Refineries burn in Russia, causing fuel prices to peak | Break the Fake

    [Music] ladies and gentlemen this is TVP world you’re watching another edition of break the fake where we debunk fake news and combat false narratives I’m your host Benjamin Lee and let’s get rolling now before we start if anyone’s wondering about the pin I’m wearing we’re actually celebrating the May 3rd Constitution Day here in Poland it’s not just the Polish Constitution but also the first piece of constitution ever established in the entirety of Europe so a very joyous day and happy Constitution Day to you all now let’s get back to our usual programming and so let’s talk about Russia for a moment now yesterday they were practically bursting with pride their propagandist were shouting from the rooftops that they had successfully destroyed an entire shipment of ammunition destined for Ukraine in the minds of the Russians this was the ammunition that the Americans had supposedly already sent as part of the aid package approved by the US Congress but you see Russians live in an alternate universe in which they have their own version of reality so they’ll be living in that delusion for quite some time but here’s the truth while they had destroyed some shipments these had been postal shipments the Nova Post depot and branch in Odessa which was ravaged by Shilling contain 94 parts Parcels worth about $76,000 as reported by the company additionally whooping 15.5 tons of orders from online stores were obliterated by a Russian missile the company does intend to compensate the value of these parcel and cargo so while the Russians might be patting themselves on the back reality is far from the fairy tale that they have been spinning and here we have it Russia the country that according to its own narrative has never invaded anyone in their version of events Russia is like the Fairy Godmother of prosperity and happiness for all its neighbors but let’s face it folks the reality couldn’t be farther from the truth for the past 2 years Ukraine has been wrestling with this so-called Russian happiness and what do the Russian imperialists have to say about it well according to them if Russia doesn’t take Ukraine it’ll just become a wasteland can you believe that if we don’t bomb them they’ll become a wasteland what meanwhile ukrainians are fighting tooth and nail against these Invaders defending their land from Russians who seem to think that they’re entitled to everything [Music] but hey who needs logic what you’ve got propaganda right it’s like trying to argue with a brick wall except the wall has a state-run media machine behind it so let’s keep our eyes open folks and remember that sometimes the truth is hitting behind layers of misinformation and in the case of Russia’s fairy tale n ative reality is often much much Stranger Than Fiction now in its annual report on press Freedom reporters Without Borders emphasize that the greatest threat to press Freedom worldwide comes from political authorities ironic since they should be the ones guaranteeing that freedom and for you the viewers of break the fake who are accustomed to seeing propaganda in countries like Russia or Belarus on a daily basis this has to sound somewhat amusing the average Russian upon hearing that government is supposed to ensure press freedom trembles with fear considering all the other things that the government ensures but press Freedom sounds ominous press freedom is at its best in Europe the top three spots in the ranking were taken by Norway Denmark and Sweden among EU countries Hungary Malta and Greece far the worst as reportedly freedom of press is bring metal with by their ruling parties meanwhile worldwide some of the lowest ranking countries included the United Arab Emirates Russia Belarus China North Korea itria is dead last at 108th and the last countries in the ranking are hardly distinguishable from each other the only creators of this ranking know what is more free in North Korea than in arria now let’s talk a little bit about Russia and something more explosive that’s happening over there you know exactly what we’re talking about yep that’s the strange explosions as a reminder various explosions and fires occur almost regularly across the Russian Federation and the Russian themselves associate this with drone attacks these incidents have been taking place in several different regions it should be noted that although the Russian mod has been releasing its usual statements about having destroyed the drones but footage from the incidents often shows the opposite [Music] [Music] oh and now let’s quickly go over what had happened in Russia last night in the OR and K regions the Russian government said that air defense system had been operating while the explosions were still happening in the curs region energy infrastructure had been hit which led to an entire settlement being left without power later on the operations of the rosov Region’s air defense system were also reported the local Governor himself had mentioned the Drone attack in the telegram Post in the morning small region authorities mentioned drone attacks in the area but but here’s the thing about all these the distance between the explosions in Russia and the border with Ukraine is more than 300 km so the real question is are these drones part of the USA package or were they released from Russian territory itself now in our show we’ve been showing you many Russian propagandists who’ve been saying that Ukraine hasn’t been making any progress so we’d like to show you something new from Ukraine something straight out of a science fiction novel in Ukraine from now on official information on Consular issues will be provided to the media by Victoria AI a digital person created by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine it was created with the help of artificial intelligence and this is the first according to the Ukrainian foreign Ministry Victoria AI was created based on a real person a Ukrainian singer from denes According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs she agreed to participate in the ministry’s project for free her appearance was filmed digitized and now Victoria Commons will appear on a ministry’s official website and social media accounts she’ll also be transmitted to journalists by the ministry’s Press service let’s take a look at this novelty Q I swear they’re going to take my job one day do not though the ministry says that in order to find out whether the video you’re watching is fake or not you need to locate a QR code in the right corner and this code should lead you to a page with a text version of the footage the ministry also says that a consor representative is not a substitute for the official spokesperson of the foreign Ministry still pretty cool and with that we conclude this edition of break the fake but for more news update and commentary please stay tuned to DVP world

    Explosions and fires have become almost regular occurences across the Russian Federation, leaving the public scratching their heads. But what’s really behind the mysterious incidents?


    Bringing you all the latest daily news and updates, TVP World is Poland’s first English-language channel where you can find world news as seen from the Polish perspective and the latest news from the CEE region. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram.


    1. Benjamin Lee and Jonasz RewiΕ„ski can never be replaced by AI. Glory to TVP World, Ukraine, Ukrainian Heroes, and Ukrainian Heroines! πŸ’™πŸ’›

    2. You guys are a living example of the many benefits of being free from the miserable yoke of Russia. Freedom and democracy are a thousand miles better than being run by grey minded thugs.

    3. The AI thing looks cool…but it is a long way from becoming fully convincing…watch it long enough and you can see a pattern of body mannerisms that do not seem natural to what is being said. Some movements are repetetive motions, sometimes more than once in a row.

      Still, pretty cool advancements on that tech.

      Meanwhile…Slava Ukraine

    4. well we do not was much of their oil…cause been watering it down anyways
      and has nothing to do with the war….it is spring coming…and all their VIP's summer vacations…..

    5. I love this!!! It's obvious propaganda but it calls out Russian shabby scumbaggery. .. and this is good for the soul

    6. Why ukraine is not creating these A.I to boost their lack of manpower in the battlefields instead of abducting and kidnapping young boys and old men to forcefully join the depleted ukraine army,today ukraine has lost 765 000 troops and this year alone since the begging of 2024 112 000 ukraine troops wiped out alone + 21 000 Nato weapons destroyed so instead of creating robots to be propaganda presenters they should create them to be troops as they have run out of soldiers and some soldiers are gravily injured with no limbs or legs to fight Russia again.

    7. Why not just have a real person give a commentary or answer questions?
      I cannot see any advantage in these AI Creations.
      Scanning a QR Code to read a transcript serves what purpose exactly, that could not be served by a person reading a statement on camera?
      Best wishes to all Ukrainians.
      God bless.

    8. They are not wrong tho to say that. Selensky sold parts of the country to blackrock so there actually wont be a lot left, even if ukraine wins. And they cant rebuild or take back parts they sold.

    9. Wow Poland is more amazing than they previously claimed…… the first piece of constitution in Europe! Wow! Awesome, so even earlier than 1215AD (Magna Carta)……or is this just another example of the poles telling themselves and everyone who will listen that the poles are special?

    10. Much love to Poland. A great friend and ally. Thank you to all our allies, too many of you to mention πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ«‘

    11. Fuel prices rise because the kartel ( opec with its criminal saoedi dictator ) decide to make them rise . That’s the double face of the opec. Manipulating the oil prices to harm the free west .

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