Crypto Talent Leaving US: Delta Blockchain Founder

    if you were to look across the landscape right now at all the publicly traded companies that are in the space which one do you think is most susceptible to SEC enforcement or regulatory risk I think if you look at crypto space like we recently got um uh a bunch of web2 companies actually uh uh getting it like Robin Hood I think uh I don’t see subil I would say for the word uh the reason for that to be very honest with you would be where is the definition I think all we’re going to see a lot of noise and lot of these companies really pushing back on SEC and given the time Horizon of the election which everybody is looking at where is this SEC and what is the mindset going to be I don’t think we’re going to have any Clarity on it at all and if I have to pick one company honestly I feel that would be unfair because everybody is getting Wells notices based on the same thing hey you may be trading security but what are those Securities have you clarified anything on it it’s still a question Mark there is no Clarity on it and so there are no answers to it uh said that with Bitcoin being very clear and having so many ETFs I’m not expecting EF this year for sure given the government given the SEC stand but does that make any of the traditional hedge funds who have been holding eth on their balance sheet a question I personally don’t think so what about for developers if you sitting here looking to develop on one of the existing chains and there’s so much uncertainty around how the they’ll be treated from a regulatory perspective how much risk that does that create particularly because it could limit the amount of capital that could flow into those projects yeah so we are seeing and I’ve been talking about this for over two years we are seeing massive movement brain drain I would say a lot of amazing talent leaving us when they’re building on the blockchain crypto space and I think we’re going to see a bunch of it if the AI data regulations which are also clamping down on on the same direction but in the blockchain crypto space whether you’re building on bitcoin whether you’re building on ethereum salana polygon we are continuously seeing major Tech Talent moving to places like Dubai Lisbon Hong Kong Singapore and not having us definitely not with respect to registration or even sharing in that tax dollar just on the fear you are legal in the rest of the world but you are in a gray area in one country for no reason for changing nothing and I think that should be a very big worry for the US economy

    Delta Blockchain Founder and General Partner Kavita Gupta does not expect an Ethereum ETF this year given the stance of the SEC, and says a lot of crypto talent is leaving the US which should be a “very big worry for the US economy.” She speaks with Sonali Basak and Tim Stenovec on “Bloomberg Crypto.”
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