Any feedback welcome as I am always learning and gaining inspiration from this community. I have attached a post from a different reddit in order to share pics with full month by month progress of saving and budgets.

    What am I screwing up?

    Is this a similar path that many of you are on be care to share insights and feelings (it’s hard!!)?

    Is this inspiration to any of you, AMA?

    FI journey tracked by month. 38M / HCOL / 2 kids / SAHM / Not in Tech / FI hopefully by 50’s. Budget also attached.
    byu/RefrigeratorTop7649 infinancialindependence

    Posted by RefrigeratorTop7649


    1. thememeconnoisseurig on

      Nothing to add, I just wanted to compliment your charts. Very nice work, more detailed than even mine.

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