You’re Buying the Wrong Meme Coins

    have you been buying the wrong meme coins I know right now it feels like all the meme coins are the wrong coins but look some are better than others and there’s bad news for you because you’re probably buying the wrong meme coins at least most of you are probably buying mostly the wrong mem coins so let’s break it down because it might have heard people talking about a meme coin super cycle but what does that even mean well for the most part it’s really just one of those phrases that we like to throw around emerges on social media like Twitter when coins are pumping it’s the super cycle for memes it’s the new meta whatever but is it true that Meme coins are really that important well they are certainly playing a much bigger role in this cycle much more than previous cycles and they are presenting new opportunities to profit and I honestly feel that it’s a mid curve move to fade mean coins completely not saying you have to participate but to fade them and not understand them that’s a different thing they’re taking on a cultural element of Epic Proportions in crypto at the same time you won’t be able to bank any gains for buying the wrong damn coins so let’s look at the right and wrong ways to play the meme coin game so let’s first look at the state of mem coins first we check the current mem coin total market cap then we’re looking at a figure of around 50 billion dollars depending on when you watch this video which is about 2% of the total cryptocurrency market cap but even more striking is that in q1 mem coins outperformed every other cryptocurrency sector by a factor of 10 or more which is pretty awesome definitely not bad for a bunch of tokens that have precise zero utility and they’re not pretending to have any utility for the most part either because they’re well they’re memes they’re memes they’re funny dog pictures and stuff like that we’re also seeing an increase in the number of relatively robust if we can even use such word for meme coins previously it was all about nocoin then we had Shiva enu then we had floi and some other dog coins pop up most of which went to zero any conversation about meem coins now though also has to include a wider range of characters and creatures we have Pepe the frog dog with hat they put a hat on the dog this time Bonk the dog we have cats now there are plenty of other tickers of course worth keeping tabs on out there but why did this happen well one argument is that mem coins took the speculative aspect of cryptocurrency the parts where Traders are simply seeking wild profits and distill this down to its purest most degenerate Essence and then an entire mem coin culture including tokens and tools developed from there either way meme coins are here to stay and they are bigger than ever and they’re only going to get bigger than ever but with so many tokens launching all the time how do we avoid all the Duds the scams the the crap the rug Poes how do you snipe the rare drems and lock in those profits well you need to understand how people buy the wrong meme coins in the first place and that’s a pretty important thing to get this basically comes down to people chasing the market buying local local tops selling at a loss are you buying a coin when it suddenly shows up all over your Twitter feed or other social media wherever you’re finding Your Meme coin content or even in the mainstream news articles that’s a real bad time to buy is everyone talking about it in that case you might be buying the wrong mem coin maybe the right meme coin but at the wrong time right you might still be okay long term if it’s a really great meme coin but not always and you have to spend a lot of time underwater potentially and you’ll probably fumble that bag and sell it for a big loss ideally you want to be selling at those moments of media hype and social media hype so we’re selling into strength hype and liquidity rather than buying into that right you don’t want to be the exit liquidity and that means not only buying the right coin but buying the right coin at the right time so what makes a good meme coin anyway that’s a good question and I’m going to answer that for you right after letting you know about the wealth Mastery newsletter it is the best damn newsletter in the cryptocurrency industry rated by me my newsletter look I know how it is you’re busy I get it wife kids job dog only fans right gotta support the girls but you still want to stay up to date with crypto you still want to find all the latest airdrops nfts the altcoins and yes the meme coins well we got you covered my team of researchers and I are putting out massive amounts of content for you every single week and you join our 125,000 plus weekly readers and sign up for free using the link in the description or the pin comment over on X and let me and my team help you stay ahead of the curve let’s move on there are a few important factors for finding a good mem coin so no particular order relevance U for example might runes on bitcoin become the next big thing well then Rune tokens will become more relevant is there a US election coming up well then those political coins might Shine for a while can salana approach new alltime highs then well watch out for Salon meme coins as a major beta play in that situation looking for relevance or ideally future relevance so that we can buy early mem ability that’s another important thing to keep in mind this is kind of obvious but memes have to be memeable is it funny cute controversial in some way attracts attention there’s got to be something for the people to go and get a hold of but remember it could be just as simple as a dog photo the dog photo that’s very popular actually especially put a hat on it what about the community meme coins need a crowd to propel them higher what’s really great is if a coin gets adopted by an existing Community or becomes somehow the figure head in a particular ecosystem for example dog Whi hat whiff is doing this on salana because of course the hat stays on obviously that’s a given and then of course there’s the the battle on to see whether the the newest Rune tokens can come to represent the ordinals space on Bitcoin more broadly and the title of top base meme coin of course always up for grabs currently it’s Brett it’s the early leader but can Toshi come from behind to become the number one meme at some point and on the other hand here’s a characteristic that sounds like it should probably be important but actually really isn’t originality so what do Doge shib flaky whiff Bonk dog to the Moon all have in common well the dogs obviously the most Innovative of them is dog with hat because it’s got the hat on the dog then of course there are cat coins and they very uh weirdly drawn uh political coins that we’re see come out for sure the very first mover in a particular category might be novel but after that there are gains to be made on the copy cats sometimes they’re actually copycat cats so originality isn’t a major concern and then there’s what we might call the cabal bit tramatic but the reality is that when a coin gets championed by particular big accounts it can get a big price boost in this case though the resting pump may actually be the kind of temporary strength that’s perfect to sell into if you bought early and even though selling might go against your emotional attachment to that particular dog or cat you still need to do it so when is the right time to buy well everything we’re talking about here comes down really to the old adage of Buy Low and sell High what you have to do to make money on memes there’s no other way around it so when you buy firstly where an attention is elsewhere you’ll see meme coin charts that climb to a peak in stages two steps forward one step back with pumps Corrections short ranges all along the way and those Corrections and ranges when attention wanders away into other meme coins that’s the time to buy as long of course it’s a decent token with some kind of decent narrative and no one’s rugging it or anything and there’s a growing Community all that kind of stuff we’re still in a bullish Market structure etc etc keeping aware the trend will eventually switch the other option of course is to be very very very early which means taking huge gambles and huge risks on new launches that have a very high failure rate but if you’re doing that then you should be placing very small allocations on each coin like 0.1% of your portfolio for example or less 0 05% of your portfolio and psychologically you basically need to write these off as gambles and losses from the start you need to say take 500 bucks and put into a new meme coin it’s gone that money is gone okay if it hits It’s a bonus but you’re just burning that money that’s how you need to look at it if you’re going to try these kinds of bets then photon is a useful platform as you can track new coins as they launch and pick up on any that might have potential you’ll be warned though that this can be mentally draining after a while okay it’s very hit and miss and probably should shouldn’t be your main crypto Focus if we’re being honest about it you’re probably a lot better off to waiting for the early pumps for something to kind of establish itself when that clear narrative forms up and then something seems like it has a bit of room to run uh case and point right now are some that already mentioned right for example political coins in an election year Bowden tuker for example uh runes tokens after initial interest has cooled off stos Nakamoto dog to the Moon stuff like that uh before the ecosystem has been fully built out base meme coins before coinbase smart wallet comes out Brett Toshi Benji stuff like this are these guaranteed to be profitable ABS freaking lutely not no no we’re talking about meme coins here anything can go to zero real fast but if you decide to allocate a little bit to memes then yeah okay sure can make sense another time is when a leader dips a lot so this is a slightly safer strategy obviously so risky but slightly Sav strategy leaders have already proven themselves think about stuff like Dogecoin Shibu Pepe with hat stuff like that they’re more resilient they’re more meable usually when Bitcoin dips altcoins dip harder and memes dip even harder still so if you believe the market will recover and that the best days are ahead of it then you can get some pretty good entries on some of those meme coins during these phases might want to forget about finding the edgiest New Meme coin to come to the market and just scoop up some bags of some top well-known memes that are currently at a pretty good price keep in mind also that even the leaders on salana are at smaller market caps than the leaders on ethereum right now so maybe there’s more potential to put money into those and that’s still true even more on other chains go to Mantle go to Linea look at the top mem coins there puff and Foxy Way undervalued by comparison across the whole of crypto the big boys Doge and shib right those are on ethereum where you also find floky and pepe on salana the leaders are whiff and bonk and when it comes to bitcoin runes it’s a lot less clear because well we’re still so super early to be honest but Dog Wizard pups stuff like this by the way pups is a cross chain meme coins you can actually buy it on Salon if maybe it’s easier for you and besides leaders within chains there are also leaders within meme coin subcategories so the leading dog coins are as mentioned Doge shib whiff Bonk the leading cats popcat when MOG the leading political coins Bowden Trump and yes some of these categories and some of these tickers are totally silly but they’re meant to be they’re [ __ ] meme coins man come on it’s how it works finally remember that Meme coins are turbo powered by attention and emotion so more than with any other kind of crypto hype and attention and emotion count these trade highly on emotion and highly on the vibe of the market you’ll need to counter trade your own instincts buying after big dips when the charts have flattened and nobody else wants to buy this crap you need to let the winners run longer than you think you need to let them run and settling when crypto Twitter is you know Max bull posting on this particular meme yeah out gotta sell and last Point really critical here we’ve talked about what and when to buy but make sure at some point to sell and to take profits because banking gains is the whole point of what we’re doing here and when it comes to meme coins you do not want to be left holding the bag in the bare Market these things are going to go down 99% 100% okay so don’t think too much but these are cats and dogs and funny memes and whatever on the internet represented as tokenized culture coins okay they’re not gonna they’re GNA have a rough time in the bare Market all right so either you will take your profits on these meme coins when you have the profits in hand or the market will take those profits profets for you the choice is yours thanks for watching

    How to make sure you buy the right meme coins at the right times.

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    00:00 Are We in a Meme Coin Cycle?
    02:07 What Is the State of Meme Coins?
    03:01 How People Buy the Wrong Meme Coins
    04:32 What Makes a Good Meme Coin
    07:26 When Is the Right Time to Buy
    11:41 Trade Without Emotion and Be Sure to Sell

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    Everything expressed here is my opinion and not official investment advice – please do your own research before risking your own money. Lark Davis (The Crypto Lark and affiliated brand Wealth Mastery) is not providing you individually tailored investment advice. Nor is Lark Davis registered to provide investment advice, is not a financial adviser, and is not a broker-dealer. The material provided is for educational purposes only. Lark Davis is not responsible for any gains or losses that result from your cryptocurrency investments. Investing in cryptocurrency involves a high degree of risk and should be considered only by persons who can afford to sustain a loss of their entire investment. Investors should consult their financial adviser before investing in cryptocurrency.


    1. If you're not buying Byte, youre missing out on the next Shiba Inu. Ask Grok about Elon's AI dog and you will realize why.

    2. It's undeniable that this year is shaping up to be more challenging. Reflecting on the past year, my investment choices proved to be costly, driven by my excessive worry about my portfolio. I struggled to weigh the decision between investing further or pursuing homeownership. Ultimately, I opted to sell my investments, only to find that the house I purchased required more renovations than expected. It's becoming increasingly uncertain how much longer I can navigate these circumstances.

    3. I've been watching sooooo many Meme coins get rugged.
      ETH has monster gas fees, so I'm not sure I want to waste gas fees on gambles.
      SOL seems okay.. Trades quick and MUCH smaller gas fees.
      Couple Meme gambles I'm sitting on at the moment.. Solzilla, Hege, Golden Inu (on ETH), and Ponke. Also got into SolCex and Lush AI to see where those go.
      And of course,, I have SHIB too..

    4. You should check out $MOON, an emerging memecoin this month. Both the community and the developer team are very solid. Stay tuned for their upcoming TGE on May 13 at 7 PM UTC and a low market cap of under $100k. Don't fade this token…

    5. The Revux presale is the talk of the town! Be part of the conversation and secure your spot in the financial evolution. Join now – your future self will thank you!

    6. Next Monday is quite hot as the $MOON of SOLANA will be TGE. The first AI memecoin for the creator economy. and I heard a rumor that Market Cap will start at 100K.

    7. Could you analyze JOOPS, it's an RWA meme focused on renting electric scooters in the UK and could expand to other places

    8. The new Memecoin in Solana will be launched on May 13 at 7:00 pm UTC. Let's all welcome the $MOON. The first AI Memecoin in Solana. Let's all make memes great again.

    9. Solana is going to do well. And HEEEHEEE is on this network. I believe Sol will do a 5x and I believe HEEEHEEE should do a 100x as it's market cap is only 5/6m!

    10. There is a new meme coin launched recently called Diligent Pepe.
      It has the potential to x100.
      Do your own research before buying

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