The WEF just ADMITTED the US dollar is about to change FOREVER

    well the world economic Forum has finally admitted what we’ve been saying here on the show the US dollar is about to change forever that’s right we knew that cbdcs were rolling out Central Bank digital currencies but this week we heard directly from klous Schwab’s World economic Forum that in fact 98% of central banks are preparing to launch cbdcs again this right from the mouth of the world economic Forum after all this is their plan they’ve wanted to take away control of the monetary system get it out of the hands of individual Sovereign governments individuals and put it in the hands of Wall Street and sort of and and larger and larger Banks now when when you have to understand the Central Bank structure in the United States it’s controlled by Wall Street this is the goal is to allow those big multinationals to control the money supply get it out of the hands of the US Treasury take that power away from Janet yelen in the US Treasury take it away from Individual governments put it in the hands of a few massively large Banks and this all comes on the same week that we also saw more Bank collapses in the United States more seizures of Banks and massive amounts of us deposits drying up in Banks see how this happens all of these smaller Banks get gobbled up by the big guys so the JP Morgans you have the Wells Fargos Bank of America um you have uh Deutsche Bank and these few massive large Banks control the entire process so let’s go through what the world economic forum is saying here which is startling but we knew this was coming so get ready guys to have like no cash anymore get ready to have a digital ID a digital wallet that will control everything now I know some of you might be saying that’s fake news well frankly you don’t know what you’re talking about I’ve been studying and tracking this for a very long time I point you to my deep dive interviews here with Whitney Webb who’s one of the foremost Authorities on tracking all of the structure of these cbdcs and it’s startling the control is coming guys I mean think about their ability to track everything you’re doing through a digital ID on your phone okay they’ll be able to watch your carbon footprint oh you’ve traveled too much this month so no you are not allowed to buy gasoline anymore for this month until the CL the calendar resets for the month because you’ve driven to see Grandma too many times or you’ve been on the road too much or you’ve flown too much or you’ve bought too much meat right this is the Ridiculousness that we’re currently facing right now but they’ll be able to track transaction and of course they want everything then tied to the blockchain this is the tokenization of every asset Farmland everything in the United States so they will be controlling everything and watching everything it is coming this is the dream now they’ve already rolled this out in Ukraine you remember Ukraine is really a testing ground for a lot of this they rolled this out using what’s known as the DIA app okay Dia was an app that was built by us a USA ID and the United States government and of course with the world help of the world economic Forum to put this into a test bed process where everyone everything can pay right with your phone in Ukraine track everything you can even rat on your neighbors that’s right built inside the application this is like 1984 level stuff here guys um and we don’t know how all of this is going to come together but we do know the goal the goal is total control the the goal is to get rid of cash the goal is to make sure that every transaction is monitored and controlled through a central system that is uh that is all digital so the organization that argues that wholesale cbdcs which are restricted to large transactions between financial institutions could address banking industry challenges related to interbank payments and securities transactions so according to the world economic Forum they say that cbdcs are poised to improve our crossb transactions of course that’s how they’re pitching it right that oh you know the the the amount of time that takes for wires to happen there’s like and I agree with this I will agree that the process of sending wires right now is a disaster you know it’s like seven or eight different steps to confirm you’re sending a transaction then it’s sending an information back then it’s going back and forth and back and forth and back and forth so crossborder transactions could should be dramatically improved but is this the answer where we remove cash and we put it instead in the control of central banks so that we don’t have a physical representation of currency anymore we simply have a digital representation of some sort of an International world currency the organization the WF acknowledges however that the legal and the regulatory elements needed to make widespread cbdcs possible have an unknown time frame so again 98% of central banks are preparing to launch this but you have certain states in the United States which are pushing back against this me you have Florida for instance and no cbdcs and you’re going to have other countries that are going to say no to this so I think we’re really heading for an interesting moment right now uh with our monetary policy and uh entering this next phase but we’ve been warning you it’s coming and here we have the world economic Forum saying 98% are preparing to launch cbdcs we’ll get back to the video in a second but look your money is not safe you can see all the time that stocks can crash bonds lose value anything that you can’t physically put your hands on increases your risk right now hey everyone I’m Clayton Morris longtime real estate investor and founder of Morris invest and my favorite tangible asset is real estate it consistently outperforms other asset classes and I believe it’s the number one way to build and protect your wealth now while there are several ways you can invest in real estate most of which I’ve tried myself the build to rent model offers the most benefits more specifically single family Buy and Hold rentals here’s why much lower risk than trying to flip a house you have more control and higher returns than reats you know if you’re investing in the stock market it’s way less work than wholesaling properties if you’re into wholesaling many fewer repairs and headaches than trying to rehab a property my company mores invest along with a help from our partner at Sadir wealth helps you invest in build to rent properties as easily as investing in stocks that’s because we buy and build in bulk and then we pass on our savings to you and when you purchase a property through us you get discounted pricing on properties at or below market value seller incentives like mortgage buy down rates and credits right now usually lowers your rate by about 1% and we know with higher interest rates right now you definitely want that right and you get free ongoing customer service for the life of your investment get personal phone numbers and email addresses of our team and build to rent properties are in Prime growth markets we’re talking 18% internal rate of return 18% amazing tax benefits and you get a free cost segregation report helping find strategies that increase tax write-offs you get principal reduction as your tenant pays down your mortgage and you get steadily growing appreciation and Equity gains plus positive cash flow we won’t sell you a property if the math doesn’t add up if you want to know more just click the link in the description box and it’ll take you to our website where you can book a free call with our team there’s zero pressure no obligation look I understand we won’t be a good fit for everybody and that’s totally okay some of you might want to be DIY you want to do it yourself that’s great either way you’re going to walk away from our phone call with some valuable new insights and an idea of what questions you might want to ask and some actionable steps that you can can take to move forward in your financial Journey you can always find an excuse to not invest but the sooner that you start a smart investment like build to rent real estate in a strong Market the sooner you’ll be enjoying pure cash flow so click the link below and I hope to see you on our schedule all right today’s your Q&A episode where you guys are able to go to our website Morris and ask us a question whether it’s about real estate investing whether it’s about the economy whether it’s about taxes and we will try to answer them here on the show so let’s take a few of your questions today here’s one from James I understand that the uh money uh grows taxfree uh in this type of vehicle uh but what happens after when you’re 59 and a half and you want to take out distributions are the distributions taxed um at the tax bracket that you’re at or um is the actual money uh not taxed at all okay thanks so much for that you’re asking about a self-directed account and of course it it really depends on your structure whether it’s a Roth or traditional how did you structure it in the first place of course if it’s going to grow taxfree then you’ve set it up a certain way right so that when you pull it out at retirement then you’re not paying any taxes on that money um and I point you to just an interview that we just did with Matt Sorenson who’s an attorney and we just did a whole live stream about this very question and we talked about retirement you know we talked about the retirement age and like does it make sense sense to even have a self-directed account after retirement and he says absolutely it does um and he goes into great length to explain why it’s such a powerful vehicle even after retirement um so I encourage and point you to that but yeah if you’ve set it up as a tax-free model right with the self-directed account then of course you’re not going to pay taxes when you take it out so those distributions you will not pay taxes but if you haven’t set it up that way and you’ve set it up the opposite way um then of course you will pay taxes uh on that money based on the tax bracket that you are it’s the same way with a 401k right that’s why I always point out like a 401k um you know we want to my goal at least with the 401K the idea was well I’m going to retire you know I’m going to take these distributions later and they’re going to be tax you know they’re going to be um tax deferred that’s the thing you always hear about with 401ks right it’s going to be tax deferred great so the idea is for me when I retire I want to be in the highest possible tax bre you know I want to be wealthy I want to be doing well that means that if it’s deferred till I’m super wealthy now I’m going to pay more so that’s the you know great Canard of course about 401K plans now if you structure a self-directed retirement account properly where you’re putting in of course post tax dollars then you can take that out it can grow taxfree all the rent coming into the into that account all of the appreciation all of the assets in there and then when you want to take distributions later they’re you’re going to be taxfree but again I point you to the episode we just did with Matt Sorenson here on the channel again it was a live stream we had a lot of great questions from our audience so go check out that video we’ll have it linked up in the description below thank you James here’s your next question excited to start to see some of your work and also look forward to reading your book I have a question um that’s been kind of hovering over us we purchased a home um and uh part of the loan that we took out was for a different property that we had which is now a rental property so we took out a HELOC loan of 150,000 and now it’s been 3 years and it feels like it’s just never going down wanted to know your advice on how we can get this HELOC loan paid quicker and uh than than what we’ve been doing and can we get out of it and do something different a different type of loan that may help us uh it is a variable rate so we’ve been uh suffering from the continual increases that continue to happen over the last three years appreciate your help thank you thank you and I appreciate the question so yeah variable interest rate you’re dealing with that so the fluctuations up or down with interest rates yeah that’s got to be a pain um I you know I can’t really answer your question because I don’t know how much exactly you’re paying you know and what what is your strategy right now so to increase that of course um you know can you are you using that as part of a rental property uh structure so that the income coming in from a tenant is going to pay that down um I I really don’t have the answer for you on that but to answer your question on can you get some sort of another vehicle yes and I would reach out to my friend Dan Krauss at Church Hill mortgage and see if there’s a way that he could restructure that or even move it over to a different type um with maybe a fixed rate if that’s possible based on your situation to kind of lock you in so you’re not dealing with this variability issue right now um and maybe you can’t maybe you’ve got to deal with the variability but then at least you can I would say continue to deal with making your payments so you’re you’re making a big chunk out of that payment every month you know by by adjusting your own payments based on the variability of the rate so if it goes up by a percent maybe you want to increase your payments by a percent you know to try to keep it going in that direction um I’ve honestly never had a variable rate mortgage so I can’t speak to the strategy on that I will say though that you’re going to if you’re just paying the bare minimum you’re never really going to get out from under this thing um and I would definitely try to increase or pretend like you’re not even making income if you’ve got tenants paying rent on a property that you’re making income on just use that full rent and and really fired at the principal balance of this particular home equity loan but again reach out to my friend Dan Krauss over at Church Hill mortgage uh he does home equity lines of credit he can even look at maybe doing some sort of a restructuring of that loan for you to make it more agreeable for you we’ll have a link to Dan’s information in the comments below so thank you for that all right next question hey how you doing uh Morris this is uh Richard from Israel asone Israel I just got a quick question I’ve heard for years about the national debt America $34 trillion who is the money owed to that’s something I never understood when you say the national debt is $34 trillion who is the money supposed to go to and then you know the interest and everything okay but I’ve never understood who is the 34 trillion doll old two that’s a great question that’s a great question I love that you’re asking that question and it’s something that no one really talks about a large portion of that money is owed to China yes they own that debt so China owns a large portion of that debt uh through treasuries and other means so we borrow from China in order to what’s amazing to me is that you know we’re borrowing from China not all of it but a large portion of it in order to build up like our military strength and other things against China think about that for a second right we’re borrowing money from China in in order to ramp up our presence in the South China Sea build military bases on Japanese islands in the Philippines Etc sending billions we just sent billions to Taiwan last week I mean we’re borrowing you know Peter to PayPal right we’re robbing Peter to PayPal whatever the phrase is right so a large portion of our debt yes is is owned by China and of course they’ve actually been dumping a lot of these Securities a lot of these bonds right now in order to buy gold so dumping a huge amount of American debt because we use it in many ways we use obviously treasuries we use the US dollar as a cudel you know as a as a weapon and so obviously the um Russia and China over the past week solidifying a pact in an agreement now to uh move away fully from the US dollar uh but you know there are two kinds of national debt where you need to understand this there’s the intergovernmental and then there’s the public so the intergovernmental debt is really held by the Federal Reserve it has monies in Social Securities as well and then other government agencies also hold some of that debt but public debt is held by Banks it’s held by Foreign governments it’s held by institutions so yes a good a good percentage of it is held by Foreign governments like China but another huge chunk of it and probably a much larger chunk of it is held by large uh Banks that’s why we’re you know we’re controlled by these massive Banks we’re controlled by JP Morgan we’re controlled by Chase we’re controlled by all of these guys uh that’s because they own so much of the US debt um and so this is why we’re moving towards a central bank digital currency this is why we’re moving to control where they control you know the assets they control everything and also you’re going to start to see a lot more of us trying to hide this debt inside of cryptocurrencies this is why in other countries right now we’re trying to bury US debt inside of uh inside of like basic blockchain transactions um I’ve just did a whole interview on this specific thing I didn’t know anything about it but by Able by a lot of these countries using Bitcoin and crypto right now as their Main Financial structure in El Salvador um and others you’re able to put us debt tied to the US dollar through usdc so these stable coins we’re able to basically in some ways now it’s it’s like a new way of using the US dollar as a reserve currency we’re basically able to say to these other countries now hey the stable coins that you’re using it’s tied to the US dollar and this is an end around this whole process of people ditching the US currency US dollar you know paper dollars in favor of like a usdc a digital version of US dollar through crypto and the blockchain it’s really fascinating structure how we’re now trying to cram this debt inside of these stable coins um so you’re going to see a lot of that but to answer your question I know was a long way of saying yeah China and a lot of these big Banks own a lot of US debt um which is something how in the world are we ever going to pay it back we’re not one way that you can try to reduce it in some ways is to devalue the US currency devalue the way that we know the dollar right now move towards a central bank digital currency move towards a digital infrastructure and away from the way that we understand the US dollar currently and uh that’s one way that they’re hoping to sort of mitigate this blood bath right now but like the other day daughter was standing here in my studio and we have a big National Debt Clock here in the studio and it shows 34th trillion and she my daughter said what is that and we explained to her that that’s what you know the money that she’s going to be indebted to for the future you know and she’s like well stop it can they just stop it she’s like I can’t believe it just keeps going up I can’t I can’t even see the numbers they’re going so fast can they just stop it I said well that’d be nice right wouldn’t it be nice if they stop that but they’re not thank you guys for your questions you can go to our website go to Morris right now and you can book a call with our team if you’d like more information about investing in real estate that’s what our team does um and just click on the book A call button right there in the middle of the screen and we will jump on the phone with you for 30 minutes and talk you through the process of how to buy brand new construction real estate in the best real estate markets in the United States until next time everyone have a great one

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    How Distributions Are Taxed in a Self-Directed IRA
    Distributions on any retirement account are going to be taxed depending on how your account is set up. Personally, I prefer a Roth account, that way my funds can grow tax-free. My personal intent is to be wealthier at retirement, so I’d rather pay taxes upfront than at retirement. I highly suggest checking out the interview I just did with Mat Sorensen and Hayley Neeley, where we discussed self-directed accounts in depth.

    Ideas for Paying Down a Variable-Rate HELOC Faster
    Paying down a variable-rate HELOC shouldn’t be much different than paying down any other loan. You’ll want to make big payments toward your principal balance, so that the interest is less. If you’re really struggling with this debt, I’d suggest seeing if there’s a way you can restructure it. Reach out to Dan Kraus at Churchill Mortgage to see if there are any products that can help you reach your goals faster.

    What’s Behind the US’ National Debt
    There are two main components to national debt: intragovernmental, which is held by the Federal Reserve, and public debt, which is owned by private investors, institutions, US savings bonds, and other foreign governments. Much of our public debt is held by China. We borrow from China to build up military strength… against China, which doesn’t make much sense.
    DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser. I only express my opinion based on my experience. Your experience may be different. These videos are for educational and inspirational purposes only. Investing of any kind involves risk. While it is possible to minimize risk, your investments are solely your responsibility. It is imperative that you conduct your own research. There is no guarantee of gains or losses on investments.

    AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Some of the links on this channel are affiliate links, meaning, at NO additional cost to you, I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase and/or subscribe. However, this does not impact my opinion. We recommend them because they are helpful and useful, not because of the small commissions we make if you decide to use their services. Please do not spend any money on these products unless you feel you need them or that they will help you achieve your goals.


    1. We don't have a choice. Climate change is too severe and happening far sooner than expected. A 95% reduction in human population is necessary. It's that or extinction. Please understand.

    2. Human beings use cash to trade, this isn't a phase. Without it, the poorest will have fewer choices and the building trade will cease to exist

    3. If US is bankrupt is not to dump debt and come up with crypto. Should admit failure of war mongering, declare failed system, put weapons away and pay compensation for all wars they started. Not impose conditions and new currency. Not in position to dictate.

    4. … they're always "changing their wages", just like Jacob's father-in-law did, as a "clever business man" himself.

      They harm themselves, as all cruel men do.

      Will they ever be blessed by the LORD?

    5. They were the ones who introduced money to the economy and collected all gold's.They now want to take away the paper money and replace with digital currencies and this started way back in 2009 it is ongoing.The next is to take control of your faith and lastly they want your soul.

    6. They think their demonic ritual will save them. They only are changing the dollar because so many people have woken up to is demonic spell. They think they will TRANSfer the magyk to the next currency.

      Hey Stupids, you won’t win the currency WAR – innoCENT already WON

      Any currency you attempt to create will be subpar and should not be accepted by any human unless they don’t value their souls.

    7. All this is rigged, like from a real life standpoint, who in what world borrows money from a enemy, and the entire world knows those two are enemies?? Think people

    8. Well Dollar cant be replaced until a better replacement and for now there is none. £ cant ,€ cant and ¥ cant either for now. If it happens then this generation is going to face a financial crash 😢.

    9. Janet Yellen and the US Treasury is all on board with it too they don't mind it being taken out of their hands because they are part of the plan as well😮 let's stop the CAP

    10. Just do not comply! We will have to go back to trading with each other or use something like greenbacks. WE give money value. We can literally create our own currency. Just stick together people!

    11. I'm telling you stop worrying about loosing everything because you will anyway. The only way to stop it all is for everyone need to close all Bank account and shut all of them down. Get together and figure it out. The people are in control,always. Believe me they will stop and loose the game. The question is, How sick and tired of them are YOU?

    12. Wow. YOU are a part of the Build To Rent NEIGHBORHOODS? That's the JOINING the Klaus WEF's You'll Own Nothing and Be Happy AGENDA. HELPING it happen at least. Pushing the ball (the people) into their goal post

    13. Digital dollar lol talk about going down the rabbit hole. We are now slaves shut you off at any time !!! social credit score. Here we come communism here we come socialism here we come son of a bitch.

    14. China buying all the land up and are preparing to release the new currency system. Pretty cut and dry what is going to happen here. Question is what are you going to do about it? Answer is nothing. It’s prophecy and won’t be stopped.

    15. This is real. Cash doesn't change in value between you and the people you deal with. 5 dollars is always 5 dollars doesn't matter how many people deal with it. Every time you use your card you pay a fee. So far enough down the line the 5 dollars is absolutely worthless. Stop and think about it. Besides the fact that the government and banks can potentially control your financial situation is sounding like a communist regime. Not even to mention that government can control you through monitoring everything you do. Truly scary way we are heading to. Fk me. Please pay attention people. Love you all.

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