How AI causes serious environmental problems (but might also provide solutions) | DW Business

    how can I help save the environment it’s a question someone might ask an artificial intelligence tool like chat gbt which has made serious gains in terms of what it’s capable of and though there’s talk that AI might hold the answers to the climate crisis it’s also part of the problem one that’s only going to get bigger as the technology advances and its use grows if you train on twice as much data it takes twice as much energy running AI consumes real resources water and electricity and so do we when we extract solutions from it that’s why plans for a Google data center were recently put on hold locals realized it could mean the end of drinking water for their neighborhood and so we’re asking is AI going to help solve the climate crisis or make it worse in this episode of transforming business there’s one thing AI can do that people can’t reading and then analyzing huge amounts of data quickly there’s literally hundreds of thousands of data points coming in from a large building like this one into our system data that can help us make decisions like how to optimize the use of energy in a building so that none of it goes to waste Henri zorf is a chief technology officer of Adian a small startup based in Cologne Germany adan’s product helps facility managers run large commercial buildings like this one as efficiently as possible imagine you have a facility manager in the technical building room and there’s an energy system maybe the heating or Cooling and it’s displaying an error code error code 15 that person would have first to find the uh manual for the heating or the cooling and look up what is error code 15 or that person could just ask our system hey Adian I’m in the technical building room uh standing in front of a whatever fison heating I’m getting displayed error code 15 how do I resolve it and then our system knows the entire history of that building datawise that combined with the generative AI can actually like search through the history and then just tell that person okay for a code 15 in summer you have to do this and that and by the way he is also the manual aian says it can help a building save up to 40% of energy and CO2 emissions in buildings this large making a small tweak can have a big impact ad Defan uses AI to do a lot of different things to help it structure and analyze the hundreds of thousands of data points it gets from a building’s technical system to factoring in variables like outside climate and building materials each building is individual meaning it has uh different tenants it has different usage behaviors it has also from how it was built different thermal behavior um if you have a wooden building as composed as opposed to a concrete building that’s very that’s very different Adian is capitalizing on ai’s ability to read and analyze data in a sliver of the amount of time it would take the world’s best researchers to do the same this speed is what makes AI so valuable to researchers and scientists looking for solutions to The Climate crisis scientists are now using AI to map Antarctic icebergs 10,000 times faster than humans and to track deforestation in real time to better predict weather patterns and to suggest more efficient Waste Management Systems there’s no doubt AI has the potential to do good things for the climate but not everything about it is a gift to the environment take this hum for example which residents in Chandler Arizona here 247 it’s the sound of a data center processing the billions of requests it gets throughout the day think of AI as the brain and data centers as the body that supports the brain to work there are more than 8,000 data centers in the world according to the International Energy agency data center energy consumption is expected to double in 2026 to what it was in 2022 when I started doing AI research a decade ago I could run most of the AI systems I was using on my laptop this is Jesse Dodge he’s an AI research scientist but today we’re using supercomputers right um some of the large AI systems that people are familiar with like the chat Bots or the image generation systems those run on really large supercomputers and consume a potentially very large amount of electricity these very large amounts of electricity produce very large amounts of heat and also that hum you just heard to keep the data centers from overheating they must be cooled down and this is usually done in one of two ways using air conditioning or water and lots of it let’s say I engageed in a 15 question conversation with chat gbt over how I could be more environmentally conscious experts calculate I would be consuming about a half liter of fresh water and this is where AI can be a little problematic access to clean water is competing with um let’s say local uses for it this is what got Google into a bit of hot water soon after it announced plans to build a $200 million Data Center in the workingclass neighborhood of cios in Chile we all use uh Google search and other Google tools so initially the neighbors were quite happy that Google had chosen this area for building their their data center this is Sebastian Leed an AI ethics and Society lecturer at Kings College London they saw it as as you know synonymous with progress development a new poll of innovation in the area but once they took took a look at Google’s environmental impact report for the data center they were startled by what they learned they found out found out at some point that this Google data center was going to use 168 L of water per second in an area facing drought a drought that is now in its 15th year and caused elected officials to ration water in the capital of Santiago but after Fierce protests from the community the permit was put on hold a local environmental Court told Google it needs to modify how it plans to cool its servers and Google’s plans for a data center in Uruguay also face push back when locals learned how much water it would consume and water isn’t the only natural resource that AI requires it needs a lot of electricity too and most of that electricity still comes from burning fossil fuels which release the greenhouse gas emissions causing climate change training a single AI model produces is more than five times the amount of carbon dioxide emissions generated from a car in its lifetime that’s including the emissions to manufacture the car and its fuel consumption once it leaves the factory it’s an astounding amount training an AI model and then ensuring its continued existence through large data centers is a massive drain on natural resources and also drives up what researchers call embodied carbon so that’s going to be the amount of um carbon it took to let’s say build the hardware just starting by mining the rare earth minerals that goes into the gpus shipping that across the world to then uh be manufactured into a GPU and then shipping that GPU to its final destination at a data center that does incur a really large environmental impact it’s this impact that companies like Microsoft are trying to take into account as they set climate goals Microsoft says it’s aiming to be carbon negative by 2030 not just neut but negative and one way it’s hoping to get there is through Bolivia more than 9,000 km from Microsoft headquarters in Redmond Washington is a biochar facility operated by exom mad green it turns forestry waste into something that’s called biochar which is essentially charcoal exom mad green will produce the biochar containing carbon dioxide and bury it underground where it can enrich the soil and keep keep CO2 from getting into the atmosphere Microsoft has bought 32,000 tons of carbon dioxide removal credits but that’s a tiny fraction of its overall annual emissions we don’t know how much of that will grow with AI That’s one way that Microsoft can continue to expand its AI operation and data centers while saying it’s still on path to being carbon negative but is that effective enough or is it just a form of corporate greenwashing if we do something like bubon offsets that doesn’t negate the action that we took meaning that doesn’t undo the carbon emissions that we’ve produced these two things don’t cancel each other out as AI advances governments and Regulatory bodies are trying their best to keep up this year new AI rules passed by the European Parliament will go into effect impacting businesses like a Defan the EU AI act does reference the impact of AI on the environment it asks that AI systems are developed and used in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner though it doesn’t really spell out what that means Chile’s AI laws which were drafted before the EU rules but aren’t nearly as comprehensive don’t address environmental impact either I think what’s concerning is not only that this is not being addressed um enough as it should I think but also that the the voice of the people affected by it is not considered right so so even if you look at research the Press uh quite often they report on the environmental impact but they don’t report on how the situation can affect the uh livelihood or the well-being of the communities participating somehow within the value chain of artificial intelligence if operating a data center for your AI model is the reason why a community doesn’t have access to drinking water is that still sustainable we need those voices to participate as well in the governance of AI so if they for example is coming up with you know new regulation uh it would be great to be able to hear those communities as well because those communities they are not against technology or AI but that what they will say is that if we want AI it has to be built in dialogue with local communities Singapore’s government was aware of the strain data centers would have on its power grid so it enacted a 4-year moratorium on the construction of new ones that ended in 2022 and they’ve now accepted build proposals from these companies Australia’s air trunk Chinese data center operator GDs and Tik Tok owner bite Dan and equinex and Microsoft based in the US Dublin’s power operator placed a moratorium on data centers in 2022 they say the Irish Capital could face blackouts if new ones are built in Europe around a 100 data center operators signed the climate neutral data center pact promising to be what the title implies a climate neutral data center by 2030 but is that even feasible tech companies are experimenting with green Alternatives like this Google facility in Belgium which partly uses solar energy and in 2021 Microsoft said it had opened three data centers in Sweden that run entirely on wind power but most data centers still run on fossil fuels and rely on local power grids this first draft of the eu’s AI Act does more for the digital environment than the natural one but as AI continues to advance its climate impact is becoming harder and harder to ignore if you train on twice as much data it takes twice as much energy and so that pattern has really um spelled over the last 10 years this dramatic increase in computational cost AI is the new kit on the Block and it’s hard to predict what the future will look like there’s no doubt it can help us make massive gains when it comes to slowing down climate change but in its current state an AI model requires an enormous amount of Natural Resources first to train and then to run and not all data centers are dedicated to AI use but we will need to build more of them as AI advances and become standard use in business research and public administration should regulations do more to address the environmental consequences of AI absolutely well that’s what chat gbt thinks anyway what about you let us know in the comments [Music]

    Companies and the academic community are rushing to take advantage of big, recent advances in artificial intelligence. In many cases, they’re using AI to minimize humanity’s impact on the environment and find solutions for the climate crisis. But AI consumes an enormous amount of natural resources, like water and electricity, in order to function. So, is AI a climate solution or problem?

    0:00 ChatGPT, how can I help save the environment?
    0:53 AI’s positive climate impact
    3:37 AI’s resource drain
    7:55 Balancing the scales
    9:11 AI regulations and the environment
    12:20 Conclusion

    #dwbusiness #ai #energy


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    1. You have to have zero knowledge about previous implementation of energy optimization solutions to believe that AI building monitoring/control can lead to energy savings. Unless you ensure that there is 0.000% percentage ability for humans to affect control.

    2. I am not surprised to hear any of this — everything said in this video has already been said when it comes to bitcoin mining and bitcoin mining farms. So, everyone is supposed to trade in their gas guzzling cars and switch to EVs to help improve the environment. And to complete ignore the growth of data centers and their impact on the environment. Ironic. Trading one problem for another problem.

    3. Let’s be honest. These companies are doing a nice “greenwashing” game. Of course, as always, the local populace gets the short end of the stick.

    4. I think in order to cool Ai servers, the piping should be made of aluminum so that salt water can be used to cool servers and not put pressure on fresh water. From that angle the alloy of aluminum can aid solve water needs for Ai servers, as for electricity that is encrypted.

    5. THIS is a major reason I don't worry about an AI taking my job. It costs a company less to hire a 3rd world or otherwise desperate person that they didn't have to feed or train than the compute power required for an AI.
      Nature has been fine tuning the process of making an energy efficient brain/body combo for some time now and making people is relatively easy.

      Not mention the fact that cheap labor is still overwhelmingly used today despite advancing manufacturing automation technology is telling about the overall nature of human economy.

    6. AI will provide many solutions. One of them will eventually be to eradicate humans as we will present an eventual obstacle to AI's growth and development.

    7. I love how the water usage is always quoted as being so massive…. but they never say what happens to the water after use? it doesn't just go poof! It either gets evaporated (creating rain which is much needed!) or getting cleaned and made ready for re-use.

    8. If you as a neighbour hear the electric humm of a nearby data center, there are a few revolutionary novel concepts like acoustic insulation according to building standards that could be adjusted by regulators for such data centers.

    9. I recently heared from several youtubers about whistle blowers from US tech companies alarming the public about how these tech companies have misslead the public to believe that their hiring stop or rather the firing of employeers would be still due to the pandemic hirings. In contrast to that these HR whistle blowers claim that it is due the implementation and use of more and more AI within these companies. Why have 5 employees if one can do the job of them all with the help of AI? I doubt that any company who has their ears on the pulse of their sector will miss the fact how some companies become leaner, having less cost, being more productive while pressuring the pricing of their products or filling their war chest to buy up other companies. The race is on and the employeers will be the cattle brought to the slaughter.

      DW keep an eye on that!

    10. Oh so you mean it would mean that someone would have a job and know the building, what a waist of time money and resources your bs ai……

    11. Hmmmm. I'm thinking of a northern country with so much cold fresh water flowing that we observe that it is harming a critical ecosystem. All it would need is a new, preferably green power plant. Greenland ought to capture some of the glacier melt that threatens the AMOC, sell some of that to countries already desperate for fresh water, and permit new data centers. Yes, the water intake would have to be pumped higher and require frequent and dangerous maintenance, but at least LESS of it would go to waste and we might figure out how to slow glaciers that are floating on this runoff.

    12. I believe in efficiency, a path where preservation of energy starts having higher value than squandering it.

      As for big tech, plundering billions in government funds to build renewables and still ending up requiring mostly fossil to operate, exactly as predicted. There are many conclusions that one can draw from this, none are favourable for any party involved to admit and the charade continues.

    13. every AI datacenter is power limited. By that we mean the data center can't add any more GPU due to power and water. The newest Nvidia GPU uses any where from 350-800 watts of power and a AI datacenter can have 10-24K GPU. do the math and you'll see it's kilowatts of power every hour just to answer chatGPT questions. That means every month, a busy datacenter can consume megawatts of power.

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