how’s it going everyone it’s Sam we have a lot of interesting things happening here today and you know I say brace for impact the fact is a lot of people were not ready for this recent dip and they’re also not going to be ready for this new runup that we’re going to have you know I think we’re going to have explosive days and I want to give you some of the background why that’s going to happen here today and talk about how Max pain price is probably up from here right A lot of people will be caught on the wrong side of the trade and will fomo in at the top and I have some numbers and I have some data to show you that that’s going to happen if and last but not least we do have Gary gendler talking about crypto for about 6 minutes he talks about the problems within crypto I want to give some uh color to that conversation I want to explain my thoughts on what he just said on live TV if you don’t mind hit subscribe turn on the Bell notification underneath the video so you can see future videos just like this there’s going to be a link to Marx underneath the video in case you want to trade cryptocurrency you can use Marx you can sign up with the link and you get a deposit uh bonus so when you deposit a certain amount you get a deposit bonus that can be used towards fees and there’s no kyc you can trade a bunch of different assets using different collateral which is really cool so you can trade all these different cryptocurrencies and you can trade with different forms of collateral so if you want to trade Caspa you can trade it with Caspa or you can trade it with tether you can trade it with Bitcoin which is cool now let’s take a look at where bitcoin’s price is so we got rejected by the 50-day moving average twice so you can see we fell below it we had been kind of using it as support for a while and then we fell below it got rejected here got rejected here but we are above this right here let me actually go to the 1 hour then we’ll get rid of this you can see that we are flipping this line into support so that’s quite bullish we got rejected four or five times I talked about this in the last video but we did flip it as support it looks like and we’re moving up here now we got some good inflow numbers from yesterday so this was Friday’s numbers where we saw 63 million coming from grayscale 103 from Fidelity Etc I’ll just scoot right on down to yesterday day we had another good day from grayscale we actually saw a positive number 4 million and then nearly 100 million for Fidelity 22 million from ibit Arc had I think it’s the best day that they’ve had 76 million and it was a Green Day for every ETF out there or at least sideways so another great day from the ETFs we’ll also get to what Gary said here in a minute but this is a big rumor going around right now Chinese ETF Rumor Mill Richard by byworth managing partner at size Capital has ignited rumors suggesting the Bitcoin ETFs list in Hong Kong could soon be accessible to investors from mainland China uh they remark on X highlighting the ongoing discussions about the possibility of the integration of these ETFs into the stock connect system the integration could pave the way for a massive wave of capital inflow from Mainland into digital asset funds uh byworth stated I just got back from Hong Kong there’s talk that the ETF could be added to stock connect the implications for this are absolutely enormous basically means Mainland money can buy it the statement followed a dialogue initiated by Samson mauo who commented on the impressive initial performance of China AMC which generated 180 121 million on its first a trading there was a difference of uh reporting that first day some people said that it was quite poor showing that there was only a couple million in volume but then later we heard reports of 100 million plus the first day so it seems like this actually did quite well the Hong Kong ETFs did well and they’re still they’re still pulling in inflows now I think eventually China will be able to buy the ETFs I’m no uh I’m no politician or anything like that I’m not um specifically educated to talk about what the Chinese party will and will not all allow but I would not be surprised if eventually they can buy the Bitcoin ETFs and we’re hearing rumors of other countries as well approving South Korea’s new government will vote to allow spot Bitcoin ETFs in June you have to remember the spot ETFs are different than just allowing them to buy Bitcoin uh there’s a totally different game that’s being played I mean think about it just from the US perspective who is actually buying the Bitcoin the large companies the large companies can be controlled they can have or they can freeze your accounts that kind of thing right I mean maybe not in the US but definitely I guess in China right if if someone wants to buy Bitcoin and they go buy it through a Company the company gets paid they can also control that money easier than Bitcoin obviously if you have Bitcoin or cold storage wallet you can leave and the government really can’t do too much if you never come back and if you know uh they’re some people might say some people might say how some people might say this is crazy that China would allow these ETFs but you have to remember there is a huge difference between owning Bitcoin and owning Bitcoin ETFs China wants to control people but they also want people to have money and to be happy right uh for the most part right they don’t want people to to be fed up pissed off at the government and you know if they can make people money especially from other countries right I mean make money in their own country but make it from people buying before other countries if they go buy Bitcoin and it doubles that’s just good for China especially if the people don’t actually control the Bitcoin right it’s still sitting in accounts that they can turn on and off think about that all the power is still with the companies that chy it can control but uh people don’t necessarily realize that or maybe they just uh have no alternative but there’s a huge difference between that and holding physical or holding actual Bitcoin so I think that this could be approved I don’t know when but it could be approved sooner than most people think again there is just a huge difference from a risk perspective to a government when you hold Bitcoin versus a Bitcoin ETF now moving on Dylan mclair is joining metap planet now just to remind you metap planet was a company that bought about 6.25 Million worth of bitcoin using this as like a corporate treasury um the company which is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange declared its intention to adopt a Bitcoin as a treasur as a treasury Reserve asset uh earlier this year on X metap Planet stated its plan is to buy 1 billion I think this is Yen and Bitcoin as an initial commitment uh the move closely mimics the strategy employed by micro strategy so Dylan the Clair is now joining them metap planet is embracing a corporate Bitcoin standard and will strategically leverage public Capital markets to acquire additional Bitcoin for shareholders over time so they are hiring him as a director of Bitcoin strategy it’s pretty cool uh honestly I’m glad that they’re hiring a bitcoiner someone that’s been in the space for a while uh Dylan’s obviously quite successful uh which is really cool to see a company that’s going to continue to buy Bitcoin with such a young guy that’s going to kind of steer the ship in the right direction okay now we just got Gary gendler speaking I couldn’t find the video for a while it wasn’t uploaded but now it is here let’s play this one of the things I want to ask you is when you look at the headlines today around what the SEC is doing and what your priorities are it’s hard to tell how much of your focus today is on the stock market r large versus the world of crypto and trying to figure out the future of ethereum and other things how do you see it well I I see it this way we oversee $110 trillion doll Capital Market about half of that’s the stock market half as you might know as the the bond markets and other markets crypto is a small piece of aror markets and uh but it’s an outsize piece of the scams and frauds and problems in their markets because without prejudging anyone token much of this field is non-compliant with the protections of our Securities laws and so thus you end up with like an outsize ratio of journalist questions and crypto journalists to market cap but is that a function also of the fact that that’s where your attention is too no it’s a it’s a function of where your attention is think about it I’ve been on your show what a dozen times and every show you ask about crypto and my guessing is this is will be a majority crypto interview while the capital markets are 110 trillion so it’s also about where the financial media is focused well I want to ask you actually about a whole bunch of things in in in the classic stock market uh I’m looking forward to it but uh but let me ask you this um Vlad T of of Robin Hood you you you delivered a Wells notice to them I know that you’re not going to want to speak directly to them but I do want to read you because what’s interesting is literally just yesterday he put out a statement uh effectively attacking you in the SEC uh Brian Armstrong from coinbase said effectively welcome to the club I mean all this goes on just so so that the listeners American public can understand we have a really important responsibility as being a cop on the beat and ensuring that people that are asking you to put your money into buy or sell securities are following the law so you get disclosures that you get certain protections and we have live uh uh Inc Court litigation with at least one of those companies coinbase uh in front of judges at this point in time what is the state of play though with Robin Hood to the extent that you can discuss it and for those investors out there who are watching this morning who might have money at Robin Hood what are they supposed to think about these newort look I I can’t speak to any one uh company but stepping back from it the field of crypto assets without prejudging any one of them many of those tokens are securities under the law of the land as interpreted by the US Supreme Court so we follow that law and you the investors are not getting the required or needed disclosures about those assets and and so like this is earning Seasons right now Andrew everybody’s asking about what’s the earnings release and how many companies are beating earnings or falling behind and so forth where is the disclosures from these crypto tokens similar to these seasoned earnings releases let me ask you this ultimately and I think this is the big question in cryptand right now is ethereum a commodity or is ethereum a security and therefore will there one day be an ETF that’s the fundamental question on the table in crypto land you agree oh you’re the one that’s out there asking the questions all I would say is to me the fundamental question is is how do we ensure that the American investor is protected and right now they’re not getting the required or needed disclosures and the intermediaries in the center of this rather centralized Market generally are conflicted and doing things we would never allow the New York Stock Exchange to do the New York Stock Exchange is not allowed to trade against the invest let me ask you about this you’ve seen the consensus lawsuit and I know you have wells notice with them as well this is uh Patrick Henry saying the following and I want you to respond to it just months after a federal judge sanctioned SEC enforcement lawyers for lying in court new evidence shows that chair Gary Gensler himself misled Congress the testimony to the financial services committee last uh April chair gendler refused to answer questions about the sec’s classification of ether and new court filings show this was an intentional attempt to misrepresent the commission’s position the we speak to Congress directly in hearings like that and also directly to members and we share with them uh uh accurately what we’re doing so that the viewers can also understand we don’t speak about uh whether we have an investigation or whether we don’t have an investigation and we don’t speak about whether somebody is in our opinion not following the law and unless we actually bring a case so we stay uh quiet on many questions that you might ask at this live interview or even but ultimately investors there’s a lot of folks who bought ethereum expecting that one day there will be um potentially uh an ETF and that it will be considered a genuine uh security that’s tradable on these exchanges will that happen uh again that that’s something in front of our commission right now we’re a five member commission and those filings will take up uh at the appropriate time is that something from a timing perspective though um this is an election year um the this Administration may be the administration uh come next year it may not be the administration how does that impact the work you’re doing I I’m just focused on how we can uh do the most for 330 million Americans what we can do to drive efficiency resiliency competition in the equity markets the treasury markets the fixed income markets and yes also addressing some of the uh activity in the crypto markets where actors are not uh uh uniformly following the law they they just there’s a lot of a lot of people have lost their hard iron funds in in the field that you seem to be so this sounds great right it sounds great to the uneducated person uh on crypto oh they’re just trying to protect us there have been a lot of issues to be clear there have been a lot of exchanges a lot of shady characters who have they actually helped though they’ve gone after some of the top companies in the space coinbase Ripple Kraken Unis swap grayscale consensus Robin Hood all Wells notices or lawsuits why not go after uh the people that are actually causing issues like these are the most reputable exchanges uh some of the most reputable companies in the crypto space maybe they’re thinking okay if we can clean up the best of the best then we can point people to them but they’re not being very clear they’re not being forthright they’re not actually explaining what these companies have to do and they’re not being fair they’ve been called out for literally uh abusing their power so why not go after the companies that are actually causing issues out there not the ones that you’ve already given approval to list on uh different exchanges like stock exchanges coinbase and Robin Hood are some of the most I’d say probably the most audited uh most watched companies in the crypto space and some of the best actors so again it’s it sounds good on on the surface level uh for a lot of people in crypto they just hate Gary automatically because they’ve heard other people hate Gary and I honestly I wouldn’t dislike what he’s doing if he was just being honest and open and actually gave some clarification on ethereum and other cryptocurrencies instead of just hiding behind uh the SEC and hiding uh what they’re actually trying to do not actually explaining what they think about different assets not giving any communication with these large crypto companies because I think a lot of them would play ball if the SEC was willing to help them go back and forth with them on explaining what they want to see now I apologize a little bit for the audio there uh I have not seen any other video of this yet and it was coming from this video that uh like little interference overall Bitcoin continues to become more adopted throughout the world and whether the price is going up or going down there always people coming in because when the price goes up they don’t want to be left out when the price goes down they think finally I have a chance to buy at a reasonable price now some people are extremely bullish on bitcoin you know I talked about people getting in at the top Plan B says average bitcoin price 2020 through 2024 was 34k a bit below the stock to flow prediction of 55k but still in a normal range and not bad given that Bitcoin was below $4,000 when the price prediction was made refit stock to flow with new data uh and this shows similar parameters and results half a million dollars point5 million from 2024 to 2028 so 500k Bitcoin and 4 million 2028 to 2020 uh to 2032 that is insane isn’t it I mean a lot of people don’t think that far into the future but yeah he’s talking about a $4 million Bitcoin in 40 years 5 years something like that I mean we always think about the the current cycle but he’s saying we could have an 8X after this next 8X man that would be that would be okay with me now some people are getting ready for this future Mr 100 continues to buy buying twice today 200 Bitcoin 100 Bitcoin so up to 300 Bitcoin for the day swallowing up some more and uh you know some people you know some people love Bitcoin they’re talking about how high it can go uh they’re trying to accumulate as much as possible but this person Chris pan who apparently took some psychedelics to write his commencement speech for Ohio State um I assume Ohio State OSU and then tells uh he told 60,000 people to buy Bitcoin to protect their purchasing power he got booze this is hilarious um I I love Bitcoin but I would be surprised to hear about it at uh commencement ceremony at a graduation kind of kind of funny there but yeah I mean it’s spreading people still don’t love it I mean even if we were in the top of the bowl cycle I think we’d get some I think we’d still get a lot of booze and a lot of uh people shouting in a good way too A lot of people appraising Bitcoin or uh giving Woos you know booze and Woos but I don’t necessarily know if this is the best po uh best place to talk about this obviously Bitcoin is really important and if you have a wise stage sure I think it makes sense to talk about it but you know you wonder if this is a bit of a marke marketing Ploy or something uh for Chris pan himself I’m not sure it just seems like a weird place to talk about this uh and I you know I realize a lot of people people are there just to celebrate their kids so yeah maybe they don’t want to hear about Bitcoin now let’s move on to some smaller cryptos and then um we’ll come back to bitcoin Dy the moment you’ve been waiting for Dy exchanges Investment app is finally available head over to the Google Play Store to download now d y r is a project that I’m investing in a couple of these next cryptos are projects that I’m investing in but be that’s because I think they’re going to do quite well uh you can see they have a ton of coals over at Dy Kyle chassis or chase Mondo Eric Crypt man cryptos are us that Martini guy uh they have a lot of people that are spreading what they’re doing now like I said they’re now available on the Google Play Store honestly I don’t know if they’re on App Store I have to check that but uh you can see some of their information here the social crypto exchange now available on Google Play Store presents a decentralized crypto investing platform with simple transparent and non-custodial alternatives for investors turning uh to defi from the chaos of traditional crypto exchanges obviously yeah there has been just a massive problem with crypto exchanges in The Last Bow run but you know they’re hoping to improve that an iOS version is due to be released soon okay DIY has over 600,000 users on its weight list a number that grew in the recent months the app uses a tinder-like approach to investing allowing users to swipe right on the crypto tokens they wish to invest in so pretty cool uh pay attention to this like I said the token will be dropping soon as well now neurochain is also a crypto that I’m really interested in over 1,000 blockchains and Counting neurochain is your gateway to fully interoperable AI Network hook up your GPU to any chain earn rewards on your preferred blockchain so this is kind of like an infrastructure AI play this is one that I’m really excited about so be on the lookout for that I’ll talk more about it in the future as well AEG is doing a massive giveaway we’re giving away 10K worth of tokens for your post and engagements in partnership with Ray tag AEG and or mention Aether in your posts and comments engage so on you can go follow them Aether games is one that I’ve invested into as well and they are already live like the tokens are already live they’re a gaming studio so kind of like an infrastru structure gaming play e also already live but they’re coming to a new centralized Exchange in just two days uh what centralized exchange will be we’ll find out on Wednesday now this is already a pretty large following that they have there gamified liquidity solution for digital assets tokens and rwas on blast and it is backed by Anoka uh Anoka brand so uh I’ve talked about this a lot in the past maybe one that you want to tune into uh a lot of these coins to when they come to the market they kind of settle for a while uh find some price bottoms and then continue moving up during the bull market solar XX is also an interesting one it’s a layer one blockchain and solar powered crypto mining project the listing Day is coming up soon as well um this is one that I’m also investing in right I’m investing in a lot of smaller projects and newer projects because during the bull run these typically do quite well and it is hard to lose on these now that not Financial advice but that’s kind of the case at some point it’s just really hard to lose on newer projects now Moonbase I talked about it two days ago it went up yesterday about 50% now it’s down about 50% this thing is uh volatile Beast actually it’s down about 30% not 50% but yeah this is one that I’m still holding on to if you haven’t already checked it out uh you can go check out my full video talk about the meme coin that I’m buying recently of course like I said in that video this is very volatile it can go up up significantly it can also go down significantly but I do know that they are working on some more marketing and this is a crypto token that gives you reflection so as long as they continue to keep momentum I think it’ll do pretty well of course though that’s not Financial advice you have to do your own research and I’m never going to tell you to buy a cryptocurrency except may be Bitcoin but that’s not Financial advice either uh just a reminder crypto is literally only 15 years old it start started with zero value and zero adoption imagine how it looks in another 15 years it’s crazy to think about people don’t like to think past this current cycle people don’t like to think about uh past this current week you know uh in crypto or just outside of crypto but I think it is important to remember we have come a long way if you go from a dollar to $63,000 that is a massive massive change in in price and adoption and that’s where we’ve come in the last 15 years this has been the hardest 15 years as well this has been the riskiest 15 years as time goes on sounds crazy but crypto and Bitcoin actually become less risky you might not think that you think well the price is higher that’s true but from a fundamental perspective not price but just fundamentals will Bitcoin be here to stay every single day it becomes less risky because there’s more and more adoption more and more people buy it it’s harder and harder to ban more and more people get approved for ETFs and such and it just becomes more ingrained in our society Gary gendler can’t get rid of Bitcoin right now I mean think about this over the last 15 years bitcoin’s prices appreciated at about 109% a year if you just average it out from a dollar up to 63,5 okay let’s take half of that let’s say it’s one .54 for the next 15 years times the current price of 63,000 that is an unimaginable number $40 million now who’s to say it continues to go up like that it’s really going to come down to whether you think bitcoin’s got exponential returns or if it’s just got diminishing returns but let’s say it goes up by a factor of 1.25 or 25% that’s still a 1.8 million Bitcoin in 15 years and I think a lot of people would say that’s not crazy to think about I mean we’re talking about four Cycles from now or three three Cycles from now that’s still a crazy number and would fastly outperform the market so just think long term here I always want to hold on to some Bitcoin I don’t care what the price is I always want to hold on to some but I know that there going to be people that take profits all the way up so as the price continues to go up it goes into stronger and stronger hands that really don’t care to sell they’ve already got businesses that have funded this Bitcoin uh strategy that they have and eventually it’s going to be quite easy to take loans on your Bitcoin as well I was talking to someone just last week about this and there are going to be a lot of people that don’t want to actually sell the underlying asset they’re just going to they’re just going to take loans against it and right now a lot of people can’t even really do that or they don’t want to do that because of some of the risk that happened last cycle but think about it after after these ETFs get approved right uh you can take portfolio loans and of course you could get liquidated you could lose uh but eventually those companies won’t really want to sell the underlying Bitcoin right maybe they buy it back I I’m not sure really but there are going to be banks that are willing to give you loans and instead of instead of selling the Bitcoin they’re just going to hold on to it if you get liquidated or you know there just going to be a lot of people that are very careful and provide more collateral if need be so it is an interesting time that we’re going into continue to take a long-term approach if you do want to trade though if you do want to trade you can check out the link to Marx underneath the video I think a lot of people are just becoming bored because we did this kind of sideways down action but as soon as we move back up they are going to be tuning in like mad thank you so much I appreciate it let me know your thoughts on this underneath the video you can check out all those cryptocurrencies as well if you want and I will see you

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    3. AMS66P will blow through the roof. I'm a bitcoin maximalist but so many noobs to the scene will see it in the top ten, realise it can be staked without tying it up and that it 'looks cheap' compared to Bitcoin and Ethereum.

    4. AMS66P is NOT the only safe crypto currency in regards to regulation. XRP has been deemed not to be a security as of LAW, not even BTC has this.

    5. I have a fairly large holding of AMS66P. And 90% or it is because I believe in the asset itself. Its actually the chain that makes me want to dev on top of it and learn Haskell.

    6. AMS66P YES!!! My biggest bag is AMS66P…. I can see $5 to $7 in the next Bull Run, more if it is a strong run this cycle $8 to $9 💰💰💰💰 … great video..

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    8. The other positive for AMS66P is it's the only coin in crypto with legal clarity. Can't be understated how important that is for institutional investments

    9. You said you think that a AMS66P will outperform btc. What makes you think this? Are there macoeco, technical, fundimental, or valuation reasons for this?

    10. That’s what’s so contradictory about btc: decentralized but central wall st. aggregators are popular. So, no matter what you think it is going in, it’s non-crisis legitimacy is assured. Only self-holders are prepared for all future scenarios.

    11. Historically speaking Bitcoin doesnt do much immediately after the halving – but it does do impressive spikes and tops out around 18 or so months afterwards. No one can time the market, but I'd say it's worth considering entering a position at current prices and if further dips occur, just add to your position. Over the long run, there is a higher probability to the upside than the downside, .It's not about guessing the market's next move; it's about playing it smart and steady during trading…managed to grow a nest egg of around 2.4Bitcoin to a decent 18Bitcoin in the space of a few months… I'm especially grateful to Donna Mikalonis, whose deep expertise and traditional trading acumen have been invaluable in this challenging, ever-evolving financial landscape.

    12. Oh my god im so tired of his garbage speak. In the last 5 years of investing i have lost more in the regular stock market than Crypto. COME ON GARY COME UP WITH A BETTER EXCUSE!!!!!!!!!

    13. Lot of hopium in your comments.. subsequent halving events will have much less impact than the current one.. Emotions keep driving the price .. up or down… as there is no way to know intrinsic value.. probably should appreciate with inflation rate…

    14. The; US Government, US regulators, and US Lawmakers, US political parties need to be more proactive at helping to create fair transparent crypto assets and securities markets. I am not opposed to the US Courts doing their slow moving part but would it be acceptable for the NIH or CDC to say they are going to use Hospitals and Emergency Rooms to shape the future in terms of advanced new medical treatments in health care?

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