Silver Bullet Mines- Going Into Production on 2 High-Grade Silver Projects

    [Music] joining us for a conversation is John Carter the CEO of Silver Bullet mines home of the flagship Buckeye Silver Mine Mr Carter welcome to the show sir thank you Maurice thanks for having me back again what’s a pleasure to have you back it’s a pleasure to have you back sir Silver Bullet Minds has just released some significant Milestones regarding its 100% pilot processing plant and production announcements on not one but two projects before we begin Mr Carter please introduce us to Silver Bullet mines and the unique opportunity the company presents to shareholders thank you Maurice Silver Bullet mines is a a mining company that whose plan is to take two properties initially into production uh generate revenue and and actually move this company forward to be uh generating profit generating free cash flow to enable us to do our expansions and and expand our properties and uh and also while we’re at the same time uh get our exploration done go looking for our for free Copper Building resource on our some of our other properties so it’s a unique opportunity matter of fact I had one of our shareholders yesterday send me an email you said you know what I read an tic I read a thing you did some time ago about novel approach to Junior mining that’s what we want to be for the junior mining space and that is a novel approach instead of spending money we’re going to generate Revenue which will mitigate our financing requirements and move this company forward and the company has not disappointed as we have a number of exciting developments to cover here today let’s go on site to the Buckeye Silver Mine near Globe Arizona where Silver Bullet has just announced three significant Milestones regarding your 100% owned processing plant the treasure room Target and production beginning with the 100% owned pilot processing plant what can you share with us well Maurice uh what we’re trying to do here is if you go to our website and I I know I send everybody there is I want people to actually watch a mind Mill operation being built that’s why we put so many photos up on the site at the site we’ve gone through the problems with the supply chain issue those are now behind us we’re actually you know uh moving forward to get this thing finished off and into production very very soon we’re actually stockpiling or as we speak so the mill looks and is operating exactly the way we want it to do our assay facility is running every day testing all the material that we’re bringing out um the mill right now we’re putting our screening plant up in place that’s our last major item now and we’ve started on the Electric electrical so it’s pretty exciting times for us at the millsite great team great crew down there putting this this thing together and it’s really quite phenomenal now let’s go to the mine in 1873 there was a bunch of miners went in and they opened up an area within the Buckeye property which they called the treasure room because it was such highgrade copper silver and even gold you’ll see some of the assays up as as 8 9,000 o of silver 30% copper and 4.8 ounces of gold and that had never been that was the last time anybody had ever gotten back there except for one geologist who crawled in there I can’t believe he did this in 1973 and he went in and he assayed some of the area and that’s where those assays come from they’re not compliant 4311 but they are good accurate assets two about two weeks ago uh we broke into that for the first time anybody’s ever been there and then later on this past week we’ve Al broken in the second time which has allowed us to ventilate get the shaft ready uh get the wses all put back in place and now we’re going to we’re heading towards the fresh face which is where the oldtime miners you know left off back in 1873 so it it is such a validation for everything we’ve been told over the years and I think I mentioned this in our last interview was we’re more about purveyors of history and like I told you anybody who goes fishing you know the the size of the fish they caught keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger well it’s the same in the mining industry so there’s a lot of skepticism not just from shareholders but also from even ourselves going well okay yeah they said yeah there was you know 250 ounce silver blah blah blah we hear all the stories so what we’ve done is we’ve gone over the last 12 years which makes us an instant success took 12 years in the making what it allows us to do is we’re actually just confirming history as you go along and that’s what gives us that level of comfort and the level of confidence that we’re doing things right that what we’re doing is following history and now this is just one more level of assurance that we’re doing the right thing now is there any guarantees no there’s no guarante we know that but I think we’re pretty confident that we’re doing the right thing well you take the confidence that you have in in demonstrating your proof of concept you have your pilot processing plant here it provides you a competitive Advantage let me ask you this if May if it’s not too soon do we know anything about the recovery rates well I’ve done a obviously you know we’ve done a small bulk sample that we did and that’s where these silver bars that I have here in my office come from and we did a lot of work at a company called process research ortech here in Moga and we got recovery rates of over 80% now that was pretty basic equipment what we’ve done in the design of our pilot plant is that pilot plant is is state-of-the-art so not only we we doing standard crushing and grinding which everybody does we there there’s no rocket science here we bought the latest iteration of the fa Falcon concentrator which is state-of-the-art that’s going to give us better recoveries and also we’re gone with a brand new concentrating cable so we’ll be able to get in that 80 plus% recovery so the proof’s in the pudding obviously but test work and the metallurgical work we did historically have told us we’re in that 80% recovery range now for the big question once the area has been declared safe for work what is the timeline and plans for production well we’re actually hoping that by the end of next week we’re actually going to be mining fresh ore right now we’re stockpiling ore that’s come out of the add it and you’ve seen some of the numbers in our last press release that we got on those from just from laying around on the ground up to 125 ounces a ton that’s the material the old guys didn’t take cuz it wasn’t high enough grade for them so you’re going to imagine the kind of grades they were putting out if you go to uh our website you’ll see the last video where they went in for the second time you’ll you can see where we’re headed and we’re only about 50 ft away from that and we’re headed for a fresh face by the end of next week we hope to be mining fresh ore off the vein oh that sounds exciting that’s how close we are I’m excited here all right leaving the Buckeye silver mine let’s go to Idaho and visit the 100% Washington Silver Mine where yet another production decision was announced by Silver Bullet mines what can you share with us well you know what Maurice it’s the exact same story that we have at the Buckeye really other than the fact that we’ve got a little bit more data back in the 1890s imagine 20 years younger than the Buckeye uh back in the 1890s they went in and mind this as a gold mine as a gold mine running 1 o per ton gold they had a lot of silver they knew it because it’s a gold silver area but at the time they didn’t have the technology to to Mill the the silver so they set it aside they blocked it out and they just left it there then back in the 30s they went back in to go back and take out the silver they even built a mill there but unfortunately the silver prices collapsed like to nothing so they couldn’t do it so it sat there until it was you know torn away whatever back in the 1980s the gentleman that we bought it from he went back in and he took a bulk sample out and he shipped it to hecka for processing we have all the assay receipts we have everything that was said again we’re we’re confirming history as in the Buckeye when uh he sent it back his assay results ran 44 ounces per ton silver and 10 gr of gold third of an ounce gold so what we did we bought it from him we tried to buy it five six years ago but we couldn’t afford it he passed away and we we got it for a really good deal and we went back in and again started to confirm history so last summer we went in to determine where the parallel structures were we found them exactly where he said they were we went in and we did our own bulk sample of the stock piles that they had we did a complete Blended sample uh we we did all the process work and it came back our average came back at 55.5 ounces per ton silver so we know that what we’re doing has a high you know I won’t say guarantee a success because there’s no such thing but we are very confident this production decision was made at the right time and we’re and we’re moving forward correctly on the property you know it’s it’s kind of like like I keep saying over and over and over again we’re not we’re not creating history we’re confirming it so we found the parallel Zone we found the some of the grades you saw in our last two press releases that’s where the gold and the silver come from now historically they blocked out an area where they say there’s about 3 million ounces of silver between 30 and 90 ounces a ton and about a third of an ounce gold well you know what we confirmed that in our assays we’ve confirmed that every way we’ve done so we’re going to go in now and our first step is going to be we’re working with a contract Miner as we speak and hope to have that finalized shortly and we’ll be um probably mining in probably I I’m going to say mid to late April we should be on the boots on the ground and in there and getting ready to open up the adct so we can make it safe so that we can go in and start mining it initially we’re going to take about 1,500 to 3,000 metric tons of material out that we will stockpile at site we’ll do our assay work we are working with Montana Tech and they are actually doing all the Met work for us including recovery rates Liberation times all the things we need to do so we can build a proper recovery process and once we’ve done that we’ll evaluate it from there and then we’ll continue on into production we won’t be stopping but it is a pause period for us to sit back and go okay now what do we need to do different what do we have to change if anything but you got to remember there we’re starting at this you know 40 oun Silver 44 ounce 55 ounce whichever number you want to believe but we’re also got a significant parallel structure containing high well you saw some of our R 18 grams of gold pretty significant I think these could be these are two really um gamechanging properties for this company absolutely and let’s look back here for I from a timeline perspective here Silver Bullet mines went public December that’s correct and here we are two projects one with loaded with silver another with and and again the Buckeye mine and it also has the potential for copper the Washington mine silver and gold that is highly commendable sir that is I tip my hat off to you sir you and your team have done an exceptional job here well well thank you I my my team is everything as you know to me I I would never I we would not be doing this without my team uh we have put together a phenomenal group of experts in their own field we’re not experts like I’m not what I know about mining would feel a thimble but that’s not my job so I’ve got the people who do know their job and and that’s and that’s what we’re doing we’ve got a great team to to advance these projects um you know and we’re unique like I said back in the what a unique opportunity for shareholders you go out you spend $5 million drilling a property at the end of the day you don’t own the drill and if your results are good you may go on if your results are bad as they are 99 times out of 100 you’re gone where else in the world can you go a shareholder can buy in a junior Mining Company watch a mill being built and we own everything you see on that property we own every piece of equipment there oh with the exception of the fourk clips that you’ll see in the video but that’s our fabricator who has but all the mill equipment all the assay facility everything there we own we have money in the bank to finish the job I mean I don’t know I I cannot find another unique exploration mining company that has those same attributes yeah and speaking of your treasury congratulations here you’ve uh you’re oversubscribed on your financing I see well you know what we’re I think what what what two years ago forget the uh forget the uh problems we had with supply chain issues I mean the whole world is having that even even to this St hours are over but because we’ve got our equipment but we we have done when our shareholders came to us initially back in November of 2020 and I told them what we were going to do and I said this is the plan can’t guarantee it but this is the plan now except for the three-month issue with the supply chain we’ve done everything we said we were going to do everything we told our shareholders back in the beginning we’ve done maybe a little late like I said but we’ve done so 80% of the money that just came in over 80% of the money that just came in to this financing is repeat business the people that were in the first financing are now in the second financing now that to me is a testament to doing your job the way your job has to be done be honest be decent tell the truth and they’ll come back so over 80% came back in one gentleman he came back in and he could have put he wanted to put more in but it would have put him over 10% own ownership of the company that’s the kind of relationship that we’re building with our shareholders and I think we’re being well respected because of that well that’s the ultimate vote of confidence and by the way full disclosure I have participated in both of the financings for silver you have indeed and I appreciate that and you know me boce you can call me anytime all my shareholders anybody not just shareholders anybody who wants to know about this company knows I only work on days with a Y I love it same work ethos I have sir now leave leaving the project site and on to the platform side let’s discuss another groundbreaking initiative that Silver Bullet mines has done by introducing himself as the first Mining Company in metaverse this is another brilliant move you know what Maurice it to me it’s The Logical move if you’re going to if you’re going to attract new new shareholders and new investors and be able to ENT roduce them to a new generation guys like me you know who’ve been in the business for 40 years yeah we read press releases yeah we follow it on on on all the other platforms and and look it up in the paper and watch it in our stock charts but you know what we have to attract a new generation of people to the mining industry most kids these days millenniums whatever they’re called X’s y z whatever it is they call them they don’t understand the addage that if you don’t mine it you grow it there is no other option so in order to attract the youth to our industry it’s important that you get to them on a platform they understand my 12-year-old grandson he puts the headset on and he’s it’s just for him it’s natural I put it on and I’m trying to fall off on my face but if we’re going to bring new people into the mining industry if we’re going to educate people what we’re trying to do you know with our website with our YouTube Chanel all that stuff that we do is try to educate younger people to get them involved and to become shareholders in valuable mining companies they’re not going to do it the old fashioned way so therefore get there and do what they understand I think metaverse if you remember 25 years ago whatever it was internet what was the internet right nobody nobody knew anything about it and now you can’t live without it cell phon you know TV back in the ‘ 50s they all said it’ll never happen metaverse is going to happen Facebook is back and it it’s going to happen and that’s going to be the way we’re going to attract the next generation of shareholders to Silver Bullet I like what I’m hearing sir Switching gears Mr Carter please provide us the capital structure for Silver Bullet mines it’s it’s fluid right now we’re at about 59 million shares fully diluted we’re about 69 million shares I can’t give you the exact number at the moment because actually we’re you know finalizing the the financing that’s ongoing which we’re hoping to get wrapped up and and in into the exchange by the end of this week so we’ve got a very tight structure over 30 million shares of that esro and held by insiders um so we’ve got a tight share structure I think we’ve been I won’t say we’ve been super successful on the market because you know we’re not $5 but if you measure success by what we’ve done um our share prices held up very well um we are we we are very careful on what we spend our money on and you know we’re in a good spot and and I think our shareholders will be well rewarded when two things happen we start into production and in the US case we need to get our otcqb listing completed which we hope will be done by mid April in closing Mr Carter what would you like to say to shareholders first all first of all I’d like to say to all my shareholders thank you for your support uh it means more to me that’s why than anything else uh my team and the shareholders the value that they bring to this company is phenomenal I put out as you know Maurice I send out a report pretty well every week to 10 days to if not all the shareholders and then some to try to keep everybody a breast of what we’re doing I think it’s important that your shareholders be comfortable with what you’re doing if they got a problem call me if they don’t understand what’s going on call me what I want to do is I want to build a company here forget mining just forget mining for a a minute I want to build a company just like if you were taking widgets and up upgrading the widget and selling it that’s what we want to do the only difference is our raw materials are going to come from a mine but I want to run it like a business Mr Carter for someone that wants to learn more about Silver Bullet mins please share the contact details uh Maurice the best way to to to learn about Silver Bullet mines is to go to our website and that’s www.s silver uh you can follow us on Twitter at bullet Minds you can even go to our YouTube YouTube channel Silver Bullet minds or like I said you can call me my number is 95302 3843 my email address is John Carters silverbuller I only work on days with a wife I love it all right Mr C it’s been a pleasure speaking with you today wishing you in Silver Bullet Minds the absolute best sir and thank you very much Maurice uh your support and and U your help with a lot of things other than just the interviews has been most appreciated you know that you’re more than welcome sir thank you sir the information presented on proven improbable is provided for educational and informational purposes only without any Express or implied warranty of any kind including warranties of accuracy completeness or Fitness for any particular purpose the information is not intended to be and does not constitute Financial investment or trading advice or any other advice you should not make any finan Cal investment or trading decision based on any of the information presented without first undertaking independent due diligence and consultation with a professional broker or competent financial adviser

    Joining us for a conversation is John Carter to share the value proposition of Silver Bullet Mines, which hosts the Black Diamond Property, Buckeye Mine, McMorris Mine in Arizona and the recently acquired Washington Mine in Idaho. Silver Bullet Mines is a high-grade silver company with blue sky potential in porphyry copper. Silver Bullet Mines

    We are shareholders.

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    Silver Bullet Mines: TSX.V: SBMI

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