POS possible okay people are saying the screen now is better okay great it’s good yeah it’s good to know it’s good to know that’s amazing so finally screen is back guys um it’s because you smashed the like button and only two likes to reach 300 now so more likes to to immediately reach 300 that’s amazing exactly and our guest I think is ready to come in so hopefully let’s see you guys can see him in all this beauty let me do some magic and we can invite him in and we can learn about some altcoins how about that let’s do it let me click here click here do a couple of buttons now the video looks very good okay good yeah I think it was something with the connection tyell welcome to the stream brother what’s up guys how you doing all good all good I I heard that you have a bunch of alt coins that are undervalued uh and maybe even are dipping right now so we want to buy them right of course of course you want to buy the dip we want to eight as usual I’m sure everybody’s on the edge of their seats to make some trades and make some money if they’ve got any Capital left of course of course so uh I’m going to run through a few different coins I’m also going to go through uh BTC dominance as well because I know a lot of people have been speaking about that and they want to know if it’s altcoin season so give it to us Tyrell is it altcoin season and which alt coins should we be buying regardless sure can I share my screen of course you can let me push a button andam there you go thank you so uh the first I want to talk about is actually AP coin now if we have a look at ape what we can see here is that we’re basically at bare market levels realistically if we go back here we can see that the lowest price for AP was about just under a dollar right now we’re at118 yet if we look at the board AP nft price we can see that uh not only are we pumping a little bit but also even today we’ve had a sharp pump right even though Bitcoin is collapsing so that to me signals that AP is undervalued Now is it going to go to alltime High I don’t know but what I do know is that when you buy something when it’s undervalued even if it pumps to you know even the top of this range we’re talking potentially on Market 2 50% gains and that’s spot without any leverage now most of you guys know this you can take a leverage trade out right now on ape for example and you can be confident enough to put a stop loss underneath here that means you will have a you’ll have a ridiculous risk to award even if you take spot even if you take you know two to five x leverage AP right now everybody has forgotten about but let’s not forget we know that every every single all coin season there’s a gaming season and people think that we’ve seen gaming season we haven’t we haven’t seeing the gameing run yet when it happens people are going to be looking like coins for example like ape to pump it it’s as simple as this whether it’s market makers or whether the project actually starts you know developing something real it’s going to pump regardless right so I still kept Tubs on AP these targets I’ve had them uh since the bare Market uh and now finally I’m going to be putting on a trade on ape as well because I know that look I can put a stop loss below here right and that’s only going to be 18% right but I’m risking to to award me you know 2 36% right at bare minimum let’s not forget right if it does actually catch on and we do surpass this alltime High that’s going to be well over a 10 X I think it’s actually even it’s even a 20x yeah 225% if we do reach it so this can be a long-term trade where you can sit and you can go okay you know I can take a little bit of profit when we reach the top of this range here I can take a bit more profit at 450 and I can have a little moonbag in case we go 20x now one thing you have to keep like in mind is that with these types of tokens they do inflate over time with distributions so if you want to learn about distributions and stuff like that all you have to do is go to a website called crypto and you will see the token vesting period for these coins quite often I think it was this point here uh you can actually catch the dips on these vesting periods for example this time here uh there was a release of tokens uh for apoin I don’t know if it’s a specific date but around about but you can see we crashed about about 30% before obviously pumping again so AP coin is my first pick okay the next one I’m actually choosing is chain link now chain link I’m very very bullish on chain link if you if you was to imagine the internet betting on chain link is like betting on the internet back in the day it’s one of those things where if you know you know and then it just makes sense and I think right now chain link is very very undervalued right we’ seen the initial pump uh once we broke out of this range here of around about 118% but since then we’ve dropped I think it’s about 50% let’s have a look 44% we dropped to which is ridiculous so as you can see here some people would even call this like a double bottom or even the bottom of the range this is an amazing area to stack your bags for something like chain link because you know that long term it’s going to do well right chain Link’s a blue chip so in a Market your blue chips they just run they they literally just run it similar to when I was speaking about another coin which I want to speak about again which is Dogecoin now this is still the same stuff that I had on from uh the last part of the show but as you can see uh sorry Dogecoin um as you can see Dogecoin since we were speaking about it once it broke out it came right back down to the exact same levels we’re at literally probably one of the most perfect places to purchase Dogecoin for the long term you can even see uh when we was doing our price predictions from before we were saying right it does have the potential to do a 10x since then it’s down like 30% so if you got in now you’re talking a potential 17x instead of a 10x if you got in and a lot of people are in a position thank you um a lot of people are in a position where you might hold let’s say Dogecoin for example but on I it what you can do is you can use some of your uh let’s say Dogecoin or your polka dot as collateral and you can take a low leverage long with usdt um on buyit which means it’s going to give you fresh usdt to to use and also you don’t have to pay back that usdt straight away if it goes into a loss it just sits at minus so that’s a good thing for those people who might have uh like Dogecoin for example you might have I know some Neo some polka dot from following this channel which is great but you might have brought it up here you might be down a little bit what you can do is if you put it into clal and put a low X leverage long on you know that we’re still in the bull market and the worst thing that could possibly happen is like maybe we capitulate below here right but then eventually we’re going to rise and if you do only have a low low leverage trade on you’re not going to get liquidated because that’s only 177% so again you’re talking very very small risks like at this stage of the market okay your risk is very small but your reward is massive right massive yeah sorry sorry to Jumpin bro so John has sent a Super Chat and I know you are the best to answer it and he’s saying what do you guys think about brat on eat as brat on Bas had basically has gone 80% inside their wallets so do you know I didn’t even know there was brat on it actually do you know anything about it thank you by the way thank yeah thank you thank you John thank you very much it pays for the uh pays for the Wi-Fi exactly but no the the Bret on Eve situation is very similar to the Pepe it was made before so what people are saying is are like oh forget uh the BR on base because of the food um let’s will go all in on this eing but what I will say to that guys is yes that’s probably going to be a good asset and if you think Brett is going to do well you can treat that as like you know perpetuals leverage like a leverage play because it’s a smaller Market cup but it’s not going to do better than Brett because the only fud that people had about Brett was that there was Private investors but 99% of Community Based Investments where it’s like right Fair launch we’re all going to be fair we’re not going to J the bag always go to zero right because what happens is emotions move the markets right and as you’ve seen even in Bitcoin if you look at the retail chart and you look at the long-term holders chart and the Wales charts well whales hold right they don’t get capitulated they don’t cheat the bags they don’t panic but retail sell the bot every single time right so it’s exactly the same with these coins Brett what you seen with Brett was it went down by I don’t know like 50% and bounced back straight away because the holders that people were so worried about they didn’t sell the only time you should be alarmed is if these uh behind the scenes people holding the supply the VCS right if they start selling and it’s public information you can see on the wallets but 90% of the time they’re not selling because they invested into this FM because they have a long-term Vision so yeah you know to answer your question John it’s very simple Brett is probably going to do better that base chain it’s probably going to do better than the eperium BET makes sense thanks by the way yeah thank you and thanks for picking chain link man to all my Marine I salute you you know I like chain link is my portfolio so veryy I’ve got a question what what what alt coins are are you bullish on at the moment at the moment um I would say let’s see here at the moment anything which is undervalued and didn’t pump in the past few months so you know I’m not bullish on Meme coins that’s for sure like I think meme coins are over um in general what am I bullish on I’m still you were saying it was a goody so madic because it’s a blue chip and it didn’t pump at all lately um it’s like basically looking super boring and for that reason I like it um even on your screen now I think you can see a a big horizontal triangle potentially forming oh wow yeah you can if you if you do like that yeah that’s a pretty decent horizontal triangle if this breaks down obviously we should start stacking um but already right now you can see that we’re in the bottom of the um of the triangle so I don’t know if you if you have some spare used DT you want to put it into the market well you can put it into madic I would say uh better that than than usdt at this point cuz I don’t think that madic is going to dump much more it it couldn’t go down much more in my opinion um what else like looking at Medieval Empires and other crypto games um many of them have very low market cap right now and um and I think that crypto gaming has not even had a chance to pump yet so we’re going to see that quite soon I think yeah I agree very excited about that medieval Empires might actually be due a pump it’s like every time that we have a huge pump we do see a small selloff and then we see another leg up we’ve seen this almost four times dump huge pump came up dump pump again yeah next pump might be just around the corner and also um the team of medieval just told me that in the past one month the amount of token holders has doubled in just 30 days wow yeah that’s good so huh and they have I haven’t seen them do a air drop either no it’s not no it’s not because air drop it’s just people going to buybit and buying the token um so yeah for everyone who wants to buy the me token it’s available on buybit uh and yeah the token holders have doubled in the past 30 days incredible by the way some guys are asking in the chat we are still yes we are still in the in the challenge right 1,000 to 1 million so the first actually coin was me we doubled the money in I think a little bit over 3 weeks and now we are into Pepe coin and we are holding until we double we how doing it did really well so we get almost to I think at some point it was 3,400 so almost $4,000 and then of course Bitcoin crashed and everything went sideways and down I think now we are still in profit let me check actually uh you can check the charts but I’ll check on my metamask here sure one of the things actually speaking about this so actually let’s let’s go over both of them so the coin that we brought uh was actually coin call let’s go on a new chart $200 in profit oh we’re still in profit I I I mean from the initial investment so we are down like 800 yeah 50% right yeah I mean as long as we’re not going under a $1,000 it’s all good right yeah exactly exactly we should just we should have double down on medieval Empires and just 10x it but it boring yeah um but the coin that we brought guys was Pepe coin now I still have full conviction in this and those those of you guys that follow me in telegram always laugh right because you always see me buying more and more Pepe coin like yesterday I bought $44,000 two days before that I bought another $4,000 I’m holding at this price like $60,000 worth of a Pepe coin and this is going to be easy I would say 600 Grand to 850 play I don’t think I’ll sit and wait for it to get to a million because I feel like it’s too much of a psychological number I’ll end up holding the bag um but this coin is exactly similar to what the question that John asked is when you said that okay the E Brett to the based Brett well this is the original Pepe right so everybody’s talking about Pepe is going to be the the new Doge coin but what they’re not realizing is that that’s not even the real pppe it’s not even the original depths in fact those guys copied off of this coin and what you see is that most whales they know that this is the coin right so when you’re really like in I’ve been down the rabbit hole and I’ve spoke to like the devs and these guys and when you go down it you realize hold on a second this is like the leverage play what’s what in my opinion is going to happen is this is going to flip pep P the P to to to run and start pushing because as you can see guys it’s already a $440 million market cap it’s one of the top 10 meme coins out there but nobody knows about it most retail people I’ve never even heard of it right so how has it managed to pump so much right it’s because of whales right 80 80% of the supply is staked for based Ai and they’ve also just released bot which is exactly like chat GPT so you guys can go and check it out it’s it’s kbot um kbot www. and with this bot they’re currently training it right now and for free if you go in there and ask it questions you can literally ask me some crazy questions like you can say to this B you can see some of the the prompts coming out now you could say sell my Bitcoin sell 30% of my Bitcoin for the top five uh highest volume uh altcoins all under $1 million market cap and in six months convert that back to bitcoin damn and it will do it that’s the C easiest part yeah it’s a it’s it’s like C imagine if you had chat GPT as your portfolio manager but inside of telegram that’s crazy basically yeah remember you were saying they’re building I mean they have the UI like the windows uh the old school Windows which was super cool I remember you were saying they’re building things and this is massive like if you can program your kind of portfolio through telegram this is huge utility so you can say hey sell at this number and then you can’t because you know we discussed it in the past what happens is you know greed and fear and you give yourself some promising I’m going to sell Bitcoin when or whatever asset when it’s going to reach certain amounts and then you get there and then you agree and you don’t sell but if you program it that might help do it automatically so like you got to think most people it’s easier to say something than it is to do something like everybody always has ideas and in theory it sounds better but that’s only because human emotions get in the way if you can this is why people love programs because if you can write a program it’s going to be easy because you can say okay you know historically the top of the Market’s in 2025 so you know once we get into 2025 start selling uh my highest profit alt coins 10% a week by back into Stables or back into Bitcoin you and it would do it and um right now obviously it’s um it’s large language modules so you have to train it and it’s all based on how many people ask it questions so for free you guys can go on the website and you can start asking it cool questions and coming up with new ideas and different concepts and you’ll be rewarded in the kek coin uh once it comes out and the great part about this is this is season one and I think this is going to go on until the end of May and once that’s finished the based AI brains are going to come out and that is when the supply of Pepe coin is going to get burnt now coin market cap thems just released a tweet that Pepe coin is the number one community on coin market cap right now and it’s not paid it’s not sponsored uh they tweeted it themselves so again all the stars are aligning uh for this coin right now so I have a lot of confidence in it and congratulations to everybody that is in uh in the challenge right now or if you’re not in the challenge you’ve got you’ve got a huge discount you’re only $200 off from from where we are anyway exactly and the challenge is still on guys so we started $1,000 we made $2,000 so we double it with me then we purchase pcoin we almost reached 4,000 I think it was 37 something then of course Bitcoin tanked and we are now back at 1,200 so we’re going to wait we’re going to huddle until we get to 4K and then we will reassess right of course of course of course but yeah that’s my all coins for now I don’t want to take up too much time and ramble on but um that’s it long story short long story short I think it’s allcoin season around the corner and uh yeah also going to pump I think so too we just need uh Bitcoin to to start going back up a little bit soon but again like when you want to make money in the allcoin season you don’t want to wait for it it’s better to buy when it’s down cuz then you are the guy who makes money in the alt season from everyone else for moving in right exactly so actually we all know the alt season is coming so by now don’t wait for it to come because then literally you are going to pump someone else’s bag so yeah now is the time like if you want to buy madic head over to bit flakes or buy bit and stack some madic I’m going to do that um and um and other alt coins as well me token is available on bybit and um I’m sure next time you join the moon show Tyrell you’re going to have even more tokens um that are on the discount yeah I want to do like a uh like a ranking um I know a lot of people like those videos like ranking the top all coins let let us know in the comments what what type of altcoin videos you want to do top base chain narratives top Salon meme coins whatever we we want to make content what you guys will watch so if you let us know what you guys want to see for all coins we we’ll make make it amazing yeah and guys remember Terell comes every Thursday so you want to smash the like subscribe to the channel because every Thursday he’s coming with some amazing Alpha and some beautiful coins so awesome stuff nice do you want to do do you guys want to do like maybe some TA or or how how you doing with time do we have like five more minutes or so because I know Carly have to be somewhere but maybe do some some Ta on all coins um cuz people are asking about Dot a lot yesterday as well maybe we can do a quick look on poka dot okay why don’t you share my screen and I’ll show you dot what do you think about dot what’s your view Carl uh I only will talk about the technicals and um the technicals right now are looking boring perfect time for us to buy so so that’s that’s the thing like look at polka dot like it looks so dead it looks flatlined perfect that’s when you want to buy so that that’s that’s always going to be my my my thesis so when we’re up here you don’t want to buy because it’s like everyone is foing you have greed and and everyone is just excited not good here you want to take profits right now looking really beautiful actually with these some uh support down here looks like we’re bouncing off of it so yeah like if you right now only hold Bitcoin maybe you could take um a part of your portfolio maybe 5 10% of your Bitcoin and convert it into into some alt coins that are right now looking boring because um actually let me check a a very relevant chart here so polka dot against BTC yeah I know Queen like this is for you you know so this um this is polka dot against Bitcoin and look at that it looks absolute [ __ ] perfect we want to buy so let me see if I can find a longer term time chart a polka do against BTC how can I find maybe bit finex um bitex b d look how bleed yeah what’s the I don’t maybe Kraken yeah Kraken should go a little bit further no wait when was polka do launched maybe that was back in 20 yeah so this is probably the longest we have and look against Bitcoin polka dot has been destroyed meaning that Bitcoin is actually very strong against polka dot right now so yeah like if you have only Bitcoin now is the time to potentially start adding to your to your your bags here like for altcoins for the Blue Chips it’s a huge bare market right now and really that is what we want to see that’s what we want to buy maybe this is a bullish Divergence let me pull out the RSI quickly um yeah look at that that’s a bullish divery here on polka dot against Bitcoin so so I don’t know like polka dot could be great to buy let me check also um ma against BTC mhm we’ll check Kraken and look at that looks horrible yeah I mean to to be fair most of the alss again against Bitcoin look like this right which is great because that means it’s an opportunity for us to buy and uh makes me happy to see that we can actually get some nice discounts right now so look at this this is a level that was broken and we fell down and um yeah you know as as long as we’re below here I think it’s a quite good one so if if if madic only goes back to let’s say the midrange up here mid right there of this whole range that would mean that madic could now Rec oops could recover um 185% against Bitcoin so that means uh could go back to um let’s see where’s madic right now in dollars let me check it should be near a dollar no in that range let me have a look uh madic is 70 cents okay so 70 cents um so we could easily go back to let’s say like um let’s say $2 I would say or like a one point uh easy double let’s say $2 approxim I think it should be quite easy but that’s when Bitcoin doesn’t even move so if Bitcoin goes a 3X that means madic to uh $6 if Bitcoin does a five or 10x then you make a math like um it’s such an easy 5 to 10 x with almost no risk when you buy madic or polka dot or these other blue chips cuz in the next altcoin season which is inevitable it’s going to come uh we’re going to see fireworks so yeah if you want to make money in these bull markets hold Bitcoin and some Blue Chips and just hold just hold and hold and hold and just wait for for the craziness to start yeah I agree like like you said um Carl and and you as well Tyrell like we have not seen altcoin season yet like when you guys know when we’re going to we going to go into Alin season you will really we see just like maybe like a a little bit of a preview maybe but uh when it pump and it pump hard it’s going to be fun the V was saying maybe maybe somewhere but um it depends on on what Bitcoin does right so what what do you think Terell do you have a time frame for Al coin season what’s your take well un Vin he said uh he said summertime then it’s summertime I mean he didn’t say 100% but it says possible that it could show depending on what Bitcoin does of course dominance and all sort of but it’s possible right so but yeah I agree if Uncle D Vinci says summer then summer it is I think it I think it is um historically it’s it’s after all coin season so you have I think we went through this last yeah it was last week we said like what is it 45 days of chop Max we’re already like a a few well over a week two weeks through it anyway so that’s 14 days so maximum one month left of this nonsense I know a lot of people say it will go on longer I don’t think it will 45 days max um and then we go through but you see Hong Kong slid that aerium ETF quietly right and they’ve just kept it dormant hasn’t done too much you know so hopefully that continues a narrative for this uh Black Rock etherium ETF yeah indeed any some time we shared some data earlier talk some time even for the US Bitcoin TF2 you know actually we seen a dump in the beginning so it might be the same I don’t know but um yeah overall I guess we are all super bullish but we just need to go through those dips and buy them and then just wait and we will be rewarded keep buying the dips that’s all you need to know exactly but tyell what’s the guys sorry what’s going on the buy is it’s still raining it’s raining well not exactly right now but this morning it was completely flooding and raining again actually did you see my latest Vlog I I wag the gag yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s basically like that today again it’s like water everywhere and uh I have a lot of fun with that actually it’s uh it’s amazing because uh with the G wagon you can slide around in the water and have a lot of fun so but yeah Dubai is AIT crazy good use on that shake z v you Tred to over the uh the middle part came back yeah it’s basically there’s like three or four of us in the office me Carl Benji shout out and probably Vince is in there like everyone is working from home today and tomorrow because they said don’t go anywhere but hey we have to come in for the show so yeah usually we’re like up to 20 people in the office and I think yeah we’re are we three people three or four yeah yeah exactly but hey we have to come and do the show right but the Vlog is actually super cool as always yeah you guys make sure want to you want to check it out 100% 100% nice amazing Carl thank you so much as always you you are the best thank you so much guys thank you so much for watching remember we go live every single day Monday to Friday at 5 GST and we see you guys on the next one cheers

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    00:00 Intro
    00:19 Bitcoin Short Position
    01:03 Bitcoin Technical Analysis
    04:45 Q&A
    09:20 Daily News
    09:49 News: US ETF vs. Hong Kong ETF
    10:27 News: ETFs Outflow
    11:33 News: BNP Paribas Bank Reports Exposure to BTC ETF
    12:00 News: Bull Market Support Band
    13:19 Bitcoin Cycles
    14:14 News: El Salvador Buying Bitcoin
    14:31 News: Native Currency of AI
    17:45 News: MicroStrategy Orange
    18:23 News: Cathie Wood on Bitcoin
    20:56 Special Guest
    21:06 Altcoins – Hidden Gems
    21:55 Altcoin: APE
    25:33 Altcoin: ChainLink
    26:32 Altcoin: Dogecoin
    28:34 Q&A
    31:44 MATIC Technical Analysis
    32:38 MEE Technical Analysis
    34:27 Altcoin: PepeCoin
    42:25 DOT Technical Analysis
    45:02 MATIC Technical Analysis
    50:30 Outro

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