hey guys welcome back to the moon show Carl is traveling in case you’re going to ask but don’t worry I have it figured out so relax take a chill because today we’re going to zoom out and look into some amazing informations and by the way the week is planned as you know tomorrow we have the binci Thursday Tyrell so the challenge is still up 1,000 to a million and on Friday we have the Vinci so everything is going to be awesome as always massive shout out to Dio and shaft our moderators and thank you so much guys for being here so let’s go I have some incredible news and charts I cannot wait to share with you guys so to begin with as you can see here we’ve seen four haling so far so can we go down with the price in the short term yes does it matter no because I think that the fun part has yet to begin as you can see here we are missing the most exciting part which is as I call it the Bull Run even though some people are calling the bull run from the bottom in this case 15 but as you can see we still have some room to go so in perspective it’s all good the bull market is back I completely agree it’s a bit of a tricky chart because it shows in red the bull part and in green the bottom part so yeah when I saw it the first time I was like I’m not sure what I’m looking at but as you can see we have just entered into the most exciting part so overall amazing stuff total market cap again this is the daily you can see we have to experience the blue part as I call it so super exciting to be witnessing for sure and a mega bullish signal just flashed on a 3-day chart you can see there is a chance according to bitcoin archive to go and push into the 70s this is really cool you know overall it’s a fantastic chart to look at as I say when it doubt zoom out and even if we do correct maybe a little bit in the short term we have a fantastic fantastic thing ahead for sure Al coins you might ask well the breakout on the 618 Che check retest check now the Bullinger Bank are yet to be getting to the green area but 2024 is programmed now Da Vinci was saying maybe summertime I guess it depends we will see we’ll keep you guys updated but this is also super exciting and I don’t know if you know but there is a season Al coin index that I like to look into it and it basically shows you from a 75 which is altcoin season and over to the 25 which is the bottom of the season and we are now at 39 so kind of warming up to the idea of a season so definitely want to check what I found interesting is this the top 50 performers you can see the whff as number one followed by Pepe and then a bunch of other coins and you can see Bitcoin kind of in the Middle with a 45 not too shabby returns and then on this side we have cardano Matic chain link so clearly we’ve seen a meme season coming through so I wonder if these number is going to push projects that I like specifically but maybe not just meme because it’s time you know there’s going to be a time when like I said the other day when Al coin season kicks in well we will f it for sure but let me focus a little bit on the chat because I started in fourth gear and I want to give you guys some some credit Queen good to see you it’s time indeed Diego GM mooners amazing guys let me know by the way where you watching us from because I want to know so lots of uh as always beautiful comments thank you guys so much for tuning in I do appreciate a lot and even though car is traveling today I have to keep the flag and run the show because the show must go on right so we are here with you and for you every single day Monday to Friday amazing 50k possible 50k possible so Carl showed some Ta on yesterday’s stream and he was talking about maybe lower 50s and maybe even 40s perhaps I guess we have to see good morning fam nice it’s good to see you ton fantastic amazing so many good comments guys you are the absolute best exactly remember to destroy the like button because it is our favorite currency so if you don’t mind it will help the channel and myself as well I would like it good morning to you as well oh man so many good and beautiful comments you guys are the best all right let me go back on my news as you can see here something else I like to look at is the dominance Bitcoin dominance there is a correlation between Bitcoin dominance and altcoin season so now when Bitcoin goes and pushes through probably alss are going to chill but if it stays maybe sideways we could see a potential Al coin season coming in as we said maybe maybe summer I mean let’s see how that goes but so far I don’t think it’s something we need to you know consider yet because it goes from 25 to 75 so we are kind of at the bottom range of of this indicator and of course we’ve seen some greed back in the market this is kind of weird because only a couple of days ago we were in the 40s if you remember so so this is a an indicator I like to watch again I don’t take it too serious in a sense that some people trade on this but I like to check multiple factors and as you can see May started off positive I mean I know it’s early days but um if you would have asked me a few months ago I would have said the opposite I would have said a green April because you know statistically speaking it’s a green month may you know selling may go away I would have swapped them but maybe it’s going to be green I guess time will tell so it’s good to check guys this is fantastic we’ve seen for the second time second time amazing inflows positive on the ETFs as you can see on this column uh we’ve seen some um Black Rock not buying which was concerning and on top of it grayscale selling a lot of Bitcoin so what we seen from May 2nd again not kind of inflows from May 3rd and May and May 6th because there was the weekend we’ve seen some buying again from Black Rock which is great but also for the first time on the third so on Friday basically gbtc bought for the first time in 78 days they bought Bitcoin which is incredible and again yesterday so I wonder what will happen in I don’t know half an hour when the market is going to open it will be amazing to see a a third day by the way I don’t know if you remember the CEO of gray scale published an article and he said he believes the selling pressure is over I also think at some point they have to stop because they kind of have almost the same amount of Bitcoin at Black Rock which is interesting because when the ETF launch on January 11 oh my gbtc they had twice the amount actually even more because I’ve done the math and I think they sold 53% so far so quite interesting so again fantastic sign we’ve seen 270 million net INF flows super positive super bullish yes we can go down maybe a little bit in the short term but overall seeing gbtc back into the train amazing I’m super happy to see that again The Surge come after a period of massive outflows grayscale trust still experiences historical net flows of 17.4 billion lot of money so again second day in a row this is fantastic gbtc managed a modest 3.9 million on the second day not amazing but hey as long as they’re not selling I’ll take it and maybe it’s going to go up in time and then of course fbtc had a massive 99 million inflow in one single day so overall they have 8.1 billion so we can see now the ETF starting to warm up which is a fantastic thing also something else super bullish Bitcoin day moving average has alltime high so Pompano was on CNBC and he talked about it so let me put the mixer up and he will tell you more than I can so let me know if you have audio as always let’s go welcome back to squat boox it’s been a couple weeks now since bitcoin’s having and the price action of the cryptocurrency has been well volatile is maybe the word for more on that in the equity Market want to bring in Anthony Pompano he’s the founder of pomp Investments good morning to you good morning so the having happened uh it’s been volatile I mean we I don’t we could put the price up on the screen right now but there was a period of time what what was the lowest it came down to at one point 57 57 uh it’s moved back but it hasn’t moved back obviously to the heights what do you make of what’s Happening Here Yeah I I think that the having uh price action is exactly what we should have expected historically it runs up about 19% in the month before and it only goes up about 1 2% in the month after the having so we’re kind of seeing about that um last week I think that Bitcoin sold off because people are realizing wait maybe the US economy isn’t as good as we thought it was maybe we’re actually not going to get all of these rate Cuts if you look at prediction markets we’ve seen they were pricing in five rate Cuts now we’re down to one and so if we’re not going to get those rate Cuts is that bad for assets that trade you know in a risk environment and so when we see that though all of a sudden we retraced the entire selloff we’re right back and one of the most interesting data points is that gbt the world’s largest Bitcoin fund saw 78 straight days of outflows once the ETFs got approved on Friday it had the first day of inflows about $63 million and so that doesn’t mean that all of the selling is gone but for 78 straight days people were taking money out of that fund and on Friday they decided to start putting it back we see the price R what do you think that says about the overall scheme with with Bitcoin and more importantly the ETF world yeah so whenever you see the ETFs get approved right I think everyone was like oh these institutions are just waiting to pour capital in it takes time they’ve got to go to their investment committees they got to talk to their clients they’ve got to go through their processes and you know fortunately or unfor fortunately some of them are bureaucratic and it’s going to take some time and so now we’re starting to see these flows that are persistent that I think people are really excited about another data point that’s really important is that Bitcoin although it is volatile day-to-day the 200 day moving average just hit an all-time high just crossed over $50,000 for the first time and so over the long run Bitcoin continues to kind of trend upwards even though on a day-to-day basis that price is last week there was Black Rock with they’re starting to see some increased institutional interest uh in crypto in Bitcoin how how much is how many pension plans for example have Bitcoin now it’s like got to be single digits right I mean no it’s really not adopted widely by fiduciary types is is that coming I I think that you’ve got to expand the definition of like what exactly falls into that fiduciary bucket so raas definitely are buying this right if you go and you look at many of the large Wall Street firms they’re buying it you even have black rock Fidelity others putting non-bitcoin funds into the ETF no cpers I don’t know if they’re doing it yet but also I think that the Sovereign wealth funds they definitely are doing this if you go around the world you look at these Sovereign wealth funds they’re trying to get into mining they’re trying to get exposure to this asset um they’re going to play us out but real quick ethereum this lawsuit that effectively accuses the SEC of considering a security and then sort of B and he’s fading out anyway I love pump guys by the way he’s he’s awesome so Tada like we said you know fantastic to see flows and let me know in the chat I would love to know from you guys put one if you are bullish and put two if you are bearish in the short term of course because we are all bullish in the long term but if you think we’re going down soon just put uh two if you put one it means you are bullish AOW to see what you guys think because it could go either way and check this out South Korea is in for the ETF which is insane as you know Hong Kong launch not long ago and I have some numbers in here for you you can see Dave scoop up in 4 days 4,388 Bitcoins not too shabby hey so now south of course South Korea is next so we’ll see Asia is ready I agree and I can see a lot of ones a lot of twos you guys are the best H it seems like kind of 50/50 to be honest couple of ones of course Diego is bullish uh Vladimir okay loads of one and some two as well okay I mean like car said the other day right we could go down no problem but there is only one outcome for Bitcoin and is up right so even if we see some correction I think it’s going to be a good opportunity for you guys not Financial advice that’s what I’m doing to scoop up and buy the Deep that’s what I’ve actually I’m doing myself um as we speak because I like to invest in a long term as you know I don’t trade I’m an investor so when I see a deep I just go in and I scoop up some Bitcoin for cheap so overall I like yeah it seems like 50/50 and thank you so much much guys by the way for allowing me to understand your sentiment because that’s super important let me see many many more twos and ones uh yeah it’s um I like Paul the twos are hoping yeah I mean whenever there is a Whenever there is a a deep people usually appreciate if in doubt zoom out yeah Mason I agree 100% so yeah like I said Asia is ready Hong Kong is doing okay so so far so good 4,3 188 Bitcoin so not too bad I actually I’ll take it so I’m happy about it and as you can see some good stuff from the UK um as you know we covered Europe I mean UK is not in Europe yada y but in that region of the planet and uh we haven’t seen many good news coming out lately but revolute has done something interesting they launch a crypto exchange which is interesting they have over 40 million customers worldwide so quite a large amount of users and now people and users can actually trade crypto which which is interesting I didn’t know about this I actually don’t have a revolute card but I’ve heard good things I heard you can let me know in the chat if you do use revolute but I’ve heard it’s easy you can swap crypto as it says in here having allowed the buying and selling of crypto within the app for quite several years revolute now told their customers in February it was set to introduce an exchange which is quite interesting Standalone exchange is designed to basically enti user to trade through a rather than buying and selling so it’s more kind of a pro interface and they charge zero fees for a maker and 0.09 for taker so interesting Tak in here so I wonder if many other will follow but it’s good to see you know that Banks and I guess other company are exploring this kind of option which is which is nice and bullish and of course um we’ve seen Bitcoin wallet Exodus which I like and I use going to exchange Market what’s interesting in here is they basically use algorand and they have quite a unique proposition and they say what’s really cool in here is say their stock their common stock is tokenized with algorand on the blockchain so we are the only company in the US that has a common stock tokenized on the blockchain I think that’s pretty cool uh we might see more of this company doing this kind of stuff but it’s nice to to see that they are tokenizing their stock with algo also interesting choice with algo um interesting the SEC qualified means that a company has been approved to offer basically to sell shares on a Class A common stock to investors under a regul lary Security Act which means basically it turns Exodus into a raise capital and they actually raise quite quite quite a lot of capital as you can see in here they became a public traded company in 2021 the sale of a common stock began in April 8th and by April 13 2021 they raiseed 60 million I actually use it and I like it they give you option to have your own your own keys and part is open source not the design not the UI part but the whole engine is open source so overall pry cool and then yeah quaqua of course the SEC delays decision on Invesco for the ethereum ETF Da Vinci said it really well it could be a top signal I mean I I don’t know what’s going to happen in here but I mean if you guys remember we covered quite a few time percentages of approval in the beginning was like 80% you know the Bloomberg analysts and they went down to 25% so now it’s been delayed until July 5th and then because you know they said they didn’t have enough time to look into it whatever but I think I don’t know what’s going to happen but um it was actually expected I think now there’s going to be a May 23rd and 24th for other you know filing so I don’t know this could be a top signal for the market but we will see I mean I think we will have at some point one day a ethereum ETF but probably not in 2024 um I don’t think the SEC is going to allow them to have an ETF just yet so I guess time will tell and we will see yeah so that’s what I have for you guys it’s going to be a nice and easy show nice and easy 20 minutes car is traveling so he will be with us hopefully tomorrow if not not to worry we have Da Vinci we have a fantastic week planned for you and of course Thursday with tyell the challenge by the way is still on 1,000 to 1 million so we started with 1,000 us uh usdt actually tther we then swapped them into me we doubled it in a little bit over two weeks and then we purchase meme uh paper coin now paper coin I checked this morning actually we are let me do it a a check with you guys so I can tell you we are still in profit but uh we’ve lost quite a bit because of the market and crash so I think we are now at uh yeah just a little bit over $1,000 so we now have to wait until we go to four because remember it’s doubling right so we went from 1,000 to 2,000 to 2,000 to 4,000 so we have to double it and then we’ll see what to do and then of course Friday with crypto kid so the week is going to be amazing so stay tuned guys smash the like subscribe to the channel and we’ll see you on the next one cheers

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    00:00 Intro
    00:27 Daily News
    01:21 News: Total Marketcap 1D
    01:32 News: ‘Bullish Engulfing’ Candle on the 3-Day Chart
    01:55 News: Altseason 2024 is Programmed
    02:33 News: Top 50 Performers
    04:19 News: Market Cap BTC Dominance
    05:29 News: Bitcoin ETFs
    11:18 News: South Korea in the Race of ETFs
    13:03 News: Revolut’s Crypto Exchange Goes Live
    14:16 News: Exodus Going to Stock Exchange
    15:29 News: SEC Delays Decision on Spot Ethereum ETF
    16:30 Outro

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