Understanding Gold, Silver, and Bitcoin as Investments – Robert Kiyosaki, Andy Schectman

    so I have no faith in the US dollar holding its value where our debt is going up we’re printing money to pay pay our bills that’s like using a credit card to pay your mortgage you know what I mean hello hello hello Robert kosaki the Rich Dad Radio Show again we broadcast from downtown or Phoenix Arizona where it’s either heaven or hell and right now it’s still heaven but it’ll soon be hell people say well how can you stand the heat so what’s have air conditioning for you know air condition cars condition the house and uh I like it it’s not that bad Hawaii is humid and Arizona is just hot but if it’s humid I get tired so that’s why I don’t doesn’t bother me too much today we have a very important show it’s it’s about Bitcoin gold and silver but more than that those are we’re going to go macro macro as to what’s going on today at a place called Columbia University and all across the world with you know the Hamas and anti- anti-semitic rhetoric and anti-israeli and all this stuff and uh as some of you know I I fought for the I fought for the United States US Marine I went to Vietnam twice to fight for our freedom and today I have we’re we’re in chaos and so in 1965 when I went to SCH I left Hawaii and went all the way to school in New York Columbia University was right down the street streets and that’s where the rioting started so then I in 1965 my economics teacher had our class read this book here and I suggest everybody should read it because when I read Communist Manifesto I realized my family a lot of them are Marxist now they’re not bad people you it’s like somebody some people are Christians some people are Buddhists some people are Jewish economics is kind of a money or a religion that’s all it is so in Marxism they believe in taxation which I don’t like and uh all the other things they go into but the thing that happened at columia University was stage he talks about communism would take over America in two stages and stage one occurred in 1930 when columa University where all the fuff going on today as we speak in 2024 they invited Marxist teachers from Germany to teach at columia University’s College Teachers College and in 1966 6768 is when all those rioting blew up in Colombia and it’s it’s repeating again today history you know history proves we don’t learn anything so we’re blowing up anti-semitic anti- Palestine Hamas this I don’t you know and it’s getting worse so my special guest today we we will get to crypto Bitcoin gold silver but I think we need to take a macro look look at what’s going on before we go further this is my friend Andy sheckman a full disclosure you know I’m a client of his I buy from him I trust him I like people who educate when they when they sell because I call him I call for the education more than the gold or silver and um his company is Miles Franklin one of the best companies in gold and silver but also Andy is Jewish and my friend Blair uh singer is Jewish and I don’t know the difference you know what is a Jew is it a religion is it a race is it this and I never understood it so I thought I’d ask since I since we have this Hamas stuff blowing up and Columbia University back in the news all this rioting I thought I’d ask Andy to give his point of view what what do you think is going on Andy I I find it to be crazy you know um most of the people that are protesting um would would would not be very welcome by by Hamas um to say the least but coming from my perspective look I mean yeah I was born Jewish I never even had a bar mitzvah um I I started my company on a wing in a prayer with a loan in a one room office the size of a closet um nothing was ever given to me I never came into this world entitled I came born into a religion that I know very little about now I’m proud proud to be Jewish um but I can’t read a lick of Hebrew and and don’t understand the religion other than the very very very Basics and yet I would be painted into a corner as being you know part of the problem I never understood why a very very tiny small percentage of human population but a speck of dust in relation to the rest of the world uh when you look at the outsize level of of uh of of uh things that they have contributed to the world in in art in literature in medicine in in finance all of these things they they are so hated um it bothers me an awful lot but it’s a bigger deal I mean the lack of unity in this country is unbelievable and and I think that what’s happening at at Colombia and other universities is is complete and total disgrace to be honest with you and you know um one of these deals where you feel you you wonder why why is there such hatred um just based on how you came into this world and um I don’t know it’s it’s I think symbolic of a bigger problem in this country Robert very much so like my family being Japanese after Pearl Harbor my not in Hawaii but my family my relatives who lived on the East Co west coast of America California they were put in in interment camps just the same as the Jews were you know and so my family being that they were Americans you I’m fourth generation Japanese American my uncle said well we’re going to fight for America to prove that we’re you know we’re we’re here to serve America so they formed the 442nd infantry battalion it was all Japanese and because they were in the concentration camps in America but I think there there’s the they and they when they got to Europe they were liberating some of the the some of the prison of War camps in for the Jews so well look look at the difference there your family assimilated and contributed to the country where we have people in Dearborn Michigan saying death to America on American soil and and yet they’re focusing on on on Jews and it it just doesn’t make sense to me people I just are are are uneducated I guess is what you could say to that well I think it is taught by your parents that’s I suspect that you know I had a friend who’s Muslim s i loved them to death but man I never met a man who hated Jews so much I said Sally do you know any of them he goes no so why do you hate them I said I don’t I just hate him but I think it was taught to him he wouldn’t admit that it’s the same as people hate blacks you know they’re taught it at home so I that’s my only easy T Cent psychological input to that so this goes into we’re now at this um Hamas Israel we have Ukraine uh we have the Biden full operation I mean Trump is on trial for doing what every real estate entrepreneur does they pad their financials I’m give me a break you know and they’re gonna they’re so it’s it’s fascism right now what they’re doing to Trump do you know what I mean they’re G to they’re going to use the court system to put a good man in jail make make sure he doesn’t get elect that’s fascism and then Hunter Biden the FBI loses his laptop oh my God Andy you know as my Spanish friend would say kapasa what’s going on here what do you what do you think I mean but this a it’s a reason to buy gold silver Bitcoin and all this because our currency is screwed up now it’s it’s going to get worse because our debt keeps going up well and I you know all of that’s true I mean our debt is going up to the tune of a trillion dollars every days it took 200 years to do it the first time uh we are adding debt at a level that is is unsustainable we have 9 trillion doll in treasuries that need to be uh rolled over at higher interest rates this year alone at a time when the world is selling treasuries China is down to 700 just over 700 billion uh they were at three trillion not too long ago uh obviously Iran and Russia and well they sold all their treasury Saudi Arabia is lowering their treasury amount Japan is so as all of these these countries are shedding treasuries um who’s buying them including the Federal Reserve the number one holder of the of the of our debt they’re rolling them off their balance sheet so who’s going to finance the 10 or 11 trillion dollars every year for the next 10 that we have obligations towards to to roll over at higher interest rates who’s going to finance this irresponsible spending that we have you mentioned the Ukraine we’ve given them $200 billion Robert since February of 2022 and no Congressional over s it yet $5 billion to build a wall to protect border states like Arizona and Texas well that that’s just too much and and president Trump should have been vilified for that right and so we are misplaced we’re borrowing money to give to a country instead of taking care of our own borders where the Senate after voting for this is cheering and waving um Ukrainian flags and then at the same time you have our treasury secretary Janet Yellen two three weeks ago in Brazil in Brazil the be in bricks saying you know sanctioning Russian 380 billion in Forex reserves that’s not enough we need to confiscate them I believe they vote on that tomorrow think to confiscate they’re gonna pull more sanctions against Russia yes and and they’re gonna not just sanction but confiscate their assets and then you had her just this week on Monday or maybe last week week at the end of the week do an interview with CNBC threatening China if you Aid Russia and their military and again C in bricks is China and if you Aid them you we have no problem with you being friends thanks Janet that’s cool but if you Aid them in any way towards their military efforts we will sanction your companies your Banks and even Beijing so it’s okay for us to give 200 billion to the Ukraine but if you do it we’re going to sanction you and now they’re threatening to sanction Pakistan for um wanting to build a pipeline for oil between Pakistan and Iran these sanctions are what is creating the resentment and and the view that we’re very hypocritical around world let’s get back to Gold Silver and Bitcoin now would you mind telling us about miles Franklin but one of the most important things is that what your father taught you about what your deal with your father was because we the best gift I’ve ever been given by far I make all my employees do it too and they all thank me and I thank my dad it was the best you know I think of you all the time when I think of this because in in in being talking to you all the time you talk about getting out of the Rat Race and and that’s part of your game and and that resonates with me because how do you get out of the Rat Race there are ways to do it you’ve enumerated that many ways many times but to me the best way I’ve learned personally to get out of the rat race is to pay yourself first my father told me when I started the company that every two weeks as a 19-year-old kid I’ll buy something metal when I get paid or he’ll fire me that he wouldn’t let me make the same mistakes that that he had made and I thought well if that’s the Only Rule I can deal with that um 34 years later I look at that as the greatest gift I’ve ever been given I you know I’ve I’ve run the company myself for over two decades he he won’t fire me anymore but the promise I’ve honored and I buy something every two weeks and I don’t look at gold and silver as an investment I look at it as wealth I think you do too it’s not something you buy to get wealthy it it is wealth if you own enough okay you could be considered wealthy but it’s wealth and paying yourself first is how you get out the reason is is because in 781 Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard and the dollar became debt and now our debt exactly say every 100 days or 90 days us is increasing their debt by a trillion dollars how long how how you you have a say how big is a trillion dollars you have a you have you always cite that yeah I’m glad you said that because you know look most of us in our lifetime can make a million working you may not save it but you can make it and there’s lots of billionaires out there and um you know a trillion seconds ago a trillion doesn’t sound like that much because a million and a billion they’re obtainable I guess um a trillion seconds ago was 31,6 188 years ago numbers are so big it’s unfathomable say again 3,688 years ago Neanderthal stalking the planes of Europe is a trillion seconds ago and we’re adding that every hundred days and we’re adding a 100 billion in interest payments roughly every hundred days as well the numbers it’s the hockey stick phase where they just they start to go up parabolically and to return from that becomes almost en pal calls it the banana phase it goes parabolic up there so tell us about miles Franklin and full disclosure I’m a client of yours I buy it from you but uh we’re a precious metals company been doing for 34 years um we do have a website where you can purchase but the prices are nowhere near as good if you just simply send us an email at info@ myfranklin and say you heard heard me on the Rich Dad program we’ll send you a price list that will be as good or better than anywhere in America uh we’ll answer any questions that you’ve heard here on this show or anything else that you have questions about no obligation info at mfranklin decom if you just want the Price Less that’s great or any questions or want to be contacted and we’ve done this for 34 years almost to 10 billion in sales never had a customer complaint ever we’ve made mistakes but not enough to Warrant someone to put a nasty complaint online somewhere uh we make right if we make a mistake but um that’s who we are and you know something I was talking to someone last night and they said what what is one of your you know your secrets of success I said you know something I can’t remember a day in 34 years where I didn’t wake up looking forward to seeing what the world has brought and and to doing this and it’s something I love and I think you’ve loved what you’ve done forever and maybe that’s why you’re successful um I think having a passion is something that’s important and this is something that you know regardless of of you know speaking online and and getting pushed back or whatever it’s my labor of love and it’s something that I enjoy and feel I’m contributing even a little bit to society by doing this and that’s who we are and that’s who I am and then like you your dad had you pay yourself first I first started buying silver in 1964 when I started noticing the the coins had copper around them and then I bought my first gold in 1972 I bought I I flew Behind Enemy Lines in Vietnam to look for gold and I realized I didn’t know what gold looked like you know a I was a helicopter pilot and so I finally had to wait to go all the way to Hong Kong and I’m in the streets of Hong Kong dealing with the Chinese as you know they’re very smart people very smart people and I was getting an education in gold and silver and what I call real money you know gold and silver are real money and I so I bought my first Krueger ran I I I had to pay $50 for an ounce you know what I mean but a few weeks ago it was earlier was $35 and I still have that crud Grand I don’t store it here in America it’s stored outside of Switzerland you another country and the reason for that is you know which is that the poster over your right shoulder is you know Roosevelt confiscated people’s gold so it’s being a little paranoid my gold is not in America and it’s in storage faults outside of Switzerland someplace so that that’s my story and I don’t save dollars that’s why I put Savers or losers and I save silver and I gold and just recently about 10 years ago I started buying Bitcoin you know and I look at the whole thing and people want to argue you know I hear it all the time on YouTube which is better gold or Bitcoin or silver or Bitcoin and I was laughing I like why don’t people argue about such stupid things you know just how many do you have that’s all it counts how many ounces of gold how many ounces of Sumer how many Bitcoin or solada or whatever you got but they want to argue and debate it and they don’t have anything that makes no sense to me well and I and I I Ru the the um the debate I mean last time I saw you in person was in Vancouver and I had lunch with our mutual friend Mark moss and and Natalie Brunell and they opened my eyes in many respects um to some of the things I hadn’t been thinking about in Bitcoin and before I take that any further I I’ll just simply say that it has always been going all the way back to the to when Bitcoin was $400 a coin I had a gentleman working for me named Andy Hoffman who also opened my eyes into Bitcoin and he wanted to we together wanted to build a bridge between the Bitcoin community and the physical medals Community because after all the ideology in many respects is the same the push back against what’s happening in the country with the monetary and fiscal policy the decentralization in other words owning something that you hold physically that is not simultaneously someone else’s liability now that didn’t work out so well at the time for various reasons not because of the ideology just because differences of opinion but suffice it to say my my my thinking is that we all come in the door for the same reason and and and maybe the difference between the two is that Bitcoin Community wants let me add this the reason we buy gold silver and Bitcoin are the same reason it’s not any different just give me tell me how many ounces you have yeah well that’s the point and I think we should be complimentary to one another instead of adversarial and I think anyone’s portfolio that is rich in Bitcoin would be stronger if some of the profits were put into gold you’re hedging your bet and and I’ll simply say this that I I don’t delegitimize Bitcoin at all in fact since I had since I last saw you I’ve been buying it along with gold and silver every two weeks um and that’s new to me because I don’t want to miss out on it and I don’t want to miss out on what could be a global Trend but you know it’s never really been my focus but I’m open-minded enough to add little bits of it on a habitual basis but you’re right I mean I think that if you look at the central banks of the world which are the most well-informed Traders forget about how wealthy they are they’ve been buying gold at a level the world has never seen before so there is legitimacy to taking some of the profits in cryptocurrency that people have made a fortune and and and and put that into something that’s stable and that the biggest money smartest money most well-informed traders in the world are buying it doesn’t have to be they don’t have to be mutually exclusive of one another I think your portfolio becomes a hell of a lot stronger as you’ve been recommending for years now having allocations to all three um instead of just only looking in a you know in One Direction broaden your horizons you’ll probably end up having a stronger portfolio I to say is you don’t have to make something wrong to be right I mean it’s really stupid but that’s what that’s what causes War I’m right you’re wrong and these who are debating gold and silver and Bitcoin and salara and all this other stuff it’s just a bunch of hot air and uh that that’s the point is we’re where we in I buy gold silver Bitcoin and I just bought some ethereum simply for the same reason our money is fake our money cuz you get it you get it and you see the bigger picture and I think we’re in the minority people so let me say this much you know I think his name is Michael sailor his micro strategies and all that I mean he’s putting billions into Bitcoin billions you know I got my 60 coins and he’s got billions I’m going holy mackerel and um but he says what do you call a person who saves fiat currency or the US dollar poor and that’s what’s happening today people with old ideas are getting poorer and poorer and poorer because as you know my whole shtick is what did School teach you about money nothing so any we come back been going more into this and all this but I let’s I’m glad we start with the macro and then any kind of racism is more than a sin it’s a crime so anyway we’ll be right [Music] back have you heard about the expanding influence of bricks Brazil Russia India China and South Africa and its potential to severely impact the US dollar by possibly creating a new world currency even JP Morgan said and I’m paraphrasing the impact of bricks would most likely be felt here in the US where moving away from the dollar would cause our financial assets like our IRAs and 401ks to lose value we agree with JP Morgan and many others now is the time to position yourself for stability security and wealth protection so take it from Robert and me whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting we believe that gold should be a part of everyone’s portfolio seize the opportunity to ensure your financial future with gold and do it with one of the best in the industry Allegiance gold Allegiance gold has done things right from the beginning having earned five stars with trust link and an A+ with the Better Business Bureau a agent gold can help protect your IRA or 401K with physical gold and silver or you can have it delivered securely to your doorstep get up to $5,000 in free silver on a qualifying investment when you visit protect withth robert.com today or you can call 8443 Robert that’s 8443 Robert hi everyone I’m Kim kosaki thank you for being with us today as CEO and co-founder of the Rich Dad company I can assure for you Robert and I are both dedicated to our Rich Dad mission to elevate the financial well-being of humanity and you are the humanity we truly want you to succeed when you succeed we all succeed and our mission grows stronger with that in mind I’m excited to extend a personal invitation to you to elevate your financial well-being by attending our exclusive free online wealth building event hosted by Robert you’ll learn what to focus on first to stting increasing your cash flow immediately you can reserve your seat right now by going to richdad online.com just go to richdad online.com the event is 100% free and will help you achieve your financial goals welcome back Robert kosaki the Rich Dad Radio Show I mean one thing is I don’t make I don’t I’m not a financial planner I don’t make recommendations you should do this or should do that I tell you what I do and that’s as as far as it goes you want to do something you do it don’t want to do it don’t blame me but the reason I buy from Miles Franklin is because I have several people I buy from but I go for the information education so I can call Andy up because I’m going to buy something and he’ll always add some bit of knowledge or wisdom or history that increases my understanding of why I’m doing what I’m doing so we started with Columbia University which is like I said their teachers College in 1930 invited Nazis in from Germany to teach the teachers and that’s when Communism spread all across America was through academic system and now we have rioting anti-semitic anti-israeli you know we’ve lost our whole focus on what we do it for so Andy was telling me before we went on the air there a here there’s a paper called clar piffen or something that explains what is happening in at Colombia and throughout the world right now yeah you know um before I mention what the Clower Piven theory is you know I talk a lot about a man named Jared Bernstein and Jared Bernstein is the lead economic adviser of the United States government who advocates for losing the world Reserve status and he’s written reports on it the throne King Dollar Etc and you know by weaponizing the dollar and and telling Saudi Arabia the lynchpin of the hemony hey we’re going green well that set the ball in motion and I always have said I’ve talked a lot about I’ve talked about that with you a lot and on your show but I’ve also talked about the things that bother me the most about what’s happening in this country is the lawlessness the open borders the the wokeness the you know the the questioning of the electoral system of the judicial system that’s Bo bothered me more than anything because you know if this country represented what it was when you went to to fight for it I think we could we we were United and we could we could stand up to problems we could fix this we could we could get away from it but when people look at what’s happening in our country all of the things I just mentioned I think they wonder what the hell’s going on in this country now interestingly enough Jared Bernstein who I believe is the architect of the D dollarization plan the lead economic adviser of the US government graduated along with Barack Obama from Columbia University along with Anthony bilin the current Secretary of State former attorney generals Bill bar Eric Holder and mine Albright former US ambassador to the UN and I want to give a shout out to our mutual friend Mark Moss who kind of turned me on to this opened my eyes to it um and it blew me away because all of these things that I’ve been lamenting over the past several months on gosh knows how many podcasts I’ve done and talked about it there’s the cloward pbon strategy that I’m like oh my God this is what they’re doing and it it’s about a man named Richard cloward and Francis Fox Piven they were two professors who taught at Columbia University husband and wife um and they they taught a a theory that outlin outlined a plan to socialize America by overwhelming the systems with government spending and entitlement programs and in essence I’ll just read a couple of the strategies the primary objective of the strategy is to create chaos with the hopes of destroying America’s capitalist economy and replacing it with a socialist system that guarantee what that includes guaranteed income a massive drive to rec recruit the poor onto the welfare roles the point of surging welfare claims is to enroll as many individuals as it takes to send the United States into an economic crisis now think of the 12 million people we just entered uh into this country illegally 63% right now of non US citizens are currently activating some form of of taxpayer funded welfare compared to only 35% of us households talk about uh specifically mentioned targeting America’s large cities for their colossal welfare push Sam Francisco New York City Philadelphia Chicago they’re overwhelmed right now and targeting the big cities in in a series of welfare drives in large cities we could believe impel action on a new federal program to redistribute income they talk about the best ways to achieve their goals is to create a new loyal voting block out of the rapidly increasing number of welfare recipients do you think these 12 million people will vote anything other than Democrat if the Republicans say no no you’re gonna we’re gonna we’re going to deport you let alone no they won’t they will continue to vote this way and on and on and on and the last piece I want people to research this for themsel I don’t need to read this over you can in 10 minutes you can read about it but the last piece that I found really interesting was that both cloward and Piven agreed that a mainstream media would play a critical role in their organized attack against America to quote Clow cloward and Piven as the crisis develops it will be important to use the mass media to inform the broader liberal Community about the inefficiencies and injustices of welfare you read this and you will say my God they are doing this right now and and they are overwhelming the system who’s going to pay for those 12 million people you know Robert um the Congressional budget office which is the last nonpartisan group in Washington came out and said this is before the 12 million people came in here by 2031 in less than seven years 100% of of tax revenue will go just to pay the um uh interest on the debt and the mandatory entitlement programs like the 99.5 trillion shortfall in Medicare the $77 trillion shortfall in Social Security and and and when you realize that military spending is um is is a discretional line item on the budget that means that we will have to borrow money to fund our military how do we maintain our status as as as the leader of the Free World when and financially and militarily when we have to borrow money just to fund the military it ain’t going to happen that’s before the 12 million people came in here who’s going to pay for them their schooling their their housing their food their medical they are overwhelming the system and and creating a A system that will break ushering in Universal basic income especially in the big cities which are becoming night uh throw into it the impending commercial real estate issue and it gets a whole lot wor so I have no faith in the US dollar holding its value where our debt is going up we’re printing money to pay pay our bills that’s like using a credit card to pay your mortgage you know I mean it doesn’t it doesn’t make any sense at all and that’s why there’s no Financial education in our schools but that’s why most School teachers are marxists and uh they you know one of the things that Mark said was that um taxation is essential for the spread of Communism but also was a guy named Thomas Jefferson way back when he says if we install a central bank which the FED is and the bank of Japan and all these guys our people wake up homeless and homelessness is expanding and this what I’m trying to say to people this is not a mistake and if you’re saving dollars exactly as Michael sailor says if you’re saving fiat currency like the Yen the euro to pay so you’re called a poor person you’re getting poor and poor because your education hasn’t kept up with the times and that’s a problem of going to school where Marxist teach the education so who was who was Obama’s classmate at Columbia I don’t know if they were classmates but Jared Bernstein went there as well and if you Google Jared Bernstein cloward Piven Theory you’ll see there’s gazillion articles he supports it and Jared Bernstein is the lead economic adviser of the United States government who advocates for losing the reserve status what better way to lose the reserve status than to tell Saudi Arabia the Lynch pin of it and OPEC hey we’re going green look I want a clean world too but to go and say that to Saudi Arabia means you are threatening the existence of the pet dollar and then sanction and weaponize and even confiscate foreign reserves and tell other people you can do this but you can’t look we invaded Iraq 20 years ago we’re still occupying their country sanctioning 14 of their Banks and holding their oil Revenue we they asked us for a billion dollars out of the 95 billion in oil Revenue that they made last year that’s held at the New York fed we said that’s not a good time so what have they done formally applied to Bricks kicked they are kicking Western Coalition forces out of the country made trading in dollars illegal if you own a business and trade in in Iraq you will go to jail and they’ll take your your company and as of January of this year they got rid of all green bills $100 bills they’re out of every Bank in Iraq we are viewed as hypocritical we can do it you can’t and if you don’t like it if we’re not on our side I logically we’re going to confiscate your Forex reserves this is why they’re all selling treasuries and buying gold because it has no counterparty risk so counterparty risk means there’s nobody there’s gold is money silver is money of the two just for keep people happy you have gold silver I have I have silver eagles and gold eagles which which do you I mean I I think silver is the best buy simply because a person can afford it it’s about $30 today us this is 20 24 but Bitcoin you can get a Satoshi or whatever that is you know Japanese name but people are still insisting on saving fake money fiat currency that’s how I wrote the book fake you know and people are getting poorer and poorer in America because most of our school teachers are marxists and they don’t and they hate the rich that’s why they’re going after Trump they hate him because he’s a rich man they’re his he’s charge for doing what every real estate investor does we pad our financials we we say this is how much are this this building is worth and all this and as my rich dad said to me a long time ago he says so we fill out the financial statements he says the difference between your lies and my lies or my lies come true and so what Trump did he kind of lied on his financial statement but he came true he paid everybody back but now they’re going to take down the former president of the United States just so that guys like Biden FBI can’t find his laptop give me a break and what and what about isn’t Biden receiving money from Russia Ukraine and China yeah I mean it’s it’s it’s just a complete and total joke don’t forget about the cocaine that they destroyed without checking the fingerprints or any of the I mean the whole thing is a joke it’s a complete and total joke I live not too far from maril Lago and you know uh Sylvester Salone just bought a house there for $30 million on Palm Beach and they’re trying and it’s it’s it’s a fraction of the size of Mir Lago and Mir Lago is a much better piece of property they’re saying it’s 18 million not the value that I mean the whole thing is just a joke it’s really it’s really a joke and it’s an embarrassment to this country it’s embarrassment to a guy like you who risked his life fighting for a for a country that that held a higher moral ground than the rest of the world I I find it to be more repugnant than anything we’ve done mismanaging the world Reserve currency it’s what we are doing to the reputation to to to Liberty to the reputation of a country that that was once the beacon of light around the world and now people are saying what the hell has gone on and and your question about what is better yeah I mean Satoshi is what you’re talking about you can buy little pieces of Bitcoin sure it’s great uh people can own it and hold it in their own possession off off the exchange no counterparty risk in terms of gold and silver look if I had one trade it might be gold only because it was reclassified the world’s only other tier one asset by the bank of international settlements which is the most powerful Bank on the planet yet I think silver is the trade of a generation if I had two trades I’d buy silver maybe with the intention of down the road when the ratio between the two correct trading it back into gold interesting thing about silver I’d like to mention the silver Institute came out with their numbers recently and said 185 million ounce shortfall this year over 200 million last year but in it they it’s very conspicuous they do not mention silver in the military industrial complex at all no there is no military breakout two years ago I gave a speech in Vancouver the same place I saw you last time at at at J Martin’s Vancouver resource investment conference one of the best one of only two I go to conferences All Year everyone should check him out he’s a mutual friend of ours and a great dude and and in it I I said there’s 500 ounces in the tomahawk cruise missile and a guy came up to me he sent me this cup he uh he says I work for the Department of Defense and I actually helped design the Patriot missile and I know there’s silver in it I just don’t know how much well last time we were there when I saw you last he came up to me after my last speech and he said you know what you were right there’s about 14 to 15 kilograms in the tip of a tomahawk and he showed me all sorts of pictures said don’t worry this is all Declassified and we talked for an hour he just he texted me a couple days ago I got to get back to him and talk some more because they didn’t list it in any of the supply demand fundamentals so when you think of all the missiles high-tech missiles not just tomahawks and Aerospace that need silver and ask yourself why would a a Commercial Bank like Bank of America be short 1 billion ounces naked short of silver why was JP Morgan so short why did JP Morgan pay a $920 million fine for suppressing the market and is still allowed to be the custodian of the world’s largest silver trust the largest fine the justice department ever issued and yet they’re still allowed to do it the point of it is is is the silver is the military industrial complex holding the price of silver down so they can create all of these high-tech weapons to sell all around the world to fund the continuation of War all around the world could it be that simple I don’t know but ask yourself if indeed it was confirmed by this gentleman a DOD consultant who said yes there is that much in a tomahawk think of all the missiles and ask yourself why is it not in the supply demand fundamentals and then ask yourself why would a handful of commercial Banks hold the largest concentrated short position in any commodity traded on comx found in silver it makes no sense until you take a step back and say could that be it fine line between conspiracy and reality I’ll let you all decide but in my mind absolutely why they are allowing these commercial Banks to suppress silver in order to fund the military-industrial complex’s efforts and who is a military-industrial complex I don’t know is it Black Rock and Vanguard they own everything including the ETFs could it be them maybe don’t know I’ll let you all decide well that’s the whole point here is that um the whole thing is so rigged it’s terrifying and that’s why counterparty risk means I don’t want to own a stock because I don’t know who’s got it like if I borrow right if I borrow money I me who who’s who’s the guy G to pay me back if that’s what I want to know and gold and silver you don’t need that same as Bitcoin you have no counterparty risk like would you love would you lend your stupid brother-in-law a million dollars you know I mean no the guy doesn’t even have a job and so the point another point you made with will complete with this is not only is silver using batteries with EVs and all and I bought my first EV I love the car it’s a uh Cadillac lyric it’s I go past gas stations and all that and I I have I own I own oil wells so I’m kind of Trader to my industry but I I like the battery car I mean I get I don’t I don’t go far distances but I love the car but the thing about no counterparty risk and all this um it’s getting scarcer and scarcer and scarcer much like Bitcoin because silver is consumed just as Bitcoin has a finite and that’s one reason I like silver and most people can afford 35 bucks today so well when you talk about the counterparty risk in silver and it is getting scarcer so if you think you own for examp example comx contract of silver which is 5,000 oun currently the registered category is reh hypothecated those are the bars that are on comx that people hold contracts that they think they own they can take delivery of it’s rehypothecation roughly about 1,00% everyone stood for delivery 17 would get cash one would get the bar you got to explain what re hypothecate means edges means selling the same asset over and over and over and over and over and over again because of the Leverage most people never stood for delivery ever and when they developed the comx market they figured here’s how we can do it we can let people pretend to pay and we can pretend to give it to them what I mean by that is that if I buy a comx gold contract to hedge my inventory I just have to have about $8,000 in my margin account the trade’s 15 bucks or less the $88,000 in my margin account as long as the price doesn’t go against me allows me to control 100 ounces of gold now I could stand for delivery but that’s what I mean about prote to pay for it now they can pretend that I Own It by rehy selling that same contract over many many times over real simple it very simply means they’re selling the same product over and over and over again that’s what re hypothecate means so if somebody says well where’s my silver we’re in trouble well that’s right it would be only one out of 18 would get their silver the rest would get cash settlement that’s exactly that’s part of the fractional Reserve System that Banks run on so I I think one of the biggest things we should heed was from Thomas Jefferson again like he says that if a central bank takes over which is the fed the Euro I mean the bank of England bank of Japan is our PE our people will wind up homeless in the land their fathers fought for and that’s what’s happening right now homelessness is increasing very simply because every time they print money asset prices go up but when you print money so does food and and gasoline and all that go up so people like you and me could because we’re saving gold and silver the asset price goes up so we get richer but for the people who are saving money they’re getting poorer and that’s why um Michael sailor says what do you call a person who saves fiat currency poor and because we have no Financial education in our schools the poor are getting poor now they can’t afford to buy a house they can’t afford the rent and homelessness goes up but this is why you know I I I’m so adamant about why don’t we have Financial education in school as the Brad company is four but um that’s why I love what you do because every time I buy from you you always educate me so final words uh Andy how can people get in touch with Miles Franklin and how how do you recommend they start if they want to I make no money from this I’m not saying you should I’m not a financial advisor so how would people get in touch with Miles Franklin you know I love you Robert and I appreciate your kind words uh info@ milesfrom say you heard me on the Robert kosaki show and we will send you the current price list which will be far more competitive than anything you see on our website most of every other company in America any questions you’ve heard on here you want uh to be expanded upon or or any questions you have info at Miles Franklin and we will uh we’ll make it a very very very good experience you have my word one one of the problems with gold and silver storage well how does miles Franklin mitigate that so you know I think that if you can hold it yourself it behooves you because of the lack of counterparty risk having no one in between you and your money um but we do I think have the finest storage indust uh storage program in the industry I think we’re the Envy of the storage industry we have a exclusive Arrangement that no one else has with Brinks for a fixed rate storage program uh all throughout nine vaults around the country and meaning it’s it’s based on the ounces rather than the value that’s very unusual in the industry um and if you need to store it all of our storage accounts are 100% segregated insured and audited uh semiannually for the reason I laugh is um you know you deal with attorneys a lot of them are they’re basically smart people but they lack a lot of common sense if you know what I mean every attorney I make I meet I said how in the world you all you are as an attorney you don’t know much about that but I was at this one conference you know masses of people and this attorney stands up there and he says yeah I own gold and silver and said says where do you keep it I keep it at my house God I just cracked up I says why don’t you say come over to my house for a pot luck you know I mean yeah well and that’s the thing about storage if you’re going to store it make sure you do it with a very reputable company and that’s that’s why I partnered with Brinks in in storage because they’re the finest in the industry and over a hundred years they’ve never had an attempted break into any of their facilities so that’s what I choose and and the is the cloward piffen that’s the the paper pen cloward Piven Theory well Andy thanks so much for being an educator Mo most importantly but also is that we both had I my My Poor Dad saved money that’s why he was poor really sad you know and my rich dad he’s he he didn’t save gold he saved silver because we we couldn’t you know silver gold was illegal for us if you remember yeah till 1974 that’s right so anyway um and the the rule of thumb is always pay yourself first it is indeed it is indeed and I’m always so happy to be here and to see you you look great thanks for having me and in a world that’s going to get increasingly volatile leading up to the big meeting in October for the bricks where 36 more countries have formally applied and then the election the month after I’m sure there’ll be lots to talk about so I’m always willing to jump on and in the meantime I hope you and everyone else out there stay well as the Chinese curse goes may you live in interesting times and boy these are getting more and more interesting by the day so I hope everyone stays well so Andy thank you very much and then uh we’ll see you around the block and we’ll be right back with the final words from Rich [Music] D welcome back once again this Rich Dad Radio Show would make no recommendations I’m not a financial adviser and I make no commissions off of uh Andy shekman or gold or silver I appreciate Andy because he’s first an educator and the reason I like dealing with him is to get my education and uh one of the rules of thumb about investing is only invest in what you understand or start really small so I started really small in Bitcoin and uh I got on late with 6,000 a coin and today it’s about 60,000 so um that’s how I learn but anyway couple of this is April 2024 and two weeks ago I was in marago Trump’s place right near uh where Andy lives in Palm Beach Florida and the big Riot not the riot but there was a huge crowd that showed up on for trump it was called border 911 the there’s thousands of people showed paying like $2,000 for a seat to hear people talk about how we’re going to stop the open border that Biden as you may know Trump put the wall up and Biden took the wall down so I think Biden is one of the biggest most treasonous individuals president we’ve ever had but as I always say in closing not what a not not don’t pay attention to what a person says watch what they do and what Biden is doing is destroying this company that person Jared is on Biden’s staff so please understand that this is not Democrat Republican this is about capitalism versus Marxism thanks for listening to the Rich Dad radio [Music] show this podcast is a presentation of Rich Dad media Network

    In this episode, Robert Kiyosaki expresses his concern over the declining value of the U.S. dollar, citing rampant debt and irresponsible financial policies as the primary reasons. Kiyosaki dives into a discussion about Bitcoin, gold, and silver, framing them against the backdrop of current global and domestic unrest.

    Schectman discusses the importance of precious metals and cryptocurrencies as a hedge against economic instability. They explore topics like the historical significance of gold and silver, the undermining of the U.S. dollar’s credibility on the global stage, and the increasing importance of having assets outside of traditional currencies in facing a potential economic crisis. The conversation concludes with insights into personal finance strategies such as paying oneself first and the critical importance of financial education.

    00:00 Introduction
    00:47 A Deep Dive into Global Politics and Economics
    11:10 Understanding Gold, Silver, and Bitcoin as Investments
    19:01 The Importance of Diversifying Your Portfolio
    24:55 Exploring the Cloward-Piven Strategy and Its Impact
    27:23 The Role of Education and Media in Economic Theories
    29:44 Analyzing the Financial Implications of Government Policies
    33:40 The Debate on Gold, Silver, and Cryptocurrency Investments
    43:29 The Importance of Financial Education and Personal Investment Choices
    47:14 Final Thoughts and the Future of Financial Stability


    Facebook: @RobertKiyosaki

    Twitter: @TheRealKiyosaki

    Instagram: @TheRealKiyosaki


    Disclaimer: The information provided in this video is for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be considered as financial advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument or engage in any financial activity.

    The content presented here is based on the speaker’s personal opinions and research, which may not always be accurate or up-to-date. Financial markets and investments carry inherent risks, and individuals should conduct their own research and seek professional advice before making any financial decisions.


    1. WHY the JEW when they are a speck? Jesus said He would not return until the Jewish leadership Recognized Jesus as the Messiah .. if Satan can destroy the Jew they can never recognize Jesus that way he destroys God‘s plan Easy

    2. I love Jewish people. My savior, Jesus Christ, is a jew. He is still a jew. Its funny I think some people think Jesus is a Christian, but Christians are followers of the Jewish Christ.They are special to him so they are special to me.

    3. Mr. Kiyosaki, please pay attention to this comment! Bitcoin is no longer a sound investment, but Bitcoin Cash is a sound investment! Bitcoin gets forked when there is a change that is incompatible with the established software ruleset, and that fork is Bitcoin Cash. Bitcoin Cash saves the way the blockchain operates and now Bitcoin doesn't work correctly. Bitcoin transaction fees are too high and it takes too long to send now. If you take the time to educate yourself about how Bitcoin Cash works (be careful, because there is a lot of misinformation, such as Bitcoin University) you will help your audience immensely!

    4. Theres a big difference between not wanting innocent people to die and being anti jewish. I spent 25 years in boca raton which has a ton of jewish people. I made alot of friends but dont want people starving

    5. Robert, what's your thoughts on platinum and the PMGs in general (other than silver).. Just curious… Thanks for your time and the video 😎✌️

    6. Robert, obviously you didn't learn a damn thing from the slaughter that was Vietnam, that you took part in. I know it's human nature to block out the worst parts of life. Look like you have done that yourself. As a 22 year veteran myself I know exactly what it is to "do your job for your brother next to you." At some point you must reflect on what the hell you did and why. Maybe you haven't gotten there yet but God is gonna remind you, Face to Face. You're getting close enough to that day and I pray you get your mind and heart together before you go…Yes, there are tears on this screen…

    7. Safest approach i feel to tackle it is to diversify investments. By spreading investments across different asset classes, like bonds, real estate, and international stocks, they can reduce the impact of a market meltdown. its important to seek the guidance of an expert

    8. Gold BTC and Silver should be in everyones Portfolio… I have read your books your great Robert! you have opened my mind to think how the wealthy think

    9. Any time the military industrial complex is paid with money out of thin air, this directly raises the prices we pay on goods and services.

    10. Leave the politics out of it when neither of you have any idea and both of you have a vested interest… The educated world is sick and tired of the same contrived pro Zionist arguments. Thankfully, there are educated and well balanced Jews who speak the truth and criticize the Zionist agenda. These people are presented as self hating Jews, but they are not hateful. They have a conscious and speak the uncomfortable truth. It is not about Jews, it is about the agenda of the Zionists who seek to deny the Palestinians of statehood.

    11. How does the saying go? Theyll come for the Jews on Saturday, but if the Christians do nothing, then on Sunday, theyll come for the Christians? Something like this.

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